Extra: Reading Is Enough To Every Question'

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‘Reading is enough to every question’

taciz, kötü kullanmak ikincil etki
karşılamak, barındırmak imal etmek
asitleştirme osteoporoz, kemik erimesi
katkı ezici
görünüş, yön, açı olgu, kavram
özellik, ilişkilendirmek plankton
yasaklı hâkim olan, süregelen,
iki yanlı ürünler devamlı
akıp gitmek
dökülmek kabuklu deniz hayvanları
kıyıya vurmak, eşiğinde şaşırtıcı
olmak arz
felaket devrilme noktası, taşma
meydan okuma, sorun noktası
çöküş, çökmek üçlü
geri alma, mahvetmek
talep (etmek)
tükenme üzgün, bozmak
yıkıcı araç
imha etmek
yok olma
Without a doubt the biggest issue facing the Although the effect of human activities on the carbon
environment is over population of humans. All other cycle is better known, the lesser known effect on the
major environmental issues flow from the very fact that cycle of Nitrogen actually has a greater impact on the
we are over populating the planet. environment.
The worlds population has tripled in the last 60 years The human race’s use and abuse of nitrogen has been
placing stress on every aspect of the environment. one of the most beneficial technologies for our own
More land is developed every day to accommodate the species for decades. Every year, humans convert an
urban spread. estimated 120 million tons of nitrogen from the
In 1950 the population stood at 2,555,982,611 atmosphere into reactive forms such as nitrates, mainly
compared to 2016 which it now stands at over in the production of nitrogen-based fertilizer for crops
7,481,000,000. The actual maths is that the worlds and in the use of food additives.
population has increased by almost 3 times. That is The run off from crops into our oceans has a negative
staggering when you think about it. That figure is effect upon phytoplankton which is responsible for the
increasing even as we speak! production of of most of the oxygen in our air.

The most controversial and political of the top 10 Many experts believe that in the near future water will
environmental issues. Recently an overwhelming become a commodity just like Gold and Oil. Some
majority of climate scientists, believe that human experts say that wars will be fought over who owns the
activities are currently affecting the climate and that the water supply.
tipping point has already been passed. In other words, Currently, one third of humans have inadequate access
it is too late to undo the damage that climate change to clean, fresh water. The number is expected to
has done to the environment. increase by to up to two thirds by 2050. That is that two
At this stage the best we can do is regulate the further thirds of the worlds population will not have access to
impact upon the environment by developing more clean water.
environmentally friendly methods of energy production Over population, demand and pollution from industry is
by reducing the mining and burning of fossil fuels. to blame.

The loss of biodiversity on the planet can be directly A direct effect of excessive CO2 production. The
related to the behaviours of human beings. Humans oceans absorb as much as 25% of all human carbon
have destroyed and continue to destroy the habitats of dioxide emissions. The gas then combines with other
species on a daily basis. elements to form compounds such as carbolic acid.
When we exterminate one species, it has a knock on Over the last 250 years, surface acidity of the ocean has
effect in the food chain which in turn upsets the Eco- increased by an estimated 30%. The acidity is expected
systems inter dependent on one another. to increase by 150% by 2100.
The catastrophic impact of loss of biodiversity is likely The effect of over acidification of the oceans on sea
to affect the planet for millions of years to come. The creatures such as shellfish and plankton is similar to
current loss of biodiversity is also being named “The osteoporosis in humans. The acid effectively is
Sixth Extinction” dissolving the skeletons of the creatures.
The effect of ocean acidification may soon challenge
marine life on a scale that the planet has not seen for
millions of years.
Pollution of air, water and soil by chemical compounds Since 1990 half of the worlds rain forests have been
that take many years to breakdown. Most of these destroyed. The clearing of forests continue at an
chemicals are the bi-products of our modern lifestyle alarming rate.
and are created by industry and motor vehicle exhaust. To add to the worry a recent phenomenon has been
Pollution isn’t just limited to the air. Soil is another place added to the list.
where pollution is starting to take hold. Trees are now dying globally at a rate never before
Common toxic substances include heavy metals, seen.
nitrates and plastic.
A lot of the plastics that are discarded by humans end
up the ocean. These plastics tend to go unseen by
humans as the pollution is usually blown out to sea by
prevailing winds.

Depletion of our ozone layer has been mainly

attributed to the release of chemical pollution
containing the chemicals Chlorine and Bromide.
Once the chemicals reach the upper atmosphere, they
cause ozone molecules to break apart causing a hole to
form, the largest of which is over the Antarctic.
The atmosphere blocks many of the harmful UV rays
from the sun that can damage living tissue. In an effort
to reduce this process, CFCs have been banned in
many manufacturing processes and products.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, one
atom of chlorine can break down more than 100, 000
ozone molecules.

It is estimated that by 2050 that there will be no fish left

in the sea. I actually think that this is the single most
devastating truth that I have discovered.
The extinction of many fish species is due to humans
over fishing the oceans to supply an ever increasing
populations demand for sea food.
The collapse of the Atlantic Cod Fishery is one such
example of how humans have exploited the planet’s
natural resources to the brink of extinction.

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