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Across the world, due to the spread of corona virus disease (covid19), children
affected by physical distancing, quarantine and nationwide school closure. At it prepare
for the new normal in education due to the changes brought about by the covid-19
crisis, the department of education (DepEd) underscores the important role of parents
or guardians in making sure that the learning of their children will continue amid
expected discruptions.

Parental involvement refers to a situation where parents are directly involved in the
education of their children , they involved themselves and are involved by the school
and teachers in the learning process of their children, and they fulfil their duties a
parents in making sure that learner is assisted in the process of the learning as much as
they possibly can. It does just not refers to parents inquiring about the performance of
the learner in school, but also them in taking role in communicating with their child the
aim f having a healthy relationship with them, so that the process of encouraging
mentioning, leading and inspiring may be genuine ( Clinton & Hattle , 2013).

Parental involvement is a significant element i education and can also be achieved

through home-based parental involvement ike listening to the child as they read, helping
them completing their homework as well as school based activities ( Hornby and lafaele,

According to nierva (2009) parents involvement in the Philippines is vague because

there is still a need to improved parents involvement practices, especially those
promoting the parents active involvement in the child’s learning at home and in school
mush of the practices of Filipino are brought about by history including the ways parents
race their children. The Philippines are facing different problem that are cause greatly
affects families.
Parents connection capitulate students enhance performance in school thus parents
must ascertain a supportive home environment for their children as learners this study
surveyed the influence of parents. Supported using Epstein’s framework on the different
parenting styles and on its affect on bridging the sap between parents students. And
school routine. It also viewed on parents socioeconomic Status Educational attainment
to verify of there could affects the parental involvement.


This study examined the relationship between parental involvement and academic
performance of grade 12 students at green valley college foundation Inc. It seeks to
answer the following question.

1. what is the demographic profile of parents in terms of:

a. Gender

b. Age

c. Educational attainment

2. what are the academic performance of grade 12 students ?

3. what is the relationship of the level of parental involvement and academic



With the growing concerns of students poor academic performance this study will
help the school and its students development. This will slo elp as an institution to create
a benchmark data regarding the effects of parental involvement in grade 12 student with
local context ad culture in mind.

The presents research intends to determine the parental involvement and academic
performance of grade 12 students.
This study is beneficial to the following

1. Parents

2. Students

3. Teachers

4. School administrators

5. Researcher

6. Future researcher


This study focused on learners who are currently grade12 at Green Valley College
Foundation Inc. Enrolled in GVCF Inc, the research also focused on the amount
parental involvement , and its affect to the academic performance of the learners.


In this research, engagement involvement (as independent variable) academic

performance outstanding very satisfactory, satisfactory, fair poor ( as dependent


For clarity and specifications of meaning the following terms are defined operationally
as used in the study.

1. Parental involvement- Operationally the terms refers to the purpose of this study is a

Combinations of commitment and active participations on the

Part of the parents.

2. Academic performance- Operationally academic performance achievement on

Academic performance is the extent to which a students.


This study investigated the “academic performance” of grade 12 students in Green

Valley College Foundation Inc. School year 2020-2021 of Poblacion Maasim Sarangani

Independent Dependent
Variable Variable

Parental Involvement Academic performance

 Time  bad academic

 communication performance
 Good academic


Chapter II


The covid-19 pandemic raises awareness of lots inquiries that existed before this global
crisis. And schools have moved mountains to ensure students are still receiving assess
to meals and to the devices and connectivity they need to engage in distance learning.
Education researchers have long been interested in the positive effect that parental
involvement may have on the academic achievement of their children (e.g. epstein,
1991; fan of chen, 2021) the perception that parental involvement has positive effects
on students academic achievement has lead to a voluminous body of literature about
parental involvement ( jeynes, 2003 : patall, copper, & robinson,2008 ; hill&tyson,
2009 ).


In the beginning psychologist focused on cognitive construct like memory and problem
ssolving on their first attempt to write on intelligence. This did not last when researchers
begun to challenge this orientation and recognize that there are other non-cognitive
aspects on intelligence. For instance, davidwichsler proposed that the non-intelligence
abilities are essential for predicting ability to succeed in life. Imbrosciano and berlach
(2003) have remarked that success my be review in three main domains. A good
students is often referred to u being intelligence or well behaved, or acadimicallyy
successful, arising from this are questions: are they any connection between these
domains? Is there a strong connection, between intelligence and academic
achievement? Do students with high intelligence behave better? These and many more
questions underscore the important place intelligence has been found to play in
academic success.

Goleman (1995) gave a short of answer to when he asserted that success depends n
several intelligence and on the control o emotion. Specially, he stressed that intelligence
(IQ) is no more the measure of success. According to him intelligence account for only
20% of the total success, and the rest goes emotional ad social intelligence abisamra
(2000) then queried that is this is found o be so, why the teachers don’t begin to teach
its components (i,eemotional intelligence) to students at school? H then concluded that
if emotional intelligence affects students achievement, then it is imperative for school to
integrate it in their curricula and thereby raising the level of students success.

According to salovey and mayer (1990) emotional intelligence is being able to monitor
one’s own and other’s feeling and emotion, to determine among them ad to use this to
guide one’s thinking and actions. Againsalovey and mayer (1993) wrote that an
emotionally intelligent person i skilled is for areas; identifying, using, understanding nd
regulating emotions. Similarly goleman also stressed that emotional intelligence consist
of five components; knowing one’s emotions (self awareness) managing them
motivating ,self , recognizing emotions in others (empathy) and handling relationship. In
recent times therefore , social scientist and educational psychologist are beginning to an
cover the relationship of emotional intelligence to other phenomenon. These are
leadership (ashfort& Humphrey 1995) group performance (William & Stemberg 1988)
academic achievement (abisamra,2000) and policing (aremu 2005).

The foregoing attest to the significance of emotional intelligence to all construct (chool
achievement inclusive). As a matter of fact emotional intelligence (EI) has recently
attracted a lot of interest in the academic literature specially, Finnegan (1998) argued
that school should help students learn the abilities underlying the emotional intelligence.
This he believes could lead to achievement from formal educations years of the child.

In a recent studies conducted by parker, summerfeildt, Hogan and majeski (2002)

they discovered that various emotional and social competences were strong predictions
of academic success similarly, parker ,et al (2003) found emotional intelligence to be
significant predictors of academic success in the same vein, low and nelson (2004)
reported that emotional intelligence skills are key factors in the academic achievement
and test performance of high school and college students respectively.

Parental involvement is the volunteer service of parents at school or at home for the
purpose of improving a child’s education. Parents participations is a critical components
of academic success and social development (mautone et, al 2015; yingqi; 2015) prents
that are active. In their child’s school has shown positive social behaviour, augmented
resources and social networking opportunities (Garbacz et, al, 2015).

Students performance in school is evaluated in a number of ways, for regular grading

students performance their knowledge by taking written and oral tests, carrying out
presentations, completing homework and participating in class activities and
discussions. Teachers evaluate in the form of letter or number grades and offer
comments to describe how well a students as done or back up the specific grade that
was given. Additionally, in a written assignment, the teachers may also offer feedback
and guidance and improving the writing. At the state level, students are evaluated by
their performance on standardized tests geared toward specific aged and based on a
set of achievement students in each age group are expected to meet.

Most parents assumed that their children could not be educated merely on the
school environment and that home environment would have a lasting impact on school
educations. Therefore mny parents recognize the importance of school and home
collaborations in educaton in their children.

Findings of research done on the influence of parental involvement in the academic

performance of the children shows that there is a significant relationship between the
parental involvement and the students performance of the children
(yaseenzaman,rasheed, 2017 , ambachew , amare and geleta, 2018 simweleba&serpell
2020) however, parents active involvement is more influential with students
performance than the other socioeconomic factors, while parental involvement is
important at every grade level , it is critical at the secondary school stage because
parents of young adolescents have a tendency to become less actively involved in their
children’s reach upper secondary stage in their educations. (oates 2017).

Moreover, the existing researchers have revealed the importance of parental

involvement towards students performance. Mutodi and ngirandi (2014) argues these
parental involvement construct, that is parenting, parents –teachers communication and
home and family support were found to be positively related to performance. Studies
conclude that the home and family support is the most significant factors that determine
a learner’s performance.

The consistent fidings of the parental involvement construct sets difficult to arrive an
any general conclusions. Some research studies revealed a positive relationship
between parental involvement and students academic achievement ( Bernard 2004;
Christenson et al , 1992; singh t al , 1995 ) an others reported on measurable to
negative effects of parental involvement on students academic achievement (kieth at
el , 1986; Tokac&kacyoruk 2012).

According to Purificion C, Alicia (2018) and orhan-ozen (2017) parenting style ha a

positive effects on studentsperformance jeynes (2010) indicated that parenting style is
an important component of parental involvement because it helped to produced a
positive home life for the child. The home-to school relationship is significant because it
can expand and redefined the whole concept of parental involvement (seginer and
mahajana 2018) Xu, Dai, Liu, An Deng (2018) examined how children at near
adolescent age perceived parental psychological control and autonomy based on their
parenting style towards academic achievement, study carried out in Bhutan (Rabgay,
2015 ) found that there were differences in students academic performance due to
differences in parenting style. It revealed that , out of the three parenting style namely
authoritative authoritarian and permissive, found that authoritative parenting results in
better students academic performance compared to students whose parents had an
authoritarian and permissive style of parenting. In the same way, Uma and Manikandam
2014) noted that parents style play significant role in determining the level of academic
performance among adolescents. Thus, it is essential that parents should be equipped
with appropriate knowledge and skills so that they can provide better guidance for their
adolescents positive development especially in academic aspects.


The attitude of students are important to be understood toward in their school and
learning , learning can be affected by different factors (candeias, Rebelo and oliveira
2008). Honour students ( wolfenshenbrger , 2004). The attitudes of students toward
their school and learning is dependent on their school, school level , age and parents
( Candeias , Robelo , Olivirea , and Mendes 2010). Students who are in low in their self-
esteem but higher independent level with other are students are related to their
academic score for instance with directly affects their academic performance (janssen
2014). Students who bold neutral and positive one’s are less verbal than the students
who bold negative attitudes , because their attitude can affects in academic
achievement (Schau 2005). It is good for the students to developed for their positive
mental attitudes while they are still in the early years of college for them to be ready to
broaden their responsibility and maturity and to be more confident and independent
(Laguador , 2013). The attitudes of the students towards learning in mathematics can
improve the students achievement (Khun- inkree, omar- fauzee and Othman 2016). The
attitude of the students have a strong impact in their learning towards in academic
performance (Cahill Mc, Daniel Frey Hynes Recipe, Zhao, And Trousil, 2018) Academic
achievement is predicted by attitude in learning ( Veresva and Mala 2016)
The cognitive variable of teachers are the most important than any other, because it can
it can predict the academic performance of the students to think critically (Fehintola ,
2014). Perseverance is one of the attitude that considered a strength of courage that
reflects to the academic performance of a students. (Litmanovadia and lavy , 2015).
Motivation , tenacity, trustworthiness , and perseverance are some of the attitude that
can lead the students to success (heckman and robinstien 2001). Character has an
effect in grades in interpersonal charactereristics (ken and bowling III ) time
management is one of the attitudes that is proven variable of success (Renzuli 2015).
Even though effort is the related to the attitude of students, it is still fails to be an
important in predicting the academic achievement of the students. (Li 2012) avoidance
to trouble is associated to high academic scores (Bowen, Hopson, Rose, and Glennie
2012). Those students who care likely to gain understanding are the students who talk
informally to the faculty members. (Komarraju, Musulkin, bhatacharrya 2010). Motivated
or less motivated students can still gain high grade point average (janssen and O brien
2014). The students who are high achievers are the students who have positive study
attitude (Sarwar, basher, and alam 2010).

The academic performance success depends only in cognitive aspects s well as the
emotional abilities (Nasir, Masrur, 2010). teachers who are passionate can influence the
performance of the students ( Mart, 2013). The relationship of the students towards on
their peers, families, and teachers can affects their achievement on their academic
performance (Murray Harvey, 2010). The instructor’s positive reinforcement can affet
their attitude towards their study habits (Rhoads and deHann 2013). Students expects
for their future as manifested in their positively increased views (Twenge and Camphell ,
2008). Health conscious students adapt using strategies which lessen stressed
(Hamaideh , 2011). Environmental forces conflict with freedom and self-determination
(Lefcourt, 2014). The positive and negative feedback of the participants can affects the
evaluations of the students towards in their academic performance (Guenthur and alicke
2007). Students who are actively and positively thinking are less lonely students which
may directly correlation with students performance (Wang .chen , chen, li, harari, tignor,
zhou, ben-zeev and camphell 2014).

Therefore students disusses the method utilized by the researcher, the design ,
respondents , environment , procedure/ data gathering, instrument, sampling design
and size and data analysis procedur\
Chapter III


In this chapter, we discuss the research design area of the study population sample of
the population sampling technique and instrument for data collection validation of the
questionnaire administrative of the instrument and method of data analysis.

Research Design

. Parental involvement and academic performance in grade 12

Students at Green Valley College Foundation Inc

What are the demographic

profile of the parents in terms of:
Poblacion ,
1.1 Age 40 to 50 years old
Maasim , Sar
1.2 Gender (Female, Male)


What is parental involvement English

and academic performance?
Gathering Parents

How parents spend the time

With their children?

What are the effects of parental Statistical

involvement? Tool



Poblacion, Maasim ,Sarangani,Province, is the location of the parents of senior high
school students, Green Valley College Foundation Inc. In this school researcher
administered the questionair to the parents in Poblacion.


The respondents of the study are the parents of the students in Green Valley College
Foundation Inc. The place has 10 respondents.

This study used the slovens’ formula to determine to numbers of respondents.

N= ___N_____ where n = number of respondents

1 + Ne2 e = constant variable
N = total population

Place Total population Percentage Number of

respondents needed of respondents

10 100% 10
10 100% 10

Table: Distribution of Respondents in Poblacion


The researcher use the systematic random sampling technique the researcher
select ten (10) respondents randomly, the researcher use the following formula to
determine the sampling Interval.

1 = _____N______ where / = Sampling Interval

(Number needed

Validation of the instrument

The researcher asked for the permission of authorities in validating the test tool
for the researcher. They were Ma’am Ann Jhy G. Gimena and Ma’am Helen Sabellano
the validator encountered some problem with the test tool, and the some revision were

Data gathering procedure

With regards of data gathering , the researcher asked permission from the
researcher 2 adviser of SHS-grade12 Green Valley College Foundation Inc. Ma’am Ann
Jhy G. Gemina then he Researcher sent a letter of permission to the parents.

The time approved was granted, the researcher distributed the set of
questionnaire to the 10 selected parents in Poblacion , Maasim , Sarangani Province.


This chapter includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation

of data gathered in the study.

Figure 2.1 Self-learning module and activities checked by the parents

Figure 2.1 Presents the parents checked the self-learning module and

activities of their children. Among 10 respondents, 30% said always, 20%

said frequently, 50% said sometimes and no one responds never.

Figure 2.2 Parents help in answering LSM and activities

Figure 2.2 Presents the parents help in answering LSM and activities.

Among the 10 respondents, 10% said always, 30% said frequently, 60%

said sometimes and no one responds never.

Figure 2.3 Parents spend the time with their children to follow up

their module.

Figure 2.3 Presents the parents spend the time with their children to follow

up their module. Among the 10 respondents, 10% said always, 70% said

frequently, 20% said sometimes and no one responds never.

Figure 2.4 Parents help their child in stablishing good study habits.

Figure 2.4 Presents the parents help their child in stablishing good study

habits. Among the 10 respondents, 80% said always, no one responds

frequently, 30% said sometimes and no one responds never.

Figure 2.5 Parents provide their children’s material needs.

Figure 2.5 Presents the parents provide their children’s material needs.

Among the 10 respondents, 60% said always, 20% said frequently, 20%

said sometimes and no one responds never.

Figure 2.6 Parents communicate child’s teacher to follow up their

class performance.

Figure 2.6 Presents the parents communicate child’s teacher to follow up

their class performance. Among the 10 respondents, 20% said always,

10% said frequently, 70% said sometimes and no one responds never.
Figure 2.7 Parents participate school activities to support their child.

Figure 2.7 Presents the parents participate school activities to support

their child. Among the 10 respondents, 20% said always, 50% said

frequently 30% said sometimes and no one responds never.

Figure 2.8 Parents attend school meeting and PTA meeting.

Figure 2.8 Presents the parents attend school meeting and PTA meeting.

Among the 10 respondents, 70% said always, 30% said frequently, 10%

said sometimes and no one responds never.

Figure 2.9 Parents allow their child to participate the school activity.

Figure 2.9 Presents the parents allow their child to participate the school

activity. Among the 10 respondents, 70% said always, 30% said

frequently, 10% said sometimes and no one responds never.

Figure 3.0 Parents follow the school rules and regulation to got more

information about their child.

Figure 3.0 Presents the parents follow the school rules and regulation to

got more information about their child. Among the 10 respondents, 70%

said always, 40% said frequently, no responds sometimes and never.

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