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(1) Reasons why it is inappropriate:

a. The word can not be found in English dictionaries, so non-Filipinos may have a
hard time looking for its meaning.
b. It is a pop culture originated from the Philippines. Non-Filipinos have little to none
context with the culture.
c. Jejemon is interpreted as a hippie, but the two have lots of differences. Jejemon
can be categorized even from the old pictures where someone used filter, peace-
sign, and retro outfit, etc.
d. Jeje is a Hispanic way of laughing in text, and mon is translated as “my” in French.
Non-Filipinos can be confused why the two words are merged, as it is far from the
real meaning of jejemon.
(2) Meaning

The word jejemon originated from the portmanteau of the Japanese animated
series, Pokémon, and hehe is an expression of laughter. Filipinos pertains jejemon
as a person who can manage to shorten a word in a message. It emerged because
of the short messaging service that limits the character in a text.

In the Standard American English, the word jejemon is similar to the word
“hippies”. But jejemon does not qualify as an English word.

(3) Jejemon by Wikipedia,is%


(1) Reasons why it is inappropriate:

a. When “office mate” is searched in google, the first result is a Stationery Store
Company in Thailand. It may be confusing for non-Filipinos if it is used to them,
and can lead to miscommunication.
b. Not all workplaces are in an office, so your non-Filipino coworkers in a factory or
farm may be confused if you address them as office mates.
(2) Meaning

Filipinos address their coworkers or colleagues as office mates. Since most

Filipinos work in an office, office mate became a word, possibly sourcing from the
word classmates, roommate, etc.; with the root word “mate” meaning a fellow
person you share a place with.

Neither officemate nor office mate is listed in Merriam-Webster. But in literal

interpretation, they can be addressed as a fellow employee in an office.

(3) Stack exchange

Office Mate


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