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Eye on Cormyr #1

Coastal Adventuring
Eye on Cormyr #1:
Coastal Adventuring Parties

A sampling of adventuring companies from Cormyr's coast to provide inspiration for

Dungeon Masters and help generate ideas for character creation.


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Volume 1, Article 1
MAY 2019
“And I think what’s interesting about this too, and I just thought of this now, is there is a large audience of people—and I
was one of them for a long time—who just liked reading RPG material, you know, for the idea generation, just for fun, and
now this opens that up to a much wider audience.“
— Mike Mearls discussing the new
Dungeon Masters Guild program
D&D Podcast, 01/14/2016
Coastal Adventuring Parties

he northern shoreline of the Dragonmere
winds its way for three hundred miles, from Suzail and Vicinity
the outlet of the Tun River overlooked by the In Suzail, capital of all Cormyr, adventurers seek the
city of Valkur's Roar in the west, to the village patronage of wealthy nobles, purchase or renew adventuring
of Dawngleam straddling The Neck in the east. charters from the Crown, find replacements for fallen
comrades and rub shoulders with their peers in the Society
In between are found two of Cormyr's three great cities of Stalwart Adventurers.
(the ports of Suzail and Marsember), several coastal villages
and hamlets, countless hidden coves, inlets and shoreline The Avenging Luckpriests
trails, and of course adventure.
Adventurers have explored this part of Faerûn for over Four clerics of Tymora hailing from the Towers of Good
fifteen centuries. Yet in modern day Cormyr—circa 1491 DR Fortune in Suzail form the heart of this band of adventurers.
—there is no shortage of adventuring opportunities, nor The Avenging Luckpriests avoid Marsember, but explore
adventurers, on the north coast of the Dragonmere. the remainder of Cormyr and lands beyond. Originally
What follows is a sampling of the sorts of adventuring comprised of eight adventurers, the Luckpriests doubled
parties one might encounter or hear about in the region. their numbers after a season spent adventuring in faraway
Waterdeep. The now-sixteen-strong band are wintering in
First, A Map Suzail, with plans to sail across the Dragonmere to Teziir and
The Suzail and Vicinity section of this article references then travel west to Haunted Ilipur.
locations found on a map of West-Central Cormyr drawn by
the talented DMs Guild cartographer Terrlen Darkseeker. The Free Gnomes
I commissioned that map back in 2016 and I have decided Comprised entirely of gnomes, this band of explorers and
to make it available to you in full at the end of this article thieves is led by a charismatic gnome priest.
(hexed and non-hexed). I hope you find it useful. The Free Gnomes explore the castles and mansions of
Cormyrean nobles and the well-to-do, looking for signs of
Second, A Free Map gnome habitation with the intent to recover relics and
Wizards of the Coast has made Mike Schley's formidable possessions of any gnomes that might have lived there. Not a
Cormyr map available for free as part of the Backdrop: few such buildings have entire rooms, pathways and living
Cormyr article by Brian R. James in Dragon 365. spaces built into them that are sized for gnomes, many of
I referenced Mike's map when creating many of the which have been forgotten or overlooked by their human
adventuring company descriptions that follow, and I inhabitants.
encourage you to keep a copy of it open when you read the The Free Gnomes hold at least three adventuring charters,
second and third sections of this article (Marsember and each stolen from other adventurers and carefully modified by
Vicinity and "The Coast" and the Dragonmere). their leader to show the Free are in good standing with the
Crown of Cormyr. The Free Gnomes are active in Suzail.
Hasper's Tenfold Swords All the Men are human, unless otherwise stated.
The handsome merchant Hasper Dundown funded this
adventuring band out of his own coin purse. Once he judged The Men of the Horngate
his count of swords adequate, Hasper paid for an adventuring Talonar of Horngate, Fighter 2, Leader
charter, named himself leader and hired a ship to drop off the Markuld, Fighter 1, Second in Command
newly formed adventuring party somewhere along the coast Welwyn Feathershot, Half-Elf Cleric 1 (Kelemvor)
of the Dragonmere, south of Valkur's Roar. "Bellowing" Belnar Hornshulder, Fighter 1
The dangers that lurked in the moors could not keep the
Tenfold Swords from reaching Bloodtower. Within, the Corleth of Seven Suns, Fighter 1
twisted magic of the tower warped their minds. Only Hasper Danthalus "the Bold" Stoutbold, Fighter 1
escaped before the gates of Bloodtower closed. Foril Belarshout, Fighter 1
Now Hasper roams the coastline, living off of whatever he Kelgantor of the Wheel, Fighter 1
can catch and kill. Adventurer lore holds that Hasper has Naskbryn, Fighter 1
gone mad: he refuses all offers to return to Suzail, and he Neld Allaghar, Fighter 1
attacks the nearest living person if the matter of Bloodtower Orkrash, Fighter 1
and the fate of his men is brought up. Dark rumor claims
Hasper will cause the blood of anyone who tries to physically Arbrace of Rowanmantle, Rogue 1
abduct him to come boiling up out of their body. Skult, Rogue 1
Before his departure Hasper made a down payment on a Traevyn of Six Candles, Rogue 1
ship of his own, on the assumption the riches found in Corlador Castlehaunt, Sorcerer 1
Bloodtower would serve to pay off the remaining coin he
owed. It remains docked in Suzail. When not adventuring:
Corleth serves as a laborer at the warehouses owned by
The Men of the Horngate the Seven Suns trading coster in Suzail.
Fifteen in number, this band of unchartered novice Kelgantor takes work as a doorjack (a kind of all-purpose
adventurers took the name of Suzail's northwest gate as part errand runner) at the Wailing Wheel Inn, near Horngate.
of their adventuring moniker. Naskbryn loads and unloads ships along Suzail's docks for
The Men of the Horngate operate in the lands west of whomever will pay him.
Suzail. They wander the Merewash Trail, exploring coastal Traevyn rooms with his extended family at the Six Candles
ruins along the Dragonmere and up into the castle and Inn. Like many "inn families" in Suzail, they receive room,
cottage-filled woodland hills where the King's Forest and the board and a small stipend in exchange for working day and
Stormhorns overlap. night at the inn.
The Men have made friends with the priests of Kelemvor,
who inhabit the Vault of Restful Dead. One novice cleric has The Tattered Sails
left the Vault to join the Men on their adventures. Aside from A mixed bunch of scavengers, shipless sailors and criminals
the cleric, the ranks of the Men have not changed during their who banded together to overcome the hazards native to the
first season of adventuring. ship graveyard of Margrath's Rest, located west of Suzail.
Thus far, the Men have escaped death by drowning, while After a month of searching the Sails discovered a rotting
exploring the rotting interior of one of the many abandoned strongbox hidden away in the hull of a scuttled ship. The
vessels that fill the ship graveyard of Margrath's Rest. They treasure proved valuable enough to allow the Sails to obtain
were overcome by a swarm of man-sized worms during a property in Suzail, as well as a ship and crew of their own.
foray into the Wormpits, but managed to hack a bloody path Now they sail the Dragonmere in search of adventure.
to safety. Rumors swirl around the treasure the Sails recovered.
Having returned home to Suzail for the winter, the Men Some say it was a ransom payment that was never made.
plan to head north on the Way of the Dragon for the bustling Others claim the strongbox was filled to the brim with
town of Waymoot, in the King's Forest, as soon as the snows gemstones. In truth, the treasure was three pieces of
thaw enough to allow road travel. They owe a debt to the parchment, two of which were deeds to buildings in Suzail,
monks of the Vault, though no one knows what task the Men the last a deed to a modest sailing ship.
must complete to repay the monks.
Most of the Men are experienced day laborers and The Wildblades of Suzail
dockworkers. A few are the third and fourth sons of dung
carters and lesser servant families. Collectively they know all A group of bored and restless sons and daughters of
of Suzail south of the Promenade. The remainder of the Men Cormyrean nobility who stand far back in their respective
make side coins by loitering in the vicinity of the Horngate lines of inheritance.
and waiting for merchants or travelers that appear new to The lordlings have heard of the "wildblade" lords of
Cormyr's capital city. They offer to help find buyers for Waterdeep who run wild up and down the Sword Coast far to
merchant wares and as guides-for-a-day to navigate the city. the west, and have taken that word as the name for their
newly formed adventuring band.


Marsember and Vicinity
The wet fog that cloaks Marsember by night and the sudden Soaked to the bone and aching from their burns, the
rainstorms that wash over the City of Spices by day conceal survivors swore to find whomever wished them dead and
the doings of slavers and traitorous Cormyreans, as well as forgotten. The members of the Company operate by night in
the heroic adventurers that hunt them. Marsember, the better to preserve their anonymity and
Outlander adventurers desiring to slip into Cormyr search for clues to the identity of their assailants.
unnoticed make Marsember their destination port, the better
to avoid paying the Crown for an official adventuring charter. The Slydaggers
The villages to the north and east that border the Hermit's Hardblades and cutthroats native to the Moonsea, far to the
Woods have their own character and ways, but they fall under north beyond the forests of Cormanthor.
the dark shadow of Marsember nonetheless. The Slydaggers are recent arrivals in Cormyr, believing it
to be a soft place ripe for plunder. They've set themselves up
The Bold Blades of Blustich in Marsember as no-questions-asked problem solvers.
When fishermen native to Blustich sighted a small cog run up Thievery, blackmail, intimidation and murder are their stock
on rocks near their village, a rescue party was assembled and in trade, and business is good.
two boats launched. The men and women that rowed out to The Slydaggers charge a premium for causing fatal
the cog to render assistance fell prey to a ruse, however, for "accidents" to befall adventurers. Their most recent
the ship's crew came out from hiding and attacked, intent on assignment is the elimination of the Broken Fingers, also of
making slaves of them all. The villagers were imprisoned with Marsember.
other Cormyreans already captured and the cog set sail. The Slydaggers are on the lookout for a wealthy patron
That night the captives broke free of their restraints and whom they can work for exclusively. They plan to eliminate
took the fight to their captors. The surviving crew were the patron after earning his or her trust, steal all the riches
shackled and then questioned none too gently. The following they can lay hands on, then depart for another port city far
morning saw the cog set a course for Marsember. There the from Cormyr where they can spend their riches freely.
former captives apprehended the Cormyrean noble who'd
secretly sponsored the slavers and then turned him over to The Torch Drinkers of Bogbrook
the Crown. In the village of Bogbrook it is customary to extinguish
Of the captives, a handful realized they had acquired a torches in rain barrels, handkegs or anything else holding
taste for swordplay and righting wrongs. These seven formed liquid. The Torch Drinkers are noteworthy for extinguishing
the adventuring band known as the Bold Blades of Blustich. torches by placing them in their mouths without suffering
The Blades explore the Hermit's Wood and wander the burns or scorched tongues, and for identifying which parts of
coast from Blustich to Moonever. the bog have become saturated with gasses capable of
NOTE: The imprisoned nobleman, one Danthul exploding in varicolored displays of fire if a torch is
Blacksilver, is the third son of Lord Danthalus Blacksilver. introduced.
Danthul is serving a term of ten years confinement within the In Bogbrook, finding bogs that have gassed up and igniting
prison keep of Irlingstar. Lord Danthalus has quietly offered a them before they become so dangerous as to fell passersby is
reward for the capture of anyone responsible for his son's a somewhat lethal job given by the village elders to village
arrest. Danthalus hopes to present the captives to his son miscreants. The Torch Drinkers have all been on bog
after his release, that he might find a measure of vengeance. bursting duty at least once in their lives, and have the fire
scars to prove it. The Torch Drinkers are not above luring the
The Broken Fingers monsters of the Hermit's Woods, or foes tracking them from
The closest thing to a well-loved band of heroes to be found Marsember, into flammable bogs before setting the ground
in Marsember. aflame and watching the show that unfolds.
The Broken Fingers derive their coin through vigilantism Eight in number, the Torch Drinkers make all of Cormyr
and the roughing up of miscreants and bullyblades. They around the Hermit's Woods their adventuring territory. Most
challenging anyone who thwarts Crown law, and openly mock settlements bordering the Hermit's Woods welcome them,
Crown officials who fail to uphold the law or use it for their with the exception of Gladehap, where the Torch Drinkers
own selfish ends. have made fierce enemies. They are watched closely in
Because they enjoy breaking the fingers of anyone who Marsember by agents of the merchants the Torch Drinkers
crosses them, the Fingers have earned a long list of enemies. have crossed swords with in the past. When adventure
opportunities are few, the Torch Drinkers find work as trail
The Company of the Dead Barge guides for anyone navigating the uncertain terrain around
Unlike the other corpses that had been piled high on a barge Having lost friends to the Hermit's Woods (when they were
destined to burn in the waters near Marsember, the future ten in number), the Torch Drinkers vowed never to travel
members of the Company of the Dead Barge awakened from through that forest again. Not even the promise of easily
their poison-induced slumber in time to fall into the water found treasure is enough to lure them back.
and douse the flames that had been burning them alive.


The Twelvefold Trollkillers The Winking Gems
A band of upland Sembians with experience fighting in the Based out of Marsember, the Winking Gems explore all of
Dales and in Sembia proper. The Trollkillers left Sembia for the southern Dragon Coast. They have made successful
Cormyr after spending a year living the life of mercenaries. incursions into the ruins of Pros and Haunted Ilipur. The
Their journey on the East Way found danger in the wooded Gems are a frequent sight on the Trader’s Road between
verges of Semberholme and the steep foothills of the Elversult and Teziir.
Thunder Peaks. The Hullack Forest proved a ready source of The Winking Gems are famous for recovering the lost
danger too, thanks to a bloody battle that saw the Trollkillers raiments of Queen Alendue of Cormyr. Few realize that the
defend a merchant caravan from four-armed trolls swarming adventurers removed from the ancient queen's raiments the
out of the woods. magical gemstones she used to control the minds of those
It was from this battle that the surviving ex-mercenaries around her. The gemstones were replaced with non-magical
drew their adventuring name. duplicates.
The Trollkillers spent the winter in Arabel then journeyed A former mercenary captain leads the Winking Gems. All
south to Suzail in search of a patron to sponsor their are human.
adventures. A month of fruitless searching forced the Troll
Killers east to Marsember, where they found a patron in the The Winking Gems
form of Lord Irlake Keskrel. Glanthra “The Galloping Knight” Halowyrm, Fighter 8, leader
Today the Trollkillers roam the coast between Moonever
and Bogbrook. They explore ruins, old caves and abandoned Tamrael of Athkatla, Fighter 6
dwellings for monsters, and the hiding places of slavers and Malarrla “Bloodcoins” Branthur, Rogue 6
pirates. Lord Keskrel wants all the dangers on the coast Ozrin, Sorcerer 6
rooted out and eliminated, the better to protect his Andragus “The Mad Magister" of Memnon, Warlock 4
investments in Moonever. Gholsuntiir, Wizard 4
Lord Keskrell has warned the Trollkillers never to enter the Irigoth Emmertide, of Suzail, Cleric 3 (Tyr)
Hermit's Woods. Crimmon of the Towers of Good Fortune, Cleric 3 (Tymora)
Immult, Bard of Elversult, Bard 3
Tathkaskur “The Tyrant Slayer”, Fighter 1


"The Coast" and The Company of the Bottled Fiend
the Dragonmere There exists a shrine to Umberlee beneath the waters of the
Dragonmere. Many centuries ago it served as a rallying point
All the land of Cormyr that lies due east of the Hermit's for followers of the Queen of the Deeps, who gathered to
Woods between the Way of the Manticore and the offer prayers to their goddess and then set out to hunt the
northeastern coast of the Dragonmere is known simply as dangerous creatures lurking within the Dragonmere.
"the Coast." Twice a year, the faithful of Umberlee who worshipped in
The villages of Dreamer's Rock, Monksblade, Kirinwood, the House of the Sea (near present-day Monksblade) left their
Dawngleam, Battlerise and Wormtower are most likely to be temple home to participate in the hunt. Twice a year the
found on maps of the region, though in truth no map exists survivors emerged from the Dragonmere, proudly displaying
that reveals all the hamlets and villages that dot the Coast their wounds and sometimes carrying treasures found
and the winding farm trails that link one settlement to the beneath the waves.
next. This has not stopped adventurers from foolishly Time is friend to no one, not even the followers of powerful
purchasing the latest map "to show everything" from any of gods. The House of the Sea was overrun and the adherents of
the countless cart merchants that ply their wares on the the Goddess all slain or driven off. The few survivors made
Coast. for the Dragonmere, there to hide the temple treasures below
Cart merchants also sell chapbooks filled with fanciful the waves in anticipation of the day when the House of the
stories of the holy knights that once roamed this part of Sea would rise again.
Cormyr. Stories featuring battles with monstrous beholders, The ritual hunts dedicated to the Queen of the Deeps
wicked hags and worse are popular, as are the stories of occurred less as time wore on. The underwater shrine was
heroic adventurers finding their way into the depths of the all but forgotten by anyone save for adventurers, who have
Dragonmere. Such tales oft end with the heroes emerging searched in vain for the holy place rumored to exist
triumphant from the water after dispatching horrible sea somewhere in the waters of the Dragonmere.
monsters and recovering treasures of great value. In present day Cormyr, a motley collection of adventurers
In truth, most adventurers pay with their lives for daring to discovered potions of water breathing in the cellars beneath
venture below the surface of the Dragonmere. Its many what remains of the House of the Sea, as well as a treatise
underwater ruins remain filled with unclaimed riches. explaining when and how to make proper offerings to


 Their prayers were answered by the goddess in the form of a
boon: Each potion of water breathing granted both the power
to breath underwater and the ability to swim with ease under
the waves for as long as the potion drinker remained below
the water's surface. Soon after, the adventurers left to find the
shrine in the Dragonmere.
A tenday later they returned to Monksblade, their numbers
reduced by a third and all the survivors wounded or near
dying. They brought back treasure too, and used it to
purchase rooms at the Firedagger Inn to rest and recuperate.
Among their treasures were bottles made of brilliantly
colored glass, each corked and sealed in wax stamped with a
single elaborate rune. No two bottles were the same size or
color, and within each could be seen something writhing and
moving about in murky liquid.
Of these, only the bottle containing a fiend from the Hells
was broken when a gang of bullyblades attempted to steal the
treasure by force. The Firedagger Inn might have been
obliterated in raging hellfire on the spot, but the terrible fiend
that emerged after its glass prison was dashed over the head
of an attacker immolated only the brigands. The hell creature
informed the adventurers that its debt to them was repaid,
and warned them to never try and recapture it ere it
Because rumor always outraces truth, the adventurers
gained instant fame for driving off a fiend of the Hells while
simultaneously slaying a band of brigands that had been
troubling the region. With fame came a name not of their
choosing, and so the Company of the Bottled Fiend left
Monksblade to find adventure further north in the Hullack
Forest, and the Infested Hills to the northeast.
Adventurer lore holds that the Company have kept their
magical bottles for use in an emergency, but in truth the
bottles were deposited for safekeeping at Wendeira's
Wondery (a shop in Monksblade that displays and sells a
variety of odd things, including minor magical baubles of
questionable function and safety; Wendeira runs a side
business storing valuables and things magical in the
basement beneath her shop).
A roster of the Company of the Bottled Fiend follows. All
are human unless otherwise stated:

The Company of the Bottled Fiend

Drarra Blackrune, Paladin 6 (Chauntea), Leader
Halmond, Cleric 5 (Tempus), Second In Command
Talessa of Monksblade, Fighter 4
Ruthgul "the Ravager" of Marsember, Fighter 4
Ospra Deadfeather, Tiefling Sorcerer 4
Maharantrae "Many Eyes" of Dreamer's Rock, Wizard 3
Eldrem, Cleric 3 (Talos), formerly of the Stormchasers
Welwyn of the Firedagger, Fighter 2
Solatha Wanderwyrm, Warlock 1 (Fey Pact)

The Merry Mages of Monksblade The Smiling Ogres of Battlerise
A mixed bag of spellcasters, the Merry Mages are ex- The Smiling Ogres are all former members of the Purple
apprentice wizards, sorcerers and individuals with as-yet- Dragons turned into ogres of immense size by an exiled
undeveloped magical talent. wizard of Berdusk.
Beyond a shared interest in spellcasting, the Mages hold The Dragons-turned-ogres were made to guard the
personal independence as a virtue, divide treasure equally wizard's home: an abandoned keep on the coast south of
and have no leader, preferring to vote on matters of Kirinwood. The Dragons broke the mind link by which the
importance to their group. wizard controlled them by smashing her head into a wall.
The Merry Mages plan to leave Cormyr for Scornubel, then The once-Dragons were forced to retire from service to the
head north to Bannerfall Tower, where they suspect the Crown after repeated attempts by the Wizards of War failed
Three-Headed Helm has been secreted away. to return the soldiers to normal.
The Smiling Ogres wander the coast from Smuggler's
The Skullcloaks Stone to Dawngleam in search of adventure. They are
This ten-strong band is led by a pair of elves rumored to be welcome in the villages of Wormtower and Dawngleam, but
sisters, and includes four warlocks from Arabel that look shun the smaller coastal hamlets. The Ogres are immune to
exactly alike. The Skullcloaks were last seen in the vicinity of mind-influencing and mind-controlling magic of all kinds.
Dreamer's Rock. The Terrible Tankards of
All wear hooded cloaks capable of conjuring a grinning
skull over their faces when the hood is pulled up. Campfire Wormtower
stories told by travelers on the Way of the Manticore have This band of adventurers assembled with one goal in mind:
assigned other powers to the cloaks, such as the ability to see recover enough treasure to finance the construction of a
by night and immunity from the deleterious touch of certain proper tavern in Wormtower—one fully stocked with the best
undead. drinkables to be had in all of Cormyr. The Tankards plan to
retire from adventuring after their coin goal is achieved.



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