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Alyssa Marie A.

Readings in the Philippines History


1. History and Political Science
- History is very helpful to politics because the political aspects is a part of the whole
range of activity recorded by historian and knowledge.
2. History and Economics
- History is also closely related to Economics. As the activities of a man in society are
very closely related with the economics matters.
3. History and Statistics
- In the present century the writing of history has been greatly influenced by the
statistical data.
4. History and Sociology
- History and Sociology are intimately related and a number of sociologists like
Auguste Comte are also important figure in the development of historical studies.
5. History and Geography
- Universally it is accepted that History and Geography have very close ties. In fact it
would be practically impossible to study.


1. 7641 Islands – most of its fast-growing population loves on just II of them.
2. Luzon – is the main island on which the capital Manila is located.
3. Mindanao – in the south is the second largest island.
4. Visayas – the most well-known island of the Visayas are Cebu, Negros, Bohol, Panay and
5. History - the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.
6. Negritos – were some of the Archipelago’s earliest inhabitants.
7. Datus, Rajahs, Sultans or Lakans – after these various competing maritime states were
established under the rules of.
8. Arrival of Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 – marked the beginning of Spanish colonization.
9. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos – named the archipelago Las Islas Filipinas in honor of kind
Philip II of Spain.
10. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi – established the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines.
11. 350 years – was the Philippines become part of the Spanish Empire.
12. Catholicism – the Spanish rulers introduced Catholicism which became the dominant
13. 1898 – at the end of the 19th century an uprising took place against Spanish – American
14. Japanese Occupation – the United States retained sovereignty over the islands until
after World War II.
15. World War II – when the Philippines was recognized as an independent nation.
16. 1986 – which included the overthrow of the Marcos dictatorship by a non-violent
revolution in 1986.
17. East Amor – it is one of the only two predominantly Christian nations in Southeast Asia.
18. Population – the islands of the Philippines are inhabited by a number of different ethnic
group. This is probably one of the lesser-known Philippines facts.
19. Culture – Philippine culture is unique and interesting melting pot of Asian European and
America influences.
20. Ati-atihan, Mariones and Sinulog – are a couple of the most well-known events.
21. Bayanihan Philippine National Folk-Dance Company – has been lauded for preserving
many of the various traditional folk dances found throughout the Philippines.
22. Governor - General Narciso Claveria y Zaldua – which ordered systematic distribution of
family names and implementation of Hispanic nomenclature on the population.
23. English Language – is an example of the American impact on the Philippine society.
24. Architecture – there are influences of Spanish architecture in the Philippines, mainly
among the country’s, churches, government buildings, and universities.
25. Vigan in Ilocus Sur – is also known for the many Spanish styles houses and buildings
preserved there.
26. Taal Heritage – town south of Manila and Silay City on Negros have many heritage
27. Daniel Burnham – left his imprint on Manila.
28. Language – English is an official language in the Philippine. It is taught as schools, and is
widely spoken in all urban centres.
29. Chavacano – is a creole derived from Spanish, a Romance language.
30. Baybayin – one of the most well known of the indigenous Filipino scripts, is used by the
government in some applicants such as on the Philippine banknotes.
31. “Filipino” – is inscribed using the writing system.
32. Arabic Script – is used in the Muslim areas in the Southern Philippines.
33. Nature and Biodiversity – the Philippines rainforest and its extensive coastlines make it
home to a diverse range of birds, plants, animals, and sea creatures.
34. Tamaraw – native mammals.
35. Philippine Eagle – the National bird, has the longest body of any eagle.
36. Philippine Tarsier – famous tarsier found in Bohol.
37. Lolong – the largest crocodile in captivity.
38. Tubbataha Reef – in the Sulu Sea was declared a World Heritage Site in 1993.
39. Climate – the average yearly temperature is round 26.6 C. in considering temperature,
location in terms of latitude and longitude is not a significant factor.
40. Currency – the Philippine peso, also referred to by its Filipino name piso, is the official
currency of the Philippines.

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