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Manufacturing technology Project

In lieu of offline labs

Students who are attending the course online have to do a project in lieu of offline laboratory. A
product/component will be assigned to each of the student and they have to make a video,
presentation and a report related to the manufacturing for the same.
Following are the points which should be covered while making report.
1. Material selection of each part.
2. Process used to develop the each part with justification.
3. Alternative process which can be used to manufacture the component.
4. If the process contains machining, then please give the programming for the same.
5. If casting process is involved, then provide design of gating system assuming suitable
dimensions and parameters.
6. If welding is used,specify all the parameters such as process selected, filler wires (material and
diameter), shielding gas/flux, current, voltage, welding speed, edge preparation, type of joints,
power source characterization. Keep welding parameters such that it produces narrow HAZ)
7. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Maximum 15% similarity index is acceptable in the
report. Acknowledge the source by citing it in the main report if you have referred something.
8. You are advised to refer established national/international standards of machining, casting and
welding while selecting the process and its parameters or design.
9. Add figures and tables with numbers as well as captions in the main report.
10. Reports should have minimum 10 pages excluding front pages.

For videos:
1. Video should be of minimum 10 min and not be more than 15 minutes.
2. Please avoid using direct videos from YouTube etc. It is better to use whiteboard, power-point
to prepare videos showing manufacturing of each component.

For Presentation
1. Maximum 15% similarity index is acceptable.
2. All the content should be cited if directly referred from some source like books, research
papers or websites.
3. Maximum of 20 slides can be used for making presentation excluding front page and reference
4. Add figures and tables with numbers as well as captions.

1 RitvikLaroiya 101908066 MEE 7057693305 Air craft Engine

2 Amit Kumar 102088003 MEE 6201423082 Turbine blades
Ivneet Singh 101908096 MEE 7973374889
3 Differential gear box
Lathe Machine (Tail
stock, bed, carriage,
Tanmay Arora 101908160 MEE 9911994573 lead screw, head stock
4 etc)
Compressor units
Aryan Singh 101908183 MEE 7068344486 (Pumps, cylinder,
5 piston)
AnubhavRastogi 101958002 MEE 8979932697
6 Clutch Assembly
7 Clutch Assembly
Please inform at if
someone left in this list. Or
someone is attending Lathe Machine (Tail
If anyone not workshop and the name is stock, bed, carriage,
covered above present here. lead screw, head stock
8 etc)

 Students have to submit the report, presentation and video on 7th Oct 2021.
 Presentation for the same will be conducted in between 11-16th Oct 2021 in campus.
 Total Marks of Project: 15 (5 each for video, report and presentation)
 If any doubt, students can contact their respective lecture instructors.
 We will conduct a short meeting for the same. The time/date and zoom link will be
informed accordingly well in advance.

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