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For year-1 (02/02/2018 to 01/02/2019)

PROJECT TITLE: Sensor Based Precision Irrigation Systems for
Improving Water Productivity of Cereal Crops

Dr Muhammad Jehanzeb Masud Cheema

Name of Project Manager: Precision Chair/Assistant Prof.
Dr Muhammad Jehanzeb Masud Cheema
Name of Team Leader: Precision Chair/Assistant Prof.
University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Host Institution:
Host Department:
Collaborating institution:

Executive Summary of Project No. 945

A. Basic Information
1 Name of the Project Sensor Based Precision Irrigation Systems for Improving
Water Productivity of Cereal Crops

2 Project No 945
3 Total Project Cost (PKR) 784,000 (Seven Lakh, Eighty four thousands Rupees)

4 Total Project Duration 24 months

5 Funds Released So Far (PKR) 448,000 (Four lakh, forty eight thousands Rupees)
To date Expenditures 315,962 (Three lakh, fifteen thousands, nine hundred and
sixty two
6 Project commencement date 02-02-2018
7 Name of the Project Manager or Dr Muhammad Jehanzeb Masud Cheema
Team Leader with designation Assistant Prof.
B. Salient Achievements

There is a growing concern about water shortage in Pakistan, as per capita water availability has
declined from 5000 𝑚3 during 1950s to 1100 𝑚3 now. The farmers prefer to use surface irrigation
method which has less efficiency ranges between 40-60% resulting excess water losses at drainage
end and runoff. Such surface irrigation methods require regular presence of the irrigator and even
making several trips, over and under irrigation may result and thus effecting over all land and
water productivity. Sprinkler system can be an alternative to irrigate wheat and maize because of
its efficiency. Since the system requires continuous operation, it is therefore necessary to know the
moisture condition of soil under the radius of influence of the sprinkler for optimum operation. The
time to start and stop should be based on soil moisture status and the irrigator normally uses his/her
experience to start/stop sprinkler system. So, sprinkler and drip irrigation system are not utilizing
effectively by farmers due to lack of technical knowledge e.g. crop water requirements and MAD
levels. The irrigation methods equipped with moisture sensors could be useful in order to provide
required volume of water without over or under irrigation.

In this project, wireless sensor network of moisture sensors was developed and evaluated under
different irrigation system such as drip, sprinkler and border irrigation systems. Study area for this
research was selected in water management research center. Drip irrigation system was designed for
an area of 0.75 acre and divided in to 84 beds. Sprinkler irrigation system was designed for an area
of 1 acre and divided in to four equal size plots; each part was consisting of a rain gun. For drip and
sprinkler irrigation system, system was developed for irrigation scheduling. Different MAD and
fertilization levels were assessed in this study. Software was also developed to monitor and control
these irrigation systems. In border irrigation, soil moisture sensor network was developed to
determine proper cut off depth and time. Three borders of width 21, 28 and 35 feet with three
replications were evaluated in this study. In each border treatment, three soil moisture probes was
placed on the surface at different lengths to detect water arrival and time of wetting front to
optimize water use efficiency and water productivity.

This system facilitated to improve labor efficiency, water productivity and water use efficiency in
cereal crops (i.e. wheat & maize) and saved water about 50% in case of drip irrigation and 44% in
case of sprinkler irrigation system. It was also concluded that 20 feet border treatment was better
treatment than other treatments as agronomic results were better for this treatment. Furthermore,
two PhD students and one M.Sc. student completed their research work and thesis working in this
1. Introduction:
Pakistan’s economy is primarily an agrarian based economy as agriculture sector is contributing
about 21% to its GDP, nearly 50% of its work force and providing livelihood to more than 67%
of its population, which is residing mostly in the rural areas. Since agriculture uses 96% of the
diverted water resources in Pakistan, irrigation water management is directly related to poverty
reduction. The country is currently experiencing serious physical water shortages. According to
State Bank of Pakistan’s report, “Guidelines for efficient agro water management financing”,
water availability in Pakistan has declined from 5000 m3 per capita during 1950s to 1100 m3 now
and will be 1000 m3 per capita by 2017 thus categorizing the country as a water deficit.

The situation is becoming even worse due to the current climate changes that have strongly
affected Pakistan especially during the last decade; and as a result, water resources are declining
and glaciers are shrinking. Reservoir levels are below average, which has decreased water
availability for irrigated as well as environmental flows. Total water flows in the major rivers
may decline to 110 km3 (during droughts); compared to average flows of 180 km3 that can
severely affect irrigation water availability. Moreover, huge conveyance losses and improperly
managed irrigation systems has exacerbated the problem.

It is estimated that only 40% of total water diverted from the rivers is available to crops. The
Government is urging farmers to reduce the water losses by doing proper management. Various
precision agriculture technologies like precision land leveling drip irrigation systems etc. has
been introduced and subsidized but still adoptability is poor. Drip irrigation system is considered
to be highly efficient but high initial/operational cost and continuous maintenance make it less
popular among the farmer communities. The hindrance in farming operations is also a possible
cause of less adoptability of drip irrigation system for cereal crops.

The farmers prefer to use surface irrigation methods, especially flood or boarder, to irrigate most
of the grain and fodder crops due to their simplicity and low operational costs. The efficiency of
such methods ranges between 40 - 60% resulting in excessive water loss due to ponding of
excess water at the drainage ends of fields, leading to excessive runoff, or deficient irrigation at
the tail ends of fields and poor distribution uniformity. These deficiencies may, in turn, lead to
poor crop growth and yields (Arnold et al. 2014). Such surface irrigation methods require regular
presence of the irrigator in order to turn off the irrigation once reached at the other end (tail).
Even making several trips, over and under irrigation may result thus effecting over all land and
water productivity (Saha et al., 2011).

Moreover, less efficient irrigation methods have resulted in lower crop water productivity
(physical or economic output per unit of water application) due to high application of water and
relatively lower yield. Ashraf et al.( 2010) in a field study, found that the water productivity of
wheat, cotton, and spring maize were about 70, 40 and 68-79% less than their potentials. The gap
between the average yield at two sites and the potential yield was more than 50%, and the gap
between the average water productivity and potential water productivity was more than 70%.

In order to reduce this gap, efficient and/or well managed irrigation methods are required. In
many cases, this can be attained by simple changes to water application or irrigation scheduling
that significantly increases the water-use efficiency of these systems by decreasing losses (Bali et
al. 2010).Therefore, research on the use of high efficiency irrigation systems especially sprinkler
system is needed and at the same time technology based conventional irrigation methods are also
required to be investigated. The advent of sensors and cellular communication has made it
possible to revitalize current irrigation methods (both sprinkler and surface) into more efficient
automated system that will reduce irrigator's labor as well as provide irrigation when and how
much is required.

Relevance of the Project to the problem to be addressed

Wheat is a major crop grown in Pakistan, cultivated on 9.039 million hectares (mha) during
winter season (Locally called "rabi"). Maize is also grown on large tracts (1.117 mha) (GOP,
2014). These are the two major water consuming crops duringrabi with total water requirements
of 300-400 mm and 550-650 mm for wheat and maize respectively (Kahlown et al.,
2003).Farmers are irrigating these crops predominantly by border or flood irrigation as high
efficiency drip irrigation system is less suitable due to higher operational and management cost.
Large number of laterals is required to irrigate these crops thus making it less economical.
Therefore, a need exists to develop technologies for precision irrigation, that increase yield with
reduced amount of water applied thus increasing water productivity, with minimal operational
Sprinkler system can be an alternative to irrigate wheat and maize because of its efficiency.
Since the system requires continuous operation, it is therefore necessary to know the moisture
condition of soil under the radius of influence of the sprinkler for optimum operation. The time
to start and stop should be based on soil moisture status. The irrigator normally uses his/her
experience to start/stop sprinkler system.

Similarly, in conventional surface irrigation systems, water flows along the field’s slope and
moves as a sheet. The method is inefficient in terms of water use and management, because
water often runs off at the end. Efficiency of the method can be improved if the water is cutoff at
the right time, before it reaches the bottom end of the field (Arnold et al. 2015). Proper cut off
strategy can reduce runoff to as little as 2% from the more common 17% in the heavy clay soils
(Bali et al. 2001). However, the proper cutoff time is critical to realize this benefit. Normally, to
cut off irrigation, the irrigator has to make several trips to the field to determine when the water
approaches a certain distance from the tail edge and cuts off irrigation based on field experience.

The basic idea of efficient and effective precision irrigation is to supply water to the field when
moisture content is lowered than a specific moisture limit and allows it to reach up to a certain
threshold. Such an arrangement helps to control deep percolation and tail end drainage. From
research perspective, the proposed research addresses an important aspect of irrigation water
management. Two irrigation methods, i.e. high efficiency sprinkler and conventional surface
irrigation equipped with moisture sensors could be useful in order to provide required volume of
water without over or under irrigation.

The sensor system integrated with Wi-Fi and mobile communication network can provide real
time soil moisture status thus enabling irrigator to control irrigation. The soil moisture sensing
system will acquire the data and transfer it to the smart computer through the active Wi-Fi
network. The smart computer will process the data and transmit it to the irrigator through mobile
application system. The irrigator will have the required information to start/stop irrigation. It is
worth mentioning here that savings in irrigation volume, labour, operational cost, and energy are
the key advantages to be achieved by the use of this sensor based system for local farmers.

2. Project Objective:
i. To enhance the water use efficiency
ii. To improve over all water productivity
iii. To reduce labour requirements and enhance efficiency of work.
3. Outputs/activities planned for the wheat crop:

Output/ Description Planned Achievement Achievements Reasons

Activity Completion Indicator as planned (Please attach for
date data in brief deviation
as annexure if if any
Output-1 Development/ Drip installed at – 0.75
installation of acre
Surface/Sprinkler and Drip Sprinkle – 1.0 acres
systems in the field Border – 1.0 acres

Activity-1 Designing of field system Jan-18 Drip – 0.75 acre Completed

(drip/sprinkler/border) Sprinkle – 1.0 acres (Annex I)
Border – 1.0 acres
Activity-2 Installation of Drip, Feb-18 Rain Guns installed= 4 Completed
sprinkler and border Drip laterals laid= 84 (Annex I)
systems Border plots=18
Activity-3 Soil moisture sensors Mar-18 Soil moisture sensors Completed
installation installed at sprinkler (Annex I)
site= 4
at Drip laterals site=
at Border site=18
Activity-4 Atomization /Wifi Mar-18 Onsite Website =1 Completed
networking/ Analysis of Sensors, Sensor (Annex I)
the systems stands, Wifi range
extender installed
with board Circuits =
Output 2 Sowing of Crops Drip – 0.75 acre Completed
Sprinkle – 1.0 acres (Annex II)
Border – 1.0 acres
Activity-1 Sowing of Wheat crop Dec,17 Drip – 0.75 acre Completed
Sprinkle – 1.0 acres (Annex II)
Border – 1.0 acres
Output-3 Field /crop data collection Data will be obtained Completed
from 2.75 Acres of (Annex III)
Drip, Sprinkler and
Activity-1 Agronomic data collection Apr-18 Plant height, Tiller Completed
for wheat crop length, (Annex III)
No. of spikelet, No. of
Grains per plant, Grain

Activity-2 Crop yield data collection May-18 Yield data of wheat Completed
and economic analysis for Grain yield, Straw (Annex III)
wheat yield
Annex I


Activity 1: Designing of field system

A field was selected at Water Management Research Center, Jhang Road Faisalabad to carry out
project activities for wheat crop. The project consists of three type of irrigation system that
includes Drip, Sprinkler and Border system.

1.1 Drip irrigation system

Drip irrigation system was designed for wheat crop for an area of 0.75 acre. Area was designed
for furrow bed system. Total area was divided in to 84 beds, each treatment consist of 14 beds.

Figure 1 Layout design for drip irrigation system installation

1.2 Sprinkler irrigation system

Sprinkler irrigation system was designed for wheat crop for an area of 1 acre. Total area was
divided in to four plots, each part consisting of a rain gun.
Figure 2 Layout deign for sprinkler irrigation system
1.3 Border irrigation system
Border irrigation system was designed for wheat crop for an area of 1 acre. Total area was
divided in to 18 plots with different field widths as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Layout deign for border irrigation system

Activity 2: Installation of system

2.1 Drip system

Drip system was installed in the field consisting of pressurized pumps and laterals; each bed was
consisting of a lateral.

Figure 4 Installation of drip irrigation system in the field

2.2 Sprinkler system

Four Rain guns were installed in the field with pressurized system. Each part of the field was
consists of a rain gun installed in the center of the plot.

2.3 Border system

Borders were prepared in the field after carrying out laser land leveling. Total area was divided
into 18 plots with varying field widths.

Figure 5 Laser land leveling & plots in the field

Activity 3: Soil moisture sensors installation

3.1 Drip field sensors

Soil moisture sensors were installed in drip irrigation field. In drip irrigation field five sensors
were being installed to measure the values of moisture present in the soil.

3.2 Sprinkler field sensors

Sprinkler field was divided in four plots so four soil moisture sensors was installed each plot
containing a sensor.

3.3 Border field sensors

Soil moisture sensors were also installed in border field. To measure soil moisture and cutoff
time 18 sensors was installed in the field.
Figure 6 Installation of soil moisture sensors in the field

Activity 4: Atomization

All three fields were atomized by connecting them through Wi-Fi networking. An onsite website
was devolved which gives the current soil moisture readings of all the sensors installed in the
field and save the recorded data. Sensors stands, board circuits and continues electric supply was
managed using uninterruptible power supply.

Figure 7 Solenoid valves, GSM module and moisture sensor

Figure 8 schematic diagrams of atomized fields

Sensors Calibration
Spark fun moisture sensors SEN-13322 are used in this research. They proved useful in
calculating moisture content. Software developed for calibration purpose which determines the
statistical parameter and noise for sensors. Its graphical real time view, gives opportunity to
assess sensor accuracy.

Figure 9 Sensor calibration

Software enables us to calculate various parameters such as mean, median, quartile. Noise can be
seen graphical form, which can reduce by taking average values of resistivity.
Annex II

Activity 1: Sowing of Wheat crop
Sowing of wheat crop was carried out in last week of December 2017.
2.1 Drip irrigation system
Sowing of wheat crop in drip irrigation system was carried out on an area of 0.75 acre. Furrow
bed sowing was done in the field, 84 beds were prepared with adjacent furrows, and a bed
planter was used for wheat sowing. These beds were divided in 14 plots, each bed carrying a drip

Figure 10 Wheat sown under drip irrigation system

2.2 Sprinkler irrigation system

Sprinkler irrigation field was prepared using conventional method. Total area of 1 acre was
dividing in four equal plots, each plot consisting of a Rain gun. Rabi drill was used for wheat

Figure 11 Wheat sown under sprinkler system

2.3 Border irrigation system

An area of 1 acre was used for wheat sowing under Border irrigation system. The field was
divided in 18 plots with varying plot width. Rabi drill was used for wheat sowing purpose.

Figure 12 sowing of wheat crop in the field

Annex III


Agronomic data collection:

Data collection for wheat crop was done out thorough out the crop period. Agronomic data
collection was carried out before crop was being harvested. Following agronomic parameters
were measured:
 Plant height
 Tiller length
 Number of spikelet
 Number of grains per plant
 Weight of 1000 grains
 Grain yield
 Straw yield

Figure 12 Taking agronomic data for wheat crop in the field

Activity 1&2: Agronomic data collection & Crop yield data collection and economic analysis for wheat crop

Plant Spike No, of

No. of Height Length Grains 1000 Grain Water Water
Fertil No. of per grain Grain Biological Harvest Yield Applied Productivity
Irr izer Rep Plants Tillers (cm) (cm) Spike Weight Yield Yield Index Kg/ha mm Kg/ha/mm

1 Fer 1 1 234 316 96.1 10.3 45 33.2 4.3 13.48 31.90 4300 516.83 8.32

1 1 2 236 312 96.2 10.8 44 34.1 4.4 13.52 32.54 4400 520.45 8.45

1 1 3 230 314 96 10.2 44 34.9 4.5 13.9 32.37 4500 518.9 8.67

1 Fer 2 1 228 307 95.8 10.1 45 35.99 4.6 13.42 34.28 4600 515.87 8.92
1 2 2 230 308 95.3 10.2 46 36.21 4.5 13.85 32.49 4500 522.67 8.61

1 2 3 227 306 95.1 10.3 45 36.02 4.4 13.95 31.54 4400 515.21 8.54

1 Fer 3 1 220 304 96.1 10.4 43 32.95 4.5 13.21 34.07 4500 517.32 8.70

1 3 2 230 307 96.2 10.2 45 34.31 4.1 13.55 30.26 4100 518.43 7.91

1 3 3 228 305 96.3 10.7 44 35.93 4.2 13.87 30.28 4200 517.32 8.12

15% %
MA 2 Fer 1 1 215 297 94.1 10.1 43 30.42 3.6 13.11 27.46 3600 439.30 8.19
2 1 2 220 298 93.6 9.9 42 31.34 3.8 12.92 29.41 3800 442.21 8.59
2 1 3 230 300 94.3 10 45 32.62 3.9 12.96 30.09 3900 437 8.92

2 Fer 2 1 220 290 95 10 43 32.74 4.3 12.75 33.73 4300 442.32 9.72

2 2 2 210 295 93 10.5 44 30.01 4.4 13.01 33.82 4400 440.21 10.00

2 2 3 220 298 94 10.3 42 29.74 4.3 13.05 32.95 4300 436.33 9.85

2 Fer 3 1 234 315 95.1 9.3 44 32.2 4.1 12.48 32.85 4100 432.87 9.47

2 3 2 236 311 95.2 9.8 43 33.1 4 12.52 31.95 4000 443.98 9.01

2 3 3 230 313 95 9.2 43 33.9 4.3 12.9 33.33 4300 445.54 9.65

3 Fer 1 1 228 306 94.8 9.1 44 34.99 4.3 12.42 34.62 4300 361.781 11.89

3 1 2 230 307 94.3 9.2 45 35.21 4.4 12.85 34.24 4400 360.2 12.22

3 1 3 227 305 94.1 9.3 44 35.02 4.4 12.95 33.98 4400 364.4 12.07

30% 80%
MA 3 Fer 2 1 220 303 95.1 9.4 42 31.95 4.5 12.21 36.86 4500 360.43 12.49
3 2 2 225 306 95.2 9.2 44 33.31 4.3 12.55 34.26 4300 360.89 11.91

3 2 3 228 304 95.3 9.7 43 34.93 4.5 12.87 34.97 4500 359.43 12.52

3 Fer 3 1 215 296 93.1 9.1 42 29.42 3.9 12.11 32.20 3900 362.34 10.76

3 3 2 220 297 92.6 8.9 41 30.34 3.8 11.92 31.88 3800 364.74 10.42
3 3 3 230 299 93.3 9 40 31.62 3.9 11.96 32.61 3900 363.33 10.73

4 Fer 1 1 220 289 94 9 42 31.74 4 11.75 34.04 4000 258.415 15.48

4 1 2 210 294 92 9.5 43 29.01 4.1 12.01 34.14 4100 256.32 16.00

4 1 3 220 297 93 9.3 41 28.74 4.1 12.05 34.02 4100 253.44 16.18

50% 4 Fer 2 1 234 314 94.1 8.3 43 31.2 4.2 13.48 31.16 4200 260.2 16.14
D 4 2 2 236 310 94.2 8.8 42 32.1 4 11.52 34.72 4000 259.32 15.42

4 2 3 230 312 94 8.2 42 32.9 4.1 11.9 34.45 4100 263.43 15.56

4 Fer 3 1 228 305 93.8 8.1 43 33.99 3.8 11.42 33.27 3800 258 14.73

4 3 2 230 306 93.3 8.2 44 34.21 3.6 11.85 30.38 3600 257 14.01

4 3 3 227 304 93.1 8.3 43 34.02 3.6 11.95 30.13 3600 255.32 14.10

5 Fer 1 1 220 302 94.1 8.4 41 30.95 3.5 11.21 31.22 3500 1091 3.21
entio 5 1 2 225 305 94.2 8.2 43 32.31 3.3 11.55 28.57 3300 998 3.31
nal 5 1 3 228 303 94.3 8.7 42 33.93 3.5 11.87 29.49 3500 983.32 3.56

5 Fer 2 1 215 295 92.1 8.1 41 28.42 3.2 11.11 28.80 3200 1023 3.13
5 2 2 220 296 91.6 7.9 40 29.34 3.4 10.92 31.14 3400 1045 3.25

5 2 3 230 298 92.3 8 39 30.62 3.5 10.96 31.93 3500 1055.32 3.32

5 Fer 3 1 220 288 93 8 41 30.74 3 10.75 27.91 3000 998 3.01

5 3 2 210 293 91 8.5 42 28.01 3.1 11.01 28.16 3100 997.86 3.11

5 3 3 220 296 92 8.3 40 27.74 3.1 11.05 28.05 3100 1055 2.94

No. of
No. of Grains 1000 Grain Water Water
Fertil No. of Plant Spike per grain Grain Biologica Harvest Yield Applied Productivity
Irr izer Rep Plants Tillers Height Length Spike Weight Yield l Yield Index Kg/ha mm Kg/ha/mm

1 Fer 1 1 226 308 95.51 11.08 43 33.34 3.6 12.4 28.92 3600 929.54 3.87

1 1 2 228 307 95.32 10.74 44 32.21 3.4 12.4 27.24 3400 928.32 3.66
ual 1 1 3 225 305 94.89 10.98 43 31.33 3.5 13.0 26.90 3500 927.21 3.77
kler 80%
1 Fer 2 1 224 316 96.22 10.97 42 36.23 3.4 13.2 25.60 3400 930.33 3.65

1 2 2 237 319 97.34 11.01 45 35.45 3.5 12.9 26.96 3500 932.65 3.75

1 2 3 226 314 96.44 10.89 44 34.23 3.5 13.0 26.84 3500 927.54 3.77
1 Fer 3 1 222 311 96.55 10.79 42 34.32 3.3 12.9 25.42 3300 928.21 3.55

1 3 2 221 309 96.98 11.3 41 34.02 3.2 13.2 24.22 3200 924.32 3.46

1 3 3 219 306 95.79 10.99 45 33.01 3.3 13.3 24.76 3300 928.43 3.55

2 Fer 1 1 234 336 96.83 11.21 47 33.24 4.5 14.5 31.01 4500 525.93 8.55

2 1 2 237 337 97.81 11.45 46 38.23 4.3 14.2 30.24 4300 527.32 8.15

2 1 3 236 332 96.98 11.96 45 37.45 4.4 14.4 30.41 4400 523.32 8.40

15% 2 Fer 2 1 232 331 97.32 11.32 47 36.23 4.7 14.2 33.05 4700 525.76 8.93
D 2 2 2 231 334 96.38 11.3 46 36.32 4.6 13.9 32.90 4600 523.21 8.79

2 2 3 231 336 97.01 11.23 47 36.02 4.7 14.0 33.52 4700 524.43 8.96

2 Fer 3 1 229 329 95.34 11.03 49 35.54 4.3 14.7 29.09 4300 525.31 8.18

2 3 2 228 328 95.42 11.21 46 35.67 4.3 14.2 30.28 4300 523.42 8.21

2 3 3 224 326 95.31 11.11 48 36.72 4.4 14.4 30.45 4400 524.98 8.38

30% %
MA 3 Fer 1 1 222 321 94.98 11.03 47 35.52 4.3 13.5 31.80 4300 416.422 10.32
3 1 2 223 322 95.32 11.21 46 35.42 4.3 13.2 32.48 4300 416.34 10.32
3 1 3 224 323 95.98 11.23 45 35.21 4.2 14.4 29.03 4200 417.76 10.05

3 Fer 2 1 232 325 95.01 11.32 45 35.28 4.3 14.2 30.24 4300 415.34 10.35

3 2 2 231 327 94.32 10.98 44 36.15 4.1 13.9 29.33 4100 416.43 9.84

3 2 3 229 327 94.98 10.87 46 35.78 3.9 13.2 29.37 3900 416.32 9.36

3 Fer 3 1 226 322 94.01 10.79 43 34.72 4.2 13.2 31.72 4200 412.32 10.18

3 3 2 227 323 93.32 11.01 44 34.82 3.9 13.2 29.55 3900 413.45 9.43

3 3 3 230 320 93.98 10.97 42 35.01 3.8 13.3 28.55 3800 412.43 9.21
4. Outputs/activities planned for the maize crop:
Output/ Description Planned Achievement Achievements Reasons
Activity Completion Indicator as planned (Please attach for
date data in brief deviation
as annexure if if any
Output-1 Development/ Drip re-installed at –
installation of 0.75 acre
Surface/Sprinkler and Sprinkle – 1.0 acres
Drip systems in the Border – 1.0 acres
Activity-1 Designing of field Aug-18 Drip – 0.75 acre Completed
system Sprinkle – 1.0 acres (Annex I)
(drip/sprinkler/border) Border – 1.0 acres
Activity-2 Installation of Drip, Sep-18 Rain Guns re-installed= Completed
sprinkler and border 4 (Annex I)
systems Drip laterals laid= 84
Border plots=18
Activity-3 Soil moisture sensors Sep-18 Soil moisture sensors Completed
installation re-installed at sprinkler (Annex I)
site= 4
at Drip laterals site= 05
at Border site=18
Activity-4 Atomization /Wifi Oct-18 Onsite Website =1 Completed
networking/ Analysis of Sensors, Sensor stands, (Annex I)
the systems Wifi range extender re-
with board Circuits = 1
Output 2 Sowing of Crops Drip – 0.75 acre Completed
Sprinkle – 1.0 acres (Annex II)
Border – 1.0 acres
Activity-1 Sowing of Maize crop Aug-18 Drip – 0.75 acre Completed
Sprinkle – 1.0 acres (Annex II)
Border – 1.0 acres
Output-3 Field /crop data Data will be obtained Completed
collection from 2.75 Acres of (Annex III)
Drip, Sprinkler and
Activity-1 Agronomic data Nov-18 Plant height, Cob Completed
collection for maize crop length, (Annex III)
No. of cobs, No. of
Grains per cob, Grain

Activity-2 Crop yield data Dec-18 Yield data of maize Completed

collection and economic Grain yield, Straw yield (Annex III)
analysis for wheat
Annex I


Activity 1:

1. Re-designing of field system

The same field was selected at Water Management Research Center, Jhang Road Faisalabad to
carry out project activities for maize crop. The project consists of three type of irrigation system
that includes Drip, Sprinkler and Border system.

1.1 Drip irrigation system

Drip irrigation system was re-designed for maize crop for an area of 0.75 acre. Area was
designed for furrow bed system. Total area was divided in to 84 beds, each treatment consist of
14 beds.

Figure 13 Layout design for drip irrigation system installation for maize crop

1.2 Sprinkler irrigation system

Sprinkler irrigation system was re- designed for maize crop for an area of 1 acre. Total area was
divided into four plots, each part consisting of a rain gun.
Figure 14 Layout deign for sprinkler irrigation system for maize crop

1.3 Border irrigation system

Border irrigation system was also re-designed for maize crop for an area of 1 acre. Total area
was divided into 18 plots with different field widths as shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15 Layout deign for border irrigation system for maize crop

Activity 2: Installation of system

2.1 Drip system

Drip system was re- installed for maize crop in the field consisting of pressurized pumps and
laterals, each bed has a lateral.

Figure 16 Installation of drip irrigation system in the field for maize crop
2.2 Sprinkler system

Four Rain guns were re-installed once again for maize crop in the field with pressurized system.
Each part of the field was consists of a rain gun installed in the center of the plot.

2.3 Border system

Borders were prepared once again for maize crop in the field after carrying out laser land
leveling. Total area was divided into 18 plots with varying field widths.

Figure 17 Lase land leveling and plots for maize crop in the field

Activity 3: Soil moisture sensors installation

3.1 Drip field sensors

Soil moisture sensors were re-installed in drip irrigation field. In drip irrigation field five sensors were
being installed to measure the values of moisture present in the soil.

3.2 Sprinkler field sensors

Sprinkler field was divided in four plots so four soil moisture sensors was re-installed each plot
containing a sensor.

3.3 Border field sensors

Soil moisture sensors were also re-installed in border field for maize crop. To measure soil moisture and
cutoff time, 18 sensors was re-installed in the field at different lengths.
Figure 18 Installation of soil moisture sensors for maize crop in the field

Activity 4: Atomization

All three fields were atomized once again by connecting them through Wi-Fi networking. An
onsite website was also devolved which gives the current soil moisture readings of all the sensors
installed in the field and save the recorded data. An account on Thing Speak was also made to
make graphs of the recorded data. Sensors stands, board circuits and continues electric supply
was managed using uninterruptible power supply.
Figure 19 Atomization in the field (Website, Thing Speak, Graphs)

Sensors Calibration
Sparkfun moisture sensors SEN-13322 are used in this research. They proved useful in
calculating moisture content. A software developed once again for maize crop for calibration
purpose which determines the statistical parameter and noise for sensors. Its graphical real time
view, gives opportunity to assess sensor accuracy.

Figure 20 Software Interface

Software enables us to calculate various parameters such as mean, median, quartile. Noise can be
seen graphical form, which can reduce by taking average values of resistivity.

Annex II

Activity 1: Sowing of Maize Crop
Sowing of maize crop was carried out in 1st week of August 2018.

2.1 Drip irrigation system

Sowing of maize crop in drip irrigation system was also carried out on an area of 0.75 acre.
Furrow bed sowing was done in the field, 84 beds were prepared with adjacent furrows, and a
hand drill was used for sowing. These beds were divided in 14 plots, each bed carrying a drip

Figure 21 Maize sown under drip irrigation system

2.2 Sprinkler irrigation system

Sprinkler irrigation field was prepared for maize crop using conventional method. Total area of 1
acre was dividing in four equal plots, each plot consisting of a Rain gun. Hand drill was used for
maize sowing.

Figure 22 Wheat sown under sprinkler system

2.3 Border irrigation system

An area of 1 acre was used for maize sowing under Border irrigation system. The field was
divided in 18 plots with varying plot width. Hand drill was used for maize sowing purpose.

Figure 23 Maize sown in surface irrigation field

Annex III


Agronomic data collection:

Data collection for maize crop was done out thorough out the crop period. Agronomic data
collection was carried out before crop was being harvested. Following agronomic parameters
were measured:

 Plant height
 Cob length
 Number of plants per square meter
 Number of grains per cob
 Number of lines per cob
 Weight of 1000 grains
 Grain yield
 Straw yield
Figure 12 Taking agronomic data for maize crop in the fiel
Activity 1&2: Agronomic data collection & crop yield data collection and economic analysis for maize crop

No. of No. of No. of 1000 Water

Cob Plant lines grains grains grain Grain Biological Water Productivit
Fertil No. of Length Height per per per Weight Yield Yield Harvest Applied y
Irr izer Rep Plants (cm) (cm) Cob line cob (g) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) Index (mm) (kg/ha/mm)

1 Fer 1 1 11 16.2 194 16 36 576 278 6405.12 20426 31.36 1845 3.47

1 1 2 18 16.4 188 14 37 518 280 5801.6 20634 28.12 1946 2.98

1 1 3 15 16 193 15 36 540 284 6134.4 20846 29.43 1864 3.29

1 Fer 2 1 18 22.5 232 17 38 646 283 7312.72 21042 34.75 571 12.81
1 2 2 10 22.6 230 16 37 592 286 6772.48 20946 32.33 582 11.64

1 2 3 13 23.1 228 17 35 595 280 6664 20972 31.78 584 11.41

1 Fer 3 1 15 21.3 225 15 34 510 280 5712 20540 27.81 619 9.23

1 3 2 13 21.5 223 16 35 560 278 6227.2 20560 30.29 623 10.00

1 3 3 14 21 223 16 36 576 275 6336 20480 30.94 608 10.42

2 Fer 1 1 12 19.5 216 14 30 420 269 4519.2 19700 22.94 674 6.71
2 1 2 11 19 212 13 31 403 268 4320.16 19580 22.06 654 6.61

2 1 3 13 19.3 215 13 33 429 267 4581.72 19630 23.34 677 6.77

2 Fer 2 1 18 20 216 15 34 510 270 5508 20045 27.48 743 7.41

2 2 2 9 19.7 212 14 35 490 270 5292 19486 27.16 754 7.02

2 2 3 11 19.5 211 14 34 476 269 5121.76 19756 25.93 753 6.80

2 Fer 3 1 9 17.9 205 13 32 416 261 4343.04 19026 22.83 855 5.08

2 3 2 10 17.3 203 14 33 462 262 4841.76 19060 25.40 845 5.73

2 3 3 13 17 198 14 31 434 260 4513.6 19142 23.58 1068 4.23

3 Fer 1 1 16 16.3 194 12 30 360 257 3700.8 19200 19.28 1065 3.47

3 1 2 14 16.6 188 13 31 403 257 4142.84 19224 21.55 1042 3.98

30% 3 1 3 18 16 193 13 28 364 255 3712.8 18232 20.36 1060 3.50

MAD 80
3 Fer 2 1 18 17.3 203 13 31 403 258 4158.96 18860 22.05 1049 3.96

3 2 2 20 16.7 197 14 32 448 260 4659.2 18950 24.59 1030 4.52

3 2 3 17 16.6 196 13 30 390 258 4024.8 18910 21.28 1042 3.86

3 Fer 3 1 19 16.4 192 13 30 390 255 3978 17790 22.36 1430 2.78

3 3 2 23 16 190 14 31 434 253 4392.08 17856 24.60 1426 3.08

3 3 3 13 15.4 192 12 30 360 252 3628.8 17958 20.21 1450 2.50

4 Fer 1 1 16 15.8 192 12 31 372 253 3764.64 17604 21.39 3146 1.20

4 1 2 12 16.3 190 13 28 364 251 3654.56 17365 21.05 3014 1.21

4 1 3 18 15.6 188 12 30 360 251 3614.4 17345 20.84 3916 0.92

50% 4 Fer 2 1 20 23.2 233 17 37 629 288 7246.08 21110 34.33 544 13.32
4 2 2 15 22.7 234 18 37 666 284 7565.76 21240 35.62 518 14.61

4 2 3 11 22.1 230 17 38 646 286 7390.24 21304 34.69 534 13.84

4 Fer 3 1 12 21.3 231 16 38 608 288 7004.16 21042 33.29 546 12.83

4 3 2 9 22.3 228 17 37 629 286 7195.76 21130 34.05 562 12.80

4 3 3 8 20.4 231 17 37 629 283 7120.28 21004 33.90 552 12.90

Conv 5 10 1 1 22 21.03 225 14 36 504 280 5644.8 20760 27.19 581 9.72
entio 0%
nal Fer

5 1 2 18 21.4 221 15 36 540 281 6069.6 20764 29.23 572 10.61

5 1 3 14 21.1 227 14 37 518 280 5801.6 20764 27.94 588 9.87

5 Fer 2 1 19 22.1 224 17 36 612 285 6976.8 20860 33.45 635 10.99

5 2 2 9 21.8 227 15 36 540 282 6091.2 20790 29.30 648 9.40

5 2 3 13 21.6 228 16 37 592 278 6583.04 20830 31.60 632 10.42

5 Fer 3 1 12 20.7 222 14 37 518 279 5780.88 20465 28.25 685 8.44

5 3 2 9 20.5 223 13 35 455 276 5023.2 20100 24.99 682 7.37

5 3 3 14 20.8 220 14 36 504 278 5604.48 20164 27.79 690 8.12

Plant of No. of No. of 1000
Cob Height lines grains grains grain Grain Biological Water Water
Fertil No. of Length per per per Weight Yield Yield Harvest Applied Productivity
Irr izer Rep Plants (cm) (cm) Cob line cob (g) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) Index (mm) (kg/ha/mm)

Manu 1 100 1 1 16 16.3 198 15 38 570 280 6384 20248 31.53 1956 3.26
al %
Sprink Fer
1 1 2 12 16.5 192 14 36 504 276 5564.16 20684 26.90 1836 3.03

1 1 3 18 16.2 194 16 37 592 282 6677.76 20354 32.81 1946 3.43

1 Fer 2 1 20 22 230 16 36 576 285 6566.4 21060 31.18 569 11.54

1 2 2 15 22.3 228 16 34 544 287 6245.12 20940 29.82 580 10.77

1 2 3 11 21 226 17 35 595 281 6687.8 20982 31.87 586 11.41

1 Fer 3 1 12 21.1 223 16 34 544 274 5962.24 20560 29.00 617 9.66

1 3 2 9 21.3 221 16 33 528 279 5892.48 20540 28.69 625 9.43

1 3 3 8 20.8 221 15 32 480 274 5260.8 20430 25.75 614 8.57

2 Fer 1 1 22 19.3 214 14 31 434 268 4652.48 19800 23.50 681 6.83

2 1 2 18 18.8 210 13 32 416 266 4426.24 19680 22.49 660 6.71

15% 2 1 3 14 19.1 213 14 33 462 268 4952.64 19640 25.22 675 7.34
2 Fer 2 1 19 19.8 214 14 35 490 271 5311.6 20020 26.53 745 7.13

2 2 2 9 19.5 213 15 34 510 269 5487.6 19650 27.93 756 7.26

2 2 3 13 19.3 212 14 34 476 270 5140.8 19800 25.96 752 6.84

2 Fer 3 1 12 17.7 203 14 31 434 262 4548.32 19020 23.91 857 5.31

2 3 2 9 17.1 201 13 30 390 260 4056 19046 21.30 850 4.77

2 3 3 14 16.8 196 14 31 434 261 4530.96 19110 23.71 861 5.26

3 Fer 1 1 12 16.1 192 13 31 403 244 3933.28 18250 21.55 1073 3.67

3 1 2 18 16.4 186 12 28 336 238 3198.72 18230 17.55 1040 3.08

3 1 3 17 15.8 192 13 30 390 248 3868.8 18210 21.25 1064 3.64

3 Fer 2 1 16 17.1 201 14 33 462 260 4804.8 18890 25.44 1041 4.62

3 2 2 16 16.5 195 13 31 403 258 4158.96 18946 21.95 1036 4.01

3 2 3 12 16.4 194 12 29 348 262 3647.04 18930 19.27 1044 3.49

3 Fer 3 1 18 16.2 190 13 30 390 256 3993.6 17890 22.32 1425 2.80

3 3 2 20 15.8 188 14 31 434 252 4374.72 17888 24.46 1430 3.06

3 3 3 15 15.6 190 13 31 403 251 4046.12 17912 22.59 1452 2.79

5. Achievements

This system facilitated to improve labor efficiency, water productivity and water use efficiency
in cereal crops (i.e. wheat & maize) and saved water about 50% in case of drip irrigation and
44% in case of sprinkler irrigation system. It was also concluded that 20 feet border treatment
was better treatment than other treatments as agronomic results were better for this treatment and
cut off distance must be between 60 to 70 percent of total length. Furthermore, two PhD students
and one M.Sc. student completed their research work and thesis working in this project.

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