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ig_h_t-----~Listen ; ng l es

Hanging scales analytical balance scales balance scales m: hydrolic scales

bathroom scales - - i mdigital scales

spring scales ~ kitchen scales

2 Listen and complete Listen ond complete sentences with t

typesof •
scale mentioned in Exercise l
bathroom ] scales are used by people at home to measure their weight.
1. ['-;:==::::=-.
2. A [ ] scale measures weight by the force pushing or pulling on a spring.
3. A [ ] scale measures the weight of the object below, pulling on its spring.
4. A [ ] scale measures a known weight against an unknown weight.
5. A [ ] sea le displays the weight of an object on a digital display.
6. i ]scales are used in kitchens to measure small quantities of food .
7. An [ ] [
Jscale is designed to measure very small weights.
8. A 1 hydrolic ] scale measures weight using the pressure of water.

Most scales are either (1) balance scales

or (2) spring scales

A Balance scale uses a (3)level resting on a fulcrum

to measure a (4)
unknown weight know weight
against an
(5) - . When the two weights are equal the lever is (6)
When the two weights are not equal the lever is (7) balance
out of balance

A spring scale measures only one weight. lt measures the distance .

it is pushed or pu::: an object. When a spring is pushed

: "compression ~:~~~,:::•called
. a spnng is pulled the pressure is called (9)

b. ~ow use the words that completed

to •dentify the pictures A-1 the sentences above
balance scales

out of balance
spring scales
lever resting on a fulcrum
unknown weight
know weight

·u11 ~amS

Are these statements True or False?

1· A balance scale uses a lever and one wetghing Pori

2. A balance scale is not the most common type 0 ~r, ~.

3. A hanging scale measures the force pusrnng 0 º_ spr <:.<.º

4. Hydraultc scales use water pressure o measure " n'. -
s. A bathroom scale 1s a type of spnng scale.
6. An analytical balance scale 1sn't used for very 5 aH v

Tower crane

2 Sean for words Read the text below

and identify ali the machines we use
to li~ weight elevators
mobil crane
e11111t'' ,111• 111<1 l11nl'' invent d to lilt weighl. ThN a1C' rnany d1ffcrent
tVPl'' uf { 1c1nt» tui dilf •rent ¡ b A ha1 b 1crnne 1 used pe1111anentl Harbor crane
111 .i pu1 t t(l load ,111d unlo'11 íl1go Ir 111 sh1ps /\ to N rane 1s
(f,1,1qnl'd t1i wa(~ 101 1empu1t1ry p riods on on tru t1on 1tes to
ltll 111c1h' "'11., 11\rd durtnr¡ b111ld111q n ov •1head rnne i~ u ed l l1ft
lwc1vv W•''IJhh c1n 1movP th 111 al nq il f1 rd p,1tli, ít n In a f¡¡ctory
A 111nl1tlt' unnr '' 11 wh1 11• wtth a c1.i11 thal <111 qo to dtfler nt pla e
,111d lill 111Pd1um \ €'1gl1t\ A .. 111allr1 ve''' n al a 111 bil crane 1 a
Overhead crane
to1~ltlt tlU Tlll\ 1. de\1gnod to lilt " 11alle1 wetqht m1d take them to
111c111y dtl!íltC•nt lo , \t 11 111 ,, fil t ry Ma h1llf'\ to ltlt wt>1ql1t me not small mobil crane
nly for 11linqs S~y~ rapt'I S are only p \Slble be illl'e rlPvato1 an
111 t pti pi(' \O thr hlqhi'í 11001>

semi trailer delivery vans

forklift truck

b. Can you think of vehicles that are designed

carry people?
ships bus trains

11u.i-.i1tl " 11#11111 IJfl tllM ' 'l•tlll 'l\"\M lll ~l)Jjl f
1 W'l1 ~ 1 li(j PI" '11'11 t IU oiJd 'I'°"' 1 \1 ll\I) Linldng
UP --~---~~~----~~------

SCOI 1eaao COl I amS

the passage, talk ab
O Before you • ~t
these queetl
What Is th• tnternatíonal Y tem f Ur111·,-1
1 ..... sorne SI ba 1.mlt ?
2 Whata...

f) Read the Wfbpage. Then, choose the
correct answers.
1 Whlch Is an example of a derived un1t?
A m a
s e m/s o r
2 Which is NOT a substance that a mole rnGasuri:-.
A atoms e molecul
B speedS O ions

3 Which of the following is true about Si?

A lts derivad units come from íts base unit~
e An ampere is the SI unit of light intensit¡
e lt Is an uncommon system of measurcment
o lt Is based on six base units of mea uremen

WhatisSI? Q Match the words or phrases (1-6) with the
SI is the lnternational System of Units. lt contains seven definitlons (A-F).
base units.
The following are the seven base units. 1 _E ampere 4 A SI
2 _B derivad unit 5 C kelvin
3 _F candela 6 D base unit

A the lnternational System of Units of mea ur

s time
B an SI unit of measurement that is derived '
A electrical current base unlt
K temperatura C the SI unit of temperature
amount of substance D one of seven units from which all other SI
mol (atoms, lons, arederived
molecules, electrons)
E the SJ unlt of electric current
cd light intenslty
F the SI unit of power emitted trom a light se
m length

Derived units come from these seven base unlts. For

2 3 4 5 6
example, the SI unit of speed is meters par second (mis). \ \ \ ,\ \ \ \ 1\ 1111f 1111/¡11;/
This unit uses the base units for length and time. . /
SI is a very common system for units of ~ PtlO_dt
all rNer the wor1d use lt. Engineers need to krló.W Qll.«Mlmm
communicate with others about rneasuremera. A ams
a 11 eaao l,;UI 1 vamS
O Re dth
1 kilo


moles w h 1 uf

8 Th ro seconds

0 Listen and read t:he w bpag again. Why

is ít important to be familiar with SI units?

Listening Stud nl B: You º'

about how much curr nt h
e" Listen to a conversation between an
engineer and a client. Mark the followlng

statements as true m
or false (F).
1 _ The man states the building's area in square
feet. 0 Use the conversation from Ta k 8 to fili out
2 _ The woman says that the building requires an estlmate for the cllent.
3,000 amperes.
3 _ The man is not surprised by the woman 's

Og Listen again and complete the


Engineer: Hi, l'm Molly. You were asking about

installing an 1 system, right?
Client: Yes, we'd like to begin the installation as
soon as possible.
Engineer: Okay. So, this is a new 2 ?
Client Yes, the building has an area of three
thousand seven hundred sixteen Building: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 _____ _
Engineer: lt looks líke you're golng to need three
thousand 4 of electrical current. Locatlon: - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Client: Really? 1didn't think it needed
5 ______ Size of Building: - -- - - - - - - - -
Engineer: Yeah ... with the lights and machlnery
that you have, you're going to need that Electriclty usad mainly for:
much6 _ __
Cllent Okay ... 1can see how that would be
Current needed:


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