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Assignments Matter: Results from a Nurse-Patient Assignment Survey

Article  in  Medsurg nursing: official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses · March 2019


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Stephanie Allen
Pace University


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Research for Practice

Assignments Matter: Results from a

Nurse-Patient Assignment Survey
Stephanie B. Allen

ospital leaders continually

H look for ways to improve

patient, nurse, and organi-
zational outcomes. Because reim-
Clinical nurses attending a medical-surgical nursing conference
responded to an online survey about nurse-patient assignments.
Nurses reported their assignments were very important and
bursement no longer exists for extremely important to their overall job satisfaction. Over 90% of
adverse patient events, hospital
units are driven to improve out-
clinical nurses made assignments. Nurses learn to make assign-
comes while containing costs ments through informal means.
(Kuhn, 2008). One area in which
this is possible is the nurse-patient
assignment process, which is an
ideal process for quality improve-
ment efforts (Choi & Miller, 2018).
Review of the Literature through non-formalized methods
(Allen, 2012).
Nurse-patient assignments in- A PubMed search using the
The process of making nurse-
volve the matching of the nurse and terms nurs*, patient, and assignment
patient assignments is not taught
patients for a specified time for the generated 255 results for articles
routinely in undergraduate educa-
provision of nursing care. Assign- within the previous 5 years. Fifteen
tion because beginner nurses do not
ments provide the structure for nurs- articles discussed nurse-patient
make assignments. Issacson and
ing care delivery in most inpatient assignments. After review of those
Stacy (2004) described a single
settings through identifying and articles’ abstracts, three articles were
instance of senior nursing students
matching individual nurse charac- found to model/describe the assign-
making patient assignments for
teristics to specific patient needs. ment-making process. However,
junior students during a medical-
Positive outcomes can be achieved none of these authors addressed
surgical clinical rotation. The
with nurse-patient assignments how nurses learn to make nurse-
process also is not taught in gradu-
that reduce risk (Van Oostveen, patient assignments (Acar & Butt,
ate curricula because nurse man-
Braaksma, & Vermeulen, 2014). 2016; Rogowski et al., 2015; Sir,
agers and administrators also do
Although nurse-patient assignments Dundar, Barker Steege, & Pasu-
not make assignments. Nurse-
are made millions of times a day in pathy, 2015). To date research on
patient assignments are identified
hospitals around the world, little the nurse-patient assignment pro-
as an activity of the charge nurse,
formalized knowledge exists about cess has been scarce; no research
but training programs and role
the process (Allen, 2012, 2015). The exists that actually describes the
descriptions do not identify how to
lack of formalized training related complex process of making nurse-
make nurse-patient assignments
to making nurse-patient assign- patient assignments. Foundational
(Admi & Moshe-Eilon, 2010; Eggen-
ments was the impetus for this research has begun to explore the
berger, 2012; Sherman, 2005;
research. most basic aspects of the nurse-
Thomas, 2012). Although charge
patient assignment process (Allen,
nurses typically make assignments,
2012, 2015). Purposes, decision fac-
Research Questions no protocols have been found that
tors, and steps of the process have
address where they learn how to do
The three research questions for been identified. Supplemental re-
so. No publications appear to
this study were as follows: (1) What sults from this research indicate the
describe if they receive guidance in
percentage of a sample of registered majority of charge nurses learn to
the process.
nurses (RNs) has ever made nurse- make nurse-patient assignments
patient assignments? (2) How do
RNs learn to make nurse-patient
assignments? and (3) Is nurse satis-
faction with assignments related to Stephanie B. Allen, PhD, RN, NE-BC, is Assistant Professor, Pace University, Pleasantville,
absenteeism and turnover? NY.

March-April 2019 • Vol. 28/No. 2 119

Research for Practice

Scheduling typically occurs 6-8

Background weeks before schedule implementa-
Nurse-patient assignments are made every day in hospitals around the tion. Nurses assign budgeted nurs-
world. These assignments can affect patients, nurses, and organizations ing personnel to shifts for a set
alike. Although a common process, little formalized knowledge exists number of work weeks. Staffing is
about making assignments. The lack of formalized training related to the third phase and occurs in the 2-
making nurse-patient assignments was the impetus for this research. 24 hours before the beginning of
the shift (Allen, 2012). The nurse
Aims manager or staffing coordinator
The specific aims were to learn who makes nurse-patient assignments, uses some type of tool, usually
how they learn to make them, and if satisfaction with an assignment based on census, to project nursing
affects absenteeism and turnover. care needs. The fourth phase is the
nurse-patient assignment, in which
the unit nurse manager or charge
nurse matches individual character-
This descriptive study used a 24-question Qualmetrics computer-based istics of the nurse and the patient to
survey launched from an exhibitor booth at the 2016 Academy of achieve the highest quality, safest
Medical-Surgical Nurses Annual Convention in Washington, DC. nursing care. Nurses are assigned to
specific patients. Key factors, such
Results as patient acuity and nurse ex-
A clear majority (91%) of the registered nurse sample has made nurse- perience, are critical to the suc-
patient assignments. Respondents indicated they learned to make nurse- cessful matching of nurse and
patient assignments in the following ways: primary undergraduate pro- patient and the provision of safe
gram – 6%, formal hospital training – 9%, colleague – 76%, on their own nursing care (Allen, 2015; Berbarie,
– 43%. No correlation was found between nurse satisfaction with assign- 2010).
ments and absenteeism or turnover. The process then repeats. His-
torical data of nurse-patient assign-
Limitations and Implications ments from the previous year are
used in the next year’s budgeting
Small sample and lack of diversity in nursing specialty and years of expe- process (Allen, 2012). Actual hours
rience of nurses were limitations of the study. Formalized hospital train- of nursing care received by each
ing on nurse-patient assignments and inclusion of nurse-patient assign- patient are determined. Historical
ment process in prelicensure programs are recommended for nurses. patient and other hospital financial
information is used to project
Conclusion patient characteristics for the next
Although nurse-patient assignments are very important to overall job sat- year. Patient projections in turn dic-
isfaction, nurses are making assignments early in their careers without tate specific nursing personnel
formal education on the process. Further research is needed to explore needs for the next year.
the link between assignments and job satisfaction with a larger sample.
The project was approved by
the university Institutional Review
Anecdotal and unpublished evi- and delivering nursing care in- Board. Before completing the sur-
dence suggests nurses learn this volves four sequential phases: vey, each participant gave informed
important process through on-the- budgeting, scheduling, staffing, and consent. Participants read the con-
nurse-patient assignments (see sent form online and needed to
job training (Allen, 2012). The
click Yes to confirm they under-
effectiveness of this process is Figure 1). During the initial budget-
stood the purpose of the research
unknown. Without knowledge of ing phase, the number and skill mix
before accessing the survey. No per-
how nurses are taught to make of the nursing staff needed for the
sonal identifying information was
assignments, evidence-based prac- year is budgeted for a specific nurs- requested or collected during the
tice changes to improve the process ing service area. Resources include survey. No data were recorded on
cannot be implemented. human resources records, financial paper. To safeguard electronic data,
reports, and nursing service staffing access to survey data was restricted
documentation. Data may incorpo- to the researcher and statistician.
Theoretical Framework rate historical and projected census Only the researcher was able to
The conceptual framework for and nursing hours per patient day, access the data online via a user-
this study was the Nurse Planning allocated financial resources, and/or specific and password-protected
Process (Allen, 2012). Planning for historical staffing data. Qualtrics account.

120 March-April 2019 • Vol. 28/No. 2

Assignments Matter: Results from a Nurse-Patient Assignment Survey

FIGURE 1. in nature. For those questions, uni-

Nurse Planning Process variate data analysis was used to
determine data frequencies, means,
medians, ranges, and standard devi-
ations. If the variable was continu-
Nurse Budgeting ous, mean, standard deviation, and
The number and mix of nursing minimum and maximum were cal-
staff is determined for a defined culated. If the variable was categori-
period (year, quarter, etc.). cal, count and percentage were cal-
culated. Chi-square analyses were
used to assess an association between
Nurse-Patient Assignment self-rated importance of nurse satis-
Nurse Scheduling
Individual nurses are matched faction with assignments and nurse
Nursing staff is assigned to work
to a patient or group of patients absenteeism and turnover.
particular shifts for a defined
for the shift (0-2 hours before
period (2, 4, or 6 weeks, etc.).
Nurse Staffing Based on the estimated 350 fly-
Nursing staff is called in, called ers distributed, the response rate
off, or floated to another area to was approximately 17%; 59 nurses
meet the defined nursing needs gave informed consent and started
for a particular shift (2-24 hours the survey. Because participants
before the start of the shift). were able to choose not to answer
any question in the survey, some
questions had fewer than 59 re-
sponses. Table 1 highlights the par-
Source: Allen, 2012
ticipants’ demographic and work-
place characteristics data. The aver-
age participant was a 44-year-old
female with a baccalaureate degree.
Sample Selection reliability with seven nurses. Group She had been a nurse for 17 years,
answers were consistent for ques- practicing 16 of those years in an
The target population was RNs
tions and constructs. inpatient setting.
who work or have worked on inpa-
Participants used personal elec- An overwhelming majority
tient medical or surgical nursing
tronic devices to access the Internet (91.4%, n=58) of nurses reported
units. A convenience sample was
and enter the web address for the having made nurse-patient assign-
drawn from attendees of the 2016
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses survey. In addition to basic demo- ments. They made assignments for
Annual Convention held September graphic information (e.g., age, gen- an average of 10 years (n=53, range
29 - October 2, 2016, in Washington, der identity), participants were 1-31 years). Participants then indi-
DC. The sample was recruited from a asked about their practice settings cated how they learned to make
booth in the convention’s exhibi- (unit type, number of beds) and nurse-patient assignments. Only
tion hall. The researcher distributed professional history (academic 5.7% (n=3) said they learned in
flyers to attendees who passed the achievements, years of practice). their primary degree programs and
booth. Approximately 350 potential Some questions used Likert scales to 8.6% (n=5) learned through a hospi-
subjects were given a flyer with a link gauge data importance (e.g., How tal-based course/training. More par-
to the survey. important are nurse-patient assign- ticipants learned on their own
ments to your overall job satisfac- (43.1%, n=25) and/or from a men-
tion?). Other questions asked par- tor/colleague (75.9%, n=44). Slight-
Design and Methods ticipants to rank-order items (e.g., ly less than 10% (n=5) of partici-
Data were collected for this Place the following factors used to pants reported making nurse-
descriptive study using a 24-ques- make nurse-patient assignments in patient assignments within 6
tion Qualtrics computer-based sur- order of importance). Finally, open- months of graduation. At 1 year
vey. The survey was developed by ended questions were used to gath- after graduation, the percentage
the researcher based on previous er additional information about rose to 34% (n=18) of the sample. At
findings (Allen, 2015, 2018). The nurse-patient assignments (e.g., 2 years after graduation, 58.5%
survey was reviewed for content What advice would you give to a (n=31) of the nurses were making
and face validity by a colleague with nurse learning how to make nurse- assignments.
knowledge of nurse-patient assign- patient assignments?). Participants were asked if they
ments. It then was pilot tested for Most questions were descriptive knew someone who has been

March-April 2019 • Vol. 28/No. 2 121

Research for Practice

Participant and Participant Workplace Demographics

Age (n=54) Mean = 44.6 years (range = 24-62 years)

Gender Identity (n=55) 96.4% Female
Education (n=55) Associate degree - 16.4%
Bachelor degree - 54.5%
Master degree - 23.6%
Doctorate of nursing practice - 3.6%
Doctor of philosophy - 1.8%
State of Residence (n=56) 6 = Indiana
5 = Pennsylvania
4 = North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon
3 = Maryland, New York, Virginia, Washington
2 = California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas
1 = Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, New Jersey

Years as a Nurse (n=58) 17.1 years (range 1-40 years)

Years Working in an Inpatient 16.4 years (range 1-40 years)
Setting (n=58)
Shift Typically Worked (n =58) Day shift - 62%
Night shift - 27.6%
Evening shift - 6.9%
Other combination - 3.4%
Workplace Setting (n=58) 23 = Medical unit
18 = Surgical unit
6 = Other
4 = Orthopedic unit
2 = Neuroscience unit
1 = Cardiothoracic unit, gastroenterology unit, medical intensive care unit,
oncology unit, transplantation unit
Number of Beds (n=58) 29.2 Beds (range 12-48 beds)
Average Length of Stay (n=55) 4.4 Days (range 1-15 days)

absent from work or left work early were to their overall job satisfac- were unhappy with the nurse-
because of an assignment he or she tion. Of respondents, 39.7% (n=23) patient assignments? Do you know
did not like. How often did this indicated they were extremely impor- someone who has been absent from
happen? Of the 58 respondents, tant, 56.9% (n=33) noted they were work or left work early because of
58.6% (n=40) said they knew of no very important, and 3.4% (n=2) iden- an assignment he or she did not like
one, 34.5% (n=20) said this hap- tified them as moderately important. or agree with? Have you been
pened one to two times a year, and Chi-square testing was used to absent from work or left work early
5.2% (n=3) said this happened two identify associations between im- because of an assignment you did
to five times a year; for 1.7% (n=1) portance of daily patient assign- not like or agree with?). No bivari-
of respondents, this happened more ment to overall satisfaction and ate analyses between these variables
than 12 times a year. When asked if absenteeism and turnovers. The showed statistical significance.
they knew someone who left a posi- dependent variable Importance of Participants also were asked
tion (transferred to another unit, Daily Patient Assignment to Overall how important they considered cer-
quit) because he or she was unhap- Job Satisfaction was compared indi- tain decision factors when making
py with the nurse-patient assign- vidually to the four independent nurse-patient assignments. The
ments, 25.9% (n=15) said they variables (Have you been absent majority indicated the following
knew no one, 20.7% (n=12) said from work or left work early factors were extremely important or
they knew one, and 53.4% (n=31) because of an assignment you did very important (first or second on a
knew more than one. Finally, par- not like or agree with? Have you 5-point Likert scale): patient acuity,
ticipants were asked how important ever left a position [transferred to nurse-patient ratio, current staffing,
their nurse-patient assignments another unit, quit] because you patient workload, nurse compe-

122 March-April 2019 • Vol. 28/No. 2

Assignments Matter: Results from a Nurse-Patient Assignment Survey

TABLE 2. training (9%), and in their primary

How Important Each Purpose/Outcome Is When Making Assignments pre-licensure program (6%). Results
show almost all nurses are making
Purpose Value* nurse-patient assignments yet there
Safety 4.73 is a lack of formalized education
and/or training on this crucial
Best Care 4.66 process.
Quality/Patient Satisfaction 4.29 Although no correlation was
Staff Well-being 4.23 found between nurse satisfaction
with assignments and absenteeism
Equal Workload 4.16 and turnover, 97% of nurses said
Fairness 4.16 their daily assignment was extreme-
Continuity of Care 4.16 ly or very important to their overall
job satisfaction. There were addi-
Maintaining the Workflow 4.11 tional results that support the
Workload Completion 4.07 importance of nurse-patient assign-
Care Coordination 3.96 ments in overall job satisfaction:
41% of nurses know someone who
Patient Advocacy 3.84 called out sick because of an assign-
Nurse/Patient Match 3.75 ment and 74% of nurses know
Nurse Development 3.63 someone who quit or transferred
because of her nurse-patient assign-
Discharge Planning 3.54
ment; 10% have quit or transferred
*Extremely important = 5, Very important = 4, Moderately important = 3, Slightly themselves. Absenteeism and turn-
important = 2, Not at all important = 1 over are common in the inpatient
setting. Both can contribute to
short staffing, potentially impact-
ing patient care quality. Addi-
TABLE 3. tionally, there are financial implica-
Primary Purpose of the Nurse-Patient Assignment tions for the organization related to
nurse turnover. The cost to organi-
Purpose % zations ranges from $37,700 to
Best Care 41.1 $58,400 for each nurse who leaves a
bedside nursing position (NSI
Safety 28.6 Nursing Solutions, 2016).
Equal Workload 12.5 Nurses who participated in the
Quality/Patient Satisfaction 8.9 study also validated decision factors
and purposes of the nurse-patient
Continuity of Care 3.6 assignment process previously iden-
Fairness 3.6 tified in the literature (Allen, 2012).
Workload Completion 1.8 The findings added new knowledge
related to the crucial knowledge
Total 100 nurses need when making assign-
ments. Nurses also validated the
importance of best care as the pri-
mary purpose of the nurse-patient
tence, continuity of care, nurse- Discussion assignment process.
patient relationship, and support
Results indicated the clear
staff availability. When the nurses
majority of nurses is being tasked
were told they could rely on only Limitations
with making nurse-patient assign-
three pieces of information (factors)
ments early in their careers. With Although nurses from 22 states
to make assignments, they chose
the high number of nurses making and 19 nursing units were inter-
patient acuity, nurse competence,
assignments, it became very impor- viewed, the sample was small. Only
and patient workload. They also
tant to know how nurses are learn- nurses who worked on medical-sur-
were asked how important they
ing to make assignments. The vast gical nursing units in hospitals were
considered various purposes of the
majority of nurses learned to make recruited to participate. Nurses who
nurse-patient assignment process
assignments from a colleague work in other inpatient and outpa-
(see Table 2). They chose best care
(76%). They also learned on their tient settings may have different
(41.1%, n=23) as the primary pur-
own (43%). The two ways that were experiences with nurse-patient
pose or outcome (see Table 3).
least identified were formal hospital assignments. The average partici-

March-April 2019 • Vol. 28/No. 2 123

Research for Practice

pant has been a nurse for 17 years. patient assignments are important Berbarie, T.L. (2010). Charge nurse program
However, less-experienced nurses to nurses and their overall job satis- builder: Tools for developing unit leaders.
Middleton, MA: HCPro, Inc.
may have different exposure to faction. However, nurses often Choi, J., & Miller, P. (2018). Registered nurse
nurse-patient assignments and thus make assignments early in their perception of patient assignment linking
less competency in the assignment careers without formal education to working conditions and outcomes.
process, based on the evolving goals on the process. Survey responses Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 50(5),
of prelicensure nursing programs supported previous research that 530-539. doi:10.1111/jnu.12418
Eggenberger, T. (2012). Exploring the charge
(American Association of Colleges emphasized patient acuity and nurse role: Holding the frontline. Journal
of Nursing, 2008). nurse competence as primary deci- of Nursing Administration, 42(11), 502-
sion factors when making assign- 506. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e318271
ments. Nurses reinforced best care 4495
Recommendations for as the primary purpose of nurse-
Isaacson, J.J., & Stacy, A. S. (2004). Nursing
students in an expanded charge nurse
Future Research patient assignments. role: A real clinical management experi-
Study results suggest further ence. Nursing Education Perspectives,
areas of inquiry. A priority is to 25(6), 292-296.
REFERENCES Kuhn, H.B. (2008). Centers for Medicare &
explore the link between nurse- Medicaid Services Medicare payment
Acar, I., & Butt, S.E. (2016). Modeling nurse-
patient assignments and job satis- patient assignments considering patient policy for selected hospital acquired con-
faction with a larger, more diverse acuity and travel distance metrics. ditions (HACs). Baltimore, MD: Author.
sample of nurses. There is also a Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 64, NSI Nursing Solutions. (2016). 2016 national
192-206. doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2016.10.006 healthcare retention & RN staffing report.
need to understand how prelicen- East Petersburg, PA: Author.
Admi, H., & Moshe-Eilon, Y. (2010). Stress
sure nursing programs prepare nurs- among charge nurses: Tool development Rogowski, J.A., Staiger, D.O., Patrick, T.E.,
es to make nurse-patient assign- and stress management. Nursing Horbar, J.D., Kenny, M.J., & Lake, E.T.
ments. Finally, research is needed to Economic$, 28(3), 151-158. (2015). Nurse staffing in neonatal inten-
describe the role of formal hospital Al Maqbali, M.A. (2015). Factors that influence sive care units in the United States.
nurses’ job satisfaction: A literature Research in Nursing & Health, 38(5),
training programs in facilitating the 333-341. doi:10.1002/nur.21674
review. Nursing Management (Harrow),
transition to making nurse-patient 22(2), 30-37. doi:10.7748/nm.22.2.30. Sherman, R.O. (2005). Don’t forget our
assignments. e1297 charge nurses. Nursing Economic$,
Allen, S.B. (2012). The nurse-patient assign- 23(3), 125-130.
ment: Purposes, decision factors and Sir, M.Y., Dundar, B., Barker Steege, L.M., &
Nursing Implications steps of the process. (Ph.D. 3506483), Pasupathy, K.S. (2015). Nurse-patient
University of South Carolina, Columbia, assignment models considering patient
Results of this study are espe- SC. Retrieved from acuity metrics and nurses’ perceived
cially important for inpatient nurses workload. Journal of Biomedical Infor-
who make nurse-patient assign- f25daf78a1ed5b76c/1?pq-origsite=g matics, 55, 237-248. doi:10.1016/j.jbi.
scholar&cbl=18750&diss=y 2015.04.005
ments. Assignments play a larger Thomas, P.L. (2012). Charge nurses as front-
Allen, S.B. (2015). The nurse-patient assign-
role in nurse job satisfaction than ment: Purposes and decision factors. line leaders: Development through trans-
previously documented (Al Maqbali, Journal of Nursing Administration, formative learning. Journal of Continuing
2015). Determining the nurse- 45(12), 628-635. doi:10.1097/nna.00000 Education in Nursing, 43(2), 67-74.
00000000276 doi:10.3928/00220124-20111003-05
patient assignment process that sat- Van Oostveen, C.J., Braaksma, A., &
Allen, S.B. (2018). The nurse-patient assign-
isfies nurses and delivers best care is ment process: What clinical nurses and Vermeulen, H. (2014). Developing and
important. These findings can be patients think. MEDSURG Nursing, testing a computerized decision support
used as a starting point for dialogue 27(2), 77-82. system for nurse-to-patient assignment.
among unit nurses about the nurse- American Association of Colleges of Nursing. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing,
(2008). The essentials of baccalaureate 32(6), 276-285. doi:10.1097/CIN.000
patient assignment process that 0000000000056
education for professional nursing prac-
meets their unit’s needs. tice. Washington, DC: Author.
Healthcare leaders have oppor-
tunities to develop formalized train-
ing and competencies for nurses
and nursing students on the nurse-
patient assignment process. Nurses
start making assignments early in
their careers. They need the re-
sources to make assignments that
meet goals for patients (best care),
nurses (satisfying), and the organi-
zation (cost-effective).

Assignments matter to patients
and nurses (Allen, 2018). Nurse-

124 March-April 2019 • Vol. 28/No. 2

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