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OPERATING MANUAL SitDrive® J40-65Z (A416) E25-352 and E40ZS (E114) 45-652 (6108) DO NOT REMOVE THIS MANUAL FROM THIS UNIF PART NO, 4259722 En EE EEE EntatnEE LIFT TRUCK MODEL _, TRACTION MOTOR____ HYORADLIC PUNE MOTOR STEERING PUMP MOTOR MAST LIFT HEIGHT, CARRIAGE TYPE DRIVE TIRE SIZE. — SERIAL NUMBER. ‘SERGAL NUMBER. SERIAL NUMBER. SERIAL NUMBER. GROUP NUMBER GROUP NUMBER STEERING TIRE SIZE. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS theto-a, MIS TERS, no199,MONOTROLD, ond vercataste are ogitened uader ars ol risisi Co-rpary im certain eaurtins, HE, Pair, Forest, SM, Dwanaich™® Spaciram™, TauchPornt™, TourhGy:il™, EZKcrange”™, HEN, Raacracko™™, Sines” Hendewe™, Mulauls thd Unisaurdé-# a3 -raderarke ef Matar Cor-pans n tie Dried Stats eeaor n cararrounnres emeng nett in uri saved Wurtmane 38 wcog"200 Hyrer compary pl Ronnany 2010. Al Righes Resa. . HYSTER 10S luo ls acum my be ovoeed 3; MB. Patent No 6,658,148 ars oer U.S. ape foam paler coercing BHyrtcr Foreword LS Foreword To OWNERS, USERS, and OPERATORS: ‘the sofe andeticlent oparrten of aiift truck (equires skill and alorness un the partof fe operator Te devocop ire skill racuired, he oparator must + sceve waining, pursuant to OSHA 1810.178ij cated {PI9R, inthe proper nowratien of Tes litruck » Understanc the capeniliies anc imiséone of the ii wel, + Besos familiar wih the constricton of the lif lnecK ond 80¢ that itis naintained in gud condiiar. 4+ 099 ane propery understand the weenings netscban, andl aperaling praceauzes = this menual In edition, a quailied parzen. oxoerienced init ruck oper aton rast que a ns operator rough several cng and (oad handing opstatore bufove the new operator aternprs sooparate ie Fr tuck 310F2, itis the responsibility cl the employer to make: sure that ltt pperator ean see, hoar, and hms the phsial and rent Soin ta vacate Re equismert safely GHYSTER COMPANY 2010 Various lava and raguiotcns reqtins the er player to trair itt mnuck gperaiors. Thaee ges and regutalions include: + Scxupational Safety and Health Acl {OSHA} (USA) + Geneta Material Handling Regulations NOTE: 4 compeenansive opeialor training program is avail. hla from Myster Cormpany Fer furtier details, comact your daaler tar Hyster lit trucks: Tris Operating Manual Is ine original instruction and cer zeins information necessary ter the operation ane male ance cf a basic ork li Musk, Cptional equipment is sometrees insted that Ga change sorte operating chars acteristics described inthe marual, Make sure the nates sary instruohcn ext availabe and uncerstrod beicre opsraling the: ft truck, Some of the components and systems described in this ‘Operating Manual will NOT be installed on your wit. If you have @ question about any ilem described, cuntact ur Gealer for Hyster If racks. 1834729 » ENGLISH-US 1 Foreword HESTER Additional informatian that desaribes the safe apereten, and se of I inucks is avgilable from the fllawing soy nag + Employment safely ond heelth slendards or regulations, icsamples’ "Occupational Safety and 4eath Standards (USA),* "Canada Matarial Handling Regulations.” + Safety codes und etandarms (Exampla: Industrial Trugk: Standarcs Davelomert Foundatan, ANSIITSEF B58 1 Gately Standard Jor Low Li and high Lit Trees) + Publisalions fier- governmen: safely agencles, govemn- ment insurers, private insuies, au presale organizations iBxamate: Accident Srevention Maneal Far ncusteat Oneraons, rom che National Safety Courely, + Guile for Users of incustria! Lt Trucks(Hystur Pac No, 9529301 describes lit truck safely, goat mainlenance practces, and training programs ands availabe fam your Sealer foi Myetar it mck, NOTE: Hyster lift trucks are nat intended foruge on publ roads, NOTE: The following symbeis ant words indicate esiety information w “his manual: & waRninG Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avaided, could resul In death or sorlous. mjury. 2h CAUTION Indicates a hazardous situation which, if net avoided, could result In miner or modorate injury and property damage On the If tuck, the WARNING symbel and werd are-on orange background, The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background, 2 HYSTER Contents Ses ne a cc ind eee! Contents Foreword on = 1 DESCRIPTIONS OF ADDITIONAL FEAIVRES JO OWNERS, USERS, AND OPERATORS: «1 {AVAILABLE WITH THE PREMIUM DISPLAY)... 8 Warning . ? LOD Soreen an» 8 Model Gescription a... « 10 Operaken Passiverts 46 GENERAL 13 Daily Cheek Uist ane Servi aT GPERATOR PROTECTION EQUISMENT .... . 1a Parlor ane Modes « a NAMEPLATE . 15 Slates Code Lists. 48 SAFETY LABELS | a 16 KORMAL SEQUENCE OF OPFRATION - STANOARD INSTRUMENT ANDGORTROLS cons « 19 DISPLAY PANEL 48 OPERATOR CONTROLS » JOYSTICK NORMAL SEQUENGE OF OPERATION « PREMIUM FEATURES 7 a 2 40 DISPLAY PANEL Glspley Pane! Features 43° Operating Procedures GENERAL... an 430 GENERAL PREMIUM CHSPLAY PANEL - 43 Krave Your Litt Truck . DISPLAY PAREL FEATURES -.. 43 Btabilly und Geuter of Gravity noe 56 DESCRIPTIONS OF COMMON FEATURES a5 ‘Capacity (Woigh: and Loac Center) 5B Symual mndicaiors vo cee: 5 INSPECTION BEFORE OPERATION ao 68 LOD Sereen we “3 Checks Pith the Kay Switch GFF oy cv 38 Batery Rischarge Inaicator (BSI)... 45 Mounting and Dismountifg..n.- Sonnce Remindst anne a 8 How to Gheck the SRO-Circuit Statux Codes - vee 5 Ghecks With the Kay Switch ON HOUTEN oa en foe sane an 48 OPERATING TECHNIQUES - Basic Operating Procedures .. Contents Savving and Direction GRAAGER werent 8B Steermg (TURTIg) ve eeesensie veo 86 Load Handling, Generel 58 Load Handling, “ifng, Lowering, anu “king og Loa Henalng, Howto Engage and Disengage 9 Load Laad Handing, Trawaling “cad Handling, Emergency Load Lowering ~.. 73 HIGHWAY TRUCKS, RAIL CARS. AND DOCKS at ATTACHMENTS... az STOPPING a ee smennes «BB PARKING Maintenance ... GFRERAL sone SERIAL NUMBER DATA eon ee ow 8B HOW TO MOVE A DISAB UIPT TRUCK cence 85 Howto Tow fhe Lift Truck vow 6 How TO PUTA LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS 0... AG Hour io Rasse the Drive Tuas 86 Hour Fase the Steering Tiras a HOWTO CLEAN a LIFT TRUCK a 87 Maintananea Schedule .. Maintenance Procedures Every & Hours or Daily. 102 HOWTO MAKE CHFCKS ‘IH THE KEY SWITCH FF eset peeves WD 4 H¥STER rechan and Speaé Canval Pedals... 122 Lif Systest Operation. 122 Gis Leake asic artmmnnee woe 2B HOW 70 CHARGE THE BATTERY .. coon 123, POW TO CHANGE BATTERIES - 126 Genera: a 28 Gharge “ho Baltery 440-662 Lit Tacks wo 128 Chenge thé attery E25 @82 and E4025 Lift Trucks: - ~ 120 WHEFLS AND TIRES eee 1S Sold Rabiser TBR on 1 Her-ove ths Whe Fram tne Lit Thck 135 Remave ant [nstali the Te on the ‘Whee .. 138 Solid Rubber Tire, Disassershla peeeen 188 Remavé Sole Rubber Tite From ‘hes! 435 Sold Rubber Tire, Assemble a 138 Install Sag Rubber Twe on Whos 138 Preurnatit Tines and Wheels ~~ oer) Remove Whaals Frosn | Ift Truck meonen SE Phe uthats Tinas and Wheels, Disassemale rg Remove Wheel Fram PNEUMALIC 1182 ves cen mre WE Pheumetic lire Removal, Tawo-Piewy Wheel raz ag Removal, Threg- or Four: Pieces 143, net Tires and Wiwsls, we Forks evneenenrnenst ei 195 Forks, Inspr a ' 105 Forks, AGUS. eases : 108 Forks, Remove . 108 Forks. Instat... ws 18 Inspeciinn a! Mast, Gamage. Header Hasse, Lit ‘Chains, and Altechment . ‘Salary Labels ee ‘Stasring Colursn Larch - ‘Operator Reeirain! System mr) Automatic Lacking Retractor AARP anes oe 112 Emargency Locking Relwactos (EIR)... 1a Batlery Restraint System JAC-652 Lifl T:uck8 a. 118 Botley Resicaint Sysiem £25052, EA0ZS, ad EAS.BSZ Lf TUCKS ncn ve . Battery - Hyorpulic System HOW TO MAKE CHECKS WITH THE REY SWITCH Ce snes - Ham, Lights, 2d Alam SHEEN SYEIEM ene Service Brakes von Parking Brake . Gomme Levers ang Pedals a Contents tall Yanga! in Prgumatic Tere 12 Inala hae in Prowaic Tine, Three- or Faucece whee! seve 0 1B bistal Whee! Pnaumatc Tire, Two Piece VAPIEE) aps emt meee . 1 1aT Aad Air ta Tires wo con 187 Install she Wheels oe - “a9 ‘Solie, Rubber Tires on #reumatic ‘Nbeels 150 Remeve Wheels From Lift Truck 150 Solid Rubber Tires on Preumatic Wheels Disnssemble 150 Reinees Sold Rybbar Tie Prom Preumatio AUREL earn 160 Solid Rubber tres or. Preumsitc #ehwels ABSEMBIE ena 192 install Sold Rubber Tire on Preumatlc Whesl. 182 fns:all ra “ibeets 154 HOW! TO PUT AN ELE@TRIC S'7 DOW RIDER TRUGK IN STORAGE 464 HOW TD PUT BAZTERIES INS IORAGE se wen TEE HOWTO PUT A LIFY TRUCK BACK INTO SERVICE . HOW TR MOVE A LIF TRUCK ON a TRANSPORT... - 451 Leading 7 anne 1BT

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