Mahabharata 13AB

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Adi Parva beginning from the text number 202 and this is Dhirtarashtra is speaking with his

secretary Sanjaya where he is explaining that he is got the feeling that they are going to win.

yadA.ashrauShaM drauNinA dvairathasthaM

mAdrIsutaM nakulaM lokamadhye.
samaM yuddhe maNDalebhyashcharantaM
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-226

When I hear that Nakhula the son of Madri was fighting very ferociously with Ashwathama
who is a great hero along with in front of other powerful kings then I lost hope of any victory.
Because Nakula was not considered as big fighter. And ashwathama was a very big fighter.
And he is one of the seven chiranjeevis or who has long life like Vyas hanuman they all still
alive. He is still wandering

yadA droNe nihate droNaputro

nArAyaNaM divyamastraM vikurvan.
naiShAmantaM gatavAnpANDavAnAM
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-227

When Dronachariya was killed then Ashwathama he became very angry. Because his father
was killed also by telling the lie. So he wanted to finish all the pandavas. And he release one
weapon call Narayan astra the weapon of Lord Narayana. And all these Gods and demigogs
they have their special weapons. Like Indra has brahmastra then shiva has his pashupat
astra they are very powerful weapons. So he has this Narayan astra. Narayan astra no one
can counteract that so he released it and it has the ability that if you release it then it grows
in to many and whoever comes in front of it he will be consumed. It’s an arrow. All these
weapons usually are arrows. Like a missle and you just release it. So he released Narayan
astra. And when Narayan astra was released then Narayan astra started to killing army of
the pandavas. And people were trying to fight with it but more you fight it more powerful it
was becoming. So there was no way that anybody could escape this. So then Krishna told
everybody get off of their chariots elephants and horses and drop all your weapons and hold
your hands stand in front of this. Because it is the only way to counteract it then this astra
will become quiet and it does not kill the person who takes it shelter. So of course in the
beginning the people were not listening to him because Kshatriyas never give up. But
Krishna said that you cannot fight with this and they realised this so everybody dropped their
weapons stood on the ground with folded hands and jay narayan jay narayan. And then this
astra became ineffective. So he says that Dhirtarashtra when I heard that this Narayan astra
was not able to kill the pandavas then I lost hope. In fact bhima was still trying to fight but
Krishna had to forcibly pull him down from the chariot. He said that you cannot survive this.

yadA.ashrauShaM bhImasenena pItaM

raktaM bhrAturyudhi duHshAsanasya.
nivAritaM nAnyatamena bhImaM
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-228

When I heard that in the battle Bhimasena as throw his own brother dhushasan because
they are all brothers cousin brothers and no one stopped him and he drained the blood from
his chest then I lost hope. So I told you that one day Bhimasena has taken the vow that one
day he will drink the blood and not only that he said but I will bring this blood to Draupadi and
she will wash her hair with that and then I only feel satisfied. So Draupadi did not tie her hair
all this time. After she was insulted in the assembly she kept her hair loose.And she said that
only when dhushasan’s blood will come and will wash my hair then I will tie. So Bhimasena
actually did that he took that blood to the Draupadi and she washed her hair in the blood
shampoo. This was shampoo and conditioner together. And color die was. There are people
who hair red so she also did that. So this is Kshatriya woman. Otherwise how they could
give birth to such man if they are not like that. These woman only train them from the
childhood….. Just like today I was reading the newspaper that some place in America 4 year
old boy at night he woke up and he took mothers car and started driving. And he went to the
shop and he was trying to turn in two cars and police sherif saw it. And he hit his car and he
stopped him. First he saw that this car was going without any driver 4 year boy you know.
But the police saw that somebody is actually sitting inside. And his feet is not even reaching
the accelerator. So mother said that she drives her car and boy in her lap and she was
always explaining how the car works how to start it you know where is the accelerator where
is the brake so at night he tried it. And he was successful. So these Kshatriya womans they
train their sons like that. So basically it is the woman who train man for fighting. Otherwise
why man will fight? The fight is because of the woman of the abode?? So woman is the
cause of war. Kunti himself told to Krishna when he came that now you go to Arjuna that the
time has come for which I gave you birth. Some shloka…. It says that very time for kshatriya
which is given to his son that time has come. That means they producing only for fighting
you know.(8:12)

yadA.ashrauShaM karNamatyantashUraM
hataM pArthenAhaveShvapradhR^iShyam.
tasminbhrAtR^iNAM vigrahe devaguhye
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-229

It says that this battle between the brothers kauravas and pandavas was happening
by the secret inspiration of demigods. And when I heard that karna who was a very big
fighter and no one has ever defeated him and he was killed by Arjuna then I lost hope. So
you know that Karna was a very big fighter like Arjuna but he was also killed in the battle.

yadA.ashrauShaM droNaputraM cha shUraM

Karna had a curse from Parashuram because Parashuram he know that he was dead
against kshatriyas and he killed kshatriyas 21 times. Because his father was beheaded by a
Kshatriya king for a cow. So he killed kshatriyas and then he never wanted to teach the art of
fighting to kshatriyas he would only teach the brahmanas. And Karna he wanted to learn
especially this Brahmastra because if he has to fight with Arjuna, Arjuna knows how to
release brahmastra so he also has to know it. So he disguised himself as a brahmana boy.
And approached Parashuram and he learned the art of fighting from him. But what
happened one day when Karna was sitting and Parashuram he fell asleep then he kept his
head on karna’s tight. He was sitting in the forest teaching and he tired so he lied down and
he put his head on karnas tight and he fell asleep. And he slept for long time. In the
meantime what happened that one worm came and this worm started eating karna’s tight in
fact it was eating nicely flesh and blood but karna he did not move he kept tolerating the pain
because his guru was sleeping. He thought that if he moves then his sleep will be disturbed.
So he just tolerated it. In the fight they also tolerate the arrows in their body so it is not a big
deal for them. But then what happened the blood started flowing from his tight and now this
blood flow touched the body of Parashuram. And when he touched his body he woke up.
And when he woke up he saw how is that I am feeling some water coming. So he saw that
there was a blood flowing. And then he saw that this blood is coming from karnas tight. So
he asked him what is this? He said some worm is eating my tight. So he said why don’t you
stop it? He says oh gurudev you were sleeping so I did not want to disturb your sleep so I
just tolerated it. So Parashuram said rascal you are the Kshatriya! You are not the brahman
boy there is no brahman boy who tolerates this he would immediately throw me away. So he
says I don’t believe that you are the brahmana you are the kshatriya because only kshatriyas
can tolerate like this. So then he kept pushing him and then karna had to say that yes I am
not a brahmana. So he says why you didn’t tell that I am coming and learn but I don’t teach I
teach only brahmanas. He says I wanted to learn so I can fight with Arjuna. So Parashuram
said that because you have tricked me so I curse you that when the time will come for you
then your chariot will get stuck in the blood mud. Just like this blood was flowing here so in
the battle were so much blood from people elephants and horses. So you chariot will get
stuck and at that time you will forget how to use your astra and you will be killed. So this is
what happened one day he was fighting with Arjuna and the fight was going on very fierce.
Karna and Arjuna were fighting together and then Karnas chariot got stuck in the mud. His
driver was trying to move the chariot but it was not coming. You know sometime car stops
slipping in the mud and like that it was slipping. So karna he went down from the chariot and
he was trying to uplift the wheel to get it out from this and when he was doing that then
Krishna told to Arjuna now you kill him. So Arjuna says how can I kill him this is wrong. He
says this is below my dignity to shoot arrows at him when he is trying to pull his chariot out.
He says no I am telling you kill him this rascal deserved this. So Krishna convinced Arjuna
and when Arjuna started shooting arrows at Karna, Karna said what kind of kshatriya are
you? Don’t you know that I have dropped my bow and arrows and I am trying to get out this
chariot wheel from this mud? So don’t you know the principles of religion? Then Krishna
chastised him like anything. Karna you are talking about religions principles? And then he
quoted so many instances where was your religion when Draupadi was stripped in the
assembly? Where was your religion when pandavas were cheated? When was your religion
when you tried to burn them in the fire? So on and on so many instances. Where is your
religion these people lived according to the condition 12 years in the forest and 1 year
incognito and you don’t want to give their kingdom back and when your life is in danger then
you want to give the lecture of religion. Because this is what most irreligious people do. They
do all the time irreligious activities but if the religious person do the irreligious activity then
they will say oh you are being irreligious. But actually they have no right to speak. If you are
religious then you can tell other person why you are irreligious but if you yourself irreligious
then what is your authority? What is your qualification? This means that if you are going on
irreligious activity and the other person if he does the religious activity and this is against
your benefit it is unfavourable to you then you give a lecture so you always have an apparent
and if you have a right to be irreligious then the other person cannot. So he says this religion
is not for people like you. You should be killed by irreligion only. So Krishna told him to shoot
and kill him. And he killed him. So this is what it is describing.

yadA.ashrauShaM nihataM madrarAjaM

raNe shUraM dharmarAjena sUta.
sadA sa~NgrAme spradhate yastu kR^iShNaM
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-231

There was one king Salya he was maternal uncle of Nakula and Sahadev. Brother of their
mother Madri. And he was actually coming help to pandavas. He was also a big fighter. And
one thing which he knew very well was how to drive the chariot. Because this driving the
chariot in the battlefield is also an art. Sometime you have to drive fast sometimes you have
to slow to… enemy sometimes turn left and right you know so many ways to describe. And
there were two people who were expert in driving. One was Krishna himself and one was
Shaliya. And only Shaliya was match to Krishna in chariot driving. Krishna was driving
chariot not like that he was actually knew how to do it well. So Karna was fighting with Arjuna
he wanted Shaliya to become his driver. So Shaliya he refused this he said what is this I am
a Kshatriya and you are the son of chariot driver you think I am going to be a chariot driver
for you? This is a big insult he refused. But then they convinced him to drive the chariot. But
before I was trying to tell you that Shaliya was coming to help pandavas but what happened
that duryondhan when he heard that shaliya is coming he went and he met shaliya on the
way. And he said he requested that you are also my maternal uncle you are not only
pandavas maternal uncle so why don’t you help me. And these Kshatriyas business was to
fight. For them didn’t really matter which side they are going to fight. You know it’s just like
you wanna play whatever football. So you are the football player and somebody invited you
to play it doesn’t matter to you wheater the team A inviting you or team B is inviting you.
And whichever side you play you want to win. So why Duryodhana had 11 akshoni and
pandavas only 7 because Duryodhana already met so many people beforehand because he
knew that he is not going to give the land without the fighting. And whoever comes earlier
then they agree to fight to that side. So this Shaliya who was coming to fight on the side of
the Pandavas because they are his nephews then he went to duryodhan side. And he fought
for that side. Against his own nephews. It’s like a feast. Krishna says in the first chapter of
Bhagavad gita that …… He says that those Kshatriyas are fortunate to get the battle
like this to fight. …… It’s gate to heaven. It’s open. …. Well because they both were
relatives you know so what he can do. Duryodhan was also related because pandavas and
kauravas they all brothers you know. Duryodhan was also good in having relationship with
people. So he went and he fought. And especially he wanted Shaliya because he knew that
it is karna who is going to fight with Arjuna and Karna will need a good chariot driver. Who is
the match to Krishna. So that’s why he begged him and he came. So when he went then in
the beginning when yudhishthir Maharaj went he payed obeisances to everybody to Bhisma
and then to drona and then Kripachariya and I think ashwathama also he also went to
shaliya and payed obeisances. And Shaliya said I am sorry I am fighting against you ask me
how can I help you. He says you will help that one day you will drive the chariot of Karna and
at that time dont drive it so well. And you keep on discouraging the Karna. So when Shaliya
was driving the chariot of karna he was always discouraging. He said how can you fight
against Arjuna? You are no match to him. And like that he will keep on discouraging him.
And when Karna was killed then the next after that Shaliya was the last commander and
chief on the side of the kauravas. There is very nice shloka in mahabharat. ….. That indeed
the hope is very powerful because kauravas were thinking that Shaliya will win over the
Pandavas. Whatever you want to say that look it is stupid then they say oh shaliya is going
to win over the pandavas. So you know when competition is not good and when somebody
is thinking that this weak party is going to win over strong party. So people will say oh
shaliya just shoot pandavas. As if Shaliya is going to win over the pandavas. This is like
really hoping against the hope. Bhisma is died dronachariya is killed karna is killed and now
they are thinking that shaliya is the one who is going to rescue them. So this shaliya was
killed by Yudhishthir maharaj. And it is said that he was expert in chariot driving like Krishna.
Then I lost hope of any victory.

yadA.ashrauShaM kalahadyUtamUlaM
mAyAbalaM saubalaM pANDavena.
hataM sa~NgrAme sahadevena pApaM
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-232

And the root cause of this battle was Shakuni. Who was the brother of Gandhari.
Duryodhans mother. And he was very expert in gambling. Expert means he knew how to
cheat. Because he will throw the dice in such a way that he will get the number he wants.
And he will do that by cheating he will do some trick. So he was actually the root cause
because why durtodhan wanted them to gamble because he knew that I will call shakuni on
my side and I will cheat yudhishthir. So basically they win the gambling by cheating. This
shakuni was killed by sahadev. So he says that when I heard that this sinful shakuni was
killed then I lost any hope of anu victory.

yadA.ashrauShaM shrAntamekaM shayAnaM

hradaM gatvA stambhayitvA tadambhaH.
duryodhanaM virathaM bhagnashaktiM
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-233

On the last day on the 18th day of battle when Shaliya was killed and all these people were
killed and Duryodhana was still alive all his 99 brothers were killed. So when what he did he
ran from there and there was a lake and he went inside that lake. And he knew the art that
he could stay inside the water by creating air there space. He knew this yogic power. He
could get inside the water and could not get suffocated. So he went inside this lake and then
pandavas where hunting for him that where is duryodhan because bhima especially has to
complete his vow killing all the 100 brothers. And the war will not be considered victorious
unless the Duryodhan will be killed. Because previously unless the king is killed then only
you are the victorious either you have to defeat him capture him or you have to kill him. So
duryodhan was still alive and he was the king. So they were hunting for him and asked
everyone if anyone saw duryodhan. Finally they have traced him someone said that they
saw him going to the lake. So Krishna knew that Duryodhan is hiding there and they have to
get him out. But he was not ready to come out because he knew if I have to come out it’s my
death. So they played you know many tricks and counselation and this and that and finally
Krishna said Yudhishthir maharah said that if you come out you can fight with any of the 5
pandavas and if you defeat him then you will get all the kingdom. So Duryodhan he agreed
to come out on this condition. But then Krishna was very angry on Yudhishtir. He says why
you have to do such stupid things you are not given up your habit of gambling. He says you
know that he is very expert in club fighting. And if he chooses Arjuna to fight in club or you or
nakula and sahadev you think you can fight with him? Because they were no match for
duryodhana. Duryodhana has learned the art of club fighting from Baladev Lord Balaram. So
he was very expert. So Yudhishthir had no answer. Because he says everything will be lost.
And why he will choose bhimasen? He will choose any of you weaklings. He says you come
and you fight according to the weapon you wanted to fight. Because you know that he is
expert in club fighting. Because when 12 years they were living in the forest he was
practicing only club fighting. Because he knew that bhima is going to challenge him. And
bhima has taken the vow to break his leg. Because when draupadi was brought to the
assembly he was pointing that you come and sit on my tight. He was actually removing his
dhoti from the tight and showing you see this beautiful fat tights you can come and sit on
them because anyway you are like a prostitute. So Bhima was very angry and he says one
day I will break your tight you will see. So when Duryodhan came out then of course Krishna
pumped him up. Oh very nice you have comed you are great hero and great heroes fight
according to the match and I am sure you will choose to fight with Bhima only. Because
otherwise it will be disgrace for you if you win over those people…. So duryodhan says yes
yes how can I fight with these people I will fight with bhima. So this is how Krishna saved the
situation. And Bhima ofcourse he broke his tight which was illegal because in club fighting
you are not supposed to hit below the belt. That’s why sometimes there is a saying that this
is call hit below the belt. But Krishna told him that this is only chance you have to fulfill your
vow so he gave one hit with his club to the tight and his tight broken and he fell down. He
had a …. So he could not stand and that’s only when ashwathama came into the picture.
Because he was lying down there and his both legs were broken and he is lying there and
at night the jackals came and they were trying to drink his blood and he is trying to chase
them away. And the dogs are coming. And ashwathama he was passing by and he saw this
because they were searching for him. They didn’t kill him they left him like this. Just broke
the tights and they left it’s finished go. So he was suffering. So ashwathama was very
devoted to duryodhan he said that I am going to take revenge on this. That’s why he went to
the camp to kill the pandavas. Fortunately Krishna has removed the pandavas from there
and he killed 5 sons of draupadi who were sleeping.

yadA.ashrauShaM pANDavAMstiShThamAnAn
gatvA hrade vAsudevena sArdham.
amarShaNaM dharShayataH sutaM me
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-234

When I heard that Krishna has reached the lake where my son was hiding and they were
speaking harsh words to my son then I lost hope.
yadA.ashrauShaM vividhAMshchitramArgAn
gadAyuddhe maNDalashashcharantam.
mithyA hataM vAsudevasya buddhyA
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-235

When I heard that my son was fighting expertly in the battle with club but on the inspiration
of Krishna Bhima unjustly broke his thight by hitting with the club then I lost hope of any

yadA.ashrauShaM droNaputrAdibhistai-
rhatAnpa~nchAlAndraupadeyAMshcha suptAn.
kR^itaM bIbhatsamayashasyaM cha karma
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-236

So as I said Ashwathama he came there and he saw the …. Of Duryodhana. And he was
lamenting very much. He says he is such a big king that if he flick then 500 servants will
come and now he is lying down there and there is no one person to take care of him. He
does not have even the water to drink and jackals are trying to drink his blood. So he says
Duryodhan you have supported me all your life so then I will go and do something and then I
will bring good news for you. So then he went and killed 5 sons of Draupadi and then he
came he told this to duryodhan but then duryodhan was very unhappy to hear that. He says
why you did that this is wrong. Because he actually wanted to kill pandavas but he killed 5
sons of draupadi. So Duryodhan said that if you would killed 5 pandavas then I would be
happy but now you have killed 5 sons of draupadi. And then he says….

yadA.ashrauShaM bhImasenAnuyAte-
nAshvatthAmnA paramAstraM prayuktam.
kruddhenaiShIkamavadhIdyena garbhaM
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-237

And then when the pandavas came to know about it then bhima he chased ashwathama and
ashwathama he took one straw and he made brahmastra out of it and he throw to kill the
womb of utara. So he says that when I heard that then I lost hope of any victory. Of course I
think there was a hope of victory but this is the flow of the shloka. And this is the last shloka
in this flow.

yadA.ashrauShaM brahmashiro.arjunena
svastItyuktvA.astramastreNa shAntam.
ashvatthAmnA maNiratnaM cha dattaM
tadA nAshaMse vijayAya saMjaya.. 1-1-238

When this brahmastra was coming he has released 5 brahmastras to kill pandavas also
then Arjuna he stopped these brahmastras in the air. And then he captured Ashwathama
who was trying to run away and then as you know the story from bhagavatam he was
brought to draupadi and krishna said kill him. Then draupadi said no dont kill him. Because
what is the use of killing him now my sons are dead. They cannot be brought to life and he is
only son of his mother and his father is dead. His mother is a widow and if he also get killed
then how much pain the mother will feel whose husband and son is dead. So she says
please release him. But Krishna gave and Bhima also said kill him. So bhima and Krishna
were telling arjuna to kill him and yodhishthir and draupadi said no dont kill. So Arjuna wasn’t
fixed what to do because he also has to follow what Krihsna is saying so but what he did that
Ashwathama had his gem naturaly he was born with it. So he took a sword and removed his
gem from his head. And he insulted him. And it is said that insulting a brahmana is as good
as killing him. So in this manner he followed both. He followed Krishna and he followed
Yudhishthira. That he killed him and at the same time he did not killed him. So that what he
says that when I heard that his gem was removed from his head then was no hope of any
victory. Why Yudhishthir said no to kill? Because he was a son of a guru and he is a
brahmana and we should not kill what is the use now war is over. Same the draupadi was
saying. Already so many people were killed. And Yudhishthir was lamenting of dead of so
many people later on. He did not wanted to take a throne. Because he was feeling so much
guilty because this throne had to kill so many people whole family is destroyed so then why I
have to kill one more person. So that’s how he was spared. And this is the end of these
shlokas which are ending tada nashmse vijayaya samjaya. At that time sanjaya I lost hope of
victory. But he continues to speak further more. That will be in the next class.

Question difficult to understand that kshatriyas religious or irreligious principles…. That’s not
that everybody was like that but what happened when you have relatives and both relatives
asking for your help then you become oblised. Like Duryodhana also went to Krishna. You
understrand? He also went to Krishna to ask help and Krishna gave him help. Krishna said
once side I will be there and other side will be my army. He had his personal own army.
Thats why this skripvarma?? One who has mentioned in gita also and he is also one of the
persons who remained alive so he was commander in chief of Krishnas army and the name
of the army was narayani army. So he gave his own army to fight on duryodhan side.
Imagine Krishna is giving his own army to fight to these irreligious people. But that’s is the
relative coming and asking for help. When they need help they also go like this. Army people
are like that they are trained to follow the order. Army people don’t think deeply if they start
think deeply then they will not fight. That’s they always boosted up?? Why army people are
given so much liquor to drink? So that they loose their brain. Then only they fight. Any sane
man will avoid fighting. So they have to make half insane. Drink drink drink and they have to
do this march. They make you mechanical left right left right. What is the purpose of this left
and right? So that you loose your brain just follow. Don’t ask then only they can fight. Arjuna
why he was not fighting because he was started thinking. Before he also thought but at that
time he didn’t think. He just went and fought. Same with the spiritual life if you start thinking
to start spiritual life or not to take to spiritual life then you will never take into spiritual life.
Anyone who take in to spiritual life he doesn’t think it’s like an impulse. You might know
yourself. Then you don’t even think. Now I have to take into spiritual life then you go. You
don’t think what will happen to my health what I will eat where will I live what about my
parents all these considerations if you start thinking then you will never start. Because this is
also war. War against maya. And if you start making considerations then you will end up
householder. Right? And you continue like that. So this is done on impulse. So these
kshatriyas were like that. They have to like that otherwise they cannot fight. They dharma is
to fight. And if somebody is asking for help then they will fight this is their dharma. Why he is
fighting that is his business. Yes otherwise why he would come out? He knows his life is in
danger. Don’t he know that so many people have been killed. Everyone’s left from his side
except Kritvarma??? And ashwathama and Kripachariya only these three people were left
on his side and he was the fourth one. Everyone else died. All his 99 brothers died.

….,. All these forest animals jackals, dogs, pigs they will also come and feast. These were
nice bodies which have been groomed with good feast so a little bit described what
happened to the bodies and then important people were burnt. You know those respectible
kings and their bodies they used to search for them and take care but you cannot burnt
everyone piles and piles. Sometimes people get stuck in the pile of bodies so many people
who were killed

…. If the kings are not there then ministers are there. They are in the kingdom. Kshatrinas
are very much after name and fame so basically inflating the ego. And then giving examples
that so and so in your dynasty was such a great hero you are doing disgrace by running
away should come back and fight. You know when you go back what people are going to
talk about you how will you show your face even queen is going to send you away. There
have been cases even recently. During the m…. Period few years ago. There was one king
in rajastan and one mugul king was attacking him so then he went to fight. But this mugul
was powerful so this king ran back and he went to the palace. And he came to the palace
and he was knocking the door. But queen hear so what she did she doors closed… And he
was saying from outside open open and this queen said who is there? And he said I am so
on and son whatever the name was that king. So she says no i don’t believe that you that
person and I will not open because he has gone for war he cannot come back. He will be
victorious or he will die. So the queen recognised the voice and she came to know that he
has ran away so she said like that it is impossible that my husband will come back home
without being victorious. So then he went away. So these kshatriya women were like that
this is just very recently. So this mentality of the kshatriyas now is very difficult to
understand. This was different class the breed the dna was different. And that is the only
way they would think. You know akbhar style. Because akbhar was an emperor so he was
also employing many kings in his army because when he defeat them. So ir you defeat
somebody then he becomes loyal to you. So many of those princes would go to mugul and
ask we are so and so and we would like some post because what else they can do if they
don’t have their kingdom. So once two kshatriya boys came like this in the assembly of
emperor akhbar and they offered themselves their services to him that we are son on and so
on and we came from rajasthan we would like to be a part of your army and we are fighter
we can fight on horses. So akhbar said how do I know that you can fight? So he says oh you
want to see? We give you a demonstration. They both took out swords and they start fighting
and really fighting and they both killed each other. Yeah they killed and akhbar was shocked.
So his minister said that you made a mistake you don’t ask kshatriya to fight he is not going
to play. He says fighting is a play for them………………
This is how you pump the ego of the kshatriya. He says that if dog lives whatever 12 years
and if the jackal lives for 20 years and a kshatriya live for 16 years. If he lives more that 16
years than it is a shame for him. That means he has to fight give up his life and die. And
other popular saying that if kshatriya dies on the bed this is the biggest disgrace for him.
Means he should die fighting. And they prefered it. So like that there are so many local
sayings and this they hear it from the childhood. Because I remember when in childhood we
hear this then we also were thinking like this. Kshatriya is like this fearless not afraid of
fighting and don’t protect life unnecessary. Die young is good. So if you go to say middle of
India. Especially Madhya Pradesh and there are people kshatriya then they always fighting
like this. I always read the newspapers always murders. You know from where this is coming
sarva pradesh?? From that area people are always killing like this. For little thing they will
fight and kill like this fight with…. His son was beaten so he went and he said what is the
problem and they were shooting this was not reason to shoot you know. But this is how it
goes. You know whole families get destroyed. You go to these villages and you find that
mostly women in the house all man are dead. And now they have rivals between the families
because they don’t have the kingdoms nothing like that now this thing is in family one family
fighting with another family. And if you don’t have gun license and you are young then you
cannot get married. This is the fact because one policeman who was working here I came to
him and I was talking to him that and he says once day i was in police …. And one olde man
came and he was speaking very nicely to me and he asked I want only one favour from you
please please help me I am really desperate in need help from you. And policeman though
he has made some crime and he is in some trouble and he wants to escape and he said tell
me what you want. He says I have a son and he needs to get married. So policeman said so
what i have to do with that you know? He says well please sell me one gun because in India
you cannot have just a gun you need a license and it has to go through the police. Police
have you record and they have to see weather you are bona fide person why you need a
gun do you have a place to keep it in a house because many people are living in huts so
what are you going to do with the gun? So he says my son cannot get married if he has no
license. So just like in the city if you have a degree or you have masters degree also or phd
then this is considered as an attribute then if you have a gun this is considered as an
attribute. And people walk around with the guns. Go outside and if you sit in the bus
everyone will carry a stick at least. Madhya pradesh next to Uttar Pradesh. And this was also
in this area previously but now it has become more civilised. So you try to understand the
mentality of these kind of people. And the fight will start on simple things you know as I said
previously in rajastan if you went in front of the kshatriya and just touch your moustache then
will be a fight. How dare you touch your moustache in front of me? You think you are great?
Yeah moustache is a kshatriya shape. All kshatriya used to keep big moustache. And they
always twirling them this is the pastime sitting and twirling the moustache you know.

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