Module1 Assess't and Evaluation

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I. VISION STATEMENT: An institution committed to quality Christian Education

responsive to the needs of the nation and the world.
II. MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of SBC is the total development of the person
through relevant programs in Instruction, Research and
Community Extension based on the tenets of TRUTH, FAITH and


The course provides principles, theories and different methods of assessment procedures in
education. It will equip students to gain knowledge, skills and competencies in developing and
utilizing appropriate and effective traditional and authentic assessment tools for formative and
summative assessment / evaluation of learners’ performances. The students will also learn
about the current and global trends in assessment and evaluation.

Message: The Lord says in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, “plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and bright future. So, despite these
circumstances that we are facing right now let us continue to claim the Lord’s promises and
keep working hard for the bright future that has been promised. As God blessed you with
wisdom, knowledge and understanding, do also your best in your studies, and I as one of your
instructors will also do my very best to help you. Know that our God is a promise keeper and
He is too faithful to fail us. Let hope arise, and fight the good fight of faith.
Time Frame [Week 2 and 3]


Activating Prior Knowledge

Venn Diagram. Using the Venn Diagram answer the question below.
1. Base on your own understanding, how do you think assessment differ from

Learning Competencies
At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
a) Assess and evaluate as important tasks in teaching learning process in Social
b) Discuss purpose of assessment in Social Sciences.
c) Determine Assessment for Instructional Purposes and Evaluation for Certification.
d) Compare the difference among measurement, assessment and evaluation.

Instruction: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of assessment in teaching social studies?
Concept Map
This part of the lesson gives students the opportunity to see the flow of the topic.
Distinction among
concepts and
review on Definition of Terms
Assessment &

Learning Activity Sequince or Examples and Discussions

1.1 Introduction

Assessment and evaluation are one of the important tasks in the teaching learning
process of Social Sciences. The constructivist approach to teaching-learning in Social Sciences
emphasizes assessment as an integral part of the process of teaching and learning and using
assessment for the enhancement of student learning. Therefore, the focus on ‘assessment of
learning’, which is hitherto emphasized in evaluation of student performance has now shifted
to ‘assessment for learning’. The present Unit deals with the concept of assessment for

The Unit starts with discussion of the purpose of assessment in Social Sciences and proceeds
with description of various forms of assessment and their use in assessing scholastic as well as
co-scholastic abilities of learners in Social Sciences. The important methods of assessment,
which are particularly used in constructivist classroom of Social Sciences like Continuous
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE), peer and group assessment, use of portfolio and e-portfolio,
use of open book examination, use of different form of ICT in evaluation are discussed with
suitable examples. The Unit also provides you a clear understanding to analyze content of
Social Science text for developing an achievement test. As per the content analysis, the Unit
discusses how to prepare blueprint of an achievement test in Social Sciences and how to write
the items as per the blueprint.

1.2 Objectives

After going through this Unit, you should be able to:

 explain the purpose of assessment and evaluation in Social Sciences;

 distinguish among placement, formative, diagnostic, and summative evaluation;
 discuss the concept of assessing scholastic and co-scholastic abilities of the learners in
Social Sciences;
 critically analyses the process and use of various methods of assessment and
evaluation in Social Sciences;
 discuss the process of analyzing the contents of Social Science text books; and
 prepare achievement test for assessing performance of the learners in Social Sciences.

1.3 Assessment and Evaluation in Social Sciences: Purpose

Assessment and evaluation are an important part of every teaching-learning process. The
purpose of assessment is not only to carry out assessment of learning but also to focus on
‘assessment for learning’. Assessment needs to be an integral part of teaching learning process
and a tool for continuous enhancement of student learning. Of course, this is a challenge for
teacher. Again, the primary objective of assessment is to ensure that the learning objectives
formulated by her/him are achieved through appropriate assessment methods. Keeping in view
the above, the purpose of assessment and evaluation may be broadly categorized into two
different heads.

 Assessment for Instructional Purposes

Assessment for instructional purposes essentially means ‘assessment for learning’. The
purpose of assessment is not only to certify learners but also to help them understand learning
difficulties and the way to overcome these difficulties. As it has been earlier stated, the
challenge of teacher is to integrate assessment in the teaching-learning process. For integrating
assessment in the teaching learning process, there is the need to implement continuous and
comprehensive evaluation during teaching which is formative in nature. In this regard, teacher
needs to carry out formal and informal observations in the classroom; adopt learner centered
methods and techniques of teaching and assessment like meaningful peer and group
discussions in the classroom, inquiry and project-based methods of learning; use of problem-
based learning approach, critical analysis of various complex themes in social sciences through
debates and discussions, use of portfolios, and carrying out reflections on various
contemporary issues. All these activities constitute “assessment for instructional purposes”.

 Assessment and Evaluation for Certification

The other important purpose of assessment and evaluation in the teaching learning process is
to certify learners. For certifying learners, a type of summative evaluation needs to be carried
out periodically as well as terminally. The usual practice in the teaching learning process is to
certify learners terminally or annually. Therefore, term end examinations or semester end
examinations are conducted to know and certify the level of terminal behavior the learners
have achieved. It is therefore, both the continuous and comprehensive evaluation and terminal
evaluation contribute substantially to the final certification of the learners. Thus, the two
important purposes of assessment and evaluation are ‘assessment for instructional purposes’
and ‘evaluation for certification’

1.4 Definition of Terms

Measurement - The word measurement, as it applies to education, is not substantially

different from when it is used in any other field. It simply means determining the attributes or
dimensions of an object, skill or knowledge.

Assessment - One of the primary measurement tools in education is the assessment. Teachers
gather information by giving tests, conducting interviews and monitoring behavior. The
assessment should be carefully prepared and administered to ensure its reliability and validity.
In other words, an assessment must provide consistent results and it must measure what it
claims to measure.

Evaluation – Creating valid and reliable assessments is critical to accurately measuring

educational data. Evaluating the information gathered, however, is equally important to the
effective use of the information for instruction.

In education, evaluation is the process of using the measurements gathered in the

assessments. Teachers use this information to judge the relationship between what was
intended by the instruction and what was learned. They evaluate the information gathered to
determine what students know and understand, how far they have progressed and how fast,
and how their scores and progress compare to those of other students.
1.5 Distinction Among Measurement, Assessment & Evaluation


 It is simply referred as the process assigning numbers or symbols to objects

for characterizing things according to set of rules.
 It is used to categorize and/ or quantify variables.
 It helps to quantify individual's achievement, personality, attitudes, habits and skills.
 It involves quantification of observable phenomena and it is performed on the physical
world by observer.
 Here information collected about the characteristics and attributes of things can be
determined and differentiated.

Functions of Measurement

Principal - It has a basic purpose in measurement that involves such as:

o To determine what knowledge, skills, abilities, habits and attitudes have been
o To determine strength and weakness, difficulties, progress and needs of students

Secondary - It has an auxiliary function for effective teaching and learning which involves:

o To develop the effort making capacity of students

o To serve as aid for guidance, counselling, and prognosis

Supervisory - It includes administrative purposes such as:

o To maintain standards
o To classify or select special purposes
o To serve as a basis or guide for curriculum making and developing


 It is a process of collection of data to understanding state or condition of

thing or issue by observation and measurement.
 It is a broad term that including assessment and a test is a form of assessment too.
 Through this evidence of students achievement can be obtained and evaluated, also it
collect information with respect to objective or goal.

Functions of Assessment

o To measure progress that include both pre-test and post test

o To evaluate the program
o To determine the strength and weakness of various aspect involves academic and
behavioral aspect.


 It is a process that include a series of steps such as establishing objective,

classifying objective, defining objective, selecting indicators and comparing data
with objectives.
 It is concerned with making judgements on the worth or value of performance to answer
 It is also the process of obtaining, analyzing and interpreting information to determent
the extent to which students achieve instructional objective.
 It is also considered as qualitative aspect of determining the outcomes of learning.

Learning Exercise
Essay. Explain the following questions.

1. What is the relationship between assessment and evaluation?

2. What is the importance assessment and evaluation in Social Studies?

Assessment is feedback from the student to the instructor about the student's
learning. Evaluation uses methods and measures to judge student learning and
understanding of the material for purposes of grading and reporting. Evaluation is
feedback from the instructor to the student about the student's learning.

2 Corinthians 13:5

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do
you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? —unless indeed
you fail to meet the test!


De Guzman-Santos, R. (2007). Assessment of learning 1. Quezon City: Lorimar

Publishing, Inc.

Website Sources:

Educational Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation (

Differences between measurement, evaluation and assessment (

Unit-5.pdf (

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