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Conduct of the Course:

All class will be conducted online. Most sessions will combine lectures, discussions of
the assigned exercises and readings, and class discussion. My style is informal and the
more interaction among members of the class, the better. The exercises, readings and
website review is vital for classroom discussion. You have everything to gain from
thoughtful analysis and preparation. The responsibilities of each member of this course

• On-time attendance
• Homework done in advance of the group meeting
• Active involvement in discussion
• Constructive critiques of the work of the other group members

Assessment Method:

Grading will be based on the following components:


Online Final Exam 30 DATELINES
Exam Week
Online Test 20 Week 9
Online Quiz 10 Week 5
Group Assignment 20 Week 12
Group Presentation 20 Week 13 & 14

All quiz, test and final exam will be held online through GOALS.

Refer Appendix for the details on Group Assignment and Group Presentation.

This schedule will change as new information becomes available. Check the GOALS

Course Lecturer

Name : Dr. Mohd Nazri Bin Mohd Noor

Office : FEM (Level 4, Room 62)
Phone: 0139190314
Office Hours: pm and by appointment


Guidelines and Rubric

A. Group Formation
i. Consist of 4-5 members per group.
ii. Each group must represent one of the 16 Islamic banks been operated in
Malaysia as follows:

No. Name of Islamic Bank

1 Affin Islamic Bank Berhad
2 Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Berhad
3 Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad
4 AmBank Islamic Berhad
5 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
6 Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad
7 CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad
8 HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad
9 Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad
10 Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad
11 MBSB Bank Berhad
12 Maybank Islamic Berhad
13 OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad
14 Public Islamic Bank Berhad
15 RHB Islamic Bank Berhad
16 Standard Chartered Saadiq Berhad

B. Report Outline

1.0 Overview of Malaysian Banking System and Regulatory Framework

2.0 Background of [Your Group’s Islamic bank]
3.0 Deposit & Debit Card Products Offered by [Your Group’s Islamic bank]
4.0 Financing Products Offered by [Your Group’s Islamic bank]
4.1 Personal Financing
4.2 Home Financing
4.3 Vehicle Financing
4.4 Islamic Credit Card
4.5 Commercial and Trade
5.0 Capital and Money Market Facilities Offered by [Your Group’s Islamic bank]
6.0 New Product Proposal
i. Your Islamic bank plan to launch a new product in September this year. You are
required to propose a new product to be launced.
ii. Your proposal must take into consideration the followings:
- Strong justifications on why you decide to propose it [i.e. meaningful
solution(s) to problem(s)]. Support with data and sources of reference.
- Must inlude the element of Fintech.
-Explain the products according to its name, underlying contract(s) and
modus operandi.
- Create Product Disclosure/Information Sheet (PDS/PIS) for the proposed
new product.
- Plan of marketing tools to market the new product.
7.0 Summary and Conclusion

Important notes:
 The main source of information includes the Product Disclosure/Information Sheet
 For all the sub-sections of type of products offered:
- List and explain the product(s) according to the name(s), underlying contract(s)
and modus operandi1.
- Give your review on the products.



Provide Product Disclosure/Information Sheet (PDS/PIS) for each of the product (i.e.,
internet links to the PDS/PIS documents) .

C. Format of the report

- Font: Times New Roman, size 12, spacing: 1.5
- Reference: APA style

D. Dateline
Submit the assignment in GOALS latest by Week 12 (11.55 p.m).

The modus operandi need to be prepared and presented using diagram.
E. Rubric

D- or F- level qualities C- level qualities B- level qualities A- level qualities

(0-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9-10)
incomplete in most aspects; does incomplete in many respects; reflects Complete in most respects; reflect most Complete in all aspects; reflects all
not reflect requirements few requirements requirements requirements
Demonstrates an inadequate Demonstrates an acceptable Demonstrates an accomplished Demonstrates a sophisticated
Understanding understanding of the topic(s) and understanding of the topic(s) and understanding of the topic(s) and understanding of the topic(s) and
issue(s) issue(s) issue(s) issue(s)
Present an insightful and thorough
Presents a superficial analysis of Presents a thorough analysis of most
Presents an incomplete analysis of analysis of all the issues identified;
some of the issues identified; omits issues identified; includes most
the issues identified includes all necessary financial
necessary financial calculations necessary financial calculations
Makes appropriate but somewhat Makes appropriate connections Makes appropriate and powerful
Makes little or no connection vague connections between the between the issues identified and the connections between the issues
between the issues identified and issues and concept studied in the strategic concept studied in the identified and the strategic concept
Analysis, the strategic concepts studied in reading; demonstrates limited reading; demonstrates good command studied in the reading; demonstrates
evaluation, and the reading command of the strategic concepts of the strategic concepts and analytical complete command of the strategic
recommendations and analytical tools studied tools studied concepts and analytical tools studied
  Support diagnosis and opinions Supports diagnosis and opinions with
Supports diagnosis and opinions Supports diagnosis and opinions with
  with few reasons and little, if any, strong arguments and evidence;
with limited reasons and evidence; reason and evidence; presents a fairly
  support from the information presents a balanced and critical view;
presents a somewhat one-sided balanced view; interpretation is both
presented and concepts from the interpretation is both reasonable and
argument reasonable and objective
reading objective
Present less realistic or appropriate Present realistic or appropriate Present detailed, realistic and
Supplements report, if at all, with recommendations with minimum recommendations with good appropriate recommendations clearly
incomplete research and supported by the information supported by the information supported by the information
documentation presented and concepts from the presented and concepts from the presented and concepts from the
reading. reading. reading.
Supplements report with relevant and
Writing is unfocused, rambling, or Supplements report with limited Supplements report with appropriate
extensive research into the present
contains serious errors, lacks research into the present situation of research into the present situation of
Research situation of the company; clearly and
detail and relevant data and the company; provides limited the company; provides some
thoroughly documents all sources of
information; poorly organised. documents of sources consulted documents of sources consulted
Writing demonstrates a sophisticated
Writing lacks clarity or conciseness Writing shows clarity or conciseness
clarity, conciseness, and correctness;
and contains numerous errors; gives and contains some errors; gives
Writing mechanics Does not use APA guidelines includes thorough details and relevant
insufficient detail and relevant data appropriate detail and relevant data
data and information; extremely well-
and information; lacks organization and information; good organization

Guidelines and Rubric

A. Instructions
Based on the group report, present the followings using infographic:
i. The summary of products offered by your Group’s Islamic bank.
ii. New product proposal.

C. Presentation
i. Each group needs to present in class in Week 13 and 14.
ii. Allocation of time: 15 minutes

D. Submission
Submit the presentation tool in GOALS latest by Week 14 (@ 11.59 p.m.)
E. Rubric

Excellent Adequate Needs Attention Insufficient

(5-6 points) (3-4 points) (2 points) (0-1 points)
Presentation had an Presentation had a Presentation had Presentation
exceptional amount good amount of moments where contained little to no
Content of valuable material material and valuable material valuable material.
and was extremely benefited the class. was present but as a
beneficial to the class. whole content was
Information is Most information is Some information is There is no clear plan
organized in a clear, organized in a clear, logically sequenced. for the organization
Sequencing logical way. It is easy logical way. One An occasional slide of information.
of to anticipate the type slide or item of or item of
Information of material that information seems information seems
might be on the next out of place. out of place.
Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation is a
considerable some originality and an attempt at reuse of other
originality and inventiveness. The originality and people's ideas and/or
Originality inventiveness. The content and ideas are inventiveness on 1-2 graphics and shows
content and ideas are presented in an slides. very little attempt at
presented in a unique interesting way. original thought.
and interesting way.
Presentation has no Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has
Spelling and misspellings or misspellings, but no grammatical errors more than 2
Grammar grammatical errors. grammatical errors. but no misspellings. grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
All graphics are A few graphics are All graphics are Several graphics are
attractive (size and not attractive but all attractive but a few unattractive AND
Use of colors) and support support the do not seem to detract from the
Graphics the theme/content of theme/content of the support the content of the
the presentation. presentation. theme/content of the presentation.
The teammates The teammates The teammates The teammates never
always worked from worked from others’ sometimes worked worked from others’
others’ ideas. ideas most of the from others’ ideas. ideas. It seems as
It was evident that all time. It seems like However it seems as though only a few
of the group every did some work, though certain people worked on
members contributed but some people are people did not do as the presentation.
equally to the carrying the much work as others.
presentation. presentation.
The presentation was The presentation had There were minimal The presentation
well organised, well organised ideas but signs of organisation lacked organisation
prepared and easy to could have been or preparation. and had little
follow much stronger with evidence of
better preparation. preparation.

Presenters were all Presenters were not Presenters were Presenters were
very confident in consistent with the occasionally unconfident and
delivery and they did level of confidence/ confident with their demonstrated little
an excellent job of preparedness they presentation evidence of planning
Presentation engaging the class. showed the however the prior to presentation.
Preparation is very classroom but had presentation was not
evident. some strong as engaging as it
moments. could have been for
the class.
Final Score

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