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Written Task 4
Julia May Loria

1. A person who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of an

enterprise is called an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur starts a
business, willing to take risks in order to make money and they
are the ones involve in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship
started as early as 17,000 B.C.E. where the first known instance
of humans trading comes from New Guinea when local exchanged
obsidian used to make hunting arrowheads for other needed
goods. The original entrepreneurs were traders and merchants
until the development of the market system and the invention of
money. In modern society, entrepreneurship continues to become
a major factor affecting our economy since every organization
had an entrepreneurial beginning of the organization. As modern
society continues to develop the range of entrepreneurship also
increased as it was already possible to have young entrepreneurs.
Furthermore, students are already studying entrepreneurship
that can help them determine the importance and benefits of
being into business even at such a young age and its benefits to
graduating students (Chico, 2014)

Thesis statement: A person who organizes, manages, and

assumes the risks of an enterprise is called an entrepreneur.

The thesis statement is good because it was framed as

declarative sentence, provides supporting points that
strengthen the claim, and sets limits as to what the essay
intends to explore.
2. Batman. Captain America. Superman. Wonder Woman.
These are famous superheroes that have kept their
worlds safe, but they have also helped our world. The
idea of superheroes has greatly benefited society by
giving them creativity, confidence, and courage. Children
usually dress up as superheroes during Halloween, or
even on a regular basis. They do not do this because
they find their costumes, gadgets, and superpowers cool,
but also because they look up to these superheroes as
role models. There must be something more than
gadgets for these kids to admire superheroes and not
super villains. The reason is because these superheroes
are good. Not only do they fight bad guys, but they also
have the capability of bringing out the best in us. This
essay will discuss the history of superheroes, the
difference between superheroes and other fictional
characters, and how all these things have positively
affected society. (Suarez, 2012)

Thesis statement: The history of superheroes, the

difference between superheroes and other fictional
characters, and how all these things have positively
affected society.

The thesis statement is not good because it does not

provide supporting points that strengthen the claim
and it has no clear boundary.

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