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English for Academic and

Professional Purposes
Week 1 Written Task
Julia May Loria

Aspects Title: The Beginning of

English Literature: A Brief Overview
What is the text The text deals with the history of English
about? Literature, which describes its beginnings
and also the Anglo-Saxons' journeys.

What is the writer’s The author's objective is to encourage the

Goal in writing the next generation to understand the history
text? and foundation of the language we speak
Who is the target I think the target reader of the text was
reader of the text? meant for anyone interested in learning
the history of language.
List down special  Legions
vocabulary found in  Celtic
the text.  Witan
 Fine
 Churl
 Earl
List down the  Well-versed grammatical structure.
language features of  It is formal.
the text.  It has evidence.
 The selection of words is less
Identify the discipline Journalism.

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