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This is Mahabharat 2nd chapter Adi parva and this particular chapter is called

parvasaMgraha all collection of all the parvas. And suta goswami is describing of various
chapters one after another. 18 major parvas like cantos and then there are chapters which
are called also parvas. Parva basically means a division.

parvoktaM bhagavadgItA parva bhIShmavadhastataH.

droNAbhiShechanaM parva saMshaptakavadhastataH.. 1-2-69 (370)

After that there is description of bhagavad gita which comes in bhisma parva and there is
bhismavadhah killing of bhisma and dronabhishech in which drona was installed as the
commander in chief. And there is samshaptakava parva killing the samshaptakva.

abhimanyuvadhaH parva pratij~nA parva chochyate.

jayadrathavadhaH parva ghaTotkachavadhastataH.. 1-2-70 (371)

And there is abhimanyuvadhah killing of abhimanyu then there is pratijna parva where
Arjuna take a vow to kill jayadrath next day and there is jayadrathvadhah parva killing the
jayadrath who was brother in law of duryodhan. And there is ghatotkachvadhah parva killing
gadorkach killing son of bhima from hidimba and he was very mystical and also very funny
looking he had a head like a gut pot in the summer time you drink water and he had ears
standing up rise like these days they have hair fashion where they put their hairs like this so
he naturally had this like that.

tato droNavadhaH parva vij~neyaM lomaharShaNam.

mokSho nArAyaNAstrasya parvAnantaramuchyate.. 1-2-71 (372)

And there is a ferocious parva of killing drona and then there is narayanastra moksh parva in
which ashwathama released narayan astra to kill everybody when he realised that his father
was killed and he became very angry. Then came Karna.

karNaparva tato j~neyaM shalyaparva tataH param.

hradapraveshanaM parva gadAyuddhamataH param.. 1-2-72 (373)

Then there is a karna parva in which karna becomes commander in chief then shalya parva
shalya becomes commander in chief and then there is hradapraveshanam entering
duryodhana into the lake. Just like the scuba diving these days right? Duryodhana was a
scuba diver very expert and he could do it without the oxygen cylinder. That was his
expertise . And then there is gadayudhamatah parva fighting with clubs between duryodhana
and bhima.

sArasvataM tataH parva tIrthavaMshAnukIrtanam.

ata UrdhvaM subIbhatsaM parva sauptikamuchyate.. 1-2-73 (374)
Then there is sarasvat parva in which there is a description of various holy places and the
dynasties. Then there is sauptik parva.
aiShIkaM parva choddiShTamata UrdhvaM sudAruNam.
jalapradAnikaM parva strIvilApastataH param.. 1-2-74 (375)

There is a terrible parva called aishikam and there is jalapradanikam and strivilapastatah
parva. There is a custom that when people die forefather then you give oblations to them.
Go to the river take bath give oblations to forefathers and all the women came and all cried
so you can imagine millions of women gathered together and crying for their husbands and
interesting thing was that at that time Vyasadev came there. And when he saw these all
women crying he said that I can do one thing for all of you. That tonight you all go inside the
river and all of your husbands will come in their respective bodies I will call them whenever
they are and then you can spend whole night with them in the water and then they will leave
but you have a choice. And the choice is that you can also leave with them or you can stay
like that as you like. And the fantastic things is that he did it. You know some people call
ghost these days they have some power like that Vyasa called everybody but not in the
ghostly form but in original bodies. They all appeared in all their wifes talked to them all night
together and in the morning before the light was coming then they have to leave but non of
the wifes left with them. They decided to stay back. This is wife. Nobody went. This is wife.
Pandavas were alive so there is no question. You know so many man died there. Sons all
came. So now you understand this is the same woman crying like anything.
So there is one story. There was one wife and her husband died. And when he died he was
buried according to christian tradition. So the wife was there and she was ….put the stones
so and so he is buried whatever is the right and somebody says look at her how much
devoted she is to the husband. He is dead she is fanning him. So the lady said there is no
question of devotion I am trying to make dry quickly because I want to marry. And I cannot
marry till husband is become dried up.???

shrAddhaparva tato j~neyaM kurUNAmaurdhvadehikam.

chArvAkanigrahaH parva rakShaso brahmarUpiNaH.. 1-2-75 (376)
And there is a shraddha parva all the shradhas done for all the dead. And
kuunamaudhvadeihik parva urdhadaivik? Is the last samskara where all the dead bodies are
burnt away. And there is description of charvaknigrah

AbhiShechanikaM parva dharmarAjasarya dhImataH.

pravibhAgo gR^ihANAM cha parvoktaM tadanantaram.. 1-2-76 (377)

The there is an installation of Yudhishthir as an emperor and there is ….. Division of the

shAntiparva tato yatra rAjadharmAnushAsanam.

Apaddharmashcha parvoktaM mokShadharmastataH param.. 1-2-77 (378)
And then there is shanti parva in which yudhishtira maharah starts lamenting that so many
people were killed any human being his heart will melt seeing so many woman and children
and old man have died. Then so many saintly people came to consult Yudhishthir maharaj
including Krishna and they also go to bhisma who was still alive lying on the bed of arrows
taking his accupuncture treatment and bhisma speaks long time. Everyday they will go in
the morning and they will speak. Yudhishtir maharaj will ask him question on various topics
some politics rules of emperor duties of woman duty of husbands teachings all these thins
were discussed there. And there is rajadjarmanushasan there is apadharma what the king
has to do what he has to do in emergency. Then there is mokshadharmastatah parva

shukaprashnAbhigamanaM brahmaprashnAnushAsanam.
prAdurbhAvashcha durvAsaHsaMvAdashchaiva mAyayA.. 1-2-78 (379)

And there is questions by shuka and there is questions by brahma then appearance of
durvasa and there is dialog of maya at mayasomanta??

tataH parva parij~neyamAnushAsanikaM param.

svargArohaNikaM chaiva tato bhIShmasya dhImataH.. 1-2-79 (380)

And there is anushasanika parva which describes the kingdom of dharmaraj and there is
parva describing bhisma sending to the heaven.

tato.ashvamedhikaM parva sarvapApapraNAshanam.

anugItA tataH parva j~neyamadhyAtmavAchakam.. 1-2-80 (381)

And there is an asvamedhik parva where Yudhishthir maharaj did horse sacrifice which
destroys all sins. And there is anugita parva description of Gita again in which there is
description of transcendental knowledge

parva chAshramavAsAkhyaM putradarshanameva cha.

nAradAgamanaM parva tataH paramihochyate.. 1-2-81 (382

There is ashramavasakhyam parava putradarshnameva parva and naradagamanam parva.

mausalaM parva choddiShTaM tato ghoraM sudAruNam.

mahAprasthAnikaM parva svargArohaNikaM tataH.. 1-2-82 (383)

And then there is terrible parva describing the fight between descendants of Krishna who
killed each other it is called mausal parva. And then there is mahaprasthanik parva were all
the pandavas hear that krishna has left after his dynasty was destroyed then they gave up
the kingdom and they went into himalayas. And then there is svarharohanik parva where it is
described how the pandavas went into heaven. So if you want to go to heaven walk to
himalayas till you drop dead that is the way. But who wants to go to heaven anyway?

harivaMshastataH parva purANaM khilasaMj~nitam.

viShNuparva shishoshcharyA viShNoH kaMsavadhastathA.. 1-2-83 (384)

So this is mahabharat the last parva is svargarohanika where pandavas go to heaven.

But after that there is supplement to Mahabharat and that is called harivamsa purana
And that exclusively deals with Krishna activities only. So in that days vishnuparva the
childhood pastimes of Krishna and killing of Kamsa.

bhaviShyaM parva chApyuktaM khileShvevAdbhutaM mahat.

etatparvashataM pUrNaM vyAsenoktaM mahAtmanA.. 1-2-84 (385)

And then there is a bhavishya parva which is very funderful and in this way Vyasa composed
100 parvas. So 100 000 shlokas in 100 parvas which includes harivamsa purana. Because
he endorsed pandavas activities which he started and then he has separated for that. But
that is also part of mahabharat.

yathAvatsUtaputreNa raumaharShaNinA tataH.

uktAni naimishAraNye parvANyaShTAdashaiva tu.. 1-2-85

He said in this way Ugrasriva who is the son on lomharshana sut he described all these 100
parvas which are part of 18 major parvas composed by vyasadev.

samAso bhAratasyAyamatroktaH parvasaMgrahaH.

pauShyaM paulomamAstIkamAdiraMshAvatAraNam.. 1-2-86 (387)
saMbhavo jatuveshmAkhyaM hiDimbabakayorvadhaH.
tathA chaitrarathaM devyAH pA~nchAlyAshcha svayaMvaraH.. 1-2-87 (388)
kShAtradharmeNa nirjitya tato vaivAhikaM smR^itam.
vidurAgamanaM chaiva rAjyalAbhastathaiva cha.. 1-2-88 (389)
vanavAso.arjunasyApi subhadrAharaNaM tataH.
haraNAharaNaM chaiva dahanaM khANDavasya cha.. 1-2-89 (390)
mayasya darshanaM chaiva AdiparvaNi kathyate.

Now what he is doing again he is giving the summary of mahabharat again. He says in this
way I have given you in brief all the parvas. And now he is telling which are the major parvas
and what are the stories in that. So he says paushya paulomam astik…. Then marriage of
draupadi then defeating the kshatriya kings arrival of vidura getting their kingdom arjunas
exile kidnaping of subhadra and then destroying khandava forest and meeting with maya
demon these are part of adi parva. Which we are studying.
pauShye parvaNi mAhAtmyamutta~NkasyopavarNitam.. 1-2-90 (391)
paulome bhR^iguvaMshasya vistAraH parikIrtitaH.
AstIke sarvanAgAnAM garuDasya cha saMbhavaH.. 1-2-91 (392)

And in Paushye parva there is glory of utanka one sage. In paulom parva there is description
of Bhrigu dynasty the sage Bhrigu. And in asthik parva there is description of all the snakes
and also the birth of garuda.

kShIrodamathaM chaiva janmochchaiHshravasastathA.

yajataH sarpasatreNa rAj~naH pArikShitasya cha.. 1-2-92 (393)
katheyamabhinirvR^ittA bhAratAnAM mahAtmanAm.
vividhAH saMbhavA rAj~nAmuktAH saMbhavaparvaNi.. 1-2-93 (394)
anyeShAM chaiva shUrANAmR^iSherdvaipAyanasya cha.
aMshAvataraNaM chAtra devAnAM parikIrtitam.. 1-2-94 (395)

Then there is description of churning of the oceans and the birth of the horse called
ujayshraiva which is indra. Chaisrava means whos ears are up. And then there is description
of snake sacrifice done by janmejay son of parikshit. And the dynasty of kings of bharat.
Then in sambhva parva description of various kings are given. And then the story also of
birth of dvaipayana vyasa how he was born. And the descents of various demigods

daityAnAM dAnavAnAM cha yakShANAM cha mahaujasAm.

nAgAnAmatha sarpANAM gandharvANAM patattriNAm.. 1-2-95 (396)
anyeShAM chaiva bhUtAnAM vividhAnAM samudbhavaH.
maharSherAshramapade kaNvasya cha tapasvinaH.. 1-2-96 (397)
shakuntalAyAM duShyantAdbharatashchApi jaj~nivAn.
yasya lokeShu nAmnedaM prathitaM bhArataM kulam.. 1-2-97 (398

And in this Mahabharat there are wonderful stories of the daityas danavas yakshas nagas
snakes gandharvas birds how they are born. These various species of life. And you will see
whether Darvins theory works or not. Who will win Darvin or…And then there is the story of
the sage kanva in who… was living. And how he fell in love with her but then he left her.
And then how this boy bharat was born and he was very powerful and in the name only India
has his name Bharata only. This name India is given by the westerners. India’s original
name is bharatavarsha. So in hindi it always written bharat passport bharat guntah….??

vasUnAM punarutpattirbhAgIrathyAM mahAtmanAm.

shantanorveshmani punasteShAM chArohaNaM divi.. 1-2-98 (399)

And there is a story of shantanu and how he got married to the river ganga. And the various
sons 8 sons were born to him. And how they all died because his wife will go and put the
child into the river as soon as he was born. And then once he stopped him and she left. This
is wife.

tejoMshAnAM cha saMpAto bhIShmasyApyatra saMbhavaH.

rAjyAnnivartanaM tasya brahmacharyavrate sthitiH.. 1-2-99 (400)
pratij~nApAlanaM chaiva rakShA chitrA~Ngadasya cha.
hate chitrA~Ngade chaiva rakShA bhrAturyavIyasaH.. 1-2-100 (401)
vichitravIryasya tathA rAjye saMpratipAdanam.
dharmasya nR^iShu saMbhUtiraNImANDavyashApajA.. 1-2-101 (402)
kR^iShNadvaipAyanAchchaiva prasUtirvaradAnajA.
dhR^itarAShTrasya pANDoshcha pANDavAnAM cha saMbhavaH.. 1-2-102 (403)
Then in this parva there is also description of birth of Bhisma and how he gave up kingdom
and took the vow to remain celibate rest of his life. And how he protected chitranga and then
the dead of brother chitranga and how vichitravirya was protected by bhisma and how the
sage animandav he gave the curse to the dharmaraj who begin vidura and then how
dhirtarashtra and pandu were born by the blessing of dvaipayana vyas.

vAraNAvatayAtrA cha mantro duryodhanasya cha.

kUTasya dhArtarAShTreNa preShaNaM pANDavAnprati.. 1-2-103 (404)
hitopadeshashcha pathi dharmarAjasya dhImataH.
vidureNa kR^ito yatra hitArthaM mlechChabhAShayA.. 1-2-104 (405)

Then there is a description of the pandavas who were planned to be burnt in a house of
lacquer by duryodhana etc and how they were protected by vidura who gave insight to
yudhishthir where vidura spoke in english or maybe in dutch because it is said vidura has
spoken mlechchabhashaya.

vidurasya cha vAkyena suru~NgopakramakriyA.

niShAdyAH pa~nchaputrAyAH suptAyA jatuveshmani.. 1-2-105 (406)
purochanasya chAtraiva dahanaM saMprakIrtitam.
pANDavAnAM vane ghore hiDimbAyAshcha darshanam.. 1-2-106 (407)
tatraiva cha hiDimbasya vadho bhImAnmahAbalAt.
ghaTotkachasya chotpattiMratraiva parikIrtitA.. 1-2-107 (408)

Then it is descibed that how pandavas they escaped from the house through the tunnel
which was build on the instruction of vidura. And then at that time one trivial lady was
actually taking shelter at that house and she also had 5 sons. So they have died because
they were sleeping. And they have drank liqueur so after drinking then sleeping. And the
house was set on fire and pandavas escaped and they died so everyone thought that these
are the pandavas because they found 6 bodies there. They thought that this is kunti with 5
sons. And then in the forest they met this demon hidimba and his sister and then bhima got
one son gatotkach from hidimbi

maharSherdarshanaM chaiva vyAsasyAmitatejasaH.

tadAj~nayaikachakrAyAM brAhmaNasya niveshane.. 1-2-108 (409)
aj~nAtacharyayA vAso yatra teShAM prakIrtitaH.
bakasya nidhanaM chaiva nAgarANAM cha vismayaH.. 1-2-109 (410)

Then Vyasadev met them in the forest kunti and 5 sons. And he said that you go to this
village ekchakra? Maybe this is ekachakra in bengal where Lord Nityananda was born it is
also ekachakra there. So he said in the house there is a brahmana and the description how
bhima killed this demon called bakasura he was eating every day 1 man and 1 cattle of the
saMbhavashchaiva kR^iShNAyA dhR^iShTadyumnasya chaiva ha.
brAhmaNAtsamupashrutya vyAsavAkyaprachoditAH.. 1-2-110 (411)
draupadIM prArthayantaste svayaMvaradidR^ikShayA.
pa~nchAlAnabhito jagmuryatra kautUhalAnvitAH.. 1-2-111

Then there is a story of birth of draupadi house how she was born and her brother
drishtadyumna was born they both were born from the sacrifice. Even not born from the
womb of the mother. And how the pandavas went to the svayamvar the selection of husband

a~NgAraparNaM nirjitya ga~NgAkUle.arjunastadA.

sakhyaM kR^itvA tatastena tasmAdeva cha shushruve.. 1-2-112 (413)
tApatyamatha vAsiShThamaurvaM chAkhyAnamuttamam.
bhrAtR^ibhiH sahitaH sarvaiH pa~nchAlAnabhito yayau.. 1-2-113 (414)
pA~nchAlanagare chApi lakShyaM bhittvA dhana~njayaH.
draupadIM labdhavAnatra madhye sarvamahIkShitAm.. 1-2-114 (415)
bhImasenArjunau yatra saMrabdhAnpR^ithivIpatIn.
shalyakarNau cha tarasA jitavantau mahAmR^idhe.. 1-2-115 (416)

When they were going to this village because the vyasadev took this place were the
ceremony was held on that village where they were staying on the way. They met one
gandharva chatrarat and he was taking bath in the river and he wanted to cross and he
started abusing arjuna and he fought and he defeated him and he became his friend and he
said that he will give him horses. So arjuna horses came from him. And there are stories of
tapatya vashoshtha and urva. When they reached to the panchal and Arjuna wins the
draupadi in svayamvar after that all these kings they start attacking them. So Bhima and
Arjuna they fight with them and defeat all these kings including karna and shalya were also

R^iShTvA tayoshcha tadvIryamaprameyamamAnuSham.

sha~NkamAnau pANDavAMstAn rAmakR^iShNau mahAmatI.. 1-2-116 (417)
jagmatustaiH samAgantuM shAlAM bhArgavaveshmani.
pa~nchAnAmekapatnItve vimarsho drupadasya cha.. 1-2-117 (418)

Then Krishna and Balarama who were also present there they saw this fighting by bhima
and arjuna then they became doubtful are they bhima and arjuna because they have not see
them for long time. But by seeing them they could understand that these are the pandavas.
And from there they both came to see the pandavas where they were staying. And then
there is a story that kunti said that you should all marry this you should all share this thing
Draupadi. This came about marriage of draupadi with five pandavas.

draupadyA devavihIto vivAhashchApyamAnuShaH.. 1-2-118 (419)
And then there is a description how these 5 past pandavas have been indras in the past
life??? And how this was oriented that they have to marry draupadi who was the
manifestation of lakshmi. And the marriage was done although it was against the social
custom. Because you never hear woman marrying more that one man. We hear the
marriage more that one woman but not vice versa. So this was very unusual thing to do
revolutionary. Draupadi was a revolutionary wife. Nobody has ever done this. And then there

kShattushcha dhArtarAShTreNa preShaNaM pANDavAnprati.

vidurasya cha saMprAptirdarshanaM keshavasya cha.. 1-2-119 (420)

Then Dhirtarashtra send Vidura to the pandavas to get them back because pandavas were
afraid to go back they may kill them. They already tried to kill them so Vidura came to take
them and then Krishna also met them.

khANDavaprasthavAsashcha tathA rAjyArdhasarjanam.

nAradasyAj~nayA chaiva draupadyAH samayakriyA.. 1-2-120 (421)

Then Dhirtarashtra gave half of the kingdom to the pandavas which they deserved and they
lived in Indraprastha which is the present day Delhi and hastinapur is beyond the meerut on
the way to haridwar. So he gave him this area that you can make your kingdom there of
course there was nothing there except some forest and there was river yamuna flowing
through this forest. So they came and build their kingdom in this place. And then on the
order of Narada the five brother made a rule that only one brother will stay with draupadi at
time not all five. Otherwise they will fight.
Then further stories will come.

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