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Chair Yoga

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8 Chair Yoga Poses
for Kids & Tweens
In this printable, you will find 8 chair yoga
poses. Feel free to cut out and use the poses
that resonate with you and your kids or
students! The full set of 24 illustrated cards
is included on the dashboard for GoZen!
subscription members.

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Chair Yoga Cards
Yoga is a great way to strengthen our bodies,
decrease stress, and boost our energy, all
while having fun. Best of all, we don’t even
need to stand up to do it! Chair yoga is a
wonderful option for classrooms, long drives,
or any limited mobility circumstances.

P utting cards together

Cut out each card (leaving the image attached
to the text), then fold in half so that the
illustration is on one side and the instructions
are on the other. Use glue or tape to hold the
two sides in place.

Preparing to start
Make sure you’re in a sturdy, stable chair. Keep
both feet firmly on the floor. Please don’t use
chairs with wheels or stools without backs. As
with any exercise, never push yourself to the
point of pain or discomfort. Now take a deep
breath, relax, and have some fun.

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Do the Twist
Sit with your back straight, feet flat
on the floor and hands at your sides.
Turn your upper body to the left.
Place your left hand on the back of
the chair, and right hand on your hip.
Now use your arms to pull yourself
deeper into the twist. Hold for
five breaths, then release and
relax back into facing forward.
Repeat on your right side.


Finger Lock
Sit with your back straight, feet flat
on the floor and hands at your sides.
Lift your arms in front of you and
interlock your fingers. Turn your
palms away from you, reaching
far out in front of your body.
Now raise your arms above
your head and point your palms
at the ceiling, making yourself
long and tall. Lean gently to the
left for three breaths, then to
the right for three breaths.
Unlock your fingers and lower
your arms to rest at your sides.

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Howling Wolf
Sit straight up, feet flat on the
floor and palms on your knees.
Take a deep, slow breath. As you
inhale, arch your back and lift
your face and chest to the sky,
like a wolf howling at the moon.
In fact, go ahead and let out a little
howl, then breathe out slowly and
relax back to a comfortable position.
Continue to breath in and out,
arching your back with each
inhale, and relaxing with each
exhale. Take five wolf breaths.

Scaredy Cat Pose

Sit straight up, feet flat on the
floor and palms on your knees.
Take a deep, slow breath. As you
exhale, round your back toward the
sky and look down toward your toes.
Breath in slowly, and relax back
to a comfortable position.
Continue to breathe in and out,
relaxing with each inhale, and
rounding your back with each
exhale. Take five cat breaths.


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Pretzel Twist
Sit with your back straight, feet flat
on the floor and hands at your sides.
Bring your arms together in front of
your face and wrap one arm around
the other, palms touching, so your
arms are twisted like a pretzel.
Wrap one leg around the other,
so your legs are twisted like a
pretzel as well. Try to hook one
foot around your opposite ankle.
Hold your pretzel twist for five
breaths, then untwist and relax.
Repeat by doing the opposite twist.

Mountain Top Pose

Sit with your back straight, feet flat
on the floor and hands at your sides.
Keep your head held high and
take a deep breath. As you
inhale, reach your hands above
your head, placing your palms
together like a tall mountain peak.
Keep looking straight ahead,
holding the pose while you
take several breaths.
On your final exhale, lower
your arms and relax.


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Boomerang Pose
Sit with your back straight, feet flat
on the floor and hands at your sides.
Scoot forward and lean back so
that your body is at an angle.
Grip the bottom of your seat for
extra support. Then, slowly raise
your toes until they’re head high.
Keep your legs and back
straight as and your body is
bent like a boomerang.
Hold the pose for 5 seconds, then
rest your feet on the floor.


Happy Baby Pose

Sit with your back straight, feet flat
on the floor and hands at your sides.
Scoot forward and lean back so
that your body is at an angle.
Bend your knees and bring your
feet up so you can grab the
outsides of your feet with each
hand. Now raise your arms and
legs, like a baby! Be careful not to
lose your balance as you keep your
arms and legs in front of you.
Hold for ten seconds, then
rest your feet on the floor.

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