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Q) Forbidden energy gap of a semiconductor

a) Increases with temperature

b) decreases with temperature

c) slightly increase and then decrease with temperature

d) does not change with temperature

Hint: If N atoms are placed closed to one another, each of their energy level is under the influence of
other atoms their energy levels split into N close sub levels. Fig 1.1 and fig 1.2 depicts the following.

Here are some prerequisites(terms) we need to know before we attempt this question,

Energy band: It is a large number of energy levels closely spaced in a small energy range. These
energy bans arise when the inter atomic distance is reduced to a particular extent.

Types of energy bands

Conduction band: It is a lowest unfilled energy band next to valence band. It is to be noted that the
electrons from the valence band can move to conduction band

Valence band: The highest energy band filled with valence electrons.

Forbidden gap/band: the gap between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the
conduction band.

Fig 1.1

Fig 1.2

Speaking about the forbidden energy gap it can be mathematically represented as,

i.e. ∆𝐸𝑔= C.B (min) – V.B(max) …..eqn[1]

where - ∆𝐸𝑔 represents the forbidden energy gap,

- C.B (min) represents the minimum energy of the conduction band

- V.B(max) ) represents the maximum energy of the valence band.
If we see eqn 1 we can directly come to a conclusion that the energy gap reduces as the
electrons in the valence band gain thermal due to increase in temperature. This is a
mathematical approach.
But if we see this situation theoretically, the interatomic spacing increases when the
amplitude of vibration increase due to increase thermal energy. An increased interatomic
spacing decreases the potential seen by the electrons in the material and hence energy gap
is reduced. A better explanation to this is that splitting into N energy levels only takes place
when atoms are close to one another This extent of splitting gets reduced when the
substance is heated due to the amplitude of vibration of the atoms from their mean
position. 𝐸𝑔 is given as a function of temperature i.e. 𝐸𝑔 (T)= 𝐸𝑔 (0) - 𝑇+𝐵 …..eqn (2)

Where a ,B and 𝐸𝑔 (0) are constant for a given semiconductor.

Here is a graph that represents the above equation (2)


1) The energy gap does not only change when there is a change in temperature, but it also
changes on application of compressive tensile stress or beating of the material.
2) No electrons are occupied in the forbidden gap and hence its name.

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