Mps Lose Cloak of Anonymity in GP Vote: Budget Deficit Down in Q1

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Vol. 17, No. 14 Monday, April 11, 2011 - Sunday, April 17, 2011 of this issue

NBÚ candidate vetted
Smer MPs
Coalition partners have
questions about SaS's can-
didate for the head of the
seek debate
National Security Bureau
because he worked for the
country's spy agency during
on Hungary
its darkest days in the 1990s.
pg 2
Spectator staff
Changing the judiciary
Judges should recognise the
effect that their behaviour
has on the image of the THE HEAT produced by MPs in the Slovak
whole judiciary, Justice parliament during their lengthy and pas-
Minister Lucia Žitňanská sionate debate preceding the passage of the
tells The Slovak Spectator in law on minority languages into its second
a special interview. reading had not cooled down before opposi-
pg 3 tion deputies requested an extraordinary
session of parliament to deal exclusively
with what they called the Hungarian
OPINION government’s politics directed at the Hun-
garian minority in Slovakia. Slovakia’s four
Inspired by Muses ruling parties have refused to support the
If there had been a Muse of initiative and insist that they will maintain
politics she might have their moderate approach towards bilateral
been responsible for the relations with Hungary.
antics of Smer boss Robert A ceremony was held at the Gate of Freedom monument in Devín on April 5 to commemorate the hundreds of A group of MPs from the Smer party peti-
Fico, who in early April, people killed and wounded attempting to flee across the Iron Curtain before November 1989. Photo: TASR tioned for an extraordinary session of par-
along with some long-time liament to debate a parliamentary declara-
nationalist entertainers tion that would bind Slovakia’s government
from the SNS, showered the
Slovak public with a stream
of bombshell statements.
pg 5
MPs lose cloak of to respond more aggressively to the policies
advanced by Hungarian Prime Minister
Viktor Orbán. The initiative began after
Orbán was reported in the Hungarian media
to have said that persons who acquire Hun-

Waiting for results
Improved enforceability of
anonymity in GP vote garian citizenship based on his country’s
dual citizenship law will be granted the
right to vote in Hungarian elections.

See NAY pg 2
laws, less red tape and bet- POLITICAL parties will now get a tion Smer party leader Robert Fico
ter schools are among the much clearer picture of the prefer- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ decried the change, saying “the
changes businesses say
they are still waiting to see
from the government.
ences of their MPs when it comes to
selecting Slovakia’s next general
prosecutor, one of the most power-
Spectator staff neck of Slovak democracy has just
been broken”.
Political analysts, however,
Budget deficit
pg 6 ful positions in the country.
Parliament on April 5 changed
the rules for selecting the general
speaker and deputy speakers of par-
liament as well as the chairs of the
parliamentary committees will still
have been at a loss to detect any
such threat to the country’s demo-
cracy from a change which will
down in Q1
Lawyers' rules prosecutor, judges of the Constitu- be chosen by secret ballot. The make MPs accountable for their
Legal professionals in Slov- tional Court and the chairs and amendment also introduces the op- choices rather than allowing them BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ
akia face some restrictions, deputy chairs of the Supreme Audit tion for MPs to hold a secret vote on to vote anonymously. On the con- Spectator staff
for instance on advertising, Office (NKÚ), Slovakia’s public ad- other posts for which a public ballot trary, the analysts suggest that
but they say the rules are ministration and procurement would otherwise be held. At least 15 Fico may fear that a new general
mostly in line with those watchdog. Henceforth, the selec- legislators are required to propose a prosecutor will open some sensit- SLOVAKIA closed the first quarter of 2011
elsewhere in Europe. tion votes will be held as public or secret vote. ive cases from his own time in of- with a preliminary state budget deficit of
pg 8 recorded votes, as opposed to the While the change increases the fice that have until now remained €655 million, one third less than in the
previous secret ballots. Under the ruling coalition’s chances of get- undisturbed. same period in 2010. The Finance Ministry
amendment to the parliamentary ting its nominee selected as the said the improved figures are due to an
CULTURE discussion order, however, the next general prosecutor, opposi- See OPEN pg 13 increase in revenues and cuts in ex-
penditure and pointed to the austerity
French film, au naturel measures adopted by the Iveta Radičová
The Francophone Film Fest-
ival returns to Bratislava
this month, including an
Coalition agrees tax reform plan government that took power last sum-
mer. Analysts say fulfilment of the
government’s budgetary target, a reduc-
outdoor screening in one of alition announced on April 4 that it partmental review on April 7 and tion of the state budget deficit to 4.9 per-
the city's main squares. had reached an agreement on the also asked for public discussion by cent of GDP this year, is on track, but note
pg 15
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ overall contours of its legislative inviting citizens to share their that month-to-month changes in tax rev-
Spectator staff proposal. Nevertheless, the draft still comments about the plan. enues warrant attention.
appears to have critics within the According to the ministry’s fig- “A glimpse solely at the deficit for the
ruling coalition. ures, taxpayers will deal with a first quarter gives a relatively optimistic
SELECT FOREX RATES CONSIDERABLY simpler payment of The tax changes proposed for single government institution in view, as the three-month central budget
€ benchmark as of April 6 taxes and payroll levies beginning in those who are self-employed have 2013 rather than the six different in- shortfall narrowed by 33.4 percent com-
2013 is the government’s slogan for been the most divisive issue, with the stitutions that currently make up pared with the same period a year ago,”
the proposed changes to Slovakia’s Civic Conservative Party (OKS), part of the system. One aspect of the pro- Vladimír Vaňo, chief economist at Volks-
tax system which have drawn fiery the ruling coalition's Most-Híd party, posal is a gradual decrease of four bank Slovensko, told The Slovak Spectator.
GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.88 USA 1.43 debate within and outside the ruling still saying that it will not support any percent in the payroll tax burden for “However, closer scrutiny of this prelim-
coalition since its first version was change which increases the tax bur- regular employees, those who have a inary result is needed in order to assess
released in early March. After a den on the self-employed or those who standard employment relationship adequately the trend in this year’s public
number of compromises by pro- work under short-term contracts. with an employer. finance and its structural health.”
ponents of the most radical of the The Ministry of Finance submit-
competing proposals, the ruling co- ted the draft legislation for interde- See LEVY pg 4 See DEFICIT pg 4
2 April 11 – 17, 2011 NEWS

NBÚ candidate vetted

the activities of foreign intel-
BY MICHAELA ligence services. SaS leader
Slovak courts to learn from Brazil Richard Sulík stated at a press
Spectator staff conference on April 6 that
AS IT designs a programme court processes faster and Stano was not involved in any
for greater digitalisation of more transparent.” management role at SIS, had
judicial documents, Slovakia SITA wrote that organ- FINDING a director for never spoken with Ivan Lexa,
will draw inspiration and as- isational steps for 36 Brazili- Slovakia’s National Security and had not known him at all.
sistance from Brazil, said Su- an judges to visit Slovakia’s Bureau (NBÚ) is proving diffi- Sulík said Stano got his job at
preme Court President Štefan Justice Academy are under- cult for the ruling coalition. the SIS after replying to a job
Harabin. Harabin signed a way. After being criticised for not offer which stated that a state
protocol on cooperation with The digitalisation of immediately acting to replace administration body, which
his Brazilian counterpart, Ar- court files in Brazil permits the previous government’s later turned out to be the SIS,
im Pargendler, during a re- online publication of rulings NBÚ chief, who had allegedly was looking for a computer
cent visit to Brazil, the SITA in an official internet-based been a communist-era secret programmer.
newswire reported on April 1. bulletin. All case file docu- agent, the four coalition parties “He is a man with a good
“The main priority of the ments are now exclusively are now facing an internal dis- Richard Sulík arrives at the Coalition Council session. Photo: Sme name, the necessary profes-
cooperation is the digitalisa- maintained in digital form in agreement about who to nom- sional experience and I am
tion of the judiciary and the Brazil, with hard copies used inate to lead the NBÚ. they were not familiar with agency, from 1995 to 1998, convinced that he will lead
exchange of judicial only in older cases, which At an April 4 meeting of Stano and wanted to know during the era of prime min- the office responsibly,” Sulík
experiences,” Harabin constitute about one fifth of the Coalition Council, the more about his past. The co- ister Vladimír Mečiar and commented, as quoted by
stated, as quoted by SITA. “It the cases currently before Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) alition agreed to take a week, former SIS chief Ivan Lexa, Sme on April 5.
is an original system to make Brazilian courts. party proposed a candidate to until April 11, to consider when the SIS was accused of
replace František Blanárik, SaS’s proposed candidate engaging in various criminal Unenthusiastic partners
who resigned from his post more carefully. activities.
RTVS gets €10 million infusion on March 7, more than two Objections to Stano star- Stano confirmed to the The other coalition part-
years before his term was due ted surfacing soon afterwards Sme daily that he was a staff ners have suggested that they
CULTURE Minister Daniel ted, of which €2 million is to end. SaS nominated Ján from various quarters be- member of SIS’s central ana- might have problems support-
Krajcer and Miloslava planned for external produc- Stano as the new NBÚ direct- cause he had worked for the lytical section, which he said ing Stano as head of the NBÚ.
Zemková, the director general tions and €6 million for in- or but the three other coali- Slovak Information Service at that time was involved in
of Radio and Television of vestments by RTVS. tion partners responded that (SIS), the state intelligence protecting the country from See SPY pg 5
Slovakia (RTVS), signed an One of the conditions for
annex to the contract between external productions will be
the state and the merged pub-
lic-service radio and televi-
sion broadcaster that will give
international co-production.
All programmes must be ori-
ginal productions in the pub-
NAY: Bugár criticises Orbán comments
an additional €10 million to lic interest, the ministry said.
RTVS, the SITA newswire re- Chudinová also stated Continued from pg 1 'No threat' to Slovak security Smer’s MPs did indeed state that they
ported. that the ministry has created saw a connection between Orbán’s
These funds are primarily an audit group that will check Smer MPs also are demanding that the Despite the fact that many observers policies toward the Hungarian minority
intended for the broadcaster's how funds granted in 2010 Slovak government bring the issue of vot- believe that the dual citizenship law, living in Slovakia and the law on minor-
own productions but RTVS is were used, adding that there ing rights in Hungary for ethnic Hungari- passed by the Orbán-led Hungarian gov- ity languages which parliament passed
also allowed to hire some ex- are indications that some ans living in Slovakia before European and ernment at the very start of its term, was into its second reading on April 5.
ternal contractors and make projects did not use the funds international forums. designed to twang Hungarian nationalist “On the one hand there is the attempt
some limited investments. efficiently and effectively. “If someone’s trying to threaten Slov- strings in order to divert attention from by Hungary to appropriate the citizens of
The ministry's spokes- “The 2011 amendment akia, if someone’s trying to bring their serious economic problems in Hungary, another country; on the other hand the
woman, Eva Chudinová, told came into existence after own problems and their own lust for they added that the law poses no threat Slovak parliament debates a law which at-
SITA that RTVS’s own produc- complicated negotiations by power to the territory of Slovakia, Slov- to Slovakia’s national security. tempts to close the Hungarian minority
tion will be 55 projects (560 both parties and, in spite of akia needs to take legitimate decisions,” “As long as we’ve got satisfied cit- into an even bigger language ghetto,” said
broadcasting hours) with ex- the current situation at RTVS Smer leader Robert Fico stated, adding izens, we’ve got nothing to worry about Smer MP Marek Maďarič in parliament.
ternal production of 10 caused by the former man- that his party wanted to convene parlia- at all,” political analyst Miroslav Kusý The amendment proposed by the
projects (19 hours) worth agement, we have to conclude ment “to remind the Slovak cabinet that told The Slovak Spectator. “After all, the Deputy Prime Minister for National
€500,000 permitted. that the 2011 amendment will they’ve got certain duties when it comes ethnic Hungarians living in Slovakia are Minorities and Human Rights, Rudolf
The Culture Ministry is provide for continuous to the protection of national interests”. better off than the Hungarians living in Chmel nominated by Most-Híd, would
also preparing a second grant production,” Chudinová Hungary and it is not in their interest to lower the threshold for official use of a
worth €8 million, SITA repor- stated, as quoted by SITA. Cabinet opposes session harm the country they live in.” minority language in a particular muni-
On the other hand, the political con- cipality from the current 20 percent of
Coalition leaders maintain that their sequences of having a large group of eth- the population to 15 percent. Under the
New rules for mayors’ salaries set handling of Slovak-Hungarian relations nic Hungarians living in Slovakia voting amendment, municipal councils in
is appropriate. At its April 6 meeting the in Hungarian elections could become a towns and villages with at least 15 per-
THE BASIC salary of mayors of stricts a mayor to severance cabinet expressed its clear disagreement problem, as it could nourish the nation- cent minority-language citizens would
towns and villages in Slovakia pay of only three monthly with Smer’s proposals and tasked Prime alism of the Slovak majority to be direc- be able to hold sessions in a minority
will be reduced by 10 percent salaries rather than the cur- Minister Iveta Radičová with sending a ted against the Hungarian minority, language if all participants agreed to do
and municipal councils will rent five salaries, and per- letter with the cabinet’s stance to the Mesežnikov said. so. Municipal offices would also be ob-
be prohibited from increasing mits severance pay only if a Speaker of Parliament. “If a real election campaign of Hun- liged to prepare forms and official docu-
their mayor’s salary by more mayor has been in office for All four coalition partners have pub- garian parties starts in Slovakia, the re- ments in the minority language as well
than 70 percent over the basic at least six months. lically spoken against Smer’s proposal action of the SNS [Slovak National Party] as the state language, and if requested,
amount, according to an The amendment will af- and stated that their MPs will not vote in or Smer will be very hard,” Mesežnikov would also be required to issue bilingual
amendment to the law on re- fect currently sitting may- favour of the extraordinary session initi- said, adding that Hungarian political birth, marriage and death certificates.
muneration of mayors of ors. Within 20 days of the ated by Smer. parties campaigning in southern Slov- Several political observers say Smer’s
towns and villages advanced amendment’s effective date, Political analysts commented that akia could offer a welcome excuse for the attempt to connect Orbán’s politics with
by the Freedom and Solidarity May 1, a municipal council Smer’s call for an extraordinary session SNS and Smer to inflame nationalist Slovakia’s amendment to its minority lan-
(SaS) party. Parliament passed must meet and approve a was intended only for its own political be- tendencies among Slovaks. guages law is a way to provoke anti-Hun-
the amendment on April 6, salary for its mayor within nefit, noting that being perceived in the garian sentiments, which they believe
the SITA newswire reported. the caps set by the amend- role of “defender of national interests” has Minority language debate affected helped Smer win votes in last year’s par-
MPs also removed from ment. SITA wrote that if this proved appealing to voters. liamentary elections. Kusý said making a
the current legislation the is not done, the mayor will Grigorij Mesežnikov, of the Institute The statements of the Hungarian change in the law on minority languages
option to award a monthly receive only the basic salary for Public Affairs (IVO), said that in reality prime minister have already had an im- has been a perennial demand from politi-
bonus to a mayor and re- defined by the law. Slovakia cannot influence whether ethnic pact on Slovak politics, Béla Bugár of the cians representing the Hungarian minor-
Hungarians living outside Hungary get governing Most-Híd party told Hungari- ity and it did not arrive in parliament as a
voting rights in Hungary or not, simply an public-service radio on April 6, ar- result of politics in Hungary.
Roma segregation criticised because the right to vote is part of state cit- guing that Orbán is worsening the situ- “Orbán’s politics are very problemat-
izenship. ation of the Hungarian minority living in ic but it is of no importance to him
THE HUMAN Rights Com- ment must fulfil its com- “It’s not possible to deprive a citizen Slovakia. Bugár said that Orbán’s state- whether Slovakia has the threshold for
mittee of the United Nations mitments under the Interna- of a state of his or her voting rights just ment about granting voting rights to speaking minority languages set at 10, 15
has called on Slovakia to end tional Covenant on Civil and because he or she lives somewhere else,” Hungarians in Slovakia had distracted or 20 percent,” Mesežnikov opined.
the segregation of Roma Political Rights, the TASR Mesežnikov told The Slovak Spectator, the attention of the Slovak public and In reality, a lowered threshold for of-
children in schools. The newswire reported. adding that some adjustments could be politicians from discussing the merits of ficial use of a minority language would af-
committee’s most recent set made in a voting rights law such as per- the amendment to the law on minority fect mostly municipalities with ethnic
of recommendations reiter- Compiled by Spectator staff mitting only those who are physically languages when it was debated by the Ruthenian and Roma minorities rather
ates that the Slovak govern- from press reports present on election day to vote. Slovak parliament. than those where ethnic Hungarians live.
NEWS April 11 – 17, 2011 3

'People have the right Combating

to understand verdicts' New website
launched to
Rights (FRA) reported that
LGBT persons are often dis-
criminated against and
might be targets of violent
monitor attacks.
Not all judges
homophobic The document states
realise the effect that homophobia often takes
incidents the form of statements that
their behaviour LGBT people should ‘heal’
has on the HOMOPHOBIC incidents their sexual orientation or
have been far from uncom- that homosexuality is an ill-
judiciary's image, mon in Slovakia in recent ness, but it also involves us-
minister says years. In an attempt to pre- ing swearwords against
vent them in the future, gay LGBT individuals or direct
rights advocates have now discrimination by refusing
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ launched a website where to hire a person because of
Spectator staff they can be reported. his or her sexual orientation.
The Inakosť civic associ- The document also gives as
ation, which works to pro- an example of institutional
IT IS NOT enough for judges to tect the rights of lesbian, discrimination a state’s re-
make independent, fair and gay, bisexual and trans- fusal to acknowledge homo-
unbiased decisions: they also gender (LGBT) individuals, sexual partnerships.
have to make sure that the launched its website, The authors state the
public perceives their actions, on most common causes of ho-
as such, and the way they act April 5 as a tool to report, mophobic behaviour are re-
outside as well as inside their monitor and prevent acts of ligious beliefs which reject
courtrooms contributes to homophobia in Slovakia. In- homosexuality and other
that perception, according to formation for victims of ho- forms of sexuality, but also
Lucia Žitňanská. Slovakia’s mophobic attacks and dis- note that the absence of or
minister of justice is an ad- crimination based on sexual rare social contact between
vocate of wider public over- orientation will be available the majority population and
sight of what happens behind on the website as well. LGBT people is also a factor.
the closed doors of the “Discrimination and at- “When you belong to the
country’s judiciary. tacks against this minority majority you feel like the
The Slovak Spectator must not be overlooked,” Ján whole world, all people, are
spoke to Žitňanská about the Benec of Inakosť said. like you or should be like
solution she envisions to ad- The website includes an you,” psychologist Hana
dress delays in court proceed- electronic form through Smitková wrote. “We know
ings, the perceived shortfall Justice Minister Lucia ŽItňanská Photo: Sme - Tomáš Benedikovič which incidents of homo- very little about people who
in judicial integrity and its phobia can be anonymously are in the minority, or are
consequences, the conduct of the judiciary to public control. of the given courts and reach remains somewhat reserved reported. The report can be “different”, we are not trying
disciplinary proceedings It involves publishing court for personnel changes only so that there are no doubts made by a person directly to understand them, we
within the judiciary, and decisions, open competitions when these are unavoidable. about his ability to make un- involved in a homophobic have got prejudices and we
planned changes to the for judicial positions, but also We are now getting closer to biased decisions. It seems that incident or by anyone else, are even afraid, just because
country’s prosecution sys- publication of statistics on the the point when these de- these issues do not have including friends or relat- we do not know them.”
tem, as well as changes to performance of courts so that cisions will come, but I want enough weight in our society. ives, or by witnesses to such The document noted that
improve the business envir- people can see which courts to make sure that the steps of an incident. there are negative con-
onment in Slovakia. perform better and which un- the ministry cannot be TSS: Observers, including Inakosť promises to sequences of homophobia
derperform. After all, the doubted in any way. foreign diplomats, have of- monitor the reported incid- for the heterosexual major-
The Slovak Spectator (TSS): truth isn’t black and white: ten stressed that if a system ents and will encourage ity as well, stating that it
Foreign investors and the there are courts that are mak- TSS: You have started using is perceived by the public as state bodies, the police, leads, for instance, to pre-
diplomatic community have ing decisions pretty fast and the expression “integrity” corrupt this is equally bad Slovakia’s ombudsman or mature sexual activity by
been expressing concern there are ones that proceed more often than some of for the system as is actual others to provide timely and teenagers who want to prove
over the low level of public very slowly, and we will focus your predecessors. corruption. Isn’t public appropriate help to a victim in that way to their peers
confidence in the judiciary, on those courts. LŽ: Integrity is an expres- trust underestimated by of homophobia. and themselves that they are
as well as the problem of sion which has not been used some members of the judi- A November 2010 docu- “normal”.
corruption. What tools can TSS: Changing the rules that frequently in Slovakia. ciary? ment on discrimination and
change this situation? How cannot always resolve spe- Yet I believe that it is very im- LŽ: It is a similar threat as homophobia prepared by the By Michaela Terenzani
can internal corruption be cific people’s lack of integ- portant since not only the dir- when a corrupt environment EU Agency for Fundamental with press reports
weeded out of the judiciary? rity. Do you also plan some ectly provable corruption but actually exists. Trust is an ab-
Lucia Žitňanská (LŽ): personnel changes? also the way particular heads solute basis of the relation-
Sometimes, the problem is LŽ: I haven’t yet carried ship between the citizen and
viewed within the judiciary as out fundamental reshuffles the judiciary. If trust is ab-
something artificially pro- because I have to ensure that Integrity sent, then people do not view
duced by vicious politicians, it is absolutely obvious that all is an expression even the fair decisions as be-
diplomats or perhaps busi- the steps the Justice Ministry ing fair, which is a dangerous
nesses who simply do not un- is taking are completely legit- which has not been phenomenon for the func-
derstand how the judiciary imate. Thus first I want to un- used that frequently tioning of democracy as such.
works. I am convinced that it cover the conditions within Then, the tendency for people
is important to start openly the judiciary and show differ- in Slovakia. to start trying to solve their
addressing the issue and quite ences between the perform- problems through means oth-
clearly express that the situ- ances of certain courts. I will er than the courts can emerge,
ation isn’t caused by politi- then pay special attention to Lucia Žitňanská which is equally dangerous
cians who do not like the judi- the courts which aren’t work- for society. Thirdly, there can
ciary, but rather by concrete ing in the way they should. In also be economic con-
experiences that people actu- courts where procrastination of courts are behaving is prob- sequences from the lack of
ally have with the judiciary. is frequent and the state often lematic. It is not only about confidence of the public in the
People who lose trials have has to reimburse affected cit- judges deciding independ- judiciary since the country
the right to understand the izens it is completely legitim- ently and without bias but might start losing out on in-
verdicts so that they are able ate to demand that the presid- also whether they are doing vestments. Judges sometimes
to accept them. ent of the court explains the their best so that their acts suggest that I should start
We have started talking delays and sets out what he and behaviour are viewed as talking positively about the
about conditions within the has done to change the situ- such. In Slovakia, not all top judiciary so that its image im-
judiciary and are attempting ation. If the court president is judges realise what con- proves. But that is not a job for
to obtain the truth about its unable to provide the answers sequences their behaviour can the justice minister. [The
state. The Justice Ministry then I will have to take action. have on the overall perception judiciary’s image] is more de-
has already prepared a pack- I try to avoid political de- of the judiciary. It is perhaps pendent on how judges them-
age of measures, which has cisions and instead want to important that a judge re- selves behave on a daily basis.
already been passed by par- make only decisions that can strains from hanging out with
liament, intended to open up be supported by the condition the local ‘high society’ and See LŽ pg 8 Bratislava's first Pride event was in 2010. Photo: Tibor Somogyi
4 April 11 – 17, 2011 BUSINESS / NEWS

LEVY: Self-employed may face tax rise

Continued from pg 1 a consequence of concessions
to the self-employed and con-
The plan proposes to tract workers.”
lessen the tax burden by one Kičina agreed that the
Opposition fails to halt privatisation percent in each of the four up- proposal will finally bring
coming years if public fin- more transparency and sim-
OPPOSITION MPs from the coalition countered that it will ances improve in line with plify the tax system while the
Smer party have failed to per- soon be necessary for someone the government’s mid-term incentive to replace standard
suade parliament to stop to invest large sums in im- budget projections, the min- employment contracts with
privatisation of six state- proving the heating plants istry stated in its statement. agreements with self-em-
owned central heating com- and that since heat prices are Slovenský Živnostenský ployed persons will decrease
panies. On April 6, only 69 of regulated by Slovakia’s Office Zväz (SŽZ), an association of and for these reasons he
147 MPs voted in favour of a for Regulation of Network In- self-employed trade and craft views the proposed reforms
Smer amendment to the law dustries (ÚRSO) there is no workers, said that it can sup- positively.
governing conditions for reason for concern about price port the technical side of the Kičina estimated that the
transfer of state assets, too few hikes, SITA reported. proposal since its measures proposed changes will result
to move the proposal to a During the parliamentary would significantly reduce in a self-employed person
second reading, the SITA debate Smer leader Robert Fico administrative burdens on with monthly income in the
newswire reported. reminded Prime Minister Iv- self-employed persons, but it range of €350 to €600 and
Smer argued that the price eta Radičová of her pre-elec- nevertheless enumerated monthly expenses not ex-
paid by residents of these cit- tion promise to not privatise several objections to the over- ceeding 40 percent of their
ies for centrally-produced heat strategic companies and all proposal. Self-employed tradesmen may soon pay higher taxes. Photo: SME income paying more in taxes.
would increase after privatisa- charged that the SŽZ does not agree with “Considering the huge dif-
tion, saying this has been the government’s current move scrapping the 40-percent per- years ago, the association more in income taxes,” SŽZ’s ference between the average
usual scenario after privatisa- toward privatisation was “an sonal allowance that self-em- wrote, saying this change release stated. taxes and payroll levies of
tion of what the party called election fraud against the ployed persons can deduct would bring higher taxes. The SŽZ also objected that employees and the self-em-
strategic energy companies. citizens”. from their tax base for busi- “We understand the need those who are self-employed ployed, I evaluate this meas-
Smer also argued that The sale of Slovakia's six ness expenses, the association for reform, but a detailed will not be able to include ure positively,” Kičina told
dividends received by the heating companies is due to wrote in a release provided to analysis of the impacts is ne- payroll levies in their ex- The Slovak Spectator. “Never-
state from the heating start in the second half of 2011. The Slovak Spectator by Viola cessary along with clarifying penses. A firm which employs theless, I am negative about
plants' profits have not been Cities where the plants are Kromerová of SŽZ. The associ- other technical details and people is allowed to have the radical change in the per-
negligible. located are to get 5 percent of ation wrote that the lump proposed measures,” wrote these payroll levies included sonal allowance for business
MPs from the governing the shares for free. sum deduction for self-em- SŽZ. as part of its expenses, the as- expenses. I would have ex-
ployed persons had already sociation added. pected a gradual decrease
been reduced in 2011 from 60 The plan and concerns The head of OKS, Peter Za- within a 2 to 3 year transition
Quality of Slovak urban life assessed percent to 40 percent. jac, said his party remains period. After all, even if this
“We cannot agree with The Finance Ministry unconvinced about the allowance had been kept,
ONLY 23 percent of Slovaks culture and nightlife, two further cuts and cannot look stated that considerable ad- coalition’s agreement on tax many self-employed would
are happy with the quality of areas in which respondents at the possibility of claiming vantages are being proposed reform, stating that the basic still pay more.”
life in their cities, with 63 did not see a need for im- expenses up to the subsist- for the self-employed, saying principle that OKS has been As for the risks of the pro-
percent perceiving the qual- provement. However, more ence minimum, which is that the minimum social and pushing – to make the whole posed tax reform plan, Kičina
ity to be just standard, ac- than half of respondents re- €190 per month, as a health insurance payments, system simpler and more said he sees two: “First, politi-
cording to a recent survey ported feeling an acute need substitute,” said SŽZ in its of- which are currently paid by transparent – seems to have cians might fail to reach
conducted by the AKO agency for improvement in health ficial statement. “Switching 80 percent of the self-em- been fulfilled, but the party agreement and the reform
via telephone in March 2011. care, public transport, roads, to bookkeeping [to deduct ployed, should decrease from remains opposed to increas- will not go through; and
“The most important parking, living expenses, per- business expenses] brings the €160 per month now to ing the tax burden for the secondly, the radical cancella-
factors in judging the attract- sonal safety and housing along an increase in addi- less than €140. The ruling co- self-employed. tion of the personal allowance
iveness of a city are its envir- prices. tional expenses, for example alition also stated that social “The reform should have for business expenses might
onment, safety, access to The survey also found that for hiring an accountant,” insurance payments will be been neutral in terms of the either force the self-employed
health care, cleanliness and 60 percent of those surveyed the association added. set at 13 percent and health budget, which means that it to end their businesses or mo-
waste management,” said Lu- were born in the city where SŽZ also takes issues with insurance premiums would should have not increased the tivate them that instead of
cia Ftáčniková of AKO when they currently reside, which the proposal to further re- be set at 9 percent. overall tax and payroll levy paying high taxes and payroll
presenting the survey results, Ftáčniková said indicates the duce the level of non-taxable “Publishing that the self- burden,” said Robert Kičina, levies they will hire a
the TASR newswire wrote. low mobility of many Slovaks. earnings since this amount employed will save money on executive director of the ‘creative’ accountant who will
Ftáčniková said Slovak was cut in 2011 from their payroll levies is nice, but Business Alliance of Slovakia be able to shape their tax basis
urban dwellers are mainly Compiled by Spectator staff €4,024.70 to €3,559.30, re- one has to add also the fact (PAS). “There could be a mod- in a way so that they pay even
happy with shopping, and from press reports turning to its level from two that in the end they will pay erate drop in the tax burden as less than they did so far.”

DEFICIT: EU transfers helped drive rise in state revenues

Continued from pg 1 eration the policies of the cabinet, it is possible to observe that Ďurana told The Slovak Spectator, adding that tax revenues at
the state’s plan to save on basic expenditures in the operation the beginning of the year are also influenced by various side
Vaňo pointed out that the monthly results in terms of cumu- of the state is being met. These decreased by more than 6 per- effects, such as Christmas and pre-stocking and that as result
lative shortfalls present a rather volatile picture for the first cent year-on-year; and after taking into consideration the in- he would not want to make any early assessment. “Attention
three months of the year: at the end of January, the budget crease in prices [the figure] was even higher.” should be paid to collection of VAT, which has been occurring
shortfall was worse than a year before, after February it was less Analysts see the lower expenditure and, on the other hand, at a slower pace.”
than half of the 2010 result, and after the first three months the the more significant increase in revenue as lying behind the According to Ďurana, the Finance Ministry forecasts that
result was one third better than it was last year. slowdown in the growth of the deficit. by the end of 2011 an extra €814 million should have been col-
“Purely from a managerial viewpoint, such wide gyrations in “Narrowing of the first-quarter deficit by one third was a lected compared to 2010.
any quantifiable results could cast doubt on whether the process result of a 9.6-percent increase in quarterly revenues compared “Alongside this, taking data from the Finance Ministry,
under consideration is under control,” said Vaňo. with the same period a year ago and an annual decrease in expenditure by the state should decrease by €700 million,”
Expenditure during the first quarter of 2011 amounted to budget expenditures by 2.5 percent compared to the same peri- said Ďurana. “This is certainly positive when compared with
€3.407 billion and was 2.5 percent lower than during the same od last year,” Vaňo said, pointing out that the quarterly collec- the previous cabinet of Robert Fico. On the other hand, the
period of 2010, according to the Finance Ministry. It stated that tion of revenues amounted to only 20.9 percent of the full-year cabinet in 2011 has to face higher expenditure linked to the
expenditure was affected by compulsory items which do not re- target. “A closer look at the domestic sources of state budget state debt and subsidies to the social security provider. After
flect the real policies of the government. After removing items revenues causes eyebrows to be raised even further. Total tax taking into consideration these factors, the contribution of
like repayment of state debt, coverage of the deficit of social se- revenues for the first three months of the year were down by taxpayers is significant. To ascribe the drop especially to sav-
curity provider Sociálna Poisťovňa, and other items, the Fin- 0.5 percent compared with the same period a year ago.” ings would be inadequate.”
ance Ministry calculated the basic budget expenditure as being This, according to Vaňo, means that the development of the Vaňo sees fulfilment of the budget plan as being well on
€2.059 billion, down 6.2 percent year-on-year. Meanwhile, rev- major domestic tax revenue sources in the first three months of track.
enues rose by one tenth year-on-year to €2.752 billion. Trans- the year merits increased attention, at the very least. “As long as the risks of revenue shortfalls in some of the
fers from the EU were the main driving force behind the in- Arady agreed that from the viewpoint of budget revenues, major revenue items are accompanied by timely and com-
crease: receipts from this source increased by two thirds year- tax revenues have not fulfilled expectations so far. But these mensurate expenditure restraints, fulfilment of the budget
on-year. Tax revenues remained roughly at last year’s level, ac- may be affected by several factors, for example pre-stocking, a seems to be well on track,” said Vaňo. “But still the question
cording to the Finance Ministry. time shift in transfers of payments, or by a reduction in con- remains whether the looming revenue shortfalls are only
“The state budget closed the first quarter of 2011, when sumption, he said. temporary in nature or whether they might suggest a men-
compared with the same period of 2010, relatively well,” VÚB According to Radovan Ďurana of the INESS economic acing trend that would require additional cost-cutting ini-
Banka analyst Andrej Arady told The Slovak Spectator. “It is think tank, three months are too short a period on which to tiatives.
possible to say that the drop in the deficit can also be ascribed to base an evaluation of the year-end deficit.
austerity measures adopted by the cabinet. From the viewpoint “Details of expenditures are known so far only for Febru- To read the whole article,
of expenditures, omitting items which do not take into consid- ary 2011 and this is too little to make a proper assessment,” please go to
OPINION / NEWS April 11 – 17, 2011 5
“One should live in such a way that
one could be wire-tapped every day.” Kissed or cursed by Muses?
Speaker of Parliament Richard Sulík comments on further allegations by opposition IF THERE had been a Muse of squirming in uncertainty Slota “revealed” that
SNS MP Igor Štefanov that several MPs and ministers are being wire-tapped. politics she might have been over whether they could trust Spišiak had once worked as a
responsible for the antics of their own MPs to cast ballots mere elevator operator and
Smer boss Robert Fico, who in for the coalition's candidate. then went on to allege that

Koncesie early April along with some

long-time nationalist enter-
tainers from the Slovak Na-
Moreover, Prime Minister
Iveta Radičová has not with-
drawn her statement that she
Spišiak had caused traffic ac-
cidents in 2000 and 2004
while driving under the in-
Never mind, said Sulík, we’re tional Party (SNS), showered would resign if Trnka were re- fluence of alcohol. Slota then
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD in government now and can
achieve our goals even
the Slovak public with a
stream of bombshell state-
selected and that, coupled called on the police president
to explain his past conduct.
Special to the Spectator
without a plebiscite. Conces- ments. Anyone who has seen a few of

sion fees could supposedly not Moreover, Fico started a Slota’s alcohol-induced public
GREAT men often enter public be gotten rid of right away due blog on the webpage of the appearances in the past will
life to fight for a great cause. to the dire state of the public Sme daily – a newspaper that find this “revelation” more
Nelson Mandela fought finances, but 2011 was to be had always been one of the than amusing.
apartheid, Václav Havel their last year. targets of his acid criticism of Štefanov’s tales of eaves-
communism. And Slovak par- That is true no more, and the media. He assumed a dropping by the Interior Min-
liamentary speaker Richard they will go on for at least an- gregarious smile on the blog istry do have the potential to
Sulík concession fees (kon- other year. Why? For the same and while calling readers make the Slovak public
cesie). He started his crusade reason that Sulík found so ap- “honoured friends” ex- nervous, and if the allega-
against the fees, which are palling just three years ago – plained with a good- tions had come from a more
used to finance public broad- lack of money. tempered voice why he so credible source there might
casters, in 2008, when the In keeping the fees SaS is vehemently objects to the be much stronger pressure
government introduced a going against its primary and ruling coalition’s decision to for additional explanation.
plan to make them mandatory core agenda. Whatever argu- change the parliamentary Štefanov most recently went
for all those who pay electri- ment Sulík might try to come procedure used to select as far as to say that what he
city bills, including busi- passed, Sulík initiated a na- up with, he has already ri- Slovakia’s general prosecutor called illegal eavesdropping
nesses and households with tional referendum on scrap- diculed it in his early political from a secret ballot to a re- should worry even a minister
no TV sets or radios. ping the fees, to which he days. What’s the reason for corded, public ballot. in the Radičová government.
In a blog Sulík explained only later added further ques- his drastic turnaround? Fico had even dramatically Another piece of Fico-
that “basic values such as tions. And it took almost an- It could be that the SaS cried out in parliament that
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ theatre called the “Hungari-
justice and solidarity played other year before he an- boss never cared about the the ruling coalition would be
Spectator staff an scare” was performed
no role in drafting the law”, nounced that he was launch- fees that much, and that they breaking the neck of demo- when parliament rejected a
“its creators cared only for ing a party – Freedom and just served to provide him cracy by making the change. with Fico’s hopes fuelled by special session to censure
money” and stressed that the Solidarity (SaS). with public recognition. Or “Yes, if the ruling coalition an opinion poll that found Hungarian Prime Minister
law was “prepared by Last fall he got his refer- maybe Sulík has finally un- had announced the change Smer could form a new gov- Viktor Orbán for his decision
dilettantes”. endum, which was ruled in- derstood what politics is all from a secret ballot to a public ernment without a partner, to grant voting rights to eth-
After the legislation valid due to low voter turnout. about - concessions. vote at the beginning of its rule means nothing would please nic Hungarians living bey-
or before the first vote for gen- Fico more than a serious crisis ond Hungary’s borders. Smer
eral prosecutor I could hardly in the sitting government. arrived with Hungarian flags
have opposed it even though SNS boss Ján Slota and his at parliament – potentially
the secret ballot is the greatest one-time expert for quirky making SNS turn green with
privilege of democracy,” Fico tenders, Igor Štefanov, have envy, or fear, that Fico had
wrote on his blog. been feeding the media with just stolen the SNS’s main
If Fico had never tailored wild stories and comedic role on the political stage:
a single piece of legislation to “information” which is sup- holding back the looming
suit his own political ambi- posed to “uncover” the true Hungarian menace.
tions or if he had never al- character of the country’s In- Neither Smer nor the
lowed his ruling coalition terior Minister, Daniel SNS can bury their less-
buddies to twist rules and Lipšic, and Police President than-illustrious political
regulations to benefit those Jaroslav Spišiak. histories and their current
of their own kith and kin, While only a very small modi operandi in the polit-
then perhaps his concern for group of people is likely to at- ical arena are nothing more
the ‘neck of democracy’ tribute any credibility to than deceitful theatrics that
would appear more genuine. Slota and Štefanov, their ef- radiate the suspicion that
Fico’s outcry would also forts seem quite meretricious these parties are seeking
be more plausible if he would since they only began broad- something other than their
not benefit from keeping the casting their “revelations” declared goals – the same
vote secret. With the secret after Lipšic announced that charge that Fico has been
ballot preserved, Fico might Štefanov would bear legal trying to hang on the ruling
see past prosecutor Dobroslav scrutiny for the infamous coalition in connection
Trnka re-elected for another bulletin-board tender that with changing the voting
seven-year term as well as the clearly benefited companies method to select the general
Normal service will resume shortly. Photo: Sme - Tomáš Benedikovič leaders of the ruling coalition friendly to Slota. prosecutor.

SPY: KDH, Most-Híd express doubts

Continued from pg 2 as quoted by the TASR If Stano turns out to be now makes up the ruling co- J ÁN PAL LO - Publisher
newswire. unacceptable as a joint can- alition, because of his alleged
“The KDH [Christian Another coalition party, didate of the coalition part- links to the communist EDITORIAL
B E ATA B AL O G OVÁ - Editor - In - Chief
Democratic Movement] has Most-Híd, said it does not ners, SaS has stated that it is secret service. J AM E S THO M S O N - Assistant Editor
got a serious problem with mind Stano’s work for the SIS ready to offer other candid- Now, nine months after D O NAL D S PATZ - Assistant Editor
the proposed candidate, since per se, but does have reserva- ates. the change in political power, J ANA L IP TÁKOVÁ - Staff Writer
M IC H AE LA TER ENZANI - Staff Writer
he worked at the SIS in the tions about the fact that Stano some in the media have noted ZUZANA V IL IKOVS K Á - Staff Writer
period when Ivan Lexa was worked for the analytical de- Problematic NBÚ head that Blanárik remained in his D O M INIK A UH R ÍKOVÁ - Staff Writer
its director,” KDH spokesper- partment of the SIS under post even though the leaders LAYOUT, WEB & IT
son Matej Kováč told The Ivan Lexa, party spokesper- The top position at the of SaS had boasted that their TATIANA ŠTR AUC HOVÁ - Graphic Designer
Slovak Spectator. son Nora Czuczorová told The NBÚ has proved problematic party does not accept former R O M AN K R Á Ľ - IT
TO M Á Š PAL L O - Online Publishing
He added that the party Slovak Spectator. The party is in the past as well. The credib- communists as members.
will share its final decision now gathering more informa- ility of the bureau was On March 7 Blanárik an- SALES - FINANCES
about the nomination at the tion, but its future support for brought into question after nounced his resignation, stat- B EATA F OJ TÍKOVÁ - Sales Executive
M AR TINA Š M ATL ÁKOVÁ - PR and Marketing Manager
coalition partners’ next meet- Stano is questionable. Blanárik was reported to have ing that he did not intend to M AR TA F UK AS OVÁ - Advertising Assistant
ing. According to the agree- The fourth party in the been an agent in the com- become a victim of political TO M ÁŠ K EL L EY - Circulation Manager
ment between the four governing coalition, the Slov- munist-era counter-intelli- gamesmanship. Neverthe-
The Slovak Spectator is an independent newspaper published every Monday by The Rock, s.r.o.
parties, the SaS gets to nom- ak Democratic and Christian gence service. less, he is expected to contin- Subscriptions: Inquiries should be made to The Slovak Spectator’s business office at (+421-2) 59 233 300.
Printing: Petit Press a.s. Distribution: Interpress Slovakia s.r.o., Mediaprint-kapa s.r.o., Slovenská po‰ta a.s.
inate the head of the NBÚ, but Union (SDKÚ) stated that it Blanárik, who was ap- ue to lead the NBÚ until the Mail Distribution: ABOPRESS. EV 544/08. © 2010 The Rock, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Any reproduction
the KDH said that it is ready will not comment about pointed by the previous rul- end of April. The NBÚ is an in whole or in part without permission is prohibited by law. The authors of articles published in this issue,
represented by the publisher, reserve the right to give their approval for reproducing and public transmission
to propose candidates too. Stano’s nomination before ing coalition led by Robert important component of of articles marked ©The Slovak Spectator, as well as for the public circulation of reproductions of these articles,
in compliance with the 33rd article and 1st paragraph of the Copyright Law. Media monitoring is provided
“We are ready to offer the next meeting of the Coali- Fico’s Smer party, garnered Slovakia’s power structure by Newton, IT, SMA and Slovakia Online with the approval of the publisher. Advertising material contained herein
serious candidates,” said tion Council scheduled for much criticism from parts of because it has the authority is the responsibility of the advertiser and is not a written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such
commercial enterprises or ventures by The Slovak Spectator or The Rock s.r.o. ISSN 1335-9843.
Ján Figeľ, the party’s chair, April 11. the then-opposition, which to issue security clearances. Address: The Rock, s.r.o., Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava. IâO: 313 86 237.
6 April 11 – 17, 2011

Law firms face BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:
some special rules

AmCham calls for further


Still waiting for results Institutions, organisations and

useful links related to Slovak law
Ministry of Justice
Minister: Lucia Žitňanská
value added tax to 20 percent
Firms and were the most negatively per-
entrepreneurs ceived changes,” Kičina said. Slovak Bar Association
Even though most of the - an independent, self-governing professional
call for new laws are regarded posit- organisation with about 4,100 attorneys and 1,220
improvement ively, Kičina said that this has trainees as members.
not translated into signific-
of the business antly greater optimism about
environment the business environment. Chamber of Notaries
“The development of the - a self-governing professional organisation represent-
in Slovakia Business Environment Index ing notaries in Slovakia. Its mission is to protect the
indicates that the new cabin- interests of members, supervise their activities, and
et of Iveta Radičová has not perform additional functions as required by law.
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ persuaded businesspeople so
Spectator staff far,” said Kičina, who
ascribes this effect to the Public Defender – Ombudsman
weak ‘fighting power’ of the Pavel Kandráč was elected Public Defender of Rights by
EVEN though the govern- cabinet and a lack of clarity the Slovak Parliament on March 19, 2002, becoming the
ment of Iveta Radičová, over reforms in the pipeline, country’s first ombudsman; he was re-elected to
which took power after last especially changes to com- another five-year term on January 30, 2007.
June’s parliamentary elec- pulsory contributions.
tions, has already adopted Richard Ďurana, the dir-
several new laws designed to Ministers say they want to help businesses. Photo: TASR ector of the economic think Elektronická zbierka zákonov
improve the business envir- tank INESS, agrees that - The electronic collection of the text of Slovak laws
onment in Slovakia, firms say 2010 positively,” Róbert Minister Lucia Žitňanská are changes so far have not (only in Slovak).
they have yet to see any signi- Kičina, the executive director also high and businesspeople brought any significant im-
ficant improvement and still of the Slovak Business Alli- also rate positively the efforts provement in the business
face repeated obstacles when ance (PAS) told The Slovak to open up the judiciary to environment.
doing business. They are call- Spectator. “The introduction greater public supervision,” “We are still waiting for Some major law firms in Slovakia
ing for improvement of the of the duty to publish on the Kičina said. changes that might make
present low enforceability of internet contracts involving On the opposite side of the doing business simpler,” Allen & Overy Bratislava,
laws, a reduction in red tape, the state has had the biggest ranking are changes in laws said Ďurana. bnt – Sovova Chudáčková & Partner,
an improvement in the lag- positive response.” related to taxes and compuls- Attempting to describe Čechová & Partners,
ging education system, and – And businesses reacted ory contributions. the Slovak business envir- Futej & Partners,
especially – the eradication of positively to the programme “Changes in health insur- onment, Ďurana used a Hagyari, Kubovič & Partners,
corruption. that the Radičová govern- ance premiums, flowing from comparison with other Havel & Holásek,
“Businesspeople assess ment set out for its four-year the new duty to pay contribu- European countries. Kinstellar,
most of the laws adopted after term. tions from profit sharing, and Peterka & Partners,
the parliamentary election in “Expectations of Justice the amendment increasing See CODE pg 12 Ružička Csekes,
White & Case,

New legislation in the spotlight For additional law firms, please see the Book of Lists,
published by The Slovak Spectator

The Slovak Spectator (TSS): Which sion of collective agreements to employ-

were the most significant laws en- ers who are not party to them, previously Recent legislation approved by MPs
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ acted in Slovakia last year? perceived as an adverse step against em-
Spectator staff Ľubomír Leško (ĽL): The main influ- ployers and employment in Slovakia. Slovak legislators closed the 16th session of the current
ence in 2010 was from the parliamentary Laws of greater impact that are cur- parliament on April 6. During 10 discussion days they
election, which affected the adoption of rently being prepared include amend- agreed, among other things, to hold a public vote to select
LAST YEAR saw multiple elections in new laws. In enterprise, the Trade Licens- ments to tax, social security and health the next general prosecutor and to reduce the salaries of
Slovakia, among which the general elec- ing Act was considerably amended by re- insurance contributions and a new Build- mayors of towns and villages, as well as adopting a
tion was undoubtedly the most import- pealing concessions and introducing the ing Act. In employment, a major revision to the University Act introducing obligatory
ant. The pre-election campaigning and possibility to take all steps required to es- amendment to the Labour Code is being tuition fees for all part-time students as of the next
jockeying among political parties likely tablish a company in only one place. Re- drafted, which will introduce changes to academic year, the TASR newswire wrote.
had an effect on the quantity of legisla- gistering companies (or changes related to some major conditions such as working Parliament dealt with two drafts in fast-track
tion advanced by legislators in the Slovak them) with the commercial registries has time, the probationary period and the no- proceedings. The first amended the Act on Electronic
parliament. Nevertheless, a considerable also been slightly simplified by enabling tice period. Communications, introducing fees for extension of
number of new laws or significant deeds to be served in electronic form. Un- Juraj Gyarfáš (JG) and Martin Magál mobile operators’ licences; and the second – through
amendments were enacted that are der a contract concluded between the Min- (MM): We regard the amendment intro- which the government responded to the financial
already having an impact on Slovak soci- istry of Justice and the Chamber of Notar- ducing obligatory publishing of contracts situation at the biggest, state-owned health insurer,
ety. The Slovak Spectator asked five local ies, it has been possible since July 2010 for (Act No. 546/2010 Coll.) and the Act on Všeobecná Zdravotná Poisťovňa – postponed the
law firms to comment on what they see a notary to obtain extracts from the Com- Services in the Internal Market (Act No. application of tighter regulations regarding the liquidity
as having been the most significant legis- mercial Register. The procedure should be 136/2010 Coll.) as the most important le- of health insurers until the second half of 2012. The next
lation adopted last year or early this year. cheaper, more accessible and faster than it gislation adopted last year. parliamentary session will start on May 17.
Though the attorneys at the law currently is at the registry courts. Peter Kubovič: In the field of con- Compiled by Spectator staff
firms had wide-ranging lists, the amed- The former government of Robert Fico sumer protection there was an important
ments to the Act on Public Procurement adopted the new Act on Consumer Credit Act on Consumer Credit (Act No.
and to the Civil Code, the latter requiring and the Act on Unfair Terms in Commer- 129/2010) enacted in 2010, which trans-
publication of public contracts, were of- cial Relations between Customers and posed the related EU directive from 2008.
ten cited as significant changes. Suppliers of Goods, which are groceries. The importance of this act lays in refin-
The Slovak Spectator spoke to These acts impose additional obligations ing the method for calculation of the an-
Ľubomír Leško, attorney at law at Peter- on entrepreneurs. nual costs percentage, in tightening
ka & Partners, attorneys Juraj Gyarfáš Important laws adopted by the 2010 sanctions for incorrectly calculated an-
and Martin Magál from Allen & Overy Slovak Parliament include the amend- nual costs percentage which is disad-
Bratislava, Peter Kubovič, managing ment to the Act on Value Added Tax vantageous to a consumer, and in setting
partner at Hagyari, Kubovič & Partners, which has temporarily increased VAT to obligations for each intermediary in con-
attorney Ján Azud from Ružička Csekes, 20 percent. The Act on Collective Bargain- sumer credit to meet the conditions re-
and attorney Vladimír Kordoš from So- ing has also been amended, removing the quired of financial agents.
vova Chudáčková & Partner about recent possibility for the Ministry of Labour, So-
legislation enacted in Slovakia. cial Affairs and Family to force the exten- See SURVEY pg 9 The main chamber of the Slovak Parliament. Photo: TASR
LEGAL VIEW April 11 – 17, 2011 7



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8 April 11 – 17, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

LŽ: Public is a strong tool Law firms face

some special rules
Continued from pg 3
i.e. if conditions for the op-
TSS: A recently published BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ eration of law firms were to
statistic suggests that last Spectator staff be liberalised. In this direc-
year the state had to pay out tion it is possible to consider
damages of €1,112,000 based the ‘generational’ change in
on the rulings of the Consti- WHILE law firms in Slovakia the leadership of the Slovak
tutional Court, and that do not see major differences Bar Association that took
most of the money went to in the conditions under place last year as a positive
reimbursement for court which they operate com- and promising signal.
delays. How will the min- pared to other European Lucia Plaváková: The
istry solve this problem? Is countries, it is still possible conditions for the operation
this phenomenon specific to to observe some variances, of law firms in Slovakia do
Slovakia? for example in the rules that not significantly differ from
LŽ: Based on the informa- apply to the advertising of those set in other European
tion I have, all countries legal services. To get the countries; however, there
which have been through views of practising lawyers are some differences. Usu-
transition from a communist about the conditions under ally, several principles are
regime to a new system, which they operate The applied in relation to which
which also requires an inde- Slovak Spectator spoke to there exist some singularit-
pendent judiciary, have had Peter Kubovič, managing ies between different
problems with court procras- partner of Hagyari, Kubovič European countries. These
tination. These problems are & Partners, Lucia Plaváková emerge from the essential
very similar. As far as I know, Minister Žitňanská is leading reform of the judiciary. Photo: Sme - Gabriel Kuchta from Ružička Csekes, Juraj conditions for operation of
in Poland procrastination is Gyarfáš and Martin Magál law firms in Slovakia when
generally worse than in Slov- TSS: Over the past couple of public views them. Even in this legislation everything from Allen & Overy Bratis- compared to other European
akia. Then, there are coun- years foreign diplomats today, if I sometimes object that works well in practice. lava, Ľubomír Leško, attor- countries: method/form of
tries which have had per- started visiting some of the to some judges this is because Yet we see the actual process ney at law at Peterka & Part- advocacy practice; capital
manent problems with pro- judicial disciplinary pro- I do not view these judges preceding public procure- ners, and attorney Vladimír participation or personal
crastination, such as Italy, ceedings. How did you view apolitically, as being com- ment as being problematic: Kordoš from Sovova participation; and limitation
and countries where this the presence of diplomats pletely free of links to certain in this process it is the state Chudáčková & Partner. of competitive practices.
problem is essentially non-ex- in the court rooms? political parties. that actually decides whether With regards to the
istent. It has to do with the LŽ: Disciplinary proceed- the state administration ac- The Slovak Spectator: Do method/form of advocacy
legal culture in the given ings are justified if some TSS: You have said that in tually needs the procurement conditions for the opera- practice, in accordance with
country. Before the Velvet Re- judges are not fulfilling their order to increase public and whether public funds are tion of law firms in Slov- Slovak law an advocate may
volution there was almost no duties, but the principles of confidence in the judiciary being effectively used. We akia differ from those that practice advocacy as a self-
court procrastination, but application must be clearly it will also be necessary to want to prevent the possibil- apply abroad? If so, could employed person, in associ-
after 1990 the legislation defined. Disciplinary pro- shine more light on the ity of tailoring public pro- you specify how? ation with other lawyers, or
changed dramatically and the ceedings should not be used prosecution process. How curement for the needs of one Peter Kubovič: Condi- as a partner in a general
courts were suddenly, within selectively: applied by the do you plan to do this? particular entity, because the tions for the operation of law partnership, limited part-
two or three years, flooded court chairman or minister LŽ: We are proposing the greatest frauds are happen- firms differ not only when nership or limited liability
with different type of prob- in certain cases, while omit- same principles for the judi- ing right at the beginning. comparing Slovakia with company. In addition to spe-
lems: commercial disputes, ted in others. The main prob- ciary as well: publishing de- abroad but also when com- cific differences in the gen-
restitution and then huge lem of past proceedings was cisions, whenever the de- TSS: The draft revision to paring it with individual eral company law regula-
disputes pertaining to the that they were applied select- cision of the prosecutor is fi- the Penal Code introduces foreign countries. In terms tions there are no funda-
privatisation process. At that ively and thus evoked con- nal. Prosecutors should be se- criminal responsibility for of the environment for oper- mentally significant differ-
time the capacity of the cerns that such proceedings lected in a transparent com- public officials in the case ation of law offices it is pos- ences between individual
courts wasn’t strengthened. might be used as a tool of in- petition while top prosec- of large damages caused by sible to identify two basic European countries. It can
Also, the system wasn’t able ternal corruption or a process utors, regional or district negligence. When do you approaches – liberal and con- be generally concluded that
to produce the missing judges by which the judiciary could ones, should serve for limited plan to submit a draft law servative (traditional), the standard methods/forms
overnight, since judges had to be taken over by the justice terms. The prosecution au- which would introduce ma- whose application or dom- of advocacy practice include
become familiar with the new minister or, unfortunately, thorities in Slovakia are still terial responsibility for inance fundamentally af- the option to act individually
legislation. We have faced even the Judicial Council. like a small state within a public officials? fects the framework for ren- as a self-employed person, in
this problem since then. Thus diplomats and also the state. Interestingly, while LŽ: It is a sensitive issue dering legal services. Be- association with other ad-
The moment when we third sector used the legitim- politicians and the public do because material responsibil- cause in Slovakia the con- vocates, and the possibility
started being able to achieve ate tool of public access to not fear the introduction of ity does not concern only servative approach to legal of advocacy practice via a
more balance occurred these proceedings and went transparency into the judi- politicians in the govern- services tends to dominate, company (e.g. in Poland civil
between 2002 and 2004, when there as huge exclamation ciary, there are more con- ment but every single mayor the conditions for operation partnership (spółka jawna),
court management projects marks to observe these pro- cerns when the same trans- and regional head, thus af- of law firms are formed registered partnership
started and the operation of ceedings and played a crucial parency is applied to the pro- fecting a rather wide circle of along these lines. Their (spółka cywilna), profes-
courts were reorganised. We role in supporting the demo- secution authorities. Today people. The key is to tune the characteristic feature is sional partnership (spółka
created the position of higher cratic and independent func- the only oversight happens draft in a way so that on one greater emphasis on the partnerska) and limited
court clerk, someone who was tioning of the judiciary. The when the prosecutor [Office hand there is an adequate distinctiveness of legal ser- partnership (spółka ko-
able to decide on minor dis- public is a very strong tool. of the General Prosecutor] measure of responsibility, vices, and based on this also mandytowa); or in the Neth-
putes, leaving judges free to This is why I am interested in submits its report to parlia- but on the other hand these limitation of the use of erlands a public or private
focus on more serious cases. recording court proceedings ment, or from time to time a people do not become wor- some normal market tools, limited liability company
Between 2002 and 2004, along because a judge understand- journalist sniffs something ried about making decisions. for example advertising (naamloze vennootschap or
with 1,200 judges, we poured ably behaves in a different out – but there is no real pub- Yet we are clinging to crim- (marketing), competition in besloten vennootschap), a
800 additional lawyers into way when the public is sit- lic control over the work of inal and material responsibil- prices, specialisation, etc. foundation (praktijksticht-
the system. Since 2005, the av- ting in the courtroom. prosecutors. ity as though it can substitute An opposite, liberal, ap- ing) or a co-operative society
erage length of civil-law court for a non-functioning politic- proach, which is typical es- (praktijkcoöperatie)).
trials has been continually TSS: How do you want to TSS: Public procurement al culture. In functioning pecially in the Anglo-Saxon However, it has to be noted
shortening and some indi- eliminate the easy switch has been one area fre- democracies certain things legal environment, is based that advocates cannot work
vidual courts have above-av- from positions of political quently criticised by trans- should be about political re- on the premise that legal as employees, as is the case
erage performances. At the power to the judiciary, and parency watchdogs as well sponsibility, which means services are services like in some jurisdictions such as
same time, there are courts vice-versa? as businesses. What are the that after certain missteps a any others, or that law the UK or Czech Republic.
which have been exceeding LŽ: We [the ministry] most fundamental changes politician should be simply firms are firms like any oth- Capital or personal parti-
the average court delay by a have managed to limit the planned in this area? prevented from returning to ers, while of course still re- cipation in a law firm is, ac-
multiple of two. Some of the possibility for a politician to LŽ: The revision to the the political stage. Here in cognising their necessarily cording to Slovak law, re-
courts with extreme procras- become, overnight, the chair Public Procurement Act was Slovakia this culture still does distinctive features. stricted exclusively to ad-
tination are those in Bratis- of a court. We haven’t found an MP’s bill. The motive for not seem to work after 20 As a consequence, legal vocates, i.e. only advocates
lava, Košice and other large support for banning former the revision is [to create] the years. Now we are focusing firms in those countries are may create a company with
cities, which mostly have key politicians completely from largest possible scale of on criminal responsibility less constrained and are giv- its scope of business limited
importance for the foreign acting as judges for a certain transparency while remov- and also a very tough revision en greater space to use nor- to providing legal services in
business community, since time. I would have liked that. ing all the excessively bur- to the law on prosecution; mal market behaviour like order to practise advocacy.
companies have their firms People should not be able to eaucratic obstacles from the then we will be focusing on advertising, price competi- Moreover, partners and
registered there. Thus the switch back and forth way of effective public pro- measures to improve the tion, highlighting of special- statutory bodies of Slovak
over-performing courts can between being politicians curement. The Ministry of business environment, for isation, and so on. It would law firms may likewise only
hardly change the perception and then judges again be- Justice is working on a new example more effective re- be appropriate if Slovak le- be advocates.
that substantial court procras- cause these switches have law on public procurement straint proceedings. Every- gislation were also to con-
tination exists in Slovakia. consequences for how the and we would like to include thing has its time. sider such approaches more, See FIRM pg 13
BUSINESS FOCUS April 11 – 17, 2011 9
SURVEY: Slovakia enacted certain 'breakthrough' laws
Continued from pg 6 curement peaked early this year on conditions which are justi- tion of contracts awarded by al market, with the objective having, or will have, the
when an amendment to the fied in writing in a contract no- public authorities, including to liberalise services and re- biggest impact on Slovak so-
Out of other important le- Public Procurement Act was tice. The minimum number of state-owned companies. Trans- move inadequate, ungroun- ciety in future years?
gislative changes it is possible passed into law with effect from participants in a restricted pro- parency and more efficient ded, and discriminatory JG and MM: When assess-
to mention those which are, in April 1, 2011. This amendment cedure set out by a public au- spending were key drivers of obstacles to the provision of ing impacts on Slovakia’s soci-
a certain way, of a aims to further increase com- thority was increased from five this piece of legislation. De- services. The act is based on ety in future years we expect
‘breakthrough’ character as petition and improve the busi- to 10. The amendment reintro- pending on the public authority Directive 2006/123/EC on ser- that the Act on Services in the
they have brought into Slovak ness environment by introdu- duced the right of the Public in question, contracts are pub- vices in the internal market. Internal Market will impact the
legislation new – even though cing certain mechanisms be- Procurement Office to chal- lished on a central online re- Another piece of legislation country’s economy the most.
these are common abroad – leg- lieved to prevent manipulation lenge contracts awarded in vi- gister or on the respective pub- we would mention is the VK: We consider these to be
al institutions. These are, for of tenders. It is expected that it olation of procurement rules. lic authority website. This law amendment to the Criminal the amendment to the Civil
example, criminal liability of will make public procurement Moreover, this right was vested has a significant impact on the Code enabling criminal pro- Code (Act No. 40/1964 Coll.) and
legal entities (in cases of their more attractive to a higher with any prosecutor with a one- process of entering into public secution of legal entities, the Act on Free Access to In-
participation in organised number of entrepreneurs, year statute of limitation. Last contracts, as any agreement in- which parliament passed on formation (Act No. 211/2000
crime) which was implemen- which will lead to lower prices but not least, an important volving state funds or disposal April 27, 2010, after more than Coll.) which introduced regula-
ted into the Criminal Code, or for the public sector. change with significant impact of state property cannot become 10 years of discussion and sev- tions for more transparent and
the legal institution of joint The recent amendment in- on foreign investors was intro- effective until published in a eral attempts by the legis- economical handling of public
custody of parents for children troduced several changes with duced with respect to private prescribed way, plus one day. lature. It was mainly motiv- assets and funds in the form of
in cases of divorce which was potentially big impact on the entities receiving public funds. Vladimír Kordoš (VK): We ated by Slovakia’s internation- a duty to publish contracts
added to the Family Act. process of procurement and on Any private business such as an see several significant laws ad- al and European obligations. with ‘the state’. Its impact on
Ján Azud: We consider this investors interested in making investor receiving investment opted in Slovakia in 2010. These The possibility to prosecute a the economy will lay in the fact
to be the Amendment to the Act business with the public sector aid from the state to buy tech- are the revision to the Civil Code legal entity is currently estab- that such contracts, which are
on Public Procurement and in Slovakia. Thresholds trigger- nology or carry out construc- (Act No. 40/1964 Coll.) and the lished in principle in most all contracts with the state or
mandatory publication of pub- ing various forms of procure- tion work for a new plant in Act on Free Access to Informa- European countries, while its state institutions, will be pub-
lic contracts. ment were significantly Slovakia will have to comply tion (Act No. 211/2000 Coll.) definitions vary from one lic and terms will be more eas-
The main objective of lowered to make more contract with procurement rules and act which introduced the duty to country to another. Differ- ily checked. This will con-
amendments to the Act on Pub- awards subject to more strin- as a contracting entity. publish contracts made with ences are to be found especially sequently affect creation of
lic Procurement adopted in gent conditions. The so-called The Slovak government's ‘the state’. Another important with respect to the conditions prices as well as behaviour of
2010 and earlier this year was non-priority services with ambitions to tackle problems piece of legislation is the revi- for criminal liability, which competition, which will have
to increase transparency and lower transparency standards associated with public pro- sion to Act No. 40/1993 Coll. on also include criminally-relev- information about prices and
make sure that public funds are were totally abandoned. Fre- curement are apparently not State Citizenship of the Slovak ant conduct of a legal entity. other contractual terms. Sim-
spent in the most efficient quent disqualification of bid- fully satisfied with the recent Republic, whose aim was to in- Act No. 140/2010 Coll. on Un- ultaneously, since the price
way. The law has been changed ders during a prequalification amendments and the Ministry troduce another way to lose fair Terms in Commercial Rela- for goods or services provided
seven times since 2009. In stage based on formalities of Justice is preparing a com- state citizenship into the Slovak tions between Customers and to the state will be known
2010, the most important should be addressed by intro- pletely new public procurement legislation. According to the Suppliers of Goods, effective on publicly, this may affect also
amendments introduced an ob- duction of an obligation by pub- act to be advanced later this current wording, a citizen of the May 1, 2010, is another signific- the price for goods or services
ligation to publish tender lic authorities to ask for an ex- year or early next year. Slovak Republic loses Slovak cit- ant, recently-adopted piece of in differing markets other
committee members' names planation or submission of ad- With regards to mandatory izenship, ex lege, as a con- legislation. It aims mainly to than those in which the state
and a right of a public authority ditional documents when suit- publication of public contracts, sequence of obtaining citizen- prevent chains of stores from or a state institution is the
to request bidders to identify ability cannot be confirmed parliament adopted an ship in another state. abusing their dominant posi- procurer.
all their shareholders. based on initial documents. amendment to the Civil Code ef- We consider as important tion towards suppliers.
A tendency towards more Short listing in restricted pro- fective from January 1, 2011. It also the new Act No. 136/2010 To read the whole survey,
transparency in public pro- cedure may only be done based introduces mandatory publica- Coll. on services in the intern- TSS: Which of these laws are please go to

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10 April 11 – 17, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

'Development is on the right track'

However, we want to encourage has called on foreign chambers of for evaluation of bids, so that the
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ the government to take further action commerce to submit their com- price is not automatically the most
Spectator staff on the judiciary and corruption issues ments. What is the position of important criterion; an increase in
and AmCham is offering its assistance AmCham on this issue? the search functionalities of the data-
in any way possible to achieve this. JS: AmCham is actively involved base of methodological guidelines
THE MAIN organisation representing in the ongoing reform efforts in the and decisions of the Office for Public
American, but also international and TSS: AmCham has been calling for a field of public procurement legisla- Procurement; strengthened supervi-
local business interests in Slovakia – more intensive approach to reduce tion, especially by means of its Public sion over increases in the tendered
the American Chamber of Commerce corruption. What measures would Procurement Task Force. It met price after the completion of the pub-
in Slovakia, or AmCham – says public help such efforts? Justice Minister Lucia Žitňanská in lic procurement process, e.g. by
procurement and the judicial system JS: Firstly it is necessary to say October 2010, along with German and means of amendments (the recent
are key areas requiring serious reform that corruption seriously hurts Austrian chambers of commerce, and amendment also dealt with this, al-
in Slovakia. While AmCham says it ac- Slovakia’s image and its ability to at- again in February this year. The min- though the government has indic-
knowledges the efforts made so far by tract investments. istry and AmCham agreed on the in- ated that it may want to take a stricter
the Slovak government to improve the According to the AmCham SMEs volvement of the task force in the approach); and improved opportun-
country’s business environment, and survey 2010, while most of the parti- preparation of the new public pro- ity for bidders to submit explanations
says it is actively helping with those cipating small and medium-sized curement act scheduled for 2011. to the submitted bid, so that the bid-
reforms, it adds that several other firms were reasonably happy with the AmCham representatives have der has an opportunity to correct
areas must be addressed. AmCham Jake Slegers Photo: AmCham tax level or business registration pro- now submitted their comments on minor mistakes in the submitted bid
also says that corruption is continuing cesses, they did not trust the Slovak the working material prepared by the and avoid disqualification (although,
to harm Slovakia’s image and ward off But with regards to the business legal system and found the current le- Ministry of Justice, recommending again, the recent amendment has
potential investors. environment we see changes in areas gislative environment unstable. Re- the following: clear definition of a already dealt with this).
The Slovak Spectator spoke to Jake like labour legislation, public pro- spondents indicated that they would contracting authority so as to leave
Slegers, executive director of curement legislation, reform of the also welcome it if the level of contribu- no doubt as to whether specific entit- TSS: The government aspires to re-
AmCham, about business conditions Slovak judiciary, and reduction of the tions to social and health insurance ies fall into the category of contract- vamp the Labour Code as well as the
in Slovakia, and about AmCham’s pos- acceptance of corruption as all being companies were lowered, inefficient ing entity or not (AmCham also be- income and payroll tax system.
ition on public procurement reform necessary. AmCham offers expertise processes in the state administration lieves it is desirable to prevent the What fundamental points do you
and the ongoing effort to revise the on cooperation in all these areas, and is were tackled, corruption was rooted overlapping of various categories of think should be observed during
Labour Code. encouraged by steps taken by Slovak out and if they were to generally re- contracting authorities and contract- this process?
ministries so far. ceive more support from the state, be it ing entities); greater use of electronic JS: We want to see the govern-
The Slovak Spectator (TSS): What do financial, informational or moral. The processes and electronic communica- ment display a clear intention to do
you see as the main legislative bar- TSS: Has the government in your results of the survey show that busi- tion in public procurement to in- the following: balance the relation-
riers, from the point of view of for- opinion passed any legislative nesses frequently come across protrac- crease the efficiency of public pro- ship between employers and employ-
eign investors, to doing business in changes that could potentially im- ted, confusing and non-transparent curement by reducing the costs for ees; create a more flexible labour en-
Slovakia? prove the business environment? processes, hence AmCham is commit- both contracting authorities and bid- vironment when it comes to hiring
Jake Slegers (JS): Firstly it’s im- JS: With regards to measures taken ted to improving this state of affairs, in ders; an increase in the objectiveness and termination of employment; cre-
portant to present the positive eco- by the government of Iveta Radičová, cooperation with the US Embassy. of the pre-qualification stage in pub- ate more space for participants to
nomic performance of Slovakia, the we are encouraged by several steps so lic procurement, although to a cer- regulate their mutual relationships;
government’s efforts to improve far. It seems to us that development is TSS: The Justice Ministry is set to tain extent this recommendation has and regulate the powers of trade uni-
business conditions and the country’s on the right track with regards to pub- complete work on a new public already been reflected in a recent leg- ons only with respect to issues within
openness towards new investments. lic procurement and the Labour Code. procurement bill by June 30 and al amendment; more flexible criteria their responsibility.

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“•’†˜•ˆ•ê„““’Œ‘—–ê’•ê™’—ˆ–ꉒ•ê’•ˆê –Œ’‘­ê{‹ˆê„Œê’‰ê—‹ˆê„ˆ‘‡ˆ‘—ꌖꗒêê “„•—Œˆ–ê—’ê„ꉕ„ˆš’•Žê†’‘—•„†—­ ’‰ê—‹ˆê†’‘—•„†—ꌖꇈ†Œ–Œ™ˆ­ pmsy¡ªªª­

12 April 11 – 17, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

CODE: Still a hot issue j•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•êtˆ•Šˆ•–®ê

Continued from pg 6 a number of our recommenda- —’êp“•’™ˆêl‰‰Œ†Œˆ‘†œ
tions have also been included
“According to Doing Busi- in the cabinet’s four-year pro- j’‘–Œ‡ˆ•Œ‘Šê—‹ˆê†˜••ˆ‘—ê„‘‡ê
ness 2011, in which the World gramme and I believe that “ˆ•–Œ–—Œ‘Šêˆ‰‰ˆ†—–ꒉꗋˆêŠ’…„ê
Bank each year maps the qual- these will later be translated †•Œ–Œ–±ê…˜–Œ‘ˆ––ˆ–ê–—•Œ™ˆê—’ꐌ¾
ity of the business environ- into legislation,” Kičina com- ‘ŒŒ–ˆê —‹ˆŒ•ê †’–—–ê —’ê Œ‘†•ˆ„–ˆê
ment in 183 countries, Slov- mented. —‹ˆê ˆ‰‰Œ†Œˆ‘†œê ’‰ê —‹ˆŒ•ê ’“ˆ•„¾
akia was in 41st place, indicat- According to Ďurana, the —Œ’‘–­ê ~Œ—‹ê —‹„—ê –„Œ‡±ê šŒ—‹¾ê
ing that there is still huge best solution for eradication of ’˜—ê „ê —„Œ’•ˆ‡ê ˆŠ„ê —’’±ê —‹ˆê
room for improvement,” said corruption is elimination of ’““’•—˜‘Œ—Œˆ–ê ‰’•ê Œ‘†•ˆ„–Œ‘Šê
Ďurana. the influence of the state, in —‹ˆê ˆ‰‰Œ†Œˆ‘†œê ’‰ê „ê Š•’˜“ê ’‰ê
When it comes to identify- the form of removal of admin- †’“„‘Œˆ–ê ’“ˆ•„—Œ‘Šê Œ‘ê –ˆ™ˆ¾
ing barriers to doing business istrative barriers, investment •„ê‘„—Œ’‘„ê˜•Œ–‡Œ†—Œ’‘–ê‹„™ˆê
in Slovakia, Ďurana again cited stimuli, various regulations, …ˆˆ‘ê †’“Œ†„—ˆ‡ê „‘‡ê ‹„™ˆê
the World Bank survey, this and so on. Œ‘™’™ˆ‡ê„‘ꌑ—ˆ‘–Œ™ˆê„‡Œ‘Œ–¾ q|k•­êtŒ†‹„êo˜ˆ‘„±êh——’•‘ˆœ±ê
time focusing on the life cycles ”It is the significant power —•„—Œ™ˆê …˜•‡ˆ‘­ê p‘†•ˆ„–Œ‘Šœê y˜WŒ:Ž„êj–ˆŽˆ–ê–­•­’­
of small- and medium-sized of a public official to decide †’“Œ†„—ˆ‡ê šˆ•ˆê †•’––¾…’•¾
companies. The view in some about the costs and fate of a ‡ˆ•êˆ•Šˆ•–ꒉꏌŒ—ˆ‡êŒ„…ŒŒ—œê hê †•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•ê ˆ•Šˆ•ê …ˆ¾ê
categories is not very optimist- business entity that is the †’“„‘Œˆ–êÀꗋˆœê‹„‡ê…ˆˆ‘ꌐ¾ †’ˆ–ê ˆ‰‰ˆ†—Œ™ˆê ˜“’‘ê „““•’¾
ic, he said. source of corruption,” said “ˆ‡Œ‘Šê—‹ˆê‰˜‘†—Œ’‘Œ‘Šê’‰ê—‹ˆê ™„ê ’‰ê Œ—–ê •ˆŠŒ–—•„—Œ’‘ê Œ‘ê —‹ˆê
“For example, in paying Ďurana. “In a healthy market –Œ‘Šˆê„•Žˆ—ꒉꗋˆêl˜•’“ˆ„‘ê •ˆŠŒ–—•œêš‹ˆ•ˆê—‹ˆê“„•—Œ†Œ“„—Œ‘Šê
taxes Slovakia placed 122nd, environment it is the con- j’˜‘Œ—œ­ê{‹Œ–ꌖ–˜ˆêš„–ꄇ¾ „†”˜Œ•Œ‘Šê†’“„‘œê˜–—ꉌˆêŒ—–ê
and this is not only in terms of sumer who decides the fate of ‡•ˆ––ˆ‡ê’‘ê—‹ˆêˆŠŒ–„—Œ™ˆêˆ™ˆê ‡’†˜ˆ‘—–­ê j’‘–ˆ”˜ˆ‘—œ±ê —‹ˆê
height of taxes but also due to a business entity." ’‰ê—‹ˆêj’˜‘Œ—œê…œê„‡’“—Œ’‘ê •ˆŠŒ–—•œê’•ê•ˆŠŒ–—•Œˆ–ê‹„™Œ‘Šê˜•Œ–¾
the amount of administrative ’‰ê kŒ•ˆ†—Œ™ˆê ¢ªª¥½¥¦½ljê ’‰ê ‡Œ†—Œ’‘ê ’™ˆ•ê —‹ˆê —•„‘–‰ˆ••Œ‘Šê
steps that are connected with Revision of the Labour Code —‹ˆê l˜•’“ˆ„‘ê w„•Œ„ˆ‘—ê „‘‡ê †’“„‘Œˆ–ê šŒê ‡ˆ•ˆŠŒ–—ˆ•ê —‹ˆê
payment of taxes,” Ďurana and tax system ’‰ê —‹ˆê j’˜‘†Œê ’‰ê ¢¦ê v†—’…ˆ•ê —•„‘–‰ˆ••Œ‘Šê †’“„‘Œˆ–ê ˜“’‘ê
said, adding that in the cat- Slovakia's Labour Code should soon undergo revision. Photo: Sme ¢ªª¥ê’‘ꆕ’––¾…’•‡ˆ•êˆ•Šˆ•–ê ‡ˆŒ™ˆ•œê ’‰ê —‹ˆê ‘’—Œ†ˆê ’‰ê —‹ˆê
egory of trading across borders Kičina regards the current ’‰ê ŒŒ—ˆ‡ê Œ„…ŒŒ—œê †’“„‘Œˆ–ê ‰’•ˆŒŠ‘ꕈŠŒ–—ˆ•ê†’˜•—ꆒ‘‰Œ•¾
Slovakia is 102nd, in particular lection process is a potential something I regret,” Kičina efforts of the Radičová gov- µ—‹ˆê kŒ•ˆ†—Œ™ˆµÃ±ê „–ê „ê ‰˜•—‹ˆ•ê Œ‘Šê—‹ˆê†•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•êˆ•Šˆ•­
due to the number of forms gateway for clientelism and said. “Slovakia already has pos- ernment to revise the Labour –—ˆ“ê —’š„•‡–ê Œ‘—ˆŠ•„—Œ’‘ê „‘‡ê p—ê Œ–ê š’•—‹ê ‘’—Œ‘Šê —‹„—ê —‹ˆê
which businesspeople need to corruption.” itive experience from a flex- Code and revamp the tax and ‹„•’‘Œ–„—Œ’‘ê ’‰ê †’•“’•„—ˆê ˆŠ„ê •ˆŠ˜„—Œ’‘–ê ’‰ê Œ‘‡Œ™Œ¾
fill in. Slovakia was also given According to Halt, the law ible Labour Code when, along contributions system with „šêšŒ—‹Œ‘ê—‹ˆêj’˜‘Œ—œ­ ‡˜„ê ˆ…ˆ•ê –—„—ˆ–ê ‡Œ‰‰ˆ•ê —’ê
an unflattering 71st place in on public procurement also with other reforms, it reduced some bewilderment. ê j•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•ê ˆ•Šˆ•ê •ˆŠ¾ „ê †’‘–Œ‡ˆ•„…ˆê ‡ˆŠ•ˆˆê š‹ˆ‘ê
the category of enforcing con- discriminates against foreign the unemployment rate from “Even though these ˜„—Œ’‘ê š„–ê —•„‘–“’–ˆ‡ê Œ‘—’ê Œ—ꆒˆ–ꗒꆒ•“’•„—ˆê„šê„‘‡ê
tracts. This indicates that bidders and added that labour 20 to nearly 7 percent.” changes are greatly needed z’™„Žê „šê …œê h†—ê ¦¥§½¢ªª§ê •ˆŠŒ–—•„—Œ’‘ê ’‰ê †’•“’•„—Œ’‘–­ê
businesspeople in Slovakia do legislation does not provide Halt believes that there are and businesspeople wish for a j’­ê „ˆ‘‡Œ‘Šê —‹ˆê j’ˆ•¾ {‹ˆ•ˆ‰’•ˆ±ê —‹ˆê –˜††ˆ––Œ’‘ê ’‰ê
not enjoy a very simple life the flexibility businesses need also other areas of legislation change in the Labour Code and †Œ„ê j’‡ˆ±ê ‰˜œê —•„‘–“’–Œ‘Šê –—ˆ“–ê—„Žˆ‘ꅜꗋˆê†’“„‘Œˆ–ê
when compared to large num- to control employment effect- that should be addressed in reduced and simplified com- —‹ˆê kŒ•ˆ†—Œ™ˆ­ê ~ˆê „•ˆê “ˆ„–ˆ‡ê Œ‘™’™ˆ‡ê Œ‘ê „ê †•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•ê
bers of other countries. ively, saying this is particu- order to improve the business pulsory contributions, it is —’ê •ˆ“’•—ê —‹„—ê —‹ˆê ‰Œ•–—ê †•’––¾ ˆ•Šˆ•ê ™„•Œˆ–ê Œ‘ê „‘œê „–¾
According to Kičina, en- larly true for arranging work- environment. still not clear what changes …’•‡ˆ•ê ˆ•Šˆ•–ê ‹„™ˆê …ˆˆ‘ê “ˆ†—–±ê‡ˆ–“Œ—ˆê…ˆŒ‘Šê…„–ˆ‡ê’‘ê
trepreneurs continue to see ing hours and and in the costs “Judicial reform must en- they will see,” he said, adding –˜††ˆ––‰˜œê†’“ˆ—ˆ‡êŒ‘êz’¾ —‹ˆê—•„‘–“’–ˆ‡êkŒ•ˆ†—Œ™ˆ­ê
low enforceability of the law, of hiring and firing. sure that the courts work more that the issue of compulsory ™„ŽŒ„­êp‘ê–’ˆê’‰ê—‹ˆ±êz’™„Žê {‹’˜Š‹ê „““ˆ„•Œ‘Šê –Œ“ˆ±ê
an ineffective social system, The Justice Ministry is set effectively and that proceed- contributions represents a †’“„‘Œˆ–ê ‹„™ˆê …ˆ†’ˆê —‹ˆê Œ‘ê“•„†—Œ†ˆê’‘ˆê„œêˆ‘†’˜‘—ˆ•ê
corruption, red tape, the lag- to produce a new public pro- ings periods are reduced particular problem. „†”˜Œ•Œ‘Šê †’“„‘Œˆ–ê ’‰ê ‰’¾ „‘œê’…–—„†ˆ–ꌑꗋˆê“•’†ˆ––²ê
ging education system, and curement bill by June 30 and significantly,” he said. According to Ďurana, the •ˆŒŠ‘ê —•„‘–‰ˆ••Œ‘Šê †’“„‘Œˆ–­ê —‹ˆ–ˆê „•ˆê „——•Œ…˜—„…ˆê „Œ‘œê
the low comprehensibility of has called on foreign cham- Labour Code needs changes {‹ˆê “•’†ˆ‡˜•ˆ–ê „‘‡ê –˜††ˆ––¾ê —’ê ‡Œ‰‰ˆ•Œ‘Šê —•„‘–“’–Œ—Œ’‘–ê ’‰ê
legislation as chronic barriers bers of commerce to submit Corruption mentioned that will make employing and Œ’‘ê ’‰ê Œ‘‡Œ™Œ‡˜„ê –—ˆ“–ê ’‰ê —‹ˆê kŒ•ˆ†—Œ™ˆê —’ê —‹ˆê ˆŠ„ê –œ–¾
to doing business. At the end of their comments. again and again laying people off more simple †•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•êˆ•Šˆ•–ê„•ˆê„ŽŒ‘ê —ˆ–ê ’‰ê Œ‘‡Œ™Œ‡˜„ê ˆ…ˆ•ê
2010 this list of barriers was “We appreciate the and which will deliver more —’ê ‘„—Œ’‘„ê ˆ•Šˆ•–­ê mŒ•–—±ê –—„—ˆ–ê ’•ê ‡Œ‰‰ˆ•Œ‘Šê „††’˜‘—Œ‘Šê
extended by the addition of ministry's willingness to Corruption is one of the freedom for bargaining ‡•„‰—ê —ˆ•–ê ’‰ê „ê †•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•ê •ˆŠ˜„—Œ’‘–ê „““Œ†„…ˆê Œ‘ê Œ‘¾
price instability and partial listen to the concerns of for- top problems affecting the between the employer and the ˆ•Šˆ•ê˜–—ꅈꓕˆ“„•ˆ‡ê„‘‡ê ‡Œ™Œ‡˜„ê ˜•Œ–‡Œ†—Œ’‘–ê š‹ˆ•ˆê
changes in compulsory con- eign investors and its aim to business environment in employee. He said this would —‹ˆê‡•„‰—ê—ˆ•–ꐘ–—ꅈꆒ¾ —‹ˆê†’“„‘Œˆ–ê“„•—Œ†Œ“„—Œ‘ŠêŒ‘ê
tributions which were re- make the system more Slovakia. Kičina acknow- curb the influence of the third ’‘ê ‰’•ê „ê †’“„‘Œˆ–ê “„•—Œ¾ —‹ˆê†•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•êˆ•Šˆ•ê’“ˆ•¾ê
ceived poorly by businesses. transparent,” said Halt. “Al- ledged that the new cabinet party – the state – in employ- †Œ“„—Œ‘Šê Œ‘ê —‹ˆê †•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•ê „—ˆ­ê hê Œ‘ê „±ê —‹ˆê ˆŠ„ê •ˆŠ˜¾
“These barriers are retard- though the reform process is declared its interest in solving ment contracts. ˆ•Šˆ•­ê {‹ˆ•ˆ„‰—ˆ•±ê —‹ˆê ‡•„‰—ê „—Œ’‘ꒉꆕ’––¾…’•‡ˆ•êˆ•Šˆ•–ê
ing economic growth, con- still not finished, despite ini- this problem right from the German investors hope —ˆ•–ê „•ˆê —’ê …ˆê “˜…Œ†Œ–ˆ‡ê Œ‘ê ˜‘‡’˜…—ˆ‡œê Œ–ê —‹ˆê ‘ˆ›—ê –—ˆ“ê
suming resources which could tial promises, we prefer a start. that the government’s efforts —‹ˆê Œ‘™’™ˆ‡ê ˆ…ˆ•ê –—„—ˆ–­ê —’š„•‡–ꈑ–˜•Œ‘Šê“•’“ˆ•ê‰˜‘†¾
be used for the development of long-term but watertight law “The first visible solution to amend the Labour Code will z˜…ˆ†—ê —’ê “ˆ•‰’•„‘†ˆê ’‰ê „ê —Œ’‘Œ‘Šê’‰ê—‹ˆê–Œ‘Šˆê„•Žˆ—ê’‰ê
private businesses, slowing instead of a short-term but is the obligatory publication of bring some improvement in ’—‹ˆ•ê–—„—˜—’•œê†’‘‡Œ—Œ’‘–ê„‘‡ê —‹ˆê j’˜‘Œ—œ±ê Œ‘—•’‡˜†Œ‘Šê
down the creation of new jobs faulty solution. In any case, contracts by state institutions the hiring and firing process, „‰—ˆ•ê ‹„™Œ‘Šê ’…—„Œ‘ˆ‡ê „““•’¾ „‘œê …ˆ‘ˆ‰Œ—–ê –˜†‹ê „–ê Œ¾
and worsening the competit- the law needs clearly and on the internet,” said Kičina. and the introduction of work- ™„–ê …œê —‹ˆê Šˆ‘ˆ•„ê ˆˆ—Œ‘Š–ê “•’™ˆ‡ê „’†„—Œ’‘ê ’‰ê Œ”˜Œ‡Œ—œê
iveness of Slovakia in terms of strictly stipulated rules for “Another step might be the ing-time accounts in compan- ’‰ê—‹ˆê“„•—Œ†Œ“„—Œ‘Šê†’“„‘Œˆ–ê šŒ—‹Œ‘ê „ê Š•’˜“±ê •ˆ‡˜†ˆ‡ê •Œ–Žê
obtaining new investments,” the bidding and selection pro- major amendment to the Act ies. But they are calling, Œ‘ê —‹ˆê †•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•ê ˆ•Šˆ•±ê ’‰ê Œ‘–’™ˆ‘†œê …œê ˆŒŒ‘„—Œ‘Šê
said Kičina. “Even though re- cess. If that happens condi- on Public Procurement be- among other things, for fur- —‹ˆê†•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•êˆ•Šˆ•ê‡•„‰—ê ’…ŒŠ„—Œ’‘–ê šŒ—‹Œ‘ê „ê Š•’˜“±ê
forms in many segments are tions for more transparency cause this is the segment in ther changes, including equal —ˆ•–ê „œê …ˆê –ŒŠ‘ˆ‡ê Œ‘ê —‹ˆê ’•ê „ê –Œ“Œ‰Œˆ‡ê ’•Š„‘Œ–„—Œ’‘ê
being just prepared, partial will have been laid.” which business entities have treatment of trade unions and ‰’•ê “•ˆ–†•Œ…ˆ‡ê ‰’•ê —‹Œ–ê —œ“ˆê –—•˜†—˜•ˆê „‘‡ê ˆ––ê ’™ˆ•‹ˆ„‡ê
measures introduced by the Jake Slegers, the executive indicated the highest incid- other institutions of employee ’‰ê†•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•êˆ•Šˆ•êŒ‘ꈄ†‹ê šŒ—‹Œ‘ê„ꊕ’˜“­
new cabinet have not brought director of the American ence of corruption. Another representation, automatic ’‰ê—‹ˆêŒ‘™’™ˆ‡êˆ…ˆ•ê–—„—ˆ–­ê êêê
any tangible effects so far.” Chamber of Commerce in field is EU funds and subsidies. termination of labour con- h‰—ˆ•ê—‹„—±ê—‹ˆê†’“ˆ—ˆ‘—ê‘„—¾ q|k•­ê q„‘„ê w„Š5:’™5±ê h——’•¾
Markus Halt, spokesman Slovakia (AmCham) also be- Simplification of the adminis- tracts when employees reach Œ’‘„ê „˜—‹’•Œ—œê Œ‘ê ˆ„†‹ê ˆ¾ ‘ˆœ½q˜‘Œ’•ê w„•—‘ˆ•±ê sˆ„‡ˆ•ê ’‰ê
for the German-Slovak lieves that public procurement tration when submitting ap- retirement age in order to im- …ˆ•ê–—„—ˆêš‹ˆ•ˆê—‹ˆê†’“„‘Œˆ–ê j’•“’•„—ˆê „‘‡ê tÆhê w•„†—Œ†ˆê
Chamber of Industry and in Slovakia needs to be com- plications and more compre- prove employment prospects “„•—Œ†Œ“„—Œ‘Šê Œ‘ê —‹ˆê †•’––¾ h•ˆ„ên•’˜“
Commerce, pointed out to pletely revised. hensible information about for young people, and reduc- …’•‡ˆ•ê ˆ•Šˆ•ê ’“ˆ•„—ˆê ˜–—ê
The Slovak Spectator that ac- “AmCham is eager and the effectiveness of the usage tion of the notice period for –†•˜—Œ‘Œ–ˆê —‹ˆê ˆŠ„Œ—œê ’‰ê —‹ˆê q|k•­êtŒ†‹„êo˜ˆ‘„±êh——’•‘ˆœ±ê
cording to a current survey willing to participate in re- of European funds may help in vacation shutdowns to three “•’†ˆ‡˜•ˆ–ê Œ“ˆˆ‘—ˆ‡ê …œê tˆ…ˆ•ê’‰êj’•“’•„—ˆê„‘‡êtÆhê
among foreign investors the view of legislation,” Slegers the case of EU money.” months in advance so that —‹ˆê†’“„‘Œˆ–ꗒꆒ“ˆ—ˆê—‹ˆê w•„†—Œ†ˆêh•ˆ„ên•’˜“
most worrying barrier is not told The Slovak Spectator. According to Kičina, re- companies can react more †•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•ê ˆ•Šˆ•­ê p‘ê z’™¾
the legislation itself but its Kičina says that there is moval of these barriers could flexibly to changes in demand. „ŽŒ„±ê —‹ˆê „““Œ†„…ˆê „˜—‹’•Œ—œê {‹Œ–ê„•—Œ†ˆêŒ–ꒉꄑꌑ‰’•„—Œ™ˆê
patchy enforcement. some legislation already in the enhance the business envir- “The planned reform of the Œ–ê „ê ‘’—„•œê “˜…Œ†±ê š‹’ê –‹„ê ‘„—˜•ˆê’‘œ­êm’•ê’•ˆêê
“Due to inefficiencies in pipeline which could improve onment. payroll tax system is intended Œ––˜ˆê „ê †ˆ•—Œ‰Œ†„—ˆê †’‘‰Œ•Œ‘Šê Œ‘‰’•„—Œ’‘꓏ˆ„–ˆê†’‘—„†—êê
Slovak jurisdiction trials are Slovakia’s business environ- “It is not necessary to tar- to reduce bureaucracy, which “ˆ•‰’•„‘†ˆê ’‰ê —‹ˆê ’…ŒŠ„¾ê ’˜•ês„šêv‰‰Œ†ˆ®
often unnecessarily prolonged ment. As an example, he lists get all of them: it would be is to be appreciated in any —Œ’‘–ꕈ”˜Œ•ˆ‡ê‰’•ê†•’––¾…’•‡ˆ•ê y˜WŒ:Ž„êj–ˆŽˆ–ê–­•­’­
to several years, making it revision of the Labour Code, enough to improve the situ- form,” said Halt. “However, ˆ•Šˆ•–²ê —‹ˆê †ˆ•—Œ‰Œ†„—ˆê ‹„–ê {ˆ®êФ¢¡êªâ꣢££¾£¤¤¤
hard for businesses to realise which will introduce more ation in one or two problem the high payroll tax burden —‹ˆê‰’•ê’‰ê„ê‘’—„•Œ„ê•ˆ†’•‡­ê ššš­•†¾†–­–Ž
their claims,” Halt said. “In flexibility to labour relations. areas per year,” Kičina said. He remains unchanged. As a res-
practice this means they [the “The fact that not just added that PAS had formulated ult, there will not be any signi-
claims] are written off. Further businesses but also employees concrete recommendations ficant reduction in costs for
barriers occur when particip- and jobseekers will benefit for improvement of the busi- employers and thus business
ating in public tenders. The from these changes is rarely ness environment in a report activities will not be stimu-
lack of transparency in the se- emphasised, which is on the subject. “I am glad that lated by the reform.”
NEWS / BUSINESS FOCUS April 11 – 17, 2011 13
OPEN: President opposes vote change FIRM: Differences
Continued from pg 1 coalition parties deliberately
executed another failed vote
exist within EU
“This is one of the most in order to allow time to Continued from pg 8 countries. Relations
shameful votes in the history change the voting rules to between international and
of the Slovak Parliament and make MPs’ votes public. A day A similar principle is im- local offices as well as the
it only proves how these gen- before the December 7 vote, plemented in other Slovak Bar Association are
tlemen who are sitting in the the leaders of the four parties European countries with fair and proper and signific-
ruling coalition are capable of agreed that their MPs would some differences and excep- antly better than, for ex-
anything in the name of take ballots but not cast them, tions. For instance in Dutch ample, 10 years ago. It would
power, [by] taking over the Of- ensuring that Trnka would law civil law notaries, tax be advisable to increase the
fice of the General Prosecutor, not receive the support of a advisers and patent-repres- level of rendered services
and persecution and criminal- majority of the MPs present. entatives may also particip- and protect clients’ interests
isation of the opposition,” Kusý noted that the ate as partners, while in by enforcing stricter observ-
Fico said, as quoted by the change to the voting proced- France no restrictions exist ance of professional regula-
public broadcaster Slovak ure had occurred after the rul- on non-advocates participat- tions.
Television on April 5. ing coalition failed to select a ing in law firms. Ľubomír Leško: The
Fico’s former coalition general prosecutor, but added With regards to limits on conditions for operating law
partner, Slovak National Party that “in politics all changes competitive practice, the firms in Slovakia are in gen-
(SNS) leader Ján Slota, said the are made with a specific advocate may in accordance eral similar to those in other
change was an unconstitu- purpose”. He said he does not with Slovak law practise ad- EU countries. The differ-
tional step. Smer MPs protested against the rule change. Photo: SITA see politics affecting the actu- vocacy only in one form spe- ences relate to trends and
However, leading com- al position as a result of the cified as a method/form of developments in the particu-
mentators cast doubt on have been given. She added Mária Mišíková, backed by the change in voting process used advocacy practice. It means lar national markets. The
their claims. that a public vote is forbid- governing Christian Demo- to select its occupant. that the possibility of a cu- legal market in Slovakia is
“A public vote is just as den only in specific instances cratic Movement (KDH), Free- “Of course it is a political mulative advocacy practice relatively small. The with-
democratic as a secret ballot; stipulated by the constitu- dom and Solidarity (SaS) and matter and it is understood offering different forms at drawal of several big inter-
there isn’t much difference in tion, and that the general Most-Híd, had the support of as a highly political issue: the same time is strictly ex- national law firms from the
that,” political scientist prosecutor vote is not such 49 MPs and was opposed by this is why there is so much cluded, with the exception region or significant reduc-
Miroslav Kusý told The Slovak an instance. 84, with 14 abstaining; while importance attached to it,” of eventual agreement tions in their activities have
Spectator. “Both ballots have “Therefore I consider an Ján Hrivnák, nominated by Kusý said. between advocates that are been observed recently.
their plusses and minuses.” open vote to be an absolutely the governing Slovak Demo- Mesežnikov said that practising advocacy jointly Smaller and medium-sized
Political scientist and democratic tool and it is up to cratic and Christian Union even though changing the in association, general part- firms tend to prevail.
president of the Institute for deputies whether they opt (SDKÚ), was supported by 28 secret ballot to a public vote nership, limited partnership Vladimír Kordoš: Ren-
Public Affairs (IVO) Grigorij for an open or a secret vote,” MPs, with 98 votes against was driven by a specific pur- or a limited liability com- dering legal services in Slov-
Mesežnikov told The Slovak she said, as reported by the and 21 abstentions. SDKÚ MPs pose, it is still legitimate and pany, to enable temporary akia differs from rendering
Spectator that Smer’s reasons SITA newswire. then caused the run-off is in line with the concept of individual provision of legal legal services in Germany,
for attacking the ruling coali- Meanwhile, President between Mišíková and Trnka a free mandate. services in one specific case particularly in that signific-
tion are false and “perhaps Ivan Gašparovič, speaking to end inconclusively by re- “Most of the votes in the or several predefined cases. ant legal uncertainty is
fuelled by the fear that the through his spokesperson gistering for the ballot but not Slovak Parliament are public, A similar limitation can be present due to the absence of
new general prosecutor will Marek Trubač, said that he casting any votes, ensuring which means that the free ex- found in Czech law, for in- constant jurisdiction in
start investigating some cases believes the general prosec- that neither candidate re- ecution of the mandate will stance, while for the most many sectors of law. That
that had been shelved by the utor should continue to be se- ceived a majority among the not be endangered in any way part similar explicit limita- means, on one side, that the
previous general prosecutor”. lected via a secret ballot, ar- MPs present. at all by making deputies vote tions do not exist in some lawyer must rely on himself
“This is where I see the guing that this allows depu- Tensions emerged within publicly; this is how it hap- other European countries. or herself to a greater extent;
cause of Fico’s current ties to vote based on their the ruling coalition after it pens in the case of many Juraj Gyarfáš and Mar- however, on the other side a
aggressiveness,” Mesežnikov consciences and not orders failed to get Jozef Čentéš, the laws,” said Mesežnikov. tin Magál: Conditions for lawyer has more freedom to
said. “I do not see any other from party headquarters. joint candidate it sub- As for Smer’s attitude to- entry to the market for law search for creative solutions
reason.” Gašparovič might therefore sequently agreed on, selected wards the vote, Kusý says that firms are more or less har- to legal issues when prac-
Earlier this year, Fico said veto the law and return it to as general prosecutor at a Fico tends to turn everything monised with other EU tising his or her profession.
that he would not respect a parliament, the Sme daily secret ballot on December 2. into a campaign and is using
general prosecutor who had reported. In that vote, at least six coali- this issue as a chance to attack
been selected by means other tion deputies used their an- the ruling coalition and thus
than a secret ballot. Justice Why make the vote public? onymous votes to side with increase his political support.
Minister Lucia Žitňanská re- Fico’s Smer party and back “The change provided him
sponded that refusing to re- For a general prosecutor to Trnka. This was despite Prime with a good reason to attack,”
cognise a general prosecutor be selected by MPs he or she Minister Iveta Radičová say- Kusý concluded.
selected by parliament in a must win a majority of those ing that she would resign if The ruling coalition has
public vote would represent present in parliament. In the Trnka won. agreed that it will again pro-
an outrageous disregard for first, secret, round of voting Their attempt failed, by pose Čentéš for the post of
democratic rules. for the next general prosec- one vote, but the move general prosecutor when MPs
Žitňanská argued in late utor, which was held in early prompted a round of claim next vote on the issue, al-
March that a public vote in a November 2010 and involved and counter-claim within the though it is not yet clear when
parliamentary democracy is 147 MPs, the incumbent, coalition at what seemed to be that will be.
one way for voters to observe Dobroslav Trnka, received 70 an internal plot to unseat the
how their elected representat- ‘yes’ votes and 60 ‘no’ votes, prime minister. Michaela Terenzani
ives use the mandate they with 17 deputies abstaining; On December 7 the ruling contributed to this report. Legal work differs a bit from country to country. Photo: Sme


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14 April 11 – 17, 2011 CULTURE / OPINION
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Zajko and Ajdži Szabo; the
supporting band is Šramot.
Starts: April 14, 19:00; Ma-
IT IS FASCINATING how much the names of lá Scéna Theatre, Dosto-
towns and villages can reveal about their his- jevského rad 7. Admission: €6.
tory. In the case of Zlaté Moravce, it is ancient Tel: 02/2042-0020; www.
history. It takes us back to the 9th and 10th cen-
turies: the period when the Great Moravian Bratislava
principality spread over much of what is now l FOLKLORE DANCE:
Slovak territory. The old Slavonic state perished Tanečný dom / House of Tradi-
at the beginning of the 10th century but its ex- tional Dance – The latest
istence is commemorated to this day through workshop teaching Slovak
many titles and names. folklore dance will take place
For example, Moravany nad Váhom recalls a in Bratislava’s new cultural JAPANESE singer and multi-instrumentalist Shugo Tokumaru,
strategic ford on the way from a key Great- centre. Muzička and M. Noga famous for using more than one hundred traditional instru-
Moravian centre, Nitra, towards present-day will play and the Dragúni folk- ments, has started a European tour following the success of his
lore group with V. Michalko
Moravia. Zlaté Moravce stood at a crucial cross- Port Entropy album – and now comes to Slovakia to play on April
and F. Merong will demon-
roads on the route leading from the east to Ni- strate how to dance the Čikó 16 at 20:00 in the recently-open KC Dunaj cultural centre, Ned-
tra. The crossroads are ‘Zlaté’ – i.e. golden – be- čardáš from Zvolenská Slatina. balova 3 in Bratislava. Tickets cost €7 in advance, or €9 on the
cause of the garrison that used to dwell there, Starts: April 14, 19:00; KC door, and can be purchased through
guarding a region rich in gold ores. The fact that Dunaj, Nedbalova 3. Admis- Photo: Courtesy of KC Dunaj
gold was mined here is also recalled by the name sion: €3.50. More info:
of the nearby municipality of Zlatno. third and most extensive col- l OPERA: Indigo - Johann
In the closer and more distant surrounds of lection of photographs by Na- Strauss – This comic operetta
Nitra there are other municipalities whose stone breakers and crushers whose products Bratislava tional Geographic far shown in three acts played in the
l EXHIBITION: Busta Jozefa in Slovakia represents the Slovak language is reaching
names commemorate the livelihood and occu- were then used for the construction of roads and Pollaka – The Bratislava City creme de la creme of pictures the end of its run: this is the
pation of ancient local inhabitants. walls or fortifications. And the name Malanta, Gallery (GMB) exhibits a rare from the “dark continent”. last chance to see it.
In Nitranske Hrnčiarovce, there used to for example, echoes the name of a magnate of bust of Jozef Pollak made by Open: daily 10:00-19:00 Starts: April 14, 18:30; State
work hrnčiari (potters) producing vessels cater- Slavonic origin who lived to the north of Nitra. famous sculptor Viktor Tilgn- until May 15; Gallery of the Opera, Národná 11. Admission:
ing for the needs of Nitra Castle. In Štitáre, spe- This postcard from the 1920s features the er lent to the gallery by Slovak Union of Visual Arts, €3.50-€5. Tel: 048/ 2457-101;
cialised craftsmen created štíty, or shields, for church in Zlaté Moravce, painted by artist Jozef Pollak’s heirs in the USA. Dostojevského rad 2. Admis-
the army. The historical name of Krškany gives Holoubek. Open: Tue-Sun 11:00-18:00 sion: €2-€3. More info:
away the fact that this used to be a village of By Branislav Chovan until April 17; Pálffy Palace, Banská Bystrica
Panská 19. Admission: €2-€4. l LIVE WORLD MUSIC: Pri
Tel: 02/5443-3627; Nitra prastarom dube / By the An- l EXHIBITION: Where did this cient Oak – A concert by the
The ethics in aesthetics! Bratislava
l EXHIBITION: Tradície a
Christmas Tree Come From? –
The combined multimedia
projects of Eva Shemba
world/folklore/traditional yet
untraditional Slovak band
Žiarislav a bytosti brings an-
titles accorded to made-up vízie Ľubice Poncik / Tradi- Janovská (who is also the cur- cient as well as less traditional
manikins, or maybe their tions and Visions of Ľubica ator), A.Huťková, H. Bratová, instruments and polyphonic
BY JOHN S. GRIONI Poncik – The ÚĽUV Centre for L.Voda Balleková, Javá, J. singing combining Carpathi-
Special to the Spectator “fitters”? Why not then Flower
Shows with petals stuck and Folk Art Production presents Kučová, D. Gershom strive to an music with a unique flair.
an exhibition by this textile find the individuality and true Starts: April 14, 18:00;
glued on. There should be artist and designer at the core of a human being, thus Town Hall, SNP Square 1. Ad-
NOW hear this, and believe it! tight controls against any arti- Slovak Government Office; showing the diversity of per- mission: €3.50 (in advance) or
Though foolish, since it fice in competitions. One can- the exhibition is focused on ception, not only of art but €5 (on the door). Tel: 0850/
matches the times we are go- not go this far without stum- traditional textiles and folk also of other notions and phe- 003-004 (ticket sales), www.
ing through. What is – or thus bling, which is what the or- embroidery. nomena. pkobb;
far used to be – more genu- ganisers did that very night. Open: Weekdays until Open: Tue-Sun 10:00-18:00
inely “real” than beauty con- Would it not be more co- April 30; Government Office, until May 1; Bunker / Nitri- Eastern SLOVAKIA
tests, since Venus won years herent instead to have a Námestie slobody 1. Admis- anska galéria, Župné námestie
back, apparently in the nude? “Coiffeur” there varying the sion: free. More info: 02/5273- 3. Admission: €0.50-€0.70. Tel: Košice
Perfect Misses? Photo: SITA
1349; 037/6579-641-3; www. l PHOTO-EXHIBITION: V
No cheating absolutely pos- hairdressings, tediously let tieni Tretej ríše / In the Shad-
sible, having it all exposed to taste explicitly revealed was down for everyone thus con- Bratislava ow of the Third Reich – Official
the last inch! And what is definitely incongruous for the cealing half of head, neck, l EXHIBITION: Afrika - Central SLOVAKIA photographs of the wartime
“real”, is… real. Nature shown occasion, not to say, at the back and shoulders (!), as divočina v srdci / Africa - Wil- Slovak State between 1939 and
naked at its best, unaltered, least, disrespectful. If the se- much as veils obstructing derness in the Heart – The Banská Bystrica 1945 show, as part of the 12th
chosen, filtered, with a capital lected few are still nonethe- other views; or a society por- Year of the Week of Slovak Lib-
N, nor Naturism. less “censurable”, let alone traitist, an aesthete, a philo- raries, and the DOCsk festival
Well, things seem to have what the rest might expect… sopher maybe, or a poet? An of documentaries, pictures
changed indeed these last few And nor, “le clou du appreciator, not a re-maker. from a controversial period in
Slovakia’s history.
years, and alas for the worst. spectacle”. A surgeon – yes – Besides cosmetics, garments, Open: Mon-Fri 8:00-17:30
Besides the talent bouts re- come from abroad as “stays”, unstyled manes until April 21; FotoGaléria No-
quested of the ladies – or stu- “corrector” more than as masking features, etc., now va, J. Bocatio Public Library,
dents, rather, according to juryman was filmed in inter- we have, or risk having, sur- Hlavná 48. Admission: free.
their age – whilst the pa- views advocating gical intrusion too plotting to Tel: 055/6223-291; www.
geantry alone, being the ob- “amendments” upon the ap- fool our sight with (presum-
ject of the event itself, would pointed candidates (the ably) invisible “retouching”.
be a commendable presenta- beauty queens, that is) to the By George, what a ball! Smižany
tion displaying them as a excess of – God forbid! – Adulterations are not just l EXHIBITION: Vajíčko
maľované, z lásky darované /
parade of statues “in the “virtual” alterations by blown- for food… What else is real Painted Egg, Given with Love –
round”, to the best up lips, inflated bosoms, false where Beauty is also “faked”? An exhibition of decorated
advantage… - at the Slovak noses, ear-laps, and further Thanks Doc for the inspir- Easter eggs from the
screening these days (begin- “interventions” who knows ing idea. But girls, keep as you JAZZ grouping Štefan “Pišta” Bartuš & JazzBrothers (Bartuš on museum’s collection, plus
ning March and beginning where, supposedly conform- are – don’t spoil your looks, double bass, Michal Bugala on guitar, Klaudius Kováč on piano those made by pupils of the
April) for the “Miss Universe” ing to their “dreams”. Can you and guard your skin from and Peter Solárik on drums) present their works during a 33rd local Elementary Artistic
occurrence, it was tactlessly imagine anything quite so ab- scars. You need not change! Birthday Tour. Their tour guest is famous US saxophone player School of D. Štrauch.
asserted that “plastic surd and untimely at a glam- Frank truth is better than Andy Middleton. A series of five concerts begin on April 12 at Open: Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00
surgery”, of all things – be- orous show, where gorgeous swindle; so let’s forget the 19:00 in Club Orava in Lučenec, with other gigs in Nitra, until April 30; Ethnography
Museum, Krátka 5. Admis-
lieve it or not – could (would, ex-Misses were present? How “smear”. You can compare the Piešťany and Bratislava. Their music fuses latino, classical and
sion: €0.50-€1. Tel: 0917/746-
should?) be or become a prize- conceitedly unfitted may any- two Slovak beauty pageants, free music, and leaves a lot of space for improvisation. For more 336;
winning trick in such races: one be! It was really beyond Miss Universe and Miss Slov- information, please visit
which apart from the bad words… What next: Beauty akia, in this respect. Photo: A. Middleton, Courtesy of Š. Bartuš By Zuzana Vilikovská

N A M E D A Y A P R I L 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Július Estera Ale‰ Justína Fedor Dana, Danka Rudolf
can now be found at
April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 17

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE April 11 – 17, 2011 15
National Gallery's
struggles continue
ON MARCH 1 the Slovak Na- the project planned to open
tional Gallery (SNG) in Bratis- the rather encapsulated
lava, the most prominent building by connecting it
visual arts institution in Slov- with Bratislava’s pedestrian
akia, passed a very sad tenth zone. Construction costs, at
anniversary. On March 1, 2001 2005 price levels, were calcu-
the gallery’s exhibition area lated at €35 million, includ-
known as ‘the bridging’ was ing VAT. But the modernisa-
ordered closed because of its tion project was scrapped in
poor condition. Since then no 2009 because of the economic
action has been taken to re- crisis and a lack of funds.
pair the bridging or otherwise “Everybody is talking
renovate the SNG’s premises, about the deteriorating
except the renovation of the bridging, and they are right,”
SNG's Esterházy Palace, even said Alexandra Kusá, the cur-
though two design competi- rent director-general of the
tions for an overall revamp of SNG. “But over these past 10
the gallery have been held. years, the bridging has be-
After the second competition come our smallest problem.”
in 2005, a winning design Kusá said the SNG moved
was announced, detailed its artworks into temporary
plans were prepared and warehouses so that the cur-
French film legends Catherine Deneuve and Gérard Depardieu star in Potiche (above), which will get an opena-air screening in construction permits were rent galleries could be refur-
Hviezdoslavovo Square in Bratislava on April 15 as part of the International Francophone Film Festival. Photo: Courtesy of FIFFBA even obtained. Nevertheless, bished but added that after
the poor condition of the five years even the best provi-
building remains unchanged sional space is no longer ac-

Francophone Film and the SNG’s director-gen-

eral says the closing of the
bridging is now only one of
several serious problems fa-
cing the gallery.
ceptable. She noted that the
SNG building also lacks amen-
ities that modern galleries
should have, such as a café,
space for cultural events, and

Festival hits Bratislava “From the viewpoint of

the elapsed 10 years I regard
the decision to close the
bridging rather romantic-
ally; but at that time it was a
similar accoutrements.
“We want nothing
special,” Kusá emphasised to
The Slovak Spectator.
Kusá and Bajcúrová be-
and film crew members. The pragmatic step,” Katarína lieve that a big problem fa-
French actor main guest of the event is the Bajcúrová, the SNG’s direct- cing SNG’s management is
Louis Garrel is young French actor Louis Gar- or-general in 2001, said as the amount of time and en-
rel, primarily known for his she recalled water seeping ergy that is undertaken after
among the guests appearance in Bernardo down onto a painting by each parliamentary election
Bertolucci’s The Dreamers. Mikuláš Galanda, a promin- to persuade the incoming cul-
In addition, with the fest- ent Slovak artist . ture minister and new cabin-
ival having the ambition to Even though the et about the gallery’s needs.
BY DOMINIKA enable dialogue between film bridging, designed by Slovak “We have a very low
UHRÍKOVÁ professionals and audiences, architect Vladimír Dedeček, awareness not only of cultural
Spectator staff
the organisers have prepared had been highly appreciated needs and culture itself, but
a public panel discussion fo- as a work of art in itself, also a low awareness of the
cused on the dismal situation which provided excellent need for cultural continuity,”
ON TOUR, a comedy by Math- of Slovak art-house cinemas. light conditions for exhibi- said Bajcúrová. “Each phase of
ieu Amalric that followed an The discussion will take place tions, changes in the project’s our efforts crashed on the
American troupe of real-life at the VŠMU Film & TV Fac- materials and poor-quality administrative hydra, which
burlesque dancers as they ulty at Svoradova Street on construction made it im- by the time it accepted the
toured French port cities, will April 14 at 18:30. possible to maintain a stable idea of modernisation was
mark the April 13 opening of According to Guillaume temperature and humidity. already leaving office.”
the 13th year of the Interna- Robert, cultural counsellor at Later the bridging’s roof Kusá perceives interest
tional Francophone Film Fest- the French Embassy in Slov- began to leak and “the water from Daniel Krajcer, the cur-
ival (FIFFBA). akia and director of the was always looking for new rent culture minister.
The five-day event held in French Institute, the FIFFBA routes and thus it was im- “At the moment I must
Bratislava between April 13 has become “one of the most possible to predict which say that our communication
and 17, co-organised by the important cultural rendez- artwork would ‘get hell’ with the current Culture Min-
FIFFBA association and the vous between Slovakia and next”, Bajcúrová said. istry in terms of reconstruc-
French Institute in Bratislava, France” over the 13 years of The international jury for tion has revived and is relat-
will screen around 30 feature its existence. the second competition chose ively intensive,” Kusá said. “I
and short films partly or en- “One of the many things a project offered by the BKPŠ assume that the ministry is
tirely produced in France or the two countries have in architectural studio for an looking for ways to secure the
French-speaking countries A scene from the film Heartbeats. Photo: Courtesy of FIFFBA
common is the desire to sup- overall reconstruction and necessary finances as the
such as Switzerland, Belgium, port contemporary arts and modernisation of the project is too big to be covered
Morocco and Tunisia. Those will take place simultan- London only to be exhibited encourage people to express gallery’s premises facing the from the ministry's budget.
who do not understand French eously at the VŠMU Film & TV there in a humiliating carni- themselves through culture,” Danube embankment. With Maybe if we could hold an ice
need not despair – all movies Faculty, Mladosť Cinema and val show; Xavier Beauvois’ Robert told The Slovak Spec- the aim to create a multifunc- hockey championship in the
will be subtitled in both Slovak the Slovak National Gallery. award-winning Of Gods and tator. tional gallery meeting 21st- gallery then we would have
and English. As Porubanová further Men, about the 1996 mas- “It is therefore only natur- century European standards already been reconstructed.”
The atmosphere of the stated, a cherry on top will be sacre of French Trappist al that we have joined to pro- while respecting Dedeček’s
festival, which typically at- the April 15 screening of monks living in a monastery mote interest in cinema by of- original architectural ideas, By Jana Liptáková
tracts several thousand visit- Potiche, a comedy by François in Algeria; and Heartbeats, a fering the local audience a
ors, will be different from the Ozon about the submissive love drama by Canadian dir- programme of the highest
previous editions, as the FIFF- wife (Catherine Deneuve) of a ector Xavier Dolan. quality, which blends a great
BA is changing venues to rich industrialist (Gérard De- Insomniacs and those who cultural variety. I know we
reach an even wider audience, pardieu) who runs his um- are too busy to watch movies have just entered the second
its organisers said. brella factory with an iron during the day can also look decade, but I cannot help look-
“We are confident that fist. This movie will be shown forward to an all-night film ing forward to celebrating the
our fans will appreciate that, in Hviezdoslavovo Square, marathon held at the Mladosť festival’s 20th birthday.”
for the first time in years, the under the open sky. Cinema that starts at 23:00 on Admission to individual
FIFFBA takes place in town Other films in the pro- Friday night, April 15, and fin- screenings is €3. A festival
instead of at the cineplexes,” gramme include Black Venus ishes shortly after 7:00 on Sat- pass is €15 if purchased before
Eva Porubanová, the festival’s by Abdellatif Kechiche, relat- urday morning. April 13 and €20 if purchased
artistic director, told The ing the real story of a black Throughout the festival, after that date. More informa-
Slovak Spectator. domestic servant who left several films will be presented tion on the festival is available
In fact, the screenings her native South Africa for in person by their directors at The empty bridging gallery. Photo: Courtesy of Daša Barteková
16 April 11 – 17, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

wins in
SLOVAKIA can now boast of
a woman golfer winning a
title in the prestigious
Slovakia’s oldest Ladies’ European Tour.
Zuzana Kamasová, 32,
achieved her winning
magazine turns 90 round on April 3 at the Lalla
Meryem Cup in Morocco
when she overcame French
THE FIRST improvement and deve- golfer Alexandra Bonetti by

event of a lopment,” Kollár told the two strokes as well as beat-
year-long cel- TASR newswire. These indi- ing third place Caroline
ebration of viduals included Janoška’s Masson from Germany, the
the 90th an- daughter, Ľuba Kostková, Hospodárske Noviny daily
niversary of photographer Karol Špánik wrote.
the magazine Krásy Slov- and one of Slovakia’s most She improved markedly
enska (The Beauties of Slov- prominent speleologists, from her previous best –
akia) was an exhibition ded- Anton Dropa, age 91. ninth place at a tournament
icated to its illustrious his- The exhibition presents in China three years ago.
tory held on February 24 in the 90-year history of the She was able to take part
the Slovak Museum of magazine both chronologic- A guide dog in action on a Slovak train. Photo: TASR in the recent tournament
Nature Protection and Spele- ally and thematically on in- only by invitation since she
ology in Liptovský Mikuláš. dividual panels covering is- had lost automatic entry
The magazine’s current
editor, Daniel Kollár, said
this is a symbolic place as the
sues such as environmental
protection, hiking, spele-
ology, climbing and tourism.
Slovaks give generously due to poor results last year.
Her victory brought a
€40,000 payday.
first issue of Krásy Slovenska
was published in the town in
1921 thanks to the personal
After its run in Liptovský
to train guide dogs
resources of Miloš Janoška, a Topoľčianky, Orava and oth- SLOVAKS last tions to provide social con- donation programme, who

hiking enthusiast and pro- er regions of Slovakia. year donated sultancy and rehabilitation to added that the contributions
moter of nature. Kollár added that the almost €8,400 individuals in need of these assist blind and partially
“It is the oldest magazine magazine’s existence is ex- to support the services. UNSS was estab- sighted persons by making
published continuously in ceptional in a wider context training of lished in 1990 with the object- their everyday lives easier
Slovakia. At the opening of as there is probably no other guide dogs to ive of improving the quality of and permitting easier move-
the exhibition, we recog- periodical in Europe special- assist visually impaired per- life of visually impaired Slov- ment outside their homes.
nised important personalit- ising so systematically in sons. aks and to give partially Zbranek said a guide dog is
ies from among Liptov hikers promoting a country’s nat- “The funds from public sighted and blind citizens an an irreplaceable aid in helping
and tourists and also con- ural beauty, its cultural and donations are used for the opportunity to live full lives. a visually-impaired person
tributors who can be mostly natural monuments and its purchase, upbringing and “The collection of volun- become oriented in space and
credited for the magazine’s national heritage. training of guide dogs,” tary contributions is made to move about, leading a fuller
Jarmila Virágová, the head via 50 collection boxes that life without being reliant on
of the Guide Dog Training haves replicas of guide dogs help from other people.
School, a department of the on them in locations avail- The Guide Dog Training
Slovak Blind and Partially able to the general public School, which is accredited by
Sighted Union, told the SITA across all of Slovakia. The the International Guide Dog
newswire. second kind of contribution is Federation, annually organ-
The civic organisation a voluntary donation sent to ises the fundraising pro-
(Únia nevidiacich a a special account for this gramme. More information is
slabozrakých Slovenska, UN- purpose,” said Jozef Zbranek, available at their website: Golfer Zuzana Kamasová
SS) also uses some of the dona- UNSS’s coordinator of the with her prize. Photo: TASR

Ice hockey stamps now available

THE ENTHU- to delight their friends with a

SIASM sur- greeting with an original
rounding the postage stamp,” Bela
upcoming Ice Lisáková, head of Slovak
Hockey World Post’s external and internal
Championship communication department,
has entered Slovakia’s phila- told the media.
telic world. This is the fifth postage
On March 25, Slovenská stamp issued by Slovakia in
Pošta (Slovak Post) residing connection with the Ice
in Banská Bystrica issued Hockey World Champion-
two postage stamps dedic- ships. Along with the two
ated to the championship. stamps, the postal service
The first stamp depicts a also issued a first day cover
goalie and the second stamp (FDC) postmarked March 25,
features famous Slovak for- 2011, with Bratislava as the
ward Pavol Demitra scoring a domicile.
goal during a solo attack. The FDC portrays a Slovak
“Slovak Post supports our ice hockey player with his
national hockey team and we hockey stick and a puck on
have participated in the pre- the ice. Painter Igor Belica
parations [for the champion- created the artistic design of
ship] by issuing hockey post- the postage stamps and the
Back issues of the venerable Krásy Slovenska. Photo: SITA age stamps. Fans will be able first day cover. Slovak Post's new hockey-themed stamps. Photo: Courtesy of SP

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