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Inglés lecto-comprensión - UNQ

Reading guide: Getting started

Look at the photo below. Do you know the logo? What do you thing the
notice communicates?
Read the text below. Then mark the statements TRUE or FALSE. Following,
answer questions and interpret phrases from the text.

McDonald’s to close restaurants in UK and

Ireland on Monday
All McDonald’s restaurants in the UK and the Republic of Ireland will close
by 7pm on Monday to protect the safety of employees and customers, the
company said.

The announcement followed news from other retailers including

Waterstones, Primark and Patisserie Valerie that they would also close. Later
on Sunday Nando’s announced its outlets would also close.

The fast-food company said it had taken the “difficult decision” in a

statement posted to Twitter – adding that stores will close by that time on
Monday “at the latest”.

The decision comes after Boris Johnson called for pubs, clubs and
restaurants to shut on Friday.
The company had already removed all its seating areas but was continuing to
serve takeaway food.

In a statement on Sunday night, UK and Ireland CEO Paul Pomroy said:

“Over the last 24 hours, it has become clear that maintaining safe social
distancing whilst operating busy takeaway and Drive Thru restaurants is
increasingly difficult.

“This is not a decision we are taking lightly, but one made with the wellbeing
and safety of our employees in mind as well as in the best interests of our

“We will work with local community groups to responsibly distribute food
and drink from our restaurants in the coming days.

“Thank you to our brilliant employees for their hard work during this
incredibly challenging time.

“We look forward to seeing you all again as soon as it is safe for us to


¿Verdadero o Falso?

1. La cadena McDonald’s es la única que cerrará desde el lunes 23. __

2. El anuncio fue comunicado vía redes sociales. __

3. La decisión del cierre resulta de una decisión de los directivos exclusivamente. __

4. Resulta incompatible mantener el distanciamiento y el servicio de los restaurantes de

autoservicio. __

5. La decisión del cierre tiene en cuenta el bienestar de los clientes, principalmente.

6. Los grupos comunitarios locales ayudarán a la distribución de alimentos y bebidas.

7. El CEO reconoce el desempeño de los empleados por su compromiso y espera a los clientes
cuando pueda retomarse el servicio de manera segura.

a) ¿Qué palabras aparecen con mayúscula? ¿Por qué? Ejemplifique.

b) ¿Cómo explicaría el uso del apóstrofe en la palabra McDonald’s?
c) ¿Puede reconocer palabras en inglés que se parezcan al español (forma y significado)?
d) Interprete las siguientes frases al español:

the safety of employees and customers

other retailers

its outlets

The fast-food company

the “difficult decision”

its seating areas

In a statement on Sunday night

Take-away orders only

in the best interests of our customers.

for their hard work

this incredibly challenging time.

Your understanding


¿Qué estrategias de lectura has utilizado para comprender el texto?

¿Qué aspectos del inglés crees que has aprendido: léxico, estructuras, aspectos culturales,
por ejemplo?

¿Has empleado algún material de referencia como diccionario o traductor? Justificar.

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