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1. Do you think values are taught? Or caught? Why do you say so?

In my own perspective, values are not taught but caught. We are able to catch different
values from witnessing how everyone is conducting them rather than being taught from lessons at
home and school. We are the ones who practice those values instead of being told to do so. The
direct application of the values that people see created an impact to their lives and it is their
choice if they will execute those as well. Our environment plays a vital role upon catching those
values and what are those main factors according to my own perspective listed below are as

First, at home, our family had the greatest impact upon developing our values which we
acquire. Whatever happens at home has the capability to shape one’s person and practices. For an
example, when the family members are always fighting with each other, it created a huge impact
on the child and will possess those values as well. Second, at school, students usually learn more
from what they can see rather than just providing knowledge. For an example, some students were
influenced more with what are the activities conducted by their classmates rather than applying
the values written in their notes. Third, the society, the values of people were affected with what
were executed by the people around them. For an example, what the environment accepts as right,
people also considered it as right even though sometimes it is literally wrong. Lastly, the media,
as media provided an influence with creating an influence that may copy or catch by the viewers.
Such example is when a person watches a certain movie, he may copy and portray what are the
values and practices which he watched from watching it.

Good values are easier caught than taught. We may differ from each other because we
came from different backgrounds, but what important is the values that we caught can shape us to
become better individuals of the future. Keep in mind that defining what do we value and acting
upon those caught values will bring clarity and direction to our life. Honoring those values can
help us to become better versions of ourselves and confidently conducting right values in life.

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