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Message from the Author

Hello ☺
This is Camille de Leon.
I go by the nickname “Cami”
I’m glad you’ve taken the time to read this fiction.
I’ve put a lot of thought in every chapter
And I hope you enjoy every word.

It’s my first hard product work

And there may be some errors.
I apologize for any mistakes I have not corrected.

I hope you love this story

As much as I loved writing it

Have a great day!


I do not own any of these characters in any way.
This fan-fiction was written to entertain
And not ruin anyone’s opinion towards TVXQ members.
TVXQ and other characters belong to their respective
Companies and groups.

Table of Contents
“How YunHo fell for JaeJoong”
ONE – 11
TWO – 16
“Sealed with a Kiss”
THREE – 23
“JaeJoong, now in denial”
FOUR – 32
“Unpredictable and Unexplainable”
“Wedding Bliss…?”
SIX – 50
“All Answers and More”
SEVEN – 62
“Merciless Man”
EIGHTa – 73
EIGHTb – 79
“At Gunpoint”

NINE – 87
TEN – 96
“10 Hours”
ELEVEN – 104
“7 Days”
TWELVE – 113
“One, Two, Three”
“Triple your love”
FIFTEENa – 135
“The first half”
FIFTEENb – 141
“The second half”
PHOTOS – 163

“How YunHo fell for JaeJoong”

A young Mr. Jung had a letter in hand and ran to his wife. His face beamed with extreme excitement.

“Darling! Darling! The Kim’s letter is here!”

“Oh? Read it, dear!” commanded the young Mrs. Jung as she carried her 3-year old son in her arms. Mr.
Jung quickly ripped the envelope that contained the letter and took out the folded paper. Mr. Jung
happily took out a picture of a cute baby, “Darling, it’s YunHo’s future bride! Look!”

Mrs. Jung got the picture and showed it to their son.

“YunHo, this is your bride. Isn’t she just adorable?”

YunHo extended his little arm to take hold of the picture. He smiled as he looked at the picture.

However, Mr. Jung’s expression transformed from thrill to awful disappointment. Mrs. Jung’s expression
also changed as she watched her husband’s eyes scan through the mail.

“Dear, is something the matter?” asked Mrs. Jung,

Mr. Jung read the letter aloud,

“Dear friends, we are happy to announce of our new child. I hope you can come to visit to see how
beautiful the baby is. The real point of this letter is about the arranged marriage of our children. I am
sorry to say but it will be impossible for them to marry. Please cancel this betrothal. We beg of you to

“We’re leaving!” interrupted Mrs. Jung.

“Huh? What do you mean, darling?”

“We’re not canceling the betrothal! We’re visiting them this instant!” Mrs. Jung handed little YunHo to
Mr. Jung and began to pack their clothes. First, her clothes then her husband’s then she packed YunHo’s

As soon as Mrs. Jung packed their bags and put them in the car, she placed the key in the car’s ignition
and signaled her husband to get in the car so they could leave.


Meanwhile, at the Kim residence, Mrs. Kim did her best to quiet her little bundle of joy.

“Please stop crying, JaeJoong-ah. Ssshh,” hushed Mrs. Kim as she cradled her baby. Mr. Kim walked back
and forth in the living room as she bounced her baby up and down.

“Darling! I just got a call from our friends. They’re arriving in—“ just when Mr. Jung was about to
complete his sentence, the doorbell ran four consecutive times. “It’s them!” he said.

JaeJoong continued to cry out loud as Mrs. Kim joined her husband to answer the door.

“Ah! My friends, welcome!” Mr. Jung greeted. He shook hands with Mr. Jung and Mrs. Jung came in
with her only son in her arms. She directed her way to Mrs. Kim. They greeted each other and the
mothers’ greeted the little ones in return.

“How was your trip? Why the sudden visitation?” Mrs. Kim asked them. Mrs. Jung chose to answer for
the latter, “It’s because of the letter you sent us. Why should we cancel the arranged of our children?”

Mrs. Kim hesitated a bit and stuttered, “Well, we…I…”

“Why can’t you speak, dear? Why shouldn’t our children be married! They’re the perfect match and--!”

“Our child is not a girl!”

“What?” Mr. and Mrs. Jung said in unison.

Mrs. Kim laid little JaeJoong in his little cushioned play pen before she continued her heated conversation
with YunHo’s mother. Also, Mrs. Jung decided to put down 3-year old so he could play.

The parents discussed the matter as calmly as possible as not to disturb the now resting JaeJoong. YunHo
looked over the playpen to see a sleeping boy. He reached for the baby’s hand and he was able to grab
hold of the baby’s tiny fist, he smiled.

“Your child…is a boy?”

“Yes. I’m sorry but we didn’t know we would have a boy. I guess the pre-determined gender was a
mistake after all,” explained Mr. Kim.

“Dear, look over there,” told Mr. Jung to his wife. They looked over and saw a small YunHo stare at the
baby JaeJoong. He was all smiles and reaching for JaeJoong’s hand the whole time. It was an adorable
sight and Mrs. Jung had a sudden revelation.

“Why can’t we just marry them?”

“What are you talking about, friend?” curiously asked Mrs. Kim, “It’s not possible for two boys to marry.
It’s against the natural law…”

“I don’t want anyone else to have my YunHo except your child. Even if your little…”

“His name is JaeJoong.”

“Right…even if JaeJoong is a boy, I am sure he is capable of satisfying my son in the future. I don’t want
anyone else to marry YunHo!”

“Are you sure, my dear? I mean…they’re both boys and it’s against moral—“ Mr. Jung was cut off by his
loud wife, “I don’t care about the moral code of society! Love is love and I see YunHo is already
infatuated by JaeJoong!”

It was not a lie. YunHo beamed as he talked with JaeJoong, and a surprising act, JaeJoong responded with
‘goos’ and ‘gaas’.

“What do you say? Let them marry!” Mrs. Jung pleaded with wet eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Kim allowed it and
promised to make JaeJoong as feminine as possible so that YunHo would have a loving wife.

The Jung’s left and promised to be back so that YunHo could meet JaeJoong beforehand and grow a


17 years later, JaeJoong was in his third year of high school. He was in the top of his class and was
admired by many. During elementary years, he was able to meet a great friend. His name was Kim
JunSu, soccer junky and most loyal companion.

Although JaeJoong had knowledge, skill and grades, he wanted to experience more. Did he want to try
dugs and smoking? He was curious, yes, but he knew it was bad for him. He tried smoking once and he
liked it until he couldn’t breathe at night. It was traumatizing and he vowed not to smoke again. Drugs
were never an issue because he was not as influenced as others. He was intelligent enough to stop himself
from temptations such as those.

What he wanted to experience was responsibility in work. He wanted a part-time job. His family was
wealthy and loaded with inheritance but he wanted to earn his own salary. He learned from his father
that the fruits of your labor are worth more than getting fruits by luck.

He told his mom about his job hunt and she was more than pleased to see her son do more than asked
for. He was the best cook, sewer, cleaner and everything else. His 8 sisters always complained about the
work but not he. He didn’t mind the extra effort he had to give. On the contrary, it was fun for him. He
grew up to love those kinds of things. So, getting a job wouldn’t be as hard—would it?

Meanwhile, YunHo was on his way to meet the Kim’s. His parents couldn’t join him for there were some
problems being faced in the company. He walked alongside the sidewalk and it was getting colder by the
minute. He was not used to the cold and still wasn’t.

As he watched the passerby, his attention was grabbed by a young teenager across the street. The
teenager was looking at a ‘wanted’ sign on a ramyun restaurant. The teenager looked unique for his
features were stunning. YunHo’s heart beat fast for an unknown reason.

Then, an old woman passed by the teenager. The teen helped her carry her things and brought a smile to
her face. She mouthed the words ‘thank you’ and JaeJoong bowed in courtesy. YunHo was astonished
with the boy’s pure heartedness. Not that many teenagers would help a stranger, would they? YunHo
was in a state of awe…translated into love at first sight.

However, YunHo was not allowed to love anyone else but his betrothed JaeJoong. He grew to love the
boy he was arranged to marry and will continue loving him…maybe.


YunHo had arrived in the Kim residence and met with JaeJoong’s mother.

“Hello, Auntie.”

“YunHo! You’re here! You just missed JaeJoong-ah. He left to find a part-time job,” told Mrs. Kim as she
took YunHo by the arm to sit down.

“Oh? Well, bad timing then. I won’t be long…I’m just here to meet JaeJoong and then I will be on my

“Can’t you stay longer, YunHo?”

“No, Auntie. I have to go help my father with the company. If you remember, I graduated just last month
and my father is already bringing me in to be one of the main stockholders of the company.”

“Oh, yes yes. I remember. Your father told us about that. Well, I wish you all the luck. Want me to bring
you some tea?”

“That would be kind of you, Auntie.”

Mrs. Kim stood up from the couch and left for the kitchen. YunHo tapped his foot and decided to look
around the living room. It was filled with pictures. Complete with maxed out photo albums and framed
pictures of the immediate Kim family. He noticed the wall that hung the nine portraits of the Kim
daughters and son. He walked the hallway and passed the first, second, third to eighth daughter. He was
stunned by the final frame where it hung the picture of the son. The son that was the same boy he saw
just moments before.

The undeniable resemblance was uncanny. It was him, the teenager. The pure hearted teenager that
caught YunHo’s eye from the moment YunHo noticed him. Had he fallen twice for the same boy?

“YunHo, where are you?”

YunHo kept pausing on his steps for he was extremely shocked. When he came back to the living room,
Mrs. Kim stared at the dazed young man.

“YunHo, are you okay?”

“U-uhm…yes, Auntie. I-I think I will go now…I’m sorry that you wasted the tea.”

“It’s alright, dear. Have a safe trip.”

YunHo left the house to only find himself in front of the same ramyun restaurant. Inside, he saw the
teenager; the good-looking, humble and kind teenager that grabbed his heart. Should he or should he not
go in? He asked himself the same question for the past 9 months when he came to town every few weeks
or so. Until one day, he decided to go in the establishment and meet JaeJoong.

He was always nervous and although he stuttered for the first few visits, his appearance became more
constant. He’d always call for JaeJoong and order the same thing. He’d ask JaeJoong for the smallest of
requests and make a big deal out of it if it wasn’t what he had asked for. Unknown to YunHo, JaeJoong
was getting pissed. For three months YunHo continued to visit JaeJoong. However, in just one day
everything will change forever.

“The Engagement”
JaeJoong had no idea what to do, say or feel. His mind was going around in circles after what he had
heard from his parents, the unbelievable fact that instead of a new car for a birthday present, what he got
was an engagement. Not just any engagement, no...He got an engagement to a guy. How could he even
screw in his already screwed brain that he was to marry some stranger, a man at that point?

“Mom! Dad! You can't be serious!?!” He nagged at them. His parents looked at him with serious faces. He
thought it was just another one of their jokes but the way they looked at him, it was nothing but truth.

A bunch of little kids started to pull on his shirt. His nieces and nephew's tugged on him, grabbing his

“Uncle Jae, play with us!”

“Yeah! Play with us!”

“Uncle Jae, I need to go pee pee...”

“Okay, okay! I'll play with you in a while but right now I have to talk to grandma and grandpa first.” the
kids pouted their tiny mouths and whined a 'fine' to their favorite uncle Jae. He turned his attention back
to his parents, ready to burst at them.

“Why would you arrange me to marry a guy? Ma? Pa? Seriously! This is crazy” he curled his hands into
fists and started hitting his heated head to try to calm down.

“Son, we can explain. It wasn't our was science!”

“Don't give me that science crap, Dad! You tried to explain to me about how my sister's got pregnant by
blaming won't work again---” A hand flew to his face, slapping him hard. The stinging pain
ringing on his cheek, he rubbed it gently and looked back at the guilty hand “Ma! Why did you---”

“Do not talk to your father that way!” She scolded him. The popping vein on her forehead threatened
him but wasn't going to stop him. She was already gritting her teeth, preventing herself from cursing at
her own son. “You will listen to your father and stop disrespecting us!”


JaeJoong stayed silent and sat down on their couch. His parents sat beside him. His father began his

Years before any of the children were born, the Kim family were already very close to the Jung family.
However, after some financial problem, the Jung's were forced to move to GwangJu.

The Jung's stayed in contact with the Kim's, and vice-versa.

As the Kim's remained in the area, they were best known as the 'perfect wives' breeders. After giving
birth to 8 daughters in a span of 16 years, not skipping any season at all, and all of them ending up
beautiful and courteous, the brand name was anything but true. The girls were all arranged to a good
man and had families of their own. The girls didn't bring a fit to their arranged marriage because they fell
in love with their husbands eventually.

When they found out they were having another baby when they reached 25 years of marriage, the
immediate reaction of the neighbors was 'who will be betrothed to the next girl?' without even thinking
of the possibility of it being a boy.

Then, what fate may have on them, the Jung's came back to announce the birth of their newborn and only
son, YunHo. The Jung's had finally become one of the richest families in South Korea. YunHo was
defined the sole heir to the Jung inheritance and the family only wished their son to be married to a Kim.
They promised to marry YunHo to their next child but only to find out that the next child was a boy. The
Jung's were devastated at the fact and hoped for the Kim's to have another girl. The matter got worse,
Mrs. Kim wasn't allowed to have any more children or she would risk her life like it was hanging by a
thin thread.

Understanding the situation, they came to a decision---if they were to marry Yunho to a male Kim, the
condition is that the boy was to be brought up as feminine as possible.

The Jung's left for GwanJu again and promised to be back when JaeJoong had turned 18.

18 years later and they were successful at the promise. JaeJoong grew up to be wonderful at cooking,
cleaning, baby-sitting and sewing. Anything a girl could do, their son could do 10 times better.

JaeJoong couldn't believe it. He was still shocked to the bone even after his father's explanation. His eyes
were wide-opened and mouth gaped. He dared to curse at his parents for foolishly thinking that they'd
only have girls in the family. They put him in that mess and he was forced into something he didn't want
to have anything to do with. He stood up, hands on his waists and he let out a sigh.

“Mom. Dad. I love you...but I just can't marry a guy! It's just stupid!” He stomped his way to his room
and didn't look back at his parents. His mother was almost in the verge of tears, her husband consoled

He slammed his door hard for the whole house to hear. Forgetting about his promise to his nieces and
nephews, he landed on his bed and gave a loud grunt.

'Dammit. Why do they have to do this to me? I've been following them on how to be a real husband when actually;
I've been trained to be someone's wife! Damn it!' He bad-mouthed in his head. He rested his arm on his eyes,
entering a slumbering state. 'Maybe this is all just a really bad dream...a very...bad...dream...'


“JaeJoong. JaeJoong-ssi. Wake-up”

“Mrrn...huh?” JaeJoong opened his eyes. His vision blurred. He touched his lips; he felt his saliva
dripping, some even on his arms. He wiped it off before asking, “Did I sleep?”

“Darn it! You had your break 10 minutes ago and you slept on the job...really! You really are something,

“Sorry, JunSu...”

“Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to the manager if he catches us—-” but the young waiter was cut off by
a slight tap on the shoulder. He turned his back and realized that it was their boss, manager Park
YooChun. “What are you doing? Why aren't you waiting tables?"

“Uh. Err. Well, you see, sir...” stuttered the nervous JunSu.

“Just wait at the tables and don't make me wait for you!” He slammed his hand on the wall which made
JunSu flinch in fear. JunSu ran past his boss, grabbed a notepad and pen and went to wait on his next

The manager watched his employee shaking as he scribbled down the customer's orders. He couldn't
help but giggle at the sight. He coughed and concentrated back at his other lazy waiter. “JaeJoong I--” but
he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and its bell ringing. He looked out the kitchen glass
and saw a familiar face. He smirked and rounded his body. “Hey, JaeJoong...”

JaeJoong looked up at his boss and read his face like an open book. He knew the reason for that smirk.
The smirk he always saw whenever a certain customer entered the restaurant doors. He knew it all too
well. “Oh, Gawd, no...”

“JaeJoong-ssi, you know exactly who is here...”

JaeJoong had two options, jump out the window and run away or take the guy's damn order. His
conscience made him choose option two. Obviously, he had always wished he were as cold as he looked
but his guilt would build up if he didn't do as he was told. He swiped the notepad off of his manager's
hand and dragged his feet. YooChun did nothing but laugh at his poor waiter.

JaeJoong walked up to the counter to take the guy's order. The mere sight of the tall, dark and not-quite-
sure-if-handsome guy would already make his stomach cringe. The guy's head was ducked in, face
covered by the menu.

5 minutes passed, JaeJoong had been waiting for him to look up from the menu. He grew impatient,
“Dude! Hurry and order!”

The man dropped the menu and exposed his face. He glowed from the rays of sunlight shone from the
window. JaeJoong half wanted to throw up and half wanted to just raise the menu up at his face again.

“Okay, JaeJoong...”

His ears almost bled when he heard the man speak. The deep, manly voice echoed in his head. The first
time he entered, already, JaeJoong knew he was trouble.

“Please order something...”

“YunHo. Call me YunHo. I told you that before, JaeJoong”

JaeJoong sighed deeply. He was nearly getting a migraine. He rubbed his forehead with his free hand and
said, “Sir, just order something. You're getting on my nerves...”

“Wow. Such an attitude, JaeJoong,” he only let out a chuckle. JaeJoong was about to hit the man with his
notepad when his manager came from behind him.

“JaeJoong-ssi, be nice to Mr. Jung YunHo”

When JaeJoong heard the name 'Jung', the dream of him being engaged to a Jung guy came back. He also
remembered the clear memory of his dad telling him about it in their house. He was relieved that it was
all just a dream back there, if it was just a dream.

“Yes, manager Chun. So, what is it that you want to order, Mr. Jung?” his voice cracked at the saying of
his name. YunHo couldn't help but think that it was cute.

“You are too cute, JaeJoong...”

“That is it! Stop irritating me! Why do you keep coming by here!?! Why do you only want me as a
waiter!?! Ask someone else like JunSu! He's girlier than me!”

JunSu opened his mouth to retaliate but YooChun did that for him, “Yah! JunSu is not involved in this!!”

“JaeJoong...” called out YunHo. He reached to tap JaeJoong on the shoulder but he dodged it before he
could reach him. “What?”

“I'm your Fiancé”

JaeJoong froze. His eyes rolled back and he collapsed to the floor.

“JaeJoong...JaeJoong...” the voices of his co-workers disappearing. His eyes blurring slowly, the last face
he saw was the annoying man, YunHo's. “JaeJoong! JaeJoong...”

Blacked out.


His eyes blinking continuously, vision clearing. JaeJoong woke up on his bed. He finally felt the comfort
of his cushions. He moaned to the softness of his pillow and the lovely scent of vanilla in his room. He sat
up only to find his room door opened. He raised one brow, cupped his chin and rubbed it. 'Wonder why
they didn't bother closing it...'

He walked to his door and heard voices outside. He checked the hallway and saw no one. He trailed his
steps and went to the living room. He found his parents sitting opposite 3 heads. They were laughing and
probably discussing something. JaeJoong's mother spotted him, “Ah! JaeJoong, honey!” The 3 foreign
heads turned and one of the faces he wished he didn't lay his eyes on.

“JaeJoong, honey! These are the Jung's,” she put her arm on her son's shoulder and lead him to the couch.
She sat him down and he was now 6 feet away from someone he wished sick to the stomach. She
gestured her hand to the boy in the middle of an old middle-aged couple. “JaeJoong-ah, this is Jung
YunHo, your Fiancé “

He saw the guy smile at him.

“Hey, JaeJoongie...” he gave a small wave.

“Aw, hell no...” he cursed under his breath

“Sealed with a Kiss”
JaeJoong sat in-between his parents, with his head tucked in his arms. His mother shook him to see if he
was even well enough to greet the people sitting across them. JaeJoong only whined but did not dare to
look up at the face he wished he never laid eyes on.

“JaeJoong, look up at them that is rude of you. We didn't raise you this way...”

'You didn't raise me like a son...' he thought back at his mother.

“I'm sorry. I guess our son isn't feeling too well. He collapsed after all. Really, he needs someone as strong
as YunHo so that he could be taken care of like a wife.” Their guests nodded together with her words.
YunHo stood up and walked towards him. He reached in his pocket and brought out a capsule. “Here...”

JaeJoong saw his palm, big and manly, holding onto a tiny piece of drug. 'Do you wanna drug me now?'
“What's this for?”

“It's a pain-killer. You must be feeling all sorts of things after what had happened.”

“Yeah...” JaeJoong thought that exactly. He felt anger, betrayal, defeat and many other things. He felt like
a fish trapped in a bowl and was forcefully fed fish flakes because it was what the owner thought fish
only ate. Being pulled into such a ridiculous predicament, JaeJoong wanted out immediately. “JaeJoongie,
are you okay?”

“I want this to end”

The parents looked at each other, confused at JaeJoong's words. JaeJoong grew a sudden fit. His forehead
heated, almost burning like fire. He looked up at them, scrunched up nose and furrowed brows.

“I don't want to get married to this guy! Even if he were the last man on...wait...WHAT? I'm a guy! I can't
get married to him!! It's not possible!”

“It's possible, JaeJoongie...”

“Stop calling me JaeJoongie! We're not even stop addressing me like I'm your boyfriend! I
don't even like guys!!”

JaeJoong's mother didn't want this to continue. She was being embarrassed. Mr. And Mrs. Jung watched
him in disapproval, probably changing their minds about the betrothal. She blocked their view,
“ friends, how about we go into the kitchen? Let the two sort things out...ahahaha” The Jung's
were confused to wits. However, they did as they were told and were lead to the kitchen. “I'll be back in a

She went to JaeJoong and slapped his arm. “What do you think you're doing, JaeJoong?!”

“Ma! I don't wanna get married!”

“It's your destiny to be married to him! Before you were born, it's been decided! We told you that

“You forced me into it and I don't want anything to do with that crazy asshole!”

“Yah, don't bad mouth someone who's right in front of your face!” YunHo butted in. JaeJoong glared at
him. He wanted to just choke the guy.

“Appa, let JaeJoong and YunHo sort things out. Come with me to the kitchen and we'll discuss matters
with the Jung's” Mrs. Kim took her husband's hand and they went on their way to the kitchen, leaving to
the two young men to their chat---or more so, their fight.



“Stop calling me that!”

“Sorry, JaeJoong” JaeJoong was still irritated by the sound of his deep, bass voice. “But I don't get it. Why
do you find me so annoying?”

Finally, it was JaeJoong's time to shine.

“Because you keep going in the restaurant and call only for me. It bugs me and you embarrass me all the
time! My co-workers make fun of me and the other customers stare. Do you know how uncomfortable it
is to have some stranger call only for you and have to fake a smile all the time just so you could keep your


“Quick answer there, Mr. Jung...” JaeJoong dropped to the sofa and grunted. He stomped his feet and
whined like a baby, “I don't wanna get married! I don't! I don't!” and he lay on the sofa. YunHo sat next
to him, patiently waiting for him to sit upright again. After a few minutes, JaeJoong was still lying
horizontally. YunHo let out a deep breath and began

“I was against this, too, you know...” JaeJoong heard him. This time, it was a different voice. The voice he
always heard had an itchy sound which scratched JaeJoong's ear drums to bits but he had a very different
tone; a sweet and understanding tone. JaeJoong listened-

“My parents told me about the engagement when I turned 5 years old. I didn't understand then until I
saw your picture. You were so beautiful---” JaeJoong cut him off

“I don't like being called that”

“I'm sorry but it was so true...true even up to now. You're still very bea—handsome, JaeJoong.”

JaeJoong's face flushed in pink. The guy he thought was disturbing had disappeared for a moment. For
once, after so many months of seeing and hearing the same irritating man, he felt pity for him. He wasn't
the only one being forced into something he didn't want.

“Look, JaeJoong. I understand that you're angry at your parents for making such a foolish promise. But, I
can make a deal with you...if you like.”

JaeJoong's eyebrows rose at his statement. What was he going to get involved in?


15 minutes passed. The four parents came out, happily laughing away their troubles, holding onto
memorabilia and such. When they went back inside the living room, they found YunHo and JaeJoong
sitting beside each other. What was more surprising was that, YunHo's arm was comfortably wrapped
around JaeJoong's waist and JaeJoong's hand rested on YunHo's knee.

“Are you boys...okay, now?” asked Mrs. Kim.

JaeJoong's smile grew larger, YunHo grinning as well. They glanced at each other first and said in unison,
“We're getting married!”

“What!? Really!? You're okay with it, JaeJoong? YunHo?”

“Yes, we're both fine with it. We finally realized that we cannot run away from destiny. I believe even the
elders would agree that we were meant to be. Right, JaeJoongie?”

“Mhmm. You're right, Yunnie”

Mrs. Kim clapped her hands, “Oh! I am so happy! Aren't they adorable?” she looked back at her friends
and her husband. All smiles and joy overflowed.

“Well, I have to go to work. I'll see you later at the restaurant, JaeJoongie?” JaeJoong nodded happily.
YunHo removed his arm and stood back up. He kissed his parents and future in-laws good-bye. He blew
a kiss to JaeJoong. JaeJoong caught it with his hand and kissed his palm. YunHo finally exited the house
and JaeJoong quickly stood up. “I'm going to my room now...”

He walked passed them and received a pat on the back, “Good job, son.”

“Thanks, Dad.”


He closed his bedroom door, grabbed his pillow and “!@#^$%@!” shouted all that he could into that one

“I can't believe I did that. Pfft...gross!”

This is what had happened---

YunHo made a deal that when he and JaeJoong married, YunHo would leave for Japan. He had the
opportunity to expand his family's business overseas and this was a great deal for him. He wouldn't
worry about JaeJoong because he'd just be in Korea, one plane ride away. Also, he'd be back in 8 months

Although, JaeJoong didn't understand why he would worry about him, other than that, not seeing his
face was going be good for him. He agreed to it but wondered what YunHo would get in return from the

He said that when he came back from Japan, he'd want to have a loving wife to return to.

Again, JaeJoong was confused. How could JaeJoong, a boy, become a loving wife when the definition of a
wife is a married female? He asked what YunHo meant but YunHo didn't bother. He heard the parents
rustle back inside so he pulled JaeJoong to the couch and wrapped his arm around his waist before he
could finish speaking.

That was what had happened. All the details of the deal implanted in JaeJoong's mind.


“Mom, why do I have to wear this stupid suit? Why are we going to a fancy restaurant? Do we even have
enough money for that place?”

“Shush! Stop your questioning and follow me,” JaeJoong's mom held onto his hand even tighter. Tugging
on her son to move faster or they'd be late.

“Mom! Stop pulling!”

“Then you stop being so slow, son! Aish, no need...we're here!” JaeJoong raised his head higher and
higher when his mother let go of him. He was standing before a tall building. He saw 5 stars built onto
the name of the place. Meaning, it was a very ridiculously expensive place. “Eh? Th-this i-is where we---
we're eating?”

“Stop your questioning already! Also, we're not the ones who are paying...”

JaeJoong was at a loss for words. Before he knew it, he was sitting at the table with his mom and 2 empty
seats at the restaurant.

JaeJoong was intimidated by the rich, old men and young women sitting around them. Fancy jewelry and
strong perfume were everywhere. JaeJoong was being suffocated slowly by the smell of money, sex and


“Keep quiet, son. Here they come.”

Mrs. Jung and YunHo were then in front of them. JaeJoong's mom gestured them to take their seats.
YunHo was all smiles as he gazed upon JaeJoong's handsome appearance. JaeJoong didn't want to look

“JaeJoong, greet your soon-to-be mother-in-law...”

JaeJoong stood from his seat and bowed. He almost sat back down but his mother stopped him, “Honey,
you need to greet someone else, remember?” her eyes directed to the young man in a raven black suit
with clean white polo.

“'s embarrassing. There are people around...” JaeJoong whispered to his mom. She sighed and
nodded her head, “Fine, win” He sat back down smiling but when he took a peek at YunHo, he
seemed disappointed.

'Did he really expect me to kiss him or something? Sheesh...freak...'


Mrs. Jung finally spoke, “Okay, JaeJoong-honey. I know you may still be asking us about the wedding

'No not really' “Mhmm...”

“So, we've already set the date”

'As if I care' “Okay...”

“You're getting married in 2 weeks”

'Yeah, as if I--' “What?”

JaeJoong's mother then joined in, “Son, we want you two to marry as soon as possible. Also, seeing that
you get along so well now, there's no need for us to wait for you both right?”

'Wait for what? It's not like we can give you grandchildren...' “Well, I guess but...”

“It's settled then! Your marriage is dated 2 weeks from this Saturday!” The two mothers giggled in joy.
JaeJoong buried himself in his seat. YunHo was just staring at them, but mostly on JaeJoong.

The two mothers were yapping away, talking about the venue, the reception, the dresses, the suits and
everything accountable or related to weddings. YunHo wanted to be alone with JaeJoong.

“Sst. JaeJoong-ssi” JaeJoong slid back up from his drooped position and whispered, “What?”

“Come outside with me...” JaeJoong shook his head but felt a leg brush up to his thigh. YunHo smirked and
whispered, “If you don't, I could just play with you right here...” JaeJoong's eyes grew wide and he stood up.
The two mothers, concerned, “Is something wrong, son?” “You okay, JaeJoong?”

“I-I'm fine...I just need to,” he gulped his saliva before going on, “get some fresh air...”

He then ran out to the balcony. YunHo pushed his chair back and excused himself, “Mother, Auntie, I
will accompany him just to make sure he's alright.”

“You go do that, baby” “Okay then”

The mothers continued their chatting and YunHo followed up


“What do you want? Can't you just leave me alone?

“Can't a guy just wish to spend his remaining time with his handsome fiancé?”

Without hesitation, JaeJoong answered with a loud, screeching no.

“Ouch, JaeJoongie...”

“Stop it! You're bugging me again, Jung!”

“Why are you calling me by my last name? I said called me Yunnie yesterday”

“I just called you that so our parents wouldn't get suspicious. I never wanna call you that nickname

“It's a cute nickname! Call me that...”


“Call me Yunnie!”

“No!” JaeJoong moved back, hitting his butt on the balcony fence. YunHo walked slowly to the shorter
man. JaeJoong raised his hands and shook them, “Don't come near me, Jung!” YunHo extended his arm,
looking as if he was trying to reach JaeJoong's cheek. Thinking he was going to violate him, JaeJoong
protected his chest like a girl and shut his eyes.

Seconds passed and hands weren't roaming around his clothes. He peeked with one eye and saw
YunHo's hand holding a piece of feather. JaeJoong released his hands from his chest---dumbfounded,
embarrassed and flushed.

“You had a feather on your head. I just wanted to remove it...”

JaeJoong was relieved but at the same time, he felt a bit of disappointment. Why did a part of him, the
tiniest bit of that part, want to be violated by the guy? He shook that emotion off and just went back to
nagging at him.

“You better stop pestering me! Really!”

“I wasn't bullying you...I was just getting something off of your---”

“Save it! You're on your own on this...I'm telling my mom that the wedding is off!”

Before he went back inside, his arm was grabbed and pulled. “Yah! Jung, what the---” he was cut by a
pair of lips pressed down to his. His eyes were in their largest, his breathing was unstable. He tried to
push the guy off but he kept pulling JaeJoong back in. The touch of the lips made JaeJoong---melt. For
some odd reason, he felt warm. From this provoking man came a balmy sensation coming down to his
spine. His body relaxed and he was safe in the arms of YunHo. He closed his eyes and in an instant, he
was pulled off.

“I don't want you to call off the wedding...”

JaeJoong was still stunned by the sudden kiss but was dumbfounded by YunHo. Why didn't he want it to
be called off? He made no sense...Any normal guy would gladly call off a wedding to a stranger.

“I don't want it called off because --- I just don't want you to, okay?”

It was as if he had read JaeJoong's mind. This guy made no sense to him. He tried to question him
through eye contact but the sound of their mother's voices stopped him from asking. “Boys, it's time to go

“Alright, mother,” YunHo turned to the still-frozen JaeJoong, “ about I take you and
your mother home with my car? We brought two cars and I don't want Auntie---I mean, mom, to walk all
the way back home. The city isn't safe at night"

JaeJoong didn't answer. Mrs. Kim gladly took the offer and held onto her stiff son.

In no time, they arrived home. They exited the car as YunHo rolled down the passenger's window to say

“Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, JaeJoongie”

“Goodnight, my son-in-law” Mrs. Kim then tapped her son's shoulder, “Psst. JaeJoong! Say goodnight”

“Yeah, night...” and he turned around. YunHo chuckled and waved his hand as he drove off.

Mrs. Kim slapped her son on the head, “Yah! JaeJoong! Why do you have to be so rude to your fiancé?”

“Stop calling him my fiancé!”

“But he is, isn't he?”

“Err---” He lost. Feeling triumphant, JaeJoong's mother walked back to the house, swinging her hips.

'You win this time, Jung---but next time, I'm bringing you down...' He entered his house, locked the door and
slept the night away.

“JaeJoong, now in denial”
“Mom, where are we going this time? I'm still tired from last night!” complained JaeJoong. His mother
pulled on his arm, nearly dragging him like a rag, as they walked in the streets of Seoul.

The passersby all glanced at the strange mother and son. All with the same oddball looks printed on their

“Mom! Where the heck are we---”

“Shush! We're here...” She let go of his arm and JaeJoong couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him was a
bridal clothing store, decorated with white roses and silk. Sale signs taped on the glass window. He
rubbed his eyes, to make sure he wasn't imagining things. But no, it was real enough for him, “Mom, to
let you know...I'm NOT A GIRL!!”

“For now, you're a daughter to me, JaeJoong. Let's go inside”

He could've died at her statement. JaeJoong thought that their family with 8 other daughters, their
mother's been too used to bridal preparations that she had no idea what to do for a boy. This fact scared
the crap out of JaeJoong. She forced him in by yanking on his arm. JaeJoong was surprised by how strong
his 60-year old mother was. Her strength and power amazed him but didn't excuse his anger towards her

“Good morning, Mrs. Kim,” greeted an employee, “The dress you asked of us is ready. Where's the

“He's right here...”

“I'm not a bride...”

“Don't deny it, sweetie. You're getting married and you're going to be the bride~” said his mother in a
giggly tone.

“I don't want to be the---” but he was cut off by a powerful push coming from his mother. He entered the
curtains and they shut behind him. The clerk's hands moving about, removing his clothes and he was
stripped down to his underwear. They put on the dress and revealed the 'bride' moments after.

“Aigoo! You're so pretty, JaeJoong!” exclaimed his too excited mother.

He looked at her and hissed. The dress had ruffles and jewels sewn on its corset. Even if his mother was
playing a cruel joke, he still wasn't amused.

“Mom, are you trying to make my life a living hell?! I don't want to wear a dress!!”

“But, son, you're so pretty! I bet YunHo would think so, too...”

“Yes, I definitely think so”

To JaeJoong and his mother's surprise, YunHo appeared at the entrance door. His shoulders leaning on
the wall and his arms crossed. His eyes moved up and down, examining JaeJoong's body in the
glamorous dress.

“Ah! Son-in-law!” happily proclaimed JaeJoong's mother.

“Hello, mom.” He kissed her on the cheek, “How are you?”

“I'm fine. I'm fine. How did you know we'd be here?”

YunHo first eyed JaeJoong before he looked back at his mother-in-law to answer.

“I just passed by and I noticed a beautiful creature in a dress and thought it to be JaeJoong. Thank
goodness my eyesight is still excellent...” he smirked at JaeJoong, who was still fidgeting in the dress.
JaeJoong realized YunHo's gaze and hid behind the curtain in a flash.

“Aish! JaeJoong, turn around and let your fiancé see you in the lovely dress~”

“No!” He began to unzip the back. The sound of the zipper was clear outside the dressing room.

“JaeJoong! Stop disobeying me and come out of the curtain so that YunHo can see you!”

YunHo walked towards the direction of JaeJoong behind the velvet fabric. He spoke huskily, “JaeJoongie,
if you don't come out I'll just go in myself~ Maybe even help you undress?”

His teasing made JaeJoong's jump. JaeJoong definitely didn't want that. He'd rather go bald than give
YunHo the satisfaction of undressing him. But with no other option but to expose of what is left of his
dignity, he came out of the curtain.

His mother was still giddy at his beauty. YunHo gazed upon him even more. The sun's rays from the
window shone on JaeJoong's clear, clean skin. JaeJoong, again, was nervous. He didn't want to look up at
them. His cheeks were turning a peach bottom pink.

He then worried that YunHo would just tease him even more.

But, he didn't hear any comment from him. Nothing---there was pure silence. He heard his mother almost
squeaking, but no sound came from YunHo. In JaeJoong's mind, he thought that maybe YunHo was
secretly insulting him in his head. He wanted to make sure he wasn't laughing behind his cupped hands.

His head laid low but he raised his eyes. He saw a stiff YunHo, staring at him. JaeJoong's heart pumped

“Yah! Stop staring at me!” he yelled at him

“A-ah, I'm sorry. I-I just...I'm stunned by your beaut—handsomeness”

He turned even redder, redder than an apple.

“L-Look, the groom shouldn't see the,” he gulped, “bride in the wedding dress...” Grossed out by what
he said. He then regretted calling himself the bride.

“Oh! That's right, YunHo! You shouldn't have seen JaeJoong! It may turn to bad luck when it's time for
the wedding!” JaeJoong's mother suddenly pointed out.

JaeJoong puzzled at her statement, “What? Bad luck? Then let YunHo keep on looking at me!!” If the bad
luck his mother mentioned were to be a rain storm or tornado, he would let YunHo stare at him all he
wanted, without caring about his pride being crushed every second he was in the dress.

“JaeJoong! I don't want bad luck to ruin such a joyous union! Get back inside and change~”



“Fine..” He went back behind the curtain and changed his clothes

He heard his mother speak to YunHo. Although it's not loud, he clearly heard their conversation. They
ignorantly didn't think JaeJoong would listen in – JaeJoong was glad to know that ignorance was bliss at
moments like those.

“YunHo, I'm sorry that you can't stay to see him longer,” She rubbed her son-in-law's arm as if consoling

“It's alright, mom. I have enough to keep in my memory...”

JaeJoong stuck his tongue in disgust. He continued to change his clothes. He stripped down and was
already putting back his shirt on.

“...Well, I have to go now. Business awaits. I want to earn enough from my salary so I could get the house
I picked for JaeJoong and I to live in”

JaeJoong's jaw dropped, he lost his mind at that point. He knew he was getting married to the guy, he
knew that YunHo was going leave for 8 months; 1 week after they get married, but he never thought of
moving into a house with him after the 8 months were over.

“Well, mom, I have to go. See you this weekend,” He kissed her on the cheek and left the store. The door
closed which meant he had finally left. JaeJoong flew the curtains open, sweat dripping from his forehead
from the heat of the dressing cubicle.

“Let me get this straight...I'm gonna move in with him?”

Mrs. Kim looked at him estranged, raising one brow. Her look read, 'Isn't it obvious?'

“Of course you're moving in with him!! You can't stay with us once you're married!”

“But, mom! I'm still a student! It's my last year in High School and—and...he's going to be in Japan for 8
months and—and...”

“Honey, you're graduating in 1 week. I told you, your mother-in-law and I planned this before hand. We
even planned the dress you were going to wear while you were inside my womb”

“Mom! I'm a guy and I should not wear a DRESS!” The emphasis on each word took his mother aback.
Disappointed, she shook her head. Her eyes grew watery.

“Son...I know you can't wear a dress. But...can't a mother just see her last child wear something beautiful?
I mean, I dreamt of giving you the most beautiful wedding ceremony. You, walking down the aisle in a
gorgeous gown, bouquet at hand. It's a mother's dream for her last daughter to be her most beautiful~”

“I'm a BOY! I'm your SON!”

She took a deep breath, stopping any tears from falling “I guess I just wanted this last time of preparing
to be meaningful for me too...” even with her effort, a single tear still slid down her cheek.

He sighed, “Mom...” he hugged her and patted her head, “...I know you want what's best. Look, I'm
allowing myself to marry him. Shouldn't that be enough? You can decorate the venue and plan
everything as you wish but I will not wear a dress. That's the only condition, okay?” She nodded and
wiped away her single tear.

He smiled at her but received a smack on the back of his head.

“Ouch! Mom! What was that for?”

“For trying to get out of the dress you're still going to wear...” she was already on her way out of the store
as she spoke.

“Mom! MOM! WHAT!?” JaeJoong then chased after his mom who was already meters away from the

Again, citizens looked at them, weirded out by the shouting young man.


Hours later, at the Kim Residence, JaeJoong just came from the library to pick his usual reference books
and he noticed his mother and Mrs. Jung on the couch, discussing something. He noticed a bunch of
folded paper all spread out on the coffee table. As the door shut, the two mothers looked back.

“Ah! Son, you're back” “Hello, JaeJoong, honey”

He kissed his mother on the cheek then kissed Mrs. Jung on the cheek as well.

“Dear, look at these” Mrs. Jung then presented a clean cut card.

“Uhm...what are those exactly, auntie?”

“These are the wedding invitations we're sending out!”

“WHAT?!” He then swiped a card from the table and looked at its content. “Holy--”

“JaeJoong! No cursing!” He bit his lip and continued reading. He couldn't believe his eyes. The design
was all too girly. Pink flowers printed on the edges, family seals printed on the top of the card.

“Mother, don't tell me you're sending these out!”

“Actually, dear, we've already sent these out. I even handed invitations to your co-workers at the
restaurant, the cute little one and the charming tall one. I think their names are JunSu and YooChun,

JaeJoong felt his soul depart from his slim body. He then, for the umpteenth time, collapsed and fainted.
The young boy couldn't handle all of the things that were being rushed.

“JaeJoong! Oh my God, JaeJoongie!”

He heard the familiar voice. The oh-so familiar bass voice that came from none other than his fiancé
YunHo. Then, everything went black.


Meanwhile, at the restaurant, it was growing dark. The sun was setting as the seconds were counted.
There were no customers inside which meant a 10-minute early closing. JunSu got the keys to lock up the
shop but was surprised by the sudden presence opposite the glass door.


“Hyung! Let me in! I'm hungry!”

JunSu knew that if he didn't let a hungry ChangMin eat, he'd be eaten the next day as punishment from
the taller, yet younger boy. JunSu then turned the key and opened the door.

“Thank you, Hyung. Can you please make me a bowl of my usual?”


ChangMin's meal was a bowl of spicy chicken ramyun, paired with a tall glass of diet coke or iced tea. In
a few minutes, his order was ready. JunSu set it down on the counter and ChangMin didn't hesitate to
break his chopsticks and start stuffing his face.

“Gawd, ChangMin, ever heard of savoring, not stuffing?”

ChangMin slurped a noodle before he mumbled, with soup spitting out as he spoke, “Hyungg, I came
frum a longg day of child carrre...” he swallowed before continuing, “I had to take care of 10 of the Kim

children. Seriously, JaeJoong-Hyung's sisters should stop the child making and live in seclusion! They
have enough Kim kids to ready the next generation!”

JunSu couldn't help but laugh at his dongsaeng's words.

YooChun, who was in his office, heard the distinct loud chuckle which came from the restaurant counter.
He took a peek to find JunSu laughing away with their regular customer, ChangMin. He joined them and
greeted, “Hi, ChangMin.”

“Hey, YooChun-Hyung!”

“What were you guys talking about?”

“Nothing...” And to their opinion, it really wasn't anything important. However, YooChun couldn't help
but feel curious. But then the topic changed. “So I heard you guys are invited to JaeJoong-Hyung's
wedding” said ChangMin.

JunSu nodded in response, “Yeah. I got an invitation, so did YooChun”

They both waved the pretty pink invitation in front of ChangMin's face, making him choke on his food.

“Pfft...That's the invitation? Ha-ha! It's so pink!”

“I know. I can't believe JaeJoong-Hyung's mother decided to go all pink on this wedding invite”

“So, is there an invite for a guest to join you?”

YooChun looked at his card first and read the reservation which numbered only for one. JunSu, on the
other hand, had a reservation numbered for two. Which meant JunSu could freely bring any guest he
liked. “I have 2 seats reserved. I guess I'm able to bring someone...” he went into deep thought. Who
could JunSu bring to the event? Unknowingly, ChangMin was batting his eyelashes for JunSu to see.

“Hyuuuung~ Please bring your favorite dongsaeng along~” ChangMin sang cutely. JunSu giggled,
YooChun gagged.

“Sure, why not?”

“Hooray!” ChangMin clapped his hands. YooChun turned around, he huffed a breath through his nose
like a bull would.

“What's up with him?” ChangMin asked. JunSu shrugged, “I have no idea...”

YooChun then regretted turning his back on them. He also then regretted that he couldn't tell JunSu
about his feelings. Because of his arrogance, he wasn't able to express his feelings to the one he loved. He
has been in love with JunSu since he had employed him. It may have been biased, but he wanted to
watch his love everyday at work, even if their relationship had only been professional. He sat back down
on his office chair and stuck his wide forehead on the desk chair.

Sighing, he said, “Darn it...why did he have to invite someone. I can't even get alone time with him at
work and the only chance I had was taken away from me...Aish!”


JaeJoong sluggishly opened his eyes, the light invaded his vision. He covered it with the back of his hand.
He realized he was on his bed as he felt the softness of his pillow when he slowly brought down his hand.
He nudged a moment and he hit a hard object. He turned his attention to the thing he had hit and he was
taken aback. YunHo was lying beside him, arms under his tilted head, sleeping.

'YunHo?!' He was then aware that he had collapsed again. He thought of himself as pathetic whenever he
would faint. He fainted because of the sudden presentation of wedding invites. He mentally kicked
himself but averted his attention to the sleeping man.

Although JaeJoong thought the guy was an annoying prick, with his petty annoyances and perverted
intentions, when asleep he looked like an angel. The light from the ceiling lit his face nicely, showing the
fine lines of his small face. JaeJoong took a closer look and noticed the tiny mole above his lip.
Unconsciously, his hand was already inclining to the said mole but YunHo nudged, JaeJoong took his
hand back.

“Mrrrnn...ha-ha...that tickles...” YunHo mumbled in his sleep. JaeJoong couldn't help but laugh silently.
'So he talks in his sleep? Great...this is something worth bribing with...' He took out his phone and began
recording the sleep-talking YunHo.

'Come on, YunHo...say something...'


'Eh? Is he reading my mind in his sleep? Why is he calling my name?'

“JaeJoongie...I need to tell you something...”

'Ah! He is reading my mind! Come on, YunHo, tell me what you wanna say...'

“JaeJoongie...Since I was 5-years old...I knew we were getting married...”

'You told me that already! Give me something juicy to bribe with, man!'

“JaeJoongie...When mom and dad showed me your picture...I finally knew what pure beauty meant...”

'Okay...this is getting too deep...I should stop recording' JaeJoong was about to click 'stop' but YunHo
continued to sleep-talk

“JaeJoongie...I fell in love with you when I first came here a year ago...”

'A year ago? But...I only met you 3 months ago. When you first went inside the restaurant!!'

“JaeJoongie...I saw you at the restaurant. You read the help wanted sign. You were gonna go inside to
apply helped an old lady with stuff...”

'Huh? Old lady? When I first came to the restaurant...OH YEAH! The old lady...she was so pitiful...I had to help
her with her bags.'

“JaeJoongie...I was across the street...I saw kind...I fell in love with you...I didn't know
I was engaged to you until I saw your picture again…for 9 months I watched you…”

'9 months later? Then, that leaves the 3 months when he began pestering me at the restaurant...He fell in love with
me even before he knew who I was?!? What?!?'

“JaeJoongie...I love you...I fell for you twice...I love you...I love yo~~”

YunHo went back to his slumber. JaeJoong's heart fluttered. He was dazed. He never knew any of what
was said. Everything brought out in the open by one slight utter of the sleeping mouth. JaeJoong was in
complete disbelief.

He then shook his head and noticed his phone was still recording. “Ah, SHIT!” He quickly clicked the
button and this woke YunHo up.

“Mrrn. JaeJoongie? You're finally awake...” his voice groggy

“Uhm, Yeah...” His eyes were wandering everywhere else but YunHo's own brown orbs.

“Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat...” He stood up only to be pulled back down by JaeJoong's

YunHo was shocked to the core. Why did JaeJoong pull him back? Wouldn't he be happy for him to leave
even for that moment? Why the sudden change?

Then, JaeJoong said under his breath, “Thank you...”

“What? I can't hear you JaeJoongie—I mean, JaeJoong...”

“I said THANK YOU, You dolt”

“Another insult? Psh. anyways, you're welcome. I'm guessing it was for carrying you here, huh?” YunHo
then bent down and gave a slight peck on JaeJoong's cheek. YunHo knew he'd get a beating for it but
would never take any of his kisses back. He then skipped out of the room to grab JaeJoong some food.

JaeJoong rubbed his cheek, he thought he'd be disgusted but his heart felt something different. It was a
different emotion, yet a very difficult one to put into words. He could only ask himself, 'Why aren't I
mad? Why am I not grossed out by this...' he then continued to rub on it, still feeling the warm area where
YunHo's lips met his skin. His lips curled to a smile. 'It didn't...feel bad...'

He didn't want to accept the possibility that maybe he was falling for YunHo.

'But maybe...I could...' He imagined a life of warm kisses and hugs coming from YunHo. He felt his spine
tingle at the thought of it. 'No...I couldn't...NO WAY!'

JaeJoong went on, denying and defying. 'I'm not falling for him!!' He banged his head with the wall and
repeated the same words over and over. He could deny it all he wanted but he knew very well where his
heart was leading its way to.

“Unpredictable and Unexplainable”
JaeJoong was in his living room, reading his final speech for graduation. It had been one week since the
announcement of the wedding date and he hasn't seen YunHo for 5 days, 10 hours and 19 minutes...not
that he had been counting.

It was around 5 in the afternoon, he wanted to have one more run-through of his speech before grabbing
a snack. When he had finally read the last line, he set his paper down on the coffee table. He stretched his
body on the couch, groaning as his muscles were pulled.

“Okay, JaeJoong! Time for a break!” and the second he stood up, the front door swung open. JaeJoong
was startled, the house suddenly got chilly.

His mother came in with a hanger in her hand, holding a covered outfit.

“Uhm...Mom, what do you have there?” he asked as he rubbed his arms.

She first removed her shoes and looked up to her son, not realizing he was there, “Oh Hi, honey. I just
came from the shop to pick up your wedding dress~~” she sang.

JaeJoong felt as if a brick had fallen on his head when he heard his mother say what he dreaded hearing.

“Mother, you can NOT be serious!”

“Of course I'm serious, JaeJoong. A mother never lies to her children...” she began to unzip the covered
outfit and revealed the 'dress' JaeJoong was to wear on the day. JaeJoong froze. He didn't expect anything
like it. His mother held onto a clean cut white suit with matching pants. All white, just like a bride, but all
suit, just like a groom. JaeJoong examined it, it was indeed a white suit.

“Mom, didn't you say 'dress'?”

“Yes, dear. A dress suit. Haha!”

JaeJoong hand slapped his forehead. He wanted to drop dead. He never expected his mother to joke
around about something like that. She even made him wear an actual wedding dress days before.

“MOM!! If I was going to wear a suit in the first place, why did you force me into a new wedding dress 6
days ago!?!?

“Dear, the dress wasn't new at all. It was your 3rd sister's wedding dress. We sent it back and they kept it.
I just wanted to see how you looked in a dress. You did look pretty, JaeJoong”

JaeJoong dropped to the couch. He was in complete disbelief. How could his own mother play around
with his mind on such a serious event? He really couldn't understand her actions. His mother placed the
suit back inside it's cover and hung it on a chair. She sat down beside her son and placed her hand on his

“JaeJoong, I'm your mother, you're my son. Of course I knew you couldn't wear a dress. You know me, I
love joking around with you since you're my only son. I love you that much, dear”

JaeJoong's heated head cooled down a bit as he heard his mother speak. She smiled and caressed his

“ baby is growing up. You're getting married in 7 days, honey! I'm so excited!”

He smiled and nodded. He then changed topic to avoid his face from changing looks.

“Mom, about my graduation tomorrow. There's a reservation of 2 seats. Will you and dad be able to
make it?”

“Your graduation? Oh no! Your graduation. Aish...JaeJoong don't be mad...”

“What now?” he raised an eyebrow at his mother.

“We...kind of...scheduled a full day of meetings tomorrow...that neither your father and I can make it...”

“That's it? It's okay, mom. Maybe one of the nuna's can come,” He said with an understanding tone.

“'s on a Sunday. You can't expect any of your sisters to come on such short notice. Also, they
all have their own families to attend to, right?”

JaeJoong had to agree. All of his sisters were married, busy and hard to contact. His (youngest) older
sister was 21 but already had 2 kids. She married at 18, and so did the rest of his sisters when they turned
that age. He then had to conclude that no one would be coming.

However, his mother's eyes glistened as she thought of an idea, “JaeJoong! Why don't you ask YunHo to

JaeJoong turned his head quickly to face his mother. She couldn't be serious, could she? She had been
playing jokes on him all week, maybe it was another one.

“Haha. Nice one, mom.”

“I'm serious, honey. Call him up and ask him to go to your graduation.”

In his heart, he really wanted someone to witness his last year of high school. He wanted someone to
listen to his speech. He wanted to get a congratulatory hug right after the ceremony. He wanted all of
that, but if he were to get it from YunHo, his heart would pop right out. Maybe even burst.

“Wouldn't th-the guy b-be busy? I mean...he's a b-businessman after all”

“Oh, JaeJoong,” she sighed as she took out her phone. She wore her glasses and squinted her eyes,
scrolling down on her contacts list. She pressed the call button. JaeJoong was curious---

“Mom, who are you calling?”

“Ssh, JaeJoong. ~Ah! Yoboseyo? YunHo? Ha-ha! It's mother-in-law!”

'YunHo?! She called up YunHo!?! No, mom! NO!' he yelled in his head. He started to move to the other side
of the couch, to try to escape but before he could stand up, she placed the phone in his hand, “Talk to
him! Ask him now!” she demanded.

He hesitated a bit before putting the phone on his ear.




“JaeJoongie!! Hey!! Your mother said you wanted to ask me something?”

“Uhm...yeah...” JaeJoong glanced at his mother before looking back down at his feet, “This is just random


“Would to go to my graduation ceremony tomorrow? It's in Seoul High School's auditorium at
2pm. Well, I don't care really if you come or not---”

“Ah, JaeJoongie, I'm sorry but I can't go. I have a full day at the office”

“O-oh...” JaeJoong felt his heart break. He didn't know why he felt such disappointing pain. He did say
he wouldn't care if he came or not, but why was he feeling like that?

“I'm sorry, JaeJoongie~”

“Stop it.”


“Stop calling me JaeJoongie!! I hate that name!! I don't care if you go!! I don't even like you!!!”

“JaeJoong---” before YunHo could even speak another word, JaeJoong had hung up the phone and
thrown it on the couch. He furiously got up and went straight to his room.

“JaeJoong! JAEJOONG!” shouted his mother. He refused to look back at her. Tears were already
dripping, sliding from his cheek to his chin. He entered his room and locked the door. He fell on his bed
and hugged his pillow tightly, releasing his anger.

“Aaaarrrgh! I hate him! I hate him!!”

JaeJoong tried to figure out why he felt such anger towards YunHo. YunHo didn't do anything wrong, he
just couldn't make it to his graduation. Yet, a sheet of disappointment covered JaeJoong's heart when
YunHo said he was busy. However, he threw that sheet away and just laid on his bed. He shut his eyes
and thought that sleeping would be best to forget that the idiot even existed in this world.


“Alright, JaeJoong. Have a great day! We're still very sorry,”

“I know, dad,” JaeJoong opened the door and got out of his family's van. The passenger's window rolled
down, his mother on the seat.

“JaeJoong, we'll be back at around 8pm. Can you take a bus? Here's some money”

“Thanks, mom,” he kissed her on the cheek before she rolled the glass window back up. He waved at
them and the car drove off into the distance. He was then left alone, with his speech in hand and school
sash dangling over his shoulder and wrapped around his waist. Being valedictorian meant nothing if
nobody he knew was there---


JaeJoong turned around to see a frantic YooChun running towards him

“YooChun hyung? Err...I mean, manager?” YooChun then stopped, tried to keep his balance by holding
onto JaeJoong's shoulder. Inhaling and exhaling until his heart rate went back to normal.

“Hey, don't call me...manager outside the restaurant. Just call me...Hyung, okay?” with deep inhales as he

“Err...okay, Chun Hyung”

“Good.” He smiled.

“What brings you here? Do you have any siblings that go here?”

“No...JunSu invited me”

“Eh? JunSu?"


“What!?!? mmrrnff...” his mouth was abruptly covered by YooChun's large hands.

“ you want people to stare at us?” Even if YooChun hadn't said that, the innocent guests and
visitors still looked at them as if they were maniacs loose from the bedlam. YooChun slowly brought
down his hand, JaeJoong caught breath before speaking in low volume, “JunSu confessed to you?”

“Yeah. Yesterday”

This was what had happened--

It was closing time at the restaurant and ChangMin had finally left the shop. JunSu locked the doors and
untied his apron. He hung it on the coat rack and went back inside the kitchen to bid his manager a job
well done and a goodnight

“Manager, good job today.”

“You, too.”

“Uhm, well...I guess, goodnight then. You remember about me leaving early tomorrow for graduation,

“Yeah,” of course YooChun had known. Why wouldn't he?”

“So, I'll just go then. See you...” he went through the back door and as he put on his shoes, he was called
for, “Yah! JunSu!” JunSu turned and he was suddenly hugged tightly. He was dumbfounded and
shocked. “Hyung?”

“JunSu...I love you...”

“Huh?!” JunSu shrieked. YooChun let go of him and rested his hands on JunSu's shoulders. He took a
deep breath and repeated the same words, “JunSu, I love you”


“I said I love you!”

JunSu bit his lip and remained silent. He averted his attention elsewhere to try not to catch YooChun's
eyes. YooChun lifted JunSu's chin with his hand, as it was raised, JunSu then looked at him with gazing
eyes. He had never been that close to his boss, almost no space left for them. Nearly nose-to-nose.

JunSu was still quiet. YooChun's patience was tested.

“JunSu, say something please. I hate it when you say makes me even more nervous”

JunSu had finally found his voice, “I-I...make you nervous?”

“Yes. Your smile, your eyes...the way you talk to me...the way you look at take my breath away,
JunSu...” YooChun then moved his hand, opened it to palm JunSu's cheek. “JunSu...I love you...”

“I love you, too...” JunSu muffled under his breath. YooChun heard it, but wanted to certify that he had
heard right. “What?”

“I-I love you...too...” he laid his head low. He turned bright red. YooChun grinned, finally what he had
hoped for. His wish, his longing. He grabbed JunSu by the waist, pulled him in and brushed his lips

against JunSu's full mouth. JunSu was taken aback but only to be tugged by YooChun's strong arms. He
felt the warmth, so did YooChun. YooChun broke off the kiss, leaving JunSu speechless.

YooChun snickered, teasing the younger man. He wiped JunSu's sweat with his shirt's sleeve. “I think
you better go home. Your mom might be worried. I'll fix up here...”

“O-okay...” YooChun turned his back on the frozen JunSu. JunSu shook himself awake and reached out
his hand, “Ah! Wait! Hyung!” YooChun rotated his torso, “Yes?”

“Uhm. Would you go to my graduation tomorrow?”

YooChun smiled and nodded, “Of course~”

“G-great!” JunSu happily clapped his hands. He gripped his bag's handle and waved goodbye. Taking off
with his widest and brightest smile etched on his face. He didn't know that YooChun was double joyful.
Almost knocking down the entire kitchen with his gravity defying jumps and skips.

That was what had happened--

“Wow. You're really lucky, Hyung...”

“I know. I'm just so happy. How about you? Aren't you suppose to be inside? And where're your

JaeJoong would rather not answer but replied anyways, “They couldn't make it. Neither could my

“What? The entire Kim clan not able to make it? That sucks...”

“Yeah...but I don't mind. I mean, I understand they're all busy.”

“I guess,” YooChun then had an idea that popped up immediately, “Hey, how about you join me and
JunSu? We're going back to the restaurant to celebrate!”

“Uhm, no thanks. You two should be alone. I bet you've been yearning to have JunSu all for yourself
since you've hired him.”

“Hehe...yeah...” YooChun could only hide away his embarrassment with his laugh.

“Hyung, I'll just see you later. I have to go in” he swatted YooChun's back before entering the auditorium
door. “Okay, congratulations JaeJoong! Fighting!”

“Fighting!” and he gladly ran inside to the front.


“And now, to end the program, the school's senior valedictorian, from A-class, Kim JaeJoong, shall give a

JaeJoong walked up to stage. A loud applaud, even a yell from one of his admirers. He shook the hands
of the principal, vice-principal and school's president before he stood before the podium. The microphone
fixed inches from his mouth. He cleared his throat and opened up his folded paper.

“Parents, students, special guests and school administration, good afternoon. My name is Kim JaeJoong
from Year III-Class A. You are all here to witness this wonderful ceremony...” he paused a bit to look up
at the audience. He found two empty seats, both which were supposedly reserved for his family, again,
his heart flew away. He then looked around and found JunSu, waving at him. He turned his eyes another
direction and found YunHo---


He then realized he had paused for too long and went back to reading his speech. “Ah~ you are all here
to witness this wonderful ceremony. All of you here to watch your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews,
cousins and grandchildren grow up and enter the world of adulthood.” JaeJoong had memorized the last
few sentences, so he need not to read anymore. He looked up and spotted YunHo again, standing at the
back. He was smiling brightly, which unconsciously made JaeJoong smile back at him.

JaeJoong fixed his eyes on YunHo for a moment then on the entire audience proper.

“To this day, we have all worked hard. We have all done our best and our work had finally paid off. We
are now mature enough, we are now intelligent enough and we are now high school graduates. We are
prepared and we shall keep on fighting!”

The students all stood up and threw their sashes up in the air, together with their graduation caps.
Finally, they all had graduated. Their diplomas, medals and certificates held closely to their hearts. The
students all being hugged and kissed by their parents

JaeJoong walked down the stage stairs and kept his eye on YunHo. He was on his way to talk to him,
YunHo patiently standing there. As he was nearing, people came in front of him. “Oh my gosh, JaeJoong!
You were so cool!” “Yeah!” “Let's have dinner, JaeJoong!”

“Uhm, sorry girls but I have to---”

“I'm sorry, but we have to go somewhere, now” JaeJoong was surprised to see YunHo suddenly beside
him. YunHo put his hand on JaeJoong's shoulder, “Go to your families, they might be looking for you. I
have to bring JaeJoong out now.”

“Awww!” The girls whined. JaeJoong was then gestured out by the taller man. His heart was beating
profusely. They walked to the underground parking of the school. Almost no one was there.

YunHo opened his car door, “Get in,” he forced. JaeJoong then left his blank state and went back to being
the normal, if it can be called normal, JaeJoong, “Yah! I won't go anywhere with you!”

YunHo sighed, “JaeJoong...please get in the passenger's seat so I can take you out to eat.”

“I'll just take the bus! And I'll make my own food---” he was then stopped by a pair of lips pressed on his,
another attack from YunHo. JaeJoong pushed him off, “Hey! Stop kissing me!” he wiped his lips with his

“Let me take you out, JaeJoong...” He almost begged, but by the looks of his eyes, YunHo meant no harm.
JaeJoong couldn't refuse his innocent gaze, he entered the car and sat down. YunHo closed his door, ran
around the car and rode on the driver's side.

“Seatbelt, JaeJoong...” JaeJoong pulled the belt and buckled in until he heard the click. They were already
driving off and JaeJoong finally realized, “You're not calling me 'JaeJoongie!'”

YunHo took a glimpse of JaeJoong's face, he thought it was cute and hilarious, “Ha-ha. You finally
noticed, huh?”

“Why aren't you calling me JaeJoongie?”

“Well, because you told me to stop. Remember? Over the phone”

“Oh yeah...”

“I promise, I'll never call you that again.”

JaeJoong felt a bit of disappointment. In his heart, did he really want to be called such an annoying
nickname? He answered for himself, yes. He wanted it. He dearly wanted it.

“You can call me that...”


“You can call me 'JaeJoongie'”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah. I've grown used to it.”

“Alright then, JaeJoongie,” YunHo's lips curled to a smile. He got jumpy and giggly in just a few seconds.
JaeJoong laughed at his idiocy. How could a 21-year old act like a child who just got his Christmas
present from Santa? It was a mystery to him.

“Where do you want to eat, JaeJoongie?”

“Err...I dunno. Anywhere I guess...”

“How about the French restaurant downtown?”

“Eh?! Isn't that too expensive?!”

“JaeJoongie, it's your graduation. I want to treat you to the best and only the best. I love you that much,
okay?” JaeJoong sipped in his lips, he blushed. It was the first time YunHo had said that to him. Actually,
the first time was in his sleep, but to express it while he was awake, it made JaeJoong's heart flutter.

“JaeJoongie, you're smiling...thinking of something funny?”

“Hmm? No” he touched his lips and realized that he was smiling. After hearing the 3 simple words from
YunHo, he beamed. JaeJoong was about to deny that he felt happy but he didn't. He acknowledged the
fact that he was loved, even loved by the guy he once thought was a stalker. He was jubilant.

'Is this what it feels like to be loved by someone?' He turned his head to eye YunHo, who was focusing on the
road. 'I know he loves me...' he touched his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart, '...but why am I
feeling this way?'

'It's so different. People in school would always confess but...why is YunHo's confession taking a toll on my mind?
Why is it only Yunho?' He glanced back at YunHo, still fixed on the road ahead of him. 'Am I...falling for
him?' He was neither grossed out nor disturbed by the thought. He thought of it, long and hard...'I am,
aren't I?'

“You done thinking there, JaeJoong? We're here...”

“O-oh. Okay.” He got off the car, watching YunHo get out as well. Over the car's roof, he saw YunHo's
face, bright and glowing. JaeJoong imagined his life, forever seeing that face. 'I wouldn't mind it at all...' he

“Let's eat, then, JaeJoongie?”


'I guess, being in unpredictable and unexplainable' he thought lastly before entering the restaurant
with YunHo following behind him

“Wedding Bliss…?”

Guests were entering the hall doors. Everyone was greeting everyone. Some were strangers, some were
relatives and others were just there for the free dinner during the reception.

The Kim children running around, playing with and poking any object they see in front of them. The 8
Kim sisters inside the bridal(JaeJoong's) room with their only brother, JaeJoong, and their mother, all

In the groom's room was YunHo and him alone. He had been on the phone for half an hour. He had been
talking to some person related to his work, his voice was raising, furious at the person who was on the
other line. However, someone knocked on his door. He then had to lower his volume as the doorknob

“May I come in?” Mr. Kim asked as he inched the door to take a peek. YunHo immediately hung up his
phone. “Sure, come in.”

“Hello, son-in-law” Mr. Kim forwarded his hand, gesturing the young man to take it. YunHo shook it
and let go, greeting his father-in-law at the same time, “Hi, Dad. Something the matter?”

“Not necessarily. I'm just here to talk to you. A man-to-man talk. Please sit”

YunHo, who was unsure, sat down on the couch with him.

“Okay, YunHo, you may be wondering why I'm here to talk to you.” YunHo shrugged. Mr. Kim
continued on, “Well, I'm here to discuss to you about being a husband.”

“Dad, it's okay. I'll be a good husband to---”

“It isn't just about being a good husband, YunHo. It's about being a protector.”


“Yes. You can't just give what your wife needs and wants. You have to give your entire being, your life.
You have to sacrifice for her. I'm pretty sure your father has talked to you about this...” YunHo stayed

“He has, hasn't he?”

“Well, not...exactly...”

“Aigoo. Your father is still forgetful as always! Haha!” YunHo had no other choice but to laugh along,
“Haha. Yeah...”

“Anyways, YunHo. In any circumstance, in any time and in any place, you have to be there for JaeJoong.
He will be your life, you will be his. You have to be able to give up everything only for him, get it? Risk
your life for him!”

“Yes, Dad. I understand. I will always be there. Always.”

“Good. So, you're getting married in 15 minutes. I expect you at the altar in five, okay?”


Mr. Kim gave a smile before leaving the room. YunHo exhaled, nervous about what was to come. He was
finally marrying the love of his life. Even if JaeJoong couldn't return his feelings, he knew that JaeJoong
would learn to love him in time. His heart thumped, he was going to see JaeJoong walk down the aisle in
15 minutes. He was finally going to call JaeJoong his wife/husband. He giggled at that thought.

Meanwhile, inside JaeJoong's own room. Some sisters kept going through jewelry boxes to find the right
accessories for JaeJoong to put on, the rest were fixing JaeJoong's hair. JaeJoong slapped all the hands
away, “Nuna! Nuna! Aish...Stop it! I'll do it myself. Just go!”

“Awww! But JaeJoong-ah!” “JaeJoong-ah! Let your nunas take care of it~”

“Girls, just go. You're pestering him too much...”

“But, Mom!” “It's our brother’s wedding!” “We have to be here!”

“Girls, go!”

“Fine” “Okay”

The 8 women finally left and closed the door behind them. JaeJoong sighed in relief.

“JaeJoong, here..” his mother handed him his jacket.

“Thanks, Mom.” He put it on and fixed his collar. His dress suit was clean-cut and white. His mother
patted his shoulders, dusting off any dirt or lint.

“There~ You're set, JaeJoong honey”

“Thanks again, Mom,” he smiled, with scared eyes. His mother sensed something was wrong, “JaeJoong,
is something the matter?”

“It's nothing...nothing”

“Baby, there is something wrong. I'm your mother and I can sense these things. Now, tell me what's
bothering you...” She caressed his cheek, with a concerned look on her face. JaeJoong couldn't hide it from

“Okay, Mom. It's about the marriage---”

“Don't tell me you're backing out now!!”

“No, mom,'s not like that. It's feelings...” His mother changed from concerned to
confused. What about JaeJoong's feelings? JaeJoong went on, “I think...I may love with YunHo...”

“What? You're really in love with him?!? Already?!? Wow!!” His mother jumped in excitement. Nobody
in their family fell in love on the wedding day itself. Usually, it would be right after the honeymoon that
the arranged couple would declare their love as mutual. But in JaeJoong's case, it was like a miracle.

“Aigoo! We have to tell YunHo now! Let's go~” she took her son's hand and was about to open the door
when JaeJoong pulled her back, “Mom! Don't!” She balanced herself first before speaking, “JaeJoong, we
have to tell him!”

“Mom, let me do it. I'd rather tell him myself than let my mother shout it out for me...”

“Okay,” she cleared her throat, “Let me ask. When did you find out you were in love?”

“After graduation. YunHo brought me out to eat...”

This is what had happened--

JaeJoong and YunHo sat opposite each other at the table. The waiter was there, waiting for them to order
something. However, JaeJoong couldn't understand what was written in the menu. All of it was written
in French. YunHo giggled as he watched JaeJoong be dumbfounded by the foreign language.

“JaeJoongie, let me order.” JaeJoong looked up from the menu and nodded.

“We will have this and this, please~” he said as he pointed to the listed food. The waiter bowed and took
their menus.

Amazed, JaeJoong asked, “Did you understand what was written on it?” YunHo looked right back at
him, “Nope.”

“Eh? Then...How were you able to order?”

“My father brought me here and ordered the same thing. I pretty much liked it, so I didn't want to order
anything else. You'll like it, trust me...”

“You're one weird fellow, YunHo...”

“Well, that's how I---wait. Did you just call me YunHo and not Jung?”

“Huh?” JaeJoong pretended he didn't hear him even though he had heard exactly.

“You called me YunHo”

“I...did? Maybe you heard wrong...” he tried his best to cover himself up.

“JaeJoongie, you called me YunHo. I know you did.”

“You're wrong, Jung. I said 'You know' like in English . 'You know that I know~'”

Then YunHo retorted in English, “You know, your accent is not bad. Maybe you can join our company and
speak for us.”

Again, JaeJoong was stupefied. He had no idea what YunHo had just said. He just replied, “Yes~”

“Haha. You didn't understand, did you?”

“Uhm...No...” JaeJoong admitted, chuckling to hide his embarrassment.

“Haha. It's okay. I don't expect you to master English. It's really hard. I can teach you if you like”

“No, it's fine. I don't really want to learn English. I think it may be a waste of my time.”

“Why do you think so?” Suddenly, YunHo got curious. JaeJoong did not mind in answering. “For
starters, I don't plan on moving to the United States or England. I'm just staying here. Korea, my

“You're very patriotic, JaeJoong”

“Wahaha! Yes, I am!”

“That's what I love about you...” JaeJoong paused as heard YunHo say those words again. JaeJoong
glanced at him, who was gazing at him lovingly. He averted his eyes somewhere else. His heart was
beating harshly, his chest felt as if there was heavy weight pressed on it. He took in a deep breath and
decided to change subject, “So, Jung...what work do you do?”

“Well, I work in my family's company, Jung Incorporated. I am next in line as president but I'm currently
working under my father. Since my father is retiring in 8 months, he decided to transfer me to Japan to
expand the company there. When I come back, I will immediately be President.”

“ You have a lot of things planned out for you, huh?”

“Yeah...but, I didn't plan on leaving you...for 8 months I mean.” JaeJoong tried to recall what he meant
and he then remembered about YunHo's deal. JaeJoong wouldn't see YunHo for 8 months, in return,
YunHo wanted a 'wife' to return to. JaeJoong repeated the part where he wouldn't see YunHo for 8 pain-
staking months. Whenever he thought of it, his heart would have a stinging pain. It felt like a knife was
stabbing his heart.

“JaeJoongie, are you alright? You don't look too good~” He stood up and leaned towards JaeJoong. He
put his hand on his forehead and checked his temperature. “You don't have a fever. Did you eat anything
bad during breakfast?”

“No. No...” 'God, YunHo...get your hand off my're making me...'


“JaeJoongie, are you alright? Why aren't you saying anything?”



JaeJoong's heart kept thumping, heart rate increasing every second YunHo's face was near his. JaeJoong
gulped as YunHo's face was directly in front of his.

'YunHo...get away! You're making me too nervous. YunHo...'

“Sir, your food is here.”

YunHo sat back down as he saw the waiter set their plates on their table. “Ah, thank you”

JaeJoong was finally content as the distance was enough to calm JaeJoong down. Before him was a plate
of Angel-haired pasta, on YunHo's side was a plate of, what looked like, Carbonara.

“Wow. These look...expensive...” YunHo couldn't help but giggle. “What? What's so funny, Jung?!”

“You keep worrying about it being expensive or not.”

“Of course I worry! I mean, I come from a family of 11...actually, 39. If you include my brother-in-laws
and nieces and nephews. Anyways! We don't have the much money, so it's in my nature to worry---”

“Not anymore.”

“Huh?” JaeJoong tilted his head. He raised a brow, curious to what YunHo meant.

“JaeJoongie, you don't need to worry about expenses. You're marrying me. I will provide everything for
you. Remember, I'm a company's soon-to-be President. Don't expect any less. Don't worry so much and
let me handle it, okay?” He gave a reassuring smile and forked his first piece of pasta. JaeJoong's body
felt lighter, as if a burden had been lifted. He didn't have to distress about finances because of his
marriage to YunHo. He curled his lips as he thought of YunHo's gratitude and generosity. Is that how it
is when you're in love? JaeJoong was fairly curious.


“Call me YunHo, JaeJoongie...”




“I'm not getting through to you, am I?”

“Nope. Not at all, Jung.”

“Okay, fine. What is it?”

“I just wanna did you were in love with me?” He asked as he hesitated at every
phrase. YunHo let out a chuckle before responding, “That's easy. My heart kept beating as I kept on
looking at you...”

“Heh?” 'Doesn't that happen whenever I see him?'

“Whenever I went inside the restaurant and I called out for you, my heart would always beat faster than
its normal rate. You make me nervous all the time. I always call out for you because the only person I
want to see is you. You are all I care about.”

JaeJoong stayed quiet. He bit his lip, nervous and sweating. He felt as if everything around him had
disappeared, except YunHo. The table, gone; the people, gone; YunHo, still there. He only saw YunHo
and his rapid beating heart had been thumping harder and harder. His vision blurred, with YunHo the
only focus. His staring had lasted for a minute

'I' Why do I only see YunHo?'

“JaeJoongie...JaeJoongie, you're staring into space again. Hello??” YunHo waved his hand before
JaeJoong's face. “You look love sick...”

“Huh? What did you say?”

“I said you look sick. What did you think I said?”

“Oh. Uhm. Nothing.” 'Damn! Am I in love? I've...never felt this way. I' love?'

When they had finished, YunHo had brought JaeJoong home. During their meal, neither of them spoke a
word to each other. JaeJoong just stayed in his room, thinking and re-thinking. Was he really in love? He
had to confirm it. He closed his eyes and the first thing he imagined was YunHo's face. No doubt, he was
in love.

That was what had happened--

“You are deeply in love, JaeJoong!” exclaimed his mother. JaeJoong laughed in glee. He felt the goodness
of love, finally. He couldn't wait to tell YunHo as they exchange vows. He would be extremely happy.


The doors opened. The guests stood from their seats, anticipating for the handsome bride to come down
the aisle. The piano began to play and YunHo gazed into the distance of the hall. The bright light of the
sun had nearly blinded him but it didn't stop him from trying to see his beloved come down the carpeted

JaeJoong's young nieces came down as flower girls, dropping red and white petals as they walk to the
front. Their mothers took their hands as they reached the end. Next was JaeJoong's nephew with a pillow
and on top, a pair of gorgeous golden rings. He went to his own mother and stayed there. Next, the
bridesmaids paired with the groomsmen. Again, JaeJoong's sisters and YunHo's work friends, arms

locked. Sweet pictures of the gorgeous relatives and friends walking down the aisle, celebrating the
joyous moment of the Jung’s and Kim’s.

Then, JaeJoong's maid-of-honor, his (youngest) older sister was beautifully wearing a purple gown. She
walked gracefully and smiled to the guests.

“When is JaeJoong coming out?” whispered YooChun in JunSu's ear.

“ patient. He's coming out soon. Just stand there sexily and watch”

“So, you think I'm sexy?”

JunSu looked at him seductively, “So what if I do? What are you gonna do about it?” YooChun brought
his hand near JunSu's butt and groped it, “I can take advantage of you...if you like.”

JunSu smirked and whispered back, “I'd like that~”

“Ahem. Guys, JaeJoong's coming out---” interrupted ChangMin, who was beside JunSu. YooChun took
his hand away from JunSu's duck butt and they apologized. “Sorry” “We're sorry”


Then, the bride's chorus played on the organ. Meaning, JaeJoong was lastly coming in. Flower petals fell
from a net above them. JaeJoong entered with his mother. JaeJoong handsome in his white dress suit. His
mother in a golden dress. They both walked down the aisle gracefully. The spotlight fixed only on them.
Some guests gasped as they saw the gorgeous pair. JaeJoong kept his head down, which his mother
wanted him to stop

“JaeJoong, look up...” she whispered to him. He did lift his head and the first thing he saw was YunHo's
smiling face. His glowing face. It showed excitement and nervousness but mostly he showed the face of
someone deep in love.

They had reached the end of the aisle. JaeJoong released his mothers hand slowly as he kissed her on the
cheek. Her eyes were no filled with wet tears. A single one sliding down on her cheek. JaeJoong wiped it
off with his thumb and mouthed, “I love you, mom...”

“I love you, too, honey...” She sniffed. Then, she sat down and left JaeJoong to walk up the 3 steps to be
next to YunHo. YunHo forwarded his hand, “JaeJoongie...” he called sweetly. JaeJoong accepted the hand
and he walked up the 3 steps. He quickly glanced at YunHo's dark eyes and his heart kept bumping. He
was indeed a person in love as well and he had to let YunHo know.

The reverend began to speak, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the joyous union
between Jung YunHo and Kim JaeJoong.”

'This is it, JaeJoong...this is it...tell him...'

“We are now to exchange vows. Jung YunHo, please go first. Face your fiancé and say what you want to
say,” instructed the reverend. YunHo took both of JaeJoong's hands and spoke, “JaeJoongie...” YunHo
looked into his eyes, JaeJoong also stared back.

“...I want to say that I love you with all my heart. You are the most important to me. The only one in my
life that matters.” JaeJoong began to show redness on his cheeks. His heart beating like there is no
tomorrow. “You are my only one, JaeJoongie. If you take me as your husband, I assure you that I will be
the best husband in the world.” He paused to inhale and just lovingly stared at his bride.

“Alright, JaeJoong, it is your turn. Face your fiancé and say what you want to say,” he instructed again.
JaeJoong and YunHo still had locked hands, therefore it made JaeJoong a lot more nervous. It was his
time to say his true feelings.

A few more seconds passed by and JaeJoong hasn't spoken a word or vow. Everyone was growing
impatient, but not YunHo. Even if he had to wait for JaeJoong forever, he'd do it. The reverend had to
interfere, “Excuse me, JaeJoong, I believe you need to speak now or your guests will throw a fit”

“Oh, yes..yes..” He flashed his dark orbs unto YunHo's and opened his mouth, “I know that I may not be
the best person you will be marrying. Knowing that everyone expected me to be a girl...” The audience
giggled a bit but were ssh'd by the Kim family.

“...Even though you knew you were marrying a boy, you still came to love me. So right now, I'm going to
tell you and everyone...”

YunHo's eyes widened, curious to what JaeJoong was going to announce.

“...Jung YunHo, I Lo---” but he was cut off by a loud bang. The latter screamed in fear. There were 3 men
in dark suits, sunglasses and with guns in their hands. The 8 Kim mothers protected their children, others
snuggled up and hid beneath their seats.

“WHERE IS JUNG YUNHO?!?!” yelled out the man in the middle, who seemed to be the leader. He
looked around and saw YunHo with JaeJoong. He pointed, “THERE YOU ARE, YOU BASTARD!!!”

“YunHo, what's going on? Why do they look mad at you?” JaeJoong asked in dear fear. YunHo moved
JaeJoong behind him, protecting him, “Don't worry, JaeJoong. I'll handle this as I protect you, okay?”



“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHO ARE YOU?!?!” The 3 men walked nearer, kicking any
ornaments and vases along their wear. The 2 men pointed their guns at the innocent guests, making them
screech and shake. The man in the middle was focused on YunHo and he even pointed his gun. He
stopped at 3 meters, his gun still on YunHo.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?” shouted YunHo, hands still covering and protecting JaeJoong.
JaeJoong hands were tightly gripping the back of YunHo's suit. The reverend had run away, resulting to
the wedding to be an impossible task at the moment.

“You know what we want, YunHo...we want the money...”

“What money? I don't know what you're talking about!!”

“ think we're that slow? Who was the one who rejected Bi Industries to merge with Kim
Incorporated which lead to the loss of millions in that one Industry alone?”

“What? Bi Industries? Well, I...”

“That's denied our offer and it lead to the company's bankruptcy. So now, we have nothing
while you get everything! You owe us all millions, Jung YunHo. Pay it back!”

YunHo flared his nostrils like a bull. He was extremely pissed at the men. He was especially mad at the
fact that they interrupted his joyous wedding. He whispered to JaeJoong, “JaeJoongie, take my hand...”


“Take my hand, JaeJoongie...” JaeJoong did. YunHo pulled a gun from his pocket and shot the 3 men. He
ran, “JaeJoongie, run!”

They sprang and left the hall. What they didn't know, they had missed the man in the middle. He was
still alive, luckier than the 2 dead men beside him.

“Aish, Jung will pay...” and he ran out to follow them.

All of the guests were still shivering. When the shaded man had left, they all stood up and some even
cried. Luckily, the men didn't kill any of the guests, but the event would still traumatize them for life.

JaeJoong and YunHo fled the hall and drove off in YunHo's silver Lexus. JaeJoong still scared of what had
happened. YunHo swerved and turned, running on 100 Km/hr.

“YunHo, tell me where we're going! Who were those men?! Did they really come to kill you!?!”

“Yes, JaeJoongie...but please calm down...”

“I won't calm down until you tell me what they're going to do! My family's still in there and...”

“They won't hurt your family. They're only after you're blatantly at risk, too.”


“Look, I will protect you as long as I can. We'll travel more south until we reach a motel to stay in, okay? I
promised to protect you and I'm going to..”

JaeJoong watched YunHo as his breath was thinning, probably the effect of fearing of losing his life.

Such a wonderful ceremony but only to be ruined by the gun shot of greed.

“All Answers and More”

“Are you sure you're okay?” JaeJoong asked his mother, who was on the other end of the line. He
received a 'yes' and 'we're fine.' It calmed JaeJoong down, knowing his mother and father were still
standing even after what had happened. “What about the nunas? The kids? Are they all fine?” He
received another reassuring response from his mother. He sighed in relief.

“Well, We'll be back as soon as we're able to, okay?”

“Yes, honey. We will pray for your safety. Even if we don't pray, you're still in good hands, am I right?”

JaeJoong turned his head to the left, to see YunHo, who was renting a room for the night at the front desk.
He looked back at the phone, “Yes, Mom. I am.”

“Be careful, sweetie. I love you.”

“I love you, too, Mom. Remember, don't answer the door for anyone! We all have keys so none of you
should unlock without looking through the window first, okay?”

“Yes, honey. Don't worry. We'll be fine. You worry about yourself and YunHo.”

JaeJoong peeked back at YunHo. YunHo had finally been able to get a room key, meaning JaeJoong had
to hang up. “Mom, I have to go.”

“Okay, baby. Be careful.”

“You, too,” and he hung up the phone receiver. “They have a spare room?”

“Yeah. They said we're very lucky because this is the last room they had.” YunHo then headed towards
the hallway, JaeJoong followed suit.

They were staying in room 109.

JaeJoong walked behind YunHo, head down. He felt nervous. He had reason to be for it was the first time
he'd ever gone to a motel and it had to be with his (almost) husband.

“We're here.” YunHo unlocked the door and pushed it. He turned on the lights and the room was
beautifully lit. Inside was a mini fridge, a small television set on top of a study desk, a bathroom fit for
two and a queen sized bed. Only one bed?

“Uhm...the only available room had only 1 bed...I had to take it because the next motel is 4 miles away
and we don't have that much gas in the car.” JaeJoong looked around. He neither complained nor
rejoiced. He stayed blank. “Don't forget to close the door behind you, JaeJoongie” Jaejoong did just that.
The room then got even more silent.

The scene was awkward. Were they going to pretend as if nothing had happened? They were being
threatened at gun point about 2 hours ago, it wasn't the thing of the past just yet.

Then, rain started pouring.

“Aw, shit...” cursed YunHo. He checked his watch and it was 30 minutes past 6pm. His stomach craved
for food. He turned to JaeJoong, who was staring at the bed. “JaeJoongie?”

JaeJoong shook his head slightly to stop his daze from prolonging, “Ah...Y-yes?”

“Are you hungry? I'll go out and get us something to eat from the mini-mart we passed by. It's not too
far. It'll take me 10 minutes, I promise.” JaeJoong nodded his head. YunHo removed his suit jacket and
hung it on the chair's back. JaeJoong did the same and hung it on the hook inside the closet. JaeJoong's
eyes turned to YunHo and he saw the gun that YunHo had previously held inside the church. YunHo
walked towards JaeJoong, still holding the gun.

“JaeJoongie...” JaeJoong jumped when he heard YunHo call him. YunHo took JaeJoong's hand, opened
his palm and gave him the gun. JaeJoong was puzzled and shocked.

“JaeJoongie, if there's anyone suspicious...don't hesitate to use this. I'll be back soon. I doubt anyone will
come but I just want you to be careful. I don't want to risk your life. You're all I have...” JaeJoong couldn't
utter a word. YunHo cupped his cheek before setting out. When JaeJoong heard the door closed he finally
made a sound,

“Damn it! JaeJoong why do you have to be so silent! Why didn't you ask him about what happened?!?!
Gaaaahhh!!!” He hit his head with his hands, which were balled into fists, but he was instead hit by the
gun's handle. “Ouch...” He opened his palm and stared at the pistol. He then had a sudden flashback---

The three men were in front of him. He couldn't make out their faces but the middle man distinctly had a
deep scar on his neck, as if he was gashed by a knife.

JaeJoong was completely scared that he didn't take notice to anyone else other than YunHo and the man
with the scar. He didn't even pay attention to their argument. He just wanted to get out of there. He had
hoped that the day would end with hugs, kisses and maybe even more but to have been interrupted by 3
scary men, it was definitely not part of his desired plan.

He put the gun down on the study desk and jumped on the bed. He heaved a deep sigh and covered his
head with his arm. Before he knew it, he dozed off.

Minutes later, the door knob toggled as it was unlocked. YunHo came in with a plastic bag at hand.

“I'm back...” and he found a sleeping JaeJoong, a very adorable sight. YunHo giggled and placed the
steamy food on the study desk, right next to the pistol.

YunHo laid himself down beside JaeJoong, who was sleeping soundly. YunHo caressed his cheek and
poked his nose. JaeJoong twitched but didn't wake up. YunHo silently laughed.

YunHo comfortably fixed his body position so he could face JaeJoong properly. It was like the scene from
the American movie “Just Like Heaven” when Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo laid in bed and
faced each other so lovingly and just stared for long time.

The love was presented in the movie very well, so well that you knew they were already in love. YunHo
felt the same. As he stared at his handsome bride, he did nothing but smile and feel his heart warm up.

JaeJoong started shivering as the temperature dropped a few degrees from the rain. YunHo covered
himself and JaeJoong with a blanket. However, JaeJoong was still shaking. With no other blanket to cover
themselves with, YunHo used his body heat to keep JaeJoong warm.

He cuddled JaeJoong in his arms and snuggled his head on his chest. YunHo closed his eyes as he hugged
his beloved tightly. They kept each other warm.

Unknowingly, JaeJoong opened his eyes to find himself in the arms of YunHo. He moved his head up
and he eyed YunHo's majestic face. YunHo had fallen asleep. He could hear the snoring in YunHo's
throat. JaeJoong tried to untangle YunHo's arms but this only made YunHo hug him even tighter.
JaeJoong gave up and decided to fall deep in his arms.

He was snug. He felt heat between their bodies. He wrapped his own arm around YunHo's torso. He
examined every part of YunHo's face. From his ears, to cheeks, to nose then to mouth. Oh God, his
mouth. He urged to just touch YunHo's lips and feel its wetness. He wanted to slam his own lips onto his
but knew he couldn't. He didn't want to disturb the resting man.

Also, it would be a shock for both of them. JaeJoong still had not been able to confess to YunHo...yet.

It was his mission to express his feelings before going any further. Therefore, he didn't advance...yet.

He closed his eyes, cuddled some more and slept the night away without eating a single bite. Even
though his stomach told him to eat, his heart told him to stay. Apparently, he chose his heart over
hunger. He may regret it in the morning but the food would still be there. So, he remained in YunHo's
arms and they both went on sleeping.


JaeJoong stretched his arms and started batting his eyes. When he had finally caught vision, he found
himself alone in bed. He sat up a bit too quickly and got a headache. He rubbed his forehead with his
hand, “Aish...stupid, JaeJoong...stupid.”

His stomach rumbled, indicating his hunger was in its maximum. He looked around and saw a plastic
bag of food on the table. He guessed it was the food YunHo bought. He turned to the wall clock. The time
was 3am. He got out of bed and reached for the food.

As he stood before the study desk, he noticed the bathroom door slightly opened. There was steam
creeping out. The sounds of a water being splashed onto a body in the shower echoed throughout their

JaeJoong took a bite from a sandwich, and another, an another, as he stared at the bathroom door. When
he had finished and filled his stomach, he was tempted to walk inside the bathroom.

He was oddly curious. 'How does he look naked?' he wondered.

He planned on seeing YunHo unclothed on their honeymoon, but since that was not going to be possible,
he had settled for any chance.

He was badly tempted. He tip-toed his way to the door of the bathroom. He pushed it lightly and steam
filled the entire bathroom. The curtains were only half-way covered, as he observed through the mirror.
He extended his neck and tilted his head to catch the view of YunHo's rear. And what a beautiful ass it is.
Water slid from YunHo's back. It wasn't long before JaeJoong had a hard-on.

'Oh, Gawd...why...'

How---more likely, Where was JaeJoong going to relieve himself? He was throbbing painfully from the
immense sight.

He heard the shower's knob turn, meaning YunHo had finished showering. He sprinted to the bed and
hid under the covers. He pretended to be asleep so to hide his poking member.

YunHo opened the door and came out, all soaking wet. A towel wrapped around just below the navel.
JaeJoong was again tempted to steal a short glance of the half naked man.

What he saw was amazing. Sculpted abs, dark toned body, muscled arms, gorgeous dark brown hair and
water droplets on his upper body. It only made JaeJoong ache. YunHo turned to see if JaeJoong was still
sleeping. JaeJoong quickly shut his eyes once more.

YunHo smiled as he watched JaeJoong continue on with his long rest. He sighed, “You're so beautiful,
JaeJoongie...” He sat on the bed, torso turned. He brushed off some of the hair that was dangling in front
of JaeJoong's face. The touch made JaeJoong flinch, his member throbbing even more.

YunHo kissed JaeJoong on the forehead and settled his forehead on JaeJoong's, “I love you, JaeJoongie...”
He kissed JaeJoong's forehead again, “I love you...” He led his lips to JaeJoong's nose and pecked it, “I
love much...”he finally kissed JaeJoong on the lips. He predicted JaeJoong to have slapped him by
then but he was thankful that JaeJoong was asleep (or so he thought)

When YunHo was about to pull away, JaeJoong had kissed him back. YunHo grew wide-eyed. He pulled
away and JaeJoong's eyes were finally open. “JaeJoongie? You're...awake?”

“Why did you pull away?”


“Why did you stop?” Their faces were only a couple of inches apart. “Tell me, why did you stop kissing

“Well, I'd think you wouldn't want me to kiss you. I mean, you don't like me...”

JaeJoong stayed silent. How was he to respond to that? Yes, he had disliked YunHo before but now it was
a different story. JaeJoong had finally fallen in love with him. He was about to reiterate but YunHo had

“I know you find me a bit---no, really irritating. Even in the situation we're in, you must hate me.”

“Explain, then.”


“Explain to me. Why do you have a gun with you? Who were those men? What did they really want from
you? What did you do to make them so mad?”

“Okay, okay, I'll explain.” YunHo then sat on the edge of the bed. JaeJoong sat beside him. YunHo began
his explanation.

“It all started around 2 weeks ago. Bi Industries and Jung Incorporated were on deciding mode whether
to merge together or not. Since there's a economical financial crisis going around, it wouldn't be long until
both companies would die out. My father let me handle this since he thought I was fit for the job.”

JaeJoong then understood why YunHo was so busy. Then he went back to listening.

“I talked to the President of Bi Industries and he was very hard-headed and stubborn. He couldn't take
any of our offers. He told me that the only way he would allow such a merge to happen is if I were to
marry his daughter.”

JaeJoong was stunned. Was that really the only option? JaeJoong wanted to bad mouth the old geezer so
badly but he knew it wouldn't leave YunHo a good impression on him so he let it slide out of his system.

“What did you decide then?” JaeJoong asked.

“Of course I declined! I don't want to marry some stranger just because of some deal.”

But wasn't that what their parents did to them? However, JaeJoong didn't care. All he cared about was
YunHo's welfare. YunHo went on,

“I guess they went beyond just being mad. When they found out I was getting married, they grew a large
fit. I talked to the president minutes before our wedding and he was extremely pissed that I rejected his
proposal. He threatened me to the extreme. He said there would be thugs. I didn't expect him to be like a
mafia man”

“What happened to Bi Industries?”

“They closed down. I decided to merge with a Japanese company instead. That's why I'm transferring for
8 months there. Since we've merged with Arashi Corporations, we were able to gain millions.”

“What about the gun you had?”

“I brought a gun with me to make sure the Bi Industries president wouldn't do anything drastic, but it
was really just out of odds. I didn't expect to actually use my gun...but I had to...they pointed the guns at
us...they pointed it to our families!”

“I guess that explains it...” JaeJoong finally understood the situation but YunHo wanted to go on, “Plus, I
only had one person in mind that I wanted to marry. The only person I've ever truly loved...”

“Who might that be?” JaeJoong asked, even though the answer was obvious to both of them.

“It's you, JaeJoongie,” YunHo looked into JaeJoong's eyes. JaeJoong stared back. YunHo leaned in to kiss
him but JaeJoong pulled back slightly, which gave YunHo a very bad message. “I'm sorry, JaeJoongie...I
guess you still don't like me...” He was about to stand up but was immediately yanked back down by
JaeJoong's tug. “Stay...”


“I don't dislike you, you know...Yes, you were annoying...but now...I-I...” He kept pausing in-between.
His eyes were wandering everywhere. He didn't want to look at YunHo straight in the eye. “I...l-lo...lov--
” he was stopped by YunHo's strong push which made him fall back to the bed. YunHo suspended over
JaeJoong, with hands on either side of JaeJoong's head.

“Maybe if you had looked at me, you probably might have been able to say a complete sentence by now.”

YunHo was definitely wrong. JaeJoong only grew more nervous. His heart beat was beyond normal.
JaeJoong had to say it or he'd regret it for the rest of his life, “I love you!!”

“Wh-what did you say?” YunHo pretended not to clearly hear the three words he had waited so long for.

“I-I said I love you!!”

“Y-you love me? H-how...Since when?”

“...W-well...I realized it just recently...when you came to my graduation...I mean, it's not like I never liked
you...I just found you annoying a bit” He was stopped as a pair of lips pressed against his. A
sweet wave of passion swam in his system.

His heart had taken over.

He wrapped his arms around YunHo's neck. He pulled YunHo in to deepen their lip-lock. He opened his
mouth slightly and YunHo's tongue entered without second thought. YunHo released to catch breath.
Both of them were already panting at the intensity of their kiss.

JaeJoong stared into YunHo's eyes. A sweet color of dark chocolate brown. He looked down to find the
mole sitting on top of his upper-left lip. He found it very gorgeous to look at. YunHo then began to
unbutton JaeJoong's dress shirt. JaeJoong twitched as the cold air breeze blew on his exposed chest.
JaeJoong lifted his upper body so he could remove the shirt. YunHo tugged on it and threw it to the floor.
He began leaving a trail of kisses on JaeJoong's chest. JaeJoong reacted to each one of them.

YunHo then suckled JaeJoong's nipple and nibbled on it. Not wanting JaeJoong's opposite nipple to be
left out, he pinched and played with it with his right hand. His left hand softly brushing JaeJoong's raven
black hair. The strands of hair ran through his fingers.

The sound of JaeJoong beneath him only made YunHo want to explore even lower.

YunHo ceased his teasing on JaeJoong's nipples. He then unbuckled JaeJoong's belt. YunHo pulled it
down, along with JaeJoong's briefs. He threw it to the floor. JaeJoong was finally completely bare. He was
exposed, even his hard member.

“How long has it been this way?” YunHo was curious

“Since you were showering...”

“You peeked?”

“I was curious...”

YunHo snickered, “Be curious no more, JaeJoongie...” he then revealed his own member from under his
towel. He was standing erect as well. JaeJoong was amazed at YunHo's size.

YunHo didn't throw the towel away, no, he instead tied JaeJoong's wrists with it. He raised JaeJoong's
arms over his head and tied it securely.

“Yu-YunHo...What are you--” a finger was pressed on his lips.

“Sssh...I'm going to pleasure you tonight, Baby. This is your first time, right?”

JaeJoong embarrassingly nodded.

“I want this to be the best, sweetest and greatest sex you will ever have...I expect it only to come from me,
okay?” JaeJoong nodded to him again. YunHo gave him a smile and another kiss on the lips. He
whispered in JaeJoong's ear huskily, “The only one I want is you...only you...”

YunHo smirked and licked JaeJoong's upper body. His tongue trailed to JaeJoong's hard member. YunHo
kissed around its head, making JaeJoong moan in every touch. He cupped it with his hand and slid it in
his mouth.

He bobbed his head back and forth, JaeJoong wanted to scream. He had the urge to yell out YunHo's
name aloud. YunHo stopped for a second to speak, “You can scream, you know. I asked the clerk if the
walls were sound proof and she assured me they were...”

“It' if you knew...we were going this...”

“I had my hopes up...” and he continued on blowing JaeJoong. He felt JaeJoong's member throb and

JaeJoong was on the verge of coming already, “Jung...aah!”

“YunHo. Call me YunHo...” YunHo mumbled.

“Yun...Yun...” JaeJoong was ready to burst. He looked down at YunHo who gave him a look which
signaled an 'ok'. JaeJoong then laid his head back on the pillow and released his fill inside YunHo's
mouth, screaming his name, “Yunnie!!! Ah.....”

JaeJoong inhaled and exhaled. His body felt weak, as if he was drained. YunHo licked his lips and
swallowed JaeJoong's milk.

“I thought you said you wouldn't call me Yunnie.”

“I had a change of heart...” YunHo curled his lips into a smile and then kissed JaeJoong romantically.

“Do you want me to untie you now?” YunHo asked, ready to remove the towel he had knotted earlier on.

“Is that it?”


“Is that all you're going to do to me? Just give me a blow job and not even try to advance on me even

“Well, I--I was planning on...doing...something else...”

“Then do it or I will forever hate you. Come on...I'm trembling for you, Yunnie~”

“Oooh, call me that again, JaeJoongie...”

“Yunnie~ah~” JaeJoong said with a breathy tone.

“Oh, Gawd, JaeJoongie...”

“Yunnie~” He called out his name seductively. JaeJoong moved his body, yearning for YunHo to take
advantage of him. It was his first time and he wanted only YunHo inside him.

He may only be 18 but it didn't mean he had no experience. He had watched enough R-rated movies to
know exactly what he wanted YunHo to do to him. He may have watched 2 or 3 gay films out of
curiosity but did it mean he wanted to be the one on the receiving end? All he wanted was YunHo so he
answered his own question with a loud mental yes.

YunHo furrowed his brows, he thought of something that he needed yet did not have.

“Baby, what's wrong?” asked JaeJoong.

“Uhm, we have no lube...” JaeJoong then worried. They may not be able to have that special, horny night
that they've fantasized about. But JaeJoong thought of something. As he peeped on YunHo in the shower,
he remembered, “There's a bottle of lotion in the bathroom! I saw it! It's right next to the faucet!”

“You don't know how much I love you right now, JaeJoongie...” YunHo kissed JaeJoong before bouncing
out of bed and running to get the bottle. YunHo ran back inside with the bottle already opened and with
a finger full on YunHo's hand. He set the bottle on the night stand beside the bed and went back to his
desirable lover still tied with the towel.

YunHo spread JaeJoong as wide as he could and entered in his first finger slowly. He had no intention of
hurting JaeJoong on his first time. JaeJoong arched his back as he was invaded. His entrance tightened.
YunHo advised him, “JaeJoongie, loosen's only me...relax...I won't hurt you” JaeJoong did his best
to follow YunHo's advice.

YunHo decided to narrate his actions, to help JaeJoong loosen up for him, “JaeJoongie...I'll enter the
second finger now, okay?” JaeJoong nodded and YunHo added in the second digit.

He slowly scissored JaeJoong. The lotion made his invasion a bit easier. JaeJoong was relaxing more and
more as YunHo angled his finger to a spot which made JaeJoong moan his loudest, “Oh, Yunnie~~”
Finally, he had hit his prostate.

He wanted to tease JaeJoong, “I'm entering the third now, Boo...” So he did and angled it the same as
before. He hit JaeJoong's prostate over and over.

“Oh, Yunnie! Yunnie!!! Oh, Gawd!! A-ah---” but he felt a cold breeze. YunHo had stopped fingering him
and decided to enter in his own member. YunHo had massaged his member with all the lotion he could
get and slid the tip of his cock into JaeJoong's entrance

“JaeJoongie, I'm going all in now...are you alright?”

“I-I'm fine...Just fuck me, Yunnie!” he growled

“I love it when you growl at me, JaeJoongie...can you be like this every time in bed?”

“Just fuck me, Yunnie!! Do me now!!”

“Say you'll moan and groan only for me...” He teased JaeJoong as he rubbed the head of his cock around
JaeJoong's hole.

“Only you, Yunnie!! Just you!! Now fuck me hard!!” YunHo obliged and slid his cock in JaeJoong's
entrance. JaeJoong arched his back again, feeling the pain in his rear. Every push was torture to him.
YunHo angled himself and slid inside again, but instead of a cry of pain, there was a cry of pleasure, “Oh,

He had located JaeJoong's prostate once more.

“You like that, Boo?”

“Oh Yes!! Yunnie...again!!” YunHo obeyed and thrusted, hitting his spot over and over. The immense
pain that JaeJoong had felt was replaced with shovels of satisfaction. Every thrust felt like a strike of
electricity, every kiss they shared was like a spark of fireworks on New Year's eve.

“Ah...Yunnie! Harder! Harder!!!” YunHo followed JaeJoong's words and hardened his every thrust.

They were both in the cliff of their climax. YunHo was ready to explode inside JaeJoong. JaeJoong wasn't
able to jerk himself, his own member was in deep trouble. YunHo saw the look in JaeJoong's eyes and
said, “Let me do it, Boo...” He cupped JaeJoong and stroked him with every thrust.

They were in perfect contrast. YunHo rubbed JaeJoong's cock with his left hand and held JaeJoong's knee
with his right hand. JaeJoong had his back arched, so he could feel his spot be pressed in every push.

Their bodies were linked so sexily. Sweat filled the room. Their sweet moans and groans were all they
could hear. JaeJoong whimpered like a dog, YunHo could only pleasure him more

JaeJoong's toes curled as he was about to burst.

“Yunnie, I'm coming...”

“Let's come together, Baby...”

He gave a few more pushes before JaeJoong couldn't take it anymore, “I'm sorry, Yunnie...A-Ah!!” he had
released and stained YunHo's abdomen. YunHo gave four consecutive thrusts before releasing his own

YunHo removed his member and untied JaeJoong. He was as drained as JaeJoong, who was trying to
catch breath. YunHo locked lips with his bride again, this time it wasn't a kiss of lust but a kiss of pure,
undying love.

YunHo cupped JaeJoong's cheek, “I love you, JaeJoongie...I only want you...”

“I love you, too, Yunnie...”

At that moment, everything around them had disappeared. They didn't want to recall anything. No jobs,
no families, no enemies, no friends...just Kim JaeJoong and Jung YunHo---together and in love. Nothing
existed except each other. They had fallen asleep in each other's arms


The sun was rising, declaring dawn through their window. The sun's rays were shining through the
window glass. YunHo opened his eyes and woke up to a sleeping JaeJoong. Everything he had hoped for.
The morning he had fantasized for months, finally a reality to him. JaeJoong woke up seconds later,
facing a smiling YunHo.

“Morning, sleepyhead...” YunHo greeted.

“Morning~” JaeJoong groaned as he sat up. His ass stung, “ left a mark on me, Yunnie...”

“Good, then...” YunHo snickered, “...there's no one I'd rather hear that from than you.” YunHo kissed
JaeJoong once more and whined, “JaeJoongie...Yunnie can't reach his back in the shower...I need a third
hand to help me reach it~~”

“What about my other hand?”

“That...can go anywhere it likes...”

“I like the sound of that...” JaeJoong pulled YunHo with him to the bathroom. They went under the
shower and played around, just like in bed. Both of them doubted that they will ever be clean even if they
were in the shower.

Their love had been proclaimed. Their fantasies had been completed. Their wedding was in question.
Their troubles still lie ahead. Still, everything had been arranged.

“Merciless Man”
It was around 12 noon, the 2 young men grew hungry as they drove farther from the motel they had
previously stayed. They stopped by a small restaurant and ate their hunger away. They were awkward,
in truth it was only JaeJoong, even after their special night.

They went inside the restaurant and sat on a table at the corner. YunHo sat opposite JaeJoong, so he could
have a good view of his gorgeous lover. The waitress took their orders and came back a short time later
with their food.

As they ate, YunHo stared at JaeJoong so lovingly that 'love' was spelled across his forehead. JaeJoong
finished his food and noticed YunHo hadn't even finished half of his bowl of Kimchi.

“Yu-Yunnie...c-can you stop staring at me?”

YunHo sighed and put his hand under his chin as he placed his elbow on the table, “Why? I want to stare
at you...”

“I-It's embarrassing...” JaeJoong admitted. YunHo shook his head and took JaeJoong's hand. He fixed his
fingers between JaeJoong's own and laced them.

“JaeJoongie, I love you and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you...”


“...and that comes with the privilege of staring at you whenever I like because you're my wife and I'm
allowed to--”

“We're not married yet.”


YunHo almost seemed clueless. Had he forgotten what happened?

“What do you mean we're not married yet? We are, aren't we?” YunHo questioned him. Was YunHo
kidding or did he really think they had already married?

JaeJoong then wished that he had just kept his mouth shut. Too late to turn back, he explained, “The 3
scary men came in before I finished my vow. We couldn't exchange rings or kiss or even be proclaimed
husband and...husband...”

YunHo's expression changed to sadness. In a mere moment, his eyes turned to the expression of
aggression. YunHo brought out his wallet and took out a fair amount of money. He left the money on the

table to pay for their meal. He stood up, JaeJoong's hand still linked to his, and dragged JaeJoong alone as
he stood up as well. They walked out of the restaurant and the waitresses bid goodbye to the two boys.

“Yu-Yunnie? Where are we--”

“I'm going to marry us and prove to you that we really are married and that you're mine and I'm yours.”



Behind the restaurant at the parking lot, it was very quiet and deserted. Yet, one car was parked at the
very end. Unknown to others, two men were on the backseat of the car. The two lovers trying to proclaim
their strong love through hot and steamy sex.

“Who do you love?” asked YunHo, as he forced himself inside JaeJoong. JaeJoong only bit his lip to
prevent himself from screaming his lungs out. The pain was difficult to bear, especially for the tight space
at the backseat of car.

YunHo angled himself and JaeJoong arched his back. YunHo removed his member and entered back into
JaeJoong, causing the young 18-year old to moan, “Oh, Gawd!”

Finally, YunHo had hit JaeJoong's prostate successfully.

“JaeJoongie, who do you love?” YunHo thrusted in him hard. JaeJoong didn't answer his question but
responded with a loud yell of pleasure, “Aaahh!!”

“You like that, Boo?” JaeJoong nodded to him. YunHo removed his member fully, leaving JaeJoong to
flirt with the cold air near his rear. JaeJoong eyed YunHo who was just staring at his half-nakedness.

“Why did you stop?” JaeJoong asked the frozen YunHo.

“Because you wouldn't answer my question.”

“Baby, you know the answer already. Just come back inside and fill me with your cum...”

YunHo rubbed the tip of his cock and teased JaeJoong by circling his entrance with his tip.

“S-Stop t-teasing...come inside!!” JaeJoong demanded from him.

YunHo only shook his head, “Not until you tell me who you love.” YunHo then entered his cock's tip in
JaeJoong's hole, “Who do you love, JaeJoongie?”

YunHo cupped JaeJoong's own hard member and stroked it slowly, “Who do you love?” He looked at
JaeJoong straight in the eye, showing power and aggression, “Tell me, JaeJoongie!!!” YunHo thrusted in
JaeJoong harshly, which caused JaeJoong to shut his eyes tight by the very sudden intrusion in him. As
JaeJoong calmed down, he exhaled, “Yunnie ah~”

“Who?” YunHo pushed again and again, humping JaeJoong as he massaged JaeJoong's length aligned
with his thrusts.

JaeJoong was near the peak of his orgasm, so was YunHo. JaeJoong felt in every stroke of YunHo's large
hand, as well as his big length inside of him.

“Yun-Yunnie ah!! I love you!! I love you!!!” JaeJoong shouted as YunHo played with his cock.

“Do you promise to be with me forever, JaeJoongie?” YunHo leaned and left kisses on his upper body,
still humping him evenly. JaeJoong felt a rush of lighting as the humps became more frequent, “Oh,
Gawd, Yes!! Yes, Yunnie!! Awgh!!”

“Do you take me as your husband?” YunHo asked him, groaning to the immense pre-cum spilling on his
hand as he stroked JaeJoong. JaeJoong wrapped his arms around YunHo's neck and pulled him to a deep
kiss. He stuck their foreheads together and answered breathlessly, “Of course...”

YunHo continued pushing inside, making JaeJoong pause to catch breath in every phrase, “...uhnn... Do
you... take me... as your... husband?”

“Don't you mean 'wife', Boo?”

“Whatever you feel like calling me...awgh...I-I'm going to...come...”

“Let's come together now, Boo...” YunHo then cupped the back of JaeJoong's neck, to finish off their
vows. “I, Jung YunHo...will take Kim JaeJoong as my wife~”

“I, Kim JaeJoong, will take Jung YunHo as my husband...ugh!!” YunHo pulled JaeJoong to his own lips
and kissed him fiercely. He felt JaeJoong's hot breath escape as they gasped for air. YunHo thrusted 3
hard times consecutively before spilling his seed inside his lover. JaeJoong came just seconds after. They
marked their clothes with sweat and cum.

YunHo pulled his pants back up and buckled them. He stared at his half-naked wife. He couldn't help
but notice how gorgeous he looked even after great, smashing sex at the back seat of the silver Lexus.

“JaeJoongie, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

JaeJoong was still panting at the greatest public sex he'd ever had. He opened his eyes, vision still blurry,
but could clearly see his Yunnie. “I'm fine. You didn't hurt me. But, Gawd, I want to do that again...”

“You wanna do it again, Boo?”

“Not twice in a row, idiot!”

“Hey, stop calling me that...” YunHo pouted.

“Sorry, Yunnie~” JaeJoong's hand was shaking as he tried to pull his pants back up. He was clearly tired.
YunHo offered to help, “Let me do that, Baby. Stop moving.”

YunHo helped JaeJoong sit up and pulled his pants back up to his hips, along with the underwear inside.
He buttoned and zipped JaeJoong and let him lie down again. He took care of him like how a true
husband should. He took out a blanket from under the seats and spread it over JaeJoong's body.

“You warm now, Boo?”

“I would be warmer if you kissed me right here~” and he pointed at his protruded lips. YunHo only
smiled and gave the kiss his love had requested.

“Okay, I think I'm warm enough, Yunnie.”

“Good, because we have a few hours left until we reach the vacation house.”

JaeJoong sat up quickly but YunHo had closed the door. He opened his driver's door and sat down on his
seat. He extended the seatbelt strap and buckled it. JaeJoong was shocked to hear they weren't going
home, “Yunnie, aren't we going back? I need to see if my family's okay! Have you forgotten about the

YunHo put the keys into the ignition and started the car. He let out a deep sigh and answered, “Of course
I remember the incident, darling. It's my fault I brought you into this. It was only suppose to be my
problem. I didn't want to bring you along...”

JaeJoong's eyebrows went diagonal, expressing sadness, “So you regret bringing me along?
You regret the great sex we had at the motel and inside this car? You didn't want those?”

“Of course I don't regret that, JaeJoongie!” He exclaimed as he drove away from the parking lot and
entered the road.

YunHo fixed the rear view mirror to catch the reflection of JaeJoong. When he had fixed it, he looked at
JaeJoong every once-in-a-while as he watched the road before him to drive.


“Hmm...” he sounded, almost seeming mad.

“JaeJoongie, the only thing I regret is...dragging you along in this serious business I'm dealing with. It's
very life threatening and I might lose you in the process. I'm just doing my job as a husband. I'm going to
protect you no matter what!”

JaeJoong remained silent. He had heard enough. He knew YunHo meant the best of his intentions.
JaeJoong felt safe in YunHo's arms and had no doubt that YunHo would always be there for him.
However, JaeJoong feared that he would lose YunHo. He saw how the 3 scary men glared at him. They
had no mercy. They would kill a child if they wanted to. If they were after YunHo, chances were that
YunHo could die! JaeJoong hid his head under the blanket.

'That won't happen, JaeJoong. Get a grip! YunHo's strong! He can take it, I know he can!'

JaeJoong peeked over the blanket and watched YunHo drive. He was happy to just watch YunHo like
that. YunHo's perfect jawline that drew his face well. The incredible hair that shined as the light hit his
face. JaeJoong then dozed off again.

The shine went away as gray clouds appeared above them. Droplets of water began dripping from the
sky. The weather was unpredictable, it was raining again.

YunHo cursed under his breath and took out his cellphone. He dialed a number and put the receiver on
his ear. Who was YunHo calling?


JunSu walked here and there as he waited for the phone to ring.

“Thank you for the food, Mrs. Kim~”

“You're very welcome, ChangMin. And Thank You for taking care of my grandchildren as their parents
go off for work. You're a great help~”

“Ehehehe, it's no problem!” He giggled as he took another bite of the cookies Mrs. Kim had baked for
JaeJoong's friends. JunSu grew even more impatient as the phone hadn't rung once.

“Aaah! I can't wait anymore!” He dropped to the couch, YooChun bounced as a result. “Susu, don't
worry so much. I'm pretty sure they're okay, right, Mrs. Kim?”

“Of course! JaeJoong is in good hands! I'm not worried because I know my son-in-law will protect
JaeJoong with all his love, soul, mind and body!”

JunSu still worried even after his reassurance from his boyfriend and JaeJoong's own mother. Yet, JunSu
had a gut feeling that something really bad was going to happen. He didn't know what but he just knew

“Susu, stop scrunching your face like that! You make me want to...” JunSu raised one eyebrow at him.

“What? What do I make you want to do---” YooChun laid a kiss on his pouting lips. JunSu was caught by
surprise. Mrs. Kim giggled at them while ChangMin almost choked on his cookies.

“Wh-what was that?”

“That is what you make me do whenever you make that really cute face...”

JunSu sucked in his lips and took in the saliva YooChun left on his mouth. YooChun only laughed at the
adorable boy next to him. He put his arm over JunSu's shoulder and whispered in his ear, “Do you feel
like having YooSu time?”

“Eeeh?!?” JunSu dolphin screeched.

“Ouch! Hyung! Don't do that!!” ChangMin complained.

“Boys, calm down!” Mrs. Kim tried to cool the boys down. Suddenly, they heard raindrops being hit on
the window glass. The drops kept on dropping until it was coming frequently, turning it into harsh

“Oh, it's raining~” JaeJoong's mother said. Then, Mrs. Kim cellphone rang. It vibrated on the table, letting
the other 3 boys notice. Mrs. Kim picked up her phone and pressed the button, “Yoboseyo?...YunHo!”

“YunHo?!” The 3 boys exclaimed in unison.

“Boys, sssh!” Mrs. Kim hushed them. “YunHo! How are you? Is JaeJoong alright? Are you boys still
healthy? Where are you?”

“Mom, mom. We're fine. JaeJoong's asleep at the back of the car. We're on our way to my family's
vacation house down south. We'll be back home as soon as possible. I trust you that JaeJoong's in good

“I bet he is. Please take care~”

“Yes, I will, mom. Uhm, are JaeJoong's friends there?”

“Yes, they are here. How'd you know?”

“I had a feeling...May I please talk to them? Most preferably---” Yet the phone was rudely swiped off of
Mrs. Kim's hand. JunSu took the phone onto his ear, “Yah! Jung YunHo, where is JaeJoong hyung?! Let
me talk to JaeJoong hyung!!!”


“Yeah yeah! Let me talk to JaeJoong-hyung!”

“He's asleep right now...please don't yell. JaeJoong might hear you.”

“Good! I want him to wake up!!!!” However, YooChun took the phone away from JunSu. He decided to
calmly talk to YunHo instead of JunSu, who would rather yell at the poor man. YooChun felt sorry for
YunHo, who was one of his best customers down at his restaurant.

“Yoboseyo? Jung YunHo?”

“Ah! YooChun-ssi? Haha, how are you?”

“I am fine. Is JaeJoong there with you?”

“Yes. He's perfectly fine. He's asleep.”

“That's good to hear. Please call us if you need help. I'm guessing the men were mafia men?”

JunSu, ChangMin and Mrs. Kim's eyes all grew wide. Were they really mafia men?

“How did you know, YooChun-ssi?”

“I had to deal with those kinds of men before. By their looks, they were obviously hired mafia men. Call
me if you need any help. I'll miscall you with my cellphone, okay?”

“Okay. Thank you, YooChun-ssi.”

“No problem.” YooChun pressed the red button and hung up. He looked through Mrs. Kim's contacts
and found the right name, 'Jung YunHo'. He took out his own phone and inputted the numbers. He

called the number up and the dial tone beeped. YunHo had pressed the reject button, he had gotten his

“Chu-Chunnie...what do you mean 'mafia men'? You handled those kinds of guys before?” JunSu
mumbled with a shocked expression painted on his face.

“Yes, Susu. I came across those kinds of men before and it wasn't pretty. Mafia men are fearless and
merciless. I'm worried Jung YunHo may be in big trouble. I wouldn't know about JaeJoong's safety but
considering it's YunHo, JaeJoong will stay safe, I'm sure of it.”

JunSu only worried even more.

ChangMin finished his batch of cookies and walked over to YooChun, “So...what happened to JaeJoong

YooChun and JunSu looked at him dumbfounded. Was his focus only on the cookies or was he just
dense? Who knows~ It was ChangMin they were talking to.


YunHo had reached their destination after he had received the miscall from YooChun. He parked the car
in the house's driveway. He got out of the car and opened the passenger's seat at the back. He shook
JaeJoong's foot, “JaeJoongie, we're here”

“Mrrn...hmm? Where are we?” JaeJoong murmured as he rubbed his eyes like a little kid. YunHo found
the sight extremely cute.

“Baby, we're at the vacation house. Come on~” YunHo extended his arm to help JaeJoong out. JaeJoong
pulled his himself and slid his butt. However, his butt burned from the hot sex. “Ow! Ow! Ow! It hurts...”
JaeJoong whimpered.

“Ah! I'm so sorry, Boo~” YunHo then slipped his left arm under JaeJoong's knees, placed his arm around
JaeJoong's waist. He then carried him bridal style. He kicked the door and clicked the button on the car
key and they heard the car lock.

“Let's go in, JaeJoongie?”

JaeJoong rested his head on YunHo's chest and threw his arm over YunHo's shoulder as the other hand
caressed his chest, “Sure, Yunnie~ Let's go~”

They smiled at each other and went inside.

However, somewhere near them was a black van. Inside were men, waiting for the right time, the right
hour to move and take their evil plan into action. YunHo and JaeJoong clueless to what was to come to


“You're going to leave me here alone?” JaeJoong whined as he held onto YunHo's shirt, staring upward
with his puppy doe eyes. They were in YunHo's bedroom. YunHo had changed his clothes to a more
casual look, a plain white collared shirt over a pair of jeans and a good pair of sneakers. He changed
JaeJoong's clothes as well. JaeJoong now wore a long-sleeved purple checkered sweater and a pair of tight
jeans. It was YunHo's old pair and it was the only one available in his size. They all smelled like YunHo.

“Darling, I'll be back soon. I just have to talk to the police about what happened at our wedding. You're
safe here. No one knows about this place except my family, and, now, you.” JaeJoong had no other choice
but to let YunHo go. He knew it was for both their safety.

YunHo kissed JaeJoong's forehead but was pulled back, “JaeJoongie, I really have to go~”

“Not until you give me a kiss! Right on the lips, Yunnie!”

YunHo giggled and obliged. He kissed JaeJoong fully, JaeJoong pulled him for an even deeper smack.
They both landed on the bed, YunHo on top of JaeJoong. JaeJoong opened his mouth slightly to let
YunHo's tongue slide in, for a bit of fun. JaeJoong slid his hand up YunHo's shirt and YunHo stopped the
kiss. He stood back up and fixed himself again.

“JaeJoongie...I can't...I really have to go.”

“Awww!!” JaeJoong pouted his lips, “Let me go with you!”

“No! You stay here. I'm not letting you leave. You're much safer here than if you stay with me. I'm pretty
sure the men will be after me and not you.”

“But, Yunnie!”

“No 'buts' JaeJoongie. I have to go before the sun sets. I'll see you back here later. Make yourself
comfy...what's mine is yours.” YunHo gave a kiss before he finally left the house.

YunHo started the car and drove off. Without YunHo's knowledge, the black van was just around the
corner. They were hidden perfectly, but would their plan be the same result?

3 hours had passed. YunHo still hadn't come home. JaeJoong was beginning to worry. “Where is YunHo?
It's almost dark!” He stretched out, extending his arms and legs. He properly set himself as he was before
and flipped through the channels. “There's nothing good on TV! Eh?” He had finally chosen a station
with interest, “It's X-Man! Yes! Finally!”

He paid close attention to the show. There was Super Junior's KangIn playing the 'of course' game with
some other guy, which JaeJoong was too lazy to name.

JaeJoong laughed loudly as he heard the statements being said. “Hahaha! That KangIn!” He pointed. He
heard a click at the door, someone had entered. “YunHo? Yunnie, is that you?”

JaeJoong stood up from the couch to check if it was YunHo.

“Yunnie? Are you there? Yuu~~nniee~~ Don't play games now---” Then a hand surprised him. His
mouth was covered by a handkerchief. He was held on tightly by large arms he knew wasn't YunHo's

protective arms. His vision was getting blurry, fading to black. He tried to fight the grip of the stranger
but it was too late, he had gone unconscious.

“Thank you, Mr. Jung. We will be sure to use the information you've given us to track down the men. The
details are as you stated, a man in his late 30's with brushed blond hair and a visible scar on his neck. His
height around only 5'6” and has a semi-muscular built.”

“Yes, officer,” replied YunHo, as he was sitting across the desk of the officer.

“Alright. About Bi Industries, we will investigate them thoroughly.” Another officer approached the one
YunHo was talking to.

“Excuse me, Mr. Jung.” YunHo nodded. The young officer whispered something in the other officer's ear
and handed him a folder.

“Ah, thank you Officer Park. You can go back to your station now.” The officer looked at the folder and
was stunned. The lead they just needed.

“Officer DongHae, is there a clue?”

“Yes, we apparently have a lead on the men who barged in on your wedding. The man was spotted a few
days earlier, near the old town district.”

“Uhm, is that the one 2 hours away from here?”

“Apparently, yes...he was spotted near a motel. In a black van. Plate number wasn't identified. This man
was accompanied by another man, seemingly older. They have no names yet but we will find that out
soon...They may be close by”


“Yes. So you better be careful, Mr. Jung.” YunHo wandered his eyes, thinking if JaeJoong was actually
safe. He concluded that JaeJoong wasn't. He bid the officer goodbye and left his business card on the table
for contact. He fled the police station and unlocked his car. He jumped in and started the engine. His
phone then vibrated. 'JaeJoong?' YunHo had hoped. He picked up his phone and answered, “Yoboseyo?

“Hello, YunHo...” an old voice answered.

“Eh? You're not JaeJoong! Who the hell are you!?!?!”

“Wouldn't you like to find out, Jung YunHo.”

“How do you know my name!?! Stop playing games with me! Why do you have JaeJoong's phone?”

“Well, YunHo, it's because JaeJoong is with us right now. Say hello to your husband, JaeJoong-ssi...” the
scarred man put the phone near JaeJoong's sleeping face. JaeJoong was unconscious and couldn't

“Awww, your poor husband is sleeping. Don't worry, we'll take care of the boy.”

“Don't you harm JaeJoong you bastard!”

“Of course I won't harm him. Unless Mr. Bi told me to, then I would take advantage of him all I wanted.
But for now, I'll just invade him with my need for your permission right? Ha-ha...”

“Fuck you!! Tell me where he is now!!”

“Just come to the park and meet us there. I assure you, JaeJoong will be safe in your arms again...just go
there alone. No cops or we'll slit your precious JaeJoong's throat. We'll leave a scar as deep as mine and
we'll make sure he won't survive it. Come in 30 minutes and tell no one of this or you know what
happens. See you then, Jung YunHo. Ha-ha!” *beep*

“What!?! HELLO!?!?! You son of a bitch!” YunHo shut his phone and threw it the seat beside him. He
honked his horn and shouted his lungs out. They had kidnapped his wife, his one and only. He wasn't
the sweet and kind YunHo anymore. He had become the vengeful and merciless YunHo which nobody
had ever witnessed. YunHo would never forgive the men who had taken his love away, never!


The scarred man pushed the red button on the phone and threw the phone aside harshly. The phone slid
on the ground and was left open. The scarred chubby man snickered as he kept watch on JaeJoong, who
was tied up to one of the warehouse's poles. The scarred man was accompanied with his co-mafia
member. However, the scarred man's partner was not exactly mean nor had he any intention of killing

This partner joined the mafia just so he could pay out his debt to the Mafia's leader, Mr. Bi. He never had
any intention of hurting anyone, but he had killed once. Did it make him feel good? He had to play his
part so he said it did but in truth, he hates killing. He felt sorry for JaeJoong. The young boy was sweating
profusely, and it was raining and cold. Was he sick?

“Hey, ShinDong...” called the smaller man to the scarred thug.

“What is it now, SungMin?!?!”

“ hostage is sweating a-and it's not hot. I think the kid's sick...”

ShinDong stared at him in disbelief. Was SungMin feeling sorry for the hostage?

“What the hell, SungMin! Stop caring about the kid!! He's just our money ticket and nothing else. Stop
feeling guilty!”

JaeJoong flinched. He kept hearing shouts and yells. Who was it that disturbed him from his sudden
slumber? He blinked his eyes, vision clearing. He looked around, he was inside a damp warehouse.

There were crates, boxes and machinery everywhere he looked. It was cold but his skin felt hot. Sweat
was dripping from his hair, his breathing uneven. He tugged on his wrists; he was tied to a pole. His
arms hugged the pole from behind him and his wrists were tightly strapped. He couldn't wring himself
out. In front of him, his ankles were also tied with rope. He felt weak. No matter how hard he could try,
his body was too tired.

The area was raining. When JaeJoong was dragged out of YunHo's vacation house, the rain was pouring
just as hard. He must've gotten a fever from the weather. He coughed and sneezed and this caught the 2
Mafia men's attention.

“Oh, look who's awake, SungMin,” ShinDong gave a smug look to the weak, young boy. SungMin looked
at him with sorrow, very opposite to the expression on ShinDong's face.

ShinDong walked to JaeJoong, who looked at the scarred man with disgust. ShinDong took JaeJoong's
chin with his thumb and index finger and cupped it. He turned JaeJoong's head left then right, examining
him. He was indeed hot in temperature and hot in physical appearance.

“You know, Kim JaeJoong, if you were a girl I would totally date you. Sadly, I ain't no faggot like you and
Jung YunHo.”

JaeJoong may have been weak but he didn't want to tolerate such an awful asshole. JaeJoong wanted to
curse him. He wanted to curse him so much that the Gods would smite him.

“Kim JaeJoong, do you want to say something? What? Cat got your---” then JaeJoong spat on him. With
no words, JaeJoong had said all that he had wanted. He despised the scarred man.

ShinDong was definitely not going to take that attitude. He brought out his pistol and pointed it to
JaeJoong's forehead.

“What the hell, Kim JaeJoong!! Do you want to die early?!?!”

“ShinDong! Don't!!”

“SungMin, I want to kill the fag! Why are you interrupting me?!” He yelled out, still pointing the gun at

“Mr. Bi told us to keep him alive until he tells us we don't need him anymore.”

ShinDong put the gun back in his pocket, annoyed by JaeJoong and his partner, SungMin.

“You're lucky that Mr. Bi wants to keep you. He should tell us to kill you so I wouldn't have to waste my
time looking after a super, hot brat.”

JaeJoong lips twitched and eyes were shooting daggers at him.

ShinDong brought out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He took out a stick and lit it. He breathed it in
and exhaled dark smoke before JaeJoong's face. JaeJoong coughed, the scent made him want to throw up.
He was revolted, not by the scent of the cigarette but by the scent of ShinDong himself.

“Could you please get out of my face? You're smelly...and it's making me more sick...” JaeJoong was able
to mutter out. Luckily, ShinDong didn't pay attention to anything else except his cigarette. JaeJoong was
only thankful for that.


Meanwhile, YunHo was still inside his silver Lexus. He stared angrily at the steering wheel. If the man
hurt a single hair on JaeJoong's head, YunHo would never forgive them. He'd forever be in the depths of
depression, anger and vengeance.

He was taking deep breaths. His nostrils were flaring, brows furrowed. He showed the expression of a
killer. Yes, he wanted to kill Mr. Bi and the scarred stranger.

What were his options? One option was to exit his car and immediately tell the police about the threat.
Another option was to call YooChun about this predicament since YooChun said that he had handled
Mafia troubles before. Another option was to meet up with the man at the park in next 20 minutes.

Which was the first priority? Of course, it was JaeJoong's safety.

He closed his eyes and thought of JaeJoong's smiling face. He tried to remember him completely. His
sparkling yes, plump lips, gorgeous body, lovely scent and silky black hair were what he thought of. He
imagined JaeJoong was in his arms, alive and well.

Yet, the image of JaeJoong disappeared and was replaced with the scene of JaeJoong being risked at
gunpoint. He was then shot and this woke YunHo up.

“I have JaeJoong! Screw the Mafia! Screw Mr. Bi!” He cursed.

Suddenly, YunHo thought of an idea. A plan that may actually work.

“I've got to call YooChun...”

He grabbed his cell phone from the seat beside him. He flipped it open and looked for YooChun's
number. When he had found it, he called him up.

“Yoboseyo?” YooChun picked up.

“Yoboseyo? YooChun-ssi!” YunHo exclaimed, almost in a panicked tone.

“YunHo? Is something wrong?”

“JaeJoongie--I-It's JaeJoong!!”

“What about him?”

“He was kidnapped! He was taken by the scarred man. The man you guys saw at the wedding. The
bastards that interrupted our ceremony!”

“Oh, Gawd, no. Look, YunHo, I have to confess something...”

“Huh?” YunHo was baffled. What did YooChun have to confess to him at a time of crisis? “Can you
make it quick, YooChun-ssi? I only have 18 minutes.”

“Okay, about the neck-scar guy...”

“What about the asshole?”

“He was one of the Mafia men that I had come across with before.”

YunHo was half-surprised and half-relieved. If YooChun had handled the guy before, maybe he would
know details of where they could be hiding. “S-So, you know him? His partners? His leader? Their

headquarters, do you know where it is? YooChun-ssi, you can lead us to where they are?!?! Go! Tell me!
Tell me where JaeJoong could be--”

“YunHo-ssi! Calm down!!!” YunHo bit his mouth. YooChun's screech from the phone almost deafened
his ear.

“YunHo-ssi, I've only come face to face with them once or twice but it was in an office. I doubt JaeJoong
would be taken hostage in a cubicle looking office.”

“Fine. You have a point. I'm just...worried. They took JaeJoongie! I shouldn't have left him alone. I'm so

“You're not stupid, YunHo-ssi. You didn't know you were being followed. Look, you called me up so you
must have something in mind, right? What is it?”

“Okay...this is my idea---”


“Sir, it's past 30 minutes already. Are you sure Jung YunHo will come?” asked one of the henchmen. Mr.
Bi sat on one of the wooden benches, his legs crossed.

“Of course he will come. What do you think? He cares about that weakling of a Kim.” Mr. Bi then went
into monologue mode, “He thinks he could reject my daughter? He doesn't realize what a mistake he's
made. I will surely make him pay---in full. Hehe.”

YunHo drove at high speed. He stepped on the breaks and parked at the side of the road. It was late,
around 7pm. The sun had set and it was nearly dark black. If it wasn't for the streetlights, YunHo would
be blind.

YunHo followed the stoned walkway. He was led to the center of the park, where he saw 2 men. 'The
neck-scar guy and his partner? Damn it, where's JaeJoongie?!' He ran to the men. The 2 men looked back at
the running 21-year old.

YunHo was able to get a closer look and it wasn't the blond-haired, chubby guy. It was Mr. Bi, the
president he rejected his offer with.

“Mr. Bi?'re here? I was only suppose to meet with the chubby guy!”

“You think chubby guy...ahem, I mean ShinDong, could do financing and deals by himself? Of course
not, Jung YunHo.” YunHo didn't listen to the old man, he just wanted his beloved back.

“Where is JaeJoong? Where are you keeping him?”

“Don't worry you're little head, Jung YunHo. He's safe...just look here,” Mr. Bi gestured YunHo to look at
the small tv his bodyguard was carrying. It showed a live video feed of JaeJoong inside a damp
warehouse. He was awake but looked sick to the bone.

“JaeJoongie...” YunHo was relieved that JaeJoong was alive and breathing. He stared at the screen but it
was quickly turned off. He was lost in JaeJoong's image that he forgot he was with Mr. Bi. He went back
to talking, more like shouting, at the old man.

“Where is JaeJoong!?! Tell me where he is!! Now!!” He held Mr. Bi by the collar and stood him up. The
bodyguard put down the tiny tv and pushed YunHo off of the middle-aged man.

Mr. Bi fixed up his collar and tidied his suit.

“Jung YunHo, you are just too aggressive. Why use violence?”

“Violence? You want to talk to me about violence? I assure you, if you want to talk about a bad guy, it
should be you...”

“Now now, Jung YunHo. If you're only worried about your darling husband then I should warn you.
Any wrong movement from you and we can pull the trigger on him. Just one simple phone call and you
will never see or hear from your beloved again.”

The tv was turned on once more. The clear picture of JaeJoong only made YunHo re-think about his plan.
Would it work? JaeJoong was a hostage. JaeJoong is the only thing YunHo would live forever for. He had
to comply and agreed to talk with whatever deal Mr. Bi was offering him.

“Fine, Mr. Bi. I'll listen to you. Harm any part of JaeJoong and---”

“--and what, Jung YunHo? You have nothing against me. I have your life at the palm of my hand and
you're going to help me take what is rightfully mine.”

YunHo wanted to strangle him. He wanted Mr. Bi to be at his mercy but in such circumstances, he was
just a loser being fooled.

“What do you want then?” asked YunHo.

Mr. Bi brought out a brown envelope from inside his jacket pocket.

“What I want is Arashi Corporations merge contract.”

“What do you want with that?”

“Well, for starters, when I'm done with you here, Jung Incorporated will not exist and a new company
will arise from its ashes. The way for it to rise is if the company were to merge with Arashi Corp. instead
of Jung Inc.”

“You cannot be serious. We've already signed the papers, so did Arashi Corp.”

“YunHo YunHo YunHo...” Mr. Bi places his hand on YunHo's shoulder and squeezed it. “You don't
know how wrong you are, young man.”

YunHo's eyes widened.

Mr. Bi had planned it out since the beginning. The old man was slick. He had kidnapped JaeJoong, he
had YunHo at his grasp and he had hidden away his plan like a secret kept safe. He was too smart.

What was YunHo to do?

“At Gunpoint”
YunHo looked at Mr. Bi with questioning eyes. What did the old man mean that YunHo was wrong
about Arashi Corporations? He had solid proof.

“What are you talking about, old man? The papers were signed and we're merging before I leave for
Japan! You must know about that by now---it's everywhere. The public knows of it and what makes you
think otherwise?”

Mr. Bi only laughed. He thought of YunHo as a man not capable of handling such a tough business. He
believed that what he was doing was for the best, especially for himself.

“Jung YunHo, they are only papers. Papers can be easily disposed of. Don't you know about that? A
simple crumple of the paper and it can be forgotten.”

“Gawd, what the hell. I already said Arashi Corp. signed with us! I met with them and they signed it with
the company witnessing so even if the documents were destroyed, we have complete word from the
President that---”

“Jung YunHo,” Mr. Bi cut him off, “I am one of Korea's most notorious Mafia leaders. Do you think I care
about what happens to you and your company? Of course I don't give a damn about that because all I
want is the money. The money which we were suppose to make together but you didn't accept my offer.
Resulting to the loss of my company because of your reasons of 'love' and 'destiny'.”

“You threatened me to marry your daughter!”

“Hahaha! You're like a little boy. Be a man, Jung YunHo! This is business and I do what every
businessman should do...”


“...and that is Play Dirty”

“Bastard,” YunHo mumbled under his breath. He was grabbed by the collar by Mr. Bi's bodyguard,
“What did you say?”

“Calm down, KangIn. Don't kill the poor boy.”

The bodyguard forcefully pushed YunHo, causing YunHo to be off-balance. YunHo counter-balanced
himself and looked back at Mr. Bi.

“Jung YunHo, I want the Arashi Corp. papers...”

YunHo hesitated in answering but replied, “I don't have them.”

“Don't play dumb with me, YunHo! I know you have them!”


“You have them and I know it. Go get them...”

Mr. Bi had guessed right. YunHo did have the contract papers with him. It was inside the trunk of his car,
stacked inside a dark suitcase. YunHo glared at Mr. Bi.

“Go on! Get the papers...unless you want your lover to die...”

YunHo's eyes grew larger. The man was serious. He walked towards his car and he heard Mr. Bi's voice
in the background, “If you run away, my men will pull the trigger on him! Don't forget that, Jung

“Son of a bitch...” He cursed. He unlocked his car and raised the trunk's hood. He brought out the
suitcase and looked through its content.

“Where is it? Where is it? Oh, here...” and he held onto a brown folder, keeping inside the Arashi
Corp./Jung Inc. contract. He walked back to the center of the park and gripped the folder.

“Aah. I knew you'd come back. Hand it over, YunHo...”

YunHo stretched out his arm and gave the folder that he wanted. Mr. Bi happily took and looked inside
it. He nodded and handed the folder to his bodyguard.

“Alright, Jung YunHo. Thank you for your help.”

“Tell me where JaeJoong is!”

“Ha-ha. You'll get to see him. Don't worry...”

YunHo raised his eyebrow. Was he going to JaeJoong so easily? No---it was Mr. Bi's plot.


JaeJoong breathed in and out at a fast pace. His temperature was rising quickly. SungMin, one of the
mafia men, felt sorry for him and rushed to the tied up JaeJoong.

“ShinDong, Kim JaeJoong is hyperventilating!! He's really sick!! We need to take him to the hospital!!”

“SungMin! Why would I want to take that faggot to the hospital? If Mr. Bi didn't tell us to do so, then we
don't to do it.”


“No 'buts’', SungMin. I'm going out for a smoke...stay here and watch him. I'll be back in 10 minutes.”


ShinDong walked out and left SungMin alone with JaeJoong. SungMin made sure ShinDong was out of
their sight as he took out a pill case. He took one out and grabbed a bottle of water that was sitting on the
table near him. SungMin raised JaeJoong's head slowly, “JaeJoong-ssi, drink this...”

JaeJoong shook his head to be out of SungMin's touch. He didn't believe he was that nice. JaeJoong spoke
with a hoarse voice, “I don't want to take it...why should I you?”

“JaeJoong-ssi, I may be teamed with the bad guys but that doesn't mean I'm bad myself. Please take the

JaeJoong gazed at SungMin's eyes. His eyes glistened, meaning he was telling the truth. JaeJoong gave
SungMin the benefit of the doubt and agreed to drink the pill.

He opened his mouth and before SungMin helped him take the pill, JaeJoong threw up on the floor. He
coughed as he choked on what he had just drained. His mouth suddenly dried.

“Ah! You're really sick!”

SungMin wiped JaeJoong's mouth with his handkerchief.

“You really need to drink my medicine, JaeJoong-ssi. It's just vitamin C and you'll get better---”

“No...I don't want...please...water...”

SungMin turned the bottle cap and opened it. He helped JaeJoong drink from the tip. SungMin lifted
JaeJoong's chin and raised the bottle for the water to pour in JaeJoong's mouth. SungMin stopped before
JaeJoong's mouth overflowed with water. JaeJoong gulped it and thanked SungMin.

“No problem...”

SungMin went back to sitting on the chair beside the table. SungMin's face gave JaeJoong the impression
that SungMin wanted out of the mafia. JaeJoong took the risk and asked, “SungMin-ssi, is it?”

“Ah, yes. Lee SungMin.”

“Nice to meet you...Lee SungMin-ssi” JaeJoong gave a faint smile. SungMin smiled back and bowed his
head, “Nice to meet you, too...I guess...”

“SungMin-ssi, if I may ask...why is a good person like you in a mafia?”

SungMin paused. He wondered why a hostage would be so curious. Yet, he answered him, “It's to pay
off my debt to them...”

“Debt? You handled these people before?”

“Yes...with my brother,” his tone of voice sounded somber.

“Your brother?”

“Ye. Well, my half-brother actually...”

The two of them were silent for a while. JaeJoong still felt his body shiver. Yet, he wanted to know about

'But maybe he doesn't want to tell me about his brother...I won't ask anymore...'

“You know,'re the first person to actually talk to me like a normal person.”

“I am?”

“Yes...I've lost my friends. I even lost my only brother in the process.”

“If you don't mind...may I know about what happened?”

SungMin smiled and fixed his chair to face JaeJoong. Now, he was front-to-front with JaeJoong, who was
tied up.

“I'd release you but I'm told not to...”

“It's alright, SungMin-ssi...please tell me what happened.”

“For starters, my brother and I were opening up a restaurant. It was fairly new when we came across the
mafia of Mr. Bi. He warned us that if we didn't give them half of our earnings every month, we'd be beat
to a pulp.”

JaeJoong nodded and listened intently.

“We've been following his orders for 3 months but my brother had enough of it. He wanted to tell the
police but I told him we shouldn't or they'd come after us. He got mad at my decision and we didn't talk
for a week. I went to Mr. Bi while he told the police. I asked Mr. Bi to spare my brother and take me as
payment. I would be one of his henchmen while he left my brother alone.

When I didn't come back to the restaurant, my brother thought I was still mad. When he had called the
police, they informed him that they captured half of the mafia but the rest ran. I ran with them and I
haven't seen my brother for 2 years. I feel very guilty...”

JaeJoong was baffled by SungMin's story. Even though JaeJoong was a hostage in the hold of Mr. Bi, he
felt that Mr. Bi was also taking hostage his own henchmen.

Suddenly, ShinDong came in walking backwards. He was gesturing someone inside.

“He-hello, Mr. Bi...”

Then appeared the old mafia leader. SungMin immediately stood from his seat and offered it to Mr. Bi.
The bodyguard came inside moments later, his hands clutching onto the wrists of---

“YunHo?” mouthed JaeJoong. YunHo lifted his head and eyed JaeJoong.


KangIn, the bodyguard, threw YunHo beside JaeJoong and tied him up with the rope they had. He was
tied the same way as JaeJoong. One wrist over the other and twisted with rope. The ankles wrapped as

YunHo turned his head and at the corner of his eye was JaeJoong's gorgeous face.

“JaeJoongie, I'm so happy you're okay...”

“I'm glad you're okay, too...” he muffled as he also turned his head to YunHo.

“Ewww, Who puked in here!?!?!” whined ShinDong.

“It was Kim JaeJoong-ssi. He's really sick,” informed SungMin, who was right next to Mr. Bi.

“What? JaeJoongie, what's wrong?!” YunHo examined JaeJoong's face, which was full of sweat and dirt.
JaeJoong's eyelids were heavy and this only worried YunHo more.

Mr. Bi sat on the chair that SungMin had offered to him earlier. He crossed his legs and smirked at the

“How sweet. A lovely reunion...”

“Shut up! What do you want with us?! Let us go! You already have the contract papers, so you don't need
me or JaeJoong!”

“That's right, YunHo. I don't need you or him. Which is why you're here. This is where you will last see
the light---correction, the sight of night. I'm going to kill you right here.”

JaeJoong's eyelids shut and his head rested on YunHo's shoulder. He was too weak to even stay awake.
YunHo laid his head on top of JaeJoong's, protecting him with the only free body part he had.

“Just kill me! Don't take JaeJoongie! The only one you want to kill is me!!”

“Foolish, Jung YunHo. If I kill you, then JaeJoong would suffer severe depression. He'd later kill himself
for it, am I right? If I were to kill him, I'm sure you'd go into depression as well. Either way, the result is
suicide for both of you. I'm just doing you boys a favor.” YunHo hissed at his statement. YunHo kissed
his beloved's forehead and whispered, “I won't let anything hurt you, JaeJoongie...”

Mr. Bi asked his bodyguard to lend him his gun. He had the pistol and fixed his fingers. YunHo heard a
click from the gun. Mr. Bi was ready to fire, he guessed. Mr. Bi pushed his chair back and stood a foot
away from the couple.

“Sir, please reconsider! I'm sure they won't tell anyone of this!” SungMin tried to negotiate. Mr. Bi only
pushed him aside angrily, “Shut up, SungMin! Defending them won't help! You know, I'll just kill you
along with them! Won't be long until I take your brother, too!”

SungMin only bit his lip. What could he do? He only watched.

Mr. Bi aimed the gun to YunHo's forehead

“Any last words before I shoot you, Jung YunHo?”

YunHo spat on his face and shouted, “You will never win!!”

Mr. Bi wiped off the saliva and retorted, “On the contrary, Jung YunHo, I've already won”

The second he was about to pull the trigger a man yelled, “Hold it!!”

The S.W.A.T team had barged in. The team ran inside and took hold of the mafia men. They handcuffed
them and took them to the police station.

“Argh! Damn you, Jung YunHo!!” and he was brought out.

One of the policemen was Officer DongHae.

“Officer DongHae! You came right on time! Thank God! I thought I was a goner...”

DongHae gave him an assuring smile and started untying the couple.


At the hospital, JaeJoong slept on the bed peacefully. YunHo was right beside him, holding his hand
tightly. He stared at him so lovingly, he didn't want to take his eyes off of the angel.

Then, Officer DongHae had come inside. “Jung YunHo...”

“Ah, yes, Officer DongHae?”

“We're going to inform you about what happened to Mr. Bi and his men after the questioning an hour

“Please, give the details...” he said, his hand still clutching onto JaeJoong's

“Mr. Bi had confessed about the money laundering his underground company was dealing with. He's
going to be taken to court tomorrow morning. We will need you there, but only for a brief moment. It
won't take long.”

“Alright. That's fine with me. What about his henchmen?”

“They're all sentenced to jail. SungMin will have another court hearing for a murder case which he
pleaded guilty to.”

“Oh...uhm...can you go easy on him? You heard him, right? He wanted us free...”

“That's true. The hidden microphone you had in your shirt was a total success. We will do our best as we
play the recording to's amazing how the police station from the other side of town informed us
about it.”


This is what had happened---

“My idea is to have a hidden microphone somewhere in my clothing. Also a tiny tracker so that you'd
know where I am. We'll be lucky if they take me along to see JaeJoong. I'm positive they will try to kill
me...” YunHo said as he spoke to YooChun, who was on the other line.

“That's a great idea, YunHo!”

“But there's a problem...I don't have any with me!”

“Check your glove compartment...”

“Huh? My glove compartment---” he opened it and saw a tiny microphone and a pocket-sized tracker,
“Why is this inside my...were you tracking me down!?!”

“Hey, JunSu and I agreed that we should know where you go just in case you were lying about your

“So you listened to my conversations and tracked down where I was? For how long!?”

“For about a week.”

“Did you...listen to JaeJoong and I as the car” YunHo meant the amazing car sex he
had with JaeJoong at the backseat of his Lexus.

“Oh, you don't know how intently we were listening, YunHo-ssi~”


“We were only looking out for JaeJoong. Anyways, I'll go to the police station and I'll bring along the
speaker so that we can hear your conversation with the scarred guy...”

“Okay. This is the first and last time I'll find anything like this here, right, YooChun-ssi?”

“Sure, YunHo. Whatever you want...just go before your time's up!”

“Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, YooChun-ssi!”

“Sure...” and they both hung up their phones and left to their respective posts.

That is what had happened---

“Thank you very much, Officer DongHae, for you help.”

“It's no problem. I will leave you now. Please come to the police station tomorrow at 9am and we'll take
you to the court house ourselves.”


“Have a good day, Jung YunHo. I hope your friend gets better---”

“He's my fiancé,” YunHo corrected the policeman. DongHae tilted his head, dumbfounded. “O-oh...okay.
I hope he gets better. Good-bye, Jung YunHo.”

YunHo also bid him a farewell and went back to gazing upon his beautiful bride.

The only worry for YunHo at that moment was what JaeJoong's sickness was. The doctor promised to be
back within the hour with test results but he had not shown up at all. JaeJoong still had high fever and he
was concerned for his health. What could JaeJoong be sick with?

YunHo patiently waited for the doctor to come in with JaeJoong's test results. His hand had not even lost
grip with JaeJoong's own since he entered the room with him.

Since YunHo had enough money, he was able to get a private room for his beloved. The room was
painted white with floral prints. A large window covered with blinds and a light blue curtain topped it. A
TV at the top-left corner of the room, under it was a table and mini-fridge.

YunHo squeezed JaeJoong's hand, “Wake up. Please wake up, JaeJoongie...”

He placed JaeJoong's hand on his cheek, “See? I'm right here. You can feel me, can't you? Please...wake
up...JaeJoongie...” he kissed JaeJoong's lips. As if in a fairytale wherein the prince would kiss his princess
and she'd awaken. He'd hoped it would happen, but as he looked back at his angel, his eyes were still

“JaeJoongie...I need you with me...wake up. Don't make me cry,” However, YunHo's eyes began filling
with water. A tear slid down his cheek, landing on JaeJoong's hand.

“This is the first time I've seen you cry...” said a hoarse voice. YunHo raised his head, “JaeJoongie? Y-
You're awake!”

“Yeah...” JaeJoong's eyelids were still heavy but he could see his YunHo clearly. YunHo hugged JaeJoong,
almost suffocating the poor teen. “Ah, Yunnie, too tight...”

“Ah! I-I'm sorry, JaeJoongie,” YunHo released JaeJoong from his arms. Yet, YunHo happened to have his
hand back to where JaeJoong's hand was lying.

“How long have I been asleep?”

YunHo sniffled before replying, “12 hours, it's 8am. I was so worried! I'm so glad you're fine...”

“What happened to me? All I remember is that I was tied up and I was talking with SungMin-ssi...”

YunHo raised his eyebrow at him, “Huh? You don't remember me being there?”

“You were there? I...uhm...I don't remember...”

YunHo was a bit disappointed to hear that JaeJoong couldn't remember his heroic intervention but was
also happy to know that JaeJoong wouldn't have to remember such a traumatizing event.

“Are you feeling any better, JaeJoongie?”

“No...I feel nauseated...”

“Oh? Do you want me to get a bucket so you can throw up in it?”


“Hey, I'm just trying to help...”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. JaeJoong's doctor had arrived with the results of the blood test.
YunHo quickly stood up, not even releasing JaeJoong's hand from his grip. He bowed to the doctor,

“Annyeonghaseyo. You must be a relative of Kim JaeJoong. Nice to meet you. I'm Doctor Choi SiWon,”
the doctor brought out his hand and YunHo gladly took it to shake.

“Doctor, is everything alright with JaeJoong?”

“With the results we have from the blood test, it seems that JaeJoong is diagnosed with minor
Pneumonia. Since the weather hasn't been that friendly these past few days, JaeJoong's exposure to the
outside affected his immune system. It's nothing to panic about. All he needs is to take a daily dose of
Antibiotics and he'll be released in 2 weeks,”

“That is good to hear. Thank you, Doctor Choi,” YunHo bowed again.

“It's no problem. I'm just doing my job. Since it's for precaution, we're going to need a sample of
JaeJoong-ssi's urine. It's just a regular check up...”

YunHo turned to face JaeJoong, “Do you feel like going?”

“Yeah. My bladder will probably explode if I don't go now.”

“Alright, take this cup and collect your urine. I will be back in 10 minutes to take the sample. I shall go to
the patient next door. See you in a while.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” said JaeJoong and YunHo in unison. The doctor had finally shut the door behind
him and YunHo helped JaeJoong stand up. YunHo held onto JaeJoong's waist, JaeJoong's arm wrapped
over YunHo's shoulder. They walked to the bathroom YunHo let JaeJoong go.

YunHo handed him the small cup, “Can you do it by yourself, JaeJoongie? I can help you if you like...”

JaeJoong glared at him and swiped the cup from YunHo's hand. “I can do it myself, thank you. I don't
want you to take advantage of me when I'm revealed like this,” JaeJoong said as he referred to his
hospital robe, which only covered up the front of his body as the back were only bow tied and revealed
his back cleverly.

“JaeJoongie, why would you think so badly of me? I have no intention of coming inside your sexy ass...”
YunHo joked. JaeJoong looked over his shoulder and gave him a death glare.

“Okay, I get the message. I'll keep quiet now,” YunHo zipped his mouth and waited patiently for

JaeJoong stood before the toilet and held the cup. He brought his member out, aimed and relieved
himself. When he had filled his cup, he covered it with its cap and washed his hands thoroughly. He
placed the cup on the faucet and turned around, YunHo at the door.

“You done, Baby?”

“ me walk back, Yunnie~”

YunHo smiled and obliged. He took JaeJoong's hand and wrapped his arm around his waist once more.
YunHo had never really noticed but JaeJoong has such a slim waist. His torso was perfectly proportioned
and his gorgeous face was killer. Don't get him started on his lower body.

When they had reached the bed, YunHo helped JaeJoong under the covers. YunHo pecked JaeJoong's
forehead and rubbed the wet area. JaeJoong gazed upon YunHo. The sunlight from the window outlined
YunHo's body, giving the image of a bright knight in armor.

“Yunnie, you're so handsome...”

YunHo was a tad surprised, “What's with the sudden sappiness, JaeJoongie?” He took JaeJoong's hand,
“You still have a high fever. You must be diagnosed with the 'crazy disease' or something.”

JaeJoong playfully slapped YunHo's hand, “Ya! I'm not being sappy. I'm just stating the truth. If you don't
like to be called handsome then I won't call you that any--” YunHo abruptly pressed his lips on
JaeJoong's. YunHo freed each other's lips and looked back at his lover.

“Did I say I didn't appreciate your compliment?”


“That's right,” YunHo gave a smirk. JaeJoong slapped him again, “You keep teasing me!”

“That's because I love you, JaeJoongie. I only tease the ones I really love...”

“Then why don't you tease my mother? You two are full of pranks!”

“I love you the most. No need to bring your mother into this...”

“Are you boys talking about me behind my back?” A third voice sounded from the door. YunHo looked
up and it was Mrs. Kim, holding a vase full of flowers.

“Mom!” JaeJoong shouted happily. YunHo stood up and kissed her on the cheek. He took the vase for
her, “Thank you, son-in-law.” She walked to JaeJoong's direction, “Aigoo~ My baby is in the hospital.
Waah!” She hugged her son tightly, almost choking him.

YunHo set down the vase of the side table and intervened and patted her on the back, “Be careful, Mom.
JaeJoong is still not feeling well.”

“O-oh. Okay,” she let go of JaeJoong and sat down on one of the chairs.

“Darling, I've been worried sick! Did YunHo take good care of you?” JaeJoong shortly glanced at YunHo,
who was busy fixing the flower vase, and nodded.

“That's good to hear. What did the doctor say about you? Will you be able to leave?”

JaeJoong opened his mouth to explain but YunHo annotated before he did. “Mom, the doctor said that
JaeJoong has minor Pneumonia. However, he also said that all he needs are antibiotics and he can leave in
2 weeks time.”

“Oh that is wonderful! I'm so happy you'll be able to come for your next wedding!”

JaeJoong and YunHo's eyes widened to her statement.

“What?” they asked in unison.

“Since your wedding was interrupted, we planned your wedding again! The date is set in 2 weeks! Aren't
you boys happy?!” YunHo and JaeJoong only looked at her with opened jaws.

“Eh? What's wrong with your jaws? Did you boys eat glue or something? No wonder JaeJoong got

“Mother,” JaeJoong was the first to get back to normal, “Pneumonia is caused by the sudden exposure to
changing weather. It's not because we ate glue---We didn't eat glue!”

“Alright. I just don't want the glue incident to happen again.”

YunHo also came to, “Huh? What glue incident, mom?”

Mrs. Kim suddenly giggled in joy. JaeJoong only rolled his eyes and thought, 'Not another embarrassing
story! Why, mom, why!?!'

“JaeJoong was around 4 years old. He was playing around with shapes and paper. He saw a bottle of
super glue and put some on his finger. He poked his cheek and his finger got stuck instantly. We decided
to bring him to the clinic and he was freed. However, JaeJoong cried the entire time. The poor baby...”

JaeJoong slapped his head, 'Mother, why!?! Why do this to me?!?'

Mrs. Kim turned around to face her son again, “It's because I love you, dear”

JaeJoong was dumbfounded when his mother replied to his thought.

'How did she---oh, nevermind!'

The doctor knocked twice before entering through, “Hello. Do you have the cup?”

“Yes, we do,” answered YunHo. He went to the bathroom and grabbed the said cup. He gave it to the
doctor and bowed, as a sign of respect for the professional.

“Thank you. We'll be back within the afternoon with further results on JaeJoong's check up,” Doctor Choi
SiWon bid them a goodbye and left.

Mrs. Kim let out a sigh. “What's wrong, mom?” asked JaeJoong

“It's a shame that I didn't have another girl. That doctor would've been a perfect son-in-law...”

YunHo pouted. JaeJoong saw him and giggled, “Mother, I think you hurt YunHo's feelings.”

“Oh! I'm sorry, dear! I didn't mean it that way! I meant it would be nice to have a son-in-law who is a
doctor. You're still a great catch for my JaeJoong!”

“Haha. Thank you, mom.” YunHo checked his watch, “Oh no, it's 8:30! I have to be at the police station in
half an hour.”

“Why are you going there?” questioned JaeJoong.

“It's about Mr. Bi and a witness' testimony. I'll be back in 2 hours. I promise.”

JaeJoong whimpered like a puppy. YunHo didn't want to leave his bride but he had to. If he didn't, Mr. Bi
may run free again. 'It's for our sake', he thought.

YunHo kissed JaeJoong on the cheek, “I'll be back, okay? You don't have to wait up for me. Sleep if you
want to...I'll be back before your test results come in.”

JaeJoong nodded slightly, responding, “Okay...”

“That's my JaeJoongie.” YunHo turned his attention to his mother-in-law and bid farewell to her, “See
you later, mom. You two take care.”

“We'll be okay. Just go and come back quickly, hm?”

“Yes, mom,” JaeJoong watched YunHo leave the room. YunHo blew a kiss to him before leaving, with his
coat jacket at hand.


“Can you drive any slower, YooChun?!” complained JunSu. At the speed they were going, it would take
them hours to reach the hospital which was only 30 minutes away.

“Susu, we're in a 40 km/hr road. We can't go any faster than that!”

“But JaeJoong hyung is in the hospital! We got to be there for him!!”

“Susu, we'll be there for him. Don't worry too much! You might wake up ChangMin with all your
dolphin screaming!”

JunSu turned his head to find a still sleeping ChangMin. The younger boy was lying on the backseat and
drooling all over his pillow. JunSu shook his head and fixed his position to the way it was before.

“YooChun, please hurry up! I need to see JaeJoong hyung and make sure that he's alright!”

YooChun grew mad and stepped on the break. He parked at the side of the road, with the emergency
lights blinking as he pressed the button.

“YooChun, why'd you stop?! We have to get to---” out of nowhere, YooChun forcefully pressed his lips
against JunSu's. When he had pulled back, JunSu had already flushed in full apple red.

“Y-yah! Why'd you do that?”

“I thought it'd shut that pretty plump mouth but I guess it didn't work...maybe if I did this...” YooChun's
hand started sliding down to JunSu's pants.

“Y-YooChun, d-don't--” Even if JunSu begged, YooChun wouldn't listen. JunSu didn't even bother to stop
him. The pleasure was too good to cease.

YooChun continued to play around in JunSu's pants and he found his throbbing member. YooChun
unzipped his pants and unbuckled his belt. He cupped JunSu's member and brought it out of his
underwear. JunSu's member was finally revealed. It was a beautiful sight in YooChun's eyes. It was the
first time he'd seen it and already, his own member was urging to be released.

YooChun began stroking him. The pace was smooth and sensual. YooChun rubbed his pants which were
already bulging. JunSu closed his eyes and bit his lip to prevent himself from groaning and waking up
the youngest who was still sleeping at the back.

JunSu opened one eye to peek at YooChun. YooChun's eyes were focused on JunSu's pre-cumming
member but JunSu noticed that YooChun was rubbing himself. JunSu extended his arm, unbutton and
unzipped YooChun's pants.

“What are you doing, Susu?”

“What's it...look like...I'm handling this myself..” he said, almost running out of breath. It seemed
ridiculous for him to be panting because of a simple hand job but he couldn't help it, YooChun was too

JunSu found YooChun's cock under his boxers and he, too, brought it out. He was blown away. YooChun
had such a grand looking member. JunSu didn't mind having that cock in his mouth. He settled for a
hand job as not to be too eager. He rubbed it at the same pace as YooChun. YooChun backed his head,
JunSu was good at it as well.

The two groaned in the spicy thrill they were receiving. They were at the climax of spilling their semen.
YooChun faced JunSu and JunSu did the same. YooChun smirked and JunSu giggled at him. They leaned
over and kissed each other passionately. YooChun's tongue entered JunSu's mouth and they played
along. They stopped to catch breath and JunSu groggily said, “I'm coming...”

“Me, too...”

They jerked each other a few more times before JunSu had finally released his fill on YooChun's hand.
YooChun came seconds later, staining the steering wheel with his seed. They both evened their breathing
as they fixed their underwear and pants.

To JunSu, that was his first hand job he had received and the first hand job he had given. He was gleeful
to know it was with YooChun, his first love.

YooChun leaned in and kissed JunSu again. He gave a greasy grin and commented, “You're pretty good
for a beginner...”

“I'll take that as a compliment...”

YooChun laughed and started driving again.

Unknowingly, ChangMin had awaken from the moaning. His eyes were poking out of their sockets. He
begged that what he saw wasn't real. He didn't just see two men jacking off with each other. He closed his
eyes again, 'That didn't just happen. Nope. No no no. You didn't see that, ChangMin. You're imagining things...'

JunSu looked over his shoulder to see ChangMin with his eyes still closed.

“Thank goodness ChangMin is a heavy sleeper or else we would've been goners...”

“Doesn't he usually talk in his sleep? He slept at the counter before and he was even able to calculate
change for me. I wonder why he didn't sleep talk today.”

JunSu and YooChun shrugged their shoulders as ChangMin shook his head in disbelief.


They had finally arrived at the hospital. JunSu and YooChun went inside, waist to waist, and ChangMin
followed with the 'get well' balloons and cards JaeJoong's nieces and nephew's made for him.

YooChun walked up to the nurse's reception desk, “Hello, we're looking for a Kim JaeJoong.”

“Kim JaeJoong?”

“That's right.”

The nurse looked through the directory and found the name, “Here he is. He's staying in room 301. 3rd
Floor, 1st room. The elevator is down the hall to your left.”

“Thank you, nuna,” YooChun winked at her and she suddenly felt a shock wave come down her spine.

“Yah! Stop flirting around! You're with me, remember?” JunSu whispered in his ear. “I just thanked the
nurse...I didn't compliment her or anything...” YooChun whispered back. JunSu sped up, leaving
YooChun and ChangMin behind.

“Don't be mad, Susu!”

“Those guys are too problematic...” commented ChangMin


JaeJoong flipped through every channel. He tried to search for something entertaining to view but
nothing caught his attention at that moment. It's been 5 hours since YunHo had left and he still hasn't
come back. JaeJoong began to worry. His mother had fallen asleep on the couch and he had read and re-
read the day's newspaper. He was about to go to sleep when someone had knocked on the door.

“Hello, is there a Kim JaeJoong in here?”

JaeJoong averted his attention from the TV to the door and spotted a familiar face popping at the edge of
the door, “JunSu!”

JunSu came running in and hugged his hyung. YooChun and ChangMin followed suit.

“Manager! ChangMin!”

“Yah! I thought I told you to call me Hyung when we're outside work!”

“Sorry...YooChun Hyung...” YooChun was satisfied enough.

ChangMin set the box of 'get well' cards down and tied the bunch of balloons on the foot of JaeJoong's

“We apologize for being a bit late, JaeJoong hyung. We were...caught up...with something...”

“You two were caught up all right...” retorted ChangMin. JunSu, YooChun and JaeJoong all stared at
ChangMin with questionable looks. What did he exactly mean by that?

“Err...I meant...I don't know!” ChangMin squealed and hid behind a chair.

“O-kay...Anyways, JaeJoong hyung, what did the doctor say?”

“He said that I'll be able to go home in 2 weeks as long as I take antibiotics everyday.”

“That's great news, JaeJoong!”

Someone knocked on the door and intruded, “Oh. I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?”

“Doctor Choi! No, you're not interrupting. Please come in.”

The doctor went inside, holding a folder. JaeJoong guessed that as his urinary test result.

“Are those my results, Doctor?”

“Uhm...yes...I believe your mother needs to hear this, Kim JaeJoong-ssi.”

“No, it's fine. I'll tell her later. I don't want to disturb her from her rest. You can go ahead and tell me. My
friends may want to know, too.”

The doctor looked at the young faces and bowed. The 3 boys bowed in respect.

“Doctor, is something wrong with JaeJoong hyung?” asked JunSu.

“Well, there's nothing wrong with Mr. Kim aside from his minor Pneumonia. However, we found out
something from his urine.”

“What is it?” JaeJoong was anxious to know. Was there something abnormal? Was his urine filled with
bacteria? He thought of every possibility, except for the one the doctor had given.

“There is a trace of progesterone.”

“Progesterone?!?” Exclaimed the 4 boys.

“Yes. Apparently, JaeJoong is producing a female hormone in his body. This is a very unique case. We
may have an explanation for it--”

“What is it?! Tell us, Doctor!” YooChun yelped.

“JaeJoong may be born with Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis. It would mean that JaeJoong was born with an
extra X chromosome and---”

“Please speak in regular Korean, Doctor! My brain can't take it!” shrieked ChangMin.

“In short, JaeJoong has a female reproductive system. We will have to make sure of this. We're bringing
in an ultrasound later”

JaeJoong eyes were in their largest. His eyes rolled back and he passed out from the shocking results. His
mother had wished for a daughter---her wish may have been half fulfilled.

“10 Hours”
JaeJoong felt like such a loser. For him to have passed out again, it wasn't going to do his pride and ego
any good. He felt pathetic. He couldn't be called a man---scientifically, he was only half-man. Declaring
himself as not man enough, he could just call himself a woman and there wouldn't be any backlash.

He slowly opened his eyes to the bright light of his ceiling. When his scene had cleared, he sat up and
looked around. He found YooChun and JunSu sleeping side by side on the sofa; JunSu's cheek on
YooChun's shoulder and YooChun resting his own cheek on JunSu's soft head of hair. JaeJoong sighed
and wished YunHo was there as YooChun was there for JunSu. He turned to his right and found a
sleeping ChangMin with his mouth hung open and a manga over his face. JaeJoong could only giggle.

Yet, where was JaeJoong's mother? JaeJoong was curious to where his mother had gone. He brushed the
worry off for he thought his mother had just gone to the bathroom. With that matter settled, he checked
the time on the wall clock.


10 hours.

10 hours since JaeJoong had last seen his love. He'd run and look for him if he weren't stuck on the
hospital bed until his doctor declared out-patient.

What was JaeJoong suppose to do? His friends were sleeping soundly and he didn't have the heart to
wake them from such a heavenly slumber. He had nothing better to do except watch something boring
on the television. He was quite disinterested in everything.

Out of the blue, 3 consecutive knocks sounded from the door. A head peeped through and it was Doctor
Choi SiWon. When JaeJoong locked view on the doctor he finally remembered what the reason for his
passing out was. It was for the ultrasound of his---uterus. It was hard for him to admit and still hard at
that point.

“Glad you're awake now, Kim JaeJoong-ssi. I've brought the ultrasound machine as promised. We'll have
the check up now, if that's okay.”

JaeJoong nodded. He wanted to find out if the doctor's assumption of his MGD was correct or just a false
urine examination.

The doctor wheeled in the slightly tall machine and shut the door. The door banged loudly, in result, the
3 boys suddenly woke up. ChangMin snorted as he sat up straight and grabbed the manga that fell to the
floor. YooChun and JunSu knocked each other when JunSu raised his head and hit YooChun's jaw.

“Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you. I guess I closed the door a bit too noisily...”

“You think, doc?” ChangMin back talked as he wiped off the dry drool at the corner of his mouth.

JunSu rubbed the top of his head and faced YooChun, “I'm sorry, Chunnie! A-Are you okay? Did I hurt

“I'm alright, Susu...” YooChun assured him. JunSu smiled brightly and snuggled underneath his arm.
JaeJoong could only watch them at the corner of his eye as the doctor prepared the machine.

The doctor instructed JaeJoong to lift up his hospital gown. He did as told. The doctor smeared cooling
gel around his abdomen and turned on the ultrasound. He placed the *transducer onto the gelled area
and started moving about it.
(*transducer [n.] a device that receives a signal in the form of one type of energy and converts it to a
signal in another form )

JunSu, YooChun and ChangMin all stood up to look at the monitor. They only saw a black screen.
Nothing seemed to be popping up.

“Doc, I think you're wrong about JaeJoong hyung. There's no uterus,” JunSu commented. The doctor did
not reply but rather deepened the transducer onto JaeJoong's flesh and lowered it. When he had found a
good area, he showed to everyone the display. There was a picture of a gray area, the 3 boys were blank-
faced. What were they really looking at?

“That is JaeJoong's uterus,” said the doctor.

The 3 boys, and JaeJoong, all looked at each other with dumbfounded expression etched on their young
faces. The doctor saw this entertaining sight and explained to them, “I'm telling the truth, if you doubt.”

All of them were still in doubt. The doctor heaved a breath and decided to elaborate on the one in a
million situations. He pointed at the screen, “This is JaeJoong's uterus...” He moved the transducer
around until he had found what he had been searching for, “...and those are his ovaries. It's miraculous!”

JaeJoong stared at the monitor. How could he react so calmly? Any man would normally shout and curse
the impossibility of the predicament but it didn't matter to him. He was astonished. He found it funny
that he wasn't yelling his lungs out, his friends found it weird.

“Hyung, why aren't you mad? Don't you want to yell at God for giving you a woman's organ?! I would
blame the heavens even!” stated the over acting JunSu.

JaeJoong only curled his lips, “I'm sure God gave a reason to have me born this way. As my dad said
before---it's science's fault.”

“Hyung...” called out JunSu.

JaeJoong could only smile back weakly. The doctor froze the screen by pressing one of the complicated
buttons. He removed the transducer from JaeJoong's abdomen and took his time looking at the said

“Is there something so amazingly boring that you have to stare at it, doctor?” joked YooChun. JunSu gave
him a deserved slap on the arm.

The doctor began, “There is something quite interesting.”

“Huh? What?” asked JaeJoong.

The doctor pointed to the sides of JaeJoong's said uterus, “I don't know if you men can see but the uterine
wall is thick. It would mean that JaeJoong was in his Menstrual period---”

“WHAT?!?!” shouted JaeJoong, “What do you mean 'Menstrual Period'? I can't...I can't have a period doesn't go out anywhere!”

“It apparently does. It goes around your bladder and into your---”

“Stop!” JaeJoong raised his hands and placed them on his ears. He didn't want to listen.

Whenever there was a talk of menstrual cycles and Periods, JaeJoong would freak. All of his sisters had
mood swings on their period. Half of his sisters would get their period on the same month, the other half
the next month. Alternating mood swings which traumatized poor JaeJoong to the core.

“Kim JaeJoong-ssi...”

JaeJoong moved his eyes to the direction of where the doctor was standing. “Yes?” he answered to his

“I believe we're going to have to take more tests. Your case of MGD is very unique yet it's not in my
department. I have to call the other doctors to test on you. Will you be okay? I'm going to have to bring in
two doctors; one that specializes in Andrology and another that specializes in Gynecology.”

“Uhm, doctor, can you please let me talk to my family before deciding on it? I still need time.”

“Alright then,” Doctor Choi SiWon respected his decision and got ready to leave. JaeJoong called him out
still, “Doctor!”

“Yes, Kim JaeJoong-ssi?”

“What about my minor Pneumonia? Do I still have to take antibiotics?”

“Oh, about that. After the discovery of your uterus, and with what I've seen, we're taking precautions.
You'll be injected with a vaccine so the medicine can flow in your bloodstream and instead of leading its
way elsewhere. We will have a meeting whether or not we take you inside an X-Ray. We will also wait
for your decision. Please decide within the week. Call us when you've decided because we have to
synchronize to our busy schedules as well.”

“Thank you, doctor. I will call you as soon as possible...”

The doctor smiled and wheeled the machine out. However, before he completely left the room, he eyed
ChangMin as ChangMin looked at him. The doctor winked and smirked, then the door closed behind
him. ChangMin's cheeks blushed and pouted, 'Weird doctor...'

“Hyung, this is a lot to handle. Are you feeling well?” asked a very concerned JunSu. JunSu placed his
arm on JaeJoong's shoulder; JaeJoong patted the hand in reaction.

“I'll be alright, JunSu. It is a lot to handle but I can take it. I'm a man after all.”

“Only half though...” YooChun retorted. He received another good hard slap from his boyfriend.

“Yah! Susu, stop hitting me!”

“You stop being mean to my hyung! You're not getting any tonight if you keep being that way!”

JaeJoong's eyes widened at how open JunSu was to what he thought he meant.

“B-But, Susu-ah! I-I want some tonight!”

“No! You're not getting any of my home-made fried rice!”

JaeJoong chuckled at them. So, that was what JunSu meant by 'any'.

JunSu crossed his arms and faced away from YooChun. YooChun playfully wrapped his arms around
JunSu and begged for forgiveness as he placed kisses on his neck. The couple was so sweet that it made
JaeJoong jealous. If YunHo were there, YooChun and JunSu would be nothing compared to them.

JaeJoong only sighed and looked away from YooSu. He spotted ChangMin staring at the door, not
leaving his eyes to any other object.

“Uhm, ChangMin? What's up with you?”

ChangMin came back from his own world and turned to JaeJoong, “Ah! S-Sorry, JaeJoong Hyung. I kind
of got distracted from...something...”

“What was it?”

ChangMin waved his hands, “Nothing! Nothing!” However, his cheeks turned pinkish. JaeJoong could
only giggle.

To JaeJoong's surprise, a pair of hands tapped him on the shoulder.

“JaeJoong Hyung...we have to go now. We can't miss another day of work---the shop might go out of
business if the shop stays closed for too long”

JaeJoong only agreed that it was time for them to go. It was getting pretty late and he'd feel guilty if they
stayed there. The 3 boys hugged JaeJoong and bid him a good night. JaeJoong replied with the same note.

The room was then empty.

For 15 minutes, it stayed that quiet. The silence ate JaeJoong up whole. He had nothing to do. The
boredom could kill him right then and there but the thought of YunHo kept him sane. How he wished
YunHo was there.

He could remember YunHo's every detail---His hair, his eyes, his lips, his mole...
He could remember YunHo's every touch---His hugs, his caresses, his kisses...

The only thing missing then was YunHo himself. Where was he? JaeJoong closed his eyes and imagined
YunHo's handsome face. His hand led itself downward, reaching for his member. He pulled up his
hospital gown a little bit and slipped his hand inside his underwear.

He stroked himself slowly, sensually imagining YunHo. The feeling of YunHo sucking his hard length
was what he imagined; the tingle of hot air being released from YunHo's nose. The rate from slow to fast
as YunHo bobbed his head. JaeJoong fantasized all that he could. He wanted YunHo; he needed YunHo;
he urged YunHo to be inside him!

He was reaching his climax. His final thought was YunHo grabbing hold of his waist and jerked on him
even more.

“Oh, Yunnie~” JaeJoong moaned to himself.

He was ready to release. He gave a few more strokes before his cock couldn't hold in his semen. The seed
spilled and marked his gown.

“Urgh...I can't even handle a few hours without him...” JaeJoong said. He rested his head back on his
pillow as he fixed his underwear and hospital gown. He felt the sticky milk on the palm of his hand and
in his blanket, the result to his careless jacking.

JaeJoong removed the covers and put on his slippers. He tried to support himself by holding onto the
wall. When he got balance, he began to take a step. The other foot followed, soon enough he was walking
at an alright speed. He held the wall the entire time. When he had finally reached the bathroom, he
turned on the faucet and washed his hands thoroughly. He also washed his hospital gown, cleaning any
noticeable mark.

Finally clean enough, he walked his way back to his bed. He had reached his bed and lay down. He
comfortably went under the covers and read one of the mangas ChangMin had left for him to read.

He looked at the cover and the noticed that the main cover boy looked somewhat like his YunHo.

“Why is it that everything I do has to do something with YunHo? I must really love him...”

“I'm glad you realized that yourself, JaeJoongie...”

JaeJoong animatedly faced the direction the second voice came from. His eyes widened to the sight of his
love, YunHo. He'd run and jump on him in a heartbeat, if he wasn't isolated in his bed. Yet, YunHo did
that for him. YunHo walked over and hugged him tightly, almost to the point of suffocation. YunHo
kissed JaeJoong on the cheek and whispered, “How's my baby?”

“I'm great now that you're here~”

YunHo had let go of him, JaeJoong cupped his cheeks and pinched them with his fingers, “You're so
mean for leaving me for 10 frigging' hours! You said you'd be gone for only 2!”

JaeJoong released YunHo's stinging jowl. YunHo rubbed the sides of his face, protruding his lips,
“There's a reason, Boo Jae...”

“It better be good...” JaeJoong crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. YunHo grinned and opened the
door. A man in a white-collared black outfit entered. JaeJoong was baffled, the same time confused. Was
he being judged?

“JaeJoongie, this is Judge Kim KiBum. He's my old friend from High School.”

“Nice to meet you, Kim JaeJoong-ssi. YunHo's told me a lot about you”

“I'm sure he has...” JaeJoong gave YunHo a look. A look that read 'So you were out 10 hours to talk to
someone that isn't your fiancé and isn't in the hospital with Pneumonia and may have MGD! What the hell!'


“Huh? I don't get it...” JaeJoong said. YunHo sighed and happily explained again to his dear JaeJoong.

“I asked KiBum-ssi for a favor. I asked him if he could marry us right here.”

JaeJoong switched views from YunHo to KiBum and back. JaeJoong was frozen.

“JaeJoongie, are you okay?” YunHo settled his arm over JaeJoong's shoulder as he sat at the side of the
bed. “JaeJoongie...Baby...Boo...” He said, shaking him slightly. JaeJoong finally found his voice,
“So...we're getting married?”

YunHo opened his mouth to reply but KiBum did that for him, “Yes. YunHo pleaded for hours to try to
get me out of my schedule to marry you two. It was quite pathetic. He was on both knees, hands cupped
together. He begged countless times. I had 3 court cases and it all lasted 2 hours each. He patiently waited
outside the courtroom just so he could beg again and again. You should've seen him...he was desperate!”

JaeJoong showed a small smile and stared at the blushing YunHo. YunHo waved his hand, signaling
KiBum to stop. KiBum laughed in the process and made YunHo even more embarrassed than he already

“You're too cute, Yunnie~” JaeJoong pecked his cheek. YunHo looked into JaeJoong's eyes, the gorgeous
dark orbs staring back at him could only make YunHo melt.

“There is one problem though...” said KiBum. JaeJoong and YunHo, in unison, gunned over to him.

KiBum was stunned at their facial expression, presenting both anger and worry. KiBum continued, “We
need witnesses. I may have the legal papers for you but there is also the need of witnesses. In any case,
whether divorce, marriage or criminal, there needs to be someone who can stand by you.”

“I have a set of people to witness~” YunHo pointed to the door and then came in YunHo's parents and
JaeJoong's parents. Alongside them were YooChun, JunSu and ChangMin again.

“Eh!? H-How?!” JaeJoong stuttered.

“You didn't really think we'll leave you, Hyung, did you?” asked JunSu. JaeJoong only beamed brighter
and shook his head.

“Dad! Uncle! Auntie! How'd you guys get here?” JaeJoong exclaimed towards them.

“Your mother called us here. She said she received a message from YunHo saying the marriage will take
place now. We rushed as soon as we told the Jung's,” explained Mr. Kim.

“What about the girls? The kids?”

“Don't worry about them, Honey,” his mother began, “I asked your young friends to record everything
so that your sisters can watch it when we get home”

JaeJoong was one the verge of tears. YunHo had planned this for him. Because JaeJoong wasn't able to
leave, YunHo had planned to marry him even if it were inside a hospital room. The big and fancy
wedding never mattered to YunHo, nor to JaeJoong. The only thing YunHo hoped for at the end of the
wedding was to finally call JaeJoong his own. Whether it be in a church, city hall or even in a simple
private hospital room, if YunHo could have his one and only JaeJoong, he'd be happy for the rest of his


“Are you ready?” asked KiBum. Everyone responded with a 'yes' as JaeJoong and YunHo were side by
side, in bed, fingers laced together.

KiBum nodded his head towards ChangMin, signaling him to press play on the recorded music. The
music sounded and echoed in the room. The simple melody and the merriment all felt by the heart

KiBum brought out his book. He started the ceremony, “Dearly beloved. Today, we are gathered to
witness the union of Jung YunHo and Kim JaeJoong. In this ceremony, we shall offer to them our
blessings and support as they become one under God and Man.”

Mrs. Jung and Mrs. Kim began to tear. Droplets falling from the corners of their eyes. The happy feeling
was so intense, it could overflow.

“Jung YunHo, please repeat after me. I, Jung YunHo---”

YunHo had his eyes only on JaeJoong, “I, Jung YunHo---”

“---take thee, Kim JaeJoong, as my wedded husband.”

“---take thee, Kim JaeJoong, as my wedded husband.”

“I shall cherish thee forever---”

“I shall cherish thee forever---”

“---in sickness and in health; in richer or for poorer; in times of anger or in times of sadness. ”

“---in sickness and in health; in richer or for poorer; in times of anger or in times of sadness. "

KiBum bowed his head to him and faced JaeJoong. “JaeJoong-ssi, please repeat after me. I, Kim JaeJoong--

JaeJoong kept his eyes on YunHo the entire time, “I, Kim JaeJoong---”

“---take thee, Jung YunHo, as my wedded husband.”

“---take thee, Jung YunHo, as my wedded husband.”

“I shall cherish thee forever---”

“I shall cherish thee forever---”

“---in sickness and in health; in richer or for poorer; in times of anger or in times of sadness. ”

“---in sickness and in health; in richer or for poorer; in times of anger or in times of sadness. ”

KiBum nodded to him and asked for the rings. YooChun had pocketed a pair of rings. KiBum handed the
smaller one to YunHo and instructed him to repeat his words, “I take thee, Kim JaeJoong, as my wedded

YunHo did as told. He then placed the ring on JaeJoong's ring finger. A perfect fit with the perfect ring
with the most perfect hand known to man, was what YunHo thought in his head.

Next, JaeJoong's turn to place the ring on YunHo's finger. Again, KiBum instructed, “I take thee, Jung
YunHo, as my wedded husband.” At the same time, the ring was slipped in carefully as JaeJoong recited
the words. YunHo's manly hand grabbed hold of JaeJoong's petite ones. The moment he'd been dreaming
of---it was coming to light.

Finally, the end of their short ceremony. KiBum said, “Please kiss the groom.”

YunHo cupped the back of JaeJoong's neck and pulled him in a wet kiss. Everyone saw the passion put
into it. It was hard to ignore. When they had released each other, KiBum had exclaimed, “I now
pronounce you legally married. Jung YunHo and Jung JaeJoong!” Everyone clapped. YunHo was ecstatic,
JaeJoong was teary-eyed.

YunHo pecked JaeJoong on the cheek and said, “I will make you the happiest man on earth, Jung
JaeJoong.” JaeJoong hugged his newly pronounced husband and tucked his head in his chest.

Yet, JaeJoong had a problem to face. Could he have the heart to tell YunHo that his newly declared
husband is a freak? A freak that is half-woman, half-man? Would YunHo still love him? All of these
questions ran through his mind like a whirlpool. JaeJoong had to face him soon—so he could tell the
doctor afterwards. However, the huge fear overtook him.

What will JaeJoong choose to do?

“7 Days”
The celebration inside the private hospital room wasn't grand but it was indeed large in happiness.

YunHo's father and JaeJoong's father discussed business and inheritance. YunHo's mother and JaeJoong's
mother talked about offspring, grandchildren and everything else that involved their son and son-in-
law's future. YooChun and JunSu were busy flirting and giggling on the couch. ChangMin was nowhere
to be found, but it wasn't as if anyone took notice. KiBum, YunHo's old friend who married him to
JaeJoong, left to finish his last case of the day.

YunHo and JaeJoong were busy staring into each other's eyes. YunHo caressed JaeJoong's cheek with the
back of his palm. JaeJoong kept tracing YunHo's lips with the tip of his finger. At the same time, both
their right hands were linked. The fingers that had the rings were laced together.

“You're so gorgeous, JaeJoongie...”

JaeJoong could only blush when YunHo paused his hand and cupped JaeJoong's cheek. He pulled
JaeJoong in a sweet kiss, catching JaeJoong by surprise. JaeJoong could only melt as YunHo snaked his
arms around his tiny waist. The kiss deepened and JaeJoong tried to find his breath from the intense
romance he was receiving.

YunHo had finally pulled back, JaeJoong inhaled enough air to keep himself awake.

“Am I good or am I good, JaeJoongie?”

JaeJoong looked at him with glistening eyes, “You're...the best, Yunnie...”

YunHo responded with a smirk on his face. He wiggled his nose against JaeJoong's own and whispered,
“You're so cute when you look at me that way.” JaeJoong's ears even reddened to the much affection he
was getting from his husband.



JaeJoong's parents and YunHo's parents were getting tired. They would have to drive for 30 minutes just
to reach the house, so they decided to leave their newly married children to their special evening. The
couple received pecks on the cheek and pats on the back. Finally, the parents left.


ChangMin had come back from only God knows where. JaeJoong crossed his arms and nagged, “Where
have you been, ChangMin-ah?”

ChangMin shyly replied, “I-I was talking with...Doctor SiWon.”

YunHo faced JaeJoong while YooChun faced JunSu. They all had the same question distilled in their
minds, “Why?” they said in unison.

ChangMin answered, “Well, I just wanted to talk to somebody! You don't know how left out I feel.
JaeJoong-hyung has YunHo-ssi while JunSu-hyung has YooChun-hyung. I just wanted to have a
companion a-and the doctor is nice. He told me about his medical practice and I told him about my child
care business. He even said that I have a great smile---” ChangMin's cheeks were turning pink.

JaeJoong began to giggle. JaeJoong covered his grin with his hand, trying to stop his chuckling.
ChangMin was curious, “What? Why are you laughing at me, hyung!?”

“ have a crush on the doctor!”

YooChun gasped, so did JunSu and YunHo.

“What!? No I don't!!”

“Don't try to hide it, ChangMin. You like the guy...”

ChangMin scrunched his eyebrows and pouted his lips, “No! I don't have a crush on him--”

“So when's the date?” JaeJoong stopped him. ChangMin was defeated, “Tomorrow at 3pm...”

“Though so~” JaeJoong deemed victorious. YunHo gave JaeJoong a congratulatory back hug. JaeJoong
turned his head and kissed YunHo continuously.

JunSu was in shock to know that his dongsaeng was going out with a doctor while he was stuck dating a
ramyun restaurant owner. JunSu was jealous. YooChun had his arm around JunSu's waist, “Su, are you
okay? You're frozen...”

“I-I'm fine. Don't worry, Chunnie,” JunSu gave YooChun a sweet kiss that brought wide smiles to their
faces. ChangMin could only choke on his own saliva as he stared at the lovey-dovey couples.

“You guys should go get a room!” ChangMin yelled.

YunHo retorted, “This is our you don't have to tell us to get one.”

“Nice one, Yunnie...” JaeJoong complimented.

“What about you two!? This ain't your room!” ChangMin shouted as he pointed to YooSu on the couch.

YooChun took JunSu's hand and stood up. He pulled JunSu along and stopped when he was beside
ChangMin. He whispered in his ear, “We'll go find one...thanks...” YooChun gave a sly smile and left the
room. The husky voice sent shivers down his spine---YooChun was that greasy.


YooChun went through the halls. YooChun's head kept turning left and right.

“Chunnie, wh-where are we going?” JunSu asked nervously. YooChun continued to tug on his hand,
rushing through the hospital late at night. YooChun found a door and pushed it open. JunSu took a
glimpse of what the sign on the door read, “Male's Restroom” and above it was the universal drawing of
a man.

When they entered, JunSu noticed it was large in size yet there was only 1 urinal stall and 1 wall urinal. It
was spacious; enough room for---only YooChun can tell.

YooChun locked the door and peeped under the stall door if anyone were inside.


YooChun then pushed JunSu against the wall.

“YooChun, what are you---” he was cut by a pair of lips pressed onto his. JunSu tried to push him away
but YooChun only forced his lips even more. JunSu began to hit YooChun's chest with his fists but no
halt. YooChun finally let go and JunSu shoved him off, “YooChun! What the hell are you doing!?!”

“ChangMin told us to get a room and we got one---” YooChun tilted his head and leaned in for another
smooch but JunSu covered his mouth, making YooChun kiss the back of JunSu's palm.

“Susu! I want to kiss you~ Let Chunnie smack those plump lips of yours...”

“No! Y-You're taking advantage of me!! This is rape!!”

“Darling, I'm only kissing you—it's not as if I'm fuc--”

“Don't you even finish that sentence Park YooChun!!!”

In result, YooChun shut his mouth. YooChun's expression turned from lust to disappointment. JunSu
minded the look of his boyfriend's face and he hated seeing that look. JunSu took both of YooChun's
hands and kissed him.

“Chunnie...I'm sorry I yelled. I'm just nervous and embarrassed...”



“Why are you nervous and embarrassed? Are you ashamed to be my boyfriend?”

JunSu waved his hands, “No! Of course not! No! I'm nervous because...”


“It's because...I've never been in a relationship. So, you're my first boyfriend. I never thought of falling in
love with a guy---it's so hard.”

“What's so hard about it? As long as two people are in love, whether it's with the same sex or not, then
what's so difficult?!”

“It's my first time! In everything and anything!”


“You're my first boss, first kiss, first boyfriend, first...hand job. I-I don't want to advance to the next level
yet because it's too fast!”

“I get it...”


“You don't want to go to that stage yet because you're too overwhelmed by all your firsts. Is that it?”


“Okay. Let's just go then...” YooChun's face remained the same. The same disappointed look in his eyes.
YooChun was about to turn the door knob before JunSu grabbed his arm and forced him into a deep
smack on the lips. YooChun was taken by surprise but he didn't stop him. Why would he want to do

JunSu broke off the kiss and he stared into YooChun's eyes.



“B-Be gentle...”


JunSu then walked backwards as he unbuttoned his shirt. He had finally hit the wall and started feeling
his own body. YooChun got the message and gazed upon the stripping beauty. YooChun could jump him
if it weren't for the wall.

“Chunnie...come here...” YooChun's feet started walking without second thought. YooChun took JunSu
by the waist and began to leave trails of kisses on his neck. JunSu stretched out his neck to make
YooChun's activity a tad easier.

YooChun unbuttoned the rest of JunSu's shirt and removed it. JunSu was now shirtless, but he didn't
want to be the only one. JunSu tugged on the bottom of YooChun's shirt and raised it. Finally, YooChun

was also shirtless. They continued their kissing and slid to the floor. JunSu's legs were widely spread as
YooChun was on his knees.

YooChun brought his hands down from JunSu's chest to the buckle of his belt. The clinging sound of the
metal of his buckle could be clearly heard. Then, he felt cold air on his thighs. YooChun tried to fully
remove his jeans but it seems impossible, so he left it to pool around JunSu's ankles. YooChun went back
up to JunSu and licked his chest. He sucked JunSu's erect nipples and pinched the other with his hand.

JunSu laid his head back onto the wall. Everything YooChun was doing made JunSu hard.

YooChun finished suppling and led his head downward. He rubbed JunSu's bulge and rubbed his own
member. YooChun stopped for a moment to remove his own pants. JunSu watched YooChun strip down
his pants, making JunSu want him more than ever. The drool made it very clear to YooChun.

YooChun removed his shoes, pants and briefs. JunSu was extremely excited. YooChun's body was hotter
and sexier than he had fantasized.



“You don't know how amazing...” JunSu stared at him, looking up and down. JunSu kept screaming in
his head, 'Oh my gawd! He's so hot! My boyfriend's so frigging hot!'

“You ready, baby?”

JunSu nodded his head. YooChun gave him a smile and kissed him. They locked lips for a long while.
YooChun's hand was stroking JunSu's very hard member. The stroke speed was increasing, JunSu could
only moan.

“Ah...YooChun...faster, please...faster~” he panted.

YooChun obeyed and swiftly sped his pace. YooChun could already feel the pre-cum. YooChun's own
member was desperate to come out and fuck JunSu's ass hard but he had to serve his love before himself.

“Ch-Chunnie...I'm going to...”

“Go ahead, baby.”

JunSu released his seed and caught breath. His chest moved up and down, trying to prevent his fast-
beating heart from popping. YooChun licked his hand and tasted JunSu's milk. With the same hand,
YooChun placed 3 of his fingers on JunSu's mouth, “Suck it, Su...”

JunSu opened his mouth and sucked YooChun's fingers as told. He licked it with his tongue, spreading
his saliva all around. YooChun pulled out the fingers and heard a 'plop' from JunSu's mouth.

YooChun pulled off the pants that were pooled around JunSu's ankles. YooChun used the pants as a
pillow for JunSu's head as he asked him to lay down fully on his back. JunSu followed every word and
felt a sudden invasion in his hole.


“It's only one finger, baby. Don't worry...I won't hurt you...”

YooChun deeply dug in his finger. When JunSu relaxed his muscles, YooChun entered the second finger.
He angled it and JunSu squeaked. He found his spot.

YooChun entered the third finger. The stinging pain made JunSu's eyes turn watery. His muscles were
being stretched in an uncomfortable manner yet when YooChun hit his prostate over and over, he could
only groan in the mix of pleasure and torture.

YooChun removed his fingers and slipped in the tip of his cock.


JunSu's hole was tightening.

“Don't close up, baby. Trust me...”

YooChun felt the entrance open once more and entered in his member fully. JunSu held onto YooChun
even tighter. JunSu's arms around YooChun's neck, YooChun's mouth at the lobe of JunSu's ear as he
whispered his next move, “I'll start pushing in, Su...”

He gave the first thrust and JunSu was already wincing in pain. YooChun fixed his hips and went in
again. JunSu yelped, “YooChun!”

“Did I hit it, baby Su?”


“As you wish...”

YooChun pushed in his cock again and again, hitting the same spot he found. JunSu had a deep grin on
his face. The pain was apparent but whenever his prostate was hit, he could only feel the thrill.

“Chunnie! Oh my gawd! Faster...Faster!”

What else could YooChun do but follow his lover's demands?

The pace was speeding up to JunSu's liking. YooChun knew JunSu liked it—more like loved it—because
of JunSu's constant moaning of his name.

“Oh, Chunnie! Chunnie! YooChun!”

“JunSu-yah...quiet or someone will hear...”

JunSu closed his mouth but it didn't stop his groaning in his throat.


YooChun looked down to JunSu's neglected sex. He took it and stroked it in line with his thrusts.
YooChun was ready to fill JunSu with his semen.

They were in their climax, ready to spill it all out.

YooChun gave a few more pushes before he filled his younger lover's ass with his cum. JunSu came only
seconds after. They rested on the floor. They panted like dogs, mouth open and eyes fixed on each other.

“You...are an expert, YooChun...”

“No make me do're great, Su”

“But...” JunSu sat up slowly, “I'm not attractive! How can you love me so much?”


“I'm not like ChangMin; tall and handsome and I'm not like JaeJoong Hyung; slim and uniquely featured.
I'm not--”

YooChun only covered JunSu's mouth. He did not want to hear any more of JunSu's issues which weren't
even anything to be worried about.

“Susu, you're gorgeous. You're the most handsome man I've ever laid my eyes on. Don't compare
yourself to your friends because they will never be able to catch my attention like you.”


“Ssh! You're great the way you are. I love you the way you are...”

JunSu shed a tear, “Yoo-YooChun...”

YooChun caressed his cheek, “I love you, JunSu...”

JunSu hugged him again, “I love you, too!”



"Eh? So that's how you fell in love with JaeJoong-hyung?” asked the curious ChangMin.

“Yeah. JaeJoong caught my attention so easily and when I found out that he was the one I was engaged
to, my happiness went through the roof...”

“You're embarrassing me, Yunnie!”

“Sorry, JaeJoongie...” YunHo apologized with a kiss on the cheek. JaeJoong turned rosy pink as YunHo
held onto him. YunHo's large and strong arms wrapped around JaeJoong's waist as he sat beside him on
the bed.

“You two can be so mushy...”

“What's wrong with being mushy, huh?” JaeJoong complained.

“Don't you know that too much Public Display of Affection can make children lose their innocence?”
ChangMin said as he secretly referred to the YooSu hand job incident. Of course, JaeJoong and YunHo
were clueless. They gave blank faces as a reaction.

“Err...nevermind,” ChangMin told them.

YooChun and JunSu came back, all smiles and what not. However, JunSu had his hand on his lower back
the whole time. YooChun had his hand on JunSu's lower back as well.

“What have you guys been doing?” ChangMin asked.

“Some...things...” YooChun said. JunSu giggled. ChangMin could only whine, “Eeeww! Don't tell me

“What!?!” JaeJoong shouted.

“JaeJoongie, calm down. It's not good for your health...”

“YooChun, did you take advantage of my dongsaeng? If you did then I will kick your ass!”

“JaeJoongie, I said calm down...”

YooChun grabbed hold of ChangMin, “We'll be going now! Bye! See you soon! Get well, JaeJoong!” and
they ran out.

“Aw, great! JunSu was raped!”

“Why'd you think that, JaeJoongie? Don't jump to conclusions!”

“I don't see any other scenario than my horny manager rape my dongsaeng!”

“They're a couple, JaeJoongie. They have the right to do things they like...”


There came an awkward silence between them. They both opened their mouths and began in unison, “I
have to tell you something...”

“You go first, JaeJoongie.”

“No, you go first, Yunnie.”

“Uhm...I don't know how to tell you this but—I'm leaving for Japan next week.”


“Arashi Corp. called me during the time I was begging for KiBum's availability and they said they have
to see me by next week or the merge will not happen. I-I'm sorry, JaeJoongie...”

JaeJoong remained in a stunned state.

In 7 days...
YunHo would be leaving for Japan.

In 7 days...
JaeJoong's going to have to tell him about his MGD or it'd be too late.

In 7 days...
Anything can happen.

YunHo had been so caring to JaeJoong since their “in-hospital” marriage ceremony. Nothing but bliss,
beauty and love in his eyes. YunHo's eyes sparkled whenever he set foot inside the private hospital room.

YunHo would always be the one to bring in JaeJoong's tray of food. He'd ask the nurse to leave the food
outside the doorway so that YunHo would be the one to personally take it and spoon feed JaeJoong. He's
everything JaeJoong had hoped for, a loving, caring, responsible and self-less husband. It could only be a
wonderful dream.

“JaeJoongie, open wide~”

JaeJoong opened his mouth and YunHo spoon fed him his usual fried rice and sausage. YunHo picked off
the rice from JaeJoong's by licking it off.


“You looked delicious with that rice on your lip. I couldn't resist. I'm sorry.”

“I-It's fine...Just tell me next time if you're going to kiss me because I get nervous easily by surprises...”

“Okay. Can I have a kiss then?”

JaeJoong looked at him blankly. YunHo really loved to tease his beloved. He'd tease him so much until
JaeJoong gave in to his whines and cries.

'I have to tell him...I need to tell YunHo...'

It had been 4 days since their simple ceremony. YunHo had 3 days left until his travel to Japan. What
annoyed JaeJoong most was that he hadn't told YunHo about his MGD.

Doctor Choi SiWon would come by and ask for regular urine samples and YunHo would be the kind
helper. Yet, when Doctor SiWon would mention the other tests for JaeJoong, JaeJoong would dodge the
subject and indirectly tell him to say no more. Of course, YunHo was clueless. Whenever YunHo asked
what the matter was, JaeJoong would shake it off and tell him everything was fine.

To YunHo, nothing was fine if it were about JaeJoong's sickness. Any information concerning JaeJoong's
Pneumonia, YunHo had the right to know. Yet, YunHo let is slide for the meantime.


The next day, at around 12 noon, YunHo had finished feeding his husband his gelatin cup. He wiped the
excess gelatin off of the corner of JaeJoong's mouth and smiled, “Was it good, Baby?”

JaeJoong beamed back and nodded happily.

“It was great, Yunnie!” JaeJoong hugged him tightly, the response YunHo wanted. YunHo wrapped his
arms around his lover and kissed the top of his head. His hair smelled of lavender and vanilla; a sweet
scent that could only come from JaeJoong.

'It's now or never' YunHo thought. He had to bring up the Pneumonia. He slowly nudged JaeJoong and
laid him down on the bed.

“JaeJoongie, I need to talk to you about something...”

“Hm? What is it, Yunnie?”

“It's about you and the Doctor. You've been telling him to not say something. Is it about your
Pneumonia? Shouldn't I know about it too!?”

JaeJoong was taken aback by YunHo's sudden attack of words. JaeJoong was a bit scared by the look of
YunHo's expression. A mix of fear, anger and worry—something JaeJoong didn't want to witness.

“JaeJoongie, tell me! What is the doctor talking to you about? What aren't you telling me?!”

“'s nothing...I-I'm fine...”

“You're not fine! The doctor is telling you something and you're not! You have to tell me now!”

“No...I-I can't...”

“Yes you can!”

“Ask the doctor! Not me...”

“I want to hear it from you, JaeJoongie! Your mouth to my ears! You've got to tell me!”

JaeJoong bit his lip. JaeJoong was fully ashamed of his body. He felt ugly and not worthy to be YunHo's

“I'm sorry, Yunnie...I just can't...I-I...”

YunHo's brows slanted, switching from anger to compassion.

“JaeJoongie, I just want to know what's wrong...if it's anything about your Pneumonia, I have the right to
know. I'm your husband...”

YunHo placed his hands on JaeJoong's shoulders, “Look me in the eye, JaeJoongie...”

JaeJoong did as told. He stared back at him. The dark chocolate colored eyes he fell for were right before
him. Their hot breaths felt in each heave.

“Tell me, JaeJoongie. Tell me you love me...”

“I love you, Yunnie~”

“Prove to me you love me by telling me what's wrong...tell me! What's wrong with your Pneumonia--”

“It's not my Pneumonia!”

YunHo was stunned to hear JaeJoong finally speak in a high tone.

'It's not his Pneumonia?' YunHo asked himself, 'What is it then?'

“'s not your Pneu--”

“It's me! I'm a freak!”

YunHo cupped his mouth, “You're not a freak!! What the hell are you saying, JaeJoongie!!”

JaeJoong forcefully pushed away YunHo's hand from his mouth and yelled back, “I am a freak, Yunnie! I
have MGD!!”

YunHo had no idea what the acronym meant. YunHo wasn't a Doctor or Science Major Professional. He's
just a graduate of Business Management. Science was never part of his curriculum.

“MGD? What is that, JaeJoongie?”

JaeJoong sighed and diverted YunHo's eyes, “It's Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis. I-I was born with an extra
X chromosome which caused me to have a woman's uterus--” Suddenly, JaeJoong threw up on him. The
shocking scene scared YunHo. JaeJoong had just coughed up blood.


The fill of blood spilled all over. It was on YunHo's clothes, on the bed sheets and on the floor. YunHo
pressed the nurse's button continuously and called out for help, “Nurse! Nurse!!”

In seconds, a nurse had come in.

“What happened, sir?”

“H-He threw up suddenly! He threw up blood! I-I don't...”

“I'll get Doctor Choi...” she ran out and called for him. YunHo held JaeJoong in his arms and patted his
head, “Everything's fine, JaeJoongie. I will take care of you---”

JaeJoong's sudden burst made YunHo fear more than ever. He was more scared than his first bike ride
with no training wheels. YunHo only cared for one thing, and that was for JaeJoong's health.

Doctor SiWon had come in and pushed YunHo aside. He checked JaeJoong's abdomen first and made a
early diagnosis, “This is bad. Take him to the E.R, stat!”

“E.R?!” YunHo yelled. With both hands, he grabbed the doctor by the collar and asked him, “What is
bad?! Why are you taking him there!?”

Doctor SiWon had taken YunHo's hands and brought them off of his collar and told him calmly, “We're
taking him to the E.R because of maybe food poisoning or may be concerning his MGD...”

“MGD...” YunHo repeated. Doctor SiWon waved his hand, telling the nurses to take JaeJoong to the E.R.
Doctor SiWon assured him, “We will take care of Kim JaeJoong-ssi. We will do out best...”

“His name is Jung JaeJoong...”


“I changed his name in the directory!! He's Jung JaeJoong!!” YunHo emphasized on the Jung.

“Okay...We will care for Jung JaeJoong-ssi.”

He ran out the door and YunHo was left alone. He dropped to the couch and was in complete disbelief.

“JaeJoongie...Please be alright...”


Doctor SiWon opened the door and wheeled in a sleeping JaeJoong back inside. It had been 6 hours since
YunHo had last seen his gorgeous husband. He had done nothing but worry sick for him. When he saw
JaeJoong sleeping soundly, he jumped from the sofa and ran to his side. The bed was set back to the wall
and YunHo immediately took JaeJoong's hand, “Oh, JaeJoong...I'm so glad you're alright...” He caressed
his cheek and kept in his memory his beautiful face once more.

“Jung YunHo-ssi, we need to talk...” Doctor SiWon gestured him to outside the room. When they closed
the door behind him, YunHo looked curious, “What is it, doctor? Is JaeJoong going to be okay?”

“Yes. He'll be perfectly fine now. He's been treated for his food poisoning.”

“That's a relief...”

“But, we found something quite...interesting...”

“Huh? Interesting?”

“Yes. Kim---I mean, Jung pregnant.”

YunHo's eyes widened. The doctor was telling a joke, right? YunHo could be dense at times but he would
never fall for such a sick game.

“Ha-a! Good one, Doctor Choi...”

“I'm serious, Jung YunHo-ssi...JaeJoong-ssi is pregnant. With the urine samples he's been giving us, we
found pheromones which indicate he is pregnant. He is exactly 4 weeks pregnant today...”

“You...aren't're serious?”

“One-hundred percent.”

YunHo took his time to process what had just happened. Hours ago, he found out that JaeJoong was
diagnosed with MGD since birth. Then, the doctor was telling him that his husband was 1-month

“This isn't just another hidden camera show, is it?”

“If you don't believe it, I have the results of the test right here...” He held out the folder and YunHo didn't
hesitate to swipe it off the doctor's hand and read its content.


Full name: Jung Kim JaeJoong Sex: Male
Birth date: 1990, January 26 Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 177cm Weight: 50Kg
--- RESULTS --
Pregnancy [+]: positive

YunHo read and re-read everything. He kept attention to the words 'pregnancy' and 'positive'. He pieced
the puzzle and finally concluded, “ pregnant...”

“That's right,” responded Doctor SiWon.

“If...JaeJoong is pregnant...then that makes me the...”

“We're guessing you are the one who impregnated him! Congratulations, Jung YunHo-ssi!” YunHo
received a congratulatory slap on the arm. Doctor SiWon walked away, leaving the still frozen YunHo.

No matter how ridiculous it sounded, coming from a husband of a man, it didn't seem impossible.
JaeJoong had MGD, so it was possible for him to be pregnant. Yet, the news came to YunHo a bit too
soon. The same day he found out about the MGD was the same day he found out he was going to be a
father. That day was definitely YunHo's day, whether it is good or bad.

“One, Two, Three”
JaeJoong's eyelashes batted as his eyes slowly opened. His eyes reacted harshly from the sun's rays
through the hospital room's glass window. His hand covered his eyes and as his vision had cleared
enough, he looked around the room.


Where was YunHo? Had he gone to the bathroom? That had not happened since the past 2 weeks he had
been in the hospital. He'd always see a sleeping YunHo or an energetic YunHo preparing his breakfast.
Why did it feel so cold and empty at that moment?

JaeJoong just shrugged the worry away and rested his head back on his pillow.

He sighed, thinking of the great joy he would be having with his husband after he's released from the
hospital. The romantic late night dinners, the sweet cuddling afterwards and the amazing, hot sex as
dessert. The fantasizing made JaeJoong blush like a baby's cheek. If YunHo were there, he'd kiss away the
redness and leave kisses of saliva on...areas. JaeJoong giggled.

The nurse knocked 3 times consecutively. JaeJoong allowed entrance.

“Good morning, Jung JaeJoong-ssi. Wake up good today?” she asked as she brought in JaeJoong's tray of
new food.

“Yes, Nurse YooNa,” he answered.

She smiled, “That's good. Well, this is your new tray of food. It's specially made for you. No cholesterol,
for it's all vegetables and fruits. No gelatin cups because of the suggestion of Doctor SiWon.”

“Thank you...”

“If you could please hold out your arm. We'll need to inject you one last time...”

“Sure,” JaeJoong rolled up his sleeve and noticed he was wearing YunHo's checkered purple sweater. He
stared at the sleeve for a period of time, surprised by the sudden change of clothing when he last
remembered he was in a hospital robe.

“Jung JaeJoong-ssi, I need to inject the last vaccine before--”

“Nurse YooNa, why am I in this sweater?”

“Oh, Jung YunHo-ssi put it on you yesterday before he left...”


The Nurse, at the same time, prepared JaeJoong's arm for the injection as she replied to JaeJoong.

“Yes, he left.”

“But today isn't Saturday. He was supposed to leave Saturday morning...”

“Yesterday was Saturday, Jung JaeJoong-ssi.”

“Huh? W-What do you mean?”

“Today is Sunday. You've been asleep for 3 days...luckily you didn't go into a coma--”

“3 days!?”

“Jung JaeJoong-ssi, please don't yell. You need to rest.” The nurse fixed JaeJoong's head and fluffed his
pillow and spread his blanket.

“Are you alright now, Jung JaeJoong-ssi?”

“...not fully but better, I guess...”

“That's good to hear. Well, I will insert the needle now,” she said as she applied disinfectant on his arm.
JaeJoong nodded, signaling the 'go' to her. She poked in the needle and JaeJoong bit his lip. It felt like a
mosquito bite, a really deep mosquito bite. The nurse removed the needle and covered the wound with a
cotton ball then band aid.

“The last injection is done. Your minor pneumonia will subside by later this afternoon. We will check up
on you for your ultrasound.”

“Yeah, sure...”

The nurse left the room, leaving JaeJoong in a state of self-reflection.

Why did YunHo leave? Why couldn't he wait for JaeJoong? Was his job that important?

'Is his job more important than me?...'

Although JaeJoong could think of other reasons, that reason was the only plausible one he had in mind.

'Does he think I'm a freak?'

That was another possible reason.

'YunHo must've run away from when I told him of my MGD. I knew it! He'd never truly love a freak!'

JaeJoong beat himself even more. He could only think of such bad things.

The feeling of regret, disappointment and anger-- What else could JaeJoong feel? At that moment, he
wanted to crush something—anything. His hormones rose from underneath his innocent exterior. Why
would YunHo just leave him?

Then, JaeJoong's stomach wasn't being entirely friendly to him.

“Urrgh...I don't feel like eating now...”

He hid under the blanket and slept the morning away. He wanted YunHo, but at the same time, he didn't
want YunHo. Did that make sense? Nope—only JaeJoong can answer.


JunSu mopped the floor of the ramyun shop. No customers were in that hour. Business was going down
drastically. The global economic crisis was hitting every small shop in the area. It wouldn't be long before
YooChun's shop would go under as well.


“Hm? What is it Susu?” asked YooChun as he looked up from his papers.

“I was wondering...”

YooChun raised an eyebrow at him. What did his young boyfriend want from him? “What do you want,

“I was thinking...that maybe...”

YooChun was getting impatient, “--maybe what? JunSu, I don't have all morning to hear what---”

“I want us to go abroad!”

“What!? I-Isn't it a bit too early for us to go on a trip together!? I mean...I love you, JunSu but---won't this
be like as if we're...a married couple?”

“So? I want us to go on a trip! I don't care, take me to Bangkok or Hong Kong! Singapore even...I just
want us to go sight-seeing.”

YooChun stood from his office chair and walked up to JunSu. He placed his hands on either side of
JunSu's shoulders, “Susu, we don't have the money. The shop is going down because of the economic
crisis going on...try to understand that we can't travel...”

JunSu looked at him with saddened eyes. He pouted his lips—the lips YooChun cannot resist. “J-JunSu-
yah, d-don't look at me like that. You know I can't resist you when you---”

However, JunSu kept his face the same, puppy dog eyes with protruded lips. How could YooChun resist
such a gorgeous boy? YooChun pressed his lips against the already plump mouth of JunSu. Their kiss
deepened, pushing their bodies to the wall. YooChun slipped his hand under JunSu's uniform. They

released their lips to catch breath. YooChun started to suck on his lover's neck, JunSu suddenly realizing
their situation, “Chunnie...n-not here...”

“Why not here? I want you we'll just do it here...”

YooChun carried JunSu by the legs. He wrapped his legs around YooChun's waist as he supported him
by holding him by his duck butt. JunSu placed his arms around YooChun's shoulders and he was laid
back on the desk. JunSu's legs were spread widely apart.

YooChun advanced on him, leaving trails of saliva around his face as he kissed him. JunSu was already
panting from the excitement.

“Chunnie...are you sure...this is okay...?”

“You're my boyfriend and I can fuck you wherever I like...”

“Language, Chunnie!”

“What? Don't you like it when I talk dirty, sexy? I could just rip your uniform off and lick every part of

“Chunnie...” JunSu moaned, “ to me more...”

YooChun continued to kiss JunSu all around as he unbuttoned his uniform. He said dirty words at the
same time, “You've been bad, JunSu...”


“You haven't been obeying me, you naughty boy...”

“Oh, YooChun...”

YooChun finished unbuttoning him and forcefully pulled the uniform shirt off of JunSu. “Susu, you need
to be punished for not following your boss...”

“Punish me! Oh, Gawd, do me, Chunnie!”

YooChun bent down and started to nibble on JunSu's nipple. He sucked it, leaving a mark around the
area. YooChun raised his head and kissed JunSu's chin.

“Does my baby want to play?”

“No! Punish me, YooChun! Punish me good!”

“Baby, I will do more than just that...”

“Oh My Buddha! What the hell are you guys doing!?!?!”

YooChun turned his head; JunSu raised his upper body to see where the foreign voice came from. They
both widened their eyes to see ChangMin at the door, with a guest by his side.


ChangMin and Doctor SiWon sat on the counter as they waited for their orders to come out. “Could you
care to explain what you guys were doing?” asked ChangMin, raising his brow at his hyung.

“W-Well, JunSu and I were...uhm...”

“Can't you explain a bit clearer so that SiWon-ssi and I can understand?”

YooChun eyed the doctor, who was simply giggling. YooChun could only give a death glare towards his
dongsaeng, “I-It's none of your business! JunSu and I were just going through role-play...”

“It looked like foreplay, YooChun-hyung...”

“Darn you, ChangMin!” YooChun lifted his arm with a balled fist at the end. JunSu grabbed the arm
before it could be swung, “Chunnie, don't. It's not worth it. He just caught us and it's not as if we're
keeping our relationship a secret are we?”

YooChun could only calm himself and bring his arm down. He exhaled and fled the room. JunSu brought
out the tray of ramyun bowls and set it before his two customers.

“There you go, ChangMin...Doctor Choi...”

“You can just call me SiWon. Outside the hospital, I'm just a regular guy...”

“Oh, okay. I'm glad to see you out of the hospital SiWon-ssi.”

“It's nice to be out once-in-a-while---” JunSu smiled and left with the tray. ChangMin went on with the

“What motivated you to be a doctor, SiWon-ssi?” ChangMin asked curiously.

“Well, the fact that I receive thank you's and see the smiling faces of the patients when they get cured. I
really love to take care of people...”

“That's really wonderful, SiWon-ssi...”

“Yeah, it is. What about you? What got you into day care?”

“Well, I knew that I wouldn't be able to enter university because of my grades but it didn't mean I didn't
want a future. I've always loved kids and I wanted to put up my own day care. My friend had their own
day care and I decided to help out. The same as you, I love to take care of people and receive their thank

“It's a great feeling, isn't it? The appreciation and the smiles are all so beautiful...”


SiWon took ChangMin's hand and laced his fingers with his own. ChangMin was stunned, “Uuh...”

“Thank you, ChangMin-ssi...”

“Huh? F-For what?”

“For letting me meet you. I've never met anyone as great as you...”

“I'm not that gre--” He was cut by a kiss. A kiss that tasted like sweet cherries. The scent of candy. SiWon
must've been around kids during his shift the other day. When SiWon pulled away, he stared into
ChangMin's eyes and gave him a sly smile, leaving ChangMin a bit puzzled. It was the boy's first
had been taken. ChangMin touched the area his mouth met with SiWon's and rubbed it gently. That was
the feeling of someone else's lips with yours.

“How was it?”

“Huh?” ChangMin was dazed.

“That was your first kiss, wasn't it?"


“So, how was I?”

“On a scale of 1 to 10...” ChangMin gave it hard thought.

“I'm a 10, right? I know I'm that goo--”


“7!?! W-Why?!”

“You took me by surprise and I hate surprises...”

“I-I have a lot to learn, don't I?”

“Yeah...” ChangMin pulled SiWon by the collar and planted one on him. SiWon was then the one
stunned to his wits.

“Those two will get mushy, won't they, Chunnie?” JunSu asked his boss.

“Yeah...but it'll take them forever to reach the final stage of the relationship.”

“Final stage? What stage are we in then?” JunSu questioned.

“Susu, we're already way ahead of them. Don't worry,” YooChun pecked him and JunSu turned rosy red.
YooChun pinched his cheeks, “You get red so easily, Susu...”

“It's your fault!”



JaeJoong was on his feet, looking out the window. His hand was pressed against the glass, his other hand
gripping onto his painful stomach. Tears started to flow down from his cheeks. He watched a plane take-
off from the airport and could only think of YunHo.

YunHo had left him alone. JaeJoong missed him yet didn't want to see YunHo. The unexplainable feeling
that can be called torture at that moment.

“When's the doctor coming!? Argh!” JaeJoong was to swing and hit his abdomen until a 3rd hand gripped
his wrist and prevented him from doing so. JaeJoong turned and realized that the 3rd hand belonged to—

“Miss me, JaeJoongie? Why are you crying?” YunHo held JaeJoong's face with his large hands and wiped
off the tears with his thumbs, “Don't cry, Boo. You look better when you smile. Smile for me,

JaeJoong pushed his hands away, “Why should I smile!? You left me and—and—“

“I'm right here, Boo...I came back from Japan...”

“Why did you come back?! You should've stayed there!”

“I came back for you, Boo. I left so that I could explain to them personally about my partner being in the
hospital and needs extra care. They understood and said that they will provide for us a nice apartment to
live in with our child...”

“Wow, that's---wait, what?”


“Did you just say 'our child'?”

“Y-Yes. Why? Don't you know that you're pregnant?”

“I'm pregnant?!?”

“Apparently you don't know...”

JaeJoong was breathing in and out, holding onto his chest and his other hand on his stomach. YunHo
placed his arm around JaeJoong's body, rubbing up and down, “Calm down, JaeJoongie...there's nothing
to worry...”

“How the hell do you know there's nothing to worry when you're not the one being called 'pregnant!'”

“JaeJoongie, your hormones are acting up...”

“What hormones!?! I've got no hormones!! I'm perfectly ---” JaeJoong then threw up on the floor.

“Aigoo! JaeJoongie, your morning sickness. Why is it in the afternoon?”

“It's not morning sickness! I'm not pregnant and I know that I'm not...”

“Your emotions are out everywhere and you're throwing up—those are the symptoms of pregnancy,

“No, it's not!”

Doctor SiWon knocked and entered. He gave a bright smile, which was the result from his special date
with ChangMin, “How's the patient today?”

“He's just had morning sickness, Doctor SiWon,” said YunHo, rubbing JaeJoong's' back.

“It's not morning sickness! I'm not pregnant!”

“Actually, Jung JaeJoong-ssi, you are pregnant."


The Doctor squirted out an amount of gel around JaeJoong's abdomen. YunHo sat right beside the
horizontally laid JaeJoong, holding onto his hand tightly.

The Doctor turned on the sonogram and placed the transducer on the gelled area. He moved it around,
searching for the uterus. He stopped and paused the screen. He pointed at it, “There's your baby...”

YunHo was amazed. He could see a tiny speck but he knew it was definitely the baby, his baby, he and
JaeJoong's baby.

“JaeJoongie, isn't it exciting? It's our baby!”

JaeJoong sniffled in his running nose.

“JaeJoongie, are you okay?”

JaeJoong covered his mouth as his eyes started to get teary again, “I-It's our baby...our baby...”

“JaeJoongie...” YunHo bent over and kissed JaeJoong's forehead.

“Oh, I forgot to turn on the sound,” the Doctor said. He flipped the switch and what he heard was mind-
boggling. His mouth was gaped and YunHo tilted his head to question, “Doctor, is something the

“ hear the heartbeat of your baby?”

“Yes! It's just wonderful to hear!”

“Do you hear two?”

“Uhm, yes. Isn't the second one JaeJoong's?”

“No, Jung YunHo-ssi. The second one is coming from the second baby...”


JaeJoong only stayed silent. Mouth still covered by his own hand. He listened to the doctor. Doctor
SiWon continued, “You have two babies...”

“Huh? T-Twins!?!”

The Doctor moved the transducer to another area of the uterus. He was dumbfounded and filled with

“You don't just have two, Jung YunHo-ssi...”

“W-What do you mean?”

“The multiple heartbeats...are coming from three babies”

“WHAT!?” both JaeJoong and YunHo yelled in unison.

That was not to be expected.

“Triple your love”
Inside the hospital room, a frantic woman began to yell out loud, “What!? I'm getting grandchildren!?”
shouted Mrs. Kim as she was being held down by her husband, sitting beside her. Sitting on the other
couch were YunHo's parents. YunHo and JaeJoong tried their best to explain the medical situation.

YunHo started, “Mom, calm down, please...”

Mrs. Kim cooled herself down and breathed deeply.

“ JaeJoong is diagnosed with Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis?”

“Yes,” answered YunHo. JaeJoong nodded along.

“With that, JaeJoong got pregnant...”

“It appears so, Mom.”

Mrs. Kim stood up from her seat and smacked YunHo on the head, “Did you take away my son's flower
without getting married first?!”

YunHo rubbed his head, JaeJoong did too. That smack was uncalled for, “Mom, why'd you do that to

“He took away your virginity without getting married first! Don't you think it's disgraceful!?”

“Mom, we technically married ourselves...” JaeJoong secretly referred to he and YunHo's romantic
moment at the back of the silver Lexus.

“Huh?” Mrs. Kim raised a brow, confused at his statement. Mr. Kim, Mr. & Mrs. Jung just sat there wide-
eyed and baffled. The scene looked like a comedy show—a really badly written comedy show.

“Can we skip the shocking news and tell us right to the part where you announce something of
grandchildren...” said Mrs. Jung. YunHo nodded and let his mother-in-law sit back down on her seat.

“It's like this, we just heard yesterday that JaeJoong is miraculously pregnant with triplets. We're very
lucky...and I know I'll be able to take care of JaeJoong when he goes with me to Japan.”

“We approve greatly, YunHo,” said Mr. Jung.

“Thanks, Dad.”

“When are you leaving?” asked Mr. Kim. JaeJoong replied, “In 3 days.”

“What about your Pneumonia, dear?” questioned JaeJoong's worrying mother. JaeJoong replied, “My
Pneumonia has already subsided. I'm fine now. I am healthy and can travel. Don't worry so much, Mom.
I married the right man...” He looked at his husband with much loving eyes. The parents could only
smile at how sweet their sons were to each other.

Mrs. Kim looked at her husband, “Dear, how many grandkids will we have after JaeJoong gives birth?”

“Hmm...I think we'll have a total of 25 grandchildren. Maya and Sunny are both pregnant and will
probably give birth at the same time as JaeJoong...”

“You're so good, dear!”

“Haha...I know.”


2 Days until flight---

“I can't believe it!” said JunSu. YooChun's jaw hung open when YunHo and JaeJoong announced the
unbelievable news.

“You guys can't be serious! JaeJoong is pregnant with three babies?!? Not one but three!?!” exclaimed the
extremely puzzled ChangMin.

“Yes. My JaeJoong-ah is pregnant with my babies.” JaeJoong giggled at YunHo's emphasis on the 'my'.

“That is just too cool. I'm happy for you two,” YooChun congratulated as he gave the two playful slaps
on the arms.

“Thanks, YooChun-hyung”

“No problem, JaeJoong,” yet YooChun received a powerful punch on the shoulder from JunSu, “Yah!
Why did you punch me!?”

“Why do you think it's cool?! It's weird that a guy can get pregnant!”

“Don't you call my JaeJoongie 'weird'!” YunHo stood up from his seat and raised his fist, threatening to
hit JunSu. YooChun immediately blocked JunSu from YunHo's range, “Don't you dare hit my JunSu!”

The two gave each other death glares.

JaeJoong peeped over YunHo's shoulder, JunSu peeped over YooChun's shoulder. JunSu mouthed the
words, 'I'm sorry,' while JaeJoong mouthed, 'It's fine.'


“You're leaving in 2 days?” asked JunSu. JaeJoong and YunHo nodded as an answer. JunSu looked sad,
knowing his hyung would be leaving so soon.

“Don't be so glum, JunSu. I will come back eventually,” consoled JaeJoong. JunSu looked ever so gloomy.
JunSu turned to YooChun and took hold of his sleeve, “I want to go to Japan! Take me there, please!”

“We talked about this before, Susu...we don't have the money. The shop might close down...”

“Huh? The shop might close down?” JaeJoong questioned.

“Yeah. The economic crisis is really taking a toll on the shops around my street.”

“Hey, YooChun-ssi,” called out YunHo. YooChun responded, “Yes, YunHo-ssi?”

“You're a graduate of culinary arts, right?”

“Uhm...yeah, why?”

“Well, Arashi Corporation is currently looking for a chef to cook the company meals. They may also need
an extra hand to deliver the trays to all floors.”

“What? They need a chef?” YooChun's eyes beamed with excitement.

“Yeah, they need a chef and an extra hand for delivery. I'll contact my company partner and tell them I've
found the right people.” YunHo took out his cell phone and dialed in the numbers to his company.

“Woah! Thanks, YunHo-ssi!” YooChun turned to JunSu, “Susu, this means we can go travel like you

“Really?! Aaaah!!” JunSu shrieked to his joy.

Everyone were all smiles except for ChangMin. Was ChangMin going to be left alone? All of his friends
were to leave for Japan as he stayed there. JaeJoong noticed ChangMin's slumped head. JaeJoong walked
up to him, “What's wrong ChangMin-ah?”

“Everyone is leaving...except for me. I'm going to be here...alone...”


“Okay! It's been done! YooChun and JunSu will get their plane tickets tomorrow and will leave a day
after us,” said YunHo. YooChun and JunSu clapped to their enjoyment. ChangMin still looked down.

“ChangMin-ah, do you want to come with us? YunHo can probably pay for your plane fare as well,”
JaeJoong explained. ChangMin shook his head, “No thanks. I'll be fine here. Besides, I have a boyfriend
that will take care of me...”

“Huh? Boyfriend?” JaeJoong was clueless.

“Yeah. I'm dating Choi SiWon-ssi.”

“Choi mean the Doctor? Doctor Choi SiWon?!”

“Mhmm. That's him!”

“Wow! I'm so happy for you, ChangMin-ah! You're so lucky to date a doctor...if only I dated a doctor...”

YunHo overheard JaeJoong's comment, “Ya! JaeJoongie, you don't mean it do you?” he looked at his
husband with puppy dog eyes. JaeJoong smiled and kissed him, “Don't worry your small face, Yunnie.
I'm happy to have married you and not someone else.” YunHo grinned a bit wider and hugged JaeJoong.

Each person had found a certain happiness.


1 Day until flight---

JaeJoong was finally released from the hospital. Doctor SiWon promised to not reveal any details of his
MGD and pregnancy. The Jung couple were grateful and knew the doctor was a good choice for

YunHo and JaeJoong had arrived to the Kim House. JaeJoong had to pack his clothes before heading off
to YunHo's house for his set of clothes.

JaeJoong rummaged through his drawers to get all of his clothes. YunHo parked the car and went inside
moments later. Nobody was home. Mr. And Mrs. Kim were out doing errands.

YunHo went inside JaeJoong's room. It remained the same as he last saw the room weeks before. He saw
JaeJoong trying to reach for a box which was placed on the highest shelf. YunHo ran to his side,
“JaeJoongie, don't! Let me do it...” YunHo stretched his arms and reached for the box, got it and set it
down. He received a deep kiss from JaeJoong.

“I love that you can be useful sometimes...” said JaeJoong.

“Hey! Why only sometimes!?!”

“'re useful for other things...Can you please lock the door?”

“Oh, sure.” YunHo closed it and locked it, as his husband told him to, “Why do you want the door to be--

JaeJoong advanced on him and pushed him against the wall. JaeJoong arms were around YunHo's neck,
pulling his head to his lips. YunHo wrapped his arms around JaeJoong's tiny waist and carried him.
JaeJoong spooned his legs on YunHo's waist. YunHo walked to the bed and JaeJoong fell backwards.

Their making out lasted for a minute until they both had to gasp for breath.

“What's gotten into you, JaeJoongie? ”

“You looked so hot and sexy getting the box for me...I can't help but be horny for you, Yunnie...”

“Darn it, JaeJoongie...your sex talk drives me crazy...”

“You drive me crazy for making me hot for you, Yunnie--” YunHo pressed his lips against his husband's.
YunHo stripped off his shirt, showing off his abs.

“Oh, I've never really noticed how ripped you really are, Yunnie...”

YunHo bent down and left a pathway of kisses down JaeJoong's forehead to cheek to neck. He
unbuttoned JaeJoong's polo, slowly exposing JaeJoong's snow white skin. He caressed his younger lover's
body, resulting to pleasuring moans, “Oh, Yunnie...your touch...makes me hard...”

“You make me hard just by saying my name, JaeJoongie...”

“Yunnie. Yunnie! Oh, Yunnie...”

“JaeJoongie...don''re going to make me want to jump on you...”

“Yunnie! Take me, Yunnie! Give it to me, Yunnie!!”

“Oh, JaeJoongie!”

YunHo didn't hesitate to unbuckle JaeJoong's belt and unzip his pants. Together with the underwear,
JaeJoong's hard member was uncovered. It was beautiful, YunHo thought. YunHo knelt down and
cupped the sex. YunHo licked JaeJoong's tip with his tongue, saliva dipped.


YunHo swallowed his lover's member whole and bobbed his head. “Yunnie, you'
good...urrnn...faster, Yunnie! Faster!”

YunHo followed his husband's command and bobbed faster. The speed accelerated and JaeJoong reached
his climax in no time. JaeJoong released his fill and YunHo gulped in his seed.

“You're so tasty, JaeJoongie...” YunHo told him as he was unzipping his own pants.

“Yunnie...I want you...inside...” JaeJoong panted. YunHo pulled down his underwear alongside his pants.
His member was throbbing to invade JaeJoong.

“Do you have lube, baby?” asked YunHo. JaeJoong pointed to the drawer, “There's some in the top
drawer. Get the strawberry one!”

YunHo jumped off the bed and got the lubricant. He spread some of the pink liquid onto his fingers. He
walked back to his naked lover and spread his legs wide. “I'll finger you now, Boo...I'll make sure we
don't harm our babies...”


YunHo entered the first finger, JaeJoong flinched. It stung and his face showed it. YunHo fingered
enough and entered the second finger. The scissoring commenced and JaeJoong's face kept changing
expression. A pleasurable look then a look of complete torture. Yet, JaeJoong didn't want to stop. He
loved every minute of it.

“JaeJoongie...I'll put in the third finger...”


“Huh? What, JaeJoongie...”

“I want you! Come inside me!! I want your cock in me!!”

“JaeJoongie, you're not fully prepared...I need to add the third...”

“I'll take the risk...I just can't bear not having you in me now!”

'His hormones must be acting up again...' YunHo thought. JaeJoong shouted, “It's not my hormones! Just
fuck me now!”

“Woah...did you read my mind?”

“I don't know! Just fuck me good, Yunnie...”

YunHo had to follow his order or else he may get a bad beating from his husband later on. He removed
his fingers and entered his cock's tip. JaeJoong held onto YunHo as he prepared for what was to come
inside of him. “Come in, Yunnie...”

YunHo pushed his member inside, JaeJoong's hole stretched. The pain was hard to ignore but he loved it.
Damn, JaeJoong loved it. The horny, 1-month pregnant 18-year old yearned for more.

“Come in, more, feel so good...” JaeJoong was sweating profusely. YunHo was panting as
his hips thrusted. The thrusts came one after another, giving JaeJoong the ride of his life.

“Augh! Ugh!”

They were reaching the cliff of their spill. YunHo cupped JaeJoong's cock and rubbed it in line with his
thrusts. They were in the most perfect harmony. It was not later that YunHo spilled inside JaeJoong and
JaeJoong followed suit.

The two tired bodies laid beside each other, hands laced lovingly. A bunch of kisses shared. YunHo had
JaeJoong under his arm, the other arm was closely circling JaeJoong's abdomen.

“Those are my babies in my baby~” YunHo joked.

“You and your jokes. You're so weird, Yunnie...”

“But, you still love me, don't you?”

“Of course I do, idiot!”

“Hey! Don't call me that!”

“Okay, sorry, Yunnie. You know I love you~” They shared a simple peck on the lips. YunHo caressed his
darling's face, “I know you do...and I love you so much.”


Day of flight---

The entire Kim clan came to say good-bye to JaeJoong and YunHo. Mr. and Mrs. Kim were there with
their eight daughters and eight son-in-laws. The children were all at home being taken care of by their
eight nannies but JaeJoong had already said goodbye to his 20 nieces and nephews.

JaeJoong hugged all of his sisters and shook hands with his brother-in-laws. YunHo bowed to all of them.
JaeJoong kissed his mother and hugged his father. The tears flowed from everyone's eyes.

Mr. and Mrs. Jung arrived just before YunHo and JaeJoong were about to go through airport security.
The couple ran to their son and son-in-law. They gave both of them a tight hug, nearly suffocating them
both. Sweet family kisses were shared and it was time for YunHo and JaeJoong to leave.

They waved goodbye to their large family. They went through security and then baggage check and all.

A new adventure---to begin in Japan.

“The First Half”
YunHo and JaeJoong arrived in Japan. When they left the gate, YunHo held JaeJoong close to him.
Although there were many locals and foreigners that found their intimate hand-holding and kissing a tad
awkward and uncomfortable, JaeJoong and YunHo didn’t care. They’d express their love in any way they
pleased. They didn’t have to explain to anyone else.

YunHo pushed their cart, the cart which held their luggage, as JaeJoong had his bag hanging over his

They left the airport gates after passing through security one last time. YunHo noticed a sign written in
Korean, 중윤호 & 재중 (Jung YunHo & JaeJoong)

“Hey, that sign has our name, Yunnie,” said JaeJoong. YunHo nodded to his husband and walked toward
the woman holding the sign. They were in front of her and they all bowed as a sign of respect.

“I am Hamano Ayumu. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she greeted.

Of course, JaeJoong had no idea to what she had just said. However, with YunHo with him, that wouldn’t
be a problem.

“It’s nice to meet you, too. I’m Jung YunHo. This here is JaeJoong,” greeted back YunHo.

“どうぞ宜しく, ジェジュンさん,”
“It’s a pleasure, JaeJoong-san,” the woman faced JaeJoong and bowed as she said this. JaeJoong still had
no clue but he bowed in spite of his lack of Japanese knowledge.

“すみません, 浜野さんでもジェジュンは日本語をわかりませんですよう,”
“I’m sorry, Hamano-san but JaeJoong doesn’t understand Japanese,” explained YunHo. Hamano Ayumu
giggled and nodded, “Is that so? Ha ha. I guess I should just speak in Korean.”

JaeJoong was taken aback by the sudden fluent Korean that came from Hamano-san. YunHo was just

“I’m sorry. I guess I should’ve spoken in Korean instead of baffling your friend there.”

“He’s not my friend.” YunHo corrected, “He’s my husband.”

“Oh. I didn’t know Korea allowed such a custom.”

“Now they have,” at the same time YunHo wrapped his arm around JaeJoong’s thin waist. JaeJoong
blushed red as his head laid low.

“Well, I think it’s time for you to see the apartment Arashi Corporation has provided for you. It might be
a bit too small but I know it will suit you both.”

They entered the van, along with two other men who looked like bodyguards, loaded their luggage and
drove off to the said apartment.

In half an hour, they had arrived to a tall building. At a distance, it looked like a hotel, in JaeJoong’s
opinion. They got out of the van and were amazed at the building when they were up close. It had up to
10 floors and the covered paint was a golden color with a splash of white and silver.

Hamano Ayumu got off the driver’s seat. She gestured them inside, “How about I show you your
apartment. I’m sure your bodyguards will get your bags for you.” After she said that, it confirmed
YunHo and JaeJoong’s first opinion of the two men.

The lady searched for the apartment keys in her purse. When she found the keys, she slipped it in the
lock and turned the door knob as she heard a click. She slightly pushed the door and flipped the light
switch as her hand was already through the door.

JaeJoong was the first to go in and his jaw dropped. His eyes looked around the apartment and it was no
where near being a bit too small. It was vast and gorgeous. YunHo came in after JaeJoong, whose jaw was
still hanging open. YunHo pushed JaeJoong’s chin to a close and checked the apartment as well. This
time, YunHo’s jaw dropped as well. JaeJoong closed it for him.

“Hamano-san, this is amazing! It’s not small at all!”

“It isn’t? This is actually the smallest apartment here.”

“It is?!” YunHo shouted. JaeJoong’s knees weakened and he fell into YunHo’s arms. They were both so
blown over by the apartment.

YunHo had JaeJoong tightly wrapped in his arms as they walked around. They passed the living room
that had a wide screen TV on the wall. Next, they went through the sliding door that led them to the
silver shining kitchen. All accounted for from the breakfast nook to dining table to kitchen appliances. It
was JaeJoong’s fantasy kitchen and YunHo knew that JaeJoong was ecstatic.

They went through the hallway and there were six doors, three on either side. One was for the guest
bathroom and the second door was for the guest bedroom. YunHo and JaeJoong decided that it would be
YooChun and JunSu’s room when they come the next day. The third door was the office room, obviously
for YunHo’s work in Arashi Corp.

Next were the other three doors. The first door was, again, a bathroom but twice the size of the first one.
It was declared their master’s bathroom. Next to the master’s bathroom was the master’s bedroom. It had
a king-sized bed and one large closet. There was a door that led its way to the bathroom and another to
the room they were to look at next. They looked at the room beside them and noticed it wasn’t furnished.
It was a nicely lit room with a window that had a lovely view of a children’s park.

“JaeJoongie…are you thinking what I’m thinking?” YunHo whispered in his ear. JaeJoong gave it hard
thought and caught on to what YunHo was trying to say, “Yeah…I think I am.”

That empty room was going to be the triplets’ room. The size was large enough to fit 3 cribs, 1 diaper
changing station and other boxes. It was perfect for them. They just needed a paint job for the white wall
but that could be done by them sooner or later.

Hamano Ayumu gave them their set of keys and went on her way to her other scheduled activity. YunHo
and JaeJoong bowed to her as thanks. The door was shut and the Jung couple was left alone in their new
and huge apartment.


The next morning, YooChun and JunSu were ready to board their plane. They had been in the airport for
more than an hour and YooChun grew impatient by the minute.

“Is the plane stuck in traffic or something!?” YooChun complained.

JunSu slapped him on the arm, “Stop whining! The plane will come. You have no control.”

“Psh…” YooChun leaned in to JunSu’s ear, “…I have no control over my love for you though, Susu…”

JunSu blushed. He whispered back, “W-What are you trying to do? Stop speaking dirty talk to me!”

“But I’m not dirty talking. Unless you want me to, sexy,” YooChun said as he softly bit JunSu’s ear lobe.
JunSu nudged him off, “Y-Yah…Chunnie, don’t…”

“Later…after the seatbelt sign turns off, I will meet you at the lavatory. I can’t control myself. You’ll have
to help me…”

JunSu looked down with his eyes and he noticed YooChun covering his pants with his bag. JunSu
whispered, “That’s not…what I think it is, is it?”

“You’ll have to help me later, Susu…”

JunSu’s eyes widened. YooChun had no control—and that was true.


JaeJoong’s 2nd month--

The two couples lived life as an ordinary one. JaeJoong would wake up at five in the morning to start
breakfast; soon enough JunSu would help in preparing YooChun’s meal.

At six in the morning, the food would have been fully cooked and JaeJoong and JunSu would go wake up
their lovers from their sleep.

Their methods of waking up were different. JaeJoong would kiss YunHo on the lips and YunHo’s eyes
would pop open. A sweet greeting of good morning would be shared mutually. They’d be locked in an
embrace and YunHo would give JaeJoong his daily dose of baby kisses on his stomach. YunHo had not
failed in kissing his babies a good morning as well. JaeJoong would always smile brightly whenever
YunHo whispered 'I love you' to their kids.

JunSu would shake YooChun awake. He had no sincerity toward the grumpy and not-so-into-mornings
YooChun. He’d jump on the bed or pinch YooChun’s cheek just to get the older man to wake up. If all
else failed, he’d scream like the dolphin he was.

They all ate breakfast. It would be another regular work day. They’d share stories of the previous night
and some conversation would be too uncomfortable for the pairs.

YooChun, YunHo and JunSu would then get ready for work.

Lucky for YooChun, most of the kitchen staff knew how to speak Korean and others English. He had no
worries about conversing and learning about the building. In return, YooChun was also learning

However, JunSu had the hardest time getting to know the people. He had no experience in Japanese and
neither did the staff. Fortunate for him, he made a friend that knew how to speak Korean and Japanese.

YunHo’s job was not the simplest. He had to go to at least two meetings a day. Never in the day did he
forget to think about JaeJoong and his babies. He only waited for the hour when it was time to go home
and have dinner with his husband and friends.


JaeJoong’s 3rd month—

JaeJoong had finally finished his first trimester. His abdomen had grown a bump. It was not noticeable
through his large sweater but soon enough, it would be hard for him to go out and buy groceries.

In the morning, instead of JaeJoong making breakfast, YunHo obliged to the chore. He prepared all of
JaeJoong’s cravings from strawberry pancakes to blueberry waffles.

Of course, YunHo had to experience JaeJoong’s mix of emotions and tantrums. JaeJoong was three
months pregnant after all.

Although JaeJoong found his bump ugly, YunHo thought it was miraculous and beautiful. JaeJoong
doubted him. YunHo could only prove to JaeJoong by one action.

JaeJoong saddled over YunHo and moved his body up and down. He rode YunHo like there was no
tomorrow. The sensual feel of their bodies connected, JaeJoong could only groan in the painful pleasure
he missed since the two months of celibacy. YunHo enjoyed the service he was getting. He rubbed
JaeJoong’s abdomen with one hand. The bump was soft and not hideous as JaeJoong said it was. YunHo
would never think of JaeJoong as ugly. Why would he think that of his own husband?

They reached their climax as YunHo thrust upward into his lover.

“Oh, Gawd, Yunnie!”


JaeJoong spilled his seed all over YunHo’s chest as YunHo released in his lover’s tight hole. Their
breathing evened as they cuddled in each other’s arms. YunHo kissed his 18-year old husband’s

He then spoke, “You are the most gorgeous being on the planet, JaeJoongie. Never call yourself ugly,
okay? Remember that our children are inside you and everything you’re doing is a miracle. You’ve been
keeping our children safe since we’ve arrived. You never did anything dangerous because you thought of
them. You’re perfect the way you are, JaeJoongie, and I know our children will learn that as time passes.”


Their lips pressed against one another again. Their tongues danced around and they went through a
second round.


JaeJoong’s 4th month—

YunHo had finally found a good doctor to check on JaeJoong’s progress on the
pregnancy. The Doctor was recommended by Doctor Choi SiWon. His name was Lee SeonHo, a Korean
doctor that migrated to Japan.

They received some odd stares and glances from the women in the office but JaeJoong didn’t mind them.
He only cared for his triplets and he knew that carrying three babies would be thrice as difficult. Yet, his
case was so unique, what would be the end result of the children’s birth?

JaeJoong had his ultrasound when they went to his office. YunHo and JaeJoong had anticipated this day.
This was the day they would find out what gender each baby was.

YunHo had always wanted a daughter. JaeJoong had always wanted a son. The doctor checked the
monitor and noted down each baby.

“Would you like to find out the gender of baby A?”

“Yes, please!” JaeJoong joyfully answered. The doctor giggled and responded, “It’s a boy.”

“It’s a boy! Yunnie, it’s a boy!”

“I heard him, JaeJoongie. Ha-ha.”

“Would you like to know, now, the gender of baby B?” asked the doctor. They nodded and the doctor
responded, “It’s a girl.”

“It’s a girl? I-I will finally get a daughter?” YunHo jumped in glee.

“Calm down, Yunnie.”

“Ha-ha. Sorry, JaeJoongie…”

“Finally, the gender of baby C,” the doctor paused a while, “It’s a boy.”

For no reason, JaeJoong started to tear up. He was overwhelmed. His babies’ hearts were beating at a
good rate and he even found out their genders. He was having two boys and one girl; two handsome
sons and a beautiful daughter. His and YunHo’s blood combined to make these three marvels. It was
such gladness to treasure forever.

JaeJoong’s 5th month—

YunHo contacted the family over-seas. The announcement of his triplets’ genders was a buzz in the Kim
and Jung household. There was nothing but the sound of glorious soon-to-be grandparents, aunts, uncles
and cousins through the other line of the phone.

“Have you picked out the names for your children, YunHo?” asked Mrs. Kim.

“Ha-ha. Sorry, mom, but we haven’t chosen any potential names yet. We’ll figure out what to call them
when JaeJoongie is in his 6th month.”

“That is only a month away, dear! Let me talk to JaeJoong. He probably has a bunch of names picked

“He’s asleep right now, mom. YooChun and JunSu are on a date.”

“What a pity. Well, call me again when JaeJoong wakes up. I want to talk about baby names! There is no
way I’m letting you call my grandchildren weird names like the ones I see in the tabloids”

“Ha-ha. Don’t worry, mom. We’re not that desperate.”

“I’ll talk to you soon, dear.”

“You too, mom.”

They both hung up the phone.

YunHo didn’t tell JaeJoong yet but he had a name picked out for his daughter. The name he had wished
to call his daughter ever since he was a kid. He wondered if JaeJoong would accept the name whole-
heartedly. Was it a good name? He sighed thinking the answer would be no. In that case, it’s only fair if
they chose a name they both liked.

That is, after all, the promise between a married couple. If they agree, let it be; If they disagree, let it go.

Yet, in YunHo’s mind, he wished JaeJoong could accept the name.

‘I hope he likes the name I want for our daughter…’

“The Second Half”
JaeJoong’s 6th month—

It was the end of JaeJoong’s second trimester and he always glowed under the rays of the sun. His skin
was silky smooth and he could only brighten up YunHo’s hectic day of work.

His abdomen grew as time passed and YunHo thought it was amazing.

YunHo kissed JaeJoong’s abdomen everyday. There was never a time when he didn’t kiss his husband
and unborn children. Sometimes, JunSu would get jealous from the attention JaeJoong was getting.

“Yah! YooChun, why don’t you treat me like that?” JunSu whined.

“Don’t I treat you like that every night, Susu?”

“You treat me more like a sex toy instead of a boyfriend!”

“Ssh, Susu. Not in front of the kids!” YooChun pointed to JaeJoong’s pregnant stomach.

JunSu rolled his eyes and fled the living room. YooChun chased after his boyfriend while YunHo paid
close attention to his gorgeous husband and belly.

JaeJoong rolled up his shirt so YunHo could lay his ear on it. YunHo circled JaeJoong’s abdomen and
called out to their children, “Babies, it’s Appa. Can you hear me?”

No response. Only the sound of their heartbeats could be heard.

“Of course they won’t answer, you idiot.”

“C’mon. They can kick in response or something!” while YunHo said that he felt a kick from one of the

“JaeJoongie, one of the kids kicked!”

“I know! It’s probably our baby A. He kicks the most out of them all.”

“I bet he’ll be a great soccer player!” JaeJoong nodded in agreement.


“What is it, Yunnie? Did the kids say something to you?” JaeJoong joked. YunHo lifted his head and
pulled down JaeJoong’s shirt. He responded, “No, not that. I want to ask something.”

“What, baby?”

“Do you have any names picked out? We haven’t really talked about names since we’ve gotten here.”

JaeJoong rubbed his chin and knew YunHo was right. They hadn’t talked about possible names yet.

“Okay then! How about we talk about it now?”

“Let’s start with our boys?”

“I’ve always wanted to name my babies MoonBin and SungWoong!”

“Wow. I guess you’ve thought about it yourself, huh?”

“Are they bad names? Should I pick something else?”

“No! I love the names. I think those are the perfect names, Boo…”

“You really think so?”

“Yeah, I know so.”

JaeJoong happily kissed YunHo as a reward for his approval of the names.

“So, what about our baby girl?” asked YunHo.

“I…haven’t really thought about girl names.”

“Uhm…Boo, I have a name.”

“What is it, baby?”

“I’ve always wanted to name my daughter this since I was a kid. I hope you like the name…” there was a
short pause. YunHo hesitated a bit.

“Yunnie, go on and tell me…”

“May we name our girl, JiYool?”


“We don’t have to call her that! I mean, we can pick out a name la—“

“I love it. I love it, Yunnie” JaeJoong cupped YunHo’s cheeks, forcing YunHo’s eyes to connect with his.
“Yunnie, I would love to call our girl JiYool. JiYool is a beautiful name…” they shared another passionate
kiss. Their sweet tongues danced around in each other’s mouth. They pulled back to catch breath. They
gazed into one another’s eyes. JaeJoong spoke first, “I love you, Yunnie”

“I love you so much, JaeJoongie…”

JaeJoong laid down flat and rested his head on YunHo’s lap. YunHo caressed JaeJoong’s cheeks to nose.
He ran his fingers through JaeJoong’s hair as JaeJoong started falling asleep.

Unknowingly, YooChun and JunSu watched them from the corner of the hallway.

“Aww…they’re so sweet,” said JunSu. YooChun pouted, “Hey, I can be sweet, too!”

“You’re only rough around the edges! You have no idea what romance is, Chunnie.”

“Are you complaining that our relationship should be more like JaeJoong and YunHo-ssi’s? It should be
mushy and candy-like?”

“No…but it’s good to have a nice cuddling session once-in-a-while.”

“But we do cuddle, Susu!”

“Rubbing my back then my ass after sex isn’t cuddling, Chunnie…”

“Your ass is just too irresistible! I can’t help it!” YooChun spooned JunSu in his arms but JunSu pulled
himself out of the hug. JunSu glared at his older boyfriend before fleeing to their bedroom. The door
slammed on YooChun’s face, “Yah! Susu, open the door! I’m sorry, okay!? JunSu-ah, forgive me!!”

JaeJoong’s 7th month—

YunHo asked Doctor Lee for a house call. JaeJoong wanted to visit the doctor but he didn’t want to
expose himself to the public.

JaeJoong had been feeling a bit of pain for the past few days. YunHo worried for JaeJoong’s mood swings
would change at the strangest of times. An example of such, YunHo came home from work and he found
JaeJoong crying in the living room. YunHo ran to his side and asked what the matter was and JaeJoong’s
response was that it was because YunHo left without eating his food. When YunHo apologized, JaeJoong
stopped crying and began to laugh in happiness. Those kinds of mood swings scared YunHo. Yet, YunHo
had to face it and it was only for 2 more months.

Doctor Lee arrived with his portable sonogram and examined JaeJoong.

“Everything seems to fine here. There are no complications in the womb,” said the doctor. YunHo
clapped his hands in relief, “That’s good!”

“But, can you tell me why I feel sudden pain? I’m not due ‘til two months from now…”

“It’s probably false contraction, Jung JaeJoong-ssi. It’s perfectly normal.”

“I hope you’re right,” JaeJoong said as he placed his hands over his exposed belly.

“There’s no need to worry. I will come back next month for another check-up. After that, the next time I
will see you will be when you deliver your triplets.”

“We got it. Thank you, Doctor Lee,” YunHo bowed to him as he showed him out the apartment.

“See, JaeJoongie. Doctor Lee said there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah…I can’t wait until the three babies come out. I can’t take the pain…”

“Does your back hurt?”

“Uhuh…Can you massage my back, please, Yunnie?”

“Of course, Boo.”

JaeJoong sat comfortably on the couch as YunHo sat behind him. YunHo pressed his hand down
JaeJoong’s spine, putting pressure on the areas JaeJoong pinpointed were painful. JaeJoong moaned in the
relieving massage and it somewhat turned YunHo on.

“Urrn…Yunnie…harder, please…”

YunHo gulped his saliva as he followed JaeJoong’s words. He lowered his fingers and JaeJoong moaned
again, “Ooh…Yunnie…you’re so good. More…”

YunHo pressed down harder but leaned in to kiss the back of JaeJoong’s neck. JaeJoong was startled by
the sudden tickle from YunHo’s lips, “Y-Yunnie, what are you doing?”

“I’m sorry, JaeJoongie. Your moans are just…turning me on…”

JaeJoong turned his head, “Can’t you resist?”

YunHo kissed JaeJoong’s pouting lips and when he pulled back he whispered, “I can never resist you,

YunHo then trailed kisses down the back of JaeJoong’s neck and JaeJoong couldn’t stop him. When
YunHo was craving it, JaeJoong had to give it. YunHo stretched his arms and wrapped them around
JaeJoong’s pregnant belly.

Suddenly, YunHo felt a kick. He ceased his kissing, “JaeJoongie, our babies are kicking again!”

“Omo! It’s not just MoonBin but JiYool is kicking too!”

“Do you think they’re having a competition in there?”

“I guess they are. Ha-ha. But, why isn’t SungWoongie kicking? I wonder if he’ll be as rowdy as his

“It doesn’t matter. We’ll love them equally, right, BooJae?”

“Right, baby,” and the two continued on with their make-out session.


JaeJoong’s 8th month—

YunHo was out at work and JunSu was out buying groceries for the apartment. YooChun was left to take
care of JaeJoong. Yet, YooChun was planning something while JunSu was away.

“JaeJoong, I need to ask…” YooChun said as he walked up to the busy cooking JaeJoong

“What’s the matter, YooChun-hyung?”

“I was wondering if you happened to know JunSu’s ring size.”

“Sorry, I don’t—wait…JunSu’s ring size? YooChun-hyung, a-are you—“

“Ssh! I don’t want anyone else to know! I’m proposing to him next month...”

“Wow! Congratulations! You totally have my blessing, Hyung!”

“Thanks, JaeJoong. I got to find out JunSu’s—“

YooChun was cut by JunSu's sudden entrance, “You have to find out my what?”

“Ah! S-Susu! You’re home early! Ahehehe…” YooChun awkwardly laughed.

“You have seriously gone wacko, Chunnie,” JunSu just ignored him and put down the grocery bags,
“Here you go, JaeJoong-hyung. I got the ingredients you asked for.”

“Thank you, JunSu. By the way, what’s the size of your ring finger?”

YooChun turned around, shocked by JaeJoong’s blunt action. However, JunSu answered honestly, “The
last time I checked it was roughly
size 6…”

“Oooh. Okay…” JaeJoong nodded to YooChun.

“Why are you asking, hyung?”

“No reason. Just curious,” JaeJoong beamed slyly before turning back to continue chopping his
vegetables. JunSu scratched his head but shrugged it off as he went to his room.

JaeJoong’s 8th month, 3rd week—

JaeJoong woke up to the morning sun. He sat up slowly and got out of bed. He put on his robe and
turned on the lamp. Before he took hold of the doorknob, he caught a glance of his handsome husband.
He smiled widely was he watched YunHo snore into dreamland. But then, JaeJoong felt a sudden

“Ah…” the pain subsided, “Probably just another false contraction.”

JaeJoong stared at YunHo a bit more and after a minute, another contraction.

“Ah…another one? Aish…”

JaeJoong breathed in deeply. He still believed it to be a false contraction. He opened the door and went
his way to the kitchen. However, his womb contracted again. That time it felt hard to bear.

“Yunnie! Yunnie!” JaeJoong did his best to balance his legs as the ache in his stomach took control of his

“Yunnie, wake up, darn it!”

YunHo’s eyes popped open and he noticed JaeJoong’s side of the bed empty.


“Jung YunHo, get the hell out of bed and help me! I’m going into frigging labor!”


YunHo jumped out of bed and ran to the corridor. He found a shaky JaeJoong leaning on the side of the

“JaeJoongie, are you alright?”

“Of course I’m not alright! It hurts! It f’ing hurts!”

“Sit down on the couch…” YunHo put his arm around JaeJoong’s hip and helped JaeJoong walk to the
couch. He laid him down and told him to breathe in and out like they saw on the DVD Lamaze classes.

YunHo banged YooChun and JunSu’s bedroom door.

“YooChun-ssi! JunSu-ssi! JaeJoong is going into labor! Wake up!”

The door flew open and JunSu ran to JaeJoong’s side, “Hyung, are you okay? Is the pain worsening?”

“I need…to get to the hospital…now!”

YooChun ran to the living room, “I’ll call for the ambulance.”

“I’ll get our bag,” YunHo sprang to the bedroom to bring out JaeJoong’s labor luggage, which they had
prepared since the second month of JaeJoong’s pregnancy. He grabbed a couple of his own shirts and a
change of underwear. He packed it and went back to JaeJoong’s side.

“I called the ambulance! They’re on their way!”

“Good job, YooChun. Please grab the bag and keys! JunSu, help me get JaeJoong to the front entrance.”


They all worked as a team. Although JaeJoong kept screaming in their ears that he was experiencing
death and misery, they focused on getting him down calmly.

They arrived at the hospital on time. The front desk nurse called for Doctor Lee and he came in a flash.
They sat JaeJoong down on the wheelchair and wheeled him into the O.R. for the c-section. The doctor
advised YooChun and JunSu to wait in the waiting area whilst he asked YunHo to accompany him.

They followed as ordered and YunHo ran to JaeJoong.


JaeJoong was exposed to anesthetic. He was laid on the operating table while YunHo stayed beside his
head. He brushed his hair with his fingers over and over. Even though JaeJoong was unconscious due to
the anesthesia, he still whispered words of luck, “You’ll do great, JaeJoong-ah. Our babies will be healthy
and when you wake up, you will see their beautiful faces. I know you will get out of this.”

“Nurse, scalpel please,” Doctor Lee commanded.

“Yes, doctor,” the nurse handed him the scalpel. The doctor began, “We’ll begin the c-section.” The belly
had the anti-bacterial liquid spread and was finally cut JaeJoong’s abdomen.

An hour later, the first baby was out.

“It’s a boy!” the doctor called out. “Jung YunHo-ssi, if you could cut the cord…”

YunHo stood from his position and took the scissors. He cut the cord and reacted, “Whoa…spongy…”

The baby cried loudly. YunHo named him, “MoonBin, why so noisy?”

The baby was handed to the nurse for cleaning and weighing.

“You’ll have to cut the cord another two times, Jung YunHo-ssi.”

YunHo nodded to the doctor.

Another few minutes passed, as YunHo watched the doctor work his magic, the doctor brought out the
second baby. “It’s a girl!”

“JiYool! It’s my JiYool! JaeJoong-ah, it’s our JiYool!”

YunHo cut the cord again and the baby was given to the nurse.

Lastly, another few minutes and the third baby came into the world. The symphonic cries of the three
babies were miraculous, wonderful and everything amazing. YunHo cut the baby’s cord and called him,
“Hi, SungWoong. It’s Appa…”


JaeJoong woke up and found himself in the recovery room. His vision was blurry but it cleared slowly.
He turned his head and saw YunHo.


“JaeJoong-ah, you’re finally awake. We’ve been waiting for you…”

JaeJoong looked down from YunHo’s head to his chest and found a sleeping baby cradled in YunHo’s

“MoonBin?” JaeJoong guessed. Surprisingly, JaeJoong got it right.

“Wow. You really are a good mother. He is our MoonBin. I’ll give him to you…” YunHo stood from the
chair and laid MoonBin softly on top of JaeJoong’s chest. JaeJoong spooned his son and kissed the
sleeping baby’s forehead, “Hello, MoonBin. Have a good sleep? It’s your Umma…” JaeJoong sang

YooChun and JunSu appeared from the sidelines, holding onto the second and third baby of the set.
YooChun carried SungWoong while JunSu carried JiYool. The babies were sound asleep.

“The babies are so adorable! I want to have my own…” JunSu said. YunHo and JaeJoong giggled at him.

“I’m sorry, Susu,” apologized YooChun.

“Why are you sorry?”

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t born with Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis like JaeJoong. I won’t be able to give you
any children…”

“Ha-ha. Idiot! You don’t have to be sorry about that…”

“Well, I’m sorry for one thing…”

“What is it?”

“YunHo can you take SungWoong and JiYool?” asked YooChun. YunHo nodded and took the babies off
of their hands. YunHo had SungWoong on his left and JiYool on his right. He was getting used to the
double handling. He felt as if he had achieved something. However, YooChun wished to achieve
something great.

YooChun walked towards JunSu and never left contact with JunSu’s dark brown pupils. YooChun
cupped the back of JunSu’s head and moved his thumb up and down. “I love you so much, JunSu-ah…I
can’t wish to spend the rest of my life with anyone else but you.”


“That’s why, if you don’t mind me asking…” YooChun knelt on one knee and brought out a silver box,
“Will you marry me, Kim JunSu? I’m sorry I couldn’t ask earlier…”

JunSu bent down and kissed YooChun. The answer was—“Yes yes yes! One hundred percent yes!” They
stayed in a deep embrace while YunHo was beside his husband and three children.

Would this be an ending? No.

More so, it is only the beginning.

A love story
Reaching the hearts of many,
Responding to one’s desire

A love story that
Never ends and
Gives more
Every chapter speaks and
Delivers an everlasting message

It has been five years since YunHo and JaeJoong first married and the family decided to celebrate their
fifth anniversary with a large party. YunHo’s mother and JaeJoong’s mother have never stopped enjoying
the planning of a huge celebration for their sons. Even though it was not necessary for them to plan such
a simple event, they still went ahead in the arrangement.

The party was dated on their anniversary, February 1, Monday. YunHo thought it was ridiculous of their
parents to send out invitations to everyone in town. Ever since the wasted wedding, he disliked big
parties. He enjoyed intimate family gatherings just the same as any other party. Why did his parents have
to go through the trouble…even after 5 years?

“Mom, I don’t think you need to plan a party. Besides, our anniversary is in 2 days. You can’t decide on
venues and invites so sudden!” said YunHo to his mother and mother-in-law, who were both beside each

“Darling,” began YunHo’s mom, “we want to make your 5th anniversary a special one! We weren’t able
to make a grand wedding but we’ll be sure to make your anniversary a splendid celebration!”

“That’s right,” included JaeJoong’s mom, “Because of the bad incident that happened on your wedding,
we couldn’t give you the white wedding you deserved. Therefore, this Monday, you’ll be renewing your

“What??” JaeJoong and YunHo shouted in unison. They looked at each other then back at their mothers.

“Why? Won’t you be happy that you’ll be renewing your wedding vows? All you have to do is stand on
stage and recite it. It’s going to be simple,” said Mrs. Jung.

“That’s right! So, go and spend your two days preparing for your renewal of vows. We’ll keep the triplets
here. You two have fun!” declared Mrs. Kim.

“Yunnie, do you want to? Let’s spend the 2 days over at the vacation house! So we can…bond…”
JaeJoong looked up at him with lustful eyes and a sneaky grin. YunHo had no control when it came to
JaeJoong’s seduction.

“We’ll be leaving…where are the triplets?” asked YunHo. The two mothers pointed to the children’s
playroom. YunHo and JaeJoong followed the hallway and entered the door at the end of it. They heard
screams and laughter coming from the children. They looked around and saw the kids run around and
play. They smiled and greeted them by name. After 5 years, YunHo was able to remember most of the
Kim children. Still, a name or two would slip out of his mind from time to time. Who could blame him?
With 28 Kim grandchildren—that is not what many would call little.

“MoonBin! JiYool! SungWoong! Where are you?” YunHo shouted

“Binnie! Yoolie! Woongie! Umma and Appa are leaving!” JaeJoong shouted afterwards. After JaeJoong’s
call, the triplets popped out of one of the play pens.

“Umma! Appa!” called out MoonBin. YunHo knelt down and opened his arms wide to catch his running

“Ummaaa!!!!!!! Appaaaaa!!!!!” yelped little JiYool. She ran like the wind and jumped on her mother.
“Umf…Yoolie, you should lay off the sweets next time, okay, baby girl?”

“Yes, Umma!” she said as she kissed him on the cheek.

Yet, shy SungWoong didn’t budge from his spot. YunHo and JaeJoong held onto their son and daughter
respectively and wondered why their youngest wasn’t running after them.

“Woongie, come to mommy…”

SungWoong took a step and another. Finally, he had reached his mother’s arms and JaeJoong hugged

“What’s wrong, baby boy?” questioned YunHo as he carried MoonBin.

“Umma and Appa are leaving…” murmured the young one.

“Wha? Umma and Appa are leaving? How long?” asked the little JiYool.

“We’re coming back in 2 days, babies. We’re just going to spend some quality time alone,” explained
JaeJoong. Their eyes glistened with sadness. Puppy-dog eyes and pouting lips were the only things that
weakened YunHo and JaeJoong’s hearts when it came to their children.

“We will miss you so much…” JaeJoong said as he squished his daughter and youngest son.

“Appa, put me down please. I want to hug Umma!”

“Okay, son…”

YunHo put him down and JaeJoong opened his arms to his triplets. YunHo hovered over his small family
and hugged them as well. JaeJoong was almost teary, so was YunHo.

YunHo carried MoonBin and JiYool out the playroom. JaeJoong carried SungWoong. They decided to
stay until it was their nap time so that they wouldn’t cry so much anymore.

They laid the three angels down on their shared bed.

JaeJoong slipped in JiYool’s favorite stuffed bear, DamBi.

The parents stared at them for God only knew how long. YunHo placed his arm over JaeJoong’s shoulder
and pulled him close. “Aren’t they adorable, JaeJoongie?”

“Yeah…I can’t believe it’s been 5 years. They’ve grown so big…”

“I know. SungWoong looks so much like you.”

“MoonBin looks so much like you.”

“Who does JiYool look more like?”

“She looks like both of us. She has your eyes, she has my lips.”

“And what lovely lips you have, JaeJoongie…” YunHo pecked him by surprise. JaeJoong blushed. It was
amazing how YunHo was still able to make JaeJoong apple red.

They shut the lights and closed the door. They waved goodbye to their mothers and went their way to the
vacation house for a romantic 2-day Jung YunHo and JaeJoong anniversary date.


It was Sunday, a day away until Monday’s party. YooChun and JunSu decided to pay their godchildren a
visit. They wanted to take the triplets of off JaeJoong and YunHo’s mothers’ hands for a while. Besides,
they hadn’t had special quality time with their favorite triplets.

They opened the large mansion door and popped out three familiar faces.

“Uncle YooChun! Uncle JunSu!” exclaimed little MoonBin. YooChun took the little boy in his arms and
greeted him, “Hey, Bin.”

“Hi, Uncle Su! Uncle Chun!” exclaimed JiYool after her brother. JunSu took her in his embrace, “Hey,

SungWoong slowly walked to his uncles and hugged them both.

“Why are you still shy, SungWoong?” asked YooChun.

“I’ve always been like this…” the little boy retorted. JunSu was amused by his answer and gave him a
kiss on the head.

“How about we go to the park today?” suggested JunSu to the three kids. They all smiled and nodded in
response. Then appeared Mrs. Kim at the door, “Oh, hello, YooChun, JunSu. How are you two?”

“We’re doing well, Auntie,” replied JunSu.

“That’s good. You two are celebrating your third wedding anniversary, right?”

“Yes, Auntie.”

“Grandma, Uncles are taking us to the park!” told JiYool. Mrs. Kim bent down and patted her head with
a bright beam on her face. “I know, little one. You three kids have fun. Don’t play too rough, okay?”

“Yes, grandma!” answered the triplets in unison.

They exited the gate and waved goodbye. YooChun strapped in the triplets on their ready and set safety
seats. He shut the door and went his way to the driver’s seat to start the ignition.

They had driven a good ten minutes before they had finally reached their destination.

JunSu and YooChun held hands with the triplets and let them play in the playground. It was complete
with a swing set, slide, see-saw and sandbox. There were other children around, MoonBin and JiYool
didn’t hesitate to start playing with the other boys and girls respectively. However, shy SungWoong
stayed on the swing set. He leaned back and forth for the swing to move. YooChun and JunSu worried
that SungWoong wouldn’t be as sociable as his older siblings.

YooChun and JunSu were sitting on one of the benches that as parallel to the playground.

“Chunnie, I’m kind of concerned for SungWoong.”

YooChun placed his arm over JunSu’s shoulder and pulled him in a tight squeeze. “I know, Susu. Should
we play with him?”

“Maybe that’s—wait. Look, Chunnie!”

YooChun turned his head and saw the triplets together at the swing set. MoonBin was helping JiYool on
the swing and the triplets started talking. They were bonding as brothers and sister.

“Are they…playing together?” asked JunSu curiously. YooChun lips twittered upward, “I guess so.
Wow, they really are close. They don’t want to leave their youngest alone…”

“Those are the best set of triplets ever,” JunSu commented. YooChun could do no less but agree with his

“Why don’t we have our own?”

“Huh…our own what, Chunnie?”

“Our own set of kids. I think it’s the right time for us to have kids…”

“B-But, Chunnie, I-I can’t have kids like JaeJoong can!”

“I didn’t mean biological kids…”

“Then what do you mean?”

“Let’s adopt, JunSu…”

JunSu’s eyes only widened at the words that came from YooChun’s mouth. JunSu wanted children more
than anything in the world. However, one thing swam in his mind, was he ready to be a father?


YunHo hovered over JaeJoong and leaned in for a deep, lustful kiss. His hands wandered everywhere on
JaeJoong’s soft and slim body. A slight peck turned to shares of suspenseful kisses. When YunHo pulled
from their lip lock he growled like a tiger and it turned JaeJoong on.

“Yunnie, you’re such an animal today…and it’s only ten in the morning…”

“No time should be wasted if it’s spent with you, JaeJoongie. You know me; you just make me want to do
things…many things.”

“Oh, do things to me, Yunnie,” JaeJoong moaned. YunHo raised an eyebrow, “You sure, boo? I will be so
rough that you’ll scream my name until your sexy ass gets tight and good…”

“Your dirty talk is just so breath-taking, YunHo! Where do you learn how to make me want you so

“Years of hard work, dedication and,” YunHo pecked him on the lips before continuing, “practice. Days
of practice in the balcony…kitchen…parking lot…”

“Who was the one that suggested all those places?” JaeJoong smirked at him. YunHo chuckled, “Yeah, I
suggested all those but you couldn’t resist, could you?”

JaeJoong wrapped his arms around YunHo’s neck and tugged him for another deep one. After their long
share, JaeJoong was able to mumble, “I can never resist my Yunnie…”

YunHo slipped in his hand in JaeJoong’s pajama shirt. When he found JaeJoong’s nipple, he pinched and
rubbed it until it held erect. He removed the shirt off of JaeJoong and left a trail of saliva from JaeJoong’s
neck down to JaeJoong’s sensitive abdominal area.

YunHo pulled down the garter pajama pants and revealed JaeJoong’s beautiful, hard member. YunHo
licked his lips, craving for the member in his mouth. He looked up at his lover to see if he’d allow and
JaeJoong simply nodded as he waited for YunHo’s cold mouth to cover his cock.

YunHo cupped the member and put in the tip of JaeJoong’s cock in first. He licked a ring of saliva and
bobbed his head as he lowered his head to take in the sex whole.

“Mrrrn…Yunnie…faster! Faster!”

YunHo did and JaeJoong’s reactions were gasps for breath and shouts of desire, “Oh, Gawd, Yunnie!”

JaeJoong released in YunHo’s mouth and YunHo swallowed the milk. He wiped his mouth with the back
of his palm and hovered atop his lover again.

“Am I good or am I good, boo?”

“You’re…so good…”

“Wait until I get inside your tight ass, sexy…”

“Ah, Yunnie!!” JaeJoong playfully slapped him lightly.


“Yaaah! Where are we going? I can’t see a thing, SiWon-ah!” said ChangMin as he kept poking onto
SiWon’s hands that covered his eyes. He was lead somewhere around SiWon’s apartment.

“Trust me, Minnie. You know can trust me, right?”

ChangMin protruded his bottom lip and nodded. SiWon giggled at his young boyfriend and kissed him
on the back of the head before removing his hands.

“Surprise!” he happily declared. ChangMin could not believe his eyes at the laid off meal that was set
before him. It was full breakfast buffet and ChangMin smiled so brightly it almost blinded his boyfriend.

“What’s with this?” ChangMin asked, “Are you okay? It’s not either of our birthdays. It’s not even our
anniversary…so why a big breakfast buffet?”

“Can’t a guy give a special meal for no good reason?”

ChangMin shook his head, “Nope. I need a liable reason.”

“Fine,” SiWon started, “I’ll tell you. But first, take a seat and eat what I cooked for us.”

ChangMin didn’t hesitate to pull out the chair, take his fork, bless his food and begin his chow down.
SiWon found it incredibly cute when ChangMin clapped his hands together and thanked the food like a

ChangMin held out his fork and picked a pancake. He smothered it with butter and syrup and he sliced it
in tiny pieces. He forked one of the pieces and ate it, with a moan of delight as a result.

“Is it good, Minnie?”

“It’s so good!!” ChangMin said as he forked another pancake.

“Wouldn’t it be great to have this kind of meal every morning?”

“Of course! I’d come here everyday for the breakfast!”

“I want you to stop coming back and forth, ChangMin-ah”

ChangMin paused from his eating and stared back. Was that the end? Were they going to break up?
ChangMin thought their relationship was golden and suddenly, a separation?

“W-What do you mean, SiWon-ah?”

“What I mean is…I want you to stop tiring yourself from coming up and down the building. I want you
to move in with me.”

“Eh?” ChangMin pretended to not have heard but he heard it exactly, “What did you say?”

“I said I want you to move in with me. For so long, I have wanted to ask you but I didn’t have the guts. I
thought you’d say no…”

“Why would you think I’d say no?”

“I-I don’t know…”

ChangMin stood up, walked to SiWon, sat on his lap and kissed him. ChangMin put his hands on either
side of SiWon’s cheeks and pulled him deeper. When they had pulled to catch breath, SiWon was wowed
by his younger boyfriend’s blunt act.

“Wow…I-I don’t know what to say, Minnie-ah”

“Well, then don’t say anything. But, what I want you to do is get ready some space in bed…” SiWon
raised his eyebrows. ChangMin continued, “…because someone is moving in with you.”

“Wah? Really, Minnie-ah?!”


They shared another full kiss before SiWon carried his boyfriend bridal style to SiWon’s—no, their



“Yes…Let’s adopt, Susu. More than anything, I’d love to start a family with you. Our restaurant
downtown is doing great and we even have enough for one more…”

“…” JunSu stayed quiet. JunSu would love to start a family but he doubted he’d make a good father. He
feared his children would hate him as he never had a good relationship with his father.

“JunSu, don’t you want kids? I’ve never seen anyone handle the triplets as good as you. I know the
triplets consider you their second father or something.”

“I’m afraid…I don’t think we should have kids…”

“Huh? Why?”

“I might not be a good father. I’m scared…”

YooChun held his hand and gave it a slight squeeze, “I assure you, Susu, that you will be a great father!
You care like no one else can. You provide happiness to everyone you meet.”

“I don’t think I can, Chunnie…”

YooChun poked his nose, “You’re just not confident. I’m sure you will make a great father!”

At the same time, SungWoong swung too high up that he fell to the sand and scraped his chin. YooChun
and JunSu heard a scream, “SungWoong!”

“Isn’t that JiYool? Why is she…SungWoong!” shouted JunSu. In no time, JunSu ran to SungWoong’s side
to carry the little boy to the bench. He sat him down and checked his chin, “SungWoong, does it hurt?”

“A little…”

“I have anti-bacterial ointment in my bag. YooChun, get my bag from the car!”

“Okay…” YooChun ran as fast as he could. He grabbed the back and locked the car and returned to
SungWoong’s aid. JiYool and MoonBin stayed behind JunSu as JunSu rubbed on the ointment on
SungWoong’s scratched chin. He placed the band-aid over it and kissed the little boy, “Are you good
now, Woongie?”

“Yes…thank you, Uncle JunSu”

“You’re welcome. Now, you three play safely. MoonBin, take care of your brother.”

“I will, Uncle Su…” he said as he took his brother by the hand and his sister by the other. YooChun
beamed at JunSu until JunSu noticed him.

“What? Do I have something on my face?”

“The way you take care of the kids…is remarkable, JunSu-ah. You’re more than capable of becoming a
father. You came to SungWoong with no pause or second thought. You care for them so much…I know
you’ll care about our own kids…”

JunSu almost let a tear slide down his face but he rubbed his eyes in prevention. “Let’s adopt,
Chunnie…you’ve convinced me now.”

“Good then…” they shared a sweet peck on the lips and they heard a sneaky ‘oooh’ behind them. The
triplets were giggling and all YooChun and JunSu could do was giggle back and kiss more.


JaeJoong bit his lip as he struggled with the pain from YunHo’s fingering. It was so good and so bad. He
loved it yet hated it. He wanted more and less.

“Yunnie…which finger…is it…now…”

“It’s my third, baby.”

JaeJoong gripped the bars behind his head and held on for dear life. The lube cooled his entrance and
YunHo could only ravish him with immense heat. YunHo removed his fingers and smothered his
member with strawberry lube.

“JaeJoong-ah…I’m going in…"


YunHo entered the tip of his member and JaeJoong already flinched. When YunHo had fully enveloped
inside him, he arched his back to lean for sweet kisses from his husband. They shared constant kisses and
whispered sugared nothings in return. JaeJoong released his grip from the bars to grab hold of YunHo
instead. YunHo thrusted in and out of his lover and groaned JaeJoong’s name loudly,

YunHo took JaeJoong’s neglected cock and masked it in line with his many thrusts.

JaeJoong curled his toes as he was reaching the climax of his orgasm. YunHo sped faster and couldn’t
control his seed from spilling. JaeJoong had released his own milk and YunHo’s thrusts slowed down as
their orgasms rested.

YunHo laid beside his still panting lover and spooned him in his arms.

“I love you, JaeJoong-ah…”

“I love you, too…YunHo-ah…”


Minutes into the party, everyone was having a good time mingling with neighbors and guests. The
children were rowdy and noisy in the playroom. The living room was filled with tables of food, clanging
glasses and conversation.

Mrs. Kim went to the stage stand and announced the entrance of YunHo and JaeJoong, “Please join me in
welcoming our guests of honor. For five years they’ve been married and shall be together for more to
come, please clap for Jung YunHo and Jung JaeJoong!”

The guests all clapped as YunHo and JaeJoong came in handsome suits. JaeJoong wore a white jacket
over a black vest and white shirt. YunHo wore a black jacket with white polo. They wore the same outfits
from their first wedding. They looked so good that other guests were envious.

They went to the microphone and greeted the guests, “Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming on such
short notice. My name is Jung YunHo and beside me is my husband, Jung JaeJoong. I know that we’re
supposed to renew our vows but…we’d rather sing a song for you all.”

Everyone was taken aback. They chose to sing a song instead of formal vows? It was an interesting twist.
The music started, YunHo and JaeJoong held separate microphones. It was a familiar song from the
drama ‘Lovers in Paris’

HANGUK - Moon Ee Yul Ri Ne Yo Geu Dae Ga Deul Uo Jyo

Chu Noon E Nan Nae Sa Ram In Gul Al AJyo
Nae Ap E Da Ga Wa Go Gae Sook Ee Myu
Bi Chin Ul Gool Chung Mal
Noon Ee Boo Shi Ge A Reum Dab Jyo

*Waen Il InJi Na Sul JiGa Anh A Yo

Sul Re Go I Jyo
Nae Mam Eul Mo Doo Ga Jyu Gan Geu Dae

**Jo Shim Seu Rub Ge Yie Gi Hal Rae Yo

Yong Gi Nae Bol Rae Yo
Na O Neul Boo Tu Geu Dae Reul
Sarang Hae Do Dwel Gga Yo
Chu Eum In Gul Yo Boon Myung Han Neu Ggim
Noh Chi Go Ship Ji Anh Jyo
Sarang Ee O Ryu Na Bwa Yo Geu Dae E Ge Neul
Joh Eun Gu ManJeul Gge Yo

repeat *

Cham Manh Eun Ee Byul Cham Manh Eun Noon Mool

Jal Gyun Dyu Nae Gi E
Jom Neuch U Ji Man Geu Dae Reul
Man Na Ge Dwae Na Bwa Yo
Ji Geum Nae Ap E Ahn Eun Saram Eul
Sarang Hae Do Dwel Gga Yo

Eu Gom Gu Ri Ne Ma Mu Ro }
Geu Dae Ye Ge Go Me Gal Gge Yo


Nae Ga Geu Dae Reul.

Sarang Hae Do Dwel Gga Yo

ENGLISH - The door is opening, you come in

I knew at first sight that you were mine
Your face that shone as you came toward me
Is so beautiful it can make me blind

*I don't know why but it's not strange

But my heart is fluttering
You took all of my heart

**I want to tell you carefully

I want to be brave
Can I love you from today?
It's the first time
I don't want to lose this obvious feeling
I think love is going to come
I'll give you only good things


I endured a lot of goodbyes and a lot of tears

So it's a little late, but I think I finally met you
Can I love this person that's sitting in front of me?
I'll confess to you with my pounding heart


Can I love you?


When they had finished, the audience clapped and stood from their seats from the amazing vocals they
had just heard.

JaeJoong and YunHo bowed as thanks and they kissed each other. The crowd continued on clapping and
YunHo whispered in his husband’s ear, “Let’s be like this forever, JaeJoongie”

“I have no objection, Yunnie bear,” JaeJoong whispered back.

Within the crowd were also YooChun and JunSu, happily cuddling and looking through adoption
agencies. ChangMin and SiWon sat beside that couple and SiWon was feeding his young boyfriend.

YunHo and JaeJoong couldn’t be happier. The triplets went on stage and the perfect family portrait was

JaeJoong and YunHo could only be thankful—

—for the marriage that had been Arranged.




Hope you enjoyed the book.


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