By Articthetiger From Neocodex

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By ArticTheTiger from Neocodex

1. About Abrosia
a. Abrosia who?
b. But isn’t that cheating?
2. Getting Started
a. Neocodex log-in
b. Abrosia main screen
3. Settings
a. Login Settings
b. Web Settings
c. Program settings
4. Extra help

Abrosia who?
Abrosia is a neopets main shop autobuyer, this means that it will refresh in the main shops of
neopets and look for profitable items, which it will buy and place in your usershop. With its many
advanced features, its the current leading free autobuyer software.

But isn’t that cheating?

Yes, yes it is. And because it is, usage will be at your own risk, Neocodex is not responsible of loss of
accounts or items within the game. Cheating in online games is never 100% safe so be sure to have
an extra account set up incase of a freeze.


Neocodex log-in
The Neocodex login checker will be the first thing you
see after installing the application and starting it, there
will be 2 input boxes on here; Username and Password.
This is NOT your neopets user/pass.

This login is to make sure you are indeed a member of

Neocodex. The software is free for members of
Neocodex, so if you haven’t registered yet be sure to do
so now.

Afterwards, it will try to look at your Internet Explorer or Fig. 1 Abrosia Neocodex Check
Firefox browsers cookies, this way it will be able to
automatically log in to your Neopets account. Your browser windows will have to be closed for this
function to work. If it fails to do this you will be able to manually log in, for this consult the next

Abrosia main screen

The main window of ambrosia is a simple UI, a
text box, a big start button and the logo.

There is a bar on the top with a File, Settings,

Chat and Help button.

Under file:

 Logs
o Save log
o Clear log
 Quit Fig. 2 Abrosia main screen

Pretty self-explanatory, Abrosia logs all buys, money transfers and random events and displays them
in the text box.

Under Settings:

 Login Settings
 Web Settings
 Program Settings

We’ll cover these in the next chapter, these are the core of Abrosia, all settings that you will want to
change are contained in these three options.

Under Chat is a single start chat button, which will take you to an IRC chat on the Abrosia channel.

Under Help:

 Help and support

 Submit Bug Report
 About Abrosia

Help and support will take you to the Abrosia thread on Neocodex where people will be able to help
with your questions, we’d rather have you read the Abrosia FAQ before asking questions, because
some questions might already be answered there, or in this manual.

Submit Bug Report is a very important option, if you submit a bug, the Abrosia team will do their
best to fix it next release. This will help improve Abrosia every release, so its crucial for the
development of the program.

About Abrosia will give you information about the creators and version of Abrosia you are running. It
will also give you a changelog.

Login Settings
The login settings will ask for an Username and
Password. This time around it IS asking for your
neopets account details, so fill that in; if your
account requires a birthdate or PIN for the bank,
be sure to fill them in as well, check or uncheck the
option to save your login details and login. You’re
now good to go.

Fig. 3 Neopets login

Web Settings
These settings usually don’t need changing, some people
prefer to use neopets cheats with a proxy so that their ow
IP cannot be seen by The Neopets Team and they cannot
get IP banned.

Fig. 4 Web settings

Program settings
These settings will be the ones you are most interested in, these will change the way the Autobuyer
behaves, and can be as realistic or as fake as you wish, there are some limitations for non VIP users
and members under 500 posts on the forum.





1. These will be set to 8-8 by default, this is the amount of time the program waits until the
next refresh. Non advanced or VIP members will have this limited to 8 seconds, which is
actually just about right. You shouldn’t set this lower than 7 if you want to play semi safe.
2. This is the time between the auto haggle and the buy.
3. This checks if you are unbanned from restocking, preventing you from being stuck in the
Garage Sale.
4. The haggle algorithm is a great tool, you can set it to smart or fixed percent, smart is
recommended since it will format the purchase in a way a normal restocker would; 1313,
6565, etc. Normal restockers do it this way cause its fast to type, this will keep TNT from
figuring out you use an autobuyer as well.
5. Bank profits is an option to deposit neopoints that you obtain as a profit from the reselling
to the bank and keep a set amount of neopoints on hand so that that amount can be used
for buying even more items.






1. This option will tell the program to use the lists provided by the Neocodex Item Database, this is
a recommended option because the Neocodex items database always has the latest prices of all
items; updated by the users of Abrosia, every time you run Abrosia, and its pricing the items you
put in the shop, it updates the database automatically, this is done hundreds of times a day by
hundreds of users, this ensures that the database is always up to date with the newest items
purchased by Abrosia.
2. This is an advanced user/ VIP user option that will allow you to choose specific Shop ID’s to
autobuy in.
3. This tells Abrosia to only buy items that give you a certain amount of profit.
4. Yet again an advanced/ VIP option that allows you to spend a certain time in a shop and not
more, under this is a checkbox that allows you to enable or disable buying ‘unbuyable’ items.
5. This allows you to use a manual list of items to Autobuy in a specific shop.
5.1. Set this to the shop you want to Autobuy in when using your own list
5.2. These buttons allow you to import and export lists, and edit the list for use with a specific



1. This will enable the garage sale AB option, this will allow you to keep restocking items even
though you are restock banned, because the garage sale keeps restocking even though you get
restock banned.
2. This will toggle using the Igloo ABer when restock banned or full time.
3. These options are the same as in the main shop settings.






1. This will give a loud windows error sound when you have a successful buy.
2. This option will save a confirmation page of any item you buy to a specified folder, you can fool
people by sending pages that look like you actually bought stuff. Useful for unbuyables.
3. This tells Abrosia what to do with items you purchase successfully, and if you choose to store in
shop you can check automatically price bought items sent to shop so that you can start selling
4. These are the options for the automatic pricing setting, you can set it to price it lowest, average
or in the price group it belongs in.
4.1. Multiply price will do exactly what it says, if you insert .95 it will take 5% off the price to sell
it, you can switch between subtract fixed amount or multiply, but multiply is recommended
since that won’t take a default 100 NP off even if the item you sell is just 200 NP.
4.2. This will set the price of an item to the average of the amount of searches.

The scheduler is a convenient tool to plan breaks in your autobuying so you look more human, it
only supports hour long blocks, but this allows you to plan out everything you need to keep it
running 24/7 with as little risk as necessary.

Why does this happen?
Before anything, read the faq and this thread, then you can post a question, assuming it is not
covered in both yet.

I think I discovered a bug...

File a bug report.

Latest version/ changelog


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