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WWTP Design Lab #2
Steps for Activated Sludge Design

1 E
1. Establish
bli h effluent
ffl soluble
l bl BOD5 allowable
ll bl to meet BOD5 andd SS
effluent limits.
2. Determine what θc is required to meet the effluent soluble BOD5
3. Solve for the mixed liquor volatile suspended solids, MLVSS,
concentration given a particular hydraulic residence time, θ. Or
solve for θ given a particular MLVSS.
4 Calculate the return activated sludge (RAS) flow
4. flow, Qr
Qr, and
concentration, Xr'.
5. Calculate sludge production.
yg requirement
6. Calculate oxygen q for carbonaceous BOD removal
(need to calculate O2 requirement for peak flow conditions)
7. Calculate alkalinity consumption
8. Design secondary clarifiers (settling tanks)
9 Generate
9. G t preliminary
li i h
d li profile.fil
Oxygen Requirement
Alkalinity Consumption
Settling Tank Design
Ten State Standards Criteria
Criteria Primary
y Settling
g Tanks Secondary
y Settling
g Tanks
Overflow Rate, m3/m2
d Avg Peak Peak
OR = Q/A
41 60-120* 49
Weir Loading, m3/m
d < 1 mgd > 1 mgd < 1 mgd > 1 mgd
WL = Q/L
250 375 250 375
* for tanks not receiving waste activated sludge, use 49 m3/m2
d for primary clarifiers receiving WAS
Hydraulic Profile
Hydraulic Profile
Hydraulic Profile
Hydraulic Profile

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