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Test Booklet Code No: 353 AJHGAA ae N 6 ‘This Booklet contains 28 pages. Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. Per oreane Instructions ? Arcananer Shectisinside this Test Booklet, When you are directed to open the Test Booklet take out the eee erg ae earrate becca oy ORMICE Cony caret with blue/black ball point pen only The teste of hours duration and ihe Tet Booklet contains "200 multiple-choice questions (four options with a single correct answer) from Physica, Chemistry and Biology ‘Botany and Zoology). 50 questions ineach subject are divided into two Sections (A and B) a5 per details given below Section AA shall consist of 85 (Thirty-five) Questions in ‘cach subject (Question Nos — 1 to 35, Pe ee eee aan) eone ae compulsory. i i Section B shal consist of 15 (Fifteen) questionsin each aubject (Question Nos ~ 36 to 50, 86 to 100, 0.150 and 186 to 200) In Section B, a candidate needs to attempt any 10 (Ten) questions out cana ete Fitteen) ineach subject ‘andidates are advised to read all 15 questions in each subject of ‘Section B before they start attempting the question paper, In the event ofa candidate attempting more than ten questions, the first ten questions answered by the candidate shall be evaluated 3. Bach question carrice 4 marks, Ror each correct response, the candidate will get 4 marks. For each none seoponee, one tark willbe deducted from the total scares, The maximum marks ars 720. Sepa og cen ee ee dai for writing particulars on this page/marking responses.on AnSWer ect 5. _ Rough workis tobe done inthe space provided for this purpose inthe Test Booklet ons a one vation tthe too, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet (ORIGINAY, and OFFICE Copy) to the Invigilator before leaving the Room/Hal. The candidates are allowed take away this Test Booklet with them 7, The CODE for this Booklet is N6. Make sure that the CODE printed on the Original Copy of ree ooo satis the same aathaton this Test Booklet. Incose of discrepancy the candida should te ene he nmatter lo the nvigatorfor replacement ofboth the Test Booklet and the Anew es Sheet. 8, _ Thecamdidates should ensure thatthe Answer Sheet ie not folded. Do not mate any St ‘marksonthe| \ — - The candidates shove vnite your Roll No. anywhere else exceptin the specified space in the Test Booklet! ‘Answer Sheet 9, _ Useof white fuid for correction is NOT permissible on the Answer Sheet 75, Baclvcandidate must show on-demand his/her Admit Card to the Invigi ator. ae ac lute without special permission ofthe centre Superintendent or Invigilator, wow leave his/her seat. U1 Nocandiiidates should not leave the Examination Hell without handing over their newer Sheet to the Treigiator on duty and sign (ith ime) the Attendance Sheet twice. Cages, where candidate has not tree the Attendance Sheet second time, will be deemed not to have handed over the Answer ‘Sheet and dealt with as an Unfair Means case. 43, Use of Blectroni/Manual Calculator is prohibited. {AL ‘The candidates are governed by all Rules and Regulations the Examination Room/Hall. All cases of unfair means wi ofthis examination. t and Answer Sheet shall be detached under any circumstances. 15. No part ofthe Test Booklet 18, Nopart lates will write the Correct Test Booklet Code as givenin the Test Booklet/Answer Sheet in the ‘Attendance Sheet. Name of the Candidate (in Gapilats APUNE ET ASQU SS is See a Roll Number in quae S2OROI4 DRT se pi es THREE fouR RE of the examination with regard to their conduct in Il be dealt with as per the Rules and Regulations in words “Hs TST THANOAVAPUR A Centre of Examination (in Capitals) :. Candidate's Signature : e Invigilator’s Signature : Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent : iii N6 |.) Section - A (Physics) 1 ‘Accup of cofie cools from 90°C to'80°C in t minutes, is 20°C. The time when the room temperature i taken by a similar cup of coffee to 60°C at a room temperature same at 20° to cool from 80°C Cis: 13 @ =! 10 Oat 5 @ 13 ® i 2, Polar molecules are the molecules: (1) acquire a dipole moment only in the presence of electric field due to displacement of charges. @) acquire adipole moment only when magnetic field isabsent. —” (@ _havinga permanent electric dipole moment. (4) _ having zero dipole moment. ‘Anucleus with mass number 240 breaks into two fragments each of mass number 120, the binding energy per nucleon of unfragmented nuclei is 7.6 MeV while that of fragments is 8.5 MeV. The total gain in the Binding Energy in the process is: () 9.4MeV @ 804MeV (3) 216MeV @ 09MeV 4, Anclectromagnetic wave of wavelength 'X’ is incident on a photosensitive surface of negligible work function. If ‘m’ mass is of photoelectron emitted from the surface has de-Broglie wavelength Ay then: ‘Aradioactive nucleus 7X undergoes spontaneous decay in the sequence AX 47. 1B>z-sC>z-2D, where Z is the omic number of element X. The possible decay particles in the sequence are @ a Bt, BB” @ BtoB @ B.a Bt @® a B-.B* Column - I gives certain physical terms associated flow of current through a metallic -conduttor. with Column - IT gives some mathematical relations involving electrical quantities: Match Column - I and Column - IT with appropriate relations, Column -1 Column -II m @) Drift Velocity ® ne’p (B) Electrical Resistivity @) _nevy (© _ Relaxation Period ® s, { E (©) Current Density Oleg: @ @-®), BS), ©-@, O)-P) & AP), BP), OS), Q4Q @ A)®), BQ), OS), D)-) ( AR), BS), (©-P), DQ) Ina potentiometer circuit a cell of EMF 1.5 V gives balance point at 36 cm length of wire. If another cell of EMF 2.5 V replaces the first cell, then at what length of the wire, the balance point occurs ? @ 21.6cm Q) 64cm @ 62cm @ 60cm ‘The velocity ofa small ball of mass M and density , when dropped ina container filled with glycerine becomes constant after some time. Ifthe density Fen idl ofglycerine is >, then the viscous force acting on 10. u. a) aun ’ | _ “Ry are connected by a wire. Then the ratio of Allens of large focal length and lary i A : ge aperture is best suited as an objective of an astronomical telescope since : @) large aperture contributes to the quality ‘and visibility of the images. 2) alarge area of the objective ensures better light gathering power. (8) alarge aperture provides a better resolution. allofthe above. ® ‘Two charged spherical conductors ofradius R, and surface charge densities ofthe spheres (v/0,) is: @ Water falls from a height of 60 m at the rate of 15 kg/s to operate a turbine. The losses due to frictional force are 10% of the input energy. How ‘much power is generated by the turbine ? (= 10m") @ 123kW (@) 7.0kW N6 13, Match Column -1 and Column - II and choose the correct match from the given choices, Column -1 Column -I eae: (A) Root mean square @ gm speed of gas molecules (B) Pressure exerted @ by ideal gas (© Averapekineticencrey Ge ERT ofa molecule (©) Totalinternalenergy 8) 7B? of 1mole ofa diatomic gas @ @-@,.B)-®,©-S,O0)-) @ A-@,B)-0),©-S,0)-® @ @-®,B)-@O-P.0)-O ® @-®,B-P.O-8.0)-@ 14. A particle is released from height S from the surface of the Earth. Ata certain heightits kinetic energy is three times its potential energy. The height from the surface of earth and the speed of the particle at that instant are respectively : oes 2 Ss VBS Oa S [38 twas Peat Soe shen 3 N6 16. a. 18. 19, 4 Find the value of the angle of emergence from the prism. Refractive index of the glass is V3. < o rs @ @ 4 8 9 @ A capacitor of capacitance ‘C’, is connected across anacsource of voltage V, given by V=Vosinot ‘The displacement current between the plates of the capacitor, would then be given by @ Co) @) Ty=VoeCsinat © 1y=VowCeoset ‘A dipole is placed in an electric field as shown. In which direction will it move ? towards the rightasits potential energy will decrease. towards the left as its potential energy will decrease, towards the right as its potential energy will ‘increase. towards the left as its potential energy will increase. If force [F], acceleration [A] and time [T] are chosen as the fundamental physical quantities. @ @ Find the dimensions of energy. ® FAT) (F(A) (7-4) 20. 21. An infinitely long straight conductor carries 4 current of 5 A as shown. An electron is movin, with a speed of 10° m/s parallel to the conductoy ‘The perpendicular distance between the electron and the conductor is 20 cm at an instant, Calculate the magnitude of the force experienced by the electron at that instant. Electron v= 10° m/s 20cm P 5A Q (@) 8nx10-°N @ 47x10-0N (@ 8x10-2N () 4x10-29N ‘A body is executing simple harmonic motion with frequency n’, the frequency ofits potential energy is @ 2 @ an @ 4 @ x ‘An inductor of inductance L, a capacitor of capacitance C and a resistor of resistance 'R’ are connected in series to an ac source of potential difference V’ volts as shown in figure. Potential difference across L, C and Ris 40 V, 10 V and 40 V, respectively. ‘The amplitude of current flowing through LCR series circuit is 10y2 A. The impedance of the cireuitis : SECO | 40 V—>+— 10 V+ 40 V—) v @ 9520 @ 40 @ 50 @ 420 ‘The electron concentration in an n-type is the same as hole concentration semiconductor it in a p-type semi (clectric) is applied across each of the the currents in them. current in p-type > current in n-type. iconductor. An external field sm, Compare @ @_currentin n-type > currentin p-type. @ _ Nocurrent will low in p-type, current will only flow in n-type. (@ —currentin n-type =current in p-type. 6 ‘The half-life ofa radioactive nuclide is 100 hours, ‘The fraction of original activity that will remain after 150 hours would be: 1 ey) 2 @ = 2 ® 38 @ 12 ‘The number of photons per second on an average emitted by the source of monochromatic light of wavelength 600 nm, whenit delivers the power of 3.3 x 10~ S watt will be : (h=6.6 x 10-44,Js) qa) 1017 @ 106 @ 10 @ 108 ‘A thick current carrying cable of radius ‘R’ carries current T’ uniformly distributed across its ‘cross-section. The variation of magnetic field B(r) due to the cable with the distance 'r’ from the axis of the cable is represented by O @ i ® B 7 @ B 30. N6 Fora plane electromagnetic wave propagating in ‘x-direction, which one of the following combination. gives the correct possible directions for electric field (B) and magnetic field (B) respectively ? OO Shel ayt: Ces ae @ —j+h, -j+h ® 54k, j+k A parallel plate capacitor has a uniform electric field ‘B” in the space between the plates. If the distance between the plates is 'd’ and the area of each plate is‘A’, the energy stored in ‘the capacitor is : y =permittivity of free space) @) — @gBAd 1 Cm egE?Ad , E*Ad ® @ Foe Consider the following statements (A) and (B) and identify the correct answer. A zener diode is connected in reverse bias, (a) when used as a voltage regulator. (B) The potential barrier of p-n junction lies between 0.1 V t00.3 V. (2) A)and (B) both are incorrect: @) (A) is correct and (B) is incorrect. (8) (A)is incorrect but (B) is correct. ( (A) and @) both are correct. ‘A screw gauge gives the following readings when ‘used to measure the diameter of a wire Main seale reading : 0 mm Circular scale reading : 62 divisions Given that 1 mm on main scale corresponds to 100 divisions on the circular scale. The diameter of the wire from the above data is: @ 0.026 em @ 0.26cm (3) 0.052cm @ 0.52cm N6 31. 33. ‘The equivalent capacitance of the combination shown in the figure is: © aie =O. at ae qa) 2 @ ce @ sc @ 3x A springis stretched by 6 cm by a force 10N. The time period of the oscillations when a mass of 2kg is suspended by itis: @) 6.285 @ 3148 @ 0.6288 ) 0.06285 A small block slides down on a smooth inclined plane, starting from rest at time t=0. Let S, be the distance travelled by the block in the interval oe t=n—1tot=n. Then, the ratio ist Sn4i 2n-1 @ nti 2n+1 @ ena 2n @ g=1 2n-1 @ Oa ‘The escape velocity from the Earth’s surface is v. ‘The escape velocity from the surface of another planet having a radius, four times that of Earth and same mass density is | 36. 37. Section - B (Physics) ‘Auniform rod of length 200 cm and mass 569, balanced on a wedge placed at 40 cm mark ¢ mass of 2 kg is suspended from the rod at Bee and another unknown mass ‘mis suspended fron, the rod at 160 cm mark as shown in the figure Find the value of ‘m’ such that the rod is in equilibrium. (g=10 m/s?) 020m 160 cm 2 ke es a Ake eae iu 2) rea a @® ake 1 Oe A particle moving in a circle of radius R with a uniform speed takes a time T to complete one revolution. Ifthis particle were projected with the same speed at an angle ‘@' to the horizontal, the maximum height attained by it equals 4R. The angle of projection, @, is then given by : N6 44. 47. Twenty seven drops of same size are charged at 220V each. They combine to form a bigger drop. Calculate the potential ofthe bigger drop. @ 1320V. @ 1520V @) 1980 @ 6eov A ball of mass 0.15 kg is dropped from a height 10m, strikes the ground and rebounds to the same height. The magnitude of impulse imparted to the ball is (g= 10 m/s?) nearly : @ 4.2kg m/s @) 2.1kg mis @) 1.4kg mis @ Oke m/s A car starts from rest and accelerates at 5 m/s”. At t=4.s, a ball is dropped out of a window by a person sitting in the car. Whats the velocity and acceleration of the ball at t=6 s? (Take g=10 m/s?) @) 20m/s,0 @ —20V2 mis, 0 (8) 202 m/s, 10 m/s* (4) 20 m/s, 5 m/s” ‘A point object is placed at a distance of 60.em from ‘a convex lens of focal length 30 cm. If a plane mirror were put perpendicular to the principal axis ~ of the Jens and at a distance of 40 cm from it, the final image would be formed at a distance of: 48. From a circular ring of mass ‘M’ and radius'R’ aq are corresponding to a 90° sector is removed, ‘moment of inertia of the remaining part of ther ‘about an axis passing through the centre of the ring and perpendicular to the plane of the ring is ‘K’ times MR®. Then the value of Kis : ia Oo a ® | 1 ® 3 3 © 7 ‘A uniform conducting wire of length 12a and resistance ‘R’ is wound up as a current carrying coilin the shape of, @ anequilateral triangle of side ‘ (i) asquare of side ‘a’. ‘The magnetic dipole moments of the coil in each case respectively are : () Sla%and Io? es @ 31a?and 41a? (@) 41a? and 31a? @ — ¥Bla?and 31a” [A particle of mass ‘m’ is projected with a velocity v=KV,(k< 1) from the surface of the earth. (V, = escape velocity) ti ‘The maximum height above the surface reached by the particle is : if ie Section - A (Chemistry) 51. Which one of the following methods can be used to obtain highly pure metal which is liquid at room temperature ? @ Chromatography @ Distillation @ Zone refining @) — Blectrolysis 52 The incorrect statement among the following is: (@) Most of the trivalent Lanthanoid ions are colorless in the solid state. @)__Lanthanoids are good conductors ofheatand electricity. (@) Actinoids are highly reactive metals, especially when finely divided. @ Actinoid contraction is greater for element toelement than Lanthanoid contraction. 58, Themajor product formed in dehydrohalogenation reaction of 2-Bromo pentane is Pent-2-ene. This product formation is based on? (@) Hund’s Rule (2) Hofmann Rule (3) Huckel’s Rule (® Saytzeff's Rule 54. ‘The correct sequence of bond enthalpy of ‘C-X’ bond. is: (CH,—F> CH, ~Cl> CH, -Br> CH,-1 (CH,—F CH,—Br>CH,-1 (CH,~Cl> CHy—F > CHy~Br>CH3-1 CH, -F Reaction Progress dS 2 Reaction Progress i / @) A —— Reaction Progress h @ i e ——s Reaction Progress Which one of the following polymers is prepared by addition polymerisation ? @ — Nylon-66 ‘ 2) Novolac (3) Dacron @ Teflon “ ‘The compound which shows metamerism is: oO CsHg0 i “iy 2 CyH6O 4 N6 61. 62. 10 Noble gases are named because of their inertness towards reactivity. Identify an incorrect statement about them () Noble gases have very high melting and boiling points. @ Noble gases have weak dispersion forces. (Noble gases have large positive values of electron gain enthalpy. (4) Noble gases are sparingly soluble in water. ‘The correct structure of 2,6-Dimethyl-dec-4-ene ie; e. Match List -I with List List -1 @ PCl; @ Square pyramidal © SE, (i) Trigonal planar (© BrFs ii) Octahedral @ BE Gv) Trigonal bipyramidal Choose the correct answer from the options given below. @ — @-Gi), ()-Gii), (-Gv), @-@) 2 — @-Gii), 6)-@), (-Cv), @-Gi). @) — (@)-Gv), b)-Gii), (-), @)-@ @) — (@)-Civ), (b)-Gii), (©)-(), @)-(i) « Whatis the IUPAC name of the organic compound formed in the following chemical reaction ? ir, dry Ether HOH Product @__ pentan-2-ol (2) pentan-3-ol @) ~— 2-methyl butan-2-ol (4) 2-methy! propan-2-ol 65. 66. 67. ‘The maximum temperature that can b 3 achi in blast furnace is cae () upto 2200K Q) upto 1900K (3) upto 5000K (4) upto 1200K ‘The pk, of dimethylamine and pK, of acetic acid are 3.27 and 4.77 respectively at T (K). The correct option for the pH of dimethylammonium acetate solution is| @) 5.50 @ 7175 @) 625 850 ‘Identify the compound that will react with Hinsberg’s reagent to give a solid which dissolves in alkali. @ = CHy @ CH, @ CHS No, The molar conductance of NaCl, HCI and CH,COONa at infinite dilution are 126.45, 426.16 and 91,0 em? mol-! respectively. The molar conductance of CH,COOH at infinite dilution is. Choose the right option for your answer. @ 390.71 Sem? mol- @) 698.28 S em? mol-? (@) 540.488 cm? mol? (4 201.28 cm? mol~1 ‘Tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, emits which of the following particles ? @ Alpha (a) @) Gamma (y) @) Neutron (n) @) — Beta(®~) 12 ‘The following solutions were prepared by discolving 10 g of glucose (OgH0¢) in 250 ml of water (P;), 10 gof urea (CH,N,0) in 250 ml of water (Ps) and 10 g of sucrose (C}pH0,;) in 250 ml of water (P3). ‘The right option for the decreasing order of osmotic pressure of these solutions is: @) P\>P,>P, @ P,>Ps>P, @ Ps>P,>P, (@ P,>P,>P, The correct option for the number of body centred unit cells in all 14 types of Bravais lattice unit cells is: @ 5 ‘The RBC deficiency is deficiency disease of: @) Vitamin By @) VitaminB, @ Vitamin B, @ VitaminB,. ‘The major product of the following chemical reaction is: CH. cu, CH CH= CHo+ HBr (CoHsCO102, 9 a CH @ CH=CH ~CH»~O-COCgH CH, CHy > cH-CH-CH, CH! - 4. Be oO @ se oev cH, cH Ethylene diaminetetraacetate (EDTA) ion ig, () Unidentate ligand @) _ Bidentate ligand with two “N" donor toy (3) Tridentate ligand with three “N” dog atoms (®) Hexadentate ligand with four “O” andy “N" donor atoms Statement I: ‘Acid strength increases in the order given 3 HF << HCl << HBr << HI. Statement II: ‘As the size of the elements F, Cl, Br, I increase down the group, the bond strength of HF, HC HBr and HI decreases and so the acid strengt increases. In the light of the above statements, choose th correct answer from the options given below. () Both Statement I and Statement II false. (2) Statement I is correct but Statement I is false. (@) Statement I is Statement II is true. (4) Both Statement I and Statement II an true. incorrect bu ‘The structures of beryllium chloride in solid stat and vapour phase, are : (Linear in both (2) Dimer and Linear, respectively @ Chaininboth (@ Chain and dimer, respectively is: [Atomic wt. of C is 12, His 1] @_ CH @ CH; @ CH, @® murine ight N6 91. 92, 93. Choose the correct option for the total’pressure (in atm.)in a mixture of 4 g 0, and 2g H, confined ina total volume of one litre at 0°C is [Given R= 0.0821 atm mol~!K~}, T=273 K] @ 2.602 Q 25.18 @) 2602 @ 2518 The intermediate compound ‘X’in the following chemical reaction is A ~ iio cr H CH, os, +Cr0,C1,—2> a ar H(OCOCH,), \Y cus FZ @ [ ~a X oa A @ | cH \ @ CHOCrOHCI,), ( 1) ‘The slope of Arrhenius Plot (2 kvis ial of first order reaction is —5x 107K, ‘The value of B, of the reaction is. Choose the correct option for your answer, [Given R=8.314JK~!mol=}) (1) 83.0kd mol~ @) 166kj mol? @ ~88ks mol! @ 41.5 kJ mol? : 14 4. 96. 96, Match List-I with List - II List-I List-II (@ 280,(¢)+0,@)> (i) Acidrain 280,(@) ) Hoc®—, ii) Smog OH+O1 © CaCO,+H,SO,> (ii) Ozone CaSO,+H,0+CO, depletion @ NOxg)_h (iv) Tropospheric NO@) +0@) pollution Choose the correct answer from the options given below. @ (a), ()-Gi), ©-Gv), @)-G) 2 (@Gv), Cit), (-G, ()-Gi) 8) (a)-Chi), 4), (©,4v), (4) @ — (@G), Ci), (Git), (@-Gv) CH,CH,COO-Na* Ht? CH,CH,+ Na,CO,, Consider the above reaction and identify the missing reagent/chemical () Red Phosphorus @ cao @ DIBALH ® BAH, Which of the following molecules is non-polar in nature? @ CHO @) SbCl, ® No, ® Poa, For irreversible ex; pansi se isothermal condition the oso teal Bas under ion, the correct option is - ® AU+0,48,,.420 ® AU=0, 48,4140 ® aU#0,a8,1<0 ® sv=o,as, total =O. r FP 1 319, ‘Theplant horm ; a ione used to destroy weedsin afield | 127. Match List-I with List -II. 0 a say : List=1 Lista q (mp [Oats with active col (| Vaseular Ee aivision capacity _| © ltiseues @ TAA [Tissue having all cells " a ()|[enilarin structure |GD|nocag 320. Amensalism can be represented as: land function, Tissue having pleas (1) Species A (+); Species B (+) ) (2) Species A (—) ; Species B (—-) different types of cells (Species A (+); Species B (0) [Dead cells with highly (Ws Species A (—); Species B (0) @ ae a and | Gv)|Simple tissue narrow lum’ hi Select the correct answer from the options given 4g1. Which of the following algae contains mannitol as reserve food material ? we (De Gracilaria — Volvox @ 6 © @ @ Ulothrix @ @ a @ () — Eetocarpus 2 @ @ w & 122, ‘The amount of nutrients, such as carbon, nitrogen, @ w @ @ phosphorus and calcium present in the soil at any y @ # @ gé given time, is referred as: @ Climax community Match List -I with List - II. @ Standing tate eT @) Standing crop i a; [Primary constriction in @ Climax (@)|Cristae ot aS _., [Dise-shaped sacs in 428. Which of the following algae produce Carrageen ? (| Thylakoids | 4) |Goig; apparatus | | Infoldings in (@) Brownalgae : @, Redalgae (c) [Centromere | GH) | yitochondria ee ae . [Flattened membranous aegis eee @|cisternae | Gv) [sacs in stroma of 24. pP-R=NPP - ' pata 3 Choose the eorrect answer from the options given iuleriiseestardaon ee @) Environment factor @ ®» © @ _@)_ Respiration losses @ _— Radiantenergy site of perception of light in plants during List-T_ N6 130, 132, 188, Complete the flow chart on central dogma. @@na ©, mena ©, @ @ (@)-Translation; (b)-Replication; (©-Transcription; (4)-Transduction @p (@)-Replication; ()-Transeription; (© Translation; (@)-Protein @) ~ (@)-Transduction; ()- Translation; (©-Replication; d)-Protein @ (@)-Replication; (b)-Transeription; (©-Transduction; (d)-Protein ‘The first stable product of CO, fixation in sorghum is Qe Oxaloacetic acid @ — Succinic acid @)__Phosphoglyceric acid @) — Pyruvie acid Match List - with List -I1 List -1 Protoplast fusion Plant tissue culture ©) [Meristem culture _[(ii)|Somaclones {@)| Micropropagation | Gv)|Virus free planta Choose the correct answer from the options given below. @) Gi) (ii) (iv) Gi) List - 11 [Totipotency Pomato (a) @ b) Gi) (b) @ (iv) ) 7) @ (aii) wa) @ @ @ @) 48) @ During the purification process for recombinant DNA technology, addition of chilled ethanol precipitates out: (> DNA @ Histones (8) Polysaccharides BaaiRNA 184, Which of the following is a correct sequence of ‘in a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) ? n Annealing 1 n, Exter 18 186, 135, Match List -I with List- I. siti ist-1 st - a jp [More attraction > (@)|Cohesion heer [Mutual attractiog (i) Jamong water (b) |Adhesion pees “,. |Water loss in i (© [Surface tension (ii) | ase iq [Attraction toward (@|Guttation @ leases Choose the eorrect answer from the options gy below. (@) () © @ @ @& G@ @ @ ® Gd @ @ @ @ @ @® Gy) Gi 4 @ ® ® Section - B (Biology : Botany) DNA fingerprinting involves identifying differeng in some specific regions in DNA sequence, cal as: (De Repetitive DNA. @ Single nucleotides (8) Polymorphic DNA ( — SatelliteDNA ‘Which of the following statements is incorreet (q_In ETC @lectron Transport Chain), on gives rise t "ADH, givesris molecule of NADH +H*+ 2ATP molecules, and one F. to3 ATP molecules, ATP is synthesized through complex V. Orxidation-reduet Proton gradient: During aerobic. tion reactions produa ‘nrespiration. ‘respiration, role of oxygeni 19 N6 139. In some members of which of the following pairs | 148, Match List- ist- of families, pollen grains retain their viability for sisal months after release ? List -I List =I @) Poaceae ; Leguminosae (@)[Protein @ [O=C double bonds Unsaturated ratty acid (ii) |Phosphodiester bonds (@ [Nucleic acid | (Gii)[Glycosidic bonds (Poaceae ; Rosaceae (@ [Polysaccharide | Gv)|Peptide bonds Choose the correct answer from the options given below. f@) ) © @ o @ @ #@ @ @ @ ® &) w@ (je Poaceae ; Solanaceae (8) Rosaceae ; Leguminosae 140, Which of the following statements is correct? (Qe Fusion of protoplasms between two motile ‘on non-motile gametesis called plasmogamy. @) Organisms that depend on livingplants are called saprophytes: o # we" a @) Some of the organisms can fix atmospheric eno @ ww ‘trogen in specialized cells called sheath cells. 144, Now a days itis possible to detect the mutated @ | Fusion of two cells is called Karyogamy pone causing eancer by allowing radioactive probe bef bridise ta complimentary DNA in aclone of elk followed by its detection using 141. Identify the correct statement. Sa eed (@) » RNA polymerase binds with Rho factor to {mutated gone completely and clearly terminate the process of transcription in aaa ee a photographic film pape @ mutated gene does not appear on & @) Thecoding strand in a transcription units Fhotopraphie film as the probe hes no copied to an mRNA. tomplimentarity with it e does not appear on (mutated gen’ film as the probe has (3) Splitgene arrangement is characteristic of prokaryotes. BOE a complimentarity with it @ _ Imcapping, methyl guanosine triphosphate (4) mutated gene partially appears on & jis added to the 3’ end. of hnRNA. Photographic fm 142, Match List -I with List -I1. Ace eerreneaal eee List-1 List -1 Ni=Nyete represents: (@) |S phase leer (@) The base ofexponential logarithms (G2 phase GH [Inactive phase (2) Thebase of natural logarithms interval between @ _ Thebase of geometric logarithms (6) quiescent stage |i) mitosis and initition (> The base of number logarithms lof DNA replication recite GHIDNA repbeation 146. Which ofthe following statements is incorrect ? () Stroma lamellae have PS I lack Choose the correct answer from the options even Saar ee e PS I only and @ © © ® @ Grana Jamellae have both PS Iand PSII. @ @ @ w ® oO, Cle pinnae involves both ew o @ w : © @ w& wi ® @ Both ATP and NADPH+H*+ are on i synthesized during —_non-cyclic o @ @ 9. < Paolsaisat ar sta ‘ N6 20 IA polymerase III i 147. Match Column -I with Column _ Intestinal juice @ — Gastricjuice (3) Chyme (4) Pancreatic juice 1. The centriole undergoes duplication during: @_Prophase Metaphase Gpphase S-phase Which stage of meiotic prophase shows terminalisation of chiasmata as its distinctive feature? ‘Zygotene Pachytene Leptotene |. Read the following statements. (@) Metagenesisis observed in Helminths, (©) Echinoderms are triploblastic and coelomate animals, (© Round worms have organ-system level of body organization. @ — Combplates present in ctenophores help in digestion. (© Water vascular system is characteristic of rms. Choose the correct answer from the options given. below. (@) — (@),(O)and (are correct. @ — @),(@)and (e) are correct Ge (b),(@and (@)are correct -@ ©, @and (are correct ‘afpon dioxide (CO) at alveoli (the site of . i N6 161. Which one of the following organisms bears hollow and pneumaticlong bones? (1) Hemidactylus @ — Macropus (= Ornithorhynchus 4) Neophron . Dobson units are used to measure thickness of (Stratosphere @y" Ozone (3) Troposphere (CFCs . Match List -I with List-II. List - I [Entry of sperm through Cervix is blocked IUDs (i) |Removal of Vas deferens /Phagocytosis of sperms lwithin the Uterus List -I Vaults | Vasectomy | (iii) (@ |Tubectomy |(iv) |Removal of fallopian tube} Choose the correct answer from the options given below. @ @ © @ om @®@ Gg @ Ww QQ w w a @ @® @ @ w& w ® @ @ @ wd Which enzyme is responsible for the conversion of inactive fibrinogens to fibrins ? ‘The organelles that are included in the ‘endomembrane system are : i N6 167. j 168. 169. 170. During the process of gene amplification using PCR, ifvery high temperature is not maintained in the beginning, then which of the following steps of PCR will be affected first ? QP Extension @ Denaturation Ge Ligation @ Annealing Whichis the ‘Only enzyme” that has “Capability” tocatalyse Initiation, Elongation and Termination in the process of transcription in prokaryotes ? Qs DNA dependent RNA polymerase @) DNALigase (3) DNase (DNA dependent DNA polymerase Erythropoietin hormone which stimulates R.B.C. formation is produced by : @) The cells of rostral adenohypophysis @, Thecells of bone marrow (8) Juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney (@) Alpha cells of pancreas Chronic auto immune disorder affecting neuro muscular junction leading to fatigue, weakening and paralysis of skeletal muscle is called as (Jp Muscular dystrophy (2) Myasthenia gravis @) Gout (@) Arthritis Which of the following characteristicsis incorrect with respect to cockroach ? Hypopharynx lies within the cavity enclosed by the mouth parts, In females, 7-9" sterna together form a tric eneca is present at the hind gut. 22 172, For effec ive treatment of the disease, ear), ‘tive understanding its pathophysilog Which of the following SiS VETY Usefil fe diagnosis and unde is very important. Whi molecular diagnostic tecbnique: early detection ? (1) Southern Blotting Technique (@) ELISA Technique (8) Hybridization Technique (4) Western Blotting Technique 173. Identify the incorrect pair. @) Toxin Abrin @) Lectins Concanavalin A @ Drugs er @ Alkaloids - Codeine 174, Veneral diseases can spread through. (@) Usingsterile needles () Transfusion of blood from infected person, (©) Infected mother to foetus @ Kissing © Inheritance Choose the correct answer from the options given below. () ©), © and (@) only 2) (b)and (©) only @) (@and (only ® (@),()and © only 4175, With regard to insulin choose correct options. @) C-peptide is not presentin mature insulin. has Cpeptie luced by rDNA technology @ Which of the followin, statements wrongly represents the nature of: a ‘smooth muscle ? They are involuntary muscles Communication amonj ig the cells is performed by intercalated discs These muscles are present in the wall blood vessels ast ‘These muscle have no striations @ ® ® . Select the favourable conditions required for the formation of oxyhaemoglobin at the alveoli. (Low pOs, high pCO,, more H+, higher temperature High pO,, high pCO,, less H+, higher mperature Low pO», low pCO,, more H*, higher temperature High pO., low pCO,, less H+, lower temperature 2) @ © In a cross between a male and female, both heterozygous for sickle cell anaemia gene, what percentage of the progeny willlbe diseased ? (75% @ 25% @) 100% @ 50% wy |. Persons with ‘AB’ blood group are called as 180. “Universal recipients”. This is due to: @Q) Absence of antigens A and Bin plasma (2) Presence of antibodies, anti-A and anti-B, on RBCs Absence of antibodies, anti-A and anti-B, in plasma « Absence of antigens A and B on the surface of RBCs @ (3) Which of the following is not an objective of Biofortfication in crops? (Uj Improve resistance todiseases _ _ @ _ Improve vitamin content 23 1 182, Match the following: List -I Physalia Iimulus. List-1 [Pearl oyster Portuguese Man of War (©) [Aneylostoma| (ii) Living fossil (@|Pinctada |v) [Hookworm Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (a) (b) qv) @ 2 Gi) Gi) ® 0 w @ Gi) Gi) (a) (b)| @ ay © @ Git) Gi) dv) @ Gi) Gi) @ Ge) @ 183. Which one of the following is an example of Hormone releasing IUD? (le LNG 20 @ Cu (3) Multiload 375, @ Cur 184, Which one of the following belongs to the family ‘Muscidae ? @)_— Grasshopper @) Cockroach (> House fly @ Firefly 185. Which of the following RNAs is not required for the synthesis of protein ? (dy tRNA @ RNA (3) siRNA (4) mRNA Section - B (Biology : Zoology) 186, Statement I: it ‘The codon ‘AUG’ codes for methionine and phenylalanine, Statement IT

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