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Dragon Dreams of the Forest Kingdom:

Dunshield's Dilemma

An article series inspired by the dreams of sleeping dragons

that lair on Cormyr's borders



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Warm thanks to George Krashos for his assistance with this article and for giving Wyvernmist a proper dragon name.
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Volume 1, Article 1
November 2018
So Many Sleeping Dragons Dragon in the Depths:
When dragons dream,
    They see the world. Beneath the surface of the Wyvernwater, the lake floor is
Their minds' eyes wander, strewn with antiquities that speak to Cormyr's storied past. In
    And their intellects devour. the depths lurk sunken ships, their holds filled with treasures
trapped in time and waiting to be reclaimed. The castle of the
When dragons dream, Witch-Lords, perhaps the grandest and most storied relic to
    They unravel the past. ever grace the bottom of the Wyvernwater, waits to be
They hunt mysteries, reclaimed as well. The grim castle no longer hosts a Witch-
    And plunder secrets. Duke; the last reigning Witch-Duke was slain centuries ago
by a king of Cormyr, while other Witch-Lords, whatever form
When dragons dream, they survive in, no longer call the castle home. Today, the
    They ponder the future. former seat of the Witch-Lord's power is claimed by a dragon
They test strategies, of the mists: Orothaumyth.
    And discard failures. When slumbering dragons awaken, they don't tarry. No,
they take to the skies to feel the wind in their wings and they
When dragons dream, hunt to fill their empty bellies. Not so, Orothaumyth. Mist
    Their desires are revealed. Dragons are sustained by vapor and the damp. Whenever the
They embrace their natures, mists over the Wyvernwater curl and condense into a foul-
    And see their hoards grow. tempered storm, the castle of the Witch-Lords rises from the
depths and is embraced by the remnants of gathering power
When dragons dream, the Witch-Lords once commanded. Orothaumyth awakens to
    pawns are selected. devour the mists, and the roiling surge of magic subsides,
Time to awaken, causing the Witch-Lord's castle to sink beneath the water
    And take their turn. once more.
As the castle settles on the bottom of the lake,
The Great Game "Wyvernmist," as the dragon is sometimes called by sages,
Author Unknown curls up like a cat within the grounds of the castle and falls
The borders of the Forest Kingdom host dragon lairs aplenty. into a "thinking slumber." Orothaumyth loves to think. About
A handful of lairs are unoccupied, but they can be reclaimed everything.
without warning at any time. Not every lair is held by a living Mist dragons are not social creatures. They treasure
dragon; dracoliches abound, as do the ghosts of once-living solitude and quiet. The best life a mist dragon can live is one
dragons. spent thinking without interruption. Because the
Dragons sleep in the Stormhorns and the Thunder Peaks. Wyvernwater prevents the intrusion of most humanoids and
Likewise, the Vast Swamp and the Farsea Marshes. The the dread aura surrounding the castle drives off waterborne
Underdark welcomes dragons just as easily as beholders and creatures, Orothaumyth has lived a charmed life by Mist
drow. The Dragonmere hosts its share of sleeping wyrms, Dragon standards.
while the Stonelands are home to younger dragons who A favorite activity of the dragon is to ponder the regalia of
never stay long. the Witch-Lords. In his dreams Orothaumyth imagines what
Rare is the dragon that keeps a lair within Cormyr’s will happen should the ornaments once worn by a succession
borders. To do so violates the laws of dragonkind that of Witch-Dukes ever be reclaimed. Would their wielder
governed the duel between Thauglorimorgorus the Black summon the castle to the surface of the Wyvernwater and
Doom and the elf lord Iliphar Nelnueve that saw control of banish the dragon? Or would Orothaumyth be made a slave?
the Lands of the Purple Dragon change hands from dragon to How soon would war come to Cormyr and how would it be
elf, and girded the treaties that transferred control of the waged? Would the former Witch-Dukes and Witch-Lords
Lythtlorn from elves to men. battle each other first, or deign to cooperate with one
Yet a few dragons live in Cormyr today. Some wear the another? Several powerful mortals (by human standards) live
guise of mortals and keep company with them. Others avoid in Cormyr. Is there one among them capable of wielding the
mortals altogether. regalia long enough to unlock the spells that seal the castle
No matter their color or their form, all dragons play the Great from intrusion by the Witch-Lords? If so, who?
Game. Many are the prizes to be had. Final victory in Cormyr Since the defeat of the Witch-Lords, their regalia have
grants the power to open the lair of the Black Doom. Until been kept under lock and key within the Royal Palace of the
this prize is won, the dragons sleep in their lairs to gather Purple Dragon, in Suzail. However, a century and a half ago
their strength and to strategize. They search their dreams for (quite recently, from the dragon’s point of view), the The
the means to win. Wyvern Crown of Cormyr, the Scepter of the Witch-Duke and
the Wyvernfang Cape were stolen by agents of the Zhentarim
(Pssst...hey, you. Download this free and carried as far as the Helmlands in northwestern Cormyr.
Cormyr map from the Wizards of the Coast There, the mountain-sized wards that guard a Celestial
website. You can thank me later.) Stairway would not admit the presence of such potent magic
in the form of the regalia.

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The worsening weather was the only warning the Zhent Orothaumyth has grown tired of being awakened each time
thieves received before the Celestial wards teleported their this particular human intrudes on his thoughts. The dragon
stolen loot away, scattering it across the Heartlands. In the has decided to select pawns and join the Great Game. But
years since, Orothaumyth's mind's eye has observed the which pawns should be chosen and how should they be
regalia slowly wind its way back to the Forest Kingdom. The played? Orothaumyth waits and thinks, for now.
dragon is certain the surviving Witch-Lords have covertly
influenced events to see the regalia transported into Cormyr
without the knowledge of the Wizards of War or any of Auntiver Dunshield
Cormyr's other protectors. Human Rogue 4, Fighter 1, Wizard 1
Orothaumyth has deduced the presence of one Witch-Lord Auntiver Dunshield is the perspicacious proprietor of
operating from the Underdark beneath the Hullack Forest. Dunshield’s Arms and Armors, based in Arabel, Cormyr.
Through a long line of intermediaries, this Witch-Lord Customers encountering Auntiver for the first time are
caused veteran adventurers to be hired and the Scepter of quick to notice his long black hair, which is bound in four
the Witch-Duke to be reclaimed. The fell power of the Witch- braids: two that part his brow and flank either side of his
Duke's Scepter overcame them, however, and the adventurers head, and two that trail down his neck to a metal clasp that
slew each other in their hidden refuge within the second of binds the braids together behind his back (a common style
three ships sunk one atop the other in a Crown ship among Moonsea-based merchants).
graveyard northeast of Marsember. The Auntiver of today is not like the bedraggled, unwashed
For years the Wyvernfang Cape has rested atop the longbeard that arrived in Arabel a decade ago. He wears fine
moldering bones of the last mortal to wear it, in the stench- clothes at all times, but prefers simpler styles that don't
filled environs of the Vast Swamp. Wave after wave of advertise his wealth. His black beard is trimmed close, as
treasure seekers find their way to the cape, then die as the befits the style for facial hair most popular in Arabel.
cape's power poisons them. Orothaumyth suspects a Witch- A dagger and sword hang from Auntiver’s belt, these
Lord hiding in the damp cellars beneath the Lost Refuge weapons drawn from the same stock he sells to customers.
(also in the Vast Swamp) is slowly assembling an undead An ornate pair of steel bracers shield his arms from wrist to
army. elbow. Five steel rings bound by a fine chain decorate the
In the hands of the right mortal, the regalia could unlock fingers of his left hand, while a single ring topped with an
the spells preventing the Witch-Lords-turned-lichnee from unusual pink gemstone adorns his right hand. Despite his
entering their old home. Good fortune has kept the Crown broad shoulders and tall frame, Auntiver is not terribly
from encountering a mortal mind capable of withstanding the strong. He moves with fluid grace about his shop, but leaves
curse laid over it, until now. In its dreams Orothaumyth sees the heavy lifting to his staff.
a human opening a strongbox. Inside, an ornate crown Auntiver's mind is always deducing facts from minute
layered over with gemstones is removed and placed atop the information. He observes his customers closely, trying to
human's head. Raw magical power radiates from the crown's imagine where they came from and what they were doing
ten spikes, each topped with a stone of power. Iridescent prior to entering his shop. While assisting his customers,
colors play across an immense diamond set in the center of Auntiver asks probing, open-ended questions to satisfy his
the crown. The eyes of the human look into the mind’s eye of curiosity, and is quick to apologize should a question prove
the dragon, then darkness reigns. impertinent or cause upset to a customer.

Auntiver in his younger days. 2

For a fee paid up front, Auntiver crafts exotic weapons and Auntiver purchases his stock wholesale from local smiths
makes modifications to armor. He can install impossible-to- and traveling merchants passing through Arabel. Auntiver
detect hidden dagger sheaths in armor (and provide a insists on a standardized build for the armor and weapons he
thinblade for the sheath), build repeating crossbows that fire purchases in bulk, as he believes this is a good way to inspire
silently, fashion gauntlets with knuckle spikes and hidden repeat business. Auntiver guarantees these products, too:
fluid reservoirs that inject poison with a hard punch, and so Should the hilt of a sword purchased from Dunshields ever
on. He does not advertise these services, but will offer them become damaged in battle, it can be replaced for free with a
to individuals he deduces may be in the market for such. new one from Auntiver's stock of one-size-fits-all sword hilts.
Auntiver takes full advantage of Arabel's crossroads location, This has made Dunshields popular with the leaders of
purchasing exotic weapons and armor to decorate his shop mercenary companies, to whom Auntiver grants a discount
(though of course everything is for sale). when they buy in bulk.
When not dealing with customers or entertaining guests, The center of the warehouse is given over to a hodgepodge
Auntiver spends his free time studying a paltry collection of of odd items: a suit of full plate made to fit a yuan-ti; an eight
arcana (one spellbook with a handful of 1st level spells, and a foot tall hand axe suitable for a giant; a collection of ornate
few spell scrolls), and practice-casting the few cantrips he's halfling war helms; glassteel daggers recovered from the
mastered. Unlocking the secrets of magic is a task that has Farsea Swamp, and shields made of stone. This and more
captured Auntiver's interest. He has no desire to become a can be found within.
mighty archmage. Instead, he plans to add a layer of arcane The staff at Dunshields are experts at resizing armors and
defenses to the formiddable collection of traps that secure his assembling weapons from their stock supply, and adding
business against theft. adornments and decorations to already existing items. This
Originally a thief who plied his trade among the coastal work is performed in the rear of the warehouse, within sight
cities of the Moonsea, Auntiver took to adventuring when the of "Auntiver's Keep."[1] Customers asking about magical
opportunity to join an experienced band of adventurers modifications to armor and weapons are referred to three
presented itself. The Company of the Howling Mine explored spellcasters located in Arabel, that specialize in adding
ruins nestled among the peaks of the Dragonspine enchantments of all types to weapons and armor.[2]
Mountains, and pried magical treasures from the dead hands The "keep" houses living quarters for Auntiver and his staff
of ogres and the evil priests of dark gods within the grey (including a family of gnomes that specialize in "finework"
wastes of Thar. The thought of his friends is enough to bring adornments and decorations), an office space, raw materials
tears to Auntiver's eyes; he regrets never avenging their storage, secure storage, kitchens, and a library that serves
murder. In truth, Auntiver slew his share of foes before agents double duty as a meeting room. The library is decorated with
of the Zhentarim rode down his companions, put them to the plush upholstery and warmed by a large fireplace. Auntiver
sword and confiscated much of their hard-won treasure. keeps a selection of popular spirits and ales to share with
Auntiver escaped with gems aplenty and considerable guests, and orders food from the better eateries in Arabel
magic. He crossed the Moonsea on a boat out of Phlaan, when company is expected. After his shop closes for the day,
made port in Hillsfar, then left a string of Zhent corpses to rot Auntiver entertains a constant rotation of business
in Cormanthor. The Zhentarim lost his scent in the associates, mercenary captains and overland traders, along
Dalelands, but crossed swords with Auntiver in Sembia. He with the occasional Purple Dragon officer, noble or famous
fought a running battle through the streets of Selgaunt, then adventurer.
bribed a ship captain with a king's ransom in gemstones to The secure storage holds the majority of Auntiver's coin
sail for Marsember. Having no desire to remain in the City of wealth, and a selection of magical arms and armor for sale to
Spices, Auntiver found passage on a caravan headed north clients who are heavy with coin, or that have recovered magic
into the heart of Cormyr. Hope for a new life kindled in items they are interested in trading for something from
Arabel. Memories of the Black Network haunt the edges of Auntiver's collection. The solid iron door that fronts the
Auntiver's thoughts. He is always on the lookout for clues to storage space is fixed in place and will not open. When the
their presence in the Caravan City. proprietor of Dunshields needs something, he walks through
the door and collects what he wants.[3]
Dunshields Arms and Armors Few are the attempts to steal from Dunshields. The stories
Dunshields is a cavernous warehouse space filled with armor, of the creative means employed by Auntiver to slay thieves
shields and weapons of all kinds, its sales space given over to who attempt to break into his back rooms (as told by Purple
stands displaying full suits of armor and a variety of barding Dragons summoned to Dunshields to inspect the results of
for mounts. Ranks of shelves and racks stocked with such thieving attempts) have caused sturdy men to choke on
weapons run to the rear of the warehouse along both walls. their drinks and think twice about crossing the proprietor of
The front of the warehouse is given over to ale barrels cut in Dunshields Arms and Armors.[4]
half and filled to the brim with a miscellany of mismatched
pieces of armor, arrowheads and weapon parts. Weapon
smiths, mercenaries, adventurers and overland traders are a
common sight at Dunshields.

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The Problem of the Crown Much to the delight of Lady Misrim, Auntiver solved the
Within Arabel, the proprietor of Dunshields Arms and Armors riddle of the strongbox. The sight of the marvelous crown
is known for his quick wit, and has earned something of a within stunned the arms dealer, noblewoman and seneschal
reputation for solving problems. While entertaining Lady into silence. Priceless gemstones winked and glimmered
Ensharaphalondtrae Misrim (“Shara,” to her close friends), across its surface, the crown appearing to be forged of a
the noblewoman shared her concern for her husband single piece of indescribable metal. Auntiver returned to his
Elzimer, who, as the lady put it, “remains obsessed with senses when the ring on his right hand became
opening a rather intricate strongbox. He says something uncomfortably warm—a sure sign his mind was being
special is inside and he must have it! But he won’t let me near assaulted—while the lady reached for the crown. Auntiver
it. And he won’t let the staff near it, on pain of expulsion from was too late to stop her, though he pulled her hand away after
our House and the promise of a black mark on their a brief touch, then slammed the lid shut. She replied with a
reputations if they go anywhere near that blasted box! He’s look of pure murder, but quickly replaced it with a wicked
really become impossible, you see.” smile
Auntiver asked many questions, which the lady answered Before Auntiver could explain himself, Lady Misrim asked
as best she could. Soon, an agreement was reached: Lady another favor: Would Auntiver safekeep the crown for one
Misrim would have the box spirited away by the seneschal of more day? Auntiver had no choice but to agree. The lady
her house, whom she trusted implicitly, while her husband smiled her thanks, then departed. Her seneschal didn't follow,
slept. Then, the lady and her servant would deliver the box to his eyes lingering too long on the strongbox, but he regained
Auntiver for his inspection. Auntiver promised to open it, if his composure when Auntiver stepped in front of him. The
indeed the box could be opened. seneschal hurried to catch up; it would be scandalous for
Lady Misrim to reach the carriage first.

An adventurer outfitted in gear purchased    

from Dunshields: metal spaulders and    
leather jerkin worn over second hand    
chainmail attached to leather ring bracers    
used longsword paired with new scabbard,
old belts and pouches    
Could the power of the mysterious crown control the
Misrim's spirits? Or would the truth of Lady Misrim's recent
activities be revealed under questioning? If the later, heavily
armed officials backed up by several war wizards would
come knocking on Auntiver's warehouse door.
Surely he would be exonerated, once the crown's power
was revealed. But what if the crown proved too powerful?
The last thing Auntiver wanted was insane war wizards and
Purple Dragons slaying each other in his home.
There were a handful of adventurers Auntiver could call
upon for help. Should he hire one to take the box and the
crown and dispense of both? But where? Perhaps the
Wyvernwater. It could be dumped overboard in the middle of
the lake and forgotten. It would be no danger to anyone then.
Auntiver resolved to accompany the crown to the
Wyvernwater to see it safely gone, but only after hiring
adventurers to accompany him. They would have to be
dependable and trustworthy. More, they would have to trust
him. Auntiver would not dare open the strongbox unless his
hired adventurers wore blindfolds. If for some reason he
should fall prey to the crown, he would need someone to hurl
him overboard with it.

  The next day's sunrise heralded grim news: Lord Elzimer

and Lady Shara were dead, their fresh corpses found in a
pool of blood-soaked bedsheets. As word of the Misrim
deaths spread, Auntiver rescued a thread of truth from the
rumorfire enflaming Arabel: Elzimer and Shara had been
stabbed, repeatedly. That evening, while entertaining guests,
news of the killer's capture arrived. Stunned silence reigned
in Auntiver's library for the second time in two nights when
the killer's name was revealed: Orlbert Longland, seneschal
of House Misrim.[5]
This news gave cold comfort to Auntiver. A problem
loomed. One that had to be solved.
The influence of that strange crown was to blame for the
deaths of Lord and Lady Misrim. Of this, Auntiver was
certain. The question was, what to do with the it?
The seneschal was a Longland, and the Longland family
held a reputation for loyalty to a fault. Auntiver concluded the
fool was taking the blame for his masters murdering each
other in cold blood. Would he implicate Auntiver? Regardless,
war wizard investigators might question the spirits of Lord
and Lady Misrim directly, even over the howling protests of
the Misrim heirs.
Quality bowmaster's accoutrements
can be had from Dunshields
Behind the Curtain: Interactions with Others
Auntiver is inquisitive, loyal in matters of business and not
NPC Design afraid to say no.
Here you will find basic information about Auntiver, based on
the rules for creating detailed NPCs found in Chapter 4 of Useful Knowledge
the Dungeon Master's Guide (p.89-92). 1. Though his memory is dated (by about 10 years, give or
take), Auntiver knows the general layout and power
Occupation and History structure of every city on the northern coast of the
Auntiver Dunshield is a dealer of arms and armor, in Arabel. Moonsea.
He was formerly an adventurer based out of Zhentil Keep. 2. Auntiver has a near-encyclopedic knowledge of the names
of traders and merchant consortiums that sell weapons
Appearance and armor in the Heartlands, as well as the leaders of
Auntiver is tall without being bulky, his black hair worn in mercenary companies operating in the region.
braids: two that part over his brow and flank his cheeks; two 3. Experience adventuring in the land of Thar and in the
that bind the hair on the back of his head and run to a metal Dragonspine Mountains.
clasp that binds the braids together at his back. Ideal
Abilities Fair, honest and orderly transactions between merchants and
High Ability:   Low Ability: customers; always build trust.
Intelligence                 Strength Bond
Defend his home and its occupants at all costs. Never again
Deducing other people's secrets is something Auntiver be caught unawares by the Black Network.
enjoys, as well as solving puzzles and answering riddles. Flaw or Secret
Auntiver spent many years as a thief plying his trade in the
Auntiver is prone to asking personal, probing questions. northcoast cities of the Moonsea before he and his
adventuring companions became targets of the Zhentarim.

Auntiver makes ready to fire

Rogue Stone
Sorcerer, Wizard and Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Warlock Spells by Level This unusual gemstone warps magic within 20 feet. All
Ironguard creatures within range have disadvantage against magical
5th-level abjuration attacks. Any creature within range that casts a spell must roll
Casting Time: 1 action a d20 immediately after the spell is resolved. On a roll of 1 or
Range: Touch 2, the creature must roll on the Wild Magic Surge table
Components: V, S, M (a miniature shield made of iron) (Player's Handbook p.104) and follow the rules under the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Wild Magic Surge heading on page 103.
While you are attuned to a rogue stone, it is considered to
A willing creature you touch becomes immune to be tamed. A tamed rogue stone does not warp magic in the
nonmagical weapons made of iron. A weapon is considered manner described above. Instead, select one Metamagic
to be made of iron if the portion of the weapon that inflicts option under the Metamagic heading in the PHB, page 101-
damage (the blade of a sword, for example, or the tip of a 102. While you are attuned to a rogue stone, you may apply
spear) is made of iron. the chosen Metamagic option to a spell you cast. If you are a
Additionally, the creature may pass through nonmagical Sorcerer, then you may apply the Metamagic option in
objects made of iron (such as a portcullis) and ignore any addition to any other Metamagic option granted by your class.
bonus to a target's armor class granted by metal armor when Rogue Stones are sometimes used as a target for spells
making melee attacks. designed to take advantage of the gemstone's unusual
If the creature is at least partially inside a metal object that magical nature. E.g., Gemjump.
is the same size or larger than the creature (such as the
aforementioned portcullis) when this spell ends, the creature Brooch of Defense
suffers 2d10 force damage and is shunted to the nearest Wondrous item, uncommon
unoccupied space. If the object is smaller than the creature
(e.g., a dagger in a medium creature), then the object is While wearing this brooch, you cannot be flanked. (This is the
shunted out of the creature instead, and the creature suffers metal clasp that binds the braids on Auntiver's back.)
1d10 force damage.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of Gauntlets of Ironguard
6th level or higher, you may touch one additional willing Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
creature for each slot above 5th. While wearing these gauntlets, you gain immunity from
Gemjump nonmagical weapons made of metal. You may pass through
6th-level abjuration (ritual) nonmagical objects made of metal (such as a portcullis) and
ignore the bonus to a target's armor class granted by metal
Casting Time: 1 action armor when making melee attacks.
Range: 5 feet If you are at least partially inside a metal object that is your
Components: V, M (a single Rogue Stone) size or larger when the properties of the gauntlets cease, you
Duration: Until triggered suffer 2d10 force damage and are shunted to the nearest
You and up to five willing creatures within 5 feet of you unoccupied space. If the metal object is smaller than you,
instantly teleport to a specially prepared, semi-magical then the object is shunted out of you instead, and you suffer
gemstone called a rogue stone. You and any creatures that 1d10 force damage.
teleport with you appear in the nearest unoccupied space to You may suppress the magical properties of the gauntlets
the rogue stone. This spell has no effect if you have not as a Bonus Action. Thereafter, you must concentrate each
previously prepared a rogue stone. round to continue suppressing the gauntlets' magical
To prepare the rogue stone, you must cast this spell as a properties.
ritual while holding the stone.
Ring of Mind Shielding
(Dungeon Master's Guide p.191)
Gemstones Ring of Silent Sentinels
Wondrous item, rare
There exists a wide variety of gemstones in the Forgotten
Realms beyond the gemstones listed on page 134 of the While you wear this ring, you may summon and command up
Dungeon Master's Guide. In addition to their goldpiece value, to five sentinels. A sentinel is identical to the invisible,
all gemstones in the Realms possess natural qualities that mindless, shapeless force created by the Unseen Servant
make them useful in the construction of magic items, in spell, except that a sentinel cannot interact with objects. On
addition to their usefulness as raw materials in artwork, each of your turns as an action, you may see and hear as
jewelry and other objects of value that characters might find though you were occupying the same space as one sentinel.
as treasure. A handful of gemstones unique to the Forgotten On the same action, you may command the sentinel to move
Realms possess magical properties. These are classified as up to 60 feet. As a separate action, you may command a
magic items as well as gemstones. sentinel to guard a space in the manner of an Alarm spell. A
sentinel is dismissed if it is more than 120 feet from you. You
may dismiss one or more sentinels as a Bonus Action.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or
photocopy this document for personal use only.
Wyvern Crown of Cormyr A marbled pink-and-green sphere (+2 Charisma;
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) maximum 20).
A clear spindle (you don’t need to eat or drink).
This storied crown is fashioned from a single piece of metal An iridescent spindle (you don’t need to breathe).
ore recovered from the heart of a meteor that plunged into A blood red ellipsoid (you benefit from the effects of a
the Wyvernwater in the days when Cormyr was little more Ring of Regeneration).
than a coastal settlement on the northern Dragon Coast. A deep purple sphere (you benefit from the effects of a
Sages dwelling beyond Cormyr’s borders refer to this Periapt of Proof Against Poison).
crown as The Witch-Duke’s Crown, while bards and certain Defensive Magic. You receive a +3 bonus to armor class
palace courtiers with long memories refer to it as the Wyvern whenever you are wearing the crown, provided you are
Crown of Cormyr. Regardless, the crown remains an elusive wearing no armor and using no shield.
quarry searched for by Cormyrean agents and the Zhentarim. Prismatic Spray. Once per month, you may cause the
A single iridescent diamond is set into the center of the diamond in the center of the crown to unleash a Prismatic
crown, just beneath the curling neck and fanged maw of a Spray as though cast by a 20th level Wizard with an
wyvern. The diamond appears to rest atop the wyvern’s Intelligence score of 20 (save DC 34).
clawed feet, its tail curled over the base of the diamond. To Summon the Witch-Lord’s Castle. You can summon the
either side, the wyvern’s wings spread wide and flair upward castle home of the Witch-Lords from the depths of the
into ten vertical spikes topped with ioun stones. A medley of Wyvernwater. The castle appears atop the water over the
precious gemstones are set into the base of the crown. point where it last sank. It is unaffected by the weather or
Curses lake currents. You may direct the castle to move atop the
Curse of Jealously. Any being that sees the Wyvern Crown surface of the Wyvernwater at the speed of a sailboat. You
becomes instantly jealous of its owner. A creature with a may command the castle to submerge itself and sink to the
starting attitude of friendly to the bearer of the crown bottom of the Wyvernwater. Summoning or dismissing the
becomes indifferent, while an indifferent creature becomes castle is a Standard Action. The castle takes 1d10+5 minutes
hostile. A hostile creature that sees the crown will attempt to to arrive on the surface or to fully sink to the bottom of the
attack the crown bearer to try and steal it away. Wyvernwater.
Curse of Obsession. Any creature that touches the Set Attunement
Wyvern Crown must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 30) If you are attuned to the full set of regalia of the Witch-Lords
or become obsessed with possessing the crown at all costs. (Wyvernfang Cape, Scepter of the Witch-Duke, Wyvern
Remove Curse ends this effect. Crown of Cormyr), you are considered to be a Witch-Duke.
Curse of Attunement. Any creature that becomes attuned You gain access to the following:
to the Wyvern Crown cannot voluntarily end the attunement. Right of Passage. You are not affected by the magical
While attuned to the crown, a creature’s alignment slowly wards placed over the Witch-Lords’ castle that prevent all
shifts towards chaos and evil, while the bearer becomes Witch-Lords from opening its gates and accessing its
paranoid and certain all other creatures wish to steal the treasures. Additionally, while you are within the castle, you
crown away. If a creature is attuned to the crown for at least gain the ability to grant any other Witch-Lord you can see
one year, they become obsesses with obtaining immortality. If with the ability to ignore the castle wards. You may also
a creature’s attunement to the crown ends, the alignment remove this ability from any Witch-Lord that you can see.
shift, paranoia and immortality obsession end instantly. Granting or removing this ability from a Witch-Lord is a
However, the creature immediately suffers the Curse of Standard Action. A Witch-Lord inside the castle that loses
Obsession. If the creature becomes attuned to the crown the right of passage is instantly teleported to a random
again, the cycle of change starts over. destination on the surface of Toril.
While you are attuned to the crown, you gain access to the Lingering Gemjumps. Every Witch-Lord to attain the Mantle
following: of Witch-Duke first cast Gemjump on a rogue stone hidden
Command Wyverns. You may command all wyverns underneath the tail of the wyvern depicted on the Wyvern
within 300 feet that you can see. The wyverns hear, Crown. This spell allowed a Witch-Duke to teleport, without
understand and obey your commands absolutely, even if they chance of failure, to the crown in the event it was stolen. At
are not close enough to hear your voice, and even if a least two former Witch-Dukes lurk somewhere in the
command would result in their death. Realms, each a demilich waiting to feel the awakened power
Crown of Ioun Stones. You may access the powers of the of the crown so they can reclaim their castle home, then work
ten Ioun Stones mounted on the crown, so long as you are catastrophic vengeance on Cormyr and any other surviving
attuned to it. The stones cannot be removed short of a Wish Witch-Lord that betrayed them. Other Witch-Lords may have
spell (which must be cast for each stone) or by destroying the cast Gemjump on the crown as well.
crown and recovering any stones that survive. The Wyvern Crown suppresses the magical properties of
Pale blue rhomboid (+2 Strength; maximum 20). the rogue stone embedded in it.
A deep red sphere (+2 Dexterity; maximum 20).
A pink rhomboid (+2 Constitution; maximum 20).
A marbled scarlet-and-blue sphere (+2 Intelligence;
maximum 20).
An incandescent blue sphere (+2 Wisdom; maximum 20).
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or
photocopy this document for personal use only.

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