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1. BRIAN LANGAT BED/0529/2020

3. JUDY KIPROP. BED/0477/2020
4. EDWIN KIRUI. BED/0552/2020
5. SAMUEL MWANGI. BED/560/2020
6. UNITHER KERUBO. BED/0552/2020

Questions: Explain how the following have been used to stratify the society.

(a) Marital status

(b) Education

(c)Occupational profession

Stratification is the way in which different groups of people are placed within the society.

Marital status
Marital status is defined as civil status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or customs of
the society.

In the society there are people who are married and single.

Married is being in the state of matrimony.

Matrimony is also known union.

A person is called single if he or she is not married, not a civil union and not in a sexual or romantic
relationship, in general has no exclusive partner.

In the society there are people who are widowed and divorced. Widowed is someone whose spouse is
dead. Then divorced means that the marriage has been legally dissolved.

These differentiate the widowed and divorced in the society.

In the society the single parents are treated differently from other people since some communities do
not encourage single parenthood


Education is the acquisition of kn9owledge, skills, values and attitude for self-development. In the
society there are people who are educated that is the literate and those who are non-educated that is
illiterate. Illiterate people have different attitude, behaviour,and skills from that of literate .

This compare and classify each individual to a different group in the society.

In the society there are people who are from the higher class tend to take their children to school of
higher standards while the individual from lower class take their children to law standard school.Thus
this compare them with the standard of education.

Occupational profession

Those who perform manual work are different from people who perform non manuals occupation in
terms of income they earn.

The individual whose income is high tend to belong to high class white individuals while law income
earners tend to belong to low class. This stratify people according to the income.

There are people who work in rural areas and people who work in urban. The living standard of people
who are in urban is high compared to people who are in rural areas.

In the society there are people who occupy different jobs some are doctors some are teachers some are
engineers this stratify the individual according to the jobs they do or task the perform.

McKee, Victoria. 1996. “Blue Blood and the Color of Money.” New York Times, June 9.

Wong, Grace. 2011. “Kate Middleton: A Family Business That Built a Princess.” CNN Money. Retrieved
December 22, 2014 (

Haralambos M and Holborn M (1990) Sociology, Themes and Perspectives.3rd Edition London.Collins
Jarry, D. and Jarry J. (1999) Dictionary Of Sociology, Glasgow: Harper Collins







5. JAEL JEPKORIR BED/0533/2020


1.Corruption is a societal problem discuss.


 Corruption is the term used to define the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.
 Societal problem is any condition or behavior that has negative consequence for large number
of people.

Forms of corruption.
 Bribery- this offering, giving, soliciting or receiving any item of value as a mean of influencing
the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty.
 Cronyism- it is the appointment of friends and associates to positions at authority without
proper regards to their qualifications.
 Economics of corruption- this deals with the misuse of public power for private benefits and it's
economic impact of society.
 Electoral fraud- it is an illegal interference with the process of an election.
 Influence peddling- this is the use of position or political influence on someone behalf in
exchange for money or favour.
 Kleptocracy- it is a government or state in which those in power loot state resources for private
 Nepotism- this is when those in power favour relatives or friends especially by giving them jobs.
 Slush funds- it is reserve of money used for illicit purposes especially political bribery

Corruption as a societal problem

1. Corruption slows down the development activities -this is when leaders are corrupt and fail to
do their roles as they concentrate on their own businesses
2. It discourages the spirit of skilled and honest citizens.
3. Corruption affects the fair distribution of government resources and opportunities- in this case
those who have money get the opportunities over those who don't have because those leaders
whom they distribute are corrupt, hence,they need money so that they offer an opportunity.
4. Corruption leads to poor living standard in the society- poor people are so many in the society
and so opportunities are offered to those few rich people in this case the living standard is not
improved at all because the poor remains poor.
5. It cause the conflict and violence in the society between those rich and those advantaged .
6. Poor and socio-economically deprived people don't get justice.
7. The economic and social process of development is affected.
8. In work places ,there is employment of unskilled people due to greed of money by the
employers over the skilled people hence those without money are disadvantaged.

Measures to control corruption

1. Reform public administration and finance management.

2. Implement good governance, accountability and transparency .
3. General awareness against corruption.
4. Implementation of strict law,rules and monitoring.
5. Civil society and media has to discourage the corruption by bringing it into the public.
6. The corruption officials and people against when the charges of corruption are proven should
socially boycotted.


 Zucman G, 2015, The hidden wealth of nations : The Scourge of tax havens , University of
Chicago Press , Chicago, IL.
 Transparency International 2016b, corruption by country/ territory, viewed 23 August 2016,

 G ESTHER BIAGE BED/0531/2020.
 MARY WANGARI BED/0484/2020

QUIZ; Discuss areas in which socio economic background of a student affects his or her performance in
Social- economics the blend of economic and sociological measures of an individual’s work experience
and the economic and social position of an individual or family in connection to others on the premise of
income , education level and status.
Social – economics is the social science that studies how an economic activity affects individuals and is
shaped by social processes in general
It analyzes how modern societies progress , stagnates or regress because of their local or regional
economy or the global economy
1. family background
when analyzing a family socio-economic status thje hoiusehold earnrs, education and occupation are
examined as well as combined income versus with an individual when ther own attributes are accessed.
This 9is the most important influence on students learning. The environment at home is a primary
socialization agent and it influences a child’s interest in school and aspirations for the future. Majorling
on the parents income, when the parents have a well paying job they are able toprovide the child with
basic academic requirements thus resulting to higher perfomances in school. Comparing to parents to
parents with low financial status who are not able to provide those needs to their children thus resulting
to poor performance in school.
2. Parents academic status
Talking about illiteracy, the illiterate parents may fail to understand the urge of studying thus failing to
pay school fees for their children and this will automatically lead to poor performance of the children.
Because when they are sent home for school fees they will be missing the learning activates ongoing in
school. The learned parents obviously have the knowledge and know the importance of studying and
hence they will be able to provide for the child thus resulting to their good performances.
3. School environment
The school factors that may affect the students’ performance include the school structure and climate.
Therefore the school one attends (specifically the environment) sets the parameters of a students
learning experience. The additional funding of private schools leads to better academic performance and
more access to resources such as computers which have been shown to enhance academic
achievement. Talking about the classroom setting, the larger the population the less the interaction of
teacher-student and thus when the room is more spacious and the population is limited there is good
interaction between the students and the teachers thus enhancing good performance.
4. Culture
Culture can undermine the student’s performance too. The cultural activities such as circumcision can
hinder good performance in children. For example during circumcision period the children are secluded
from schools obviously and due to late recoveries they miss the daily learning activities that may be
ongoing in their various schools. Since the culture demands that it is compulsory to go through the rite it
depreciates the child’s time of being in school and hence resulting to poor performances.
5. Gender imbalance
From time immemorial the girl child have been considered mere creature and thus in academics things
have been made so easier for them. Regarding the grading system it has been lowered for them
compared to the boy child. And most girls’ schools are more developed and most academic
requirements have been provided by the government and various organizations and thus making them
excel better than their male counterparts whose needs have not been fully provided.
6. strategic location of the school
Schools located in then North Eastern part of Kenya mostly perform poorly in the exams. This is due to
the insecurity experienced in those areas whereby most teachers are afraid of performing their roles
there because of insecurity. There is also poor infrastructure thus hindering provision of services by the
government. The harsh climatic conditions have also resulted to poor performance in most schools since
the students opt to stay at home during catastrophic season’s i.e during floods. In contrary schools like
in the central region at large they have always shown better results due to their conducive environment
favorable for studies.
1.Michael, Marmot. (2004) The status syndrome; how social standing affects our health and
longevity New York: Owl books.

2.American psychological association [2001]

Task force on social economic status report on the APA task force on socioeconomic status
Washington DC
Lareau, Annete [2003] unequal childhoods: Race, Class and family life university of California
press government printer.






 ROLLINCE DAVE BED /0511/2020

9. The rise of school unrest fires, destructions, and indiscipline is among students has been
regarded as a societal problem, Discuss.

10. Discuss measures schools can put in place to eradicate vice


Destruction refers to action or process of causing so much damage to something that no longer exists or
cannot be repaired.

Unrest fires refers to disturbed state or uneasy state.

Indiscipline is lack of control or punishment

Therefore destruction, unrest fires and indiscipline among students is caused by;

 Existence of power and authority

How powers and authority is expressed by the school administrators promotes painful experience of
devaluation on the part of the student’s effort to seek consultation making the students to act
negatively by destroying the school property through burning of school.

 Communication breakdown

The manifestation of this includes; constrained channel of communication between students’ body and
their prefects and administration. In general, lack of involvement of student in decision making which
directly affect their own welfare and failure to address or simply trivializing students’ grievances. This
frequently occurs when the school principal fails to listen to students’ opinions, they may respond by

 Prefect system

This has been reported as a cause of unrest fires and destructions in schools whereby the prefect body
are treated totally different from other students like being given special meals or given authority to
punish other students.

 School rules and regulations

This is one of the ways in which schools use to achieve moral and social developments of the students.
some schools set strict rules and regulations where students describe them as oppressive, tough and
strict. Therefore, students respond to these strict rules and regulation by striking.

 Punishment
Corporal punishment is one of the causes of student’s unrest and violence. Sometimes teachers may
subject a student to punishment or rather suspend them from school as a way of reinforcing discipline
but beyond their ineffectiveness, they bed experience of bitterness and humiliation experience as

 Rights and freedom of students

Incase the student’s grievances like going for academic trips are not listened to the students respond by
striking causing destruction in schools

In conclusion; the strikes held in schools by our teachers and students causes the lagging behind in
terms of syllabus coverage.

As a result of strike students get chance to engage in immoral activities like destruction of school
property and also while at home, they engage in early relationships that make most of girls be pregnant
at an early stage. As a result of pregnancy, students remain burden to the family members and society
as whole.

Charity begins at home. parent fail to monitor their children’s behavior therefore the students end up
emulating the behavior ion schools.

Unrest fires is the cause of societal problem such that when the school is burnt down its economy is
brought down, the learning stops,

2. Discuss measures school can put in place to eradicate vice

 Increase parental involvement

Parents make difference in student’s achievement and behavior. Schools should institute policies
requiring teachers to contact parents on the behavior of the students more frequently.

 Establish leadership

Principal and deputy principal should consistently support teachers on the implementation of discipline
plan, and follow through the disciplinary actions the teachers will follow their lead. if they slack off on
discipline it becomes apparent overtime and misbehavior will automatically increase.

 Create and enforce a schoolwide discipline plan

Discipline plan provides student with acknowledged consequences for misbehavior. Effective classroom
management should include dissemination and use of discipline plan.

 Practice effective follow through

Consequently, following through on the action plan is the only way to truly foster discipline in the
school. If a teacher ignores a misbehavior in class it will increase. If the administration fails to support
the teachers, they automatically lose control over situation.

 Provide alternative education opportunities.

Some students need controlled environment where they can study without a wider school community. If
one student continually disrupts a class and shows unwillingness to improve on the behavior, he / she
might need to be removed from situation for the sake of the rest of the rest of student in school.
Moving student to a new class can be controlled at the school level.

 Maintain high expectation

From administration to guidance counselors and teachers, schools must institute high expectations for
both academic achievement and behaviors. This expectations should include message of
encouragement and means of support to help all children to succeed their dream.

g. Build a reputation of fairness

Students must believe that teachers and administrators are fair in their displinary actions. While some
extenuating circumstances require administrators to make adjustments for individual student. In general
students who misbehave should be treated similarly.

Group Five Members

 George Ogonyo. BED/0502/2020.
 Peace Kioko BED/0467/2020
 Sophy Mzuga BED/0539/2020
 Kimwomi Moseti BED/0539/2020
 Oyaro Benton BED/0482/2020
 Mercy Osoti Ombiro BED/0538/2020
Question 1. Define gender
Gender refers to characteristic of women,men,girls,boys that are
socially constructed.
Gender is also used to describe the characteristics of women and men
that are socially constructed.
It is the range of characteristic pertaining to, and differentiating
between, femininity and masculinity.

Question 2. Describe using examples, gender inequality in Kenya

Gender inequality is the process by which men and women are not
treated as equals. Examples include
 Uneven access of education – women still have access to
education that men due to school dropping outs. Girls are not
educated on the same level as boys, it has a huge effect on
their future and kinds of opportunities they’ll get.
 Lack of employment equality – in our economy gender
inequality is prone to as a corruption endures leading to
imbalance of gender in employment opportunities.
 Job segregation – Women also take on the primary
responsibility for unpaid labor, so as they participate in the
paid work force, they have extra work that never gets
recognized financially.
 Lack of legal personality – women according to research don’t
have legal protection against domestic sexual violence or
domestic economic violence. Both have significant impact on
women ability to thrive and live-in freedom.
 Lack of bodily autonomy – Many women in Kenya do not have
authority over their bodies or when they become parents.
Accessing birth control is frequent very difficult.
 Racism affect what jobs women are not able to get and how
much they occupied as well is viewed as illegal and poor health
care system.
In some parts of the country and some communities in Kenya
school prioritize for only men and girls remain at home as the
boys go to school.
 In Kenyan schools, student’s leadership is dominated by male
students giving little chance to the female student.
 School drops out is rapid on the girl’s side compared to the
boys because of the vulnerability of girls e.g., in the case of
unplanned pregnancies.
 In Kenya schools, boy schools are more than girls’ schools so
like boys are giving high chances in education than girls.
 In Kenya school girls are unable to attain their education where
male teacher take advantage to spoiling them whereas boys
are not destructed by female teachers and this show big
gender inequality.


AMOS ABERI BED/0496/2020

1. Identify various kinds of dangerous drugs accessed with students in Kenya.

Student---refers to a scholar learner especially one who attends a school.

Drug----- refers to any substance that when taken, may alters the normal body
functioning and they include:

i. Tobacco
ii. Heroine
iii. Bhang
iv. Cocaine
v. Alcohol
vi. Miraa/khat
vii. Hallucinogens

Factors enhancing the use of drugs by students.

1) Peer pressure from friends

2) Need to relieve stress
3) Easy accessibility of drugs in the area surrounding the school.
4) Popularity in that one wants to be popular among other students.
5) Cheap costs of drugs that are easily affordable by students

Consequences of the drugs to the students

1) Drug addiction and dependency has made students engage I criminal activities such as
2) It has affected the academic performance of the students due to slowed thinking
3) Health conditions of the students has greatly deteriorated since it causes respiratory

Challenges facing the fight of drug abuse in school and a wider society.

1) Corruption in the area

2) Poor parental monitoring
3) Lack of concern by the community members
4) Lack of employment by the society members

2.Discuss different ways in which drugs get accessed in schools.

1. Strategic areas of the school fence.

The school fence is one of the entry points of the drugs. Not many schools have a concrete wall.
Therefore, more students identify a particular hidden sport along the fence and make it their spot.

2. using corruptible teachers.

In every institution, there is that individual with blurred integrity. The students are wise and they
can quickly note that teacher who can be swayed with a few shillings. The students get close to
these teachers and start to use them in their exports.

In some cases, during the back-to-school inspection, the students may go to this particular
teacher and through this they can sneak the drugs into the school since the teacher won’t report
them. In some extreme cases, these teachers are sent by students to buy the drugs and may
sometimes take the drugs together.

3. The prefects

Some of these trustworthy prefects are the ones trafficking the drugs into the school. Due to their
status, they are not suspected by their teachers and they aren’t searched during the inspection. In
some schools, the students actually conduct the back to school inspection.

When the prefects ask for a leave out cheat, they are rarely or never searched when coming back
to the school and these are the loopholes the students are keen to exploit and they may approach
the prefect who seem corruptible and find ways to use them in their illegal dealings.

4. The non-teaching staffs

Among the people who help traffic drugs into the school are the non teaching staffs. Most of the
students expresses that the non-teaching staffs are the most corruptible since they are the among
lowest paid staffs in the institution and most of them might not have formal reinforce their
integrity and ethical conduct in a school system

5. In their clothes

Here comes another popular way in which most students use to sneak drugs. And may include:

At the lining of the clothes: - the girls unsewn the lowest hem of their skirt, hide their drugs and
then sew the lining back and the boys may use the hem of their shirts.

Shoes: - some might clothe: - choose to hide them at the far front tip of the shoe, others in

between the inner soles, while may choose to use the shoes with the double soles and hide the

drugs between the soles. Some girls may go to the extent of hiding the drugs inside the sponge

padding within their brassieres.

6. The soda

The drinks are popular in ferrying alcohol into the school system. Students usually choose an

alcoholic brand that has the similar appearance with the soda. They will swap the soda for the

alcohol and then clean the soda bottle and some may decide to coat them with perfumes to

mask/cover the smell of the alcohol.

7. The bread

The bread has been used by many students since most schools allow students to come with

loaves of bread after a holiday. They may cut the bread at some point and fix the drugs. During

the inspection, the teacher may not bother inspecting the bread because after all, it is nit illegal to

carry into the school and with that, the students gets their drugs into the school.

8. The biro pens

The BIC pens have been handy to these students especially the ones that use ‘tap tap’ drugs.

These drugs resemble small prescription drugs. The students insert them inside the pen and then
fit the blue lid back on. They may do this with as many pens as they want since no teacher will

bother dismantling/inspecting the pen searching for illicit drugs since they are not aware

9. Advertisement of drugs makes it easily accessed in school.

advertisement of this drugs give knowledge to students and the staff who bring them to know
there and places of sale and prices.

10. Laboratory chemicals.

some chemicals in the lab like ethanol are drugs, the knowledge on preparation of it make
students prepare it and consume it in school.

3.Discuss the measures the society will take to prevent drug peddling in school.

1) Mentoring, tutoring and work study strategies

Mentoring----refers to the act of supporting and encouraging people to manage their own
learning in order to maximize their potential, develop their skills

Tutoring---refers to remedial or additional teaching to help people who need extra help with their
This effort primarily aims at increasing the stakes in the conformity and reduces individual
predispositions to use drugs. Mentoring is distinguished from counseling because it is generally
provided by a lay person rather than a trained counselor and so not necessarily guided by
structured so includes individualized assistance with academic task.

2) Recreational, community service, enrichment and leisure activities

This are activities oftenly done for enjoyment of for pleasure that intendeds to provide
constructive and fun alternatives to drug use.

3) Establishment of norms and expectations for behavior

Norms---refers to standard pattern of behaviors that are generally accepted by the society
whereas expectations refers to a strong belief that something will happen.

This activity including school wide or community wide efforts to redefine norms for behavior
and signal appropriate behavior. Activities include newsletters, posters, ceremonies during which
students declare their intention to remain drug free and display symbols of appropriate behavior.

4) Mass media

Mass media refers to the diverse array of media technologies that reaches large audience via
mass communication.

These efforts are most often aimed at changing norms regarding drug use by demonstrating
negative consequences.

5) Community organizing and coalition

Coalition refers to the denotation for a group formed when two or more people agree to work
temporarily together in a partnership to achieve a common goal.

This effort requires collaboration among several community entities to develop community wide
strategies or reducing substance use.

6) Family training and case management

Family training or learning refers to activities specifically designed to enable parents to learn
how to support their children’s learning

Case management refers to collaborative processes that assesses, plans, coordinates, monitors
and evaluate the options and required services to meet health and human needs.

This includes the effort to alter family management practices or to build parenting skills in
general through instructions or training.

7) Classroom instructions.

This is the common strategy in schools.

The content of these inventions varies but they can be grouped in three classes:

a) Information
These interventions that teach students factual information about drugs and
consequences of their use.

b) Skill building

These are interventions that increases student’s awareness of social

influences to engage in misbehavior and expand their repertoires for
recognizing and appropriately responding to risky or potential harmful

c) Normative education

These are interventions that changes the perceptions of the norms related to
substance use.

8) Cognitive behavioral, behavioral modeling, and behavior modification strategies.

Behavior modification strategies focuss3es directly on changing the behavior. They involve
timely tracking of specific behaviors over time and behavioral goals using feedback and positive
or negative reinforcement to change behavior. These strategies rely or reinforces external to the
students to shape their behavior.

Larger or more robust effects of behavior are obtained by teaching students to modify their own
behavior using a range of cognitive strategies. Efforts to teach students cognitive behavioral
strategies involves modeling or demonstrating behaviors and providing rehearsal and coaching in
the display of new skills. Students are taught, for example, to recognize psychological cues
experienced in risky situations. They are taught and rehearsed in such skills such as suggesting
alternative activities when friends propose engaging in risky activities.

9) Classroom and instructional management.

Aside from teaching specific content intended to reduce the probability that students will use
drugs, teachers can also use instructional methods designed to increase student’s engagement in
the learning process and hence increases their academic performance and bonding to the school
and classroom organization and management strategies.

The latter include activities to establish and enforce classroom rules, uses of rewards and
punishments, time management to reduce down-time and the use of external resources such as
parent volunteers, police officers and professional consultants as instructors or aids.

10) Exclusion of intruders and contrabands.

These inventions are designed to prevent intruders {who may be drug dealers} from entering the
school i.e. the use of identification budges, visitors pass, security personnel posted at school
entrances, cameras and other surveillance methods.

Adlaf, E.M.&Paglia, A.2001.Drug use among Ontario students ,1997-2001: Findings
from the OSDUS [CAMH research document NO.10] Toronto: center for addiction
and mental.

Alberta alcohol and drug abuse commission. 2006.The Albert youth

experience survey [TAYES]2005/prepared by Jodi Alberta alcohol and drug abuse

commission. and E.R. Harrison.1993.” Do Drug Prevention Effects Persist into

commission. project ALERT Did with ninth Graders “Preventive medicine ,

Group seven Members

JOHN WEKESA Mukuchu-BED/0472/2020.

Patience Riziki Hinzano - BED/0515/2020.

Eunice nduta Gichuki. – BED/0549/2020

Maenya Moffat mauti. – BED/0516/2020.

Noordin Hussein. - BED/0473/2020.

Brian Mburu. – BED/0474/2020.

a) Describe critical human development indicators in the society.

One of the basic indicators of the human development of national economies is the degree of education
and knowledge of its society. Therefore education especially higher education is considered to be a
national priority which contributes to economic development as well as the development of the society
in general.

There are several indicators of human development in the society which generally includes:

i. Education
ii. Health
iii. Employment rates
iv. Unemployment rates
v. Gender equality

When we talk about education as an indicator of human development, we tend to look

at how a society is dedicated. How many people can read and write and therefore can
perform duties on there own if they are assigned. A society with highly educated
personnel is bellieved to be more productive as compared to the other one which may
be said to be living in the dark. Education has come with changes and technology at
large and therefore any productive society must embrace education.

Health is also one of the important indicators of a well developing society. The fact is
that a society free from diseases and weaknesses is ready to go prosper since it’s people
are up to work each day. This the ensures that the members are well off and they are
impacting positively towards the society development.

We can also talk about employment and unemployment rates in the same society as a
great indicator to community development .a society tends to prosper depending on
how many individuals are working in that very society. A society with it’s people mainly
employed are considered rich since the society per capita income is high. It’s people are
busy each day and therefore no cases of idleness which may risk the security and the
discipline of the very society.on the other hand, a society with most of its individuals
unemployed is at high risk of insecurity since it’s people are iddle and engage in filthy
Finally, gender equality is one of the important indicator of societal human
development. A society has always been viewed as dynamic. Gone are the days when
men were considered superior than women. The government has been fighting for the
girl child and their leadership though it has not met it’s goal on the same.a society
where it’s members are Free to participate freely in it’s development tends to grow
faster as opposed to the one which only one gender are given priority.

b. Suggest ways in which education institutions have played a role in achieving them.

The main objective here is to explore the interconnections between institutions and
human development.
Education institutions have been on the forefront in shaping the development of the
society. It is where the society gets knowledge and skills in order to execute a healthy
society.those who happen to go to school and learn tend to emerge the best individuals
and therefore on returning to the society they tend to apply the knowledge learned
hence developing their very society.
Values and social norms such as e quality, solidarity and Co operation acquired from
schools tend to shape the very society. A society with learned individuals is disciplined
as compared to the one full of fools.
It’s through learning institutions that qualified employees emerge . This makes them
ready for the market and once they are absorbed , the level of unemployment is
killed.this sires a healthy and prosperous society.
Finally, we can look at how learning institutions have helped meet health as an indicator
of commuty development. Personnel from the society are trained to be doctors and
health officers in this very institutions. After qualifying from these institutions, the
personnel return to the society to assist it.this efforts from the like individuals brings up
a healthy society which is now ready to work and prosper

I. HedgsonG.(2006) Journal of economic issues, vol.44,NO.1IMF(1995)
II. Abada,Teresa and Eric Y. Tenkorang.2009
III. Adamson Peter.2008.The child care transition.

Alberta learning.2002. Charter schools

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