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The ultimate

fitness program
for your equipment Why calibrate? What is Accreditation?

ISO 17025
ISO 17025 is the single most important metrology
standard for test and measurement products. It is a
In today’s ultra competitive environment there is no
point using test and measurement equipment unless
you can be absolutely confident that its results are
If you think of your test and measurement inventory as a
team of top athletes you soon realize how important it is for
And if your equipment is really out of shape your production line will stop
altogether, resulting in lost time. A rigorous calibration routine will not only
give you confidence that your measurements are accurate and your product
testing credible, it will help to prevent failures.
Suddenly, the calibration of equipment is no longer a simple engineering
issue, left to the decision of the technicians. Finance and procurement
personnel are understandably becoming involved in the decisions of “who”
Traceability Chart
Accreditation is a formal recognition process whereby an
authoritative body reviews and approves a calibration lab’s
quality system and technical competence. Each country has
its own accreditation body, for example NVLAP in U.S., UKAS
in U.K., JCSS in Japan etc.

All accreditation bodies use the ISO 17025 standard, but there
that are accredited, it is the specific measurement parameters
that you wish to make that are accredited. So it is possible to be
accredited for just one parameter over a specific range of
measurements, such as DC voltage at 0.9 to 3V for example.
Usually the smaller calibration labs have a smaller range of
accredited capability.
The accredited parameters are documented in the “Scope (or
them all to be performing to the best of their ability in order are some country-to-country variations in what they require.
schedule) of Accreditation” which includes approved parameters,
global standard for the technical competence of for you to be successful. and “how much?”. Caesium-Beam
Standard What does the “Scope of Accreditation” mean? ranges, and best measurement capabilities. It is therefore an
calibration and testing laboratories. Nearly all national For fitness in this case read accuracy. An inaccurate reading is As is usually the case in any purchase decision, you get what you pay for. First it should be established that it is not the calibration labs excellent basis upon which to compare different laboratories.
standards bodies and accreditation agencies around worse than no reading at all - you could be passing faulty Understanding what the variables are and how they can affect the quality Unit of Time
Unit of
Unit of
products which will be returned to you later, damaging your of the calibration will enable you to make the right purchase decision for SECOND HERTZ METRE
the world have adopted it. reputation, or alternatively, you could be failing perfectly good your company. Josephson
Junction Frequency Calculable
A growing number of companies require it and some products and consigning them to the recycle pile, wasting
valuable resources.
To find out more about these variables see the “6 dimensions of
Standard of
Comparator Capacitor Typical calibration deliverables
■ Calibration certificate and label.
Uncertainty – what is it?
industries have even incorporated it into calibration” below. ■ Measurement reports
Unit of
Unit of
Unit of
Unit of
The calibration supplier's measurement systems can
sector-specific standards. Find out VOLT OHM FARAD HENRY ■ “As received” data for all parameters (before any adjustments). never be perfect. Because of this, under ISO 17025 they
■ “As shipped” data for all parameters (after any adjustments). are required to calculate what is known as their
more about it and how it Standard Standard ■ Safety test label and tamper-resistant seals. ‘measurement uncertainty’ for each measurement
affects you here. Cells

What is ISO 17025?


Additional deliverables required for ISO 17025 conformance made – in essence the amount the actual value might
Solid State
Direct Voltage Unit of ■ Measurement uncertainties (these may be self-audited for vary from the measured value they provided to you. You
Standards AMPERE ISO 17025 conformance) can then build this measurement uncertainty into any
The uncertainties must be calculated using the ISO Guide to the uncertainty calculations for your own measurements.
Unit of Standard
Voltage (DV) Power Direct Current Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (or GUM), and they must be Measurement uncertainty means that it is sometimes not
ISO/IEC 17025: 1999 is an international standard What are the advantages? Advantages for ISO 17025 - conformant vendors What is not covered by ISO 17025? WATT Shunts
provided for all parameters for which the calibration certificate applies possible for the calibration supplier to determine whether
for calibration and testing labs. It requires labs to Vendors need to confirm their quality and competence. The extent of testing for a given piece of equipment is
demonstrate that they: ISO 17025 - A global standard to provide AV to DV Unit of A Test Accuracy Ratio (or TAR, which is the ratio of the accuracy of the your instrument is in or out of specification. The smaller
calibration/testing consistency In the past there were several ways to do this – they not stipulated by this standard; it should be determined Transfer
Current test instrument to that of the device being measured) is not acceptable their measurement uncertainty, the less frequently this is
■ Operate a quality system covering processes, could: in the contract between the vendor and the calibration likely to occur and the more confidence you can have
documentation and quality management system, and Advantages for companies using ISO 17025 - under ISO 17025, but is acceptable for calibration conformant to
■ Conduct an internal audit through their own quality buyer. It is not necessarily sufficient to request
conformant vendors Alternating AC to DC ANSI/NCSL Z540 and MIL-45662A. In this case measurement overall in the measurement information they provide you.
■ Generate technically valid results taking account of department – this had questionable credibility as it ‘calibration to manufacturer’s specification’. Voltage (AV) Transfer

Companies need to determine the relative quality and

uncertainty need only be provided if the TAR is less than 4:1 (or for For information on how to handle uncertainties, see the
the equipment, procedures, and personnel. was not independent. This may result in one vendor providing fewer
capability of different calibration laboratories, but it has measurement points, and therefore a less thorough single sided specifications, i.e. ‘better than one nanosecond’). article ‘Uncertainty for beginners’ in the Agilent
This standard replaces the ANSI/NCSL Z540 -1994 ■ Undergo an external audit from each of their major Alternating
■ Guard bands and “Statement of Compliance” Metrology Forum:
been very difficult to compare the measurement results calibration, than another, when both are satisfying their Current
standard in the U.S. and EN45001 in Europe, and is an customers – this wasted a considerable amount of
from different vendors, and for multi-national implementation of ISO 17025. If a vendor states that the unit complies with a specification, then the
evolution of the former ISO Guide 25. both vendor and customer time.
companies to compare vendors in different countries The introduction of the mandatory statement of Direct Alternating
Watt - Hour Alternating Direct Resistance measurement uncertainty must be taken into account.
All national accreditation bodies have adopted ISO 17025 ISO 17025 sets out to make this easier. Vendors can now schedule a single third-party audit
Voltage Voltage
Meter Current Current Calibrator

as a way to ensure standardization. Several industries or measurement uncertainties helps to eliminate vendors Calibrator Calibrator Calibrator Calibrator Calibrator
Additional deliverables required for Accredited Calibration
As a result, companies gain a higher confidence level and be assessed against a common set of performing calibration for which they are technically On the subject of specifications, would you be able to
countries have incorporated it into their industry-specific requirements, overcoming both issues with the ■ Measurement uncertainties and guard bands (these must be audited for
or application-specific regulations, for example: in the calibrations they purchase, and international incompetent, but only because such practice is made define the difference between accurate and precise,
trade is increased by the reduction in potential previous situation. apparent by the evidence of the uncertainties. And ISO 17025 conformance by a recognized accrediting body).
TEST resolution and sensitivity, or instability and noise?
■ QS-9000 and ISO/TS 16949: quality standards for quality barriers. because the calculations are self-audited, uncertainties INSTRUMENT ■ Additional country-specific requirements from the local accrediting body
The following link helps clarify those distinctions:
the automotive industry. claimed may not be verifiable to an outside auditing such as specific test procedures, equipment, locations, personnel, etc.
■ FCC Part 15: U.S. government regulation for the body. To overcome that issue an Accredited calibration Manufactured ■ Special calibration certificate that includes the name and logo of the
qualification testing of computers and peripherals. is necessary. local accrediting body.

Reference tables The 6 dimensions of calibration Useful Information
SI Multiplication factors Selecting a supplier of calibration services may seem fairly straightforward – it would seem that a calibration is Useful websites
a calibration and, as long as the supplier has the usual badges of office (ISO 9000 registration, ISO 17025
Factor Numerical representation Name Symbol Statistics handbook ISO : the International Organisation for Standardisation Agilent Email Update Service
accreditation etc.), the service ought to be reasonably similar whichever service or supplier you choose. Stay current on the latest Agilent product, support and application information - customized
1024 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 yotta Y
However, this is not the case and there is a wide variance in the deliverables and value of calibration. Units of Measurement Institute of Quality Assurance for your interests and preferences. Subscribe to Agilent’s free Email Updates.
10 21
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 zeta Z Test and Measurement Service Notes – view any service notes for your test and
1018 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 exa E To help demonstrate these variances and help lead the non-technical buyer to appreciate the importance of each, Official brochure on the International System of Units American Society for Quality measurement products.
1015 1,000,000,000,000,000 peta P they can be broken into 6 dimensions, each of which can have an impact on the usefulness of the calibration or
1012 1,000,000,000,000 tera T the direct or indirect cost to the organisation buying the service. International Bureau of Weights & Measures
The following web addresses are free to our Calibration Discontinued Product Lookup – check if your product has been discontinued, whether it is still supported, and any replacement alternatives.
109 1,000,000,000 giga G and Repair support customers.
US National Institute of Standards & Technology
106 1,000,000 mega M 1: Extent of Testing 4: Periodicity Instrument Support Web Services
103 1,000 kilo k NIST : Reference on constants, units and uncertainty
The more thoroughly an instrument is tested, the greater the Calibration periodicity is about how often an instrument is calibrated.
confidence in the measurements made by the instrument. Generally,
the manufacturer will suggest the parameters that should be tested
The manufacturer will recommend a periodicity for each instrument
type - usually a period of one or two years. This is based on mean drift
NIST : Uncertainty guide
Map of Agilent
and the number of points at which each parameter should be checked.
However it isn't unusual for calibration vendors to trim down this
rates for the various circuits. Great emphasis is placed during
development on designs that demonstrate minimal drift but this is a
European co-operation for Accreditation: Uncertainty guide
Registration for Agilent’s Instrument Support Web Services!
If you currently use our calibration and repair centers to keep your
instruments running in top condition, you can now go on-line to:
Support Locations
10-3 0.001 milli m testing for a variety of reasons. Ask for an example and compare it factor that can’t be eliminated altogether, which is why calibration is
UK National Physical Laboratory ■ Get repair and calibration service status.
with the manufacturer's version. necessary at all.
10-6 0.000 001 micro µ ■ Check calibration due dates.
NIST : History of time ■ Submit your instrument service logging requests.
10-9 0.000 000 001 nano n
10-12 0.000 000 000 001 pico p
2: Information Provided 5: Speed ■ Get copies of your certificates.
The information about the instrument's performance that is acquired Calibration generally means removing the instrument from doing its International Mutual Recognition Agreements Metrology Forum Finland
10-15 0.000 000 000 000 001 femto f (between national metrology institutes)
during calibration forms the basis for many decisions. It is important job and sending it somewhere to be calibrated – taking it off-line for a Denmark
10 -18
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 atto a Netherlands
that you get the information you need and also that the information is week or more. This means stopping the work you were doing with the Calgary Ottawa Montreal UK
10-21 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 zepto z comparisons.html France
accurate. Data showing the instrument’s performance at each test instrument, or in a mission-critical environment, buying or renting a Sacramento
Chicago Toronto Milan
ILAC ‘Arrangement’ “The Metrology Forum..... Offering enlightenment to the Newark
Spain China Japan
10-24 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 yocto y point is evidence of the extent of testing and can be used to make replacement instrument. Getting a firm turnaround commitment from uninitiated and soul-food for fellow calibration practitioners.”
San Jose
(International Mutual Recognition Agreement of accredited labs) San Diego Philadelphia Israel Korea
Dallas Raleigh
objective comparisons between suppliers. the calibration vendor can be crucial to meeting your own deadlines. This is our special interest site devoted to calibration issues. Hong Kong Taiwan
Constants of nature Mexico India Thailand Philippines

Quantity Symbol Value Application 3: Measurement Uncertainty 6: Packages Malaysia

Speed of Light Measurement Uncertainty is a way to assess the accuracy of the When looking at calibration costs it is common for the fundamental
in a Vacuum
c 299,792,458 m/s (exactly) time, frequency, length
measurements made by the calibration supplier. This is an aspect that service price to be the main factor. But by considering service Calibration Certificate Your sign of quality
Elementary e 1.60217733*10-19C (0.3 ppm) voltage and current can have a significant impact on whether or not the calibration is packages it is possible to reduce the less visible costs such as those A Calibration Certificate is your assurance of the job having
actually useful, and can give a clear indication as to whether the associated with raising purchase orders, paying invoices etc, as well been done. There is important information concerning the Australia
Josephson supplier has the technical capability to calibrate your instrument. as getting a reduced service price by taking out a service agreement of
Kj-90 483,597.9 GHz/V (0.4 ppm) voltage validity of the calibration contained within the certificate. New Zealand
some description. Major Accredited Service Center
Von Klitzing Rk-90 25.812807 kΩ (0.2 ppm) resistance
For full details visit: Accredited Service Center
Constant Major Non-Accredited Service Center
The full “6 dimensions of calibration” paper is available to download
Permeability µo 4π*10-7 N/A2 (exactly) capacitance from the Metrology Forum Website: Non-Accredited Service Center
of Vacuum

Agilent Services This information is subject to change.

Copyright © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2003
Printed in the UK, March 2003. 5988-9322EN
Test and Measurement Services Agilent Instrument Support Web Services Equipment Management
The Agilent fitness program is dedicated to keeping your equipment in peak The Agilent Technologies Equipment Management Solution is a suite of standard
condition. Agilent provides a complete range of services to ensure your instruments
tools, processes and services that can reduce the cost of ownership for test and Part of
do the work they were designed to do and keep performing for as long as you need measurement equipment. This solution provides a consolidated overview of all
them to. It’s our equipment fitness program - just like regular exercise and check-ups
can keep your body healthy, calibration and maintenance will keep your equipment
By trusting your instrument support to Agilent you are assured of the highest levels
of knowledge and expertise available as well as unmatched service. Our high levels assets in the test environment, so you know what assets you have, where they are, The Agilent Fitness Program
of service are extended through all areas of operation and onto the internet. Our when they are available and how best to use them: calibration and repair
reliable and accurate, allowing you to focus on your business. Contact us:
internet service puts you in control and couldn’t be easier to use. Our service allows management is more efficient, asset utilisation is increased and system to keep your equipment in peak condition
you to view the status of your instrument in repair and calibration, see a notification administration is simplified, for when your instrument is due for calibration, log a service and receive a
calibration certificate, plus much, much more.

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