Key Emerging Issues For Work Teams Over The Coming Decade

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What do you see as the key emerging issues for work teams over the coming
decade? How can organisations and teams manage these issues?
(7 points for the first part) (8 points for the second part).


Due to the fast development through the decade and the changes in the employee mentality,

organizations are facing some issues and they must manage the issues and bodice them. The

below listed are some of the issues facing the organization.

Workplace culture:

Workplace culture is very critical, it reinforces the organization's voice, creates a way to reach the

goal and draws a clear guideline. Many organizations pushed back the workplace culture. From

year to year the new generation who start to join the work force is demanding for some changes

to cope with the company culture and requesting for more technology to make their work easier

where the company has to always maintain these requests and changing to insure a stable culture

that can be suited everyone. To strength the organization, the organization needs to have a clear

and strong culture, that will lead to having a loyal and productive employee. To have a strong

Workplace Culture the organization must set a clear goal and setting the way on how to reach it

along with taking the employee’s feedback in consideration. Moreover, part of organization

culture there is a need to constantly inspire others and empowering them to prepare them to be

the future leaders. In addition, the organization must always communicate the mission to insure

that everyone in track and empowering the team to realize the need and the ongoing needs of

environmental changing and they way to react to these changes. For example: in the recent few

years many of the organizations is moving toward open offices to break the boundaries of

communication as they consider this action is a must and change that need to be implemented to

have more efficiency along with healthier environment.

Working from distance:

Trust It is the most important core in any relationship, and as a leader whenever you show the

team member that you trust them it will give them a boost to increase their performance.

Employees who feel that they are trusted by the team leader will have less stress and more energy

at work. Some people take advantage of the trust, as Covid 19 change the working type from

working at the organization office to the home, the company gives the employees the trust that

even if they are at home, they are going to accomplish the task they have but unfortunately some

of them take this advantage and reduce the percentage of the productivity. The Covid-19

pandemic can continue for a long period and work from home will be a must for some of the

employees to monitor the increasing number of active cases. Therefore, there must be a lot of

supervision from the team leader to prevent this type of problem. Also, it is not limited to

supervision only but it more focuses on self-awareness where the employee himself has to be his

own boss at home and monitor his own action by providing them with proper training and

incentives them to do so.

Arising opportunities:

Individuals will be more aware and educated specially the new generation where they will looks

into ways to clears a way up and to pave their way forward to find their own passion, so they will

start to seek for new opportunities or taking the decision of opening their own business as the

market will be more attractive, this increase the challenges for the organizations and the team

members to always insure that their employees or the team member is always involving and work

toward the same purpose and they have a common passion and everything is clear and in place.
Strong companies will make themselves more attractive not just by paying them good salaries but

also offer some internal career opportunities to meet their passion along with motivating and

engaging them to shows them how their input is important and they are considering valuable

member which may help in increasing creativity and involvement.

Self-awareness and poor communication:

Low Self- awareness and poor communication consider and ongoing issue that it may continue in

the future if no action is taking along with having some resistance of some individuals in the

organization. Low self-awareness is the enemy of teamwork because it led to a low emotional

connection with people and the organization itself, on the other hand not sharing information

from team members and poor communication can create misunderstanding and missed

opportunities and all these will affect the organizational goal and strategy. Therefore, the team

leader must increase self-awareness and informing the team member to keep the organization in

the full picture by supplying them with the information. The team leader has to input some efforts

to insure that others members are aware of their strength and weakness by providing them with

feedback. It is also important to increase the communication between the team members by

providing them with different way of communications such as: Zoom, teams, phone, email. In

addition, it is important to implement the open offices structure which can be very useful and

there will be free of barriers.

Group thinking:

Many a raised new issue can be solving or minimize it is effect be using group thinking as it is

one of the most weapons in any organization, it is very powerful when it has a powerful team

leader with brilliant team members. In this decade the company is looking for people who are
thinking outside the box to take their organization to the next level and to compete with others in

the other hand if the company will remain with the same staff who have mostly followed the

manager and don’t think or give their opinion won’t compete with other company. Therefore, the

organization first needs to have a powerful and intelligent team leader and thin getting the best

team member who would like to think outside the box and take the organization to another level

of success. Taking inputs from different individuals can be very useful as each individual is

unique in his own way and have different opinions so having different opinions can help in

getting better input.

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