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Eurika Nicole Beceos General Physics

12 – Stem A (Bayanihan)

Activity 1.1. Measure It!

1. Get a book or any rectangular object and a ruler.

2. Measure the length, width, and height of the rectangular object by

comparing its length, width, and height with the number markings on the

ruler. Inspect the ruler with the symbol ‘cm’ or ‘in’ which corresponds to the

words centimeter and inch respectively. Use either cm or in in your obtained


3. Measure the volume of the object by getting the product of its length, width,

and height.

4. Record your values on the table below:

Physical Quantity Measured Value

Length 10cm
Width 4cm
Height 5cm
Volume 200cm 3

5. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the properties of the rectangular object that you measured?

 Top Margin

 Right Margin

 Bottom Margin

 Left Margin

 Margin
 Top Padding

 Right Padding

 Bottom Padding

 Left Padding

 Padding

 Top Border Width

 Right Border Width

 Bottom Border Width

 Left Border Width

 Border Width

 Border Color

 Border Style

 Top Border

 Right Border

 Bottom Border

 Left Border

 Border

 Width

 Height

 Float

 Clear

2. What is the basis in getting the values for the length, height, and width

of the rectangular object?

The length of a box. 

If you are looking down at the box, the top appears to be a flat rectangle/The length the longest side
of this rectangle. Write this number down as "length.
 Make sure to use the same measurement for each side -- if you measure one side in inches,
you need to measure them all in inches

The width of the box next to the length.

 The width of the box is the other edge next to the length. If you are looking one side of the box,
the width is the side the forms an "L" with the length. Write down this measurement as "width."

 The width is always the shorter side.

The height of the box. 

This is the last side you have not measured, and is the distance from the top of the box to the
ground. Write this measurement down as "height."

 Depending on how the box is laying, which side you call "height" or "length" might be
different. However, it doesn't matter what side you call the length, just that you measure 3
different side.

3. What did you do with the ruler to obtain the values of length, height,

and width of the rectangular object?

To measure the length of an object, place the zero hash mark of the ruler exactly along one end of
the object. Align the object you are measuring along the edge of the ruler. Note the hashmark on the
ruler along which the other side of the object ends.

4. How did you get the volume of the object?

You can multiply them together to get volume. This formula is often abbreviated as V = l x w x h.

5. What have you done to show the ways to measure physical quantities?

How are physical quantities measured?

Measurements of physical quantities are expressed in terms of units, which are standardized

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