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Test: Module 2
A. Complete the sentences with who, which, that, whose or where. If they can be omitted,
put them in brackets.

1. Is that the woman you met in Italy?

2. That is the school Charlie’s father works.
3. John is my classmate father has designed the new shopping centre.
4. Mary is the student did the best in the final exams.
5. That’s the shoe shop I bought my new pair of shoes.
6. The café I was telling you about is over there, next to the library.
7. That’s the boy bike I found yesterday.
8. The book is on the table is Peter’s.
9. That’s the shelf Alice keeps all the souvenirs.
10. The dress she is wearing is new.

score 10

B. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

If you (1) (want) to become a football player, you must practise and
work out a lot. It is also important to have a healthy diet. If you (2)
(eat) lots of junk food, such as chocolate and chips or pizza, you (3)
(not be) fit. So, unless you (4) (start) eating fruit and vegetables, you
(5) (not become) a sports star.

The hours you sleep each day are very important as well. If you (6)
(believe) that 5 hours of sleep is enough, well, (7) (think) again. You
need at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

So, if you really (8) (want) to make your dream come true, just
(9) (try) to follow our advice.

score 9
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C. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Future Will of the verbs in

1. I (play) tennis with Mary tomorrow after I

(do) my homework.
2. If my mother (hear) the news, she (be) very
3. We (wait) until Ken’s plane (arrive). Then
we (leave).
4. They (buy) tickets as soon as they (get) to
the train station.
5. If I (have) enough money when I’m older, I
(travel) around the world.
6. Tom (visit) the ancient ruins before he
(leave) Athens.

score 13

D. Complete the blanks with both, all, neither, none, either.

1. Barry and Ron love fishing so of them go to the lake near their
town every Saturday. Their friends Eddie and Ian find fishing really boring, so
of them go with Barry and Ron to the lake.
2. A: Do you want to go to the cinema or stay at home and watch a DVD?
B: is fine. You decide.
3. three girls watched the horror film but
of them enjoyed it.
4. The six men who are sitting by the window are from China. of
them speak Italian, but of them speak English because they’ve
studied in England.
5. Judith and Catherine are my friends. of them wanted to go
camping with me at first, but in the end they enjoyed it very much.
6. Andy and Henry went to Egypt, but unfortunately of them saw the

score 10

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E. Complete with so or such.

1. I had a horrible day that I don’t even want to talk about it.
2. Paul’s new hairstyle was strange that nobody liked it.
3. Brenda’s cake delicious that everyone asks her for the recipe.
4. We had fun at the ice rink that we’re going again next weekend.
5. They are great writers that everyone loves their books.
6. Tony’s mobile is small that I didn’t notice it on the sofa.
7. Buckingham Palace is a popular tourist attraction that almost
anyone who goes to London visits it.
8. Karen was late that she missed her appointment.

score 8


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