Survey Questionnaire

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Title: Impacts of Facebook usage to the academic performance of Grade 12 students
of College of San Benildo-Rizal amidst the online-distance-learning

1. With your first impression, what is the first thing you think about when you
hear the word Facebook? (X)
a. It is fun.
b. It is helpful.
c. It’s full of negativity.
d. Others (Please specify): __________

2. On an average daily basis, how much time do you consume while using
Facebook? (/)
a. 5 mins – 30 mins
b. 30 mins – 1 hour
c. 1 hour – 2 hours
d. 2 hours and above

3. Why do you use Facebook? (/)

a. For entertainment purposes
b. For social purposes
c. For informational purposes
d. All of the above

4. In the midst of the online-distance-learning, how often do you use

Facebook? (/)
a. Always
b. Often
c. Sometimes
d. Seldom
5. At times, how does Facebook help you in your studies? (/)
a. Some reliable pages give me information that contributes to my
b. The ‘Messenger’ application, under the supervision of Facebook,
helps with interacting with my classmates and teachers.
c. I can showcase my extra-curricular or academic talents within the
Facebook community.
d. Others (Please specify): __________

6. How does your answer from no. 4 impact your academic performance?
a. It helps me find the information I need on my studies and that might help
with my grades.
b. It helps me easily communicate with my teachers and my classmates,
thus, easing my workload.
c. It gives me confidence and motivation to do my talents/works extra-
ordinarily well.
d. Others (Please specify): _________

7. At times, how is Facebook a burden to you in your studies? (/)

a. It consumes my time, thus, it makes me unproductive.
b. I experience cyber-bullying since it is frequent nowadays.
c. It is an addictive platform that wastes my time on using it, rather
than using my time on my studies.
d. Others (Please specify): __________

8. How does your answer from no. 6 impact your academic performance?

a. It breaks my working habit and it greatly affects my grades.

b. It affects my mental health and I can’t focus well.
c. It breaks my time management on doing my school works.
d. Others (Please specify): __________
9. What can you do with Facebook to further help you with your studies?

a. By socializing, I may enhance my writing and communication skills.

b. By browsing the news feed, I may learn new and reliable information that
might contribute to my academic achievement.
c. By showcasing my talents, I might boost my confidence and get motivation
to do my work more efficiently.
d. By browsing the web, I might find some career opportunities that I like that
may help me enhance my academic achievement.

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