Difference Between FTR and Walkthrough

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FTR - formal process walkthrough informal process

FTR is performed by software engineers and walkthrough is led by author
Kaushik Iyer14:39
Walkthrough is a static method of quality assurance
Dhanil Mistry14:41
FTR defects are identified by individuals who review
Anandhakrishnan Pillai14:41
It is often performed as a peer review without management participation.
Kaushik Iyer14:42
Walkthrough has unplanned meeting and FPR has planned meetings

in FTR preparation is reuired and walk nopreparation required

review team focuses on qality from customer point of view , walkthrough offer
opportunity to access an individual or teams compitency

Anandhakrishnan Pillai14:44
Recorder records the defects.
Author make a note of defects and suggestions offered by teammate.
Anandhakrishnan Pillai14:45
ftr mei checklist walkthrough me no checklist
Kaushik Iyer14:45
FTR- Formalized procedure in each step
Walkthrough- not formalized procedure in each step

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