Present Perfect Simple-Cont Murphy Theory and Ex

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Iehas been raining Study this example situation tet raining? No, but the ground s wet ‘thas been raining Have/has been -ing i the present perfect continuous hing Uwefthytyou have Ive) | geay | 2 hreshent has Ghe'setc) PS" MONE ‘We use the present perfect continuous for an activity that has recently stopped of ust stopped, ‘There isa connection with nou You're outof breath. Have you been running? (= you'e out of breath now) Pauls very tired. He's Been working very hard. (=he'stved now) ‘why are your clothes so dity? What have you been doing? Ive been talking to Amenda ebout the preblem and she egress with me. ‘where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere ED thas been raining for two hours. Study ths example situation It began raining two hours ago and itis stil raining. How long has it been raining? Ithas been raining or twa hours We use the present perfect continuous in this way especially with how long, for .. and since... The activity is stil. happening (a5 inthis example) or has just stopped How long have you been learning English? (= you'r stil learning English) Timis still watching TV. He's been watching TV all day. ‘where have you been? I've been Looking for you for the last half hour. Chri hasn't been feeling well recently. You can use the present perfect continuous for actions repeated over a period of time: Silva is @ very good tennis player. She's been playing since she was eight. Every morning they meetin the same cafe. They've been going there for years. © wire aquestion for encnstuation 1 You meet Pt a ei eaving the svimming pool Yous os! sweat) Habe va ben suai? 2. You have starved to meet friend who is walting fr you Yeu ask (you / wat / ong?) 2 Yourmeeta friend inthestreet, His face and hands are very dy Yeu ake fwhot you dor) 4. Alriend of yours snow workingina shop. You want to krow how long ‘You ask: (how long / you / work / there?) 5. Attend telsyou about hisjob~ he sells able phones) You want to Kaow how ong, You ask: (how long / you / sell / mabile phones?) (© ‘c28the stations and complete the sentences. 1 sang. Theran stata to hours go, TS BBOR lod fot hours 2: We are walting forthe but, We started waking 20 minutes ao, We tor 20 minutes 2. learring Spanish, strted classes in December 1 since December 4 esis working in supermarket. She sated working thereon 1 january since 18 Joouary 5 Ourtiendsahraye spend thei holiday in aly, Tey started going thee years ag, foryeas ‘Study this example situation XY as Sg There paint on Kate's lathes Her bedkoom was green. Now tis yellow. ‘Sho has been painting her badroom, She has painted herbed oom, Has been painting isthe present perfect Has painted isthe present perfect imple, «continuous Here, the important thing i that something ‘We are thinking ofthe atvty Itdoes not has been finished. Has painted is a completed matter whether its beenfinshedornot. action. We ae intrested inthe result of In this exarnple the activity (painting the the activity (the pained bedroom), not the bedroom) has nat been finshed activity itself ED compare these examples: My hands are very dirty. I've been My bike is OK again naw. I've repairing my bike. repaired it. Joe has been eating too much recently. ‘Somebody has eaten all the He should eat less chocolates. The box is empty. I's nice to see you again. What have Where's the book | gave you? Whi ‘you been doing since we last met? brave you done withit? ‘Where have you been? Have you been Have you ever played tennis? playing tennis? GB Fens the stvation and complete the sentences Use the verbsin brackets 1 Tom started readings book two hours go, Hes sil reading it and now he son page 53 He has been reading forewo hours (ead) He Mas read. 53 pages sofar. (read) 2 Rachelis from Australia, She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her trip three ‘months age, ‘She fortheee months. (travel) six countries so far. (visit) 3 Patricks a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old, This year he won ‘the national championship again —for the fourth time. the national championship fourtimes. (win) since he wasten. (play) 4 When they left college, Lisa and Sue started making films together. They still make films They films since they left college. (make) five films since they leit college, (make) Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (I have done) or continuous. (have been doing) 1 Where have you been? Have you deen playing (you / play) tennis? 2 Look! (somebody / brea) that window. 3 Youlook tired. (you / work) hard? a (you / ever / work) in afactory?” "No, never’ 5 ‘Lis avay on holiday’ ‘ls she? Whece (she / go)?" 6 My brother is an actor. {he appear) in several fis. 7 "Sorry late! "Thats all ght (1/ aot / wait) long 8 "sitstil ining?” ‘No, (it stop). ° (1/lose) my phone (you see) it anywhere? 10 (/ read) the book you lent me, but (/ not /finish)ityet. It's very interesting " (1/ read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back nowt 12 Thisisa very old book. 92 2. Have you been waiting ong? 3. What have you been doing? 4 How long have you been working there? 5 How long have you been selling mabile phones? 93 2 "vebeen waiting / have been waiting 3. ‘ve been learning Spanish / have boon learning Spanich 4 She's been working there / She hasbeen working there 5. They've been going there / They have been going there (Ihave) it since |was a child 02 2 Have you been waiting long? 3 Have you cought any fish? 4. How many people have you invited? 5 How long have you been teaching? 6 How many books have you written? How long have you been writing books? 7 Horr lang have yew been saving? How much money have you saved? 03 2. Somebody’ broken / ‘Somebody hes breken Have you been working Have you ever woiked hhas she gone Hes appeared / He has appeared 1 haven't been waiting ivsstopped /it has stopped We lost / | have lost... Have you seen 410 I've een reading /! have been reading... |havert finished 11 ve rand [have road 42 Mwehad/t have hed

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