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There are two ways of iDirect Modems 


1. Modem Recovery using Console Cable

2. Modem Recovery using Hyperterminal
When we try to use the first option then we have to keep in mind few
procedures listed below:

1. Modem check – will help you understand if the modem is in need of a recovery
2. Manual 1 – option file recovery (how to load the option file via console)
3. Manual 2 – Version update/recovery via console+WinSCP, in case image
recovery is needed (ErrorStack)
4. Manual 3 – Hard reset. If there is no access to the modem via console, a hard
reset must be done, followed by Manual 2 and Manual 1.
Modem Check prior to Installation and Recovery Procedures.
Follow the bellow steps to check the modem’s operation status, according to
the results for each step act to correct or continue on to the next step.

Connect to the modem using a serial cable (console cable). Open the Hyper
Terminal or Putty in order to log in to the modem.

Configuration of the connection:

Serial Line: Com

Speed: 9600

Username: root

Password: P@55w0rd!

Another optional password is: iDirect

Check that the network ports are configured and recognized by the modem by
typing ifconfig:

The result will show you the operational network cards:

 ixp0
 lo
 tun0
If you do not see all three as in the bellow screen shot follow the next steps to
correct it by loading the option file via the console connection.

MANUAL 1 – Option file recovery via console

1. Type the command: cd /etc/idirect/falcon/

2. Type the command: ls

Here you will see the files under falcon directory. One of them is the falcon.opt
which is the corrupted option file the modem is working on.

3. Type the command: mv falcon.opt falcon.opt.old

Make sure to have one space between” falcon.opt” and “falcon.opt.old” since
these are names of two different files.

4. Open the option file with notepad.

5. Go to the top of the file and press enter to have a 1 line space from the
beginning of the file.

6. Press CTRL+ A and then CTRL+ C (to copy the whole page).

7. Go back to the console connection and type the command: cat > falcon.opt
(Don’t press ENTER yet), Paste the text copied from the notepad, press

8. Once the text has been copied, press Enter and then Ctrl + C.

9. Type the command: service idirect_falcon restart

10. Type ifconfig and check to see that all 3 interfaces are showing.

11. Reboot the modem by typing the command: reboot

MANUAL 2 – Version update via console+winSCP

For this procedure you need both the console and the IP connectivity.

Connect to the iDirect via console cable and login using the following:

User Name: root

Password: iDirect/P@55w0rd! (or the password configured during hard reset –

see Manual 3)

1. Turn on the ssh daemon by: service sshd start

2. stop the falcon service via the console using the command: service
idirect_falcon stop

3. find the IP address of the modem by typing: ifconfig –you can see the net
address under ixp0, IP address
*Configure your PC to an IP of the same network, Default GW is the modem

4. Connect to the iDirect via WinSCP application

Hostname – IP address of the modem
Username – root
Password – the same password used for console login: iDirect/P@55w0rd! (or
the password configured during Hard Reset – see Manual 3)

Via the console connection, use the following sequence to check and clear the

df (shows free/usable space on the modem)

mount -t tmpfs –o remount,size=16M /tmp


The right side will show the folders of the iDirect modem. Go to ‘root/tmp’

On the left side, go to the location of the image files on your PC

Copy the first file (‘linux_2.4_bsp-’ for X3 and X5) from your PC to

Go back to the Console connection; install the files copied to the ‘tmp’ folder of
the modem.

Type the following (as written below) to extract the image file:

package -mx -a linux_2.4_bsp-

chmod 744


Refresh the iDirect side in WinSCP (root/tmp)

Delete all files under tmp folder

Using the console connection, type:

mount -t tmpfs –o remount,size=16M /tmp

Then type: df

Copy the relevant image file (‘evo_x3_rmt-’ or ‘evo_x5_rmt-’) from your PC to root/tmp.

Type the following (as written below) to extract the image file:

package -mx -a evo_x3_rmt- or package -mx -a evo_x5_rmt-

chmod 744


When finished, load the option file via the console. Refer to MANUAL 1.
Restart the iDirect after loading the option file. (Type the command – reboot)

MANUAL 3 – Hard Reset

If no access to the modem via console using default credentials, you will need
to do a hard reset the modem.

1.Press the red button at the back of the modem for 15 seconds you will see:

# DRAM Test …………….

DRAM Test Successful

+Detected Hard Push Button Reset

The modem will load as redboot (RedBoot>)

2. Type the command: fis load linux

Type the command: exec -c “console=ttyS1,9600 root=/dev/mtdblock2

rootfstype=jffs2, single”

(Exactly as written above)

There will be no login at this point and you will see the “/ #” prompt.

3. Type the command: passwd

4. Type in a password of your choice (password will not be saved after reboot)

To enable access via WinSCP (for Image recovey) type the command:

service sshd start

Once done, please refer to MANUAL 2.

Modem Recovery using Hyperterminal.
In the Windows Start menu, select Programs—>Accessories—>Communications—

iDirect login: root
Password: iDirect/P@55w0rd!/
To change the root password:
4 Enter the following command:
5 Type a new password (iDirect is the default) and press Enter.
6 When prompted, enter the new password again to confirm.
Enter the following command again, to confirm the interface configurations:
Like ipconfig in CMD … here the command is Ifconfig
Turn on the SSH daemon by entering the following console command:
service sshd start
service idirect_falcon stop
Reloading Image Software Package
To reload the Image Software Package using TFTP:
1 Enter the following commands from the console to increase the swap-space in the
/tmp directory:
mount -t tmpfs -o remount,size=16M /tmp
2 To use the TFTP Server included with iSite:
a) Close any open sessions of iSite
b) Launch a new session of the iSite application
c) Select File—>TFTP
The TFTP Settings dialog box displays.
3 Browse and select the folder on the PC containing the iNFINITI package file(s) and
click OK when

To start the installation of the Upgrade Prep package file, enter the following
command at the Linux

prompt: <ip address> remote-8_0_0.pkg

e.g. remote-8_2_2_0.pkg

or remote- User IP not the Gateway

To install the Cumulative Update package:

7 To start the installation of the Cumulative Update package file, enter the
following command at the

Linux prompt: cumulative_update-8_2_2_0.pkg

or cumulative_update-

To verify the successful installation the Software Image package:
9 Enter the following command at the Linux prompt:

/usr/sbin/falcon –version
Reloading Options File
1 Open the good Options file in a text editor (i.e. Notepad) and copy all of the
text to the Windows


2 On the console, move to the Options file directory by entering the following

cd /etc/idirect/falcon/
3 Rename the current Options file by entering the following command:

mv falcon.opt falcon.opt.old
Note: A no Such file or directory error displays if there is no existing Options file.
4 Enter the following command to create, and enter text into, a new Options file:

cat > falcon.opt

5 Move the mouse cursor to the location of the console cursor, and right-click to
paste the text

previously copied (in Step 1) into the console session.

6 Press Enter once, and then press Ctrl-D to exit.

7 Examine the contents at the end of the falcon.opt file, ensuring no extra
characters were
inserted, by entering the following command:

cat falcon.opt
8 Reboot the iNFINITI unit, by entering the reboot console command:


At the end also START FALCON Services

service idirect_falcon start

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