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A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

Invited Paper:

A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

Ratchakoon Pruengkarn, Kok Wai Wong, and Chun Che Fung
School of Engineering and Information Technology, Murdoch University
Perth, Australia
E-mail: {r.pruengkarn, k.wong, l.fung}
[Received October 24, 2016; accepted December 19, 2016]

Data mining is the analytics and knowledge discov-

ery process of analyzing large volumes of data from
various sources and transforming the data into useful
information. Various disciplines have contributed to
its development and is becoming increasingly impor-
tant in the scientific and industrial world. This article
presents a review of data mining techniques and ap-
plications from 1996 to 2016. Techniques are divided
into two main categories: predictive methods and de-
scriptive methods. Due to the huge number of pub-
lications available on this topic, only a selected num-
ber are used in this review to highlight the develop-
ments of the past 20 years. Applications are included
to provide some insights into how each data mining Fig. 1. The data mining process [2].
technique has evolved over the last two decades. Re-
cent research trends focus more on large data sets and
The review covers two main categories: predictive meth-
big data. Recently there have also been more applica-
ods and descriptive methods. Moreover, the new trend
tions in area of health informatics with the advent of
of large data sets and big data is included. The differ-
newer algorithms.
ences between data mining and big data will also be ex-
amined. However, due to the extensive number of pub-
lications available on data mining, only selected publica-
Keywords: data mining, data mining techniques, data
tions are used in this review to highlight the development
mining application, big data
of the field.
The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2
provides a brief background of the data mining process.
1. Introduction Section 3 presents a review of different data mining tech-
niques. Section 4 examines the difference between data
Data mining can be viewed as a part of the natural
mining and big data. Conclusions are presented in Sec-
evolution of information technology. It is used exten-
tion 5.
sively to develop innovative solutions that address com-
plex practical problems in today’s society and to meet
ever-increasing challenges. The main goal of data mining
is to extract useful information or knowledge from large
2. The Data Mining Process
datasets, in which the data may be unstructured, complex,
Data mining is a step in Knowledge Discovery and Data
and from multiple sources. It is important to build an
mining (KDD), a process that consists of applying data
adaptive computer system capable of learning in order to
analysis and discovery algorithms that produce a particu-
handle diverse problems by combining theory from many
lar enumeration of patterns over the data under acceptable
fields, including computer science, engineering and neu-
computational efficiency limitations [1]. In this paper, we
focus on the data mining steps in the KDD process.
The purpose of this review is to re-examine various data
The general process of discovering knowledge from
mining concepts and algorithms and to map the develop-
data consists of five steps: 1) state the problem, 2) collect
ment of this field over the past two decades. The liter-
the data, 3) preprocess the data, 4) estimate the model,
ature included in this review comes from the period of
and 5) interpret the model and draw conclusions as shown
1996 to 2016 and was obtained from the online databases
in Fig. 1 [2].
of IEEE Xplore, Journal of Advanced Computational In-
telligence and Intelligent Informatics and Science Direct.

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and Intelligent Informatics
Pruengkarn, R., Wong, K. W., and Fung, C. C.

2.1. State the Problem

It is important to state the problem of interest clearly. In
this stage, there are initially several hypotheses for how
to solve a problem. A set of variables is also specified.
The data mining expert and the application expert should
interact closely to state the problem as precisely as possi-
ble [2].

2.2. Collect the Data

This step concerns the collection and generation of data
used for the data mining process. Designed experiments
and observational approaches are two possible data col-
lection processes. In the designed experimental approach,
an expert controls the data generation process. When the
observational approach is used, data are generated ran-
domly. Understanding how data are collected is very
important for understanding the nature of the data used.
Therefore, a priori knowledge can be advantageous for
modeling and interpreting results [2].

2.3. Process the Data

Data preprocessing is usually done after collecting the
data from existing databases, data warehouses and data
marts. Outlier detection and scaling, encoding, and se-
lecting features are typical preprocessing tasks [2].

2.3.1. Outlier Detection and Removal

Outliers may be noise caused by measurement, coding,
and recording errors, but they may also be important sig-
nals caused by hidden exceptional phenomena. If it is
obvious that the observed outliers are noise, there are two Fig. 2. The stages of predictive methods [3].
main approaches for dealing with them: 1) detect and re-
move the outliers, and 2) develop a robust model [2].
3. Data Mining Techniques and Their Applica-
2.3.2. Scaling, Encoding and Selecting Features
Due to the huge amount of data and the different ranges Data mining can be categorized into two main areas:
of data available today, scaling is necessary to organize predictive and descriptive models [3]. Predictive tasks
the original data into similar weights or ranges to be ap- consist of classification, regression, time series analysis
plied to the data mining technique. Application-specific and prediction. Descriptive tasks include clustering, sum-
encoding methods can be used to achieve dimensionality marization association rules, and sequence discovery. We
reduction by providing a smaller number of informative examine each of these in the following subsections.
features for data modeling [2].

2.4. Estimate the Model 3.1. Predictive Methods

In this stage, the data mining technique is used to con- A predictive model predicts values for new or test data
struct and establish a data mining model. There are var- using known results found from training data [3]. Pre-
ious techniques for developing an appropriate model for dictive data mining processes are as shown in Fig. 2 [4].
solving the identified problem. Some possible techniques, Classification, regression, time series analysis and predic-
which constitute a major part of this review, are described tion are considered predictive data mining methods.
in Section 3.
3.1.1. Classification Methods
2.5. Interpret the Model and Draw Conclusions Classification is the process of identifying which of a
The results from data mining models need to be inter- set of categories or classes an object belongs to, on the
pretable and useful for human understanding and deci- basis of relevant data properties [5]. It is referred to as
sion making. Data mining models are expected to present supervised learning because classes are pre-determined
highly accurate results of a high-dimensional model [2]. by examining the data. Pattern recognition is a type of

32 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.21 No.1, 2017

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A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

classification in which an input pattern is classified into

Table 1. Bayesian applications.
one of several classes based on its similarity to prede-
fined classes [3]. This section reviews six classification Year Application Description
categories: Bayesian decision theory, rule-based classi- 1996 Geographic Assessing the risk of desertification
fication, neural networks, support vector machines, lazy Information in burned forest areas
learners and other classification methods. Systems [10]
1999 Database Decreasing computational time for
1) Methods based on Bayesian decision theory
system [11] mining large databases
The Bayesian classifier is a statistical classifier based 2000 Knowledge Analyzing ticket sales data
on Bayes’ theorem that classifies unknown instances us- discov-
ing maximum likelihood. Bayes’ theorem is presented in ery [12]
conjunction with the formula for conditional probability 2004 Medical [13] Extracting human limb regions
as follows [6]. 2006 Medical [14] Building an automatic interracial
P(A ∩ B) spikes detection model
P(A|B) = . . . . . . . . . . . (1) 2008 Medical [15] Assessment of individual risk of re-
P(B) lapse or progression in patients di-
P(A|B) · P(B) agnosed with brain tumors under-
P(B|A) = . . . . . . . . . (2) going RT postoperatively
2016 Renewable Classification of clouds to deter-
liklihood × prior probability energy [16] mine atmospheric parameters be-
posterior = . . (3) fore building solar plants
• P(A) and P(B) are the probabilities of events A and Table 2. Rule-based applications.
B, respectively, with A and B independent.
Year Application Description
• P(A|B) is the conditional probability of event A given 2008 Radiology [17] Developing a computer-aided diag-
that event B is true. nostic scheme for lung nodule de-
tection in order to assist radiolo-
• P(B|A) is the conditional probability of event B given gists in the detection of lung cancer
that event A is true. from thin-section computed tomog-
raphy (CT) images
Bayesian decision theory is a fundamental statistical 2015 Stock trad- Creating several rule pools with a
method in the pattern classification field. The objective ing [18] rule-based evolutionary algorithm
of this theory is to minimize the probability of making a 2015 Computer se- Using a class association rule-
wrong decision. The Bayesian decision rule can be sum- curity [19] based system to detect network at-
marized in the following algorithm [5]. tacks
2016 Medical [20] Classifying biological data to pre-
• Let Dk be the decision rule regarding the ‘natural’ dict the accuracy of DNA variants
state Ak . and present human interpretable
• Given a measurement x, the error related to state Ak
is defined as: P(error|x) = 1 − P(Ak |x).
• The probability of failure is minimized. rule takes the form X → Y , where X represents the rule
antecedent or condition, and Y represents the rule conse-
• The Bayesian decision rule is given by the assertion:
quent or class label [5].
• “Choose Dk if P(Ak |x) > P(A j |x), ∀ j = k”. The rule-based method has been used for classification
in various fields, such as radiology, marketing, computer
• Equivalently, “Choose Dk if P(x|Ak )P(Ak ) > security and medicine. Other techniques including deci-
P(x|A j )P(A j ), ∀ j = k”. sion trees, evolutionary algorithms and genetic algorithms
are used in rule extraction. Some applications of the rule-
One researcher derived parameters of a Bayesian network
based approach are highlighted in Table 2.
in order to assess the risk in GIS data. The Bayesian de-
IF-THEN rules can also be extracted from a decision
cision rule can also be used to discover rules and analyze
tree. Decision Trees are used to assign object membership
data in a large database. It is a well-known technique for
in different classes based on attributes [5]. The tree struc-
classification in many areas, such as medicine [7, 8] and
ture decision method denotes tests on an attribute with
renewable energy [9]. These have been highlighted in Ta-
internal or nonleaf nodes. Each branch represents an out-
ble 1.
come of a test, and leaf nodes or terminal nodes represent
2) Rule-based Classification class labels. The definition of a decision tree is as fol-
Rule-based classification uses classification rules, such lows [3] .
as a set of IF-THEN rules, to predict the class label. A Suppose that for a database D = {t1 , . . . ,tn } [21],

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where ti = ti1 , . . . ,tih , the database schema contains the

Table 3. Decision tree applications.
attributes A = {A1 , . . . , Ah } and a set of classes C =
{C1 , . . . ,Cm }. A decision tree or classification tree associ- Year Application Description
ated with D has the following properties: 1998 Rule genera- Using decision trees to develop
tion [22] fuzzy rules for continuous-valued
• Each internal node is labeled with an attribute, Ai . inputs and outputs
• Each arc is labeled with a predicate that can be ap- 1999 Learning Combing decision trees with ge-
rules [23] netic programming to enhance
plied to the attribute associated with the parent.
learning rules in neural networks
• Each leaf node is labeled with a class, C j . 2002 Identify I/O Applying C4.5 to the results from
sets [7] reinforcement learning incorpo-
Solving the classification problem using a decision tree is rated with fuzzy inference in order
a two-step process: to derive a proper action decision
1. Decision tree induction: construct a decision tree using 2006 Pattern Using decision rules for handwrit-
training data. recogni- ing pattern classification
tion [8]
2. For each ti ∈ D, apply the decision tree to determine its 2008 Rainfall Developing a heterogeneous hierar-
class. intensity [9] chical classifier to identify rain ar-
eas and rainfall intensity in those
There are many advantages of using a decision tree for areas
classification. First, it is easy to use and efficient. Sec- 2009 Product Using questionnaire results to de-
ond, it is easy to interpret and understand the rules. Third, impression velop a decision tree for user im-
the tree size is independent of the database size. Thus, design [24] pressions
a decision tree can work with a large database. Finally, 2009 Image recog- Developing an ensemble decision
a tree can be constructed for data with many attributes. nition [25] tree and generating an on-line Ran-
On the other hand, a decision tree cannot handle contin- dom Forest for image recognition
uous data well; the correct branches in the tree cannot be 2012 Artwork [26] Using C4.5 to classify the authenti-
constructed with missing data; and the tree may overfit cation of works of art
the training data. A tree pruning technique can be used
to improve the performance of the tree in the classifica-
tion phase by removing redundant comparisons or remov- number of inputs and delivers one output by comparison
ing sub-trees. A final disadvantage is that the decision with a threshold. The computational processing is done
tree process ignores correlations among attributes. Some by an internal structural arrangement consisting of hid-
popular decision tree techniques are ID3, C4.5, C5.0 and den layers and weights, which utilize the back propaga-
CART [4]. tion and feed-forward mechanisms to deliver an output of
Decision trees were first applied to develop and en- the desired accuracy [29].
hance rules. Later, they were used as a classifier to rec- Current neural network techniques aim to developing
ognize patterns. Recent research often combines decision better training methods, better network architecture, and
trees with other algorithms to improve the classification the ability to handle uncertainty and overfitting problems.
performance. Some of the applications of the decision It can also be observed that there is increasing integration
tree are highlighted in Table 3. of fuzzy logic into neural networks used in diverse engi-
From Table 3, it can be seen that decision trees have neering areas. Table 4 presents some highlights of the
been combined with other theories, such as genetic pro- applications of neural networks.
gramming and fuzzy theory, for rule generation. Addi-
4) Support Vector Machines
tionally, they have been used as a classifier in many fields
The concept of support vector machine (SVM) is to
such as image recognition, art and geoinformatics.
find a hyperplane in the space of possible inputs or la-
A recent trend in the use decision trees is the appli-
beled training data based on the structural risk minimiza-
cation of other algorithms or hybrid classification algo-
tion (SRM) principle and statistical learning theory. The
rithms, such as ant colony optimization and fuzzy the-
original optimal hyperplane is a linear classifier for bi-
ory [21, 27, 28], to construct a decision tree in order to
nary classes. However, SVM can be used to as a non-
overcome the problems derived from uncertainty, over-
linear classifier by applying a kernel function, such as
lapping decision boundaries, and the possibility of over-
a polynomial or radial basis function (RBF), and the
multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to maximum-margin hy-
3) Neural Networks perplanes. Thus, the maximum-margin hyperplane is fit
The artificial neural network (ANN) is an intercon- in the transformed feature space. SVM can be applied to
nected group of artificial neurons that compute output val- regression problems using a loss function based on dis-
ues from inputs. It learns from its past experience and er- tance measures, such as quadratic, Laplace, Huber and
rors in a non-linear parallel processing manner. The neu- ε -insensitive functions [36].
ron is the basic calculating entity that computes with a SVM was derived from statistical learning theory. It

34 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.21 No.1, 2017

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A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

Table 4. Neural networks applications. Table 6. K-nearest neighbor applications.

Year Application Description Year Application Description

1998 Information Producing a word frequency mea- 2000 Medical Classifying prescriptions written
retrieval [30] sure from documents fraud [45] by General Practitioners as ap-
1999 Speed con- Controlling the speed of an elastic propriate or inappropriate
trol [31] drive system 2011 Network secu- Detecting large-scale attacks
2003 Financial [32] Developing some parametric to rity [46] such as DoS in real time
guide a neural network of a target 2016 Big data [47] Using k-NN in the mapping
pricing formula phase from different training data
2007 Medical [33] Adjusting a neural network model splits for big data
using associative ontology to create 2016 Mechanical [48] Identifying different gear crack
relations between stimulus words levels
and associated words
2011 Medical [34] Using a neural network for diagno-
sis of liver cancer from medical im-
The K-nearest neighbor classifier compares a given
testing instance with k similar training instances. The dis-
2014 Weather Applying multi-layered back prop-
forecast- agation to predict weather condi- tance between a testing instance and a training instance
ing [35] tions can be computed by some distance metric such as Eu-
clidean distance. The optimal value for k can be deter-
mined by beginning with k = 1 and estimating the error
Table 5. Support vector machines applications. rate of the classifier. The number of k that gives the mini-
mum error rate may be selected [44].
Year Application Description Most applications of K-nearest neighbors involve clas-
2002 Industrial [37] Extracting decision rules for sifying and detecting. Furthermore, it can be used to de-
Polycythemia Vera by using an velop hybrid systems for big data and real-world time se-
SVM as a classifier
ries problems. Table 6 provides some highlights of appli-
2005 Marketing [38] Evaluating a direct marketing
cations of K-nearest neighbors.
mailing campaign
2007 Medical [39] Classifying liver disease b) Case-based Reasoning Classifiers
2008 Unbalanced Developing a weighted harmonic Case-based reasoning (CBR) classifiers store training
data [40] mean algorithm to improve the data as cases for problem-solving unlike the nearest-
SVM classifier neighbor classifier, which stores training instances as
2009 Human re- Using a weighted SVM to sup- points. A case-based reasoner first checks if a training
source [41] port decision making in human
cases exists when given a new case to classify. If a train-
resource selection
ing case is found, then the solution for that case is re-
2012 Recognition [42] Combining an SVM and an on-
line learning algorithm for hand turned. However, if no case is found, the case-based rea-
shape recognition soner searches for neighboring training cases that are sim-
2014 Financial [43] Enhancing the prediction of stock ilar to the new case. In order to determine a solution
market behavior with a one- for the new case, the reasoner tries to combine the solu-
against-one SVM tions from the neighboring training cases. The challenge
of developing case-based reasoning classifiers is finding
a good similarity metric, suitable methods for combining
was created mainly as a linear classifier. The nonlinear solutions, the selection of features to index training cases,
classifier later created. SVM is closely related to the ker- and the development of efficient indexing techniques [44].
nel methods, the large margin classifier, soft margin al- Table 7 highlights some developments in case-based rea-
gorithms and reproducing kernels. Later, SVM was ex- soning.
tended for multi-class and regression problems. Applica-
6) Other Types of Classification
tions of support vector machines are highlighted in Ta-
ble 5. a) Classification using Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms (GA) are an example of evolu-
5) Lazy Learners
tionary computing methods and optimization-type algo-
Eager learners, such as decision trees, Bayesian meth-
rithms. Biological evolution is the basis for evolutionary
ods and support vector machines, construct the classifi-
computing algorithms in that the fittest evolution is pro-
cation model before classifying the new or testing data.
duced over time [3]. An initial population, a set of in-
In contrast, lazy learners do less work when training and
dividuals or chromosomes, consisting of randomly gen-
more work when making a classification or prediction.
erated rules is created. Each rule can be represented by
K-nearest neighbor classifiers and case-based reasoning
a string of bits. Given two parents from the population,
classifiers are examples of lazy learners [44].
genetic operators such as crossover and mutation are then
a) K-nearest Neighbor Classifiers used to generate new children or offspring. New offspring

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Table 7. Case-based reasoning applications. Table 8. Genetic algorithms applications.

Year Application Description Year Application Description

1997 Legal [49] Using case rules to interpret court 1998 Placement Applying a GA to searching for
judgments time [55] tape feeder arrangement to op-
2002 Medical [50] Using the importance of features timize placement time for chip
for diagnosis of lung pathologies mounting
2005 Paper ma- Combing linguistic equations 2006 Work schedul- Finding the optimal solution for
chine [51] and fuzzy logic in case-based ing [56] the 24-7 schedule in a restaurant
reasoning to monitor the paper 2007 Algorithm [57] Using a partitioning method to
web break tendency in modern adapt GA in order to find an ef-
paper machines fective solution
2010 Web ser- Applying case-based reasoning 2009 Medical [58] Matching lung images in many
vice [52] to store planning and related subareas
information to make planning 2016 Recognition [59] Improving performance of hu-
much faster when users have sim- man action recognition with GA
ilar needs and convolutional neural net-
2015 Biomedical [53] Exposing the ontological appli- works
cation in the field of clinical deci-
sion support. Case-based reason-
ing memorizes and restores ex-
perience data for solving simi- approximated for a set of a given class X. The lower ap-
lar problems with the help of the proximation consists of all data objects that can be clas-
matching approach and defined sified as member of X with certainty, whereas the upper
interfaces of ontologies approximation consists of all data objects that can be de-
2016 Bankruptcy [54] Developing new case-based rea- scribed as not being elements of X. The boundary region
soning for avoiding bankruptcy of X is considered to be those objects that cannot be clas-
in borderline situations sified with any certainty as either inside or outside of X.
Finally, decision rules can be generated for each class, and
a decision table is used to represent the rules [5].
consist of the fittest rules in the current population and Rough set theory is used in feature selection for data
are generated by switching subsequences of a string. In representation; it rejects the irrelevant features. The con-
crossover, substrings from pairs of rules are swapped to cept of dynamic reducts was proposed to find a robust and
form new pairs of rules, whereas in mutation, randomly generalized feature subset. Many methods of calculat-
selected bits in a rule’s string are inverted. Finally, the fit- ing reducts that are based on genetic algorithms and fea-
ness of a rule is assessed by its accuracy when classifying ture weighting and instance selection and rough set theory
a set of training instances [44]. have been developed. An emerging technique for cluster-
GAs have been introduced in optimization problems. ing tasks is the simple extension of rough set theory to
Several adaptive natural mechanisms such as ant colony cluster analysis and mapping clustering datasets to deci-
optimization, particle swarm optimization, and memetic sion tables. In addition, rough sets are used to develop
algorithms have now emerged to capitalize on its impor- efficient heuristic searches for relevant tolerance relations
tant strengths. However, a simple GA cannot compete that allow for extraction of objects in the data. Finally,
with more sophisticated optimization algorithms that are they are used in rule induction. Particle swarm optimiza-
tailored towards a specific problem and exploit its partic- tion and Boolean reasoning are used in reduction algo-
ular features. Thus many hybrid approaches have been rithms [60]. Currently researchers are working on inte-
developed in order to improve the performance of GAs. grating rough set theory with other contemporary tech-
Table 8 highlights some applications of GAs. niques, genetic algorithms and evolutionary methods [61].
Table 9 highlights applications of rough sets.
b) Rough Set Approach
Rough set (RS) theory is used to discover structural re- c) Fuzzy Set Approach
lationships within imprecise or noisy data in the classifi- Fuzzy set theory is used to deal with vague or inexact
cation domain [44]. The RS is defined by two topological facts. Elements can belong to more than one fuzzy set.
notions, namely interior and closure, known as approx- Early fuzzy set research focused on handling approxi-
imations. First, the RS transforms the given dataset into mate information and uncertainty to generate decisions in
an information table that consists of the objects’ attributes scientific applications. It has further been used to develop
and their values. Second, all of the data tables form equiv- formalized tools to deal with the intrinsic imprecision in
alence classes within the given training data. Third, the the shape of membership functions and the transition be-
discernibility matrix, in which elements are distinguished tween crisp extremes through fuzziness to a wide variety
between equivalence classes, is constructed. RS can be of problems. Applications include developing standards
used to approximately or roughly define such classes. The and type II fuzzy sets, improving the completeness and
lower approximation and upper approximation are then consistency of available data, and supporting the develop-

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A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

Table 9. Rough set applications. Table 11. Univariate time series applications.

Year Application Description Year Application Description

2000 Feature se- Using rough sets to provide domain 1996 Economic [74] Examining long-run neutrality in
lection [62] knowledge expressed for data anal- 10 different countries
ysis 1998 Biomedicine [75] Modeling and forecasting
2004 Apply the- Applying rough set theory to select monthly patient volume
ory [63] attributes as nodes of a decision tree 2004 Energy [76] Forecasting hourly electricity
2008 Utility pro- Defining the numerical values in spot prices
gram [64] utility programs 2006 Weather [77] Forecasting weather density
2009 Pattern Improving overall performance of 2010 Rainfall [78] Forecasting the summer mon-
classifica- unsupervised ANN soon rainfall over India
tion [65] 2015 Clinic [79] Investigating individual client
2011 Prediction Analyzing time series data of trick- progress and determining
model [66] wise price fluctuations whether symptoms have im-
2014 Imperfect Handling imprecision and uncer- proved
data [67] tainty in data

1) Time Series Analysis

Table 10. Fuzzy set applications. A time series is a collection of observations made
chronologically. The values are obtained at evenly spaced
Year Application Description
time points, e.g. daily, weekly or hourly. Thus, time se-
2000 System architec- Using type-2 fuzzy sets to anal-
ries data is characterized as being numerical and contin-
ture [68] yses system architecture hyper-
graphs uous. It is also always considered as a whole, instead of
2001 Transportation [69] Integrating fuzzy sets and an individual, numerical field. There are two main goals
fuzzy DEA to forecast short- of time series analysis: 1) identifying the nature of the
term production efficiency of a phenomenon represented by the sequence of observations
city bus company and 2) forecasting the possible evolution as time goes on.
2006 Language [70] Dealing with word meanings in The increasing use of time series data has initiated a great
ambiguous language deal of research and development in the field of data min-
2016 Linguistic [71] Applying fuzzy rules to cope ing [73]. Univariate and multivariate time series are both
with asymmetrical fuzzy sets described here.
A univariate time series is a sequence of measurements
of the same variable collected over time. Most often the
ment of knowledge-based systems using fuzzy sets [44].
measurements are made at regular time intervals. There
Some highlights of fuzzy set applications are presented in
are four major movements in characterizing time-series
Table 10.
3.1.2. Regression Methods • Trends or long-term movements: A trend can indi-
cate the general direction of attribute values over a
Regression analysis is a statistical methodology that is
most often used for numerical prediction although other long interval of time. This can be represented by
methods exist for this. Regression also encompasses the trend curve or trend line.
identification of distribution trends based on the available • Cyclic movements or cyclic variations: These refer
data. It can be used to solve problems such as forecasting to cyclic behavior that may or may not be periodic.
by fitting a set of points to a curve. Linear regression is They do not necessarily follow exactly similar pat-
a simple regression method that represents a relationship terns after equal intervals of time.
between the input data and output data as follows [72].
• Seasonal movements or seasonal variations: These
y = c0 + c1 x1 + · · · + cn xn . . . . . . . . (4) detected patterns may be calendar-related, such as
where c0 , c1 , . . . , cn are the regression coefficients and relating to the time of year, month or day.
x0 , x1 , . . . , xn are the input parameters. y is the output pa- • Irregular or random movements: These are occa-
rameter, which depends on the relationship of the input sional detected motions of time series.
Multiple linear regression is used when there are n in- Economic researchers have used univariate time se-
put variables, called predictors or regressors; one output ries to examine the economy of a long-run neutrality
variable, called the response; and n + 1 constants which proposition. They can also be used for forecasting in
are chosen during the modeling process to match the input biomedicine, energy and environmental applications as
examples. Popular regression methods, such as nonpara- highlighted in Table 11.
metric regression, robust regression, ridge regression and The multivariate time series approach involves mea-
deep learning, are described as follows. suring the same quantity or time series depending on

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Table 12. Multivariate time series applications. Table 13. Nonparametric applications.

Year Application Description Year Application Description

2000 Environmental [81] Finding vegetation and cli- 2001 Econometrics [87] Developing several kernel-
mate variation trends over the based consistency tests of a
United States hypothesis of additivity in
2002 Chemistry [82] Calculating the hydraulic pa- nonparametric regression
rameters of a stream-aquifer 2004 Biosystem [88] Constructing a gene network
system using pumping test from time series microarray
data gene expression data
2005 Neuroscience [83] Analyzing multichannel 2011 Statistical Plan- Developing the theory of non-
EEGs/MEGs ning [89] parametric regression for the
2007 Medical [84] Learning and building a be- classical case of responses
havioral profile of a person missing at random
from their daily activities 2014 Energy [90] Creating online condition mon-
2015 Agricultural [85] Forecasting short-term irriga- itoring of a wind power system
tion demands 2015 Geoscience [91] Estimating spatial-temporal
2016 Traffic [80] Forecasting traffic systems mountain glaciers from satel-
lite images

some fundamental quantity that leads to a multivariate se- 2016 Economic [92] Predicting microeconomics
ries [80]. The aim is to discover hidden patterns in multi- and financials in the direction
of price changes
dimensional data. However, most complex dynamic data
cannot be described with linear models. Thus, this has led
to the development of non-linear models and stochastic
Table 14. Robust regression applications.
volatility models. Multivariate time series are well known
in variety of applications, including in environmental, sci- Year Applications Description
ence, medical and agricultural domains as highlighted in 1999 Dairy sci- Developing conversion equa-
Table 12. ence [94] tions for production, type and
health traits
2) Nonparametric Regression
2000 Data analy- Developing methodology to
Nonparametric regression is used to model the relation-
sis [95] avoid multiple imputations for
ship between the response variable and the associated pre- missing data
dictor variables, which need to be constructed according 2003 Biochemistry [96] Studying the binding of the
to information derived from the data. Methods of non- methylphenazinium cation
parametric regression analysis have been rendered possi- with double-stranded DNA
ble by advances in statistics and computing [86]. 2006 Chemistry [97] Detecting outlier data in analyt-
Nonparametric regression can be used for developing a ical chemistry
kernel to deliver interpretability and reasonability to data. 2015 Neuroimage [98] Analyzing large neuroimaging
Highlights of the applications of nonparametric methods cohorts, detecting imaging ge-
are shown in Table 13. netics and avoiding false posi-
tives in a large-scale analysis of
3) Robust Regression brain-behavior relationships
Robust regression analysis searches for the relation- 2016 Data analysis Proposing a new robust regres-
ship between one or more independent variables and a de- with improv- sion to deal with case-wise and
pendent variable using regression methods such as least ing outliers cell-wise outliers
squares [72]. These methods provide relatively insensi- handling [99]
tive, consistent and highly efficient estimators when there
are slight violations of the standard assumptions in the as-
sumed statistical model and for the rational consideration 4) Ridge Regression
of outliers in regression analysis [93]. Ridge regression, also known as Tikhonoy regulariza-
In dairy science and chemistry, robust regression can tion, is the most commonly used method for regulariza-
provide reasonable analysis of outliers and handle high tion of ill-posed problems [86]. It is a technique for an-
leverage points by decreasing the weight given to specific alyzing multiple regression data that suffer from multi-
data values that are in disagreement with the majority of collinearity.
the sample. In data analysis research area, it has been In policy capturing applications, human judgment is
combined with the forward search algorithm and EM al- combined with ridge regression, which improves the judg-
gorithm to handle missing values. In addition, robust re- ment of policy models [100]. Least squares, ridge re-
gression uses some outlier identification to help in per- gression and partial least squares regression are used to
forming the analysis. Table 14 highlights some of the vary calibration data size in chemometrics research [101].
applications of robust regression. Additionally, ridge regression can be used in generalized

38 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.21 No.1, 2017

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A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

Table 15. Ridge regression applications. Table 16. Nonlinear regression applications.

Year Applications Description Year Applications Description

1996 Behaviour [100] Capturing human judgment 1998 Aquaculture [107] Evaluating the effects of di-
2002 Chemometrics [101] Comparing calibration of etary phytase enzyme treat-
near infrared data ment of plant protein diets for
2005 Epidemiology [102] Generating linear models rainbow trout
for controlling collinearity 2003 Economics [108] Using regression analysis to
among metabolites analyze performance of a uni-
2007 Hydrology [103] Applying ridge regression in versity’s dial-up modem pool
a feature space to forecast the under various time limit poli-
hydrologic time series cies and customer behavior
2016 Computational [104] Classification of microarray patterns
gene expression 2006 Soil [109] Estimating the impact of pud-
dling, tillage and residue man-
agement on wheat
2011 Circulatory sys- Diagnosing the failure deter-
tems [110] mination of target systems in
linear models in order to control for collinearity among chemical plant operation
metabolites before analyses are done [102]. This tech- 2014 Environment [111] Predicting the compressive
nique has also been applied to forecasting in time series strength of concrete
data [103], in featured spaces and in classification in mi- 2016 Thermal Biol- Calculating and comparing
croarray medical data [104]. The highlights of its appli- ogy [112] characteristics and thresholds
cations are shown in Table 15. of metabolic rate and evapo-
rative water loss in Australian
5) Nonlinear Regression rodents
Nonlinear regression occurs when the predictors in the
linear regression function are modified by some function,
such as the square or square root function [86].
Kernel regression is one method of non-parametric re- Even though any function that satisfies several mathe-
gression that can estimate data without the assumptions matical requirements can be a kernel, the Gaussian kernel,
required in a physical model. It is an estimation technique called the bandwidth, kernel radius or metric window, is
that is used to fit data between sample data and input data usually used:
using the standardized Euclidean distance [105]. Kernel −
regression is a superset of local weighted regression meth- Kh (x − Xi ) = e 2σ 2 . . . . . . . . . . (8)
ods, such as K-nearest neighbors, radial basis functions, Table 16 presents highlights of nonlinear regression ap-
neural networks, and support vector machines. To per- plications. One-way analysis of variance and mean differ-
form kernel regression, a set of weighted functions called ences are used to analyze the digestibility trails of rainbow
‘kernels’ is placed locally at each observational point. The trout in aquaculture research. The Find Laws algorithm of
kernel assigns a weight to each location based on its dis- PolyAnalyst 4.3 is used to generate nonlinear prediction
tance from the observational point [106]. models for analyzing the performance of a university’s
A multivariate kernel regression specifies how the re- dial-up modem pool. In soil science, predictions of wheat
sponse variable, y, depends on a vector of explanatory seedling emergence and growth are made using nonlinear
variables, denoted by X. The objective is to find a non- regression models.
linear relation between a pair of random variables X and
y as follows. 6) Deep Learning
The architecture of the original neural networks con-
E (y|X) = m (X) + ε . . . . . . . . . . . (5) sists of an input layer, hidden layer and output layer,
and where the output from one layer is used as the input to
the next. There may be a single hidden layer or more
y = m (X) + ε . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) than one in multiple layer networks (MLPs). Backprop-
where m is a weight function or kernel agation was the first computationally efficient model of
The Nadaraya-Watson kernel regression below is de- how neural networks could learn multiple layers of repre-
rived based on those equations. sentation. It required labeled training data, and it did not
n work well in deep networks. However, multilayer neu-
∑ Kh (x − Xi )yi ral networks can overcome the limitations of backpropa-
gation learning [113]. MLPs can be used to learn com-
ŷ = m̂h (x) = n . . . . . . . (7) plex functions to solve non-linear problems. In this case,
∑ Kh (x − Xi ) the network is composed of one or multiple hidden lay-
i=1 ers which have some type of sigmoid activation function,
where K is a kernel with a bandwidth h. such as the long-sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent. Adding

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Table 17. Deep learning applications. Table 18. K-mean clustering applications.

Year Applications Description Year Application Description

2012 Neural Net- Recognizing German traffic signs 1998 Image Process- Segmentation of three-
works [119] ing [124] dimensional image data based
2014 Robotics [120] Integrating sensory-motor on a novel combination of
time-series data and the self- adaptive K-mean clustering and
organization of multimodal fused knowledge-based morphological
representations based on a deep operations
learning approach 2005 Physics [125] Partitioning parallel hierarchical
2015 Dialogues Recognizing Chinese dialogues N-body interactions from fluid
recogni- flow at high Reynolds numbers
tion [121] to gravitational astrophysics and
2016 Human Recognizing human actions in molecular dynamics
actions [122] video 2009 Food secu- Using clustering analysis to
rity [126] highlight the linkages between
food insecurity and poverty
multiple hidden layers to MLPs is also called a deep net- 2010 Medical [127] Converting the input grey-level
work [114]. Therefore, deep learning methods are rep- brain image to a color space im-
resentation learning methods with multiple levels of rep- age and operation on the image
labeled by clustering
resentation, obtained by composing non-linear modules
2015 Biomedical [128] Clustering vectors of observa-
that each transforms the representation at one level into tions at different time instants
a representation at a higher level. With the composition and then estimating the initial in-
of enough such transformations, very complex functions nervation pulse train (IPT)
can be learned [115]. Deep neural networks have been
successfully used for regression and classification prob-
lems [116].
Deep neural networks attempt to disentangle intricate K-means is one of the simplest unsupervised learning
aspects of input by creating multiple levels of representa- algorithms. The K-mean algorithm is used to distinguish
tion. They are inspired by the functioning of the visual between similar and dissimilar data points to represent
cortex, in which each layer receives input from a layer be- a meaningful grouping [123]. First, k points at random
low it, transforms its representations and then propagates cluster centers are selected. Instances are then assigned
it to the layer above it [117]. to their closest cluster center according to some similar-
Deep learning trends focus on developing better train- ity distance function. Next, the centroid or mean of all
ing methodologies and enhanced network architectures. instances in each cluster is computed. Finally, the data is
Current research in this field works on large and complex clustered into k groups where k is predefined [5].
architectures with large amounts of data. A challenge is to In the early stage, research focused on the introduction
run deep learning in highly efficient manner and on cheap of K-means in clustering areas. After that, all modifica-
mobile devices without any extra hardware [118]. Useful tions and improvements were based on the basic K-mean
applications like machine translation, speech recognition, clustering. An adaptive K-mean clustering and knowl-
facial recognition and human movement recognition have edge based morphological operation has been proposed
utilized deep learning methods. Highlights of deep learn- to develop a robust algorithm for segmentation of 3D im-
ing applications are shown in Table 17. ages [124]. The number of cluster is specified by partition
geometry. Weighted k-means partitions minimize the sum
of clusters to create well-localized domains and reduce
3.2. Descriptive Methods the computational cost of N-body problems [125]. K-
Descriptive methods attempt to describe all of the data means have also been used to group data into classes that
under analysis or the process used to generate the infor- form linkages between food insecurity and poverty [126].
mation. In medical research areas, such as detecting MRI brain
images, this method is applied by converting the input
grey-level image into a color space image and operating
3.2.1. Clustering Methods on the image labeled by a cluster index [127]. Combining
K-mean clustering with the convolution kernel compen-
Clustering is also called data segmentation. It is similar
sation method has been proposed to demonstrate the re-
to classification in that data are processed into classes or
liability and capability in multichannel surface EMG de-
clusters except that in clustering the classes are not prede-
composition [128]. Some examples of applications are
fined. The objects within a cluster share significant sim-
highlighted in Table 18.
ilarities but are very dissimilar to objects in other clus-
There are some limitations to K-means, such as han-
ters [44].
dling of outliers, number of clusters, empty clusters and
1) K-means clustering non-globular shapes and sizes, which still require more

40 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.21 No.1, 2017

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A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

Table 19. Fuzzy c-mean applications. Table 20. Apriori algorithm applications.

Year Application Description Year Application Description

1999 Noise reduc- Reconstruction of images from 2004 CRM [138] Finding fuzzy association rules
tion and 3D data acquired via ultrasonic sen- from quantitative transactions in
ultrasonic sors giving noise-reduced, en- a supermarket
images [131] hanced images. 2006 Database [139] Extracting rules from dense
2001 Physics and Mapping soil data for detection databases and dependent pairs
chemistry of of polluted sites of the sets of attributes in the
earth [132] database
2008 Medical engi- Providing an efficient classifica- 2007 Database [140] Applying the RPF-Apriori algo-
neering [133] tion approach for automated seg- rithm to find fuzzy association
regation of brain MR images rules from fuzzy item data
2010 Computer Improving the detection of false 2007 Grid technolo- Implementing the apriori algo-
in simula- alarms gies [141] rithm using the Grid service in-
tions [134] frastructure to improve response
2011 Engineering [135] Providing scientific warning time of the calculus power of
methods various geographic distributed
2015 Mathematical Reducing thermal errors of ma- resources
modelling [136] chine tools in the design of ther- 2012 Web- Detecting web-based intrusion
mal prediction models based [142] systems to identify a variety of
2016 Expert sys- Separating data sets by provid- attacks and improve the over-
tem [137] ing a consistent clustering algo- all performance of detection sys-
rithm, which can be used for N- tems
dimensional data as well as cir- 2016 Medical [143] Applying association analysis to
cular data medical records data to analyze
symptoms and drug combination
work. Setting an appropriate initial number of clusters is
also a challenging task if the nature of the problem is un-
known I = {I1 , I2 , . . . , Im } and a database of transactions D =
{t1 ,t2 , . . . ,tn }, where ti1 = {I1 , Ii2 , . . . , Iik } and Ii j ∈ I, an
2) Fuzzy c-mean clustering
association rule is an implication of the form X ⇒ Y
Fuzzy c-mean clustering (FCM) is based on the prin-
where X,Y ⊂ I are sets of items called itemsets and
ciple that each data input may belong to more than one
X ∩ Y = ϕ . The support for an association rule X ⇒ Y
cluster with different membership values ranging from
is the percentage of transactions in the database that con-
[0, 1], such that the sum of membership values for each
tain X ∪ Y . The confidence or strength of an association
data point must be one. The total sum of all membership
rule X ⇒ Y is the ratio of the number of transactions that
values in a cluster must also be smaller than the number
contain X ∪Y to the number of transaction that contain X.
of data points [129].
Since FCM was proposed and since it has been claimed 1) The Apriori Algorithm
to solve the partition factor of classes, it has been used Apriori is an algorithm for mining frequent itemsets for
widely. However, its convergence speed is slower than Boolean association rules using prior knowledge of fre-
that of hard clustering. Thus, its modification and in- quent itemset properties. Apriori employs an iterative ap-
tegration with other techniques have been developed for proach called level-wise search where k itemsets are used
hierarchical clustering, spatial information, and weight- to explore (k + 1) itemsets. If an itemset is frequent, then
ing and context information. Fuzzy minimax models and all of its subsets must also be frequent; otherwise, the sub-
fuzzy variants of evolutionary algorithms are also broadly set is pruned [86].
studied. In addition, the modification of type-2 fuzzy The original algorithm has been optimized through
clustering has been developed for MRI image segmenta- means such as bringing in random sampling, parallel
tion [130]. Applications of FCM are highlighted in Ta- thoughts, adding reference points, declining rules, and
ble 19. changing the storing framework to improve the efficiency
of algorithm rules. The weighted apriori algorithm uses
3.2.2. Association Rules single minimum support for selecting the frequent item-
sets. In addition, apriori algorithms such as dynamic
Association rules are used to identify the relationship
hashing and pruning, partition, and distributed max min-
among items in a given dataset. Rule support and confi-
ers are used in parallel and distributed data mining. Ta-
dence are two measures of the relevancy of rules. Typi-
ble 20 shows some of the applications of apriori algo-
cally, association rules are considered interesting if they
satisfy both a minimum support threshold and a mini-
mum confidence threshold. Such thresholds can be set 2) Multidimensional Association Rules
by users or domain experts [44]. For a set of items Multidimensional association rules consider more than

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Pruengkarn, R., Wong, K. W., and Fung, C. C.

Table 21. Multidimensional association rules applications. Table 22. Quantitative applications.

Year Application Description Year Application Description

2001 Weather [144] Using 2- and m-dimensional 2005 Dense re- Capturing the characteristics of
contexts for mining inter- gions [151] quantitative attributes
transactional association rules to 2011 Biological [152] Defining the interrelationship
improve predictive capability between genes
2006 Data ware- Defining authorization rules for 2014 Satellites [153] Mining all quantitative associa-
house [145] users and objects and assigning tion rules to improve satellite on-
sensitive information rules to the orbit performance analysis
main elements of a multidimen-
sional model
2009 Web de- Extracting useful information be categorical (nominal or discrete) attributes, because at
sign [146] from web users’ access paths least one attribute of the quantitative association rule (left
2010 Financial [147] Designing an efficient personal or right) must involve a numerical attribute [149].
financial services system by us- QARM research can be categorized into six ap-
ing registered information and proaches [150]: 1) Partitioning: the majority of the re-
historical financial product in-
search, working to solve the reasonable range or focusing
formation of a customer to gen-
erate a recommendation set
on interval detection; 2) Clustering: variation of density
2014 Education [148] Appling the algorithm to stu- to generate intervals for mining, reduction of the support-
dents’ synthesis marks evalua- confidence conflict and elimination of useless or redun-
tion system and analyzing the dant rules; 3) Statistical: researchers consider the distribu-
related factors that influence tion of continuous data via standard statistical measures to
students’ synthesis marks to analyse distributions or to determine reasonable intervals
help educators improve teaching for frequent itemset generation; 4) Fuzzy: focusing on in-
methods and the quality of talent terval detection of attributes, which may not be precise
training or meaningful for analysts, to unleash non-trivial knowl-
edge with ease; a challenge is to optimize the selection
of partition points without suffering from the Support-
one-dimensional attributes at the same time. Confidence conflict if the thresholds are not wisely cho-
Efficient mining algorithms have been developed for sen; 5) Evolutionary: the use of multi-objective evolution-
2- and m-dimensional contexts to extend the traditional ary algorithms to optimize QAR mining so as to reduce
association rule framework from intra-transactional as- the cost of mining and optimize the number of positive
sociations to inter-transactional associations in order to and negative QARs generated without compromising rule
enforce its predictive capability in applications such as interestingness; 6) Other: presentation of particular tech-
weather forecasting [144]. Multidimensional association niques to improve QAR mining; min-support and min-
is also used in the problem of modeling security in data confidence thresholds to find relevant rules are prone to
warehouses by defining authorization rules for users and Support-Confidence conflict. Highlights of QAR applica-
objects, and assigning sensitive information rules to the tions are shown in Table 22.
main elements of a multidimensional model [145]. It
can also be used to analyze website promotion by dis- 3.2.3. Sequence Discovery
covering user access patterns from web log data [146].
Sequential pattern discovery is used to identify patterns
For the complexity and diversity of personal financial ser-
of ordered events within a database [154]. It can also take
vices, multidimensional association rule mining is used
advantage of the elapsed time between transactions that
to generate data cubes and recommendation sets before
make up the event.
integrating recommendation weights in the recommenda-
Recently, research in healthcare has focused on discov-
tion process [147]. Similarity, an improved algorithm of
ering, classifying and visualizing frequent patterns among
association rule mining based on multidimensional sets
patient paths. In education, sequential pattern discovery
can be used to find the maximally frequent item sets for
is usually used to extract patterns from student interaction
each dimensional subset and to prune the database. This
data. To mine web usage, this method usually analyses
leads to the reduction of workload for the subsequent min-
how websites are being used and sometimes focuses on
ing [148]. Some of the applications of multidimensional
transaction identification from web usage data. Sequen-
association rules are highlighted in Table 21.
tial pattern discovery is additionally used in text mining
3) Quantitative Association Rules to discover trends for text categorization, document clas-
Quantitative association rules (QARM) refer to a spe- sification and authorship identification. This technique is
cial type of association rules in the form of X ⇒ Y , with X applied in bioinformatics in order to predict rules for orga-
and Y consisting of a set of numerical and/or categorical nization of certain elements in genes, protein function pre-
attributes. They differ from general association rules, in diction, and gene expression analysis. Table 23 presents
which both the left- and right-hand sides of the rule should some of the applications of sequence discovery.

42 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.21 No.1, 2017

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A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

Table 23. Sequence discovery applications. Table 24. Differences between data mining and big data.

Year Application Description Areas Data Mining Big Data

1998 Biology [155] Discovering microbial Concept This refers to tech- This is a term refer-
genome sequences niques to discover the ring to large scale
2002 Biochemistry [156] Discovering a common sig- relevant information storage and process-
nature of Diacylglyceride ki- and interesting pat- ing of large datasets;
nases, sphingosine kinases, terns in datasets; the the dataset grows
NAD kinases datasets could be small faster than a simple
2008 Biomedical [157] Extracting protein sequences files or large volumes database and previ-
from the protein databank and of data. ous data handling
classifying proteins in the ap- architectures.
propriate fold category Value It is tools and tech- It is an asset.
2014 Biomedical [154] Identifying temporal relation- niques that employ
ships between drugs and pre- valuable results for
dicting the next medications to decision maker.
be prescribed for a patient Processing Processing refers to the Processing varies de-
operation that involves pending on the ca-
relatively sophisticated pabilities of the or-
search operations. ganization managing
4. Data Mining for Big Data it and applications to
process and analyses
Big data is a collection of massive and complex datasets the data.
and data volumes that include the huge quantities of data, Task Not all data mining All big data tasks in-
data management capabilities, social media analytics and tasks deal with big volve data mining.
real-time data. There are three main characteristics of big data.
data—the 3Vs—as follow [158, 159].
a) Volume:
Big data is a large amount of archived data that organi- pends on the data veracity.
zations are trying to harness to improve decision-making Data mining is a technique for discovering interest-
across the enterprise. Data volumes are increasing at an ing patterns as well as descriptive, understandable models
unpredictable rate. The size could be in the petabytes. from large-scale data. Data mining and big data relate to
the use of large data sets to handle the collection or re-
b) Variety porting of data that serves businesses or other recipients.
Big data comes from different types of data and data However, there are difference between data mining and
sources. It can include structured data, semi-structured big data as shown in Table 24 [159, 162].
data and unstructured data. It is also not always easy to
manage big data into a relational database. This increases
the complexity of both storing and analyzing big data.
5. Conclusions
c) Velocity
Velocity refers to the speed of data generation. More This paper presents a review summary of the data min-
data is created and provided to users as a constant stream ing techniques and applications appearing from 1996 to
of real-time queries for meaningful information to be 2016. The purpose of data mining techniques is to dis-
served up on demand, rather than in batches. cover meaningful information or knowledge from previ-
Organizations also require the two additional charac- ously collected data and build an adaptive computer sys-
teristics that follow to make big data analysis work [160, tem to handle specific issues. It is used in many fields
161]. such as biology, medicine, computer science and engi-
neering. Some research has used data mining techniques
d) Value
to improve system performance.
Value refers to meaningful insights that deliver predic-
Predictive methods and descriptive methods are the two
tive analytics for future trends and patterns from deep,
major categories of data mining techniques. Predictive
complex analysis based on machine learning, statistical
methods, such as decision trees, time series and regres-
modeling, and graph algorithms. These analytics go be-
sion methods, have been popular in science, medicine and
yond the results of traditional business intelligence query-
ing and reporting and give an organization a compelling
Descriptive methods are often used in finance, market-
ing and database technologies. K-mean and fuzzy c-mean
e) Veracity techniques are well-known methods for clustering in com-
The quality of the data can vary greatly. It is possible puter science, engineering and mathematical modeling. A
that the data includes defects, such as conflicts, missing lot of medical research uses sequence discovery to find re-
data and outliers. Thus, the accuracy of data analysis de- lationships between genes, proteins and symptoms. Apri-

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plications and Future Directions (WCI), 2015. 2006.

46 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.21 No.1, 2017

and Intelligent Informatics
A Review of Data Mining Techniques and Applications

[142] L. Hanguang and N. Yu, “Intrusion Detection Technology Research

Based on Apriori Algorithm,” Physics Procedia, Vol.24, pp. 1615-
1620, 2012. Name:
Ratchakoon Pruengkarn
[143] W. Renli, D. Yueming, and D. Liming, “The application of Apriori-
BSO algorithms in medical records data mining,” IEEE Information
Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conf. Affiliation:
2016, 2016. Candidate Ph.D. Student, School of Engineering
[144] L. Feng, T. Dillon, and J. Liu, “Inter-transactional association rules and Information Technology
for multi-dimensional contexts for prediction and their application
to studying meteorological data,” Data & Knowledge Engineering,
Vol.37, pp. 85-115, 2001.
[145] E. Fernández-Medina, J. Trujillo, R. Villarroel, and M. Piattini,
“Access control and audit model for the multidimensional modeling
of data warehouses,” Decision Support Systems, Vol.42, pp. 1270- Address:
1289, 2006. 90 South St., Murdoch, WA, Australia
[146] J. Yan, L. Zhang, F. Zhao, W. Liu, and K. Li, “Multidimensional As- Brief Biographical History:
sociation Analysis of Web Users’ Access Path for Website Design
and Promotion,” Sixth Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge 1996-2000 BS.C. Computer Science, Chiang Mai University
Discovery, 2009. 2001-2005 MS.C. Computer Science, Kasetsart University
[147] G. Liu, H. Jiang, R. Geng, and H. Li, “Application of multidimen- 2007-2014 Lecturer, Dhurakij Pundit University
sional association rules in personal financial services,” Int. Conf. on Main Works:
Computer Design and Applications (ICCDA), 2010. • “Using Misclassification data to Improve Classification Performance,”
[148] Y. L. Y. Zou, X. Qin, and S. Ma, “Research and application of as- pp. 1-5, 2015.
sociation rule mining algorithm based on multidimensional sets,” • “Improving Classification Performance with Complementary
5th IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Service Science Fuzzy-Based Neural Networks,” pp. 1-5, 2015.
(ICSESS), Beijing, 2014.
Membership in Academic Societies:
[149] X. Zhu, “Quantitative Association Rules,” Encyclopedia of
Database Systems, pp. 2240-2244, 2009. • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
[150] D. Adhikary and S. Roy, “Trends in Quantitative Association Rule
Mining,” IEEE 2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Trends in Information Sys-
tems (ReTIS), 2015.
[151] W. Lian, D. W. Cheung, and S. M. Yiu, “An efficient algorithm
for finding dense regions for mining quantitative association rules,”
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol.50, pp. 471-490, Name:
2005. Kok Wai Wong
[152] M. Martı́nez-Ballesteros, I. Nepomuceno-Chamorro, and J. C.
Riquelme, “Inferring gene-gene associations from Quantitative As- Affiliation:
sociation Rules,” 11th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems Design and
Applications (ISDA), 2011. Associate Professor, School of Engineering and
Information Technology
[153] X. Dong and D. Pi, “An Effective Method for Mining Quantitative
Association Rules with Clustering Partition in Satellite Telemetry
Data,” Second Int. Conf. on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD),
[154] A. P. Wright, A. T. Wright, A. B. McCoy, and D. F. Sittig, “The
use of sequential pattern mining to predict next prescribed medica-
tions,” J. of Biomedical Informatics, Vol.53, pp. 73-80, 2015. Address:
90 South St., Murdoch, WA, Australia
[155] M. B. Schmid, “Novel approaches to the discovery of antimicrobial
agents,” Novel approaches to the discovery of antimicrobial agents, Brief Biographical History:
Vol.2, pp. 529-534, 1998. 1995 B.Eng. (Hons), Curtin University
[156] G. Labesse, D. Douguet, L. Assairi, and A. M. Gilles, “Diacylglyc- 2000 Ph.D., Curtin University
eride kinases, sphingosine kinases and NAD kinases: distant rela- 2001 Lecturer, Murdoch University
tives of 6-phosphofructokinases,” Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2003 Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Vol.27, pp. 273-275, 2002. 2007 Associate Professor, Murdoch University
[157] T. P. Exarchos, C. Papaloukas, C. Lampros, and D. I. Fotiadis, Main Works:
“Mining sequential patterns for protein fold recognition,” J. of • P. Jeatrakul, K. Wong, and L. Fung, “Data cleaning for classification
Biomedical Informatics, Vol.41, pp. 165-179, 2008.
using misclassification analysis,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform.
[158] Shilpa and M. Kaur, “BIG Data and Methodology-A review,” Int. (JACIII), Vol.14, No.3, pp. 297-302, 2010.
J. of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engi-
neering, Vol.3, pp. 991-995, 2013. • K. W. Wong, D. Tikk, T. D. Gedeon, and L. T. Kóczy, “Fuzzy Rule
[159] B. Thakur and M. Mann, “Data Mining for Big Data: A Review,” Interpolation for Multidimensional Input Spaces with Applications,” IEEE
Int. J. of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Trans. of Fuzzy Systems, Vol.13, No.6, pp. 809-819, 2005.
Engineering, Vol.4, pp. 469-473, 2014. • K. W. Wong, T. D. Gedeon, and L. T. Kóczy, “Construction of Fuzzy
[160] Ishwarappa and J. Anuradha, “A Brief Introduction on Big Data 5Vs Signature from Data: An Example of SARs Preclinical Diagnosis System,”
Characteristics and Hadoop Technology,” Int. Conf. on Computer, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 2004, pp. 1353,
Communication and Convergence (ICCC-2015), 2015. 2004.
[161] I. I. Center, “Vision Paper Distributed Data Mining and Big Data,” Membership in Academic Societies:
Intel Corporation, pp. 1-14, 2012. • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior
[162] V. Shobaba, S. Maheshwair, and M. Savithri, “Study on Big data Member
with Data Mining,” Int. J. of Advanced Research in Computer and • Australia Computer Society
Communication Engineering, Vol.4, pp. 381-383, 2015. • Asia Pacific Neural Network Society

Vol.21 No.1, 2017 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence 47

and Intelligent Informatics
Pruengkarn, R., Wong, K. W., and Fung, C. C.

Chun Che Fung

Emeritus Professor, School of Engineering and
Information Technology

90 South St., Murdoch, WA, Australia
Brief Biographical History:
1981 B.Sc. (1st Hon, Maritime Tech.), University of Wales
1982 M.Eng. (System Test Engineering), University of Wales
1982-1988 Lecturer, Singapore Polytechnic
1989-2003 Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, Curtin University
1994 Ph.D., University of Western Australia
2003-2015 Associate Professor, Murdoch University
2015 Emeritus Professor, Murdoch University
Main Works:
• “Simulated annealing based economic dispatch algorithm,” IEEE Proc.
C, Vol.140, No.6, pp. 509-515, 1993.
• “How does desktop virtual reality enhance learning outcomes? A
structural equation modeling approach,” Computers & Education Vol.55,
No.4, pp. 1424-1442, 2010.
• “Distinguishing games and simulation games from simulators,”
Computers in Entertainment (CIE), Vol.4, No.2, pp. 9, 2006.
Membership in Academic Societies:
• The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior

48 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence Vol.21 No.1, 2017

and Intelligent Informatics

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