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Assignment 2:

Course number: BUS 5113

Course name: Organizational theory

Instructor: Aderemi Adedokun

Due date: 30/06/2021

Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination; how ones attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors are

affected by them positively or negatively in a personal and organizational context

a. Stereotype 

Stereotypes are over generalizations mostly negative above certain people of groups of people

based on a prejudice (Plous, 2003). They do damage by fostering prejudice and discrimination.

psychological studies have found that stereotyping is a natural and common process in cultures

around the world and they frequently serve as mental shortcuts that are especially likely to be

applied when people are busy or distracted (Gilbert & Hixon, 1991).

In organizations, stereotyping may lead to people of a certain group being employed in a given

field or sector more than others because of the mental image that exists about that particular

group. For example, more male being hired to work as fire fighters than their female


Mondschein, Adolph, and Tamis-LeMonda, (2000) have also indicated that stereotyping may

influence the pattern of behaviour as individuals or groups tend to use that mental image to

switch behavioral tendencies that match the stereotype.

b. Prejudice

Quite literally prejudice means to pre-judge or to form an opinion about something before all

the facts are gathered. (Jackson, 2020).

Just like attitudes in general, prejudice involves cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects. The

cognitive aspect concerns evaluative beliefs about characteristics of the group in question or its

members; the affective aspect concerns emotional reactions; and the behavioral aspect refers to

tendencies or intentions to show discriminatory behavior. (Cohrs, & Duckitt, 2012).

Cohrs and Duckitt, (2012) continue to say that certain factors have been seen to influence

prejudice to varying degrees. Among these are individual difference variables such as cognitive
style factors like rigidity and personality traits like low openness to experience and socio-

cultural factors where some societies have been seen to be less tolerant than others.

The word ‘attitude’ can refer to a lasting group of feelings, beliefs and behaviour tendencies

directed towards specific people, groups, ideas or objects.

c. Discrimination

Discrimination involves putting group members at a disadvantage or treating them unfairly as a

result of their group membership usually preceding prejudice and stereotyping. ( Plous, 2003).

As much as discrimination widely exists around the world, its elimination has been quite

difficult because many affected persons fail to detect it at individual level. (Fiske, 1998)

In organizations, when there are more male than female recruited because of certain dynamics

like the tasks being performed, many do not easily identify this with discrimination having

originated from a stereotype that clouds individual judgement. (Plous, 2003).


Cohrs, J. C., & Duckitt, J., (2012). Prejudice: Types and Origins of, The Encyclopedia of Peace

Psychology, 1st ed. Accessed at

Jackson L. M. (2020). The Psychology of Prejudice: From Attitudes to Social Action, 2 nd Ed. the

American Psychological Association.

Plous, S. (2003). The psychology of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination: An overview.

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