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Journal of Applied Mathematics

Volume 2020, Article ID 5109841, 13 pages

Research Article
Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Optimal Control of
Corruption Dynamics

Haileyesus Tessema Alemneh

Department of Mathematics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Haileyesus Tessema Alemneh;

Received 20 March 2020; Revised 16 May 2020; Accepted 8 June 2020; Published 1 August 2020

Academic Editor: Fernando Simões

Copyright © 2020 Haileyesus Tessema Alemneh. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work
is properly cited.

In this paper, a nonlinear deterministic model for the dynamics of corruption is proposed and analysed qualitatively using the
stability theory of differential equations. The basic reproduction number with respect to the corruption-free equilibrium is
obtained using next-generation matrix method. The conditions for local and global asymptotic stability of corruption-free and
endemic equilibria are established. From the analysis using center manifold theory, the model exhibits forward bifurcation.
Then, the model was extended by reformulating it as an optimal control problem, with the use of two time-dependent controls
to assess the impact of corruption on human population, namely, campaigning about corruption through media and
advertisement and exposing corrupted individuals to jail and giving punishment. By using Pontryagin’s maximum principle,
necessary conditions for the optimal control of the transmission of corruption were derived. From the numerical simulation, it
was found that the integrated control strategy must be taken to fight against corruption.

1. Introduction tion.The study by Abdulrahman [7] proposed and analysed a

deterministic model for corruption in a population. They com-
Corruption is an illegal activity carried out for private gain puted the basic reproduction number (BRN), corruption-free
and benefit, by misuse of authority or power by public equilibrium point, and endemic equilibrium point. Numerical
(government) or private (company) officeholders [1]. Differ- simulations were carried out, and they revealed that corruption
ent types of corruption are documented in the literature and can only be reduced to a manageable level but not totally
include public corruption [2], private corruption [3], perva- removed. In [2], the authors developed and analysed a math-
sive corruption, and arbitrary corruption [4]. Corruption ematical model for corruption dynamics. They determined
can originate from either the demand side or the supply side the basic reproduction number and corruption-free and
[5]. In general, corruption faces a major threat to the rule of endemic equilibrium points. The study by Lemecha [8]
law, democracy and human rights, fairness, and social justice, proposed a mathematical model for corruption by consider-
hinders economic development, and brings market econo- ing awareness created by anticorruption and counseling in
mies at risk for their proper and fair functioning [2, 6]. It is jail. The existence of unique corruption-free and endemic
a serious problem in all countries in the world mainly for equilibrium points was investigated, and the basic reproduc-
developing countries [6]. Even though most countries have tion number was computed. The study in [9] developed the
anticorruption policies or strategies that are being made to differential equation-based models representing either growth
control corruption, it remains an epidemic in the society. or decay laws for corruption. In [10], a difference equation-
Mathematical models with optimal control analysis are based model was framed to measure the level of corruption.
an important tool in understanding the corruption transmis- The author in [11] considered a game theoretic approach to
sion dynamics and in decision-making processes regarding deal with corruption. A corruption prevention model was
intervention programs for corruption control. In the current formulated by Khan [12] and showed that the complete
research, there are only a few quantitative studies on corrup- prevention of corruption is possible if the ratio between rate
2 Journal of Applied Mathematics

of dismissal and rate of corruption is equal to one. In [13], the With regard to the above considerations, we have the
authors developed an SIR model for the corruption dynamics. compartmental flow diagram shown in Figure 1. From the
Furthermore, they extended the model to include optimal flow chart, the model will be governed by the following
control with a single optimal control strategy. They concluded system of differential equations:
that the level of corruption in society can be reduced if efforts
to control corruption are increased and put in place through dS
media/punishments. Nathan and Jackob developed an epide- = Π + ð1 − θÞεR − pβSC − ðk + μÞS,
miological compartment model for corruption in Kenya,
mainly considering those who take advantage of office holders = pβSC − ðδ + μÞE,
and political office holders [14]. dt
In this paper, an optimal control theory was used to study dC
= αδE − ðσ + μÞC, ð1Þ
the effectiveness of all possible combinations of two corruption dt
preventive measures, namely, (i) campaigning about corrup- dR
tion through media and advertisement and (ii) exposing the = σC + ð1 − αÞδE − ðε + μÞR,
corrupted individuals to jail and giving punishment. For this,
we considered a model for the transmission of corruption dH
= κS + θεR − μH,
and incorporated two time-dependent controls. Firstly, the dt
model has been studied with no control and the stability prop-
erties have been investigated. Secondly, we consider the control with the initial condition
parameters to be time dependent and examine the impact of
different combinations of these measures in controlling Sð0Þ = S0 ≥ 0,
corruption. We use Pontryagin’s maximum principle to derive
Eð0Þ = E0 ≥ 0,
necessary conditions for the optimal control of corruption.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is devoted for I ð0Þ = I 0 ≥ 0, ð2Þ
the model description and the underlying assumptions. In
Section 3, we carry out mathematical analysis including Rð0Þ = R0 ≥ 0,
bifurcation and sensitivity of the model. In Section 4, the H ð0Þ = H 0 ≥ 0:
optimal control problem is presented. Section 5 is devoted
for numerical simulations and discussions of the model.
The conclusion is presented in Section 6. 3. Model Analysis
3.1. Positivity of Solutions. Since the model (1) monitors
2. Model Formulation and Description human population, it is important that all its state variables
and associated parameters are positive for future time. This
The total population NðtÞ is divided into five compartments. will be established by the following theorem:
Those who are susceptible to corruption are susceptible
individuals SðtÞ, those who are exposed to a corrupted person Theorem 1. Let Ω = fðS, E, C, R, HÞ ∈ R5 : Sð0Þ > 0, Eð0Þ >
but do not perform it are exposed individuals EðtÞ, those who 0, Cð0Þ > 0, Rð0Þ > 0, Hð0Þ > 0g. Then, the solution set ðSðtÞ,
are performing corruption are corrupted individuals CðtÞ, EðtÞ, CðtÞ, RðtÞ, HðtÞÞ of system (1) is positive for all t ≥ 0.
those who stopped doing corruption are recovered individ-
uals RðtÞ, and those who know the badness of corruption Proof. We let τ = sup ft > 0 : S0 ðνÞ ≥ 0, E0 ðνÞ ≥ 0, C0 ðνÞ ≥ 0,
and do not perform it permanently are honest individuals R0 ðνÞ ≥ 0, H 0 ðνÞ ≥ 0 for all ν ∈ ½0, tg. Since S0 ðtÞ ≥ 0, E0 ðtÞ ≥
HðtÞ at time t ≥ 0. Assume that there is a positive recruitment 0, C 0 ðtÞ ≥ 0, R0 ðtÞ ≥ 0 and H 0 ðtÞ ≥ 0, then τ > 0. If τ < ∞,
Π into the susceptible class by birth or immigration. From then automatically S0 ðtÞ or E0 ðtÞ or C 0 ðtÞ or R0 ðtÞ or H 0 ðtÞ
this class, κ proportion will join the honest subpopulation is equal to zero at τ. Taking the first equation of the model (1)
which never involve in corruption practices irrespective of
the circumstances around them. We consider a positive dS
natural death rate μ for all humans at all time under the = Π + ð1 − θÞεR − pβSC − ðk + μÞS: ð3Þ
study. Susceptible individuals will have a contact rate with dt
the corrupted individuals at rate β with a corruption trans-
Then, using the variation of constant formula the solution
mission probability p per contact and moved to the exposed
of equation (3) at τ is given by
class. From these individuals, α progressed at a rate of δ to
the corrupted compartment and the remaining proportion  ðT 
will move to the recovered compartments. The corrupted SðτÞ = Sð0Þ exp − ðpβC + ðk + μÞÞðsÞds
individuals get knowledge about the effect of corruption in 0
jail and move to the recovered subpopulation at a rate of σ.
From these recovered individuals, θ moved at a rate of ε to + ðΠ + ð1 − θÞεRÞ ð4Þ
susceptible compartment and the other proportion joins the  ðt 
honesty compartment. All the descriptions of the parameters ⋅ exp − ðpβC + ðk + μÞÞðvÞdv ds > 0:
are listed in Table 1. s
Journal of Applied Mathematics 3

Table 1: Description of parameters of the corruption model (1). is positively invariant, inside which the model is considered
to be epidemiologically meaningful and mathematically well
Parameter Description posed.
p Corruption transmission probability per contact
3.3. Corruption-Free Equilibrium Point (CFEP). The
β Contact rate of corrupted individual to the susceptible
corruption-free equilibrium point of model (1) is obtained
by equating all equations of the model to zero and letting
δ Rate at which exposed individuals become corrupted E = 0, C = 0, and R = 0. Then, we get
σ Rate at which corrupted individuals become recovered
ε Rate at which recovered individuals become honest Π kΠ
E0 = , 0, 0, 0, : ð8Þ
Λ Recruitment rate of susceptible humans k+μ μðk + μÞ
κ Proportion of individuals that joins the honest
population from susceptible population 3.4. Basic Reproduction Number. The basic reproduction
μ Death rate of all humans number R0 measures the expected number of secondary
Proportion of individuals that joins the corrupted infections that result from one newly infected individual
α introduced into a susceptible population. We calculate
subpopulation from the exposed compartment
R0 of the model using the next-generation matrix method
θ Proportion of individuals that joins the honest
subpopulation from the recovered compartment as described in [15]. The first step to get R0 is rewriting
the model equations starting with newly infective classes:

𝜋 𝛽 𝛼𝛿
S E C dE
= pβSC − ðδ + μÞE,
𝜇 𝜇 𝜇 dC
= αδE − ðσ + μÞC,
𝜅 (1 – 𝛼)𝛿 𝜎 dt
(1 – 𝜃)𝜀 ð9Þ
= σC + ð1 − αÞδE − ðε + μÞR,
R = κS + θεR − μH:
𝜇 𝜇

Figure 1: Compartmental diagram for the transmission dynamics Then, by the principle of next-generation matrix, the
of corruption. Jacobian, at CFEP, we obtained
0 Πβp 1
Moreover, since all the variables are positive in ½0, τ, hence 0 0 0
B k+μ C
SðτÞ > 0. It can be shown in a similar way that EðτÞ > 0, CðτÞ B0 0C
> 0, RðτÞ > 0, and HðτÞ > 0, which is a contradiction. Hence, F=B
0 0 C,
τ = ∞. Therefore, all the solution sets are positive for t ≥ 0. B0 0C
@ 0 0 A
3.2. Invariant Region. We obtained the invariant region, in 0 0 0 0 ð10Þ
which the model solution is bounded. To do this, consider 0 1
the total human population NðtÞ, where NðtÞ = SðtÞ + EðtÞ + δ+μ 0 0 0
CðtÞ + RðtÞ + HðtÞ. B −αδ σ+μ 0 0C
V =B
B −ð1 − αÞδ −σ ε+μ 0C
dN dS dE dC dR dH
= + + + + : ð5Þ @ A
dt dt dt dt dT dt 0 0 −θε μ
Substituting all state equations from the model (1), we get
Therefore, the basic reproduction number is the spectral
dN radius of the next generation matrix FV −1 and is given by
= Π − μN: ð6Þ
Integrating equation (6) both sides and taking t ⟶ ∞, R0 = : ð11Þ
ðδ + μÞðσ + μÞðk + μÞ
we get
  3.5. Local Stability of CFEP
Ω = ðS, E, C, R, H Þ ∈ R5+ : Sðt Þ + Eðt Þ + C ðt Þ + Rðt Þ + H ðt Þ+≤
Theorem 2. The CFEP is locally asymptotically stable if
ð7Þ R0 < 1 and unstable if R0 > 1.
4 Journal of Applied Mathematics

Proof. To prove this theorem, let us first find the Jacobian −Παβδp + ðδ + μÞðκ + μÞðσ + μÞ
matrix of system (1): ψ2 =
κ+μ ð18Þ
0 1 = ðδ + μÞðσ + μÞð1 − R0 Þ > 0:
−βpC − ðκ + μÞ 0 −pβS ð1 − θÞε 0
B βpC −δ − μ pβS 0 0 C
B C Hence, the CFEP is locally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1.
J =B
B 0 αδ −μ − σ 0 0 C
This result implies that corruption can be eliminated if
B C the initial size of the corrupted individuals is in the basin of
B 0 ð1 − αÞδ σ − ðε + μ Þ 0 C
@ A attraction of the CFEP. On the other hand, to ensure that
corruption elimination is independent of the initial popula-
κ 0 0 θε −μ
tion size of the corrupted population, it is necessary to show
ð12Þ that the CFEP is globally stable.

Evaluating equation (12) at the corruption-free 3.6. Global Stability of CFEP

equilibriumE0 = ðΠ/ðk + μÞ, 0, 0, 0, Π/μðk + μÞÞ, we got
Theorem 3. The equilibrium point E0 of the model (1) is
0 1 globally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1.
B −ðκ + μÞ 0 −
ð1 − θÞε 0 C
B C Proof. Consider the following Lyapunov function
B pβΠ C
B 0 −δ − μ 0 0 C
κ+μ C: V = χ1 E + χ2 C: ð19Þ
J =B
B 0 αδ −μ + σ 0 0 C
B C Differentiating equation (19) with respect to t gives
@ 0 ð1 − α Þδ σ −ðε + μÞ 0 CA
κ 0 0 θε −μ dV dE dC
= χ1 + χ2 : ð20Þ
ð13Þ dt dt dt

From the Jacobian matrix, a characteristic polynomial Substituting dE/dt and dC/dt from the model (1), we get
was obtained as
 = χ1 ½ðpβδC Þ − ðδ + μÞE + χ2 ½αδE − ðσ + μÞC 
ð−λ − ðκ + μÞÞð−λ − μÞð−λ − ðε + μÞÞ λ2 + ψ1 λ + ψ2 = 0, dt ð21Þ
= χ1 pβδC − χ2 ðσ + μÞC − χ1 ðδ + μÞE + χ2 αδE:

where Here, take χ1 = ðαδ/ðδ + μÞÞχ2 , then we have

ψ1 = σ + 2μ + δ, dV αδ
= χ βδC − χ2 ðσ + μÞC
ð15Þ dt δ + μ 2
−Παβδp + ðδ + μÞðκ + μÞðσ + μÞ   ð22Þ
ψ2 = : pαβδΠ
κ+μ ≤ − ðσ + μÞ χ2 C :
ðδ + μÞðk + μÞ
From equation (14), we have
Taking χ2 = 1 and substituting R0 , we get
−λ − ðκ + μÞ ⇒ λ1 = −ðκ + μÞ < 0,
−λ − μ ⇒ λ2 = −μ < 0, ð16Þ ≤ ðσ + μÞðR0 − 1ÞC, ð23Þ
−λ − ðε + μÞ ⇒ λ3 = −ðε + μÞ < 0:
for C ≤ C0 = π/ðk + μÞ and dV/dt ≤ 0 for R0 < 1 and dV/
From the last expression of equation (14), we have dt = 0 if and only if C = 0. This implies that the only trajec-
tory of the system (1) on which dV/dt ≤ 0 is E0 . Therefore,
λ2 + ψ1 λ + ψ2 = 0: ð17Þ by LaSalle’s invariance principle, E0 is globally asymptoti-
cally stable in Ω. This supports the forward bifurcation of
Section 3.9.
The Routh-Hurwitz criteria was applied, and equation
(17) has strictly negative real root iff ψ1 > 0 and ψ2 > 0. 3.7. The Endemic Equilibrium Point. The endemic equilib-
Clearly, we see that ψ1 > 0 because it is the sum of positive rium point denoted by E∗ = ðS∗ , E∗ , C ∗ , R∗ , H ∗ Þ:E∗ is the
parameters and also steady state solution where corruption persists in the
Journal of Applied Mathematics 5

population. It can be obtained by equating each equation ðε + μÞ½R0 − 1

in (1) to zero: ψ3 = −ðδ + μÞðσ + μÞðε + κ + 3μÞ + fδð1
− θ + σ + 3μÞ + ε + 3μð2μ + σÞ − αδðθ − 1Þg
dS dE dC dR dH
= = = = = 0: ð24Þ + ðσ + 3μÞ½δκ + εκ + δε + ð2μ + σÞ½3εμ − 3κμ − 6δμ
dt dt dt dt dt
+ δεκ + 2μ2 ð5μ + σÞ,
Then, we obtain
ψ4 = 2βpC½αδθðσ + μÞ + αδðμ + σÞðθ + 1Þ + ðσ + μÞδðε + 1Þ
+ βpC ½δμð3μ + 2σ − 2θÞ + δσθ + εμð3μ + 2σÞ
ðδ + μÞðσ + μÞ
S∗ = , + μ2 ð4μ + 3σÞ + 2ðμ + σÞδεκ + ð3μ + 2σÞ½δεμ + δκp
+ εκp − μ2 ð4μ + 3σÞ½ε + κ + δ + μ3 ð5μ + 4σÞ
ðσ + μÞðε + μÞ½1 − R0 

E∗ = , − ðδ + μÞðσ + μÞ εκ + 2εμ + 2κμ + 3μ2 ,
αδpβϕðδ + μÞðσ + μÞðκ + μÞ "
ðε + μÞ½1 − R0  −μðε + μÞ½R0 − 1
C∗ = , ψ5 = ðμ + 2σÞαδðθ − 1Þ
pβϕðδ + μÞðσ + μÞðκ + μÞ ϕ

½μðα − 1Þ − σ½R0 − 1 − ðσ + μÞ½βδðε + μ − θÞ + βμðε + μ + δÞ

R∗ = ,  
αpβϕðδ + μÞðσ + μÞðκ + μÞ ε
− ðκ + μÞðδ + μÞðσ + μÞμ βμ + βκμ
κðδ + μÞðσ + μÞ εθ½μðα − 1Þ − σ½R0 − 1 
H∗ = + , + ðσ + μÞμ εκðβ + μÞ + μδðκ + εÞ
αδpβμ αpβϕμðδ + μÞðσ + μÞðκ + μÞ #
+ μ ðδ + ε + κ + μÞ ,

where ð29Þ

ϕ = αδμðθ − 1Þ − ðε + μÞðδ + μÞðσ + μÞ − δð1 + θÞðσ + μÞ: Using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, all roots of char-
acteristic polynomial have negative real parts if and only
ð26Þ if ψ1 > 0, ψ2 > 0, ψ3 > 0, ψ4 > 0, ψ5 > 0, ψ1 ψ2 ψ3 > ψ23 + ψ21 ψ4
3.8. Local Stability of Endemic Equilibrium and ðψ1 ψ4 − ψ5 Þðψ1 ψ2 ψ3 − ψ23 + ψ21 ψ4 Þ > ψ5 ðψ1 ψ2 − ψ3 Þ2 +
ψ1 ψ25 for R0 > 1. Hence, the endemic equilibrium E∗ is
Theorem 4. The endemic equilibrium E∗ of system (1) is locally asymptotically stable.
locally asymptotically stable in Ω if R0 > 1, otherwise unstable.
3.9. Bifurcation Analysis. In order to determine the direction
of the bifurcation and to prove the stability of the endemic
Proof. Let us first obtain the Jacobian matrix of system (1):
equilibrium point, we make use of the bifurcation theory,
0 1 which is based on the center manifold theory [16] (as
−βpC − ðκ + μÞ 0 −pβS ð 1 − θÞ ε 0 described by Theorem 6 of Castillo-Chavez and Song [16]).
B βpC −ðδ + μÞ pβS 0 0 C
B C Theorem 5. The model in the system (1) exhibits forward
J =B
B 0 αδ −ðμ + σÞ 0 0 C
C: bifurcation at R0 = 1 and a unique endemic equilibrium exists.
B 0 ð 1 − αÞ δ σ −ðε + μÞ 0 C
@ A
Proof. To conduct this analysis, we assume that S = z1 ,
κ 0 0 θε −μ E = z 2 , C = z 3 , R = z 4 , H = z 5 and from R0 = 1, we have
ðδ + μÞðσ + μÞðk + μÞ
β = β∗ = : ð30Þ
The characteristic polynomial of equation (27) is given by pδαΠ
The new the model in equation (1) is given by
λ5 + ψ1 λ4 + ψ2 λ3 + ψ3 λ2 + ψ2 λ + ψ4 = 0, ð28Þ
dz 1
= Π + ð1 − θÞεz 4 − pβz 1 z 3 − ðk + μÞz 1 ,
where dt
dz 2
= pβz 1 z 3 − ðδ + μÞz 2 ,
ðσ + μÞðε + μÞ½R0 − 1 dt
ψ1 = + δ+ ∈ +κ + 5μ + σ, dz 3
αδϕ = αδz 2 − ð1 − μÞz 3 , ð31Þ
  dz 4
ðε + μÞ½R0 − 1 = σz 3 + ð1 − αÞδz 2 − ðε + μÞz 4 ,
ψ2 = −ðδ + μÞðσ + μÞ + ðδ + ε + σ + 4μÞ +δ dt
dz 5
+ ð4μ+σÞð∈+κÞ + εκ + μð10μ + 4σÞ, = κz 1 + θεz 4 − μz 5 :
6 Journal of Applied Mathematics

The Jacobian of the model system (31) around the Table 2: Sensitivity index table.
corruption-free equilibrium point E0 = ðz 1 = Π/ðκ + μÞ, 0,
0, 0, z 5 = κΠ/μðκ + μÞÞ evaluated at R0 = 1 is Parameter symbol Sensitivity indices

1 β +ve
pβΠ δ
B −ðκ + μÞ − ð1 − θÞε
0 0 C +ve
B κ+μ C
B C α +ve
B pβΠ C
B 0 −δ − μ 0 0 C
κ -ve
J =B κ+μ C: ð32Þ
B C μ -ve
B 0 αδ −μ + σ 0 0 C
B C σ -ve
@ 0 ð1 − αÞδ σ −ðε + μÞ 0 C
κ 0 0 θε −μ 2v2 w22 pβαδ
a = 2v2 w1 w3 = ðL − W Þ < 0,
ðσ + μÞ2
The right eigenvector, w = ðw1 , w2 , w3 , w4 , w5 ÞT , asso- ð36Þ
ciated with this simple zero eigenvalue can be obtained δαΠ
b = v2 w3 pz∗1 = v2 > 0,
from Jw = 0. ðk + μÞðσ + μÞ
ð1 − θÞε½ð1 − αÞδðα + μÞ + σδα δ + μ where
w1 = − w,
ðσ + μÞðε + μÞðκ + μÞ κ+μ 2
w2 = w2 > 0, εδ½ð1 − θÞðσ + μÞ + θαð2σ + μÞ
L= ,
ðε + μÞðκ + μÞ
αδ ð37Þ
w3 = w,
μ+σ 2 εαδμ + ðε + μÞðδ + μÞ2
W= :
ð1 − αÞεðσ + μÞ + σδα ðε + μÞðκ + μÞ
w4 = w2 ,
ðμ + σÞðε + μÞ
  Since the coefficient b is positive and the sign of the
κ ð1 − θÞε½ð1 − αÞδðσ + μÞ + σδα δ + μ coefficient a is negative, the model undergoes forward
w5 = − w
μ ðσ + μÞðε + μÞðκ + μÞ κ+μ 2 bifurcation, which implies that R0 < 1 is a necessary
θε½ð1 − αÞδðσ + μÞ + σδα and sufficient condition for corruption elimination.
+ w2 :
μðμ + σÞðε + μÞ 3.10. Sensitivity Analysis. In order to see the relative effect of
ð33Þ each parameter to the corruption transmission, we performed
sensitivity analysis. To go through, we followed the approach
The left eigenvector, v = ðv1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 Þ, associated defined by [17] as done in [18, 19] which used the definition
with this simple zero eigenvalue can be obtained from of normalized forward sensitivity index defined as a variable,
vJ = 0 and given by R0 , that depends differentiably on a parameter,ℓ, defined as

v1 = v4 = v5 = 0, R ∂R0 ℓ
Λℓ 0 = × , ð38Þ
∂ℓ R0
v2 = v2 > 0, ð34Þ
δ+μ for ℓ represents all the basic parameters and R0 = αpβδΠ
v3 = v : /ðδ + μÞðσ + μÞðκ + μÞ.
αδ 2

Since the first, fourth, and fifth components of v are ∂R0 β

κ =
0 × = 1 ≥ 0,
zero, we do not need the derivatives of f 1 , f 4 , and f 5 . ∂β R0
From the derivatives of f 2 and f 3 , the only ones that
∂R0 β κ
are nonzero are the following: ΛR
κ =
0 × =− ≤ 0, ð39Þ
∂κ R0 κ+μ
∂2 f 2 ∂2 f 2 ∂R0 β σ
= = pβ, ΛR
σ =
0 × =− ≤ 0:
∂z 2 ∂z 3 ∂z 3 ∂z2 ∂σ R0 σ+μ
∂2 f 2
= pz∗1 , And we do this in a similar fashion for the remaining
∂z 2 ∂β parameters.
and all the other partial derivatives are zero. The direc- 3.11. Interpretation of Sensitivity Indices. The sensitivity
tion of the bifurcation at R0 = 1 is determined by the indices of parameters are found in Table 2. Parameters that
signs of the bifurcation coefficients a and b, obtained have positive indices ðβ, α, and δÞ have great impact on
from the above partial derivatives, given, respectively, by expanding the corruption in the community when their
Journal of Applied Mathematics 7

values increase. Parameters with negative indices ðκ, σ, and μÞ 4.1. The Hamiltonian and Optimality System. The optimal
minimize the burden of corruption in the community as their control must satisfy the necessary conditions that are formu-
values increase. lated by Pontryagin’s maximum principle ([21]). This princi-
Therefore, the model sensitivity analysis demonstrated ple converts the system of equations (40) and (41) into a
that policy makers are supposed to decrease positive index problem of minimizing point-wise a Hamiltonian (M), with
parameters and increase negative index parameters to com- respect to u1 ðtÞ and u2 ðtÞ as
bat corruption in a population. From this result, to identify
the optimal strategy to fight against corruption, an optimal 1

M = a1 E + a2 C + w1 u21 + w2 u22 + w3 u23
control model analysis is considered in the next section. 2
+ λ1 ½Π + ð1 − θÞεR − ð1 − u2 ÞpβSC − ðk + μ + u1 ÞS
4. Extension of the Model into Optimal Control + λ2 ½ð1j−u2 ÞpβSC − ðδ + μ + u1 ÞE + λ3 ½ð1 − u1 ÞαδE
The optimal level that would be needed to control corruption − ðσ + μ + u2 ÞC + λ4 ½ðσ + u2 ÞC + ð1 − αÞðδ + u2 ÞE
is minimizing the number of exposed and corrupted popula- − ðε + μÞR + λ5 ½ðk + u1 ÞS + θεR − μH ,
tion. An optimal control model was developed by including
the following two controls: ð43Þ

(i) u1 : campaigning about corruption through media where λi , i = 1, ⋯, 5 are the adjoint variable functions to be
and advertisement determined. Because of the convexity of the integrand of J
with respect to u1 and u2 , a priori boundaries of the state
(ii) u2 : exposing the corrupted individuals to jail and solutions and the Lipschitz property of the state system relat-
giving punishment ing to the state variables, the existence of the optimal control
was proved using Corollary 4.1 in the work of Fleming and
Adding the two controls on the model (1), the optimal
Rishel [22].
control model is given by
Theorem 6. Suppose we have optimal controls u∗1 , u∗2 and
dS S, E, C, R, H solutions of the respective state system that
= Π + ð1 − θÞεR − ð1 − u2 ÞpβSC − ðk + μ + u1 ÞS,
dt minimizes J over U, there exist adjoint variables, λ1 , ⋯,
dE λ5 such that
= ð1 − u2 ÞpβSC − ðδ + μ + u1 ÞE,
dC = λ1 ðð1 − u2 ÞpβC + κ + μ + u1 Þ
= ð1 − u1 ÞαδE − ðσ + μ + u2 ÞC, dt
dt − λ2 ð1 − u2 ÞpβC − λ5 ðκ + u1 Þ,
= ðσ + u2 ÞC + ð1 − αÞðδ + u2 ÞE − ðε + μÞR,
dt dλ2
= −a1 + λ2 ðδ + μ + u1 Þ − λ3 αδð1 − u1 Þ
dH dt
= ðk − u1 ÞS + θεR − μH:
dt − λ4 ð1 − αÞðδ + u1 Þ,
= −a2 + λ1 ð1 − u2 ÞpβS − λ2 ð1 − u2 ÞpβS
The control variables u1 and u2 minimize the optimal con- dt
trol model (40) subject to the objective functional defined as + λ3 ðσ + μ + u2 Þ − λ4 ðσ + u2 Þ,
ðt f  
J= 2 2
a1 E + a2 I + w1 u1 + w2 u2 dt, ð41Þ = λ1 ∈ ð1 − θÞ+λ4 ð∈+μÞ − λ5 θ ∈ ,
0 2 dt
= μλ5 : ð44Þ
where t f is the final time, a1 and a2 are weight constants of the dt
exposed and corrupted population, respectively, while w1 and
w2 are weight coefficients for each individual control measure. With transversality conditions, λi ðt f Þ = 0, i = 1, ⋯, 5.
We choose a nonlinear cost on the controls based on the Furthermore, we obtained the control set ðu∗1 , u∗2 Þ charac-
assumption that the cost takes nonlinear form [20]. Optimal terized by
control function ðu∗1 , u∗2 Þ needs to be found such that   
ðλ − λ5 ÞS + ½λ2 + αδλ3 − ð1 − αÞλ4 E
u∗1 = max 0, min 1, 1 ,
J ðu∗1 , u∗2 Þ = min f J ðu1 , u2 Þjðu1 , u2 Þ ∈ U g, ð42Þ   
pβCSðλ2 − λ1 Þ + ðλ4 − λ3 ÞC
u∗2 = max 0, min 1, :
where U = fðu1 , u2 Þjui ðtÞ is lebesgue measurable on ½0, t f ,
0 ≤ ui ðtÞ ≤ 1, i = 1, 2g is the closed set. ð45Þ
8 Journal of Applied Mathematics

Proof. The adjoint equation and transversality conditions are Table 3: Values of parameter used in the numerical simulation.
standard results obtained from Pontryagin’s maximum prin-
ciple [21]. Differentiate the Hamiltonian with respect to Parameter Value Source
states S, E, C, R, and H, respectively, then we got the adjoint Π 85 Assumed
equations as p 0.036 [7, 8]
β 0.0234 [7, 8]
dλ1 ∂M
=− = λ1 ðð1 − u2 ÞpβC + κ + μ + u1 Þ δ 0.2 Assumed
dt ∂S
− λ2 ð1 − u2 ÞpβC − λ5 ðκ + u1 Þ, σ 0.007 Assumed
ε 0.35 Assumed
dλ2 ∂M κ 0.03 [8]
− = −a1 + λ2 ðδ + μ + u1 Þ − λ3 αδð1 − u1 Þ
dt ∂E μ 0.0160 [8]
− λ4 ð1 − αÞðδ + u1 Þ, α 0.3 [8]
θ 0.1 [8]
dλ3 ∂M
− = −a2 + λ1 ð1 − u2 ÞpβS − λ2 ð1 − u2 ÞpβS
dt ∂C
+ λ3 ðσ + μ + u2 Þ − λ4 ðσ + u2 Þ, system by incorporating the characterized control set under
initial and transversal condition:
dλ4 ∂M 8
dS Y
− = −λ1 ∈ ð1 − θÞ+λ4 ð∈+μÞ − λ5 θ ∈ , >
> = +ð1 − θÞεR − ð1 − u∗2 ÞpβSC − ðk + μ + u∗1 ÞS,
dt ∂R > dt
> dE
dλ5 ∂M >
> = ð1 − u∗2 ÞpβSC − ðδ + μ + u∗1 ÞE,
− = μλ5 : > dt
dt ∂H >
> dC
> = 1 − u∗1 ÞαδE − ðα + μ + u∗2 ÞC,
ð46Þ > dt ð
> dR
= ðσ + u∗2 ÞC + ð1 − αÞðδ + u∗2 ÞE − ðε + μÞR,
With transversality conditions, λiðtf Þ = 0, i = 1, ⋯, 5. >
Differentiate the Hamiltonian equation with respect to u1 >
> dH = ðk + u∗ ÞS + θεR − μH,
and u2 and obtain the characterization of optimal controls >
> dt 1
u∗1 , u∗2 from ∂M/∂u1 = 0, ∂M/∂u2 = 0. Thus, we got the char- >
= λ1 ðð1 − u∗2 ÞpβC + k + μ + u∗1 Þ − λ2 ð1 − u∗2 ÞpβC − λ5 ðk + u∗1 Þ,
> dt
acteristic equation in standard control arguments form >
involving the bounds on the controls as follows: >
> dλ2 = −a + λ ðδ + μ + u∗ Þ − λ αδð1 − u∗ Þ − λ ð1 − αÞðδ + u∗ Þ,
> dt
1 2 1 3 1 4 1
8 >
> dλ
> ψ , if 0 < ψ1 < 1, >
= −a2 + λ1 ð1 − u∗2 ÞpβS − λ2 ð1 − u∗2 ÞpβS + λ3 ðσ + μ + u∗2 Þ − λ4 ðσ + u∗2 Þ,
< 1 >

u1 = 0, if ψ1 ≤ 0, dλ4
> >
> = −λ1 ∈ ð1 − θÞ+λ4 ð∈+μÞ − λ5 θε,
: > dt
1, if ψ1 ≥ 1, >
> dλ5
8 ð47Þ >
> = μλ5 ,
> dt
> ψ2 , if 0 < ψ2 < 1, >
> >
< > ∗
ðλ1 − λ5 ÞS + ½λ2 + αδλ3 − ð1 − αÞλ4 E
> u = max 0, min 1, ,
u∗2 = 0, if ψ2 ≤ 0, >
> 1
> >
: >
> pβCSðλ2 − λ1 Þ + ðλ4 − λ3 ÞC
1, if ψ2 ≥ 1: >
u∗2 = max 0, min 1, ,
> w2

> λi t f = 0,
In compacted notation: >
> i = 1, ⋯, 5,
u∗1 = max f0, min ð1, ψ1Þg, >
> Sð0Þ = S0 ,
ð48Þ >
u∗2 = max f0, min ð1, ψ2Þg, >
Eð0Þ = E0 ,
> C ð0 Þ = C 0 ,
where >
> Rð0Þ = R0 ,
H ð0Þ = H 0 :
ðλ1 − λ5 ÞS + ½λ2 + αδλ3 − ð1 − αÞλ4 E
ψ1 = , ð50Þ
pβCSðλ2 − λ1 Þ + ðλ4 − λ3 ÞC
ψ2 = : 5. Numerical Simulations and Discussions
In this section, numerical simulations are performed on the
The optimality system is formed from the optimal model (1). Maple 18 software is used to check the effect of some
control system (the state system) and the adjoint variable parameters in the spread and control of corruption. The
Journal of Applied Mathematics 9



Corrupted population





0 5 10 15
Time (years)

𝛼 = 0.6 𝛼 = 0.9
𝛼 = 0.4 𝛼 = 0.8
𝛼 = 0.3

Corrupted population




0 5 10 15
Time (years)

𝛼 = 0.6 𝛼 = 0.7
𝛼 = 0.8 𝛼 = 0.4
𝛼 = 0.2

Figure 2: Effect of α and δ on the corrupted population.

parameter values in Table 3 and the initial conditions Sð0Þ = the number of corrupted population by keeping the other
10000, Eð0Þ = 0, Cð0Þ = 100, Rð0Þ = 0, Hð0Þ = 100 are used. parameters constant. It can be seen from Figure 2(a) that,
as the α value increases, the number of corrupted population
5.1. Effect of α and δ on the Corrupted Population. As we see increases. Similarly, in Figure 2(b), we investigated the effect
in Figure 2(a), we experimented the effect of changing α on of changing δ on the number of corrupted population by
10 Journal of Applied Mathematics


Corrupted population



0 5 10 15
Time (years)

𝜅 = 0.09 𝜅 = 0.2
𝜅 = 0.4 𝜅 = 0.06
𝜅 = 0.03

Corrupted population




0 5 10 15
Time (years)

𝜎 = 0.06 𝜎 = 0.09
𝜎 = 0.1 𝜎 = 0.02
𝜎 = 0.007

Figure 3: Effect of κ and σ on the corrupted population.

keeping the other parameters constant. It is evident from reduce the transition of exposed individuals to the corrupted
Figure 2(b) that, when the value of δ increases, the number population.
of corrupted population also increases. Therefore, public
policy makers must concentrate on minimizing the contact 5.2. Effect of κ and σ on the Corrupted Population. In
rate of corrupted individuals to susceptible population and Figure 3(a), we can see that κ plays an important role in
Journal of Applied Mathematics 11

120 103

100 102

Corrupted population
Exposed population



40 98


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (years) Time (years)
u1 = u2 = 0
u1 ≠ 0,u2 = 0
(a) (b)

Figure 4: Simulations of the corruption model showing the effect of the optimal strategies u1 ≠ 0.

700 150


Corrupted population
Exposed population


300 120


0 100
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (years) Time (years)

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Simulations of the corruption model showing the effect of the optimal strategies u2 ≠ 0:

reducing the number of corrupted population. When the rate the number of populations that join the honest subpopula-
at which individuals join the honest subpopulation from sus- tion and corrupted population to recover from doing it.
ceptible class increases from 0.03 to 0.4, the number of cor- To simulate the optimality system in (50), iterative tech-
rupted population decreases. From Figure 3(b), the rate at nique is applied which gives the optimal solution. Forward
which corrupted individuals join the recovered population fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the state
through education and/or jail sentence increases from 0.007 system, and backward fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is
to 0.1; the number of corrupted population decreases. There- used to solve the adjoint system by considering the initial
fore, public policy makers must concentrate on maximizing condition of the state system and the final condition of the
12 Journal of Applied Mathematics

500 130


Corrupted population
Exposed population




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (years) Time (years)

(a) (b)

Figure 6: Simulations of the corruption model showing the effect of the optimal strategies u1 ≠ 0 and u2 ≠ 0.

adjoint systems. The controls continue to be updated by individuals. Therefore, the strategy is not effective in fighting
combining from the previous result of the controls with the and reducing corruption in the population even though it
characterization. The solution of the state and adjoint system reduces the number of corrupted individuals when compared
is repeated by the updated controls. This condition continues with control from without control.
repeatedly until consecutive iteration is close enough each
other [23]. We proposed the following three strategies for 5.5. Strategy C: Combination of Both Strategies A and B.
numerical simulation of the corruption model: Under this strategy, both the control measures ðu1 and u2 Þ
are used to optimize the objective functional J. The results
(i) Strategy A: campaigning through media and adver- of the applications of the strategy are shown in Figure 6. It
tisement about corruption ðu1 ≠ 0 and u2 ≠ 0Þ can be seen from Figure 6 that the exposed and corrupted
populations decrease as compared to no control. Therefore,
(ii) Strategy B: exposing the corrupted individuals to jail
the intervention strategy is effective in bringing down the
and giving punishment ðu1 ≠ 0 and u2 ≠ 0Þ
exposed and corrupted population in the specified period of
(iii) Strategy C: combination of both strategies A and B time.
ðu1 ≠ 0 and u2 ≠ 0Þ
6. Conclusions
5.3. Strategy A: Campaigning through Media and
Advertisement about Corruption. In this strategy, controls In this paper, a mathematical model for the transmission
u1 were used to optimize the objective function J while we dynamics of corruption in a population was formulated.
set control u2 to zero. In Figure 4, we see that exposed and The basic reproduction number R0 was computed, and the
corrupted population significantly reduced when there is stability of equilibrium points was investigated. Through
control compared to situation with no control. From this, Lyapunov’s theory, the corruption-free equilibrium point is
we conclude that applying these strategy can reduce corrup- globally asymptotically stable whenever R0 < 1 was proven.
tion along with time from the community but not possible to When R0 = 1, bifurcation analysis of the model was proven
avoid it in a specified period of time. Hence, it is not an and it exhibits forward bifurcation. The local stability of the
effective strategy to combat corruption from the population. unique endemic equilibrium whenever R0 > 1 was demon-
strated. Using the definition of normalized forward sensitiv-
5.4. Strategy B: Exposing the Corrupted Individuals to Jail and ity, the sensitivity parameters were determined. It can be
Giving Punishment. Under this strategy, we optimize the inferred that positive indices should be decreased while
objective function J using the control u2 while u1 is set to increasing negative indices to minimize/control corruption
zero. It is evident from Figure 5 that the number of exposed in a population. Then, the optimal control model was formu-
individuals cannot reduce using the strategy and the lated by adding two time-dependent controls (campaigning
corrupted population seems eliminated in the first year but about corruption through media and advertisement and
grows in number due to the increase in number of exposed exposing the corrupted individuals to jail and giving
Journal of Applied Mathematics 13

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