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Week I
Task II
1. What characteristics that you can observe or see that is
common to them?
2. Who among the entrepreneurs you mentioned that you admire
most and why?
3. In your own opinion, what do you need to possess to become a
successful entrepreneur?
The common characteristics that I observe to the given
entrepreneurs is that they are all innovators, risk-takers,
responsible, and proactive. They are very smart at making their
products unique, beautiful, and profitable as well.
Henry Sy is the entrepreneur that I admire the most
because of his diligence and passion to be a successful
entrepreneur. As I seek more information about his success, I
figured out that Henry Sy is not born rich, he went to the
Philippines when he was 12. Their family started to work at their
small sari-sari store. Henry Sy wants their life to be better so he
decided to make some extra income, after saving enough money,
he went out on his own and started his first business with a
footwear shop, and now, he owns a company, SM Investments,
owns 62 department stores, 56 supermarkets and more than 200
smaller grocery stores. He was always committed to his goal
whether it is big or small. He focused and worked hard to make
his business very successful.
I admire his story because it teaches us not to give up after
a failure. According to him, failure is the first step toward
success. If you fail, don't give up and try again. Never change your
ways if you do something well. Success is a combination of good
credit standing hard work, time, readiness, and opportunity, not
usually good luck. Success will never last when you don ’ t take
care of this.
For me, Persistence is what I need to possess to become a
successful entrepreneur. If you have persistence, you continue to
do something especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, and
discouragement, just like what Henry Sy did. By this trait, I believe
that I will reach my goal though it is difficult or even other people
are against it.

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