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Tyler Torek

Georgia Performance Standard ELABLRL4(e): The student includes information from

relevant critical perspectives and evaluate the validity and reliability of sources.

Desired Results

Overarching Understandings Essential Questions

What are sources for a
Journal Articles research project?
Where can credible sources
GALILEO be found online?
How do I search the
Searching Databases databases of GALILEO?

What will students understand as a

result of this unit? What questions will focus this lesson?
Sources for a research project include  What does my teacher mean when I
journal articles. am told to find sources for my
research project?
 What other sources are there besides
 What’s wrong with using websites as
Journal articles are found in databases  What is GALILEO?
hosted on sites such as GALILEO.  What is a database?
 What are journals?
Searching for applicable sources requires  How do I search the databases of
a few simple skills. GALILEO?
 How do I expand or limit my search
 What databases apply to my research
 What is a PDF?
 Where do I find the bibliographical
information for citing an article?
Acceptable Evidence

Evidence of Student Understanding

Performance Tasks
 Students navigate and login to GALILEO and perform a search for a given topic.
 Students identify four applicable journal articles on a given topic.
 Students gather bibliographical information for each article and produce a bibliography to
hand in as evidence that they completed the task.
 What’s wrong with using any website found as a source?
 How can you expand/limit your search results?
Other Evidence
 Informal observations and discussions during the performance task.
Student Self-Assessment
 Number of applicable results from searches.
 Self-assess bibliography page.
Planned Instruction

Students will need to know… Students need to be able to…

 Vocabulary: source, journal,  Navigate and login to GALILEO.
article, database, bibliography,  Search multiple databases for
GALILEO, abstract, PDF applicable articles.
 The difference between a credible  Expand/limit the search results.
source and an unreliable source.  Locate and collect bibliographical
 Information necessary for a information from an article.

Teaching & Learning Experiences

1. Prompt students to discuss where to find sources for research project.
2. Demonstrate unreliable sources using web tutorial or web video.
3. Introduce concept of journal articles and databases.
4. Introduce GALILEO: background, login, navigation
5. Demonstrate GALILEO search using instructional video.
6. Have students experiment searching for simple topics, such as nutrition.
7. Have students practice limiting their search results by database selection and Boolean
operators. (Search nutrition AND calcium)
8. Have students work independently to find four journal articles on Macbeth. Students must
collect biographical information and the abstract to hand in as evidence.
9. Conclude the lesson by prompting students to answer the three essential questions:
 What are sources for a research project?
 Where can credible sources be found online?
 How do I search the databases of GALILEO?

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