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Fahad bin Sultan University

ENGL101 NOEM/Assignment 2

Name: Instructor: Amani Abu Atieh

The great pyramids of Giza are perhaps the most famous and discussed structures in
history. They are the last remaining of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. These
massive monuments were unsurpassed in height for thousands of years after their
construction and continue to amaze and enthral us with their overwhelming mass and
seemingly impossible perfection. Their exacting orientation and mind-boggling construction
has elicited many theories about their origins, including unsupported suggestions that they
had alien impetus. However, by examining the several hundred years prior to their emergence
on the Giza plateau, it becomes clear that these incredible structures were the result of many
experiments, some more successful than others, and represent an apogee in line with the
development of the royal mortuary complex.

1. What is the topic sentence?

2. What is the controlling idea?

3. What is the item described?
4. Give a sentence of background information


5. What is the organization of the descriptive paragraph, explain the outline with
examples from the paragraph.


6. Most adjectives used appeal to the ………………….such as …………………..

Q2. Make the language of the following statements more descriptive and specific:

1. My father bought a book for me.

2. Two years ago, we visited a farm.

3. Where is the jacket?

4. I saw some pictures.

5. Two years ago, our neighbour had an accident.


Q3. Do as required in the sentences follow:

1. It is a movie interesting and thrillings. (correct the mistakes with adjectives)

2. She wears sari hand-spun a. (reorder)

3. There are two kitchens tables. (correct the mistake)

Q4. Write a well-developed paragraph about a special possession you have.


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