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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Diocese of San Pablo

Liceo de Paete
Paete, Laguna
Formation Year 2020-2021

Module #4 Grade 10 Science

(Week 4)

A. Topic: Quarter 1: Plate Tectonics

Plate Boundaries

B. Objective: At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 Identify the different mountain ranges in the Philippines and their locations.


The learners demonstrate an understanding of: The learners should be able to:
 The relationship among the locations of volcanoes,  Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster
earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges. preparedness during earthquakes tsunamis and
volcanic eruptions.

 Describe the different types of plate boundaries.

LESSON 4: QUARTER 1: Plate Tectonics

Plate Boundaries

Plate Boundaries

The interaction of plates at plate boundaries is responsible for many geologic features of Earth. At some
boundaries, plates move together or converge, and others move away from each other or diverge. Some plates move
horizontally past one another.

Divergent Boundaries
A divergent boundary is a feature that exists when two tectonic plates move away from each other. When
Earth's brittle surface is pulled apart, what happens to the space left between them? The result of two diverging plates is
a valley-like rift. This rift is a dropped zone where the plates are pulling apart. Valleys and volcanoes form as the crust
widens and thins. Streams and rivers can flow into the low valleys, and long, narrow lakes are created.
Most of the divergent boundaries are found on the seafloor where they form ocean ridges. It is in the central rift
where seafloor spreading begins. The process of seafloor spreading along a divergent boundary may cause an ocean
basin to grow wider, which takes over millions of years. Some divergent boundaries can form on continents other than
the seafloor. A long and narrow depression, called a rift valley, is formed when the continental crust begins to stretch
and separate. This rifting may eventually lead to the formation of a new ocean basin.

Convergent Boundaries
A convergent boundary or destructive plate boundary is a place where two tectonic plates move toward each
other. As a result of pressure, friction, and plate material melting in the mantle, earthquakes and volcanoes are
commonly experienced and found, respectively, near convergent boundaries. There are three types of convergent
boundaries, classified according to the type of crust involved:
(1) oceanic crust converging with oceanic crust.
(2) oceanic crust converging with continental crust, and
(3) continental crust converging with continental crust.

In an oceanic-oceanic boundary, one of the two plates is descending beneath the other. This process is called
subduction. When an oceanic plate, one that has become denser due to cooling, descends below another plate, a
subduction zone is formed. The descending plate reaches the mantle and then melts, thereby recycling the oceanic crust
formed at the ridge.

Subduction also occurs when an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate as you can see in figure 1.1.7.
This convergence produces a trench and a volcanic arc. However, a series of volcanic eruptions along the edge of the
continental plate can be observed. The result of this subduction is a mountain range, with many volcanoes.
When two continental plates collide, a convergent boundary is formed. The ocean basin between converging
oceanic and the plates is entirely subducted. Because continental rocks are too buoyant to be forced into the mantle,
they cannot be subducted. As a result, the colliding edges of the continents are crumpled and uplifted forming a
mountain range. Note that the Himalayas have been formed this way.

Transform Boundaries
A transform boundary is formed when two plates slide past each other, horizontally, as shown in figure 1.1.9.




1 Qtr (Week 4 )

Name ____________________________________________________ Section _________________________

Answer the following.
1. What are the three types of plate boundaries?
2. This type of boundary is also called constructive margin
3. It is also known as a destructive margin.

True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is incorrect.
1. There are eight major tectonic plates. _____
2. The lithospheric crust is thicker in continents than in oceans. _____
3. When a convergent boundary is formed, it can result to a formation of new seafloor._____
4. When two continental plates collide, a convergent boundary is formed._____
5. Transform plate occurs when two plates simply slide past each other. _____
6. Divergent boundary is also called constructive margin._____
7. Lithosphere is located down below the asthenosphere._____
8. Lithosphere consists of the uppermost mantle and the overlying crust. _____
9. Asthenosphere is a weak and ductile region that allows the lithosphere to move as a separate continent. _____
10. The Atlantic Ocean is produced by a divergent boundary._____

Let Us Apply
Suppose that your family lives in a city located near an active volcanic site. One weekend, you receive warnings
from local authorities that the nearby volcano has increased activity and is expected to erupt soon. What would you and
your family do in this scenario? Create a family emergency evacuation plan and construct your own diagram showing the
necessary details.
Consider the following questions in creating the plan:
1. How will you and your family receive information from local authorities about the eruption?
2. How will your family evacuate the area when the need arises? Where are your meeting place and the evacuation
3. How will you communicate with the members of the family in case any of you get separated during evacuation?
4. Whom can you contact for emergency assistance?

_______________________ ______________________

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