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Chu Quang B×NH

ThiÕt kÕ bμi gi¶ng

N©ng cao − TËp mét

Nhμ xuÊt b¶n Hμ néi

ThiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng
tiÕng anh 11 - n©ng cao, tËp mét
chu quang b×nh

Nhμ xuÊt b¶n Hμ néi

ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm xuÊt b¶n :

NguyÔn kh¾c o¸nh

Biªn tËp:
Ph¹m quèc tuÊn

VÏ b×a:
Tμo thu huyÒn

Tr×nh bµy :
th¸i s¬n − s¬n l©m

Söa b¶n in:

ph¹m quèc tuÊn

In 1000 cuèn, khæ 17 x 24 cm, t¹i C«ng ty TNHH Bao b× vµ in H¶i Nam.
GiÊy phÐp xuÊt b¶n sè: 208 − 2007/CXB/46 e TK − 47/HN.
In xong vµ nép l−u chiÓu quý III/2007


Lêi nãi ®Çu

§Ó hç trî cho viÖc d¹y, häc m«n TiÕng Anh 11 theo ch−¬ng tr×nh s¸ch gi¸o
khoa (SGK) míi ban hµnh n¨m häc 2007 − 2008, chóng t«i biªn so¹n cuèn
ThiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng TiÕng Anh 11 n©ng cao gåm hai tËp. S¸ch giíi thiÖu mét
c¸ch thiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng TiÕng Anh 11 theo tinh thÇn ®æi míi ph−¬ng ph¸p d¹y
häc nh»m ph¸t huy tÝnh tÝch cùc nhËn thøc cña häc sinh (HS).
VÒ néi dung: S¸ch ®−îc viÕt theo ®óng tr×nh tù c¸c bµi häc trong s¸ch
gi¸o khoa líp 11: gåm 16 bµi, mçi bµi ®−îc chia thµnh tõ 7 ®Õn 8 tiÕt. ë mçi
tiÕt häc ®Òu chØ râ môc tiªu, ®ång thêi chØ râ c¸c c«ng viÖc chuÈn bÞ cña gi¸o
viªn, c¸c ph−¬ng tiÖn trî gi¶ng cÇn thiÕt nh»m ®¶m b¶o chÊt l−îng tõng tiÕt
häc trªn líp.
Tr×nh tù c¸c b−íc tiÕn hµnh bµi gi¶ng ®−îc chia thµnh c¸c ho¹t ®éng:
KiÓm tra bµi cò, Ho¹t ®éng bµi míi, Cñng cè kiÕn thøc, Bµi tËp vÒ nhµ vµ Ho¹t
®éng bæ trî. Ho¹t ®éng bµi míi ®−îc thiÕt kÕ thµnh nh÷ng ho¹t ®éng
1, 2... theo c¸c phÇn nhá ®óng tr×nh tù trong s¸ch gi¸o khoa. ë mçi ho¹t ®éng
nhá nµy ®Òu ®−îc thiÕt kÕ theo m« h×nh “Pre− While – Post” cho tõng kÜ n¨ng.
Ho¹t ®éng bæ trî bao gåm c¸c trß ch¬i, bµi tËp b¸m s¸t néi dung cña tiÕt häc.
Gi¸o viªn (GV) cã thÓ lùa chän vµ lång ghÐp vµo c¸c ho¹t ®éng kh¸c trong tiÕt
häc hoÆc tiÕn hµnh sau khi ®· hoµn thµnh c¸c ho¹t ®éng chÝnh trong bµi.
VÒ ph−¬ng ph¸p: S¸ch ®· cè g¾ng vËn dông ph−¬ng ph¸p d¹y häc míi ®Ó
chuyÓn t¶i tõng néi dung cô thÓ cña bµi häc. ë mçi tiÕt häc t¸c gi¶ ®−a ra mét
lo¹t c¸c ho¹t ®éng lång ghÐp nh−: xem tranh, ®o¸n tranh, lµm viÖc theo cÆp,
theo nhãm, ... nh»m ph¸t huy tÝnh tÝch cùc, tù gi¸c trong häc tËp cña häc sinh.
§Æc biÖt, nh»m h×nh thµnh ®ång thêi c¶ 4 kÜ n¨ng: nghe (listening), nãi
(speaking), ®äc (reading), viÕt (writing) tiÕng Anh, s¸ch ®· tËp trung nhiÒu vµo
ho¹t ®éng luyÖn tËp trong mçi giê häc. Ngoµi ra, s¸ch ®−a ra c¸c t×nh huèng
giao tiÕp vµ trß ch¬i thÝch hîp, nh»m gióp häc sinh cã ®iÒu kiÖn cñng cè v÷ng
ch¾c bµi häc.
Chóng t«i hi väng cuèn s¸ch sÏ lµ tµi liÖu tham kh¶o h÷u Ých cho c¸c thÇy,
c« gi¸o d¹y m«n TiÕng Anh 11 trong viÖc n©ng cao hiÖu qu¶ bµi gi¶ng cña
m×nh. §ång thêi rÊt mong nhËn ®−îc ý kiÕn ®ãng gãp cña c¸c thÇy, c« gi¸o vµ
c¸c b¹n ®äc gÇn xa ®Ó cuèn s¸ch ngµy cµng hoµn thiÖn.
T¸c gi¶

Unit 1

Period 1 & 2
I. Aim
Reading a passage about friendship
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− talk about an old friend who they remember and discuss the qualities of a
good friend and the elements of a long lasting friendship.
− improve reading skill through True, False and Sentence Completion
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
Pictures of friends or diaries recording sweet memories with friends
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not have enough vocabulary and ideas to talk about friendship and
qualities of a good friend.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

Group work
12’ Group work
Have Ss work in groups of 3 to 4 and talk about a
friend who they remember well but haven’t seen
for a long time.

Prompts for talk:
When you last saw him or her?
What was he/she doing then?
What he/she was like?
Where he/she is now?
If you would like to get in touch with him or her
again. (Why / Why not?)
Call on some Ss to talk about their friends in
front of the class.
Gather ideas and lead in the lesson: Friendship.

13’ Whole class
Vocabulary pre-teach
stuffed animals (n): toy animals stuffed with
straw, beans, cotton or other similar materials.
Some stuffed animals are very old – home made
cloth dolls stuffed with straw go back to at least
the 1830s. Stuffed animals are also known as
plush toys and soft toys and of course the teddy
bear (thú nhồi bông)
break into tears (v): translation (oà khóc)
detention (n): the act of being detained, kept to
oneself (tình trạng cầm tù)
confide in somebody (v): share intimacy or
privacy with someone (chia sẻ, tâm tình với ai)
have positive effect on (v): have good influence
on someone (có ảnh hưởng tốt)
depression (n): the state of being sad, depressed
and stressed (sự buồn chán, suy sụp)
anxiety (n): the state of being nervous, worried
(sự lo lắng)
evolve (v): to grow, develop (phát triển, lớn lên)
common interests (n): shared hobbies (sở thích

distant with people (a): away from people (xa
lánh mọi người)
Checking technique
Sentence modeling
Ask Ss to make sentences with the new words
above. Call on several Ss to make sentences with
the same word to make sure Ss understand the
meaning of the words.

15’ Task a - Matching Individual
Ask Ss to read the text A and match the grade
with the opinions about friendship.
Note that the opinions in the task are paraphrased
so Ss must understand the meaning of the
opinions before doing the task.
Give correct answers:
1. c
2. b
3. a
Have Ss write full sentences. Begin the sentences
like this: In eighth grade, your idea of a good
friend is someone who…
Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences in
front of the class.
Comment and give correct answers:
1. In eighth grade, your idea of a good friend
is someone who packs up your toys and
old stuff and who empathizes with you in
bad times.
2. In ninth grade, a good friend is someone
who is on your side through good and bad

3. In tenth grade, a good friend lets you copy
his or her paper in an exam.
15’ Task b - Gap-filling Individual
Ask Ss to read text B individually and check work
whether the statements are true or false.
Note: T should ask some Qs or give Ss the topic
of the text: Friendship /Qualities of a best friend.
Have Ss compare their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front
of the class.
Ask Ss to support their answers with the
information in the text.
Give correct answers:
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T
Task c - Sentence completion
15’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and complete the
sentences by using the words from the two texts.
Make sure Ss understand the meaning of the
words in the texts because these words are used
in different contexts.
Go round the class and provide help when
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the
Check the answers in front of the class as a
Feedback and give correct answers:

1. burst into tears
2. detention
3. guarantee
4. convince
5. evolve

15’ Discussion Group work
Have Ss work in groups of 4 and discuss the
What’s your own idea of a good friend?
Encourage Ss to express ideas of their own.
Go round the class and provide necessary
vocabulary for discussion.
Gather ideas and have final thought on the topic.
Optional activity
Explicit the meaning of the proverb:
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
(A friend who helps out when we are in trouble
is a true friend - unlike others who disappear
when trouble arises.)
Ask Ss for their opinions about the proverb.
5’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.
Extra reading
Famous quotes about friendship
1. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
(Một người bạn thực sự là người bước vào vào đến bên bạn khi tất cả
mọi người đã bỏ đi.)
2. Friendship is one mind in two bodies. (Tình bạn là một tâm hồn trong
hai cơ thể.)

3. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. (Nếu cứ xét nét
bạn bè thì bạn sẽ không có thời gian để yêu thương họ.)
4. Misfortune shows those who are not really friends. (Khó khăn trắc trở
sẽ cho bạn biết ai không phải là bạn bè thực sự.)
5. Friendship is always a sweet responsibilty, never an oppourtunity.
(Tình bạn luôn là một trách nhiệm ngọt ngào, không phải là cơ hội.)
6. A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget.
(Một người bạn tốt thì khó tìm, khó mất và không thể quên.)
7. Time isn't what makes a friendship last...It's love and devotion that
keeps the tie between souls. (Thời gian không làm nên một tình bạn
bền lâu. Tình yêu và sự hết mình sẽ gắn kết hai tâm hồn lại.)
8. The secret to friendship is being a good listener. (Bí quyết để có một
tình bạn bền lâu là hãy biết lắng nghe.)
9. Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best
friends listen to what you don't say. (Ai cũng nghe thấy bạn nói. Bạn
bè lắng nghe những gì bạn nói. Những người bạn tốt nhất sẽ nghe bạn
nói kể cả khi bạn không nói gì.)
10. When you are looking for a friend, don't look for perfection, just look
for friendship. (Khi tìm một người bạn, đừng đi tìm sự hoàn hảo mà
hãy tìm một tình bạn thực sự.)
11. A real friend is not one who only entertains you, but one who cares
about you, one who will be there when you cry. (Một người bạn thực
sự không phải là người chỉ biết làm bạn vui mà là người biết quan tâm
đến bạn và ở bên bạn khi bạn khóc.)
12. Hold true friends with both your hands. (Hãy giữ những người bạn
thực sự bằng cả hai tay.)
13. A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten your life when you've been
through a storm. (Bạn tốt giống chiếc cầu vồng. Họ sẽ làm sáng lại
cuộc sống của bạn sau cơn bão.)
14. If you can buy a person's friendship, it is not worth having. (Nếu bạn
mua được tình bạn thì nó chẳng còn giá trị gì nữa.)
15. Make friends before you need them. (Hãy kết bạn trước khi bạn
cần họ.)
16. Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, the other is gold.
(Hãy kết bạn mới và giữ bạn cũ vì bạn mới là bạc và bạn cũ là vàng.)
17. You will never have a friend if you must have one without faults. (Bạn
sẽ không có bạn nếu bạn muốn có một người bạn không khuyết điểm.)
18. You can make more friends by being interested in them than trying to
have them be interested in you. (Bạn có thể có nhiều bạn hơn bằng
cách hãy quan tâm đến họ hơn là làm mọi cách để họ quan tâm đến bạn.)

Period 3
I. Aim
Listening about a description of a friend
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− discuss further the good and bad qualities that a friend may have by using
a variety of adjectives such as athletic, reserved, dynamic,…
− enhance listening skill through checking the right words they hear and
answering questions in the book.
III. Materials
Cassette, tape recorder,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in understanding several expressions in the tape.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

10’ Have Ss work in groups and match difficult Whole class
adjectives in column A with their appropriate
meanings in column B.

1. athletic a. dè dặt
2. reserved b. cảm thông
3. enthusiastic c. đúng giờ
4. practical d. bàng quan
5. sensitive e. khoẻ mạnh
6. dynamic f. bảo thủ

7. punctual g. nhiệt tình
8. indifferent h. nhạy cảm
9. sympathetic i. năng động
10. conservative j. thực tế

Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of

the class.
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. e
2. a
3. g
4. j
5. h
6. i
7. c
8. d
9. b
10. f
Make sure Ss understand the words and know how
to use them properly before moving to the Pre-
listening activity.

7’ Individual
Ask Ss to look at the list in the book and find five
work and
words (or more) which best describe him or her by
Pair work
checking the boxes.
Have Ss discuss the list with a partner.
Note: Ss may use the words which are not in the list
to describe themselves correctly if necessary.
Gather ideas from Ss and raise further questions to
get Ss engaged in the class activities.
Suggested questions:

If you have only one word to describe A (a student in
the class), which word will you use?

7’ Individual
Task 1 - Checking the words
Set the scene
You are going to listen to a letter from Jack, Sinh’s
pen pal, writing about Mai Tran, his new
Vietnamese friend, living in Sacramento, California.
Listen and check (√) what is true about Mai.
Tell Ss to look at the list of words and further
explain if needed.
Play the tape more than once if necessary.
Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. sociable
2. casually dressed
4. enthusiastic
5. practical
6. athletic
7. attractive
8. sensitive
8’ Task 2 - Answering questions Individual
Play the tape again and have Ss answer the questions
in the book.
Ask Ss to compare the answers with a friend.
Note that Ss have to write the answers in full
Give correct answers:
1. He met her on the occasion of his cousin’s

2. She is going to travel back to Viet Nam this
Listening script
Dear Sinh,
Thank you very much for the postcard of ethnic girls
in your country. Their costumes look so beautiful
and colorful. By the way, I’ll tell you about a new
friend of mine, Mai Tran, who lives near my uncle’s
house in Sacramento, California. You may be
curious to know how I met her and what she is like.
Well, I met her in my cousin’s birthday party. Mai is
one of his classmates. She is of our age 17 and very
sociable and practical. It was her rosy plump face
with the two dimples on her cheeks that attracted me
at the first look. She looks athletic with her hair cut
short and casual clothes – jeans and a T-shirt. Later
on, I found out that she is rather sociable, sensitive,
and enthusiastic. Curiously enough, Mai has the
same taste in information technology and music as
you and I. She told me she would travel back to Viet
Nam with her family this summer and invite me to
visit her hometown in Hue. I haven’t decided yet, but
I consider the invitation seriously because I would
love to visit your country and meet you again. How
have you been doing with your school work? Please
write soon.
Best wishes,
Jack Green

10’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and discuss what their decision
would be if they were Jack and explain the reasons.
Encourage Ss to have ideas of their own to discuss
with each other.

Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of
the class.
Make necessary comments and corrections.
Give suggested answers:
…If I were Jack, I would accept Mai Tran’s
invitation to Viet Nam because this is a new country
to me. I’ve read a lot about the country and people
of Viet Nam in newspapers and magazines, but I
haven’t actually visited the country and the way how
people live in their cities and towns. I would like to
try some real Vietnamese food and drinks, etc.
…If I were Jack, I wouldn’t accept the invitation
because I have to take an important examination this
summer/ I have to go to the countryside to attend my
sister’s wedding,….

3’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra exercise
Put the following adjectives into two columns: Good and Bad qualities.
friendly, arrogant , honest, moody, determined, mean, thoughtful, miserable,
energetic, selfish

Good qualities Bad qualities

friendly arrogant
honest moody
determined mean
thoughtful miserable
energetic selfish

Period 4
I. Aim
Making friends
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
− use different expressions to introduce themselves, check information,
make offers and comment on the situations when making friends.
III. Materials
Textbook, handouts of useful structures if necessary.
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may feel embarrassed when acting out the party situation in the class. T
should encourage shy Ss to help them actively engage in the party.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

7’ Group work
Have Ss work in groups and make a list of
things they would like to know when they first
met a new friend.
Gather ideas and suggested answers:
Freetime activities
Likes and dislikes

8’ Pair work
Explicit the task: Check the expressions that
you may use to start a conversation in a multi-
school party.
Further explain the term multi-school party if
Call on some pairs to explain their answers in
front of the class.
Comment and give correct answers:
Hi! My name’s…
Hello. Have we met before?
It’s a great party, isn’t it?
Hi! You look familiar. Have you been in Grape
County School?
Haven’t I seen you at Alice’s party?
You’re from Malaysia, aren’t you?
Note: T is suggested to introduce more
expressions on the topic at Ss’ request.

15’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and complete the
dialogues by using appropriate expressions in
the above activity.
Call on some pairs to practice the completed
dialogues in front of the class.
Make necessary comments and corrections.
Give correct answers:
Sinh: (1) Hi! My name’s Sinh, by the way.
Susan: And I’m Susan. Hi!

Sinh: Hi! (2) Try one of these cheese biscuits.
They’re really tasty.
Susan: Thanks. Mm! (3) It’s really good, (4)
isn’t it? (5) Is there something to drink?
Jack: (6) It sounds great music, (7) doesn’t it?
Mai: Yes. It sounds good.
Jack: (8) Have I met you somewhere before? At
Sinh’s, for instance?
Mai: No. I’ve never been there.
Jack: So (9) are you a friend of Lan’s?
Mai: No. I’m her cousin.

10’ Set the scene Whole class

Imagine that you are at a party in which you

meet many young people that you haven’t
known before. Now act out the situation: Make
friends with people at the party by using
expressions that you have learned.
Introduce more useful expressions if necessary.
(See Supplements for details.)
Note: This activity is expected to be very
interesting. Hence, T, up to particular
situations, may make it a real party so that Ss
engage enthusiastically.
Call for Ss’ attention and make necessary

5’ Summarize the main points. Whole class

Assign homework.

Extra expressions
Useful expression in making friends

Purpose Expressions
By the way, my name’s…
Introducing yourself I’m glad to meet you.
I’ve heard a lot about you.

What a lovely/marvelous/terrible day.
Talking about weather You’ll be glad when the rain is over.
It looks like rain.

What a lovely shirt!
Complimenting This is a lovely place!
I must say, you’ve gotten a great presentation.

Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?
Responses to some opening No. I haven’t had the pleasure.
questions Oh, yes. We have already met, actually.

Period 5 & 6
I. Aim
Writing a narrative
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− write a narrative of 130 - 150 words about a friend basing on the given

III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not know how to write a vivid description of a friend.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

10’ Group work
Have Ss work in groups and give all the words
describing appearance and character.
The group which has the longest list will be the



10’ Whole class
Introduction to Narrative and Descriptive writings.
Narrative is a kind of writing in which you report
events (i.e you tell someone about something that
happened). Narration is used in many different
situations. A narrative paragraph is usually
organized in chronological (time) order. That
means the exact name and place are introduced

right in the topic sentence and the details are
written in the same order that really happened.
Descriptive writing tells how something looks,
smells, tastes, or sounds. A good description is
like a “word picture”; the reader can imagine the
object, place or person in his or her mind. A
writer of a good description is like an artist who
paints a picture that can be seen in the mind of
the reader.
Explain necessary words and expressions:
vicious (a): ác ý, ác tâm
timid (a): rụt rè, nhút nhát
imbecile (a): khờ dại
smart (a): thông minh
giggle (v): cười khúc khích
dimples (n): núm đồng tiền
at first sight (adv): cái nhìn đầu tiên
Task 1 - Gap-filling
10’ Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the passage Pair work
with the words from the box.
Note that some words can be used more than
Make sure Ss have a rough understanding of the
passage before doing the task.
Have Ss compare and discuss their answers with a
Give correct answers:
1. tall
2. slim
3. short
4. appearance
5. controlled

6. smart
7. vicious
8. shy
9. timid
10. imbecile
11. imbecile
12. imbecile
13. terrified
Task 2 - Ordering
10’ Have Ss work independently and number each Individual
sentence to show its order in the piece of writing. work
Ask Ss to pay attention to the connectors such as
unfortunately, furthermore, however, … while
doing the task.
Check the task in front of the class as a whole.
1. I met Trang at my cousin’s birthday party
two years ago.
2. It was her cheerful face with the two
dimples on her cheeks that attracted me at
first sight.
3. She looked athletic in blue jeans and a
T-shirt, and she danced beautifully in the
4. During the party, she was always
surrounded by a cheerful and noisy crowd.
5. After the party, we met each other quite
often because we shared a common
interest - playing chess.
6. She was a decisive and smart player in the

7. Furthermore, she was an interesting
playmate because she was able to help me
improve my playing strategies.
8. Unfortunately, my family had to move to a
big city.
9. However, we still keep in touch through
10. I must say that Trang is one of my best
friends now.

30’ Individual
Explicit the task: Write a narrative between 130 –
150 words about one of your friends. The words
and expressions in tasks a) and b) can help you.
Watch the time to make sure SS write within the
time allowed.
Go round the class and provide help when
Pick up some typical writings and comment in
front of the class as a whole.
Give suggested writings:
Linh has been my best friend since we were in
grade 8. She is an attractive girl with short hair
and a cheerful face with dimples in both cheeks.
We have shared our common interest, playing
badminton, and gotten along with a group of top
five through the previous years. At the beginning
of this year, our group joined a relief activity in a
southern province. Linh was our leader and her
decisions during the trip proved that our selection
was right. She is a smart and decisive leader in
tasks. At the same time, she is also very helpful
and a cooperative person when she works with
you. Whenever you have a problem, you can talk

to her to seek her advice. I’m used to be her
“client” for years. I must say, so far, Linh has
been my best friend. I love and respect her for her
helpfulness, kindness, and cooperation.
I met Mai at a social gathering some years ago.
She is a friend of my friend’s. She stood in the
room, among others, but looked very different
from them. Her lovely and innocent face with rosy
cheeks seemed to brighten the room. I was
attracted by the way she smiled and laughed when
she was talking with friends. I came near to her
and introduced myself. I still remember the lovely
smile and the dimples on the cheeks when she
greeted me. Her voice was so soft and sweet when
she talked with you. We became friends since that
day and up to now we have still gotten along well.
She was also a very kind and charitable person in
social work as I found out when we went on a
number of charity trips together. Now she is
studying in Australia, but we still keep contact
through mail.

15’ Individual
Describing a friend
work and
Ask Ss to prepare a small talk about their friend
Whole class
basing on the writing.
Have Ss work in groups and talk about their
Encourage Ss to talk about the good and bad
qualities of their friend.
Call on some Ss to deliver the talk in front of the
Make necessary comments and corrections.

5’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra exercise
Match the connectors with their appropriate purposes.
Purpose Connectors
1. To introduce an additional idea a. In summary
2. To introduce an opposite idea b. Therefore
3. To introduce a choice or alternative c. However
4. To introduce a result d. Otherwise
5.To introduce a conclusion or summary e. Furthermore

1. e
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. a

Period 7
(Language focus)
I. Aim
Using descriptive adjectives
Revision of verb forms and linking words
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− identify descriptive adjectives and use them appropriately.
− master the use of different verb forms.

III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers, handouts of extra exercises.
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may find it confusing when giving the correct form of the verbs.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

7’ Group work
Jumbled words
Write the words whose letters are in a random order
on the board. All the words are adjectives to
describe appearance and character.
Divide the class into two teams. Ss from two teams
go to the board and write the correct words.
The team which writes more correct words first will
be the winner.
1. imcanyd
2. ncupalut
3. ervderes
4. namcitor
5. evitisnes
6. ………
1. dynamic
2. punctual
3. reserved
4. romantic
5. sensitive
6. ………

Word study
5’ Whole class
Presentation 1
Give brief information about adjectives
An adjective is a word whose main role is to modify
a noun or pronoun (called the adjective's subject),
giving more information about what the noun or
pronoun refers to. Generally, adjectives form one of
the traditional eight parts of speech beside noun,
Descriptive adjectives are used to describe people,
places, etc,…
Adjectives often come:
before a noun: a beautiful girl
after "to be" or linking verbs such as seem, look,…:
She looked tired.

Practice 1
5’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and underline the adjectives
in the given sentences.
Ask Ss to explain their answers in front of the class.
Make necessary comments and corrections.
Give correct answers:
1. true, fair
2. best, responsible, honest
3. devoted, excellent
4. best
5. sociable, kind
6. prosperous
7. kind, prosperous, long
8. smart, quick, fast, apposite

Practice 2
5’ Individual
Tell Ss to work individually and do exercise b): Fill
in the blanks with words from the box.
Give explanation of some difficult adjectives:
persistent (a): liên tục, kéo dài
bushy (a): rậm rạp
poisonous (a): độc
long loud piercing (a): thất thanh, the thé
Call on some Ss to read the completed text in front
of the class.
Ask for comments from other Ss.
Give correct answers:
1. young
2. afraid of
3. unforgettable
4. wooden
5. bushy
6. poisonous
7. poor
8. long loud piercing
9. persistent

Presentation 2
5’ Whole class
Explain the order of the adjectives in the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5
Opinion Size Quality Age Shape

6 7 8 9 10 11
Color Participle Origin Material Type Purpose

A tall young man
A large wooden table
An old English song
Ask Ss for more examples to make sure Ss
understand the general order of the adjectives in the

Practice 3
5’ Individual
Have Ss do the exercise c) individually: Rearrange
the words in each sentence to make it grammatically
Draw Ss’ attention to the order of the adjectives.
Call on some Ss to write their sentences on the
Check the exercise in front of the class as a whole.
1. He has made many fatal mistakes so far.
2. My son has an ugly large yellow submarine.
3. She has bought a collapsible blue silk
4. Having approached the village, we saw a lot
of ragged screaming children.

5’ Whole class
Presentation 3
Quickly review the forms of the verbs by asking
questions about different tenses such as present
simple, present perfect,…
Suggested questions:
When do we use the present simple tense?
Can you make the negative form of the past simple

What tense should we use if we want to express an
action that happens repeatedly at present?

Note: All of the tenses in this exercise have been
already covered in earlier grades. Hence, T is
suggested to help Ss do the exercise by themselves.
T provides help when necessary.

Practice 4
5’ Tell Ss to work independently and complete the Individual
passage with the correct form of the verbs in work
Have Ss compare their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to read their answers in front of the
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. remember or did not have
2. didn’t have
3. had
4. went
5. was
6. were
7. used to have
8. used to climb
9. could see
10. were biting
11. blew
12. came
13. fell
14. was told
15. was burned
16. have kept
17. has gotten

Presentation 4
3’ Whole class
Linking words
Give some information about either…..or…. and
Either (preceded by or) can be used as a conjunction
to introduce an alternative.
You can drink either mineral water or coffee.
Neither (preceded by nor) can be used as a conjunction.
It means not one nor other.
He will neither eat nor drink.

Practice 5
5’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and match one line in column
A with one in column B. Then use the correct
linking words in the box to fill in the blanks.
Ask to Ss to read the lines carefully before doing the
Give correct answers:
He packed his suitcase and went out to the minibus.
Does it mean he’s going to recover or stay
unconscious? (c)
I thought it was late, but it was still very early. (d)
I’ll either make a call or send him a fax. (b)
Neither the students nor their teachers have
prepared for the excursion. (a)
Note: If time doesn’t allow, this activity can be
assigned as homework. Corrections will be provided
in the following lesson.

Unit 2
personal experience

Period 1 & 2
I. Aim
Reading a passage about personal experience
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− talk about embarrassing moments that they experienced.
− improve reading skill through True, False and Listing exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
A large picture illustrating different parts of body
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulties understanding some new words used to describe
personal experience.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

10’ Group work
Case study
Have Ss work in groups, answer the question:
How do you feel and react to the following
You were going to the birthday party of a
friend’s. Because you were in a hurry to his

party, you didn’t notice that you wore different
stocks. And when you come to the party, guests
are asked to take off their shoes. By the time
you have taken off your shoes, your friend went
out to welcome you. Both your friend and you
noticed that there were something wrong with
you stocks.
Gather ideas from Ss and introduce the topic of
the lesson.

10’ Pair work
Five senses
Have Ss work in pairs, look at the pictures and
name parts of the body.
To make it more interesting, T may use parts of
body and using body language to handle the
Call on some Ss to read the parts aloud in front
of the class.
Give the correct answers:
1. ear
2. eye
3. nose
4. mouth
5. hand
Ask Ss to tell the function of each named part by
asking them questions such as:
What does the nose do?
What do we use our nose for?
Note: Ss may answer in Vietnamese and T
provides English equivalents later. Make sure Ss
understand the functions of different parts of our

Ask Ss to give the equivalent senses.
Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of
the class.
Give correct answers:
1. hearing (thính giác)
2. sight (thị giác)
3. smell (khứu giác)
4. taste (vị giác)
5. touch (xúc giác)
Have Ss work in groups and write the senses
which help them know the things mentioned in
the book.
Ask Ss for other things that require senses if
Explain the answers in front of the class.
1. touch
2. smell
3. sight
4. hearing
5. taste
The most embarrassing moment
10’ Explain quickly the definition of embarrassment. Pair work
Embarrassment is an unpleasant emotional state
experienced because of having a socially or
professionally unacceptable act or condition
witnessed/seen by or revealed to others.
Have Ss work in pairs, ask and answer the
questions: “Have you ever felt embarrassed?
What was your most embarrassing moment?”.
Go round the class and provide help when

Call on some pairs to practice their dialog in
front of the class.
Comment and give suggested answers:
1. Have you ever felt embarrassed?
Yes, I have for several times.
2. What was your most embarrassing
I was when I mistook a neighbor for my
Vocabulary pre-teach
10’ nervous (a): worried and anxious (lo lắng) Whole class
catch one’s eyes (v): to get someone’s attention
(thu hút sự chú ý của ai)
in vain (adv): unsuccessful or useless (vô ích)
retreat into one’s shell (v): to become shyer and
avoid talking to other people (e dè, khép mình)
inept (a): not suitable or fit (lạc lõng)
slip away (v): to disappear (biến mất)
draw attention to (v): to make people notice (làm
mọi người chú ý)
nervousness (n): the state of being anxious (sự lo
inadequate (a): not able, not confident enough, to
deal with a situation (không thể thích nghi đầy
đủ được với xã hội)
shy (a): nervous or embarrassed about meeting
and speaking to other people (nhút nhát, e thẹn)
dispirited (a): having no hope or enthusiasm (mất
tinh thần, chán nản)
Checking technique:
Ordering vocabulary
Write all the new words on the board. Make
sentences which contain the new words randomly.

Read the sentences aloud.
Ask Ss to write down the words they hear in
order 1, 2, 3, …

Set the scene
In our daily life, it’s unavoidable that we
encounter embarrassing moments. Some people
can overcome such situations, but some cannot.
In our today’s lessons, we will learn how a boy
feels as facing a difficult situation.
10’ Task a - True or False Individual
Have Ss read through the sentences and have work
good guesses of the answers before reading the
Ask Ss to read the text and decide whether the
sentences are true of false.
Have Ss cross-check their friends’ answers.
Encourage Ss to support their answers by
locating the information in the passage.
Call on some Ss to give their answers.
Comment and give the correct answers:
1. F (He was a shy, quiet, and inept person.)
2. T
3. F (To him, making friends was not easy.
He felt inept to join in the conversation
and hard to make friends.)
4. F (He was unable to overcome his
5. T
Task b - Listing Individual
Have Ss read the text again and make a list of the work and
required information. Pair work

Note Ss to pay attention to verbs related to
senses like see, find, hear and listen …
Have SS exchange their answers.
Call on some Ss to give their answers.
Feedback and give the correct answers:
− Two pieces of information related to the sense
of sight.
1. He saw may people talking merrily and
there was a pause in the conversation as
he passed by.
2. … found the room full of people he did
not know.
− One piece of information related to the sense
of hearing
When he heard someone ask him his name …
10’ Task c - Finding information Individual
Have Ss handle the text individually, read the work
text from “The next day …his first party
experience.”, and find the information expressing
the writer’s feelings during and after the party,
then write the sentences beginning with During
the party and After the party.
Ask Ss to exchange and discuss their answers.
Call on some Ss to read their sentences aloud in
front of the class.
Comment and give the correct answers:
1. During the party he felt embarrassed and
nervous among others, inept in the
2. After the party he felt hard to make
friends, inadequate in feeling compared
to others, shy, dispirited, sad.

15 Group work
Have Ss work in groups of 4 and discuss the
advice to the writer in order to overcome such an
Go round the class and provide necessary
vocabulary for discussion.
Choose the best advices to give the class as a
Give suggested advice:
He should:
9 go out and join more social gatherings
of our age such as participating in a
youth club, playing a certain sport,
attending more parties,…
9 ignore what people think about him and
be more confident in conversations
9 take it easy when making mistakes or
doing something for the first time.
9 make more friends in reality or online
so that he can socialize more.
9 …
5’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading
Do you sometimes think that you are too shy? In fact, more than 40% of
teens and adults in America consider themselves shy. Shyness is very common
in children, teens and adults.

All people feel shy at some time in their lives, but being shy most of the time
can cause difficulties with day-to-day activities and relationships.
Sometimes, it is normal to feel shy, such as in the following circumstances.

• Any first-time situation, such as starting a new school

• Before a performance/speech
• Meeting new people

However, people who are extremely shy feel nervous even more often. As
a result, they may:

• Spend more time on computers, without human contact

• Avoid or cancel social events
• Have fewer friends
• Think poorly of themselves

Other inhibitions include:

• Participating less often than others in classes at school

• Blaming themselves when things go wrong
• Being easily embarrassed

Some studies show that shyness can be genetic – it can run in families.
People who were quiet children may never grow out of this, and may become
shy teens and adults.
There are some situations in which being shy can be hard. Events such as a
move or changes in family life can be great sources of stress. For many teens,
just going to school can be stressful. You may feel embarrassed, like you don't
fit in. If you act confident in yourself, others will think that way too. If you act
like you don't matter, others may treat you that way. If you can understand
when you feel the most shy, you can try to overcome this little by little and your
comfort zone may become much bigger.

Period 3
I. Aim
Listening to a story about personal experience
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− know some suitable tenses to be used to describe past experience.
− improve listening skill through True or False and Checking the Right
Box exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers, cassette,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not get sufficient ideas from the listening to check whether the
statements are true or false.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

10’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs, give the adjectives to
describe the following behaviors.

Behavior Adjective
1. not confident, nervous
in the company of other
2. sure of yourself and
your ability

3. not wanting to be
4. behaving as if you are
better than everyone else
5. fond of giving other
people orders
6. thinking that you are a
wonderful person, and
that you know everything;
not modest

Call on some pairs to give their words.

Have other pairs to correct or give more suitable
words if possible.
Consider different answers whether they can be
Comment and give the correct answers:

1. shy 4. arrogant
2. confident 5. bossy
3. modest 6. big-headed

Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs, fill each blank with the
suitable words from the box.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers.
Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the
Comment and give the correct answers.
1. embarrassing 4. ashamed
2. presentation 5. absent-mindedness
3. standing

Make sure Ss understand all the words. Make more
sentences with these words if necessary.

10’ Individual
Task 1 - True or False
Have Ss read through the sentences and have good
guesses of the answers to the statements.
Tell Ss to listen to the first part of the listening and
do the task individually.
Play the tape several times if necessary.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with each other.
Call on some Ss to give their answers to the class as
a whole.
Play the tape again and check the exercise in front
of the class as a whole.
Give the correct answers and play the tape again to
make it clear to Ss:
1. F (It happened on Sunday.)
2. T
3. F (He went to a bookstore to buy the book
which he was assigned to report on but he
had left it home.)
4. T
5. T Individual
Task 2 - Checking the right box work
Have Ss read through the words and have a guess
of the answer.
Note Ss to listen for gist.
Play the tape again for Ss to check their answers.
Call on some Ss to give their answers.

Comment and give the correct answers and play the
tape again to check for the class as a whole:
4. embarrassing 6. careless
Listening script
I believe that everyone has had embarrassing
experiences in their life. I had one not so long ago
and I though it was the most embarrassing
experience that I have ever had! It happened to me
one Sunday last month. I was cycling to our Sunday
club meeting by the side of my best friend. It was
really a beautiful day! Everything seemed so nice
until I noticed that I had left the storybook on which
I had the duty to do an oral presentation to the club
members. So we hurried to the nearest bookstore.
We put our bicycles in front of the store and ran in
to find the book. Luckily, I saw the book on a shelf
not very far from the place we were searching.
Looking at my watch, I realized that it was a little
late. So I reached the counter to pay for the book
and got out of the store. We took our bikes and rode
way. Suddenly, I found something wrong with my
bike, and you know what? I had taken a bicycle of
someone else. My face was hot and I felt extremely
ashamed of myself. I looked around and
fortunately, there was no one else witnessing the
sight. I brought the bike back to its place, feeling
like a thief. My friend had an opportunity to laugh
at my carelessness … That’s my worst
embarrassing experience!

Story reproduction
7’ Group work
Divide Ss in class into groups of four and ask them
to retell the story in their own way, using the
following questions for getting information.

1. What kind of experience did the speaker
2. When did it happen?
3. Who was cycling beside him on the way to
the club?
4. What was his duty on the day’s meeting?
5. What did he realize on the way to the club?
6. What did he decide to do?
7. Where did he put his bicycle?
8. What was the embarrassing experience?
Call on some groups’ representatives to reproduce
the story aloud in front of the class.
Comment and give suggested answers:
The story happened one Sunday morning. The
writer was cycling beside his friend on the way to
the club where he had an oral presentation.
Suddenly, he realized that he had left home the
book he needed to give the report. He stopped by a
bookshop to buy it. It was when he was riding away
that he realized he had taken someone else’s
bicycle. He felt so ashamed and embarrassed
because of his carelessness and absent-mindedness.

3’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra exercise
Read the following embarrassing moments and match the passage with
the suitable topics as follows:
1. Not-So-Secret Kiss
2. Scary Sitch

3. Heart Attack
4. Sad Song
A. One time I went to a haunted house with my friends. We thought it was
going to be really lame, so we decided to go in before our parents. We were
about halfway through the haunted house when I thought I saw my mom in
front of me. So I crept up behind her and jumped on her back! It turned out to
be the tour guide!!! I was so embarrassed, and my friends and I ran through
the rest of the haunted house to get out!
B. One time outside of my school, a girl came up to me and said that
someone wrote they “hearted” me on the brick wall round the corner. I got all
excited that someone actually liked me. I told a lot of people and rubbed it in
the popular clique’s faces. When I got round to telling my friends they looked
at each other and then told me they wrote that to show how much they loved
me as a friend. I was so touched, but then I realized I had told the whole
grade. I was mortified. I don’t jump to conclusions so much anymore.
C. I and my boy friend were at a school dance when he asked if he could
talk to me outside. I got so exited, but also a little nervous! When we got
behind the school, he totally French kissed me! Just then, the principal came to
tell me my mom was here to pick me up, and they walked in on us! I was
grounded for life!
D. My choir was having a concert at a school assembly. At the end of the
fourth song, we were supposed to close our eyes and rest our head on our
hands (in a sleeping position). The cue for everyone to come out of the position
was a clap. The director clapped during the applause, and since I was far
away, I couldn't hear it. Everyone else came out of position, but I was still
there, waiting for the cue. Finally, I decided we were supposed to come up. I
hoped no one had noticed. But when I opened my eyes, everyone was staring at
me. I was so embarrassed. Even worse was that the whole concert was caught
on tape. Later I found out that the whole choir was going to watch the tape,
and then the band and orchestra. And my crush is in band! I was relieved
when he didn't say anything or laugh at me.
Suggested answers:
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D

Period 4
I. Aim
Talking about types of senses
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− know useful words to talk about types of senses.
− use verbs and adjectives to describe different senses.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
A large picture illustrating different parts of the body.
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulties using words to talk about senses.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

10’ Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of words
describing parts of the body playing the function of
the five senses.
The group which has more correct words in an
allowed time will be the winner


Suggested ideas:
- Nose - smelling
- Ear - hearing
- Skin - feeling
- Eye - sight
- Mouth - taste

7’ Individual
Have Ss work individually, look at the six pictures
and guess what each picture is about.
Ask Ss to work in pairs, match the pictures with the
suitable incomplete sentences that follow to make
meaningful sentences.
Call on some pairs to read their answers aloud in
front of the class.
Comment and give correct answers:
1. A falcon 4. A taster
2. A smoke detector 5. A bat
3. A heat-seeking missile 6. A dog

Dialog build
15’ Pair work
Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about
senses following the example:
A: What do you think dogs are good at?
B: Well, I guess they are good at smelling in order
to search for something.
Go round the class and provide help when
Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.
Make necessary corrections.

Suggested answers:
A: What do you think falcons are good at?
B: Well, I guess they are good at looking from a
long distance.
A: What do you think bats are good at?
B: Well, I guess they are good at hearing from a
long distance.
A: What do you think tasters are good at?
B : Well, I guess they are good at tasteing
alcoholic drinks to differentiate them.
A : What do you think smoke detectors are good
B: Well, I guess they are good at discovering fire
in a room.
A: What do you think heat-seeking missiles are
good at?
B: Well, I guess they are good at discovering and
following a heating source.

Group work
10’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs, asking and answering about
the five senses.
Note: Help Ss revise sense-related verbs and nouns:
ears - hearing; nose - smelling; tongue - tasting;
touch - feeling, etc.
Ask Ss to practice talking about the five senses as
the following examples:
A: What can I do with your eyes?
B: I can see people, things, animals, colors, and
so on.
A: Who can’t see what you can?
B: Well, the blind, I think.

A: What animals are good at seeing?
B: Bats are.
A: What animals are good at smelling?
B: Dogs are.

3’ Whole class
Summarize the main points
Assign homework

Extra exercise
1.The Body
Match the words and pictures.
waist back elbow wrist shoulder neck
bottom leg breast ear chest arm
armpit stomach foot ankle hip head

1. head
2. neck
3. back
4. waist
5. bottom
6. leg
7. shoulder
8. elbow
9. arm
10. wrist
11. hip
12. foot
13. ear
14. chest
15. armpit
16. breast
17. stomach
18. ankle

2. Conversation practice
Practice the following conversations and learn the underlined phrases.
A: Look at that!
B: I can’t see anything.
A: It looks like a boat.
B: Where?
A: Over there! It’s clearly visible. It’s just come in sight. It’s just come
into view.
B: You must have good eyesight./ You must have sharp eyes.
A: Listen to that!
B: I can’t hear anything.
A: It sounds like a cry for help.
B: Where’s it coming from?
A: Over there. It’s clearly audible./ it’s a very clear sound.
B: Your hearing must be good./ You must have good ears.
A: Smell this!
B: I can’t smell anything.
A: It smells like a stale fish.
B: Does it?
A: Yes, it’s quite a strong smell.
B: You must have a very sensitive nose./ You must have a keen sense of
A: Taste this!
B: I can’t taste anything wrong.
A: It tastes like vinegar.

B: Really?
A: Yes, it’s got quite a strong taste.
B: You must have a very sensitive palate./ Your sense of taste must be
very good.
A: Touch (Feel) this!
B: I can’t feel anything.
A: It feels as if it’s vibrating.
B: Where?
A: Here. It’s quite a strong sensation.
B: You must have very sensitive fingers. / You must have a special
sense of touch.

Period 5 & 6
I. Aim
Writing a personal letter describing a past experience
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand the structure and know how to compose a letter telling past
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in using the right tenses of verb to describe their past

V. Procedure

Time Steps

10’ Group work
Divide Ss into groups of 4.
Suggest the number of letters of the words
describing parts of the body and the five senses
with short dashes on the boards.
Ask Ss to guess the letters in the words.
If Ss have wrong guesses, make a dash like the
following drawing.
If Ss’ guesses are wrong for eight times, give the

Gap filling
10’ Individual
Have Ss work individually, look at the box of
words and read through the letter; and then fill each
blank with the suitable word from the box.
Ask Ss to cross-check their answers.
Ask further questions to make sure Ss understand
the embarrassing experience that the writer had:

What did he do last weekend?
Why was he embarrassed?
What did he finally do to solve the problem?

Call on different Ss to read different completed
parts of the letter.
Comment and give correct answers:
1. funny 5. together 9. happened
2. social 6. dish 10. carefully
3. host 7. abroad 11.embarrassed
4. mutual 8. thanks 12. Luckily

Structures introduction
10’ Remind Ss of the form of letter: Whole class
1. Place and date
2. Greeting
3. Body/ Message
4. Signature
Make sure Ss know where to use adverbs,
connectors to make the writing go smoothly.
Note that all the verbs to describe past experience
must be in the past simple tense, past continuous or
past perfect tenses.

35’ Individual
Have Ss work individually, write a letter describing
their past experience in the same way as in the
sample letter .
Go round the class and provide help when
Encourage Ss to write their own experience. Or tell
them to make up a story if possible.

Pick up typical writing with typical mistakes to
check for the class as a whole.
Suggested writing:

Tien Giang, December 2, 20__ 

Dear Mai, 

An  embarrassing  experience  happened  to  me  this 

morning. Now I still feel hot in my face and ashamed 

of having done it. You know, this morning I went to 

the  market  with  my  mom.  We  had  bought  some 

meat and vegetables for the family before going to a 

clothing  store.  Then  a  skirt  caught  my  sight  and  I 

came  to  pick  it.  I  also  wanted  to  try  it,  so  I  opened 

the  door  of  the  room  where  my  mom  had  been?  A 

loud  scream  sounded.  A  naked  woman  appeared  in 

the  dressing  room  instead  of  my  mom.  It  was  my 

fault. My mom was in the next room. Oh, dear, such a 

terrible  mistake!  Have  you  ever  had  an  experience 

like  that?  I’m  sure  not  because  you  are  always 

careful and not absent‐minded like me! 

Remember  to  write  when  you  have  time!  Send  my 

regards to our mutual friends. 

With love     


20’ Group work
Mistake Correction
Have Ss work in groups of 3.
Give out a letter describing a past experience which
contains some underlined words and phrases. Ask
Ss to decide which underlined part is true (write T)
and which part is false (write F), and correct the
wrong ones.
Hanoi, March 27, 2007
Dear Hoa,
Yesterday, I experienced one of my most
embarrassing moment (1) I have ever had. It was on
the occasion of the Celebration of the Founding date
of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union that our
school organized (2) a singing contest. I sang in a
group with other four students. We not only sing (3)
but also danced (4). In the first tern of the song, we

sang and danced together very good (5). But you see,
in the second tern, all of a suddenly (6), I forgot how
to dance and felt so ashameful (7), but then the
viewers clapped hands and encouraged me with “Good
job, guy” “Come on”. Some minutes later I could keep
pace of the music and danced beautiful (8) with the
other members untill (9) the end of our performance.
And then the result was more than our expectation,
we were awarded with the second price (10). What
about you? Have you ever been in such an
embarrassing situation?
Write to me when you have time.
Best wishes,
Call on some Ss to give their answers to the class
as a whole.
Feedback and give the correct answers:
1. F: moment → moments
2. T
3. F: sing → sang
4. T
5. F: good → well
6. F: suddenly → sudden
7. F: ashameful → ashamed
8. F: beautiful → beautifully
9. F: until → until/ till
10. F: price → prize

5’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework

Extra writing
Ask Ss to write a letter describing their past experience.
Note: Comments and corrections can be made in the following lesson.

Period 7
(Language focus)
I. Aim
Using sense verb
Using structure modal + have + past participle
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− use verbs and nouns related to senses properly.
− understand form of the structure modal + have + past participle and use
it appropriately.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not know the proper use of the structure modal + have + past
V. Procedure

Time Steps

5’ Group work
Parts of body

Divide the class into small groups.
Ask Ss to list all the parts of the body following the
The group with the longest list will be the winner.
Provide more words if necessary.

parts of the body

Word study
Whole class
Verbs and nouns expressing senses
Sense verbs are verbs related to the senses. They
includes, look, feel, taste, smell and sound. They are
also called linking verbs.
- It looks like an orange.
- It sounds like a clock.
- It tastes like salt.
- It smells like soap.

The followings are sense verbs but in the form of

transitive, so they need objects: see, taste, smell,
hear, touch.
- I saw something moving in the dark.
- I touched something like an eel.
- I tasted the soap before serving it.

- I smelled a fragrance from roses.
- I heard a song on the radio.

Practice 1
10’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs, asking and answering about
functions of the five parts of the body: eyes, ears,
tongue, skin, nose.
Call on some pairs to make dialogue in front of the
Comment and give suggested answers:
2. eyes
A: What do you do with your ears?
B: I hear with my ears. Without my ears, I cannot
hear sounds.
3. skin
A: What do you do with your skin?
B: I feel pressure with my skin.
4. tongue
A: What do you do with your tongue?
B: I talk with my tongue and taste delicious dishes.
5. nose
A: What do you do with your nose?
B: I smell the fragrance of flowers with my nose.

Practice 2
5’ Individual
Ask Ss to do the exercise independently, answer the
quiz, using sense verbs.
Have Ss compare their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.
Check the exercise in front of the class as a whole.
Give the correct answers:

1. Smelling and hearing
2. He/she uses fingers to touch raised dots on a
sheet of paper.
3. He/she uses his/her tongue to taste the dishes
he/she has cooked.
4. No, he/she can’t, because he/she cannot hear.
No, because he/she cannot see.

Modal perfect + have + past participle
5’ Whole class
This structure is used to indicate inference,
explanation, prediction about events happening in the
A: You looked so pale when you entered the exam
B: Yeah, You might have noticed that I was very
anxious and nervous then.

Practice 3
5’ Individual
Have Ss work individually, complete the sentences to
give explanation to the sentence that proceeds.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to write the sentences on the board
and correct them if there are any mistakes.
Give the correct answers:
1. She might have had unexpected business.
2. You could have left it at school.
3. She could have burned her cooking again.
4. He might have gone out of town.
5. They could have had a party.

6. The chef could have put too much sugar in it.

Practice 4
10’ Individual
Have SS handle the task individually, put the verbs
in parentheses in the correct form.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to give their answers.
Comment and give the correct answers:
1. was 4. grow 7. used 10. rode
2. used 5. listened 8. fly 11. used
3. loved 6. chirp 9. play 12. watched
1. am living 5. see 9. sing 13. chat
2. stop seeing 6. pass 10. play 14. watch
3. grow 7. travel 11. sounds 15. catch
4. fly 8. stop listening 12. talk 16. feel

Unit 3

Period 1 & 2
I. Aim
Reading a passage about table manners

II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand some British table manners, dos and don’ts when attending a
British-hosted party.
− use a variety of words regarding table manners such as chewing, using
chopsticks, cutting the food,…
− improve reading micro-skills through Table completing Finding
synonyms exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in understanding some difficult words regarding
table manners. T should be ready to provide help.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

Lead-in Q&A
10’ Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss about parties
using the following questions:

Do you often go to a party?
What types of parties do you know?
What do people usually do there?
When did you last go to a party? Which was it?
Did you meet strange people there?
What should we pay attention to when we are at

Call on some Ss to express their ideas in front of the

10’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and answer the following
1. Where are the people in each picture?
2. What are they doing?
3. What party do you think they are participating in?
Keep Ss in pairs, read through the two table
manners that we should observe when at parties in
Viet Nam, ask them to add two more manners to the
Call on some pairs to read their works aloud in front
of the class.
Comment and give suggested answers:
4. Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice,
leaving them standing upwards resembling
the incense sticks use as offerings to
deceased family members.
5. It is a sign of respect to invite and pass food
to the elderly first before the dinner starts
and pass to them first.

Vocabulary pre-teach
10’ gathering (n): an event which people get together for Whole class
a party or celebration (cuộc hội họp, buổi gặp mặt)
recreation (n): entertainment (giải trí)
reinforce (v): give new strength to something, make
something stronger (tăng cường, làm mạnh thêm)
congenial (a): having similar character or tastes
(tương đồng, ăn ý)
etiquette (n): the rules or customs for polite social
behaviors (nghi thức, phép xã giao)
refrain (v): to hold back, restrain from something
(kiềm chế, cố nhịn)
cutlery (n):cutting instruments used at the dining
table (dao, dụng cụ trên bàn ăn)
diagonally (adv): crossing or moving obliquely (chéo)
mouthful (n): a lot of food is put into mouth at a
time (một miếng to)
napkin (n):a piece of paper used during eating to
clean the mounth (giấy, khăn ăn)
collar (n): a part of clothes that circles the neck (cổ
Checking technique:
Rub out and remember
Write all the new words on the board in two
columns: English and Vietnamese equivalents.
Rub out all the words in the English column and ask
Ss to look at the Vietnamese column to write down
or read aloud the rubbed ones.

Set the scene
In a person’s life, there are numerous occasions to
celebrate. And on such occasions, parties are held

to memorize the dates. And party culture should be
paid attention to. In our reading today, we shall
learn some table manners in Britain.
15’ Task 1 - Table completion Pair work
Have Ss read through the reading and work in pairs,
complete the table with suitable information from
the reading.
Have pairs exchange their answers.
Call on some pairs to read their answers aloud in
front of the class.
Comment and give the correct answers:

Do’s Don’ts
1 Chew with the mouth Talk while chewing.
2 Refrain from coughing Rest elbows on the
or sneezing at the table while there is
table food.
3 Lift soup by the spoon Use fingers except in
in movements away the case of bread and
from yourself, not other similar foods.
4 Put your cutlery to the Prepare the next
side of your place at mouthful while still
the four and eight eating the one before.
o’clock position, on
opposite sides of the
plate, then the waiter
won’t remove your
5 Put your cutlery at the Lick the knife.
twelve o’clock position
when you have

6 Cross the cutlery Tuck the napkin into
diagonally on the the collar.
plate after cutting the
food and carrying it to
the mouth.
7 Place your hands on
your lap until the
mouthful is completely
8 Use the folk to carry
any solid food to the
9 Remove the teaspoon
from the cup before

Task 2 - Explanation to words

10’ Have Ss read the sentences and pay attention to the Pair work
italicized words in each sentences, then read the text
again to determine what the italicized words refer to.
Remind Ss of the use of pronoun: Pronouns are
used to replace nouns to avoid repetition.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a friend and
check for each other.
Call on some Ss to read the answers in front of the
Make necessary corrections.
Give correct the answers:
1. “They” refers to “parties”.
2. “A type of etiquette” is a way of explaining
“table manners”.
3. “The following” refers to the information
coming after the phrase – the do’s and don’ts
which follow.

Task 3 - Word meaning
10’ Have Ss work individually, look at the words and Individual
phrases then look through the text again to find the work
meaning of the words and phrases.
Have them cross-check their answers for each
Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of
the class.
Feedback and give the correct answers:
1. lifted
2. etiquette
3. cutlery
4. congenial

Group discussion
20’ Group work
Have Ss work in groups and discuss to find out
some common Vietnamese table manners to explain
to a foreign guest. The following questions may
1. Where do you live?
2. Is there any special protocol at your locality
when sitting at a party table?
3. As a youngster, what table manners should
you observe when you share the party table
with elderly people?
4. What table manners should you avoid at a
party table in your locality?
Call on some Ss to disclose their group’s findings.
Comment and give suggested ideas:
1. Wait to be shown where to sit.
2. The oldest person should sit first.

3. Pass dishes with both hands.
4. The most common utensils are chopsticks
and a flat spoon.
5. Chopstick should be placed on the table or a
chopstick rest after every mouthful or when
breaking for a drink or speak.
6. People hold bowls close to their faces.
7. Hold the spoon in your left hands while
eating soup.
8. Meals are typically served family-style.
9. Try to finish everything on your plate.
10. When you finish eating, rest your chopsticks
on top of your rice bowl.
11. Cover you mouth when using a toothpick.

5’ Whole class
Summarize the main points
Assign homework

Extra reading
Using Chopsticks
When holding chopsticks, the further your hand is from the food end of your
chopsticks, the more accomplished you are considered to be. Young children
move their hands far down toward the food end of the chopsticks. Adults
usually don't.
• In Vietnamese, chopsticks are “đôi đũa”. Saying the English word is
considered crude.
• Try not to let your chopsticks touch your mouth. Only the food should
touch your mouth.
• Only pick up one piece of food at a time. Chopsticks are not shovels.

• Always place the food on your plate or in your rice bowl first; then pick
it back up and eat it. Never eat directly from the serving plate.
• Do not use your chopsticks as spears.
• If you find yourself in danger of death by either starvation or
embarrassment, it is perfectly acceptable to confess your inadequacy
and ask for a fork. But confess your inadequacy; don't just ask for a
• Vietnamese dining is a social occasion. Be prepared for constant
interaction. If the meal is particularly formal, you are unlikely to be
allowed to serve yourself. Your host will make sure you have ample
• Don't take a second helping of anything until you have tried a helping
of each dish. In the southern areas of the country, a "helping" is about
one tablespoon.
• Compliment the cook on each dish after you have tasted it.
• The meat is the most important (and the most costly) ingredient in any
meal. Leave some of it for others.
• It is polite to use both hands when offering something or passing
something. The same is true for accepting something. The Vietnamese
will nod at each other as the pass a dish.
• Do NOT hunt and peck to find the "good stuff" on a serving plate.
Doing so will leave your guests with a low opinion of you.
• Never return a piece of food from your plate to the serving dish.
• Unlike most Western countries, it is NOT okay to turn down a second
or third helping. To do so might be considered an insult. Begin early to
talk about how FULL you are and then reluctantly agree to the seconds
(and thirds) your host offers you.
• If you don't know what to do, say so.
• Finally, if you have been invited in advance to a meal in a Vietnamese
home, bring a present. Sweets are common. So is tea or coffee. Flowers
will also do; but be aware that white is the color of death in Viet Nam.

Period 3
I. Aim
Listening to an introduction to parties in Western countries
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− know some useful information about parties in Western countries.
− improve listening skill to a song via True of False and Short answer
questions exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers, cassette,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may find it difficult to choose the right information to decide which
statement is true, which is false or choose the right information to give short
V. Procedure

Time Steps

7’ Group work
Noughts and Crosses
Draw a table containing 9 words in each cell.
Divide the class into two groups: Noughts (O) and
Crosses (X). Ask Ss to choose the word in the cell
and make a sentence with that word. A correct
sentence with the given word get one O or X. The
group with 3 O or X vertically, horizontally, or even
diagonally first will be the winner.

Suggested words

gathering recreation etiquette

interaction cutlery napkin
mouthful collar congenial

10’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs, look at the pictures marked
a - e and answer the following questions:
- What are they in the pictures?
- On what occasions are they used?
Explain to Ss some difficult words:
- soft drinks: drinks with gas contained in cans
or bottles
- buffet: standing party (people stand and move
round and choose the food and seats
- savories: cooked foods, no candy or cakes
Have Ss work individually, match the pictures with
the right words.
Ask Ss to cross-check their answers.
Call on some Ss to read the full sentences aloud in
front of the class.
Feedback and give the correct answers:
1. b 2. a 3. d
4. e 5. c

Set the scene
In a person’s life, the date of birth is paid much
attention. Different countries have different ways of
celebrating the birthday. In today’s lesson, we shall
get to know a typical birthday celebration in the USA.

Task 1 -True or False
7’ Have Ss read through the sentences and have good Individual
guesses of the answers to the statements. work
Tell Ss to listen to the first part of the listening and
do the task individually.
Play the tape several times if necessary.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with each other.
Call on some Ss to give their answers to the class as
a whole.
Play the tape again and check the exercise in front of
the class as a whole.
Give the correct answers and play the tape again to
make it clear to Ss:
6. F (There were approximately 6.45 billion
people on Earth as of July 2005).
7. T
8. T
9. F (Adults’ parties are often held in clubs with
a buffet of savory food and alcohol.)
Task 2 - Short answers
8’ Have Ss read through the questions and give the Individual
short answers depending on their thoughts. work
Ask Ss to listen to the second part of the listening
and do the task individually.
Play the tape once.
Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front
of the class.
Give the correct answers and play the tape again to
check for the class as a whole:
1. Birthday parties in the USA are often
accompanied by colorful decorations.
2. He/She makes a “birthday wish”.

Listening script
1. A birthday party is a celebration to honor
the birth of a person. The birthday party is
the most often celebrated event in the world.
As of July 2005 there were approximately
6.45 billion people on Earth. If birthdays
were perfectly random in their distribution
across the year, and if every person were to
celebrate theirs at their exact birth time,
then there would be a birthday celebration
every 0.005 seconds. While a child’s party is
usually at home and consists of soft drinks
and sweet food as well as savories, adults’
often take place in clubs with a buffet of
savory food and alcohol.
2. In Western culture, particularly the United
States, birthday parties are often
accompanied by colorful decorations. A
traditional birthday cake is often served
with candies that are to be blown out after a
“birthday wish” has been made. This wish
is usually kept secret, and represents some
desire for the time between the current
birthday and the next. While the birthday
cake is brought to the table, the song Happy
Birthday to You is generally sung. A
birthday party may even be an event
planned carefully through a special agency
or through a party service.

10’ Group work
Group work
Have Ss work in groups, plan a New Year party
including the following ideas: invitations, foods and
drinks, games.

Call on groups to give their works in front of the
Give suggested ideas:
1. Invitations:
- Letter of invitation
- Who is invited
2. Foods and drinks:
- Rice pudding (Banh Chung)
- Beef, chicken, fish, giò, chả,
- White wine made from rice
3. Games
- Traditional games (swinging, dancing,…)
- Singing contests

3’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading
Different kinds of parties round the world
Housewarming party
A housewarming party is held when a person, couple, or family moves into a
new house or apartment. It is an occasion for the hosts to present their new
home to their friends, and for friends to gather, socialize, and enjoy
refreshments such as alcoholic drinks and snack foods. In some cases, the
friends and family members who are invited may bring gifts for the new home.
Housewarming parties are generally informal, and there are usually no
planned activities besides a tour of the new house.
Dinner party
A dinner party is a formal social gathering at which people eat dinner
together, usually in the host's own home. At the least formal dinner parties, a

buffet of food is provided on a table or counter, and the guests choose items
from the buffet and eat standing up as they talk and mingle. At the most formal
dinner parties, dinner is served at a dining table with place settings. Dinner
parties are sometimes preceded by a cocktail party, a social gathering in a
living room or bar where guests drink alcoholic cocktails as they mingle.
Women guests may wear cocktail dresses. Cocktail parties are often held as a
prelude to a dinner party.
New Year's party
A New Year's Party is usually hosted in a person's house on New Year's Eve to
celebrate the changing of the calendar. Champagne is a traditional beverage
served. Many hotels, bars, and restaurants also sponsor New Year's Parties,
and hand out gift bags that include funny hats, streamers, balloons, and
noisemakers used before and after the countdown to the new year. Famous
New Years party television shows include Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve
and Hootenanny.
Office party
Office parties are social events held by corporations or businesses at the site
of the business or in a restaurant or bar. These celebrations can coincide with
seasonal holidays (e.g., Christmas) or an important date for the company.
Office parties are held because they give employees a chance to interact in a
less formal atmosphere, which can boost the morale of the employees

Period 4
I. Aim
Talking about how to plan a party
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− get to know the steps to prepare for a party especially for a birthday
− plan a party on their own.

III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in distinguishing the steps in preparing for a party.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

7’ Group
Ask Ss to work in groups and match the words in
column A, listing names of parties in English, with
the suitable one in B, listing names of parties in

1. Birthday party a. Tiệc gây quỹ
2. Fundraising events b. Tiệc đoàn viên
3. New born celebration c. Tiệc sinh nhật
4. Karaoke Sing-a-long d. Tiệc mừng tốt nghiệp
5. Reunions e. Tiệc mừng trẻ mới sinh
6. Beach parties f. Tiệc câu lạc bộ đêm
7. Night clubs g. Tiệc hát Karaoke
8. Graduation parties h. Tiệc bãi biển

1. d 5. b
2. a 6. h
3. e 7. f
4. g 8. d

10’ Pair work
Dialogue build
Have Ss work in pairs, practice talking about
preparation for a party following the example:
A: What should we do for our farewell party?
B: We need to decide on the guest list, and then the
way to serve foods and drinks.
Call on some pairs to practice saying in front of the
List of things for a party preparation
Have Ss read through the things necessary for a party
preparation, and then add two more things that they
think necessary.
Call on some Ss to give their ideas.
Comment and give suggested ideas:
- Introducing people/ friends at the party
- Telephoning some late comers
- …

15’ Pair work
Task 1 - Practicing the dialogue
Ask Ss to work in pairs, practice the dialogue about a
farewell party.
A: What is your plan for the farewell party?
B: Well, we’ll invite about a dozen guests and have a
sit-down meal.
A: How about entertainment?
B: We’re going to have some music and a video show.
A: And everyone’s duty?
B: Al right, you’ll greet the guests and show them to
their seats. Hoa will be in the kitchen with me. I’ll
be the chef. Mai and Minh will serve the foods and
drinks. Nam will take care of the guests’ vehicles.

Note Ss to pay attention to the intonation of the
Go round the class and provide help when necessary.
Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.
Make necessary corrections.

10’ Pair work
Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs, plan their coming birthday
Go round the class and provide help when necessary.
Ask some pairs to practice speaking in front of the
Correct any mistake regarding pronunciation,
intonation if necessary.
Give suggested dialogue.
A: What is your plan for your coming birthday?
B: I’m going to hold a light party. I will invite about
twenty guests. The majority of them is our friends.
A: That’s sounds great.
B: How about entertainment?
A: We are going to have some music, of course. And
one integral part is the guitar performance. I will
play a piece of romantic music, which I have
learned, with the guitar.
B: And do you need help from me?
A: Sure, and some others also. You will greet the
guests. Tuan will prepare the cake and candles.
Hue and I will prepare fruits and drinks. And I
will need Hung to direct all activities of the party,
including singing, playing little games.

3’ Whole
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading

6 to 8 Weeks Before the Birthday Party

9 Select a date, time and location for the party.
9 Decide on the number of guests and develop a guest list.
9 If desired, call to book an entertainer, such as a clown or magician,
to occupy children at the party.
9 Develop a theme for the party, including your child in this process if
he or she is old enough to participate.
9 If you want personalized invitations, place the order so that they
arrive at least 3 weeks before the party.

3 to 4 Weeks Before the Party

9 Prepare invitations and mail or hand-deliver them.
9 Put your guest list near the phone so you can easily record
responses as invitees call to RSVP.
9 Shop for party supplies.
9 Ask a favorite babysitter, friend or relative to help out at the party.

2 to 3 Weeks Before the Party

9 Select 3 - 6 activities to entertain children at the party.
9 Purchase any supplies needed for the activities you selected.
9 If serving a meal, decide on the menu.
9 Order a cake (unless you plan to bake one).

1 Week Ahead
9 Call any invitees who have not responded.
9 Decide on the agenda for the party, including the order of the
activities you selected, what time you want to serve food and/or
cake, when the birthday boy or girl will open presents, etc.
9 Try any games or activities with which you are unfamiliar.
9 Visit the library and check out any books or tapes you plan to use at
the party.

2 to 3 Days Ahead
9 Purchase groceries or any pre-prepared food you plan to serve.
9 Put the favor bags together.
9 Charge your video camera and/or put fresh batteries in your regular
or digital camera.
9 Prepare (copy, cut out, etc.) any crafts that can be set up ahead of
9 Locate matches to light the candles.
9 Bake any cookies or treats that can be made ahead.

The Day Before the Party

9 Clean the party area. Put away items that may be dangerous or
9 Bake or pick up the cake.
9 If ordering food such as pizza, call to arrange a delivery time.
9 If necessary, confirm with the entertainer and/or any helpers who
you've asked to attend.
9 Sit down with your child and discuss his or her expectations for the
next day.

4 to 5 Hours Ahead
9 Set the table and decorate.
9 Put the candles on the cake and place matches nearby.

9 Get balloons filled/pick up pre-filled latex or Mylar balloons.
(Remember: Mylar is the safer option!)
9 If you're having the party at home, tie some balloons to the mailbox
or the front porch to help mark the party location.
9 Place crafts and prizes near the activity location(s).
9 Locate paper and a pencil for recording gifts (for thank-you notes).

1 to 2 Hours Ahead
9 Consider putting your pets in an area away from guests.
9 Get the birthday boy or girl and all siblings dressed for the party.
9 Set up the first activity, letting your child help as much as possible.
9 Set up the food.
Have a Great Party!

Period 5 & 6
I. Aim
Writing a letter of invitation and a response
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand the structure of a letter of invitation and a response.
− know how to compose a letter of invitation and a response.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not use the right form of the letter of invitation and a response.

V. Procedure
Time Steps

10’ Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of
information relating to a party.
The group which has more words in an allowed time
will be the winner


Suggested answers:
- birthday
- guests
- cake
- foods
- drinks
- games
- singing

20’ Individual
Types of letter
work and
Have Ss work individually, read the three letters and Whole class
decide what type of letter they are.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to give their answers.

Comment and give the correct answers:
- Letter one: letter of invitation
- Letter two: letter of acceptance
- Letter three: letter of refusal
Structures introduction
Introduce to Ss arrangement of the three types of
I. Letter of invitation
1. Date of writing
2. Greeting
3. Reason for the event
4. Address (Venue)
5. Date and day of the week
6. Arrival and leaving time
7. If special activity is planned
8. Request of a reply
9. Closing
10. Signature
II. Letter of acceptance
1. Date of writing
2. Greeting
3. Pleasure for being invited
4. Repeat the event and address (venue) and
date & day of the week and arrival &
leaving time
5. Confirming to come
6. Closing
7. Signature
III. Letter of refusal
1. Date of writing
2. Greeting

3. Pleasure for being invited
4. Repeat the event and address (venue) and
date & day of the week and arrival &
leaving time
5. Reason for refusing
6. Saying thanks and promising to
participate in future events
7. Closing
8. Signature

40’ Individual
Have Ss work individually, write a letter of
invitation, acceptance and refusal.
Have Ss exchange their writing with a friend.
Pick up typical writing with typical mistakes to
check for the class as a whole.
Give suggested writings:
Letter of invitation

Ho Chi Minh City, October 23, 20__ 

      Dear Mai, 

      It  is  my  pleasure  to  invite  you  and  your  sister  to 

my  birthday  party  on  November  10,  20__  ,  at  4  p.m. 

Do you remember my address? Number 23, Nam Ky 

Khoi Nghia Street, Ward 11, District 3. 

Please  come,  we’ll  have  a  lot  of  fun  and  games  with 

many classmates. 

Your  presence  will  bring  more  fun  to  the  party. 

Please let me  know your  decision by calling  number 



    My Linh 

Letter of acceptance

    Ho Chi Minh City, October 23, 20__ 

    Dear My Linh, 

    Thank  you  for  inviting  me  and  my  sister  to  your 

birthday  party  on  November  10,  20__,  at  4  p.m.  It  is 

my pleasure to attend the first party since the day we 

moved here. 

   We’ll come in time. If you need help, don’t hesitate 

to tell us. 

   With affection, 


Letter of refusal

    Ho Chi Minh City, October 23, 20__ 

    Dear My Linh, 

   Thank you very much for inviting me and my sister 

to  your  birthday  party  on  November  23,  20__,  at  4 

p.m.  I’d  love  to  attend  your  party,  but  it’s  a  pity 

because my family has had a plan to go to the north 

to  visit  our  grandparents.  Best  wishes  to  you  and  I 

also have a small gift for you through Nam. 

    Enjoy  your  party  and  send  my  regards  to  our 




15’ Pair work
Letter completion
Have Ss work in pairs, fill the blanks with the most
suitable word to complete the following letter.
Hanoi, July 15, 20__
Dear Hung,
It is my great …… (1) to invite you to ……(2)
school’s celebration on the …… (3) of the 30 - year
foundation …… (4) September 20, 20__, …… (5) 8 a.m.
The …… (6) for the event is No. 5, Ly Thuong Kiet Street,
Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi. And the organizing committee
has chosen you to …… (7) the fore-going generations to
make a …… (8). Therefore, could you please contact us by
…… (9) 04 936 1424 one week before the celebration.
Your presence will …… (10) the celebration more
With regards,
Nguyen Hoang
Organizing Committee
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a friends.
Call on Ss to read the completed letter aloud in front
of the class.
Comment and give suggested answers:

1. pleasure 6. address

2. our 7. represent

3. occasion 8. speech

4. on 9. calling

5. at 10. make

5’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.
Extra exercise
Rearrange the following sentences to make a complete letter of invitation.
1. The Choosing University conference offers a forum for the students
and teachers to exchange their experience related to choosing the
suitable university.
2. Dear Mr. Le Tien Cuong,
3. The Chu Van An High School Board of Student Communication is
pleased to invite teacher Cuong to attend our Conference on Choosing
University to be held on March 24, 2007 at Chu Van An High School.
4. If you have any questions or concerns, or if I may be of assistance in
any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.
5. With regards,
6. Over 500 students are expected to be in attendance. They will have the
opportunity to learn from teachers and ex-students of the school
experience in choosing the right university to go to.
7. Nguyen Huy Toan
Board of Student Communication
Chu Van An High School

Period 7
(Language focus)
I. Aim
Using Compound Nouns
Using structure: Base Form of Verb and To + Base Form of Verb
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand the rules of forming compound nouns and the structures
Base Form of Verb and To + Base Form of Verb.
− form compound nouns and use the structures Base Form of Verb and To
+ Base Form of Verb.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulties in forming compound nouns and been confused
with the use of the two structures Base Form of Verb and To + Base Form
of Verb.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

5’ Group work
Types of parties and Whole
Divide the class into small groups. class
Give information abut different types of parties or
The groups answer by raising hands. After an
allowed time, the group which have more correct
answers will be the winner.

1. A party to say good bye to someone.
2. A party to celebrate the day a person was born.
3. A party to congratulate someone who has
moved to a new house.
4. A party where everyone stands and serve by
5. ….
1. farewell party
2. birthday party
3. housewarming party
4. buffet
5. ….

Word study
5’ Whole class
Compound Nouns
In the English language compound nouns can be
formed in different ways. One of them is Noun +
E.g: river bank sky-scraper Tower Bridge
Ways of combinations can be used :
1. When the second noun belongs to or is part of
the first.
E.g: shop window picture frame
2. The first noun can indicate the place of the
E.g: city street country lane
3. The first noun can indicate the time of the second.
E.g: summer holiday Sunday paper
4. The first noun can state the material of which the

second is made.
E.g: gold medal silk shirt
5. The first noun can indicate the purpose of the
second noun.
E.g: coffe cup golf club

Practice 1
5’ Individual
Ask Ss to do the exercise independently, write
equivalent compound nouns for the definitions.
Have Ss compare their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.
Check the exercise in front of the class as a whole.
Give the correct answers:
2. a motorbike taxi 5. a flower pot
3. a train station 6. working clothes
4. an invitation card 7. an information desk

Practice 2
5’ Individual
Matching and Sentence Building
Have Ss work individually, match the nouns in
column A with the suitable one in B and then make
sentences with the compound nouns.
Have Ss exchange their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front
of the class.
Comment and give the correct answers:
1. milkman
The milkman comes every morning.
2. car race
He died in a car race last week.
3. birthday party
We attended a great birthday party yesterday.

4. houseguest
They have been our houseguests since last
5. guesthouse
Are there any guesthouses in this town?
6. train station
Where is the train station?
7. bus terminal/ station/ driver
I want to get to the bus terminal/ station.
Is this the bus driver who won the prize “Bus
Driver of the Year”?
8. taxi driver
My uncle is a taxi driver.

Whole class
Introduction to structure Base Form of Verb ( or
bare infinitive) and To + Base Form of Verb (or to
The Infinitive form of a verb is the form which
follows “to”: to ask, to believe, to cry, to go, to sing,
to talk …
This form is indistinguishable from the “base form”
although “to” is not part of the verb.
Infinitives with “to” are referred to as To Infinitive,
in order to distinguish from Bare Infinitives, in which
“to” is absent.

To Infinitive Bare Infinitive

Help me to open the gate Help me open the gate

Base Forms of Verb is usually used after such verbs

as can, do, may, must, shall, will, need, dare, feel,
hear, see, watch, make, would rather, would sooner,
had better, help.

E.g: They could do it today.
You needn’t say anything.
He made me move the car.
To + Base Forms of Verb are usually used after
such verbs as ask, beg, expect, help, like, would like,
mean, need, prefer, want, wish.
E.g: My teacher asks me to hand in my homework
I begged him to go.

Practice 3
5’ Individual
Have Ss work individually, fill the numbered blanks
with the correct form of verbs in the box.
Have Ss exchange their answers.
Call on some Ss to read the full sentences aloud in
front of the class.
Comment and give the correct answers::
1. hang 5. come
2. to come 6. to see
3. to have 7. to leave
4. to invite

presentation 3
5’ Whole class
-ing Form of Verb
Apart from Base Form and To + Base Form of
Verb, we also have -ing Form of Verb.
-ing Forms of Verb often follow verbs like avoid,
consider, deny, enjoy, finis, can’t help, suggest,
mind, …
E.g: I don’t mind staying late.
I really enjoy traveling abroad.

Practice 4
5’ Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs, fill each numbered blank with

the correct form of verb to complete the dialogue.
Call on some pairs to read the complete dialogue in
front of the class.
Call on other Ss to comment on their friends answers.
Give the correct answers:
3. to take 7. to attend
4. attending 8. sitting
5. going 9. taking
6. going

Unit 4
Volunteer work
and literacy programs

Period 1 & 2
I. Aim
Reading a passage about Volunteer work and Literacy programs
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− talk about volunteer work by using related words and through various
activities organized in class.
− enhance reading comprehension skill through a new kind of exercise:
completing a diagram.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers, ...

IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in understanding some difficult words in the reading.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

7’ Group
Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss about
volunteer works.
Suggested ideas:
Have you ever seen a student/ young person in blue
Do you know what they are called?
Can you name some of the jobs they often do?
At what time of the year is their busiest time?
Do they work for money?
Have you ever met these students? If so, what do
you think of them?
Who benefits the most from these students’ work?

Call on some Ss to express their ideas in front of the

8’ Individual
Have Ss look at the three pictures and match them
with the suitable activities that are listed 1 - 3 that
Ask them to exchange their answers with each other.
Call on some Ss to give their answers.

Comment and give the correct answers:
1. b 2.c 3.a
12’ Vocabulary pre-teach Whole
conduct (v): give or carry something (tiến hành, tổ class
remedial classes (n): the classes specially designed
for slow /bad students. (lớp học dành cho học sinh
set off to (v): start to do something (bắt đầu, khởi
firsthand (adj): direct, original (trực tiếp, tận tay)
interpersonal skill (n): the ability to interact and to
communicate between people (kỹ năng giao tiếp)
Checking technique
Sentence modeling
Ask Ss to make sentences with the new words
above. Call on several Ss to make sentences with the
same word to make sure Ss understand the meaning
of the words.

Set the scene
In recent years, volunteer work has become popular
among the youth, especially university and college
students. During the summer, those students often
go to hardship areas to help the people here
improve their living standard. Among the most
useful programs are literacy programs.
Task 1 - Checking
15’ Pair work
Let Ss handle the task in pairs: Read the text and
check the box to indicate the activities done by the
student volunteers at Hiep Phuoc Village.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers to cross-check.

Call on some Ss to read the answers in front of the
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. Preparing food for the homeless
2.Conducting remedial classes for weak students √
3. Rebuilding damaged roads √
4. Playing games with local children √
5 Conducting literacy classes for teenagers and √
6. Building houses for poor people.
Task 2 - Listing
Have Ss work in groups to find out more benefits
15’ gained by the student volunteers.
Have Ss exchange their answers with another group work
to find the most significant benefits.
Call on some Ss to read the answers in front of the
Feedback and give suggested answers:
2. Volunteer work helps build their characters.
3. Volunteer work helps promote their friendship.
4. Volunteer work helps them discover their

Group discussion
Task 1 - Diagram completion Group
Have Ss work in groups and discuss to find the main work
causes leading to literacy problems by filling the
blank bubbles.
Go round the class and provide help when
Call on some Ss to explain their ideas in front of the

Gather ideas and give suggested answers:
1. Many children in remote areas cannot read
and write because they are not sent to
2. Most adults in remote village are still
illiterate so they do not take special care of
their children’s education.
3. Lack of good teachers and good teaching
conditions is also a decisive factor.
4. Schools in remote areas cannot provide
enough seats for children.
5. Lack of convenient transportation leads
many children to stay away from school.
13’ Group
Task 2 - Solutions to the literacy problems
Still in groups, ask Ss to discuss the solutions to the work
Go round the class and provide help when
Have groups exchange their ideas.
Collect the ideas and give the most relevant
- There should be activities to show that going
to school is compulsory for children and the
necessity of being educated to survive and
live in the community.
- The government should take certain
measures to ensure teachers’ good living and
teaching conditions.
- Local authorities should show considerable
concern about building more schools and
providing convenient transportation so as to
encourage children to go to school.


5’ Summarize the main points Whole
Assign homework class

Extra exercise
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows.


United Nations Volunteers (UNV) is the UN program that supports global
human development by promoting volunteerism and mobilizing volunteers.
It was created by the UN General Assembly in 1970 and has been
administered since by UNDP. It is operating among growing recognition that
volunteerism makes important contributions, economically and socially, to
more cohesive societies by building trust and reciprocity among citizens.
Since 1990, the UNV Viet Nam program has been working to increase the
involvement of UN Volunteers and other volunteers in a wide range of
development activities that contribute to the achievement of the Millennium
Development Goals in the country.
1. What does UNV support? And how?
2. When was it created?
3. How is it doing?
4. When did UNV start in VietNam?
5. Who contributes to the achievement of the Millennium Development
Goals in VietNam?
1. It supports global human development by promoting volunteerism and
mobilizing volunteers..
2. It was created in 1970.
3. It is operating among growing recognition that volunteerism makes
important contributions, economically and socially, to more cohesive
societies by building trust and reciprocity among citizens.
4. It started in VietNam in 1990.
5. UN Volunteers and other volunteers in a wide range of development

Period 3
I. Aim
Listening to two pieces of interviews about volunteer work
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− further understand the work of volunteers.
− improve listening skill by doing Checking and Blank-filling exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers, cassette,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may find it difficult to fill the gaps while listening to interviews with
V. Procedure
Time Steps

5’ Group
Jumbled words
Divide class into small groups.
Give each group one card containing 10 words
whose letters are jumbled. All the words are about
volunteer works and literacy programs.
Ask Ss to rearrange the letters to make good words.
The groups which finishes the task first with the
most correct words will be the winner.
1. tocudnc → conduct
2. rdistfanh → firsthand

3. eiryatlc →literacy
4. rmiaedle → remedial
5. rlevunoet → volunteer

5’ Pair work
Ask Ss to have a look at the activities listed and have
good guesses of the ones that may be mentioned in
the recordings.
Have Ss exchange their answers with other friends
Call on some Ss to give their ideas.
Give suggested ideas:
√ Raising funds
√ Teaching literacy classes
√ Cooking meals for the homeless
√ Collecting glass, paper, and empty cans
√ Planting trees in the parks

10’ Individual
Task 1 - Checking the right Information
Have Ss look at the activities that Chinh’s and Ba’s
group have done and have guesses of what activities
to be done by each groups.
Note Ss to listen for gist only, ask them not to listen
for all details.
Ask Ss to handle the task individually.
Play the tape more than once if necessary.
Have Ss cross-check their answers.
Comment and give the correct answers:

Part A Part B
The main task of Chinh’s The main task of Ba’s

group is group is
√ serving poor people. serving poor people.
saving the environment. √ saving the environment.
conducting a literacy conducting a literacy
class for adults. class for adults.
10’ Individual
Task 2 - Blank-filling
Have Ss read through the sentences and have
guesses of the words to be filled in each blank before
listening to the tape again.
Note: Ss may fill each blank with more than one
Play the tape several times if necessary.
Have Ss exchange their answers with each other.
Call one some Ss to read the full sentences aloud in
front of the class.
Feedback and give the correct answers:
1. funds, children, food
2. recycling, flowers, riverbanks
3. responsibility, skills

Listening script
Part A
Interviewer: Hello! Chinh! You’ve been working
here for three weeks, haven’t you?
Chinh: Yeah, 21 days exactly.
Interviewer: What have you done?
Chinh: Well, I work with my friends and the
local people to raise funds for the
poor. We help street children learn
how to read and write, and prepare

food for the homeless.
Interviewer: D’you find it interesting to do such
Chinh: Sure, ‘cause serving people helps us
develop a sense of community
responsibility and have a feeling of
hope and satisfaction.
Interviewer: That sounds great. Thank you. Bye.
Chinh: That’s OK. See you
Part B
Interviewer: Hi, Ba!
Ba: Hello.
Interviewer: Can I ask you something about the
volunteer work you have done here?
Ba: Why not?
Interviewer: What’s your group’s main task?
Ba: We collect glass, paper, and empty
cans. Mm … then send them for
recycling. Um … we also plant trees
and flowers in the parks and along the
sidewalks as well. We tidy the
riverbanks, too.
Interviewer: How about helping the poor?
Ba: Well, it’s not our task.
Interviewer: What d’you think of your work?
Ba: I think it’s a very important task ‘cause
it helps save the environment. Through
this work, we learn how to collaborate
and solve problems. Also, we discover
each other’s talents, develop some
skills and promote our friendship.
Interviewer: That sounds interesting! Um … I wish

you good health and great success in
your work. Well, I’ve go to go now.
Thank you for your information. Bye
Ba: You’re welcome. Bye. See you then.

10’ Group
Group discussion
Have Ss work in groups, and list some other
volunteer work that are done by the Vietnamese
Call representative of each group to get their ideas
across to the other groups.
Feedback and give suggested answers:
- Serving the disabled (people)
- Donating blood
- Guiding in international events held in

5’ Whole
Summarize the main points
Assign homework

Extra reading

Green Dreams volunteers foster strength,

independence in youth
A team of dedicated volunteers in HCM City that calls itself "Nhung Uoc mo
xanh" (Green Dreams), has been working ceaselessly since 2002 to improve
the lives of poor people in the city, and children in particular.

Members of the team regularly collect clothes,
toys and books for the city's disadvantaged
children. These volunteers, who are always
ready to do whatever it takes to help the
disadvantaged and bring them a ray of hope,
have been pouring their hearts and souls into
their work.
Disadvantaged children in HCM
The team is proud of their motto: Do not give
City participate in a cultural
money, give strength. The team has organized
big events to coincide with festivals like
Valentine's Day, Women's Day and Teacher's Day to raise funds for helping
the poor.

Period 4
I. Aim
Expressing Gratitude and Responding to Thanks
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− know the structures used to express gratitude and respond to thanks.
− say and respond to thanks by using expressions: Thank you very much
for…., You’re welcome…..
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in expressing their gratitude or responding to thanks.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

5’ Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and match the name of
volunteer organizations and its programs with their
full names.
1. IAVE a. United Nations Volunteers
2. CIVICUS b. Millennium Development
3. UNV c. International Volunteer Day
4. DMGs d. International Association of
Volunteer Effort
5.IVD e. World Alliance for Citizen

Call on some Ss to explain their answers and present

what they know about these organizations.
Give the correct answers:
1. d 2. e
3. a 4. b
5. c
Give background information about these
(See supplement for more information)

10’ Pair work
Practicing Dialog
Have Ss practice the dialog in pairs, pay attention to
the sentence’s intonation to express the true
Call on some Ss to practice the dialog in front of the
Structures introduction

Have Ss look at the useful expressions.
Add more ways of expressing gratitude and
responding to thanks.

Expressions of Gratitude Responses to Thanks

• Let me express my • Never mind.
thanks to you. • Don’t mention it.
• I don’t know how to • ….
thank you.
• Thanks a bunch
• ….

See supplements for more expressions of gratitude

and response to thanks in different situations .

15’ Pair work
Expressing Gratitude and Responding to Thanks
Ask Ss to work in pairs using expressions of
expressing gratitude and responding to thanks to
make up dialogs.
Go round the class and provide help when
Call on some pairs to practice their dialogs in front
of the class.
Comment and give suggested dialogs:
- Situation 1
S1: Thank you very much for your building our
S2: Delighted we were able to help.
- Situation 2:
S1: We are grateful to you for your teaching our
S2: It was the least I could do.

- Situation 3:
S1: It’s very kind of you to help us protect the
S2: It’s our pleasure to help.
- Situation 4:
S1: Many thanks to you for teaching a literacy
S2: You’re welcome.

Pair talk
10’ Pair work
Ask Ss to work in pairs and express gratitude and
respond to thanks base on the situations in the
Call on some pairs to practice the situations in front
of the class.
Make necessary comments and corrections.
Give suggested answers:
1. A We are much obliged to you for building
houses for poor people.
B It’s our pleasure.
2. C It’s very kind of you to prepare food for the
D It was the least we could do.
3. E Thank you for helping villagers protect the
F You’re welcome.
4. G: Thank you for teaching us a literacy class..
H: Delighted we were able to help.

5’ Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading

Examples and Strategies of American Thanking

To a friend who lends you $5:

9 Thanks a lot. / Thanks. I really appreciate it. (Thanking)

9 Thanks, I’ll give it back to you Monday. (Thanking + promise /
9 Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. (Expressing surprise +
9 Thanks a bunch. You’re a lifesaver. (Thanking + compliment)

To a friend who brings you a birthday present:

9 Oh, you know me so well. Thanks, I love it. (Expressing surprise +
complimenting + thanking + expressing liking)
9 It’s beautiful. Thank you. (Complimenting the object + thanking)
9 It’s lovely, but you didn’t have to get me anything. (Complimenting
the object + expressing the lack of necessity/generosity)

To a vice-President of the company you are working for who offers you an
unexpected raise:
9 Gee, thanks. / Wow, thanks. (Expressing surprise + thanking)
9 Thank you. I’m glad you appreciate my work / I’m glad you’re
happy with my work / That’s great! (Thanking + expressing
9 That’s very kind of you. Thank you so much. (Complimenting the
person + thanking)
9 Thank you very much. I really like working here. I'll continue to
give it my best. (Thanking + expressing liking + promising)
To a friend who offers to lend you $500 you suddenly need:

9 You’re a lifesaver. I’ll never forget it. You can’t imagine what this
means to me. (Complimenting the person/action + thanking +
expressing indebtedness + expressing gratitude)
9 I’ll return it to you as soon as I can. I really appreciate what you’re
doing. (Promising to repay + expressing appreciation)
9 Wow. I don’t know how to thank you. This is a lifesaver.
(Expressing relief + thanking + complimenting the action)
9 Are you sure this is all right? (Expressing reluctance to accept)

To a friend who took you to lunch at a very nice restaurant:

9 Thanks for lunch. I’ll take you out next week / Next time, it’s my
treat. (Thanking + promising to reciprocate)
9 This was very nice. Thanks a lot for the meal. (Complimenting the
person/action + thanking)
9 It was a wonderful lunch. Thank you for inviting me. (Complimenting
the event + thanking)
To a colleague at the office who tells you that she has organized a farewell
party for you before you leave for a new job:
9 You’re wonderful. / That’s very nice of you. (Complimenting the
9 Oh that’s really nice! You didn’t have to do that! (Expressing
surprise + complimenting the action + expressing the lack of

To a relatively new friend whose party you have really enjoyed:

9 You really made me feel at home. / The dinner was delicious. You’ll
have to come for dinner at my place when we get a chance / I’d like
you to come over to my place next time / I’d like to have you over.
I’ll be in touch with you. (Complimenting action / person + offering
9 Thank you very much for the dinner and the company. I really
enjoyed myself. I’ll see you later. Good night. (Thanking +
expressing pleasure + leave-taking)

9 Thank you for inviting me. I had a great time. (Thanking +
expression of pleasure)
9 Thank you for a wonderful evening. I hope we’ll get together again
soon / Perhaps we can get together again soon / Let’s get together
again soon. (Thanking + expressing a desire to continue
Responses to Thanks
How people respond to being thanked typically falls into these categories:
9 Recognizing the gratitude and relieving the speaker of its burden
(You’re welcome.)
9 Indicating that it was gladly done (That’s quite all right.)
9 Denying the existence of the need to thank or playing it down (Not
at all / Don’t mention it.)
Thanks and apologies can be responded in similar terms (That’s all right / Not
at all). What thanks and apologies have in common is the concept of
indebtedness. Thanks implying the indebtedness of the speaker to the listener
closely resembles apologies where the speaker actually recognizes his
indebtedness to his listener. For example:
9 Thank you for all your help. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate
9 Don’t mention it/That’s all right. It’s really nothing.
9 I’m terrible sorry I did this to you.
9 That’s all right. It’s really nothing.

international volunteer organizations

IAVE: The International Association for Volunteer Effort
The International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) is an
international non-governmental organization that promotes, celebrates,
and strengthens volunteerism worldwide. IAVE has individual and
organizational members in some 80 countries round the world.

IAVE was founded in 1970 by a small group of women from throughout the
world who shared a common vision of how volunteers can contribute to the
solution of human and social problems, as well as to the development of
bridges of understanding among people of all nations and walks of life.
The founders of IAVE recognized the importance of international exchange
of information, best practices and mutual support as a way of encouraging
and strengthening volunteerism worldwide. The first IAVE World
Conference was held that year.

CIVICUS:World Alliance for Citizen Participation

The nonprofit organization, CIVICUS, promotes civil society on a global
basis. By July 2001, CIVICUS had over 604 members, representing
organizations and individuals from over 105 countries. It is a global
network of nongovernmental organizations and foundations whose aim is to
promote civil society.
CIVICUS' purpose is to help create a world in which:
Citizen action is a vital feature of the political, economic, and cultural life
of all societies; private action for public good is expressed by a rich and
diverse array of organizations operating sometimes apart and sometimes in
dialogue with government and business; a healthy society is understood as
one in which there is an equitable relationship among citizens, their
associations, businesses, and governments. ("The Concept and Practice"

UNV: United Nations Volunteers

United Nations Volunteers is the United Nations focal point for promoting
1and harnessing volunteerism for effective development. UNV is a strategic
source of knowledge and advice about the role and contribution of
volunteerism and the benefits of civic engagement in development
programmes. UNV is dedicated to using Volunteerism for Development
(V4D) to make distinctive contributions to the effectiveness of development.
UNV was created by the UN General Assembly in 1971 at the request of UN
Member Countries in order to be a development partner for the UN system.

It is entrusted with raising awareness of volunteerism and its contribution
to development, providing technical assistance to develop volunteerism,
and mobilizing volunteers nationally and internationally.
UNV is based in Bonn, Germany, and is active in more than 140 countries.
It is represented worldwide through the offices of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP). UNV reports to the UNDP Executive
Board which helps to ensure that UNV remains responsive to the evolving
needs of programme countries.
UNV is a trusted development partner because it respects each country’s
control over its own future while bringing countries together to work on
shared challenges.

Period 5 & 6
I. Aim
Writing a Thank-You Letter
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand the form of a letter expressing thanks.
− write a thank-you letter.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not be able to use the right structure to write a thank-you letter.

V. Procedure
Time Steps

10’ Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of
information relating to volunteer work.
The group which has more words in an allowed
time will be the winner.


Suggested ideas:
- The poor
- The disabled
- Non-profit organizations
- Literacy classes
- Remedial classes

25’ Whole class
Thank-You Letter Writing
Have Ss look at the sample and pay attention to
parts of the letter and answer these questions:
1. How many parts are there in the letter?
2. What is the content of the letter about?
3. Do you often write letters of this type? On

what occasions?
4. …
Introduction of profile writing
Set the scene.
In our daily life, we sometimes receive help and
support from other people. It’s advisable to write a
letter to express our thanks to those who helped us.
And now we will study carefully the form of a
thank-you letter.
Introduce the format of a thank-you letter.

Format Language tips

Date Month, day, year
Salutation Dear Sir/ Madame/ Mr. …/
Mrs. …/ Ms. …
Expressing gratitude We appreciate you precious
and appreciation help.
Stating the usefulness We find the gift/ service/
of the service/ gifts, things given to us very useful.
and things
Expressing gratitude/ Thanks again for your
thanks again concern and help.
Writing a social note Best wishes to you and your
Closing Truly yours
Signature Sender’s signature

30’ Individual
Have Ss work individually, write a letter expressing
Have Ss exchange their writings and cross check.

Pick up some writing which contain typical
mistakes and check them in front of the class.
Suggested writing:
August __, 20__
Dear Mrs. Nam,
I’m writing to thank you for your special care and
help to us during our stay in your house. We really
appreciate your great concern.
We’re back to school to get prepared for the new
school year’s study program. Thanks to your care
and help we now become more mature, confident,
and sociable when communicating with people.
Once again we’re extremely thankful for what you
have done to us.
We wish you good health and great success and
look forward to seeing you again next year.
Sincerely yours,
Susan Brown

20’ Individual
Letter Rearrangement
Rearrange the following sentences to make a
complete letter.
1. April 15, 2007
2. Thank you again for your assistance.
3. We appreciate your precious help.
4. Your guide has contributed greatly to the
success of my essay. I got mark 9.5 for it.
5. Truly yours,
6. Dear Professor Tuan,
7. Hung
8. We wish you all the best and luck.

Call on some Ss to give their order of arrangement
of the letter in front of the class.
Feedback and give the correct order.

5’ Whole class
Summarize the main points
Assign homework

Extra exercise
Find the mistakes in the following letter and correct them.
Dear Hue,
I’m writing to thank you for help our children learn English. We high
appreciate you care for the development of our tourism potential.
The children can now speak English more better. They can even talk to
foreign visitors quite confident. And they usually mention your name when
ask who taught them speak English. And they all hope that you will come
back here next summer.
Thank you again for what you have done with us.
We wish you all the best and look forward to see you next summer.
Best wishes,

Dear Hue,
I’m writing to thank you for help our children learn English. We high
appreciate you care for the development of our tourism potential.
The children can now speak English more better. They can even talk to
foreign visitors quite confident. And they usually mention your name when

ask who taught them speak English. And they all hope that you will come
back here next summer.
Thank you again for what you have done with us.
We wish you all the best and look forward to see you next summer.
Best wishes,

1. help → helping
2. high → highly
3. more → much
4. confident → confidently
5. ask → asked
6. with → to
7. see → seeing

Period 7
(Language focus)
I. Aim
Using Adjective derived from Nouns
Revision of Reported speech
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− use adjectives derived from nouns.
− review grammatical matter relating to reported speech.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…

IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not know how to form adjectives from nouns and change a direct
sentence to an indirect one.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

7’ Group work
Divide the class into two teams solving the
crossword about volunteer works and literacy
Give hints for each line.
The team giving answering signal first will have the
right to answer, if wrong, the other team will answer.
For each right answer in cross line, the team will get
5 marks. And the team finding the correct answers
for the down line will get 20 marks.
The team with higher mark will be the winner.

1. This stands for United Nation Volunteers

2. They help the …… to improve their living
3. They carried out many …… programs to help
children read and write.
4. In Vietnam, …… usually go to hardship areas
to help the people there.
5. Their …… was developed through such
6. They …… English for children who is not
able to go to school.
7, 9. They often go to …… and …… areas to help
poor people.
8. They help …… children find the suitable jobs.
1. UNV 6. teach
2. poor 7. remote
3. literacy 8. street
4. students 9. rural
5. friendship
Key to the crossword: Volunteer

Word study
3’ Whole class
Adjectives Derived from Nouns
Explicit the use of Non - + adjective and Non - +
noun to form an adjective by analyzing the example:
E.g: + Do you know the use of this device?
+ This device is very useful for making fruit juice.
In the English language, we can form adjective from
nouns by adding suffixes like –ful, - ous, - al, -able.
Nouns Verbs
use useful

help helpful
practice practical
thought thoughtful
courage courageous
value valuable
… …
Ask Ss to give some more examples.

Practice 1
7’ Individual
Ask Ss to do the exercise independently: match the
suffix that goes with the noun.
Have Ss compare their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.
Check the exercise in front of the class as a whole.
Give correct answers:
1. useful
2. studious
3. valuable
4. parental
5. thoughtful
Practice 2
7’ Blank-filling Individual
Have Ss handle the exercise individually, fill each work
blank with the most suitable adjective formed from
practice 1.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers for checking.
Call on some Ss to read the full sentences aloud in
front of the class.
Comment and give the correct answers:
1. valuable
2. useful
3. studious
4. thoughtful

5. parental
3’ wc
Introduction to Reported speech
1. Indirect order with to + Base Form of Verbs
or Reported Commands:
- Change of person
- Change of tenses
- Change of expression s of time
+ Direct: “Do your homework.”
→Indirect: Father told me to do my homework.
+ Direct: Teacher, “Don’t talk to your neighbor.”
→ Indirect: Teacher told me not to talk to my neighbor.

Practice 3
5’ Whole class
Have Ss work individually, change the sentences into
reported speech.
Go round the class and provide help when necessary.
Have Ss exchange their answers.
Call on Ss to write their answers on the board.
Correct the sentence if necessary and give correct
1. The teacher told his students to do all the
homework before they came to class.
2. Trung told Hoang to go and see the game the
following day.
3. The father told his son to waste his time
playing games all day.
4. The interviewer told the interviewee to go
ahead with his/her presentation.

5. The employer told his assistant not to touch
any of the material there.
6. The coach told the player to be fast and
concentrate hard.
7. The instructor told the students not to hesitate
to ask if they had a question.

Presentation 3
2’ Whole class
Indirect order with introductory verb like: say,
tell, the verb must be changed to a verb of
E.g: + Direct: He said, “Where is the station?”
→ Indirect: He asked me where the station
+ Direct: “Why don’t you see the doctor?”
→ Indirect: He advised me to see the doctor.

Practice 4
5’ Individual
Have Ss handle the exercise individually, change the work
sentences into reported speech.
Ask Ss to cross check their answers.
Ask for comments from other Ss in the class.
Comment and give correct answers:
1. Nam asked Mai to do it for him.
2. The teacher ordered his student to do it right
3. The flight attendance reminded the man that
smoking was not allowed./ The flight
attendance reminded the passenger to put out
his cigarette.
4. My mother advised me not to lose hope.
5. Peter requested David to do it for him.
6. The little boy begged the lady to give him
some more soup.

Presentation 4
2’ Whole class
Indirect order with alternative introductory verbs
E.g: + Direct: “Let’s go for a picnic”
→ She suggested going for a picnic.
+ Direct: “Thank you for you help.”
→ An old villager thanked me for helping him.

Practice 5 Individual
4’ work and
Have Ss work individually, change the sentences into Pair work
reported speech.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with each other for
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.
Ask for comments from other Ss in the class.
Comment and give correct answers:
1. Ba suggested exchanging the notes.
2. The manager insisted on offering me a
position in the company.
3. The teacher suggested stopping then and
finishing it later.
4. She suggested not going out alone late at
5. The team leader suggested sitting down and
taking a rest.
6. My father suggested eating out that night.
7. My sister suggested/ proposed going to the
beach to collect some shells.
8. The supervisor apologized for being late.
9. Mai suggested going for a walk.
10. Minh asked me to turn down my radio.

Consolidation 1

Unit 1 – 4
Answers to consolidation 1
a) 1. B 2. D 3. C
4. B 5. A
b) 1. D 2. A 3. B
4. A 5. C
Listening comprehension
a) 1. 2. √ 3. √
4. 5. 6. √
b) 1. It offers volunteer work.
2. No, they don’t.
3. An hour or two a week.
4. To make the lonely old people happy.
Listening script
This is an organization offering volunteer work. Our old people would
love to see you. Could you spare an hour or two each week to visit an
old lady or gentleman and help her or him keep in touch with the
modern world? Or perhaps you would prefer to help make the home look
a bit more cheerful? We have wallpaper and we need strong active
people to help us redecorate their living rooms. Would you have time to
make the lonely old people happy?
a) 1. end-of-term 4. straightforward 7. taste
2. delighted 5. mutual 8. anxiety
3. sense 6. literacy
b) 1. B 2. A 3. B
4. C 5. D 6. C

c) 1. gratitude 3. provision 5. sociable
2. sensitive 4. voluntary / volunteer 6.charitable/ charity
Grammar structure
a) 1. taking 5. to do
2. to be 6. could have gone
3. could have done 7. might have got
4. sit 8. standing
b) 1. D 4. B
2. A 5. A
3. B 6. D
The mailman asked me to sign on that line.
The team leader suggested staying with the villagers one more day.
Lan remind me to send Ann a birthday card.
My brother refused to take that part-time job.
Nam advised lam to talk to his adviser.
The teacher ordered Tam to put his dictionary away.
Lam apologized to the teacher for being late.
Linh invited me to come to her birthday party.
The text is about what true friendship means.
a) 1. for life 4. offering
2. get off 5. when skies are darkest

3. spare 6. depressed
b) 1. T (... answer the phone at one in the morning)
2. T (... They spare some time to spend with you. You know you have a
true friend if something bad happened to you, they would be there for
you, no questions asked.)
3. T ( If they did that, it would only be for your betterment.)
4. NI (...even if you’re a thousand miles apart, it doesn’t matter →
friendship lies on top of the distance.)
5. T (... when your life is so much better...)

Dear Uncle Thanh,
Thank you very much for your letter you sent me yesterday. It was nice to
hear from you. I’m very happy to know that you and the whole family are fine.
What’s about brother Hung? Has he got the result of the final exam? I’m sure
he would get very high score because he has learned hard so far.
I’ve passed my 2nd semester examination with satisfactory results. And the
reward my mom gave me was the two-week trip to Ho Chi Minh City. It was
wonderful. We were back last week.
Have you gone anywhere for summer holiday? I and my parents will be
very happy if you can come to see us this summer. I will take you to a new park
which just opened in Ha Noi last month.
Please let me know whether you can come.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in Ha Noi.
With all my love,
Tuan Anh

Unit 5

Period 1 & 2
I. Aim
Reading a passage about beauty contests
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− be updated with beauty contests, their brief history, purposes and rules
of beauty contests in the world with the related words such as: beauty
pageant, contestants, Miss Universe,…
− enhance reading micro-skills through Answering Questions and True or
False exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in understanding some words and phrases in the
V. Procedure
Time Steps

10’ Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of
information related to the Miss World contest that
they know.
The group which has more correct words in an
allowed time will be the winner.

Miss World

Suggested ideas:
- Beauty
- Knowledge
- Talent
- …

10’ Pair work
Ask Ss to work in pairs finding the words given in
the box.
Note Ss that all words relate to world-famous
Call on Ss to write the words they found on the
Feedback and give the correct words:
b. QUIZ (bottom-up)

h. FAIR (bottom-up)
Horizontal and Vertical
10’ Vocabulary pre-teach Whole class
beauty contest / beauty pageant (n): a competition in
which women are judged for their physical
attractiveness (cuộc thi sắc đẹp)
purity (n): moral goodness or the state of not having
sex (sự trong trắng, thuần khiết)
celibate (a): not having sexual activity, especially
because of making a religious promise to do this,
not having got married (chưa lập gia đình)
refrain (v): to avoid doing or stop yourself from
doing something (tự kiềm chế làm việc gì)
moral degradation (n): the act of spoiling or
destroying the beauty or quality of something
relating to the standards of good or bad behaviour,
fairness, honesty, etc. which each person believes in,
rather than to laws (sự suy đồi đạo đức)
disqualify (v): to stop someone from being in a
competition or doing something because they are
unsuitable or they have done something wrong
(chuất quyền dự thi, làm cho không đủ tư cách)
trace (its) origin to (v): trace (its) origin to: to find
the origin of sth (tìm về xuất xứ)
world importance (n): having great effect or
influence all over the world (mức độ quan trọng tầm
thế giới)
high-healed shoes (n): women's shoes in which the

heels are raised high off the ground ( giày cao gót)
Checking technique
Rub out and remember
Write all the new words on the board in two
columns: English and Vietnamese equivalents.
Rub out all the words in English column and ask Ss
to look at the Vietnamese column to write down or
read aloud the rubbed ones.

Set the scene
Beauty is admired by all people. Every year, there
are numeral events honoring the beauty of women
and men around the world. The former is more
common. Among the most famous and prestigious
contests are Miss World and Miss Universe. In
today’s lesson, we will learn more about these
Task 1 - Answering Questions
15' Individual
Have Ss look at the questions before reading the work
Go round the class and provide help when needed so
that they understand the meaning of the questions.
Have Ss read the text and answer the questions.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers.
Call on some Ss to read the answers in front of the
Comment and give correct answers:
1. In Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, in 1921.
2. Contestants may dress in no more than a
3. They must not be married, must agree to
remain celibate during their “reign”, and

must agree to refrain from other acts that
contest organizers regard as “moral
4. Miss World competition (founded in 1951);
Miss Universe (founded in 1952).
5. Possible arguments against beauty contests:
- entertainment event of no great importance
- degrading to females in general
Task 2 - True or False
15' Have Ss look at the sentences and have good Pair work
guesses of the answers before reading the text again.
Have Ss read the text again and check the right box.
Ask Ss to cross-check their answers with other Ss.
Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the
Feedback and give the correct answers:
1. T 5. T
2. F 6. F
3. T 7. T
4. F 8. T

25' Group work
Group discussion
Have Ss work in groups and discuss the statement:
“Industry, Appearance, Speech and Behavior are
attributes that should be required of an ideal
Clarify the topic: Industry, Appearance, Speech
and Behavior are the most important characters
that are necessary for making an ideal woman.
On what points do you agree and on what points
don’t you agree?
Explain to Ss Industry, Appearance, Speech and

Behavior in English and give their Vietnamese
- Industry: diligent (hard-working), skillful in doing
housework (cooking, sewing …) (công)
- Appearance: beautiful, pretty, elegant (dung)
- Speech: gentle in speaking, delicate/ subtle in
using language (ngôn)
- Behavior: polite, sensible, good manners (hạnh)
Call on some Ss to explain their ideas in front of the
Gather ideas and give suggested answers:
Industry is an important character because:
• It helps the woman gain success.
Appearance is an important character because:
• It makes the woman feel confident in
Speech is an important character because:
• It helps the woman communicate effectively.
• It shows the woman’s knowledge.
Behavior is an important character because:
• It helps the woman be remembered not for
her “outside” beauty but “inside” beauty
also, and therefore beloved by many people.

5' Whole class
Summarize the main points
Assign homework

Extra reading
Beauty contest

A beauty contest, or beauty pageant, is a competition based mainly, though

not always entirely, on the physical beauty of its contestants, and often

incorporating personality, talent demonstration, and question responses as
judged criteria. Almost invariably, competitions for men and women are
separate events, and those for men are not referred to as beauty contests.
Beauty contests for women are more common, and winners are called beauty
queens. Beauty contests for men, like Mr. Universe, are more likely to be
"body building" contests—quite unlike the traditional "beauty contest" in
which women are judged upon many attributes both physical and otherwise.
However, in the 1990s, male "beauty contests" began to shift focus. Instead of
only considering muscle mass, the competitions began to judge the natural
physical attributes of the contestants as well as their physiques. These include
Mr. World and Manhunt International.

There are also beauty contests for children. These events are often
controversial, particularly when children are dressed provocatively and
described in adult terms

Miss Universe

Miss Universe is an annual international female beauty contest, and the title
for the winner of the contest, founded in 1952 by California clothing company
Pacific Mills. The pageant became part of Kayser-Roth and then Gulf and
Western Industries, before being acquired by Donald Trump in 1996. The
pageant is run by the Miss Universe Organization.

Miss World

The Miss World pageant is an international beauty pageant founded in the

United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951. Presently, Morley's wife, Julia
Morley, co-chairs the pageant.

Miss World is the most widely attended and broadcasted of such events, with
over a hundred delegates (the Miss Universe pageant, by comparison, has
approximately 80 delegates, although Miss Universe maintains unequal
popularity in some parts of the world, notably the Americas). Miss World –
The Final is the world's largest live annual television event with global
viewers topping two billion in more than 200 countries.

The winner spends a year traveling to represent the Miss World Organization
and its various causes. Traditionally, Miss World lives in London during her
reign. The current Miss World is Taťána Kuchařová of Czech Republic.

Mister World

The Mister World contest is an international beauty pageant for men and has
been held since 1996. This pageant is run by Julia Morley and the Miss World
Organization. The Mister World pageant has mostly been held biennially.

Manhunt International

The Manhunt Contest started in 1987, when Alex Liu, pageant director of
Metromedia Singapore, decided to stage the first male model contest in
Singapore, as there were numerous pageants for women and none for men. Liu
consequently planned and engineered the first Manhunt contest in Singapore.

Manhunt became Manhunt International in 1993. It was first held in

Australia's Gold Coast in 1993, when Germany's Thomas Sasse took the first
Manhunt International title from 25 contestants. In 1994, the pageant
remained in Australia's Gold Coast when Nikos Papadakis of Greece won. The
Manhunt International Event is a joint partnership with our Australian
partner, Procon Leisure International Pty Ltd, headed by Mr. Rosko

The pageant saw one of its most successful years in November 1995 when 35
contestants came to Sentosa Island, Singapore to compete for the prestigious
title. The cash award and prizes for 1995's winner alone exceeded

Period 3
I. Aim
Listening to a quiz show

II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− get used to spoken language used in a quiz show.
− improve listening skill through Table Completion and Note-taking
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers, cassette,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may find it difficult to find the right information to complete the table
and take notes of necessary information.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

5' Group work
Jumbled words
Write the words whose letters are in a random order
on the board. All the words are related to beauty
Divide the class into groups of four. Ss from each
group discuss to find out the correct words. The final
work of each group is written down on a paper and
submitted to the T. T reads aloud the result of each
group. The group which gets more correct words and
submits earlier will be the winner.

tyeuba beauty
itpury purity
uiqilydsaf disqualify
oralm moral

aeebitle celibate
einismft feminist
rpeaperaanc appearance
…. …

10’ Pair work
Future job, hobbies and ambition
Have Ss work in pairs talking about the job they want
to do in the future, their hobby and their ambition or
Call on some Ss to practice speaking in front of the
Give suggested answers:
- S1: I enjoy cycling, and my dream job is to be a
doctor. My ambition is that people are free from
all disease.
- S2: I enjoy flying. I want to be a flight
attendant. My hobby is collecting model planes.
- S3: I love teaching. My dream is to be a teacher
of English. My ambition is that I can help my
students speak English like native speakers.
- S4: I love karaoke. I want to be a singer. My
ambition is to be the most outstanding singer in
the world.
State briefly the definition of a quiz show:
A quiz show or game show involves members of the
public or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team,
playing a game, perhaps involving answering quiz
questions, for points or prizes. In some shows,
contestants compete against other players or another
team whilst other shows involve contestants striving
alone for a good outcome or high score. Game shows
often reward players with prizes such as cash, or
holidays and goods and services provided by the
show's sponsors. Early television game shows

descended from similar programs on broadcast
Make sure Ss understand the meaning of a quiz
show before instructing the listening tasks.

9' Individual
Task 1 - Table Completion
Have Ss look at the table and tell them to pay
attention to kinds of information necessary to
complete the table.
Play the tape more than once if necessary.
Have Ss exchange their answers.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.
Play the tape again and check the exercise in front of
the class as a whole.
Give correct answers:
Name Age Job Hobby
Ngoc 24 Accountant Chatting Traveling
Quynh with around the
friends on world
the phone alone
or the Net
Minh 25 Teacher Sitting for Going to
Dan hours Mars
Huy 19 Teacher- Swimming Chances
Vu to-be and for every
(English) cooking child to go
to school

Task 2 - Note-taking
8' Have Ss listen to the recording again and take notes Individual
on the expressions that would help create an work
interview with their friends about their hobby,
ambition or wish, and dream job.
Note Ss to pay attention to questions because they are
means of getting information: Wh- and How
Play the tape one more time.
Call on some Ss to read their notes aloud in front of
the class.
Feedback and give suggested notes:
- What do you do in your spare time?
- And your ambition? What would you wish to
- Have you got any great ambitions?
- How about your hobby?
- What’s your major then?
- What do you like doing in your free time?
- If you could have one wish, what would it be?
Listening script
Announcer: Welcome to our Vui De Hoc program.
Our three contestants today are Miss Ngoc
Quynh, Miss Minh Dan and Mr. Huy Vu. We
are going to learn about their age, job, hobby
and ambitions in a few minutes. Would the first
contestant come forward? Yes, please welcome
her. OK, this is 24-year-old Ngoc Quynh.
You’re an accountant, aren’t you?
Quynh: Yes, I am. I’ve been in my work for two
Announcer: Now, my first question. What do you do

in your spare time?
Quynh: Well, I like chatting with friends, of course,
on the phone or the Net. Believe it or not, an
hour or two a day.
Announcer: Lots of young people do the same, don’t
they? And your ambition? What would you wish
to do?
Quynh: My wish is to travel around the world, and,
funny enough, alone.
Annoucer: Traveling on your own. Great! Thank you,
Miss Quynh.
Announcer: Our next contestant is a young teacher,
Miss Minh Dan. She’s 25.
Dan: Good evening. It’s nice to meet you, but,
frankly, I’m a bit nervous.
Announcer: I can understand that. Have you got any
great ambitions, Miss Dan?
Dan: It may sound funny. But my ambition is to go to
the Mars.
Announcer: It’s a great ambition, isn’t it?
Dan: Nobody knows, even myself. But I’m telling the
Announcer: How about your hobby? Is it strange like
your ambition?
Dan: No, I can sit for hours watching birds.
Announcer: Yeah, me too. Thank your very much,
Minh Dan.
Announcer: And last but not least. Huy Vu from the
University of Can Tho. How old are you, Vu?
Vu: Nineteen.
Announcer: Yes, the youngest and the only boy. But,
don’t be nervous. What do you like doing in

your free time?
Vu: Swimming … I like swimming and cooking.
Announcer: Uh huh. Oh, I just forgot. What’s your
major then?
Vu: It’s English. I’m going to be a teacher of
Announcer: Interesting job! Last question. If you
could have one wish, what would it be?
Vu: I’ve thought of that a lot. Chances for every child
to go to school, all over the world. Yes, I’m
serious about that.
Announcer: Thanks, Vu, and let’s hope your dream
comes true.

10’ Group work
Quiz show Demo and Whole
Organize a Quiz Show in class with four contestants class
and one MC:
Contestants prepare a short introduction about
themselves including name, age, job, hobby,
MC prepares several questions about the contestants.
Ss act out the quiz show basing on the above
listening script.
If possible, rearrange the tables to make room for the
Make necessary comments and corrections.

3' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra exercise
Use these words to complete the sentences below.
contestants adverts presenter
channel viewers live
o I want to record the MTV awards tonight. Could you set the
video for me before we go out?
Yes, of course. Which…….…….is it on?
o Did you see that film on TV last night? It was so violent.
Yes, apparently thousands of…….…….phoned in to complain.
o Do you think the match will be on TV later?
Yes, of course. It’s being shown………………on BBC 1.
o How many more times are they going to interrupt the film?
You’re right. That’s the fourth lot of……………..already.
o Did you see the new music show on TV last night? It was good,
wasn’t it?
Yes, it was OK but I didn’t like the……………very much. They
should have got someone younger.
o Have you seen that game show on Friday night? It’s really funny.
Is that the one where they push the………….….into the
swimming pool if the give the wrong answers?
1. channel
2. viewers
3. live
4. adverts
5. presenter
6. contestants

Period 4
I. Aim
Expressing personal opinions about types of competitions
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− express their opinions about types of competitions using such
expressions as: You’re right, I can’t agree with you more …
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in expressing their opinions about types of
V. Procedure
Time Steps

10’ Team work
Divide the class into two teams solving the crossword
about Contests.
Give hints for each line.
The team giving answering signal first will have the
right to answer, if wrong, the other team will answer.
For each right answer in horizontal line, the team will
get 5 marks. And the team finding the correct
answers for the vertical line will get 20 marks.
The team with higher mark will be the winner.


1. The contestant must remain …… during their
2. Miss …… is one of the most prestigious beauty
3. Competitions for … … and women are
separate events.
4. “……Beauty” contest was held in Atlantic
City, New Jersey in 1921.
5. Many …… regard beauty contests for women
as degrading to females in general.
6. A beauty contest bases partly on the beauty of
contestants’ …… appearance.
7. In the sports competition, the contestants are
divided into …… to compete.
8. The contestants show their strength via ……
1. celibate 5. feminists
2. World 6. physical
3. men 7. teams
4. Intercity 8. sports
Key to the crossword: Contests

7' Pair work
and Whole
Have Ss look at the pictures and answer questions:
- Who are there in the pictures?
- What are they doing in the pictures?
- Where do you often see the activities?

Ask Ss to match the pictures with the suitable names.
Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the
Give the correct answers:
2. Tug of war
3. Beauty contest
4. Song contest
5. Game show
Structures introduction
Have Ss look at the useful expressions and practicing
saying them out.
Introduce more useful expressions to be used to
express opinions.

- That’s true. And I also think that …
- I couldn’t agree with you more. Don’t you
also think that …?
- I can’t help thinking the same.
- That’s not the way I see it. You see …
- You can’t mean that!
- I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. I think …

Have Ss look at the words and phrases used to
express positive aspects and negative aspects of the
competitions listed in the book.
Provide Ss with more words and phrases:
Positive aspects Negative aspects
- useful - waste of time
- understanding - poor performance
- teamwork spirit - badly designed
- encouraging - silly jokes
- hilarious - boring
- bring about new - lack of variety
knowledge - too commercialized
- fantastic - rubbish
- charming - unnecessary
- educational - …
- fun
- …

10’ Pair work
Ask Ss to work in pairs using the above expressions
to express their opinions about competitions
commonly held in the school or community.
(b) - Tug of war is such a great game. It offers us
the teamwork spirit.
- I’m with you there.
(b) - Some quizzes in our school need improving.
They should have more fun.
- Well, I don’t quite agree. Their primary
purpose is to give us knowledge, not fun.
Call on some pairs to speak in front of the class.

Comment and give suggested answers:
1. S1: Swimming is relaxing.
S2: That’s true. And I also think that it’s good
for your health.
2. S1: Windsurfing is fun.
S2: I can’t agree with you more.
3. S1: Tug of war is a great game.
S2: That’s true. Um, I think of offers us our
teamwork spirit.
3. S1: Playing cards is a waste of time.
S2: I’m with you there. And besides, it is rubbish.
4. S1: Dancing is hilarious and good for body
S2: I can’t help thinking the same.
5. S1: Painting is boring.
S2: That’s not the way I see it. You see, it’s a
cultural and entertaining activity.
6. S1: Music is useful and entertaining.
S2: I can’t agree with you more. Don’t you also
think that it brings encouragement?
7. S1: Karaoke is rubbish and unnecessary.
S2: Well, personally I think it’s useful and fun.
8. S1: Aerobics lacks variety.
S2: That’s an interesting point of view, but I think
it’s hilarious and good for your body

15' Individual
work and
Have Ss work individually, preparing a short Whole
presentation about a contest that they have recently class
taken part in or watched. Pay attention to the
following type of information:

- Type of contest
- Number of contestants
- Event (How did it happen?)
- Final result/ Achievement
- Overall impression about the contest
Call on some Ss having the best preparation to talk in
front of the class.
Make necessary comments and corrections.
Give suggested answers:
Firstly, I’m going to talk about the English-
speaking contest I have recently watched. This
contest took place in my school last week. There were
four three-member teams finalized from qualifying
Secondly, during the contest the four groups
competed neck and neck all the way. There was no
difference between the teams; thus the examiners and
the MC worked very hard.
Lastly, I found this contest very interesting
because there was a tiebreak of quick 10-second
answers to short questions.
Luckily, our team won the championship. We
really had a great time and were very proud of being
champions. Thanks to this contest, we had an
opportunity to brush our English and learned to
cooperate with others.

3' Whole
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra exercise
Fill each blank with the most suitable word or phrases.
A: What do you think of soccer?
B: I think it’s a useful sport.
C: You’re right. There’s no (1)... ... about that. It is watched by millions of
people all over the world.
D: Well, (2)…… I think that it’s a waste of time to spend 90 minutes
watching the game.
A: I really enjoy watching “Who wants to be a millionaire?” The questions
are challenging.
B: I (3)…… …… …… because, some are so easy to answer.
C: Exactly. I’m (4)…… …… there.
1. doubt
2. personally
3. don’t quite agree
4. with you

Period 5 & 6
I. Aim
Writing letter to ask for and give information about competitions
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand the form and structures to write a letter to ask for and give
information about competitions.
− write a letter to ask for and give information about competitions.

III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not be able to use suitable words and structures to write a good
letter asking for and giving information.
V. Procedure
Time Steps Work

7' Group
Ask Ss to work in groups and match the name of
game shows in English with its Vietnamese

1. Who wants to be a a. Đường lên đỉnh

millionaire? Olympia
2. Catch phrase b. Hãy chọn giá đúng
3. Wheel of Fortune c. Ai là triệu phú
4. The way to the d. Đuổi hình bắt chữ
Olympia Peak
5. The price is right e. Đấu trường 100
6. 1 vs 100 f. Chiếc nón kỳ diệu

1. c 4. a
2. d 5. b
3. f 6. e

Task 1 - Answering questions
10’ Pair work
Have Ss read the three questions and answer them.

Ask Ss to exchange their answers with each other.
Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front
of the class.
Comment and give the correct answers:
1. From the media (TV, radio, newspapers, Web
site, etc.)
2. Candidates should get information about
regulations on candidacy and contestants’
qualifications (age, ability, knowledge, etc.).
Then they should try to improve the
knowledge and skills needed.
3. An I.D card and an application form sent by
mail. (The postmark would tell when your
application was mailed.)
10’ Task 2 - Putting sentences into the right order Pair work
Have SS work in pairs putting the sentences in
logical order to make a complete letter.
Have pairs exchange their answers.
Call on some pairs to read the letter aloud to the
Comment and give the correct order:
c-d -b-a-e-i-f-g-h

40' Individual
Have Ss look at the prompts to know the right order
of the letter of reply to a letter asking for
Have Ss handle the task individually.
Go round the class and provide help when necessary.
Pick up some Ss’ writings which contain typical
mistakes and correct them in front of the class.
Give suggested writing:

Dear Sir/ Madame,
Thank you for your questions. This is a reminder for
us to be more specific and precise.
Concerning your first question, there is no lower age
limit, so your brother may register and might win
“The Youngest Contestant Prize”. About the
regulations on candidacy, all an applicant needs is a
student I.D. Also, there is no need for the household
book of registration, thus your cousin is absolutely
qualified for the competition.
In terms of the deadline, the correct word is sent –
the postmark would tell when your application was
Thank you again for writing to us. We’re looking
forward to hearing from you soon.
Tran Dinh Tu

18' Group
Have Ss work in groups, write one letter asking for
information and one letter to reply regarding the
topic: The provincial/ city student Singing Contest.
Remind Ss to pay attention again to necessary
- Time of the contest (day/date/month)
- Venue
- Ages of students
- Types of songs
- Deadline for application

5' Whole
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra exercise
Write a reply to a letter asking for information about procedures for being a
member of the School English Speaking Club.
Note: Comments and corrections can be made in the following lesson.

Period 7
(Language focus)
I. Aim
Using nouns derived from verbs
Using gerund and present participle; perfect gerund and perfect participle
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− use nouns derived from verbs.
− distinguish gerund from present participle and perfect gerund, and
perfect participle.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not know how to distinguish between gerund and present participle,
perfect gerund and perfect participle.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

10’ Whole
Comment and correct Ss’ writing task in the previous
period: A reply to a letter asking for procedures for
being a member of the School English Speaking Club.

Comment and correct writings with the most typical

Word study
5' Whole
Nouns derived from verbs
Nouns in the English language can be made in
different ways, one of which is to add suffixes to verbs
to indicate the state of the action or the person who
carries out the action.
attend + -ant Æ attendant
attend + -ee Æ attendee
attend + -ance Æ attendane
organize + -tion Æ organization
organize + -er Æ organizer

Practice 1
5' Individual
Ask Ss to do the exercise independently: Complete the work
table with appropriate nouns derived from the verbs
in the first column.
Have Ss compare their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the
Give correct answers:
Nouns Denoting Nouns Denoting
Verbs Person Doing Action or
the Work Activity
announce announcer announcement
collaborate collaborator collaboration
compete competitor competition

contest contestant contest
design designer design
entertain entertainer entertainment
ice-skate ice-skater ice-skating
organize organizer organization
win winner win

Practice 2
5' Individual
Have Ss handle the task on their own: Complete the
sentences with appropriate nouns.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to read their sentences aloud in front
of the class.
Comment and give the correct answers:
1. ice-skater 5. contestants
2. performance 6. winner
3. competition 7. collaboration
4. contest 8. organizers

7' Whole
Gerund and Present Participle
1. Gerund
Gerund is the - ing form of a verb used as a noun. A
gerund is used in the same ways as a noun, as a
subject or an object.
- Playing tennis is fun. (subject)
- We enjoy playing tennis. (object)
2. Present participle
Present participle is the -ing form of a verb and
mostly used as a verb or an adjective.

- He is working on the farm. (verb)
- I found him very boring. (adjective)
Ask Ss to make more examples to practice the use of
gerund and present participle.
Perfect Gerund and Perfect Participle
Perfect gerund/ participle is formed by having + -ing
form of verb used in stead of gerund when we refer to
a past action, or emphasize the completion of the
- We are very happy about your completing the
assignments. (gerund)
- We are very happy about your having completed all
the assignments before the deadline. (perfect gerund)

Practice 3
5' Individual
Have Ss do the task alone, complete the sentences work and
with gerund or perfect gerund. Pair work
Have Ss cross-check their friend’s answers.
Call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud in front of
the class.
Correct the sentence if necessary and give correct
1. training 4. losing
2. winning 5. having made, coming
3. having taken, being 6. learning

Practice 4
5' Individual
Have Ss handle the task individually, complete the
sentences with present participle or perfect participle.
Ask Ss to exchange their answers with another one.

Call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud in front of
the class.
Correct the sentence if necessary and give correct
1. Looking 4. Having entered
2. Having practiced 5. becoming
3. reminding 6. Having learned

Practice 5
3' Pair work
Have work in pairs, match the first part of the
sentences in column A with the appropriate ones in
column B to make complete sentences.
Call on Ss in each pair to read their work in front of
the class.
Ask for comments from other Ss in the class.
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. a 5. g
2. b 6. d
3. c 7. e
4. h 8. f

Unit 6

Period 1 & 2
I. Aim
Reading a passage about population trend in China
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− use a variety of expressions relating to population such as population
trend, population density, population growth rate, birth control,…
− talk about population trend in China and current situation of population
in Viet Nam through various class activities.
− enhance reading comprehension skill by experiencing a new question
type: interpreting charts and graphs.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
A0-sized graphs and pictures about population in Viet Nam and in
China/Map of China
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in understanding some difficult terms in the reading.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

10’ Whole class
or Pair work
Give definition of the important concepts which
will be dealt with in the reading through

Matching activity.

Concepts Definitions
1. Overpopulation a. The fractional rate at
(sự quá đông dân which the number of
số ) individuals in a
population increases.
2. Contraception b. The condition of any
(biện pháp phòng organism’s numbers
tránh thai) exceeding the carrying
capacity of its
ecological system.
3. Illiteracy (nạn c. A measurement of
mù chữ) population per unit
area or unit volume. It
is frequently applied to
living organisms,
humans in particular.
4. Abortion (nạo, d. Actions, devices or
phá thai) medications
intentionally used to
prevent a woman
becoming pregnant or
giving birth.
5. Population e. The state of being
growth rate (tỷ lệ unable to read, write,
tăng dân số) speak, and listen.
6. Population f. The act of expelling a
density (mật độ fetus prematurely.
dân số)

Give correct answers and further explain the

concepts. Make sure Ss understand the terms
before moving to later activities in the lesson.

1. b
2. d
3. e
4. f
5. a
6. c
Causes and effects Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the picture.
Go round the class and provide help when
Explicit the message of the picture: Our natural
resources are limited and they are not enough
for too many people.
Keep Ss in groups and discuss the possible
causes and effects of the circumstance
(overpopulation) by putting the words and
expressions in the box in the right column.
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front
of the class.
Comment and give correct answers:

Possible causes Possible consequences

- High birth rates - Poverty
- Illiteracy - Unemployment
- Desire to have male - Crimes
children - Shortage of food,
- Limited access to clean water, and
modern contraception energy
and family planning - Water and air
- Education pollution
- Unwilling to practice - Unhealthy living
contraception and conditions
abortion - Illiteracy

5' Gap-filling
Have Ss complete the sentences in b) with the
phrases in the box.
Further explain the expressions by giving more
examples to make sure Ss understand them
Give correct answers:
1. population density
2. population trend
3. population growth rate

5' Whole class
Fast facts about China
Provide Ss with some information about China
before reading the passage by some questions:
1. What is the population of China at the
time being?
2. What is the capital city of China?
3. Can you name some big cities of China?
Note: Ss may give the names of the cities in
Vietnamese. Give them the English equivalents
later when necessary.
(See Supplements for more information about
Give correct answers and lead in the reading.

Set the scene
China is a big country with the population of
over 1.3 billion people. In today’s lesson, we will
learn about the population trend in China.
10’ Task 1 - True or False Individual
Have Ss read the text individually and decide work

whether the statements are true or false. Correct
the false statements.
Encourage Ss to scan the text and locate the
information needed for the answers.
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front
of the class.
Comment and give correct answers:
1. F (China’s population growth rate has
decreased in the past years, although its
population is still increasing.)
2. T
3. F (Down to 11.21% in 1994 and to 0.58%
in 2005.)
4. T
5. T
6. T
10’ Task 2 - Interpreting charts and graphs Pair work
Ask Ss to work in pairs and decide the charts and
graphs which illustrate accurate facts about
Note: This activity can be difficult for Ss
because they have done it for the first time. T is
advised to instruct the task carefully and provide
help when necessary.
Tell Ss firstly to study the charts and graphs and
check the information in the passage to get the
correct answers.
Hang the graphs and charts on the board if
possible and check the exercise in front of the
class as a whole.
Give correct answers:
1. A

2. A
3. B
4. A
10’ Task 3 - Finding synonyms Individual
Tell Ss scan the text and find the words or work
expressions which have the same meanings as
the ones provided.
Give Ss tips by locating the paragraph in which
the words appear.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the
Check the exercise in front of the class.
Give correct answers:
1. almost
2. fall/decrease
3. throughout the country
4. founded

25' Group work
Group discussion
Have Ss work in groups of three to four and
discuss the following questions:
1. What are some negative consequences of
rapid population growth in Viet Nam?
2. What should be included in the population
education program in Vietnamese high
Note: Ss may have difficulty in finding the right
words for discussion. Let them use Vietnamese if
necessary and provide English equivalents later.
Call on some representatives from groups to
make short talks about the above topics.

Make necessary comments and corrections
regarding Ss’ pronunciation and word choice.
Suggested negative consequences of rapid
population growth in Viet Nam:
9 Shortage of jobs
9 Shortage of space and natural resources
(land, water,…)
9 Education concerns
9 Poverty
9 Crimes
9 ….
Suggested ideas included in the population
education program in Vietnamese high
9 Disadvantages of early marriage
9 Sex education (reproductive
organs/health, dangers of
early/premarital sexual relationships,… )
9 Birth control methods
9 …

5' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading
Facts about China and China population
Formal name: People's Republic of China (PRC)
Capital: Beijing
Head of State: President Hu Jintao elected March 15, 2003.

National flag: Red flag with five stars.
National emblem: Tiananmen Gatetower under five stars, encircled by ears of
grain and with a gear wheel below.
National anthem: March of the Volunteers, written in 1935, with lyrics by the
poet Tian Han and music by the composer Nie Er, honoring those who went to
the front to fight the Japanese invaders in northeast China in the 1930s.
Decided upon as the provisional national anthem of the new China on
September 27, 1949, at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's
Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the song was officially adopted
as the national anthem of the PRC on December 4, 1982, by the National
People's Congress (NPC).
Animal: The giant panda is considered a Chinese national treasure. Just over
1,000 survive in the wild, most of them to be found in Sichuan Province.
Flower: China does not have an "official" national flower, but the tree peony
can be regarded as a national favorite. The tree peony (mudan) received the
most votes in an unofficial survey conducted in 1994 in every district in China
asking people to select a national flower.
Bird: More bird species live in China than any other place in the world.
Shaanxi Province's red ibis is also a national treasure. Only some 1,500 of this
highly endangered bird species exist. Other cranes found in China include the
Siberian white, common, black-necked, sarus, hooded, white-naped, and
Tree: The oldest tree in the world is China's gingko, which first appeared
during the Jurassic Age some 160 million years ago.
National Day: Chinese celebrate October 1 as National Day in honor of the
founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949.
Other national holidays: Spring Festival (the celebration of Chinese New
Year, generally between the last 10-day period of January and mid-February)
and International Labor Day (May 1). Major holidays in China are occasions
for family reunions and traveling. Starting in October 1999, China's three
official holidays became "Golden Weeks" each with seven days vacation made
possible by working four extra days before the commencement of the holiday
and afterwards.

Land size: China has a landmass of 9,600,000 sq km, and is the third-largest
country in the world, next only to Russia and Canada. Cultivated land is
130.04 million ha.
Location: In the east of the Asian continent, on the western shore of the Pacific

Bordering countries: Korea, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,

Tadzhikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos
and Viet Nam.
Climate: Extremely diverse; tropical in the south to subarctic in the north.
Geography: Mountains, high plateaus, and deserts in the west; plains, deltas,
and hills in the east. The highest mountain in China is the highest mountain in
the world: Mount Qomolangma. The mountain towers above all others at
29,035 feet or 8,848 m.
Population: China is the world's most populous country with 1.28453 billion
at the end of 2002, one-fifth of the world's total. This figure does not include
the Chinese living in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative
regions, and Taiwan Province.
Population density: The population density is 134 people per sq km, roughly
four times greater than that of the U.S.
Population ethnicity: 91.6 percent of Chinese people are Han. The non-Han
population includes 55 ethnic minorities, of which the major groups are the
Zhuang, Manchu, Hui, Miao, Uygur, Yi, Tujia, Mongolian, and Tibetan.
Population distribution: Most of the population of China lives in the middle
and lower reaches of the Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pearl River valleys,
and the Northeast Plain. In 2000 a "go-west" campaign was launched by the
government to help its relatively backward western and central areas catch up
with more affluent eastern China.
Religions: The number of religious worshippers in China is estimated at well
over 100 million, most of whom follow Buddhism. Other major religions are
Taoism, Islam and Christianity in both its Catholic and Protestant forms.
Languages: Standard Chinese or Mandarin (Putonghua, based on the Beijing
dialect), Yue (Cantonese), Wu (Shanghaiese), Minbei (Fuzhou), Minnan

(Hokkien-Taiwanese), Xiang, Gan, and Hakka dialects, as well as minority
languages. In 1958, the First National People's Congress approved, at its Fifth
Session, the adoption of the Pinyin (Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic
Alphabet) for spelling Chinese names and places in Roman letters, but the
Pinyin system was not popularly used until the late 1970s. Pinyin is now
widely seen in China, and it replaces earlier Romanization spelling systems.
Health: China provides wide access to primary health care and child
immunizations. Average life expectancy was 71.8 years in 2002, having risen
from 35 years on the eve of Liberation in 1949.
Economy: China's economy has boomed since 1978, as a result of sweeping
economic reforms. GNP grew from $128 billion in 1980 to $745 billion in
1998. China's economy continues to grow rapidly, with a GDP real growth
rate of 9.1 percent in 2003, and an annual industrial production growth rate of
11.6 percent between 1979 and 2000.
The Constitution: After the founding of the PRC, four Constitutions have
been formulated successively in 1954, 1975, 1978 and 1982. The first
Constitution was adopted by the First Session of the First National People's
Congress, the chief legislative branch, on September 20, 1954. The present
Constitution was promulgated in 1982 and amended several times thereafter,
in 1988, 1993 and 1999.
Political parties: The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the country's sole
political party in power. Hu Jintao became general secretary of the CPC at its
16th National Congress in November 2002. Founded in July 1921, the CPC
today has more than 66 million members and over 3.5 million basic
organizations. Besides the CPC, there are eight political parties.
Administrative divisions: China is made up of 23 provinces, five autonomous
regions, four municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the
special administrative regions.

Administrative divisions Provinces/ cities /

(Đơn vị hành chính) autonomous regions/
administrative regions

Two Special Administrative Regions Hong Kong and Macao

(Hai Đặc Khu Hành Chính)

Four municipalities directly under the Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai and Tianjin.
Central Government (Bắc Kinh, Trùng Khánh, Thượng Hải và
(Bốn Thành phố trực thuộc Trung Thiên Tân)
Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Xinjiang,
Five autonomous regions and Tibet
(Năm Khu Tự Trị) (Quảng Tây, Nội Mông, Ninh Hạ, Tân Cương
và Tây Tạng)
Twenty-three provinces Anhui, Fujian, Kansu, Guangdong, Guizhou,
(Hai ba Tỉnh) Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei,
Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Cat Lam, Liaoning,
Qinghai, Shenxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan,
Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang
(An Huy, Phúc Kiến, Cam Túc, Quảng Đông,
Quý Châu, Hải Nam, Hà Bắc, Hắc Long
Giang, Hà Nam, Hồ Bắc, Hồ Nam, Giang Tô,
Giang Tây, Cát Lâm, Liêu Ninh, Thanh Hải,
Thiểm Tây, Sơn Đông, Sơn Tây, Tứ Xuyên,
Đài Loan, Vân Nam, Chiết Giang)

Currency: Renminbi (RMB)/yuan

Military: The People's Liberation Army (PLA) includes the Army, Navy, Air
Force, and the Second Artillery Force. Jiang Zemin is chairman of the Central
Military Commission of China, the country's top military organ and
commander of its armed forces.

Total Population and Birth Rate, Death Rate

and Natural Growth Rate by Region (2005)

Total Natural
population Birth rate Death rate Growth
(Year-end) 0/oo 0/oo Rate
10.000 persons 0/oo
Total 130756 12.40 6.51 5.89
Beijing 1538 6.29 5.20 1.09
Tianjin 1043 7.44 6.01 1.43
Hebei 6851 12.84 6.75 6.09

Shanxi 3355 12.02 6.00 6.02
Inner Mongolia 2386 10.08 5.46 4.62

Liaoning 4221 7.01 6.04 0.97

Jilin 2716 7.89 5.32 2.57
Heilongjiang 3820 7.87 5.20 2.67

Shanghai 1778 7.04 6.08 0.96

Jiangsu 7475 9.24 7.03 2.21
Zhejiang 4898 11.10 6.08 5.02
Anhui 6120 12.43 6.23 6.20
Fujian 3535 11.60 5.62 5.98
Jiangxi 4311 13.79 5.96 7.83
Shandong 9248 12.14 6.31 5.83

Henan 9380 11.55 6.30 5.25

Hubei 5710 8.74 5.69 3.05
Hunan 6326 11.90 6.75 5.15
Guangdong 9194 11.70 4.68 7.02
Guangxi 4660 14.26 6.09 8.16
Hainan 828 14.65 5.72 8.93

Chongqing 2798 9.40 6.40 3.00

Sichuan 8212 9.70 6.80 2.90
Guizhou 3730 14.59 7.21 7.38
Yunnan 4450 14.72 6.75 7.97
Tibet 277 17.94 7.15 10.79

Shaanxi 3720 10.02 6.01 4.01

Gansu 2594 12.59 6.57 6.02
Qinghai 543 15.70 6.21 9.49
Ningxia 596 15.93 4.95 10.98
Xinjiang 2010 16.42 5.04 11.38

Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistical Year Book 2006 /

Chapter 4 Population/Total Population and Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural
Growth Rate by Region (2005)

Period 3
I. Aim
Listening to facts about Brunei - a country in the Southeast Asia
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− talk about Brunei - its capital city, population, and area.
− improve listening ability especially answering questions and note-taking
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
Map of Southeast Asia or map of Brunei
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may find it difficult to catch exact words and answer the questions in the
V. Procedure

Time Steps

7' Group work
Matching Competition
Cut the each picture separately.
Have Ss work in groups and match the pictures
with the name of the ASEAN countries.
Note: Each picture is the symbol of a country.
Hence, T should ask Ss further questions to
expand their background about the ASEAN
member countries and give further information
Call on Ss from groups to explain their answers
in front of the class.

Gather ideas from friends and give more
background information about the pictures if
1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

1. Brunei
2. Malaysia
3. Philippines
4. Cambodia
5. Laos
6. Singapore
7. Viet Nam
8. Thailand
9. Indonesia
10. Myanmar

5' Pair work
Ask Ss to locate Brunei on the map.
Make sure Ss know that Brunei is a small
country comparing with other countries in the
Have Ss work in pairs and have a guess of the
following information about Brunei.

Area (
Official language

Gather information from Ss but do not give

correct answers. Let Ss listen to the tape and
compare the answers with their guesses. If the

information is not found in the tape, T is advised
to facilitate at the appropriate time.

Task 1 - Table completion
8' Individual
Explicit the task: Listen to a schoolgirl talking
about Brunei. Complete the following table with
facts about Brunei.

area (
population of the capital

Play the tape more than once if necessary.

Note that all the answers are numbers.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the
Check the exercise in front of the class as a
Give correct answers:

area ( more than 5.000

population about 300.000
population of the about 200.000

7' Task 2 - Answering questions Individual

work and Pair
Ask Ss to listen to the second part of the talk
and answer the questions.
Play the tapes several times so that Ss can catch
the exact words for their answers.
Have Ss compare and discuss their answers with
a friend.
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front
of the class.

Play the tape again and pay special attention to
the information which contains the answers.
Give correct answers:
1. Brunei exports oil and imports most of its
manufactured goods and food.
2. Free medical service / education /
parking / entry to parks.
3. Because they earn more in the city.
4. She usually goes to the beach to take a
boat ride or swim in the sea. Sometimes
she goes camping in the forest.
Listening script
Part 1
I was born here. I have lived here and I have
grown up here. But I am a Scottish. My parents
left Scotland for Brunei 20 years ago, 5 years
before I was born. We have a house in Bandar
Seri Begawan, the capital, where two-thirds of
the population live and work. For me, living in
Brunei has been very enjoyable although many
people find it boring. I learned at school that
this country is one of the smallest in the world –
only more than 5,000 square kilometers with a
population of about 300,000 people. Most
people are Muslims and they worship in
Brunei’s income from exporting oil has allowed
a high level of health care and education to its
citizens. Thanks to Brunei’s small population
and large income, life is not expensive. Many
things are even free: free medical service, free
education, free parking, and free entry to
beautiful parks. Isn’t it wonderful? My father
told me that the only bad thing about this
country is food. Its people don’t want to work in

the fields or catch fish anymore. They are
looking for better-paying jobs in the city.
At school, I have a lot of Bruneian friends. We
usually go to the beach on weekends to take a
boat ride or swim in the sea. Sometimes we go
camping in the forest. There are a lot of forests
in Brunei. I love life here.

15' Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs to complete the table with
facts about Viet Nam and then use the facts to
talk about it.
Encourage Ss to have logical guesses about Viet
Nam if they know.
Go round the class and provide help when
(See Supplements for further information about
Viet Nam)
Call on some Ss to give a talk basing on these
Use certain criteria to assess Ss’ performance
focusing on contents and pronunciation.
Feedback and give suggested answers:
Viet Nam
Area 331, 690
population 84, 402, 966 people
population of the 3, 734, 000 people
Exports petroleum, rice, rubber,
coffee, fish, oil,
ceramics, garments,…
Imports petroleum products, hi-
tech machines, steel
products, medicines,…

3' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading
Facts about Brunei and Viet Nam.
Brunei Darussalam
National Name: Negara Brunei Darussalam
Sultan: Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (1967)
Land area: 2,035 sq mi (5,271 sq km); total area: 2,228 sq mi (5,770 sq km)
Population (2007 est.): 386,511 (growth rate: 1.8%); birth rate: 18.6/1000;
infant mortality rate: 11.9/1000; life expectancy: 75.2; density per sq mi: 190
Capital and largest city (2003 est.): Bandar Seri Begawan, 78,000
Other large cities: Kuala Belait 27,800, Seria 23,400
Monetary unit: Brunei dollar
Languages: Malay (official), English, Chinese
Ethnicity/race: Malay 67%, Chinese 15%, indigenous 6%, other 12%
Religions: Islam (official religion) 67%, Buddhist 13%, Christian 10%,
indigenous beliefs and other 10%
Literacy rate: 93% (2003 est.)
Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2005 est.): $9.531 billion; per capita
$23,600. Real growth rate: .4% (2005) Inflation: 1.1% (2005).
Unemployment: 4.0% (2006). Arable land: 1%. Agriculture: rice,
vegetables, fruits; chickens, water buffalo, eggs. Labor force: 180,400; note:
includes foreign workers and military personnel; temporary residents make up
about 40% of labor force; agriculture, forestry, and fishing 2.9%, production
of oil, natural gas, services, and construction 61.1%, government 36% (2006
est.). Industries: petroleum, petroleum refining, liquefied natural gas,
construction. Natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, timber. Exports:

$6.247 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.): crude oil, natural gas, refined products.
Imports: $1.481 billion c.i.f. (2005 est.): machinery and transport equipment,
manufactured goods, food, chemicals. Major trading partners: Japan, South
Korea, Australia, U.S., Thailand, Indonesia, China, Singapore, Malaysia, UK
Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 90,000 (2002); mobile
cellular: 205,900 (2004). Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 2, shortwave 0
(2006). Television broadcast stations: 4 (2006). Internet hosts: 27 (2005).
Internet users: 56,000 (2005).
Transportation: Highways: total: 3,650 km; paved: 2,819 km; unpaved: 831
km (2005). Waterways: 209 km; navigable by craft drawing less than 1.2 m
(2004). Ports and harbors: Lumut, Muara, Seria. Airports: 2 (2004 est.).

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

National name: Cộng Hòa Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam

President: Nguyễn Minh Triết (2006)
Prime Minister: Nguyễn Tấn Dũng (2006)
Land area: 125,622 sq mi (325,361 sq km); total area: 127,244 sq mi
(329,560 sq km)
Population (2006 est.): 84,402,966 (growth rate: 1.0%); birth rate:
16.9/1000; infant mortality rate: 25.1/1000; life expectancy: 70.8; density per
sq mi: 672
Capital (2005 est.): Hanoi, 3,734,000 (metro. area), 1,396,500 (city proper)
Largest cities: Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), 5,894,100 (metro. area), 3,415,300
(city proper); Hải phòng, 581,600; Đà Nẵng, 452,700; Huế 271,900; Nha
Trang, 270,100; Qui Nhơn, 199,700
Monetary unit: Dong
Languages: Vietnamese (official); English (increasingly favored as a second
language); some French, Chinese, Khmer; mountain area languages (Mon-
Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian)

Ethnicity/race: Kinh (Viet) 86.2%, Tay 1.9%, Thai 1.7%, Muong 1.5%,
Khome 1.4%, Hoa 1.1%, Nung 1.1%, Hmong 1%, others 4.1% (1999)
Religions: Buddhist 9%, Catholic 7%, Hoa Hao 2%, Cao Dai 1%, Protestant,
Islam, none 81%
Literacy rate: 94% (2003 est.)
Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2005 est.): $253.2 billion; per capita
$3,000. Real growth rate: 8.4%. Inflation: 8.4%. Unemployment: 5.5%.
Arable land: 20%. Agriculture: paddy rice, coffee, rubber, cotton, tea,
pepper, soybeans, cashews, sugar cane, peanuts, bananas; poultry; fish,
seafood. Labor force: 44.39 million; agriculture 56.8%, industry 37%,
services 6.2% (July 2005). Industries: food processing, garments, shoes,
machine-building; mining, coal, steel; cement, chemical fertilizer, glass, tires,
oil, paper. Natural resources: phosphates, coal, manganese, bauxite,
chromate, offshore oil and gas deposits, forests, hydropower. Exports: $32.23
billion f.o.b. (2005 est.): crude oil, marine products, rice, coffee, rubber, tea,
garments, shoes. Imports: $36.88 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.): machinery and
equipment, petroleum products, fertilizer, steel products, raw cotton, grain,
cement, motorcycles. Major trading partners: U.S., Japan, China, Australia,
Germany, Singapore, UK, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong (2004).
Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 2.6 million (2000); mobile
cellular: 730,155 (2000). Radio broadcast stations: AM 65, FM 7, shortwave
29 (1999). Radios: 8.2 million (1997). Television broadcast stations: at least
7 (plus 13 repeaters) (1998). Televisions: 3.57 million (1997). Internet
Service Providers (ISPs): 5 (2000). Internet users: 400,000 (2002).
Transportation: Railways: total: 3,142 km (2002). Highways: total: 93,300
km; paved: 23,418 km; unpaved: 69,882 km (1999 est.). Waterways: 17,702
km navigable; more than 5,149 km navigable at all times by vessels up to 1.8
m draft. Ports and harbors: Cam Ranh, Đà Nẵng, Hải Phòng, Ho Chi Minh
City, Hạ Long, Quy Nhơn, Nha Trang, Vinh, Vũng Tàu. Airports: 47 (2002).

Period 4
I. Aim
Stating points of view
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− express their points of view to agree or disagree with certain ideas given
by using suitable structures such as I’m deadly against it, I must say it is
quite unacceptable,…
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may find it difficult to catch exact words and answer the questions in the
V. Procedure

Time Steps

Noughts and Crosses
7' Group work
Draw a table containing 9 words in each cell.
Divide the class into two groups: Noughts (O) and
Crosses (X).
Ask Ss to choose the word in the cell and make a
sentence with that word. A correct sentence with
the given word will give one O or X. The group
with 3 O or X vertically, horizontally, or even
diagonally first will be the winner.
poverty education overpopulation
unemployment awareness birthrate
illiteracy contraception pollution

Note: The sentences must be grammatically correct
and make sense.

10’ Pair work
Set the scene.
Now you look at the book. Do you agree or
disagree with the proposed solutions to the
problems of overpopulation posted on a forum on
the Web? Work in pairs and state your viewpoints
toward the measures.
Explain difficult terms:
be forced to (a): to be made to do something (bị bắt
/buộc làm gì)
two-child norm (n): policy that allows families to
have only two children (chính sách sinh hai con)
mass media (n): public institutions (newspapers,
TV and Radio Stations,…) that report news and
other stories (phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng)
raise people’s awareness (v): make people know
and understand (nâng cao nhận thức của người
Make sure Ss understand the solutions and have
them state their opinions by following the example
in the book and using the expressions in the box.
Give suggested discussion:
Student A: The Web says that birth control should
be made more convenient.
Student B: I think it’s a good idea.
Student A: Yes. That’s a great idea and more and
more people will practice birth control

Student A: The Web also suggests that the
minimum age for marriage should be
raised to 25 by law.
Student B: I think It’s OK. What about you?
Student A: I don’t think it’s a good idea because
it’s rather late for the girls especially
the ones in rural areas.

15' Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of
problems students in their class currently have and
suggest solutions.
Go round the class and provide help when
Encourage Ss to make full use of the expressions to
state their opinions while discussing the problems
and solutions.
Suggest some common problems and solutions.
Problems Solutions
Many male students wear T raises criticism from
long and untidy hair. other Ss especially from
female Ss toward the
Many students eat and Ss have to be on duty for
talk in class. two days.
Some students don’t do T calls for a parents’
their homework. meeting and requires
stricter supervision from
Some students wear …..
uniforms without a
Some students cheat in ….
the exam.

10’ Individual
Call on some representatives from groups to state
work and
the problems and suggest their solutions in front of
Whole class
the class.
Note that Ss’ viewpoints and their suggested
solutions may vary from one to another. Accept all
possible answers and ask them further questions
relating to the topic if necessary.
Encourage other Ss to comment and raise their
voice while listening to the presenters.
Gather all the ideas and have final thought on the

3' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading
solutions to world population growth
Once we recognize the fact that overpopulation is a problem and that
increasing standards of living around the world will add to our resource-use
and pollution-management challenges, it's tempting to start thinking that
disease, poverty, and premature death are unfortunate but necessary (as long
as they happen to someone else, of course). We must resist any such temptation
and work toward better solutions.

We should:
• continue to strive to reduce suffering by combating disease and poverty
around the world;
• continue to improve resource efficiency and pollution control so that
standards of living can rise without negative impact; and
• keep human population to numbers that are sustainable.

On the population front, that means:
• making sure people around the world have access to family planning
• empowering women in developing countries economically, socially, and
legally in a manner that results in them having an equal voice (with
their husbands) in reproductive decisions;
• modifying school curricula to include information on population levels
and implications for the future;
• reforming tax laws in a way that encourages couples to have no more
than two children. (They would still be able to have as many kids as
they want, but the tax code would no longer subsidize more than two.)

People are a good thing, but population growth without limit is not. The US
and all developed countries should reinvigorate their international efforts to
slow population growth. The future of the world depends on it!

Period 5 & 6
I. Aim
Describing trends in graphs
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand the information expressed in the graphs.
− write a paragraph describing trends by analyzing graphs and using
appropriate structures such as on the increase / decrease, remain
unchanged, fluctuate, …
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
Photocopy of A0 or A3-sized graphs
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not be familiar with this new kind of writing. Thus, T should
instruct slowly to make sure Ss can follow important steps when they write.

V. Procedure

Time Steps

Draw arrows on the board demonstrating
different trends.
Ask Ss to recognize the trends and introduce
appropriate words and expressions used to
describe trends.

Introduce expressions:
increase /rise / on the increase: tăng
decrease / fall / on the decrease: giảm
to fluctuate: dao động
to remain unchanged: giữ nguyên, không thay đổi
sharp(ly): mạnh, nhiều
slight(ly): nhẹ, ít
steady (ily)/gradual(ly): đều, ổn định

Task 1 - Matching
Tell Ss to work in pairs analyze the graphs and
read the descriptions carefully.
Draw Ss’ attention to the describing phrases.
Make sure Ss understand the descriptions clearly.

Ask Ss to match the graphs with their
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front
of the class.
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
8' Task 2 - Gap-filling Individual work
Have Ss work individually to study the graphs
and complete the descriptions with the words and
phrases in the box.
Tell Ss to make changes to the words and phrases
where necessary.
Note: The completed descriptions must correctly
reflect the information presented in the graphs.
Ask Ss to compare and discuss their descriptions
with a friend.
Stick the large graphs (prepared before the class)
on the board and check the exercise in front of
the class as a whole.
Correct answers:
sharp increase / rise
rose very slightly/steadily
on the increase (increasing)
slight increase (rise)
remained unchanged
sharp rise (increase)
increasing (on the increase)

40' Ask Ss to choose one graph (either Birthrates in Individual work
Australia or Birthrates in Sweden) and write a
brief report to interpret it.
Explain the suggested outline and tell them to
follow it.
Note: A good describing paragraph should
• A general statement (title, main subject of
the graph)
• Trends at different times
• Overall trend
Go round the class and provide help when
Pick up some good and bad writings to comment
and correct them in front of the class.
Give suggested answers:
The graph shows birthrates in Australia between
1975 and 2000. There was a slight fall from 1975
to 1980. After that, the birthrate remained almost
unchanged for over 10 years. Then it decreased
slightly in the year 2000. In general, birthrates
in Australia are on the decrease over 25 years.
According to the graph which shows birthrates in
Sweden from 1975 to 2000, the rate fell slightly
in the first 5 years, remained unchanged until
1985, and rose again in 1990. After that, there
was a sharp fall during the next ten years. In
general, birthrates in Sweden fluctuate over a
25-year period.

20' Group work
Prepare a graph which illustrates certain
information, give each group one A4-sized copy
and hang the A0-sized copy on the board.

Have Ss work in groups and prepare a
presentation to interpret the information on the
Remind Ss to use expressions used in the
Call on some Ss from groups to make the
presentation in front of the class.
Assess Ss’ performance regarding the accuracy,
fluency and body language.

5' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra expressions
Useful expressions to interpret a graph
Introductory expressions
The graph / table shows / indicates / illustrates / reveals / represents
It is clear from the graph / table
It can be seen from the graph / table
As the graph / table shows,
As can be seen from the graph / table,
As is shown / indicated by the graph / table,
Time expressions
In / for / during / before / after
In the first / last three months of the year
Over the next years /decades / quarter of a century
From that time on
Measurement expressions
The majority
The maximum/ the minimum

The greatest number
The whole amount
The total amount
Mathematical expressions
Half / triple /double / multiply / divide / average
Common adjectives
high / large / great / considerable / remarkable / steady / sharp

Period 7
(Language focus)
I. Aim
Expressing fractions
Revision of relative clauses
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand the rules to express fractions and write them correctly in
− make clear the distinction between Restrictive Relative Clauses and
Non-restrictive Relative clauses and join two sentences using
appropriate relative pronouns.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may confuse the Restrictive Relative Clauses and Non- restrictive
Relative clauses.

V. Procedure
Time Steps

5' Group work
Have Ss work in groups and classify the
following words under three headings: Who,
Where, When.
The group which finishes the task first will be the
China , George W.Bush, last month, school,
the following year, countryside, Ha Noi, mother,
Xuân Diệu, five years ago,. …..
Who Where When
George China last month
mother Ha Noi the following year
Xuân Diệu countryside five years ago
… … …

Word study

5’ Presentation 1 Whole class

Give brief definition of fraction:
A fraction is a way of expressing a number of
equal parts. A fraction consists of two numbers, a
numerator which gives the number of equal parts
and a denominator which gives the number of
those parts that make up a whole. For example,
the fraction 3⁄4 could be used to represent three
equal parts of a cake, where the whole cake is
divided into four equal parts.

A numerator (tử số) is expressed by cardinal
A denominator (mẫu số) is expressed by ordinal
1/4 : one-fourth
2/3: two-three

Practice 1
5' Individual
Ask Ss to work individually and complete the
sentences with the fractions written in their full
Call on some Ss to write the answers on the
board and read aloud their answers.
Make necessary corrections.
Give correct answers:
3/4: Three-fourth/three quarters
3/5: Three-fifth
1/3: A third /one third
1/2: Half
7/10: Seven-tenth

Presentation 2
5' Whole class
Introduction to Restrictive clauses and Non-
restrictive clauses
Restrictive clauses
Restrictive clauses qualify a noun, and tell us
exactly which person or thing is being referred
She likes people who are good fun to be with.

(She likes people on its own doesn’t mean very
much; we need to know which people she likes.)
Students who always come to school late are not
(who always come to school late tells us exactly
which students are not good. Without it, the
speaker is saying that all students are good.)
A corkscrew is a thing you use to open a bottle
of wine.
(A corkscrew is a thing doesn’t make sense on its
Non-restrictive clauses
Non-restrictive clauses add secondary
information to a sentence, almost as an
My friend David, who is American, speaks
Vietnamese very well.
(My friend David is clearly defined. We don’t
need to know which David is being discussed.
The clause who is American gives us extra
information about him.)
Students, who always come to school late, are
not good.
(The clause who always come to school late
suggests that all students are not good. It isn’t
necessary to identify only those that deceive -
they all do.)
My favorite plane is Concorde which has been
flying for over twenty years.
(We all know which plane Concorde is. The
following clause simply tells us something extra.)
Summarize the difference between the two kinds
of Relative clauses.

Restrictive Non-restrictive
Relative Clause Relative Clause
Form and Without commas With commas to
structure to enclose the enclose the
clause clause
Relative word is Relative word is
put right after its put right after it
antecedent antecedent and
the commas
Usage To identify the To add extra
antecedent, to information
say which one about the person
we mean or thing we
already know
Relative Who, whom, Who, whom,
words which, that, which, where,
where, when, when, why,
why, whose whose

Give more examples or analyze the examples in

the book to demonstrate the grammar point.

Practice 2
5' Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and correct the sentences
if necessary.
Encourage Ss to discuss while doing the exercise.
Call on some Ss to explain their decisions in
front of the class.
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. Should parents that they have more than
two children be punished?
2. This is my sister, who’s whose husband
3. Correct.

4. I don’t like April, that when it is very hot.
5. That’s the country which the whose
birthrates need to be controlled.
6. Is that the factory which where /in which
you are working?
7. The man whom I introduced to you last
week is my new boss. (No commas).
8. Is deforestation, that which occurs in
many countries, a cause or an effect of

Practice 3
10' Have Ss work independently and do exercise b): Individual
Join each pair of sentences, using a proper work
relative word. Add commas where necessary.
Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences in
front of the class.
Ask for comments from other Ss.
Make necessary corrections and draw Ss’
attention to the common mistakes that Ss usually
make when they do this kind of exercise.
Give correct answers:
1. Jack is my new friend whose parents
come from China.
2. Mr. Gómez is my new neighbor who/that
comes from Brazil.
3. On Easter Island, where the Dutch had
gone in search of supplies, there were
only 4,000 inhabitants.
4. My sister is living in India, whose
population is second only to China.
5. For me, next year will be an important
period when I have to take the graduation

6. Round the corner is a building whose
windows are all broken.
7. Ann and her husband are working in
Angola, which has a quite high death
rate. / Ann and her husband are working
in Angola, whose death rate is quite high.
8. These Swedish families who(m)/that the
government praised for having more
children will be given 20 years’ income

Practice 4
10' Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the Pair work
questions in the book by using the information in
the parentheses.
Make sure Ss understand the instruction to do
this exercise.
Note: This is an Ask and Answer activity so it
can be done orally to create fun learning
atmosphere and encourage pair work in class.
Call on some pairs to practice aloud in front of
the class.
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. Brunei is the country whose population is
only about 300,000.
2. Australia is the country whose birthrates
are on the decrease.
3. The incas were the ones whose drawings
in caves have been studied by scientists
for decades. / The incas were the ones
whose drawings in caves scientists have
studied for decades.
4. East Timor is a country which has a
population density of 57 people per
square kilometer.

5. Maria Jones is the one whose life we are
about to examine in the next class
discussion. / Maria Jones is the one whose
life is about to be examined in the next
class discussion
6. My favorite ocean is the Pacific, which
has thousands of islands with beautiful
beaches. / My favorite ocean is the
Pacific, where there are thousands of
islands with beautiful beaches.
7. They were the ones whose lifestyle and
living conditions scientists will tell us
about on a TV program tonight. / They
were the ones whose lifestyle and living
conditions will be told to us about on a TV
program tonight by scientists.
8. The year 1945 is the time when the
Democratic Republic of Viet Nam came
into being.
9. That’s a place which has low population
density, fresh air, and free medical
service. / That’s a place where population
density is low, the air is fresh, and
medical service is free.

Unit 7

Period 1 & 2
I. Aim
Reading about New Year’s celebrations around the world.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− talk about major celebrations in Viet Nam such as Vietnamese National
Day, Vietnamese Teachers’ Day,…and New Year celebrations in some
countries in the world.
− better their reading skill by doing Table Completion and Answering
Questions exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
Pictures of major celebrations in Viet Nam
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not be familiar with Table Completion exercise. Therefore T should
give clear instructions before having Ss do the exercise.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

10’ Whole class
What are they doing?
Have Ss look at the picture in the book and ask
them questions about each picture.
What do you see in the pictures?

What are they doing?
What celebration do you think it is?

Gather answers from Ss and lead in the Pre-reading
Suggested answers:
a. I see the full moon and three children. They
are playing with the lanterns.
b. I see the statue of Uncle Ho, the National
Flag on the top of Ben Thanh Market.
c. I see a woman and some children. The
children are giving flowers and presents to
the woman. I think the woman is the teacher
and the children are her students.
d. I see people going to the temple. They are
bringing offerings to the temple.
e. I see a family. They are wearing beautifully.
Grandparents are giving money to their

10’ Pair work
Task 1 - Matching
Tell Ss to work in pairs and match the pictures with
the appropriate celebrations.
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of
the class.
Ask Ss to give additional information about the
celebrations if possible.
Give correct answers:
1. b (Vietnamese National Day)
2. d (King Hung’s Death Anniversary)
3. a (Mid-Autumn Festival)

4. e (Vietnamese New Year’s Day)
5. c (Vietnamese Teachers’ Day)
Keep Ss in pairs and explicit the task by asking a
When do we celebrate each celebration?
Ask Ss to write down the above celebrations under
the suitable calendar pages.
Have Ss discuss the dates and note that some
festivals are celebrated according to lunar calendar.
Give correct answers:
1. 1st of the first lunar month: Vietnamese New
Year’s Day
2. 10th of the 3rd lunar month: King Hung’s
Death Anniversary
3. 15th of the 8th lunar month: Mid-Autumn
4. September 2nd: Vietnamese National Day
5. November 20th: Vietnamese Teachers’ Day
10’ Task 2 - Asking Questions Whole class
Ask Ss some questions to lead-in the reading:
What do you usually do on the 1st Day of the New
Where do you go?
What do you get on the New Year occasion?
Set the scene.
New Year Festival is celebrated all over the world.
It is important event in each person’s life. A variety
of activities are organized on this occasion. In
today’s lesson, we will learn about New Year’s
celebrations around the world and in Viet Nam.

While- reading
Task 1 - Table completion
20' Have Ss scan the reading passage and complete the Individual
table below it. work
Encourage Ss to compete the task under time
Have Ss compare and discuss their answers with a
Draw the table on the board and check the exercise
in front of the class as a whole.
Give correct answers:
New year celebrations around the world
Culture What? When? Activities
Western New Year January 1 Ringing bells,
(European blowing horns,
and and exchanging
American) wishes Making
New Year’s
Shilte Muharram 1st month Processions
of Islamic gathering
calendar Beating chests
Jewish Rosh (Tishri) Fasting and
Hashanah September repenting
Vietnamese Tet First 3 Cooking
Nguyen days of traditional foods,
Dan first lunar buying gifts and
month ornamental trees
and flowers
Visiting family
neighbors, and
close friends
Engaging in
games and

Task 2 - Answering questions
15' Have S read the text again and answer questions Individual
from 1 to 8. work
Encourage Ss to locate the information in the
passage for the answers.
Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers in front
of the class.
Make necessary comments and corrections.
Give correct answers:
1. Since 1582
2. Its original meaning was Janus – the Roman god
of doors and of beginnings.
3. No, they don’t. They observe their New Year in
the 1st month of the Islamic calendar.
4. September or October
5. Children often receive “li xi”. It is “lucky”
money put inside red envelopes.
√ glutinous rice cakes √ wine
√ beer bread
√ candied ginger √ coke
drinking water fast food
lamb milk
√ sausages √ fruits, tea
7. Some Tet Nguyen Dan's traditional forms of
entertainment mentioned in the text are:
soccer √ wrestling
lotterry drawing √ dragon/uniorn dancing
√ buffalo fighting swimming
dancing card playing

Explain necessary words and expressions in the
mourn (v): express sorrow, grief (khóc thương)
fasting (v): living without food or eating only
certain kinds of food (ăn chay, nhịn ăn)
repentance (n): sorrow for having done wrong (hối
lỗi, hối hận)
sticky rice (n): xôi
dried watermelon seeds (n): hạt dưa
buds/young leaves (n): cành lộc
wrestling (n): môn vật
buffalo fighting (n): chọi trâu

20' New Year’s resolutions Group work
and Whole
Explicit the task:
People often make New Year’s resolutions,
promising to improve themselves in one way or
another. Do you? If yes, how successful have you
been in carrying them out?
Have Ss work in groups to discuss New Year
Note: If time allows, let Ss talk about this New
Year’s resolutions.
Gather ideas and make necessary comments.
Suggest common new Year’s resolutions:
9 Learning harder
9 Passing exams
9 Traveling more
New Year songs
Ask Ss to make a list of favorite songs which they
and their families often listen to during the New
Year days.

Encourage Ss to list either Vietnamese or English
songs which they like to listen to. If time allows,
call on some Ss to sing the songs in front of the
Prepare bunches of flowers or small gifts for the
“singers” after their performances.

5' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading
King Hung’s Death Anniversary
A celebration is held annually on the tenth day of the third lunar month to
commemorate Kings Hung, the first of the Viet ethnic kings who set up the Van
Lang state of Viet people four thousand years ago. The event, also known as
Kings Hung’s anniversary, takes place in an area full of historic vestiges
where the Kings are worshiped.
The 285-hectare mountainous area comprising a group of archaic temples,
tombs and wells is around Mt. Nghia Linh, about 20km form Viet Tri
municipality. The landscape with its natural and fine features is charming. The
temples were built separately from the foot to the top of the mountain, and
inter-connected by stepped paths.
King Hung’s anniversary is not only a magnificent festival but also an
important occasion for Vietnamese people all over the country and from
overseas to make a pilgrimage to the sacred site where, it is traditionally said,
Au Co, the Great Mother of Viet ethnic people, gave birth to one hundred eggs
hatching into one hundred sons. When her sons grew up Au Co and fifty of
them to settle in the plain of the present North Vietnam. Her husband Lac Long
Quan stayed in this mountainous area with the other fifty, the eldest one of
whom set up the Van Lang state and became King Hung the First, thus starting
the historic period of Vietnamese nation.
King Hung’s anniversary has been held in high esteem throughout history of
the country. The event was always a great national celebration under feudal
dynasties as well as in the modern times.

Previously, the anniversary was officially held on the eleventh day of the third
month. The previous day, the tenth, was for initial ritual procedures.
The anniversary is also a festival, with many traditional and folk games such
as Chinese chess contests, old-styled wrestling, swinging, and other forms of
entertainment for the people. In particular, there may be games that are local
favourites such as a sedan carrying contest, performance of folk songs and
dance and playing bronze drums. These performances have been previously
well prepared, with performers in traditional costumes, and are carried out
against a background of traditional music, all makes a thrilling sight for the
Joining the festival on Kings Hung’s anniversary, not only will one enjoy
sightseeing the cultural features that are unique in this locality, but one may
also come to understand the magnificent pilgrimage made by generations of
Vietnamese people to their ethnic origins.
“Whenever one may be
Nobody forgets the anniversary on the tenth of the third lunar month.”

Mid-Autumn Festival

Tết Trung-Thu or the Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most popular family
holidays. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month.
Vietnamese families plan their activities around their children on this special
day. In a Vietnamese folklore, parents were working so hard to prepare for the
harvest that they left the children playing by themselves. To make up for lost
time, parents would use the Mid-Autumn festival as an opportunity to show
their love and appreciation for their children.
Appropriately, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Children’s Festival.
Parents buy lanterns for their children so that they can participate in a
candlelit lantern procession at dawn. Lanterns represent brightness while the
procession symbolizes success in school. Vietnamese markets sell a variety of
lanterns, but the most popular children’s lantern is the star lantern. Other
children’s activities include arts and crafts in which children make face masks
and lanterns. Children also perform traditional Vietnamese dances for adults
and participate in contests for prizes and scholarships. Unicorn dancers are
also very popular in Trung-Thu festivities.
Like the Chinese, Vietnamese parents tell their children fairy tales and serve
moon cakes and other special treats under the silvery moon. A favorite folklore

is about a carp that wanted to become a dragon. The carp worked and worked
and eventually transformed itself into a dragon. This is the story behind the
mythical symbol. Parents use this story to encourage their children to work
hard so that they can become whatever they want to be.
There’s also a story about how the Moon Lady ascended to the moon. A man
named Chu Cuoi found a lucky tree that had special healing powers. Because
this tree was sacred, people were forbidden to urinate at the foot of this tree.
Unfortunately, Chu Cuoi’s wife, Chi Hang forgot the rule and urinated on the
tree. On day, while she was sitting on the tree’s branch, the tree started to
grow and grow. Eventually, it reached the moon, Since then, Chi Hang lived
on the moon for the rest of her life as a punishment for desecrating the sacred

Period 3
I. Aim
Listening to two famous songs: Happy New Year on New Year days and
Jingle Bells at Christmas
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− talk about the songs which are most widely sung during celebrations:
New Year and Christmas.
− improve listening skill to songs by filling in the missing words.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
Handouts of the complete song of Happy New Year and Jingle Bells
CDs and tapes which contain the songs in the lesson
IV. Anticipated problems
Some Ss in rural areas may not know these two songs. T should provide
useful information about the songs in Pre-listening.

V. Procedure

Time Steps

7' Jumbled songs Group work
Divide the class into small groups.
Give each group one card containing 3 to 5 songs
whose words are jumbled. The songs must include
the songs which Ss will listen in the lesson.
Ask Ss to rearrange the words to make the correct
The group which finishes the task first with the
correct songs will be the winner.
happy, jingle, last, birthday, Christmas, year, you,
new, to, happy, bells
Happy birthday to you
Happy new year!
Last Christmas
Jingle bells

10' Group work
Group discussion
Have Ss work in groups and discuss the following
What do you do on the occasion of the New Year or
Christmas and Birthday?
Do you listen to music? If yes, what songs do you
often listen to?
Do you know what songs are the most popular on
such occasions?

Gather ideas and set the scene:
People often listen to songs and sing a lot on the
occasions of New Year, Christmas and birthday. In
today’s lesson, we will listen to the most popular
songs in the world for these occasions.

7' Individual
Task 1 - Recognizing the songs
Explicit the task:
Listen to these pieces of music and decide what
celebrations they are about. Write down the
numbers of the songs that correspond to the
Play the tape several times if Ss like.
Note: Ss may not be able to write down the names
of the songs. Ask them to write down the order of
the songs in which they hear.
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of
the class.
Play the tape again while checking the exercise.
Give correct answers:
New year = 1. Happy New Year
Christmas = 2. Jingle Bells
Birthday = 3. Happy birthday to you
Task 2 - Gap-filling
8' Individual
Tell Ss to listen to two of the three pieces of music work
in a) and fill the blanks with the words in the box.
Note: These are very popular songs and Ss may find
it easy to do the exercise. T may allow the times of
listening upon Ss’ proficiency.
Call on some Ss to sing the songs aloud in front of
the class.
Ask for comments from other Ss.

Play the tape to give correct answers:
1. fireworks
2. party
3. time
4. May
5. friend
6. hopes
7. snow
8. laughing
9. Bells
10. ride
Listening script
Happy New Year
No more champagne and the fireworks are through.
Here we are, me and you, feeling lost and feeling
blue. It’s the end of the party, and the morning
seems so grey, so unlike yesterday. Now’s the time
for us to say...
Ref: Happy new year! Happy new year! May we all
have a vision now and then, of a world where every
neighbor is a friend. Happy new year! Happy new
year! May we all have our hopes, our will to try. If
we don’t we might as well lay down and die, you
and I.
Jingle Bells
Dashing thru the snow in a one-horse open
sleigh, o'er the fields we go, laughing all the way.
Bells on Bobtails ring, making spirits bright.
What fun it is to laugh and sing a sleighing song

Ref: Jingle bells, Jingle bells, jingle all the way;
Oh! what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open
sleigh. Oh (Twice)

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you, this is your day.
On this day for you we're gonna love you in every
This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you,
to you, to you.
Happy birthday to you, you're still young.
Age is just a number, don't you stop having fun.
This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you.
This day only comes once every year,
Because you're so wonderful with each and
everything you do, hey!

Happy birthday to you, this is your day.

On this day for you we're gonna love you in every
This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you,
to you.
This day is only for you, 'cause you're so special in
every way, happy birthday to you!
Happy New Year
No more champagne and the (1) fireworks are
through. Here we are, me and you, feeling lost and
feeling blue. It’s the end of the (2) party, and the
morning seems so grey, so unlike yesterday. Now’s
the (3) time for us to say...
Ref: Happy new year! Happy new year! (4) May we
all have a vision now and then, of a world where
every neighbor is a (5) friend. Happy new year!
Happy new year! May we all have our (6) hopes,
our wills to try. If we don’t we might as well lay
down and die, you and I.

Jingle Bells
Dashing thru the (7) snow in a one-horse open
sleigh, o'er the fields we go, (8) laughing all the
way. (9) Bells on Bobtails ring, making spirits
What fun it is to laugh and sing a sleighing song
Ref: Jingle bells, Jingle bells, jingle all the way;
Oh! what fun it is to (10) ride in a one-horse
open sleigh. Oh (Twice)
10' Give Ss the full text of the two songs. Whole class
Play the tape/CD several times if necessary.
Have Ss listen to the whole songs and call on some
Ss to sing the song aloud in front of the class.
Organize a Singing Contest to find the best singer if
time allows.
Explain necessary words and expressions in the songs.
(See Supplements for the songs: Happy New Year
and Jingle Bell.)

3' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra songs
Happy new year
No more champagne, and the fireworks are so through. Here we are, me and
you, feeling lost and feeling blue. It’s the end of the party, and the morning
seems so grey. So unlike yesterday. Now the time for us to say.

Ref: Happy new year! Happy new year! May we all have our vision now and
then of the world where every neighbor is a friend. Happy new year! Happy
new year! May we have our will to try, if we don’t we might as lay down and
lie, you and I, you and I.
Sometimes I see How the brave new world arrives. And I see how it thrives in
the ashes of our lives. Oh yes, man is a fool and he thinks he’ll be okay,
dragging on feet of clay, never knowing he’s astray (Keeps on going
Ref: Happy new year! Happy new year! May we all have our vision now and
then of the world where every neighbor is a friend. Happy new year! Happy
new year! May we have our will to try, if we don’t we might as lay down and
lie, you and I, you and I.
Seem to me now the dreams we had before, are all dead. Nothing more than
confetti on the floor. It’s the end of the decade in another ten years’ time . Who
can say, what we’ll find, that lies waiting down the lines, (it’s the end of
Ref: Happy new year! Happy new year! May we all have our vision now and
then of the world. Where every neighbor is a friend. Happy new year! Happy
new year! May we have our will to try, if we don’t we might as lay down and
lie, you and I, you and I.
Jingle Bells
Dashing thru the snow in a one horse open sleigh, o'er the fields we go,
laughing all the way. Bells on Bobtails ring, making spirits bright.
What fun it is to laugh and sing a sleighing song tonight!
Ref: Jingle bells, Jingle bells, jingle all the way; Oh! what fun it is to ride in a
one-horse open sleigh. Oh
A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride, And soon Miss Fanny Bright, was
seated by my side. The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot. We
got into a drifted bank And then we got upsot.
Ref: Jingle bells, Jingle bells, jingle all the way; Oh! what fun it is to ride in a
one-horse open sleigh. Oh

Period 4
I. Aim
Talking about celebrations
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− get the information of how American people prepare for Christmas
− talk about the Vietnamese New Year especially about what people do
before Tet, on New Year’s Eve and during Tet by using various
structures such as is coming round the corner, we usually / often,….
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not know much about Christmas celebrations in the USA.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

7' Brainstorming Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and make a list of the
activities that American people do at Christmas and
Vietnamese people do during New Year (Tet)
Gather ideas from groups and lead-in the lesson.
9 ………….
9 ………….
New Year
9 …………
9 …………

Set the scene
3' Whole class
Tom and Tam are talking about celebrations in
each other’s country at a student exchange camp.
Listen to the first part of the conversation in which
Tom is telling Tam about preparations for
Christmas in the States.
Note: Before carrying class activities, explain some
terms that Ss may not understand thoroughly:
Student exchange camp: (chương trình trao đổi sinh
Family reunion (n): family gathering after a long
time separated (đoàn tụ gia đình)
Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs.
7’ Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front Pair work
of the class.
Ask Ss to pay special attention to their
pronunciation and intonation.
Feedback and make sure Ss get all the preparations
that the American make for Christmas:
9 decorating home
9 planning parties
9 shopping for gifts
9 write letters and cards
9 wrapping presents
9 preparing foods
9 …

15' Pair work
Ask Ss to work a new partner and play the roles of
Tam and Tom. One tells the other about Tet –
Vietnamese New Year.

Tell Ss to use the hints in the book.
Give explanations to necessary words and
Making offerings to ancestors: chuẩn bị đồ cúng tổ
Watching firework displays: xem bắn pháo hoa
Getting lucky money: nhận tiền mừng tuổi
Go round the class and provide help when
Call some pairs and practice in front of the class.
Comment and give suggested answers:
S1: Tet is approaching. Any plans for the occasion?
S2: Certainly. We’re preparing for the Tet celebration.
S1: Could you tell me more about your preparations
for Tet?
S2: Sure. One week before Tet, most people go
home for family reunion after enjoying the end-
of-year party called Tat Nien. Then they go
shopping for foods and gifts.
S1: Are they very busy with home decorations and
food preparations?
S2: Of course. Everybody, expect the very old
people and the very young children, is very busy
with home decorations and food preparations
for the parties held on New Year’s Eve and
during the first three days of Tet.
S1: Oh. I see. Thank you very much. Hope you’ll
enjoy your Tet holidays.
S2: Thanks. The same to you.
S1: Thank you. See you later.

S1: Tet is coming near. Could you tell me about
what people usually do on New Year’s Days?
S2: Usually they go to churches or pagodas. Some
enjoy waiting for the countdown at home on
New Year’s Eve.
S1: Do people visit their relatives , friends, or
neighbors during Tet?
S2: Yeah, Mm. on the first day, they visit their
parents, relatives, and neighbors; on the second
day, they visit their acquaintances and close
friends. On the third day, students often visit
their teachers.
S1: Do they exchange gifts during their visits?
S2: No. People don’t give gifts. But they give the
children lucky money.
S1: Uh…Uh…..I see. People in the world have
different ways of celebrating and enjoying New
Year’s Day in their own countries. Well, thanks
a lot for your information.

10' Group work
Have Ss work in groups and talk about their last Tet
holiday following the guidelines:
• What you did
• Where you went to
• How much lucky money you got
• What activity you particularly remembered
Call on some Ss to give short talks about their last
Tet holiday.
Make necessary comments and have final thought
on the topic.

3' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading
1. Symbols of Tet
Cây nêu: Bamboo pole /New Year’s tree
Hoa đào: Peach blossoms
Cây quất: Kumquat trees
Mâm ngũ quả: five-fruit tray
Pháo: Fire crackers
Bánh chưng: Square cake
Câu đối: Parallels
2. Further reading about Tet
The New year's Day officially starts from the Lunar New year's Eve. It is the
holiest period in the year, the transition of the old year to the new one, the
period that human beings are in harmony with nature, and that ancestors come
back to get together with descendants.
Therefore the rites of the New Year's Eve are celebrated solemnly in temples,
pagodas as well as in each family. In this moment, the bells from pagodas are
rolling, firecrackers exploded continuously in salvoes. According to a belief,
there were 12 Graces called "12 ruling Graces". Each Grace rules the earth
for a year which is from 12 Earth's Stems beginning from the Mouse Year and
ending at the Pig Year, and each Grace taken turns to rule the earth, These
Graces have the responsibility to follow up good things and bad things of each
person, each family, each nation in order to define mistakes and tell them to
God. The rite of the New Year's Eve is the farewell ceremony of the old Grace
and the welcoming one of the new Grace. After the rite, members in a family
gather together around the food table drinking the first cup of the New Year.
Children say wishes to their parents and their grandparents, adults give
children lucky money in small red envelopes.

After the New Year's Eve, people can go temples, pagodas for ceremony, then
carry a sprig of tree home as a gift, or they fire a joss stick and put it on the
altar, which is called the joss-stick gift. It is believed that receiving gifts from
God, Buddhist is getting good luck for the whole year ahead. After the New
Year's Eve, the first guest of family is the most sensitive issue. He is the one
who initiates it all. Therefore, the first guest is usually chosen among their
It is said that every activity during the week of Tet deals with portents of the
year ahead. People working far away from their home choose a good direction
to go, business persons choose a good day to open their shop windows, writers
choose a good day for first writing. They abstain a lot to avoid all
unpleasantness. They avoid sweeping the floor for money will go away if they
do. They avoid wearing white clothes because they are afraid of becoming
blacklist, they also avoid misplaced words, and so on.
Things that cannot be missed during Tet are folk games: swinging, playing
chess, fighting, bird-releasing contests, etc… Tet is an opportunity for people
to come back to their origin. Anyone who lives far away from their homeland
tries to come back to get together with their relatives under a roof at whatever
cost. They visit their ancestor's graves, see their relatives and neighbors. Tet
makes people become more cheerful and easy going. They can forgive each
other for any mistakes. They behave each other in a better way and live in
harmony. Perhaps, it is the humane meaning of Vietnamese Tet.

Period 5 & 6
I. Aim
Writing a proposal for a celebration activity
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− understand what a proposal is ( its structure, purpose…)
− write a proposal for a celebration activity basing on a written sample.

III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have great difficulty in understanding and writing a proposal. T
should give clear instructions and give necessary support during the lesson.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

10' Group work
Give a brief definition of a proposal.
and Group
A proposal is a written request for a project or an
event which include all the details such as the
objectives, participants, total costs, etc. A proposal is
submitted by a person in charge and approved by a
person of higher level.
Group discussion
Tell Ss to work in groups and discuss the following
Have you ever seen / written a proposal?
When do people need to write a proposal? What is it
What is included in a proposal?
Gather ideas from groups and lead-in the steps of the

15' Ask Ss to study the outline of the proposal made by
class 11 A1 for a camping trip to celebrate the
foundation of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth
Explain carefully and slowly all the items in the

proposal including:
Event: Sự kiện
Objective: Mục đích
Time & venue: Thời gian và địa điểm
Participants: Thành phần tham dự
Preparations & students-in-charge: Những việc
cần chuẩn bị và sinh viên phụ trách
Activities: Các hoạt động trong chương trình
Expenses: Chi phí dự tính
Prepared by: Chuẩn bị / soạn bởi
Approved by: Thông qua bởi
Give meaning of necessary words and expressions:
foundation (n): the act of founding or establishment
(thành lập)
flysheet (n): a piece of material covered on the roof
the a tent (tấm bạt phủ)
groundsheet (n): a piece of material covered the land
in a tent (tấm bạt lót mặt đất)
tent poles (n): long slender piece of wood or metal to
make the structure of a tent (cột trại)
guy ropes (n): (translation) (dây thừng)
soloist (n): single person who sings in a musical
performance (người hát đơn ca)
duettist (n): two persons who sing a musical
performance (hát song ca)
collective games (n): activities which a group of
people can do together (trò chơi tập thể)
contingency (n): unexpected , possible occurrences /
charges (chi phí phát sinh)
cell secretary (n): the president of the Youth Union
of a class (Bí thư chi đoàn)
Have Ss read the sample proposal on page 101.
Make sure Ss get the format of the proposal: the
sender, the receiver, the opening, the body, the
conclusion, the signature, etc.

Set the scene
Now imagine that Vietnamese Teachers’ Day is
coming near and you are one of the class leaders.
Work in groups. Write down the notes for the
proposal for the celebration of the day.
20' Task 1 - Note-filling Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss all the things
that need to be done for the celebration by
completing the notes.
Note: All the details in the notes may vary from one
to another. Encourage Ss to agree upon the best
solution to each item.
Go round the class and provide help when necessary.
Gather ideas from groups and give suggested answers:
Event ƒ Dinner party to celebrate Teachers’
Objective ƒ Expressing students’ gratitude to
ƒ Having a good time /fun
Time and ƒ November 20 (5:30p.m – 8:00p.m)
venue ƒ Common Room B
Participants ƒ All members of class 11A (40) and
teachers (10)
Preparations ƒ Foods and drinks (Xuan, Thu, Minh,
and Hung)
students-in- ƒ Flowers, cards, gifts (Lan, Hoa)
ƒ Ornaments and room decorations
(Van, Vi, Quan)
Activities ƒ Welcoming speech and thank-you
speech (Trang)

ƒ Speech (es) from teacher (s)
ƒ Dinner party (foods and drinks are
served (buffet))
ƒ Music performances (Linh, Thao, Son,
Nga, Tu, Ha, Phuong)
Expenses Foods and drinks:
30,000 dong/person * 50 = 1,500,000
Flower, gifts, cards, ornaments =
Contingency = 200,000 dong
Estimated sum: 2,000,000
Contribution: 50,000/student
Prepared by Nguyen Van Thang - monitor
Approved by Nguyen Bao Hung - homeroom teacher

30' Task 2 - Writing Individual

Ask Ss to write a proposal basing on the notes they
have agreed upon.
Go round the class and provide help when necessary.
Set the allowed time so that Ss have to get familiar
with time pressure in writing.
Pick up some writings and gather common mistakes
and correct them in front of the class.
Suggested answer:
A dinner party to celebrate Teachers’ Day is going to
be held in the evening of November 20 (from 5:30
p.m to 8:00 p.m) at Common Room B. This
celebration provides students of class 11A with an
opportunity to express their gratitude to their
teachers and for teachers and students to have a
good time together. Minh, Hung, Thu, and Xuan are
in charge of preparing foods and drinks. Lan and

Hoa are responsible for buying flowers, cards, and
gifts. Van, Vi and Quan will decorate the room with
colorful and beautiful ornaments. As for music
performances, Linh, Thao, Son, Nga, Tu, Ha, and
Phuong will sing solo and in groups. Especially, the
MC for that celebration is Trang, who will also make
welcoming and thank-you speeches for the occasion.
The estimated total expenses are 2,000,000 dong,
each participant will contribute 50,000 dong.
It is essential that all the participants join the party,
and those assigned tasks do their best to make the
celebration a successful one.

20' Group work
Presentation on the proposal
Have Ss work in groups and prepare a proposal to
present in front of the class.
Note: Ss may present the proposal in the While-
writing or they can prepare a new proposal for a
another celebration keeping the items the same as the
sample in the book.
Draw Ss’ attention to the style in delivering the
presentation beside the language and contents.
Call on some presenters to deliver the presentation in
front of the class.
For the better classes, organize a competition to find
the most convincing proposal for a certain event.
Feedback and have comments on the proposals.

5' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra exercise
Match the word in A with the one in B to make complete words.
1. Youth a. expenses
2. total b. party
3. farewell c. anniversary
4. founding d. Union
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. c

Period 7
(Language focus)
I. Aim
Formation and use of genitive’s
Revision of conditional sentences
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− form genitive’s and use them properly.
− review three types of conditional sentences.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may confuse the conditional sentence type 2 with conditional sentence
type 3.

V. Procedure

Time Steps

10' Finding the ideal partner Whole class
Prepare 10 to 15 conditional sentences.
Cut the sentences into two pieces and make them
Number Ss as 1, 2 and 1, 2,… All Ss numbered 1
receive if clause and Ss number 2 receive the
main clause randomly.
Ask Ss to go round the class and find the ideal
partner so that two parts of sentences can be
Ss who can not find their partners have to get a
kind of punishment agreed by the class.
1. If I go to Ha Noi, I will visit Hoan Kiem
2. If I have enough money, I will buy a new
picture book.
3. …………

Word study
5' Whole class
Presentation 1
Give definition of a genitive case.
The genitive case or possessive case (also called
the second case) is the case that marks a noun as
being the possessor of another noun.
Analyze the examples in the book:
New Year’s Eve → The last day of the year, the
day before New Year’s Day.

a women’s college → a college for women
a month’s leave → a leave lasting a month

Practice 1
10' Individual
Explicit the task: Work independently and match
the words in column A with those in column B,
then use ’s to make appropriate phrases to
complete the sentences. The first one has been
done as an example.
Have Ss compare their answer with a friend.
Call on some Ss to read their answers in front of
the class.
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. children’s books
2. Master’s Degree
3. Mother’s Day
4. Fifteen minutes’ break
5. Revolutionary Invalids & Martyrs’ Day
6. mile’s distance
7. heaven’s sake
8. men’s clothes
Give explanations of some difficult terms:
Master’s Degree: Bằng Thạc sĩ
Revolutionary Invalids & Martyrs’ Day: Ngày
thương binh, liệt sĩ
heaven’s sake: vì Chúa

10' Whole class
Presentation 2
Introduction to three types of conditional

Conditional sentences type 1
We use the present simple tense in if clause and
the future with will in the main clause. We usually
use comma (,) when if clause is first, but not when
the main clause is first.
If S1 + do, S2 + will do.
We use Condition sentences type 1 to predict the
results of a real or probable action or event.
If you get up late, you’ll miss the appointment.
(There is a real chance that you’ll get up late.)
Conditional sentences type 2
We use the past simple tense in if clause and
would + infinitive in main clause. We usually use
a comma (,) when if clause is first, but not when
the main clause is first.
If S1 + did, S2 + would do.
We use Conditional sentences type 2 to describe
unreal, unlikely or imaginary situations.
If I were you, I would go abroad.
(I am not you. And this is an unreal situation.)
Conditional sentences type 3
We use the past perfect tense in if clause and
would have + past participle in main clause. We
usually use a comma (,) when if clause is first, but
not when the main clause is first.
If S1 + had done, S2 + would have done.

We use the Conditional sentences type 3 to
describe something that didn’t happen, an
imaginary situation in the past.
If I had worked harder, I would have passed the
(I didn’t work hard, and I didn’t pass the exam.)

Practice 2
10' Tell Ss to do the exercise in pairs: Put the verbs in Pair work
parentheses in the appropriate forms.
Encourage Ss to discuss the sentences.
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front
of the class.
Make necessary comments and give correct
1. will come and visit
2. would not have been, would not have gotten
3. is
4. falls
5. would Saint Giong have grown, gotten
6. will still love
7. will call
8. would not have had
9. will never get
10. will have
11. work
12. catches
Further explain necessary words and expressions:
Eggplants: quả cà
Tinsel: kim tuyến
Bunch of mistletoe: cây tầm gửi

Unit 8
postal and telecommunications

Period 1 & 2
I. Aim
Reading about different services on the Internet
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− talk about some popular services on the Internet by using a variety of
words such as e-mail, Wikipedia, Yahoo messenger, blog,…
− improve reading skill through Heading and True or False exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
Displays of Yahoo messenger/ Ideally a computer connected to the Internet
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss especially those who live rural areas may not know anything about the
services on the Internet.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

10' Group work
Group discussion
Have Ss work in groups and discuss the following

Have you ever use the Internet?
What do you use the Internet for? / What services
do you use? ( composing e-mails, chatting,
reading newspapers, writing blogs,…)
What are the significant advantages of the
Do you have any problems / troubles when using
the Internet?
Gather ideas from Ss and discuss some interesting
points in front of the class as a whole.

15' Pair work
Matching 1
Ask Ss to work in pairs and match the pictures
with the words or phrases below them.
Note: Ss may have difficulty in this activity. Go
round the class and provide help when necessary.
Give correct answers and further explain all the
services mentioned.
1. b
2. a
3. f
4. e
5. c
6. d
Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free
content encyclopedia project, operated by the
Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization.
(Wikipedia: từ điển bách khoa toàn thư mở, được
vận hành bởi Wikipedia Foundation, một tổ chức
phi lợi nhuận)
Electronic mail (abbreviated "email" or, often, "e-
mail") is a store and forward method of

composing, sending, storing, and receiving
messages over electronic communication systems.
(E-mail: thư điện tử là một cách soạn thảo, gửi, lưu
trữ và nhận tin thông qua hệ thống liên lac điện
A mobile telephone or cellular telephone
(commonly "mobile phone" or "cell phone") is a
long-range, portable electronic device used for
mobile communication.> < landline phone
(Điện thoại di động > < điện thoại cố định)
Yahoo! Messenger is a free of charge
downloadable service used with the Yahoo ID for
chatting, e-mailing,…
(Người đua tin Yahoo! Người sử dụng có thể nói
với nhau bằng chữ (chat) và bằng lời (voice chat).)
Blog is an online diary in which the keeper writes
about themselves and reader can leave comments
and share ideas.
(Blog: Nhật kí trên mạng, người sử dụng viết nhật
kí về mình và những người khác có thể đọc, chia
sẻ thong tin và bình luận.)

Set the scene
Internet has been a marvelous tool of the century.
People around the world use the Internet for
various purposes such as studying, entertaining,
sharing ideas, socializing,…In today’s lesson, we
will learn different uses of the Internet which are
popular among teenagers.
Task 1 - Heading
Ask Ss to scan the text and match the subheadings
20' Individual
with the suitable paragraphs.
Note that there is one extra subheading.

Have Ss compare and discuss their answers with a
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front
of the class.
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. B The Growth of the Internet
2. E Connecting to the Net
3. A Different Uses of the Internet
4. F Sending and Receiving E-mail
5. D Keeping Blogs or On-line Diaries
25' Task 2 - True, False or Not mentioned Individual
Have Ss read the passage more carefully and work
decide whether the statements are true, false or not
mentioned then correct the false statements.
Make sure Ss understand all the statements before
doing the task.
Encourage Ss to make full use of key words,
numbers, headings…when reading the passage.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the
board and ask them to explain their choices.
Check the exercise in front of the class as a whole.
Give correct answers:
1. F (More than one billion Internet users at
the end of 2006.)
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. NI
6. NI
Further explain necessary terms and translate the
passage into Vietnamese if necessary.

(See Supplements for information about ISP and
ADSL and the Index for the suggested

15 Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and answer the question:
Which do you prefer, e-mail or ordinary mail?
Encourage Ss to have ideas of their own and
support them by relevant evidence.
Gather all the reasons for Ss’ preferences.
Suggested ideas:
E-mail Ordinary mail
- fast - safer
- cheap - free from virus
- convenient - more meaningful (to
- ………… both the sender and
- ……………

5' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra reading
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a form of DSL, a data
communications technology that enables faster data transmission over copper
telephone lines than a conventional voiceband modem can provide. It does this
by utilizing frequencies that are not used by a voice telephone call. A splitter
or micro filters allow a single telephone connection to be used for both ADSL

service and voice calls at the same time. Because phone lines vary in quality
and weren't originally engineered with ADSL in mind, it can generally only be
used over short distances, typically less than 3mi (5 km).
(ADSL là từ viết tắt của Tiếng Anh: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line dịch
sang tiếng Việt là đường dây thuê bao số bất đối xứng, là một dạng của DSL.
ADSL cung cấp một phương thức truyền dữ liệu với băng thông rộng, tốc độ
cao hơn nhiều so với phương thức truy cập qua đường dây điện thoại truyền
thống theo phương thức quay số (Dial up).Khi truyền băng thông trên đường
dây điện thoại được tách ra làm 2 phần, 1 phần nhỏ dùng cho các tín hiệu nhu
Phone,Fax. phần lớn còn lại dùng cho truyền tải tín hiệu ADSL. Ý nghĩa của
cụm từ "bất đối xứng" trong ADSL là do lượng dữ liệu tải xuống và tải lên là
không bằng nhau, với dữ liệu chủ yếu là tải xuống.)
An Internet service provider (abbr. ISP, also called Internet access provider
or IAP) is a business or organization that provides to consumers access to the
Internet and related services. In the past, most ISPs were run by the phone
companies. Now, ISPs can be started by just about any individual or group
with sufficient money and expertise. In addition to Internet access via various
technologies such as dial-up and DSL, they may provide a combination of
services including Internet transit, domain name registration and hosting, web
hosting, and colocation.

Period 3
I. Aim
Listening to names, addresses, and numbers
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− recognize names, numbers and addresses when listening and correct the
mistakes in the notes.

III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
Cassette, tape recorder,…
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in catching the exact numbers and addresses. T
should be ready to provide help.
V. Procedure

Time Steps

10' Group work
Spelling contest
Tell Ss to work in groups of three to four.
In turn, Ss in the groups ask others to spell the name
of their own, their family members or close
Each student asks two questions.
Can you spell your mother’s name, Lan?
Can you spell the name of your favorite singer?

Note: This activity can be very fun because it
requires Ss’ quick responses. Thus, encourage Ss to
ask both expected and unexpected questions to make
it interesting.
Gather ideas and call on some Ss to spell in front of
the class.

7' Pair work
Group discussion
Have Ss work in pairs and discuss the following

When do you write down other people’s addresses?
When do you give other people your address?
Do you remember the last time you wrote down an
address? Whose address was it?
Call on some Ss to answer the questions in front of
the class.
Give introduction to the listening.

7' Individual
Task 1 - Correcting mistakes
Have Ss read the address carefully and make sure
they see clearly all the letters in the address.
Explicit the task: The address has 5 mistakes in it.
Listen to the conversation and correct the mistakes.
Play the tape more than once if necessary.
Call on some Ss to write down the mistakes and
corrections on the board.
Check the exercise in front of the class.
Give correct answers:
clif → cliff
90 → 19
Road → street
Solora → sonora
209-5325371 → 209-5323571
Task 2 - Blank-filling
8' Individual
Briefly explain the term: While you were out…. work
While you were out….is a note used in hotels or
offices for leaving messages, things to do, etc,..
Ask Ss to study the form carefully have a guess of
the blanks from 1 to 5.
Have Ss listen to the conversation and write the
missing information or messages in the numbered
blanks in the form.

Play the tape several times if needed.
Have Ss to exchange their exercise and discuss the
Call on some Ss to read their answers.
Write down the answers on the board and give
feedback in front of the class.
Give correct answers:
1. Mr. Norris
2. Mary Brown
3. 70364177738
4. 10-day
5. 15
Listening script
A: Well. Look, we must keep in touch.
B: Let me give you my address.
A: Right. OK.
B: Daniel Cliff.
A: Cliff. Is that two f’s?
B: Yes. D-A-N-I-E-L C-L-I-F-F.
A: Right.
B: And the address is nineteen….
A: Nineteen.
B: Snell Street.
A: Snell. How do you spell Snell?
B: S-N-E-L-L.
A: Ah, yes. OK.
B: And that’s Sonora. S-O-N-O-R-A, California. I’ll
give you my telephone number. Area code 209-
A: 209-5323571. Right. Right, I’ll give you a call.

A: International School. May I help you?
B: Could I leave a message for Mr. Norris, please?
A: Did you say Norris?
B: Yes. N-O-R-R-I-S. I am calling from the branch
office of Viet Nam Tourism in Virginia, USA.
Could you tell him to call me back when he’s in?
I’m Mary Brown, and he can get me on 703-
6417738 during the day.
A: Could you tell me what you want to speak to him
B: It’s a bout 10-day tour of Viet Nam for his
students. I’d like to talk to him about the tour
program and so on. Could he manage to meet me
on Monday, December fifteen?
A: I’ll get him to give you a call, then.
B: That would be great. Thanks, bye.

Conversation build
10' Pair work
Set the scene
Now you and your partner sit back to back. You
telephone your partner and leave a message for
another student in our class. Your partner writes the
message on a piece of paper and delivers it.
Suggest Ss the situations:
You telephone your friend and leave a message for
Lan reminding her to bring you the History textbook
which you lent her last week.
You telephone your friend and leave a message for
Tuan inviting him to your birthday party on the
August 24th.

You telephone your friend and leave a message for
Viet Anh asking him to prepare gifts for all
contestants in the coming English Speaking Contest.

Call on some pairs and practice their conversation in
front of the class.
Draw Ss’ attention to the intonation and
Feedback and give necessary corrections.

3' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework
Extra expressions
Telephone language

Answering the phone Problems

9 Good morning/afternoon/evening, 9 I'm sorry, I don't
York Enterprises, Elizabeth Jones understand. Could you
speaking. repeat that, please?
9 Who's calling, please? 9 I'm sorry, I can't hear
9 …. you very well. Could you
speak up a little, please?
Introducing yourself
9 I'm afraid you've got the
9 This is Paul Smith speaking. wrong number.
9 Hello, this is Paul Smith from ADC 9 I've tried to get through
International. several times but it's
9 …. always engaged.
Asking for someone 9 Could you spell that,
9 Could I speak to John Martin, please?
9 ….
9 I'd like to speak to John Martin,
please. Putting someone through
9 One moment, please. I'll
9 Could you put me through to John
see if Mr Jones is
Martin, please?

9 Could I speak to someone who … 9 I'll put you through.
9 …. 9 I'll connect you.
Explaining 9 I'm connecting you now.
9 I'm afraid Mr Martin isn't in at the 9 ….
moment. Taking a message
9 I'm sorry, he's in a meeting at the 9 Can I take a message?
9 Would you like to leave a
9 I'm afraid he's on another line at the message?
9 Can I give him/her a
9 …. message?
Putting someone on hold 9 I'll tell Mr Jones that you
9 Just a moment, please. called
9 Could you hold the line, please? 9 I'll ask him/her to call
9 Hold the line, please. you as soon as possible.
9 … 9 …

Period 4
I. Aim
Giving instructions on how to do something
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− give instructions on how to send an e-mail and how to make an
international phone call by using connectors first, second, then, finally,
and topic-related vocabulary such as recipient, toolbar, international
access code,…
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have no experiences in making international phone calls so Ts
should give instructions carefully in each step in the lesson.

V. Procedure

Time Steps

7' Who responds the most quickly? Group work
Divide class into several groups.
Read aloud the questions in front of the class.
The group which respond the most quickly and have
most correct answers will be the winner.
All the questions are about the capital cities.
What’s the capital city of Thailand?
What’s the capital city of the UK?
What’s the capital city of Italy?

7' Task 1 - Sending an e-mail Pair work
Have Ss work in pairs and fill instructions on how to
send an e-mail message with given words in the box.
Have Ss discuss the answers with a friend or
encourage them to discuss what they know about
sending an e-mail.
Use a computer with a LCD screen if possible to
check the answers and explain more tactics in order
to make full use of e-mails.
First, type the e-mail addresses of each recipient
Next, type a message title.
Then, type your message.
Finally, click send on the toolbar.
Save as a Draft: If you do not want to send the
e-mail, you save it as a draft and use later.

Cancel: You want to stop the work, you cancel. All
the contents will be lost.
Insert addresses: If you want to send an e-mail to the
one who is already on your contact list, insert
Add CC (Carbon Copy): If you want to send an e-
mail to multi recipients, you add CC. The CC
receiver is not expected to reply or act.
Add BCC (Blind Carbon Copy): If you want to send
an e-mail to multi recipients in such a way that what
they receive does not contain the complete list of
recipients, you add BCC.
Attach files: If you want to enclose a document of
any forms such as Word, Excel, Mp3,… you attach
Task 2 - Making an international direct dialing
8' call Pair work
Have Ss study the example in pairs.
Explain necessary terms:
International Access code: Mã cuộc gọi quốc tế
Analyze the example and give the dialing mode to
make an international direct dialing call:
00 + country code + area code + telephone
Make sure Ss understand this dialing mode clearly.

10' Pair work
Tell Ss to work in pairs: Student A asks Student B on
how to make international direct dialing calls to the
numbers on page 110 basing on the example in the
Have Ss do the task in turn.
Go round the class and provide help when necessary.
Ask some Ss how to make a phone call to a certain

city in the book and require them to give the
instructions aloud in front of the class.
Give suggested answers:
A: My brother lives in Beijing, China. His landline
phone number is 6590 6903. How can I telephone
him from Viet Nam?
B: It’s easy to call him from landline or cell phones
in Viet Nam. First, press 00. This is the
International Access code from Viet Nam. Next,
key the country code of China . It’s 86. Then key
010 for the area code of Beijing. Finally, key his
telephone number. That is 6590 6903. In short,
you key 00 8610 6590 6903.
A: I’ve got it. Thanks a lot.
A: My aunt lives in Paris, France. Her landline
phone number is 4955 7300. How can I telephone
her from Viet Nam?
B: It’s easy to call her from landline or cell phones
in Viet Nam. First, press 00. This is the
International Access code from Viet Nam. Next,
key the country code of France . It’s 33. Then key
713 for the area code of Paris. Finally, key her
telephone number. That is 4955 7300. In short,
you key 00 33713 4955 7300.
A: I’ve got it. Thanks a lot.

Have Ss work in groups and discuss to give Group work
instructions on how to use certain devices at home or
at school such as an ATM, a microwave oven, a
landline telephone, a cell phone, an air

Note: If Ss find it difficult, T may discuss the
instructions in front of the class as a whole.
Suggested instructions on how to use a microwave
oven to cook instant noodle:
9 First, press button numbered 3 which indicates
the stuff will be cooked in three minutes.
9 Then, press button START and wait until you
hear the sounds “Beep, Beep” indicating that
the stuff has been cooked.
9 Finally, press button EJECT, take that bowl of
noodles out, and enjoy the food.

3' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

Extra game
Home Devices
Organize the Networks game to revise all the kinds the devices at home.
Suggested answers:

Living room Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom

Air-conditioner, fridge, freezer, bed, lamp, bath, shower,

radio, TV, table, cooker, microwave, wardrobe, alarm towel, toilet,
wardrobe, ceiling dishwasher, clock, mirror, shampoo, soap,
fan, standing fan, washing machine, pillow, blanket,… shaving foam,…
hanging fans, …
stereo system,

Period 5 & 6
I. Aim
Writing a letter of complaint
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− write a letter of complaint about the poor quality of certain services by
using phrases for a letter of complaint such as I am writing to complaint
about…, As a consequence of this…,….
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may not be familiar with the language used in complaints. Therefore T
should be ready to provide help.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

Group discussion
10' Group work
Have Ss work in groups and discuss the following
Do you often complain about the quality of the
services you use?
What often makes you unhappy with a service?
Do you make a complaint orally? Or have you
ever written a letter of complaint?
Did you have any difficulty when writing a letter
of complaint?
Gather ideas from Ss and lead-in the definition of
a letter of complaint:

Complaint is a kind of formal letter used when
you are not happy with a service, a contract, a

Format of a letter of complaint
25' Pair work
Have Ss read the letter of complaint in the book
in pairs and match the main ideas with the
paragraph of the letter.
Main idea:
A. Explain what the problem is
B. State what you want to be done about
the problem.
C. Explain why you are writing.
D. Say what inconvenience it has caused
Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of
the class.
Ask further questions about the letter to make
sure Ss understand the content of the letter such
What does the write complain about?
What happened to the parcel?
What inconvenience has it caused her?
What does she want to be done?

Feedback and give correct answers:
Paragraph 1 C Explain why you are writing.
Paragraph 2 A Explain what the problem is
Paragraph 3 D Say what inconvenience it has
caused you.
Paragraph 4 B State what you want to be done
about the problem.

Restate the format of a letter of complaint.
A letter of complaint usually includes 3 main
9 Explain why you write
9 Explain the problem, possible
inconvenience or damage it has caused
9 Suggest a solution /State what you want to
be done about the problem)
Provide Ss with useful phrases for different parts
of a letter of complaint

Purpose Phrases

Explain why I am writing to complain about….

you write
I am writing to express my
dissatisfaction with/at…

Explain the Firstly / secondly / finally

Furthermore / in addition / what’s

List As a consequence of this,…

This causes me to…
What made the matter worse was

Suggest I expect a full refund / better

solutions service from…
I expect to be compensated for…
Please replace the goods as soon
as possible.
Make sure Ss understand the phrases and know
how to use them appropriately.

30' Individual
Explicit the task: You are not satisfied with a
service of a business or an organization. Write a
letter of complaint to the manager about that
unsatisfactory service.
Have S work independently and write a letter of
complaint under time pressure.
Go round the class and provide help if needed.
Note: If time allows, pick some typical writings
and have feedback right in class. If not, collect the
writings and have corrections and comments in
the following lesson.
Suggested writings.
Dear sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about the very poor
service provided by your mobile phone company.
I couldn’t make any calls during yesterday
morning. The network is always busy. And I
couldn’t send message, either. What made the
matter worse was that it was impossible for me to
receive calls as well.
I felt very worried because I got lost on the way to
my friend’s house for her birthday party. I
couldn’t talk to anyone. As a consequence of this,
when I finally reached her house by asking for
directions, everybody had left.
In this situation, I expect a formal explanation
from the company and a commitment to a better
service in the coming time.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you very
Yours truly,
Viet Anh

20' Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups and act out the Pair work or
situation. Ss take the part of the manager (who Group work
provides services) and the customer (who
complains) and build a conversation basing on the
above writings.
Make sure Ss use appropriate phrases for making
a complaint orally.
Comment and provide further expressions used to
complain orally.
Assign more situations that Ss can complain
about such as the service of the bus, train, cable
TV, cell phone or landline phone, etc

5' Whole class
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework

Extra expressions
A direct complaint in English often sounds very rude. To be polite, we usually
use the following expressions before we actually come to the point:
9 I wonder if you could help me…
9 Look, I’m sorry to trouble you, but…
9 I’ve a bit of a problem here, you see…
9 I’m sorry to have to say this, but…
It is often not enough to just say “Sorry” and promise that won’t happen again.
You may need to apologize more profusely like this:
9 Oh dear, I’m most awfully sorry.
9 I can’t tell you how sorry I am.
9 I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize.
9 I just don’t know what to say.
9 I’m ever so sorry.

Period 7
(Language focus)
I. Aim
The use of words in computing and telephoning
The revision of pronouns and indirect speech with conditional sentences
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
− some computing and telephoning verbs and nouns such as USB drive,
CD-ROM, speaker, reply, contact, forward,…
− know how to transform a direct speech into a reported speech with
conditional sentences.
III. Materials
Textbook, whiteboard markers,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in understanding the functions of some modern
devices such as: USB or Webcam. T should be ready to help Ss by using
teaching visual aids if possible.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

5' Group work
Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of all the
things that you can do with a computer (with
Internet connected.)
Go round the class and encourage Ss to compare
with their own circumstances.
Gather ideas from Ss and ask further questions to
some activities such as playing computer games or
chatting to make sure Ss do these activities wisely.

Suggested ideas:
9 Typing documents
9 Listening to music
9 Playing games
9 Chatting with friends.
9 Checking e-mails
9 Learning English
9 …

Word study
5' Whole class
Presentation 1
Explain some devices used with a computer.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) drive is a data memory
storage device. It is typically small, lightweight,
removable and rewritable.
A floppy disk is a data storage device that is
composed of a disk of thin, flexible ("floppy")
magnetic storage medium encased in a square or
rectangular plastic shell.
CD-ROM (Compact Disc read-only memory) is a
Compact Disc that contains data accessible by a
A hard copy is a permanent reproduction, on any
media suitable for direct use by a person (in
particular paper), of displayed or transmitted data.
Web cam (Web Camera) is a real-time camera
(usually, though not always, a video camera)
whose images can be accessed using the World
Wide Web, instant messaging, or a PC video
calling application.
Note: For some easier devices, have Ss match the
pictures with the words and phrases by analyzing
the pictures.

Practice 1
5' Tell Ss to do the task in pairs: Match the pictures Pair work
with the words or phrases.
Have Ss discuss the answers with another pair.
Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of the
Ask Ss further questions while checking the
How often do you use these devices?
Do you find them useful and convenient?
Have you had any problems with these devices?
screen 2
keyboard 6 CD-ROM 10

printer 9 hard copy 8

mouse 7 CD-ROM drive 4

monitor 3 speaker 1

floppy disk 11 floppy disk 5


USB drive 13 web cam 12

Practice 2
5' Individual
Have Ss work independently and fill each blank
with one of the verbs. Note that some verbs are
suitable for more than one blank.
Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board.
Compare the answers which are written on the
Give more explanations when needed.

Correct answers:

1. check/send 6. reply

2. contact 7. forward/send

3. have 8. receive

4. E-mail /Contact 9. chat

5. send 10. play

Practice 3
5' Pair work
Telephone language
Ask Ss to work in pairs and match the sentence in
column A with its response in column B.
Note: These are typical sentences used in
telephoning so ask to remember them to use in
various real-life situations.
Call on some pairs and practice their sentences in
front of the class.
(See Supplements on page 235 for more telephone
Feedback and give correct answers:
1. b 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. f 6. c

Presentation 2

5' Quick revision of indefinite pronouns Whole class

Compounds of some, any, no and every
some any no every
someone anyone no one everyone
somebody anybody nobody everybody
something anything nothing everything

Some, any, no, and every compounds function as
pronouns. They are called indefinite because we
don’t know who or what we are referring to.

Practice 4
Note: This exercise can be assigned as homework
5' Individual
if time doesn’t allow.
Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with the pronouns in the
box to complete the sentences.
Have Ss exchange their answers and cross check
for each other.
Call on some Ss to explain their answers in front of
the class.
Feedback and give correct answers:

1. everyone 6. anyone

2. Someone 7. everyone - ones

3. one 8. someone/no one

4. anyone 9. anyone

5. everyone 10. no one

Presentation 3
5' Whole class
Notes on indirect speech with conditional
In indirect speech with conditional sentences, we
also use“backshift” rule. It means the tenses of the
reported clause are “moved back”. The useful
general rule is “present becomes past and past
becomes past perfect.”

Analyze the examples in the book to make clear
the rule.
Note: If Ss are slow, T should spend time giving
tense changes in indirect speech in general.

Practice 5
5' Individual
Note: This is a difficult and important exercise.
Thus, ask Ss to do it at home. Comments and
corrections can be delivered in the following
Tell Ss to do the exercise in pairs: Complete the
second sentences in the reported speech.
Call 4 students to write their sentences on the
Check the sentences in front of the class carefully.
Give correct answers:
1. I made it clear that if he didn’t refund the
money, I wouldn’t have the service again.
2. I wondered what would happen if they
didn’t deliver the package in time.
3. I reassured him that if he sent her some
roses, she would forgive him.
4. I told him that if he changed his job, he
would probably earn a lot of money
5. My opinion was that if he explained his
situation, his teacher would be able to help
6. His advice was that if I took the shoes back
to the shop, they would change them for me.
7. She told me that if she didn’t know the
answer, she couldn’t tell me.

8. He said that if he had a watch, he could tell
me the time.
9. She pointed out that if I had taken her
advice, I wouldn’t have got into such
10. He was sure that if the post office had
packed the package carefully, It wouldn’t
have got damaged.

Consolidation 2
Unit 5 - 8
Answers to consolidation 1
a) 1. A 2. C 3. B
4. D 5. A
b) 1. D 2. C 3. C
4. A 5. A
Listening comprehension

Year Population

1650 500 million

1850 One billion

1950 2510 million

1990 5300 million

2000 6 billion

2050 10 billion

Listening script
The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. World’s
population totaled about 500 million in 1650. It doubled in the period from
1650 to 1850. In 1950, the figure reached 2510 million. In 1990, there were
5300 million people in the world. In the year 2000, the world’s population was
6 billion and, by 2050, it is expected to be 10 billion. In addition, most of these
people will live in the poor areas of big cities in poor countries.

a) 1. advertisement 5. empty
2. contest 6. merry
3. desire to be successful 7.vary irregularly
4. not sensible 8. an agreeable
b) 1. A 2. C
3. B 4. D
5. D 6. C
c) 1. challenging 4. disqualified
2. growth 5. ornamental
3. unhealthy 6. hunger
Grammar and structure
a) 1. hidden 6. won
2. would not have been 7. Having done
3. opening 8. wouldn’t be
4. accompanied 9. knew
5. taking / having taken 10. had not taken/wouldn’t be
b) 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A
6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B
1. London (7 million people)
2. Glasgow and Edinburgh
3. No, because people crowd into the areas around the industrial cities.
4. Because, since the 1960s, new immigration regulations have
reduced the number of immigrants to Britain

a) 1. Internet 6. boot
2. username 7. access
3. double-click 8. address
4. open 9. Web site
5. interface 10. password
11. mailbox
In order to use your personal computer (PC) to check e-mail via the
Internet, you need to follow this procedure:
First, switch on your personal computer. Press the “Power” button to boot
the computer.
Second, double-click the dial-up icon on the desktop screen to connect to
the Internet, and the pop-up dialogue will be displayed. Then sign the
username, password, and phone number of the Internet Service Provider (ISP)
in the pop-up dialogue. Next, click on the “OK” button, and double—click the
browser’s icon to open the browser: i.e., Internet Explorer (IE) 4.0 or Netscape
4.0. The four main sections (menu bar, toolbar, address, and status bar) in the
interface of IE will be shown.
Third, click the text field provided by the address section and the Universal
Resource Location (URL) of the Web site of your e-mail provider. For
example, if you use Yahoo Mail, type the URL of Then
press the “Enter” button on your keyboard, and the Web site is loaded.
Fourth, in order to log into your mail, you need to provide your username
and password again. Click on the “OK” button and you can automatically
access your mailbox.
Finally, click on the “Inbox” or “Check mail” button to access your inbox
to check and read your new e-mails.

Phô lôc

Các bài dịch mẫu phần Reading từ bài 1 đến bài 8

A. John là người Mỹ, và đang là học sinh lớp 11. Dưới đây là ý niệm của cậu
ấy về tình bạn trong thời học sinh của mình.
− Năm học lớp 8, ý niệm về một người bạn tốt là người giúp ta thu dọn thú
nhồi bông và những đồ chơi thể thao cũ, nhưng không cười nhạo ngay cả
khi ta mệt mỏi và oà khóc.
− Năm học lớp 9, ý niệm về một người bạn tốt là người sẽ ở bên ta khi khó
khăn cũng như lúc vui vẻ và thậm chí khi bạn là người thất bại thảm hại nhất.
− Năm học lớp 10, ý niệm về một người bạn tốt là người để bạn xem bài
trong giờ kiểm tra môn toán, mặc dù sau đó cả hai người đều bị phạt mỗi
ngày trong suốt hai tháng liền.
B. Có một người bạn tốt để tâm sự có thể mang lại hiệu quả tích cực đối với
sức khỏe về mặt tinh thần của bạn. Một buổi tối đi chơi với một người bạn
thân có thể là sự đảm bảo tốt nhất cho một khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời. Trên
thực tế, một người bạn tốt nhất có thể giúp chúng ta tránh được những vấn
đề tâm lý nghiêm trọng như sự trầm cảm hay lo lắng thái quá.
Tình bạn đẹp lớn lên cùng thời gian – chúng ta không thể đi ra ngoài và
mang về một người bạn tốt. Chúng ta trở thành bạn bè với những người có
mối quan tâm chung - chẳng hạn như kết bạn ở trường học hay với những
người có sở thích chung.
Những người bạn tốt nhất thường biết nhau trong nhiều năm và luôn sát
cánh bên nhau khi vui cũng như lúc buồn. Nếu ta không có một người bạn
như thế thì có lẽ do ta đã quá xa cách với mọi người, hay quá tập trung vào
công việc.


Bữa tiệc đầu tiên
Anh ấy đến nhà một người thân để dự bữa tối và nhận thấy rằng căn phòng
toàn là người anh không quen. Anh thấy mọi người nói chuyện vui vẻ và cuộc
nói chuyện dừng lại chút ít khi anh đi qua. Anh nghĩ: “Mọi người đang nhìn

mình”. Điều này làm anh lo lắng. Khi nghe ai đó hỏi tên mình, anh nghĩ: “Họ
chắc hẳn phải thấy mình lo lắng đến mức nào.” Và anh tránh không nhìn vào
mắt mọi người và nhìn xung quanh xem có ai quen không, nhưng không có kết
quả gì. Anh phân vân liệu anh có bao giờ nghĩ được ra điều gì để nói và bắt
đầu cảm thấy người nóng bừng lên một cách khó chịu. Mọi người càng nói to,
anh càng nghĩ: “Tôi thực sự không phù hợp với nơi này”, và “Mình không thể
nói được điều gì làm cho mọi người ở đây quan tâm, và thấy thú vị.” Việc này
làm anh càng gặp nhiều khó khăn hơn trong việc tham gia vào cuộc trò
chuyện, vì thế anh tiếp tục giữ yên lặng và tự thu mình lại, cảm thấy mình thật
vụng về trong mắt mọi người tại đây. Anh nhìn quanh để tìm cách rời khỏi bữa
tiệc sớm, hy vọng là anh có thể ra về mà không làm mọi người chú ý.
Ngày hôm sau, anh ấy không thể không nghĩ về việc anh đã xuất hiện như
thế nào trước mặt mọi người tại bữa tiệc đó. Những hình ảnh cứ đi vào trong
tâm trí anh và mang lại cho anh sự ngại ngùng cũng như sự lo sợ. Anh quyết
định là mình sẽ không bao giờ làm điều như vậy nữa. Trong đầu anh cũng nảy
ra những suy nghĩ khác, về sự khó khăn khi kết bạn, và khả năng thích nghi
của anh kém hơn so với những người khác. Anh phân vân liệu mình có bao giờ
thay đổi được bản thân nếu cứ lúc nào cũng ngượng ngùng như vậy. Những
người nhút nhát khác dường như đã tìm mọi cách để vượt qua được điều đó, vì
thế anh tự hỏi liệu trong anh có vấn đề gì không. Càng nghĩ nhiều, anh càng
cảm thấy chán nản và càng buồn hơn trong nhiều ngày kể từ sau bữa tiệc đầu
tiên ấy.

Bài 3. TIỆC
Ứng xử tại bàn tiệc
Tiệc là một dịp gặp gỡ mang tính xã hội với mục đích chính là dịp để kỷ
niệm một sự kiện nào đó cũng như để giải trí. Tiệc mang lại nhiều cơ hội cho
sự tương tác xã hội về nhiều mặt, phụ thuộc vào thành phần tham gia và sự
hiểu biết của họ về những hành vi được xã hội chấp nhận trong một dịp cụ thể
đã định. Qua đó, họ có thể củng cố hơn nữa những chuẩn mực văn hóa. Mục
đích của một bữa tiệc là gắn kết mọi người lại với nhau trong một bầu không
khí thân thiện và vui vẻ. Tất cả các mối quan hệ cá nhân đều trở nên thú vị hơn
nhờ những lối ứng xử thật đơn giản và đúng mực. Điều này đặc biệt đúng đối
với cách ứng xử tại bàn tiệc, một kiểu nghi thức khi ăn uống. Các nền văn hóa
khác nhau có những chuẩn mực khác nhau đối với việc ứng xử tại bàn tiệc.
Dưới đây là những lưu ý cơ bản trong lối ứng xử của người Anh tại bàn tiệc.
− Khi nhai, miệng luôn ngậm lại và không nói chuyện khi ăn.

− Không chống khuỷu tay lên bàn khi đang có thức ăn.
− Nếu có thể, hãy kìm những cơn ho hay hắt hơi tại bàn tiệc, và nếu có thì
hãy xin lỗi.
− Súp phải được múc lên bằng thìa theo hướng quay ra ngoài chứ không
được hướng vào bạn.
− Không dùng ngón tay trừ khi ăn bánh mỳ hay đồ ăn tương tự.
− Khi ăn, để dao ăn bên đĩa ở vị trí kim đồng hồ chỉ 4 và 8 giờ theo hướng
đối diện nhau, khi đó, người phục vụ sẽ không dọn đĩa của bạn đi. Hãy để dao
tại vị trí kim đồng hồ chỉ 12 giờ khi bạn đã ăn xong.
− Sau khi cắt thức ăn và đưa chúng lên miệng, để dao ngang đĩa theo
đường chéo trên đĩa và đặt tay lên đùi khi bạn ăn xong một miếng. Chuẩn bị ăn
miếng khác khi vẫn đang nhai miếng trước là điều không được chấp nhận.
− Dĩa được sử dụng để đưa đồ ăn cứng vào miệng.
− Phải bỏ thìa ra khỏi cốc trước khi uống.
− Không liếm dao.
− Khăn ăn được đặt lên đùi và không bao giờ được cài vào cổ áo.


Chúng tôi được phân công về làng Hiệp Phước, huyện Nhà Bè, Thành phố
Hồ Chí Minh. Công việc tình nguyện của chúng tôi gồm việc tổ chức các trò
chơi và các hoạt động cho trẻ em địa phương, tổ chức các lớp học xóa mù chữ
cho người lớn và các lớp phụ đạo dành riêng cho những học sinh yếu kém, và
làm lại những con đường bị hư hỏng.
Cả tình nguyện viên Việt Nam và nước ngoài đều được chia ra thành
những nhóm ba người. Chúng tôi ở cùng các gia đình trong làng và làm những
công việc tình nguyện khác nhau.
Công việc chính của chúng tôi là dạy cho những người mới bắt đầu học và
những người tái mù chữ biết đọc và viết. Tùy vào trình độ, chúng tôi chia
người học vào các nhóm. Mỗi sáng, chúng tôi tiến hành các lớp học dành riêng
cho những học sinh yếu kém từ 7 giờ 30 phút đến 9giờ 30 phút. Vào buổi
chiều, chúng tôi lại dạy các em đọc và viết từ 2 giờ đến 4 giờ. Sau đó chúng tôi
bắt đầu lớp học buối tối, dạy những người lớn bắt đầu học chữ. Các lớp học
buổi tối bắt đầu từ 5 giờ và kéo dài hai tiếng. Thật không dễ để dạy cho người
lớn khi họ trở về sau một ngày làm việc vất vả; một số người thậm chí còn

mang con đến và chăm con ngay trong lớp. Ngoài những nhiệm vụ chính,
chúng tôi còn tổ chức các trò chơi cho trẻ em và thường dành thời gian còn lại
của buổi tối để kết bạn với những thanh niên địa phương.
Khi đánh giá về công việc trong một tháng của chúng tôi trong những môi
trường khác nhau, chúng tôi đều đồng tình rằng đó là cơ hội tốt để chúng tôi có
được những kinh nghiệm quý báu mắt thấy, tai nghe. Dù có khó khăn nhưng
chúng tôi vẫn thu được nhiều điều từ những chương trình tình nguyện. Thực
tế, việc giúp đỡ cộng đồng tạo điều kiện cho chúng tôi có thể phát triển kỹ
năng giao tiếp giữa các cá nhân, có được sự hiểu biết lẫn nhau, củng cố tình
bạn, và phát hiện được tài năng của chính mình.


Bạn nhận ra mình có một người bạn chung thuỷ trọn đời khi họ trả lời điện
thoại ngay lập tức vào buổi sáng khi bạn không ngủ được vì trong đầu bạn
đang có rất nhiều chuyện. Họ không ngại nói chuyện dù chẳng có một chủ đề
cụ thể gì để xua đi những lo lắng buồn phiền trong bạn. Họ sử dụng thời gian
của họ dành cho bạn.
Bạn nhận ra mình có một người bạn thực sự khi có một điều tồi tệ xảy ra
với bạn, họ sẽ ở bên bạn ngay cả khi bạn chưa yêu cầu. Bạn có thể nhìn vào họ
khi gặp khó khăn và họ biết điều đó dù chỉ bằng ánh mắt nhìn của bạn. Tất cả
những gì mà họ có thể làm cho bạn là ôm bạn vào lòng và bạn sẽ cảm thấy mọi
việc trở nên tốt hơn gấp ngàn lần. Bạn biết rằng người bạn của mình sẽ không
bao giờ nói dối và làm bạn tổn thương. Và nếu họ có làm vậy cũng chỉ vì
mong muốn những điều tốt đẹp hơn sẽ đến với bạn mà thôi. Họ có thể làm bạn
cười trong những lúc khó khăn nhất, và họ ở bên bạn, xem một bộ phim hay và
cùng nhau ăn bỏng ngô khi bạn hoàn toàn tuyệt vọng. Và thậm chí nếu bạn ở
cách xa hàng nghìn dặm, thì điều đó cũng không là vấn đề gì vì những gì mà
bạn chia sẻ cùng với người bạn này còn lớn hơn cả khoảng cách xa nhất, mà
khoảng cách đâu có ảnh hưởng gì đến tình bạn.
Tình bạn là khi người bạn sẽ thúc giục bạn đi tới khi bạn cần, nhưng không
bao giờ quá mạnh. Họ sẽ lùi lại đúng lúc nhưng không bao giờ quá xa. Và một
kiểm chứng tốt nhất cho tình bạn là bạn cũng sẵn sàng đáp lại việc đó với bạn
mình ngay lập tức khi họ cần. Tình bạn chân thành hiện hữu là khi cuộc sống
của bạn tốt hơn bởi bạn biết đến nó, và rằng nó sẽ làm nổi bật những điều tốt
đẹp nhất trong bạn.

Các cuộc thi hoa hậu
Thi hoa hậu là một cuộc tuyển chọn những người đẹp mà không phải lúc
nào cũng dựa trên tiêu chí về sắc đẹp hình thể. Các cuộc thi dành cho nam giới
và nữ giới là những sự kiện được tổ chức riêng biệt, và những cuộc thi cho nữ
giới thường phổ biến hơn. Cũng có những cuộc thi dành cho thanh thiếu niên
mà đã gây nhiều tranh cãi, đặc biệt là khi thí sinh không mặc gì ngoài đồ tắm.
Các cuộc thi hoa hậu dành cho nữ giới thường gắn với “sự trong trắng” của
thí sinh. Chẳng hạn như, họ không được phép lập gia đình, hay phải cam kết
sống độc thân trong suốt thời gian là hoa hậu và phải tránh những hành vi mà
ban tổ chức cho là “suy đồi về đạo đức”. Vi phạm bất cứ quy định nào thí sinh
sẽ bị loại khỏi cuộc thi.
Cuộc thi hoa hậu ngày nay bắt nguồn từ cuộc thi Hoa hậu Mỹ, lần đầu tiên
được tổ chức tại thành phố Atlantic, bang New Jersey vào năm 1921, với danh
hiệu “Hoa hậu Liên thành phố.” Năm sau đó, danh hiệu này được đổi thành
Hoa hậu Mỹ. Ngày nay, hai cuộc thi lớn và nổi tiếng nhất diễn ra hàng năm là
cuộc thi Hoa hậu Thế giới (bắt đầu năm 1951) và Hoa hậu Hoàn vũ (bắt đầu
năm 1952). Vì hàng năm, phụ nữ từ khắp nơi trên thế giới tham gia vào các
cuộc thi giành danh hiệu này, nên ban tổ chức của các cuộc thi sắc đẹp coi
những sự kiện này có tầm quan trọng quốc tế.
Trong khi một số người coi các cuộc thi sắc đẹp là các sự kiện giải trí dễ
chịu mà không có tầm quan trọng đặc biệt gì, những người theo thuyết nam nữ
bình quyền thì lại coi những cuộc thi sắc đẹp của nữ giới là việc hạ thấp phẩm
giá của phụ nữ nói chung, cũng như những thí sinh tham gia trực tiếp vào các
cuộc thi. Họ đặc biệt phản đối phần thi trang phục áo tắm, lúc mà các thí sinh
biểu diễn qua khán giả trong trang phục độc nhất là áo tắm và giày cao gót.
Một phần bởi lý do này mà các cuộc thi sắc đẹp đã không còn được phổ biến
như thời kỳ đỉnh cao vào những năm 1960.

Bài 6: DÂN SỐ
Xu hướng dân số tại Trung Quốc
Trung Quốc là nước có dân số đông nhất thế giới. Dân số nước này xấp xỉ
1,3 tỉ người, chiếm khoảng 22% dân số thế giới. Mật độ dân số khá cao ở vùng
Đông Nam: phần lớn dân số vùng này chiếm 43% diện tích của cả nước. Một
phần tư dân số Trung Quốc là ở trung và hạ nguồn sông Dương Tử, và mật độ
dân số đạt 663 người/km2. Thượng Hải là thành phố lớn nhất của Trung Quốc,
với mật độ dân số đạt 2.118 người/km2.

Tỷ lệ gia tăng dân số của Trung Quốc đã giảm trong những năm gần đây,
mặc dù dân số vẫn tăng. Vào những năm 1970, chính phủ đã bắt đầu thực hiện
chương trình sinh đẻ kế hoạch trên khắp cả nước: kết hôn muộn, sinh con
muộn, mỗi gia đình chỉ có một con, đối với những cặp vợ chồng ở những vùng
nông thôn và muốn có hai con thì khoảng cách tuổi giữa hai lần sinh là 4 năm.
Theo báo cáo Những con số quan trọng của dân số Trung Quốc, tỷ lệ gia tăng
dân số hàng năm của Trung Quốc giảm từ 25,83% (năm 1970) xuống còn
11,21% vào năm 1994 và 0,58% năm 2005. Đây được coi là một thành công lớn.
Tuy nhiên, điều đó không có nghĩa là tỷ lệ gia tăng dân số của Trung Quốc
đang giảm trên cả nước. Thâm Quyến là một ngoại lệ. Cách Hồng Kông chỉ
một con sông, nơi đây từng là một làng chài nhỏ với dân số gần 30.000 người.
Thâm Quyến được thành lập năm 1979 và một năm sau đó trở thành Đặc khu
Kinh tế đầu tiên của Trung Quốc. Với tốc độ tăng trưởng và hiện đại hóa
nhanh trong suốt hai thập kỷ qua, dân số của Thâm Quyến đã lên tới 7 triệu
người - trở thành thành phố của những người nhập cư. Bị thu hút bởi cơ hội
nghề nghiệp trong Đặc Khu kinh tế, “những người nhập cư mới” đến từ khắp
cả nước và chiếm đến 90% dân số của Thâm Quyến. Các hoạt động công
nghiệp lớn và sự phát triển nhanh về dân số không chỉ thúc đẩy lĩnh vực xây
dựng nhà cửa mà còn tạo nên tốc độ phát triển kỷ lục cho thành phố này. Tính
trung bình ở Thâm Quyến chỉ mất 10 tháng để hoàn thành một toà nhà bê tông
cao 15 tầng và 18 tháng để xây xong tòa nhà bê tông cao 30 tầng. Vì thế, thành
phố này có tên gọi là “Thành phố của sự Phát triển qua một đêm.”

Lễ chào năm mới trên thế giới và ở Việt Nam
Tại châu Âu và Hoa Kỳ, năm mới bắt đầu vào ngày 1 tháng 1, và được đặt
tên là Janus - theo tên vị thánh gác cửa và thần của sự khởi đầu của người La
Mã. Nếu như hệ thống lịch giáo hoàng Gregory XIII (lịch dương) không được
ra đời vào năm 1582, thì người dân phương Tây đã tổ chức ngày lễ năm mới
vào ngày 25 tháng 3, một truyền thống mà đã kéo dài nhiều thế kỷ trước đó.
Vào đêm giao thừa, chuông nhà thờ được reo, còi được thổi lên, những lời
chúc được trao nhau và những dự định cũng được đưa ra vào lúc nửa đêm.
Tại Trung Đông, người Shiite có lễ Muharram suốt 10 ngày đầu tiên của
tháng đầu tiên theo lịch Hội giáo. Trong suốt thời kì lễ hội này, các đám diễu
hành từ các làng khác nhau tụ họp lại và người ta khóc thương những người đã
mất bằng cách đập vào ngực mình. Tương tự, lễ Rosh Hashanah của người Do

Thái, diễn ra vào tháng Tishri (tháng 9 hay tháng 10 theo dương lịch), là một lễ
hội long trọng. Đây là lúc để mọi người ăn chay và ăn năn.
Ở Việt Nam, Tết Nguyên Đán được tổ chức vào tháng đầu tiên năm âm
lịch - từ cuối tháng 1 đến đầu tháng 2 theo lịch dương. Để chuẩn bị cho Tết,
mọi người bận rộn mua sắm đồ đạc, chuẩn bị những món ăn truyền thống, và
lau dọn nhà cửa. Những món “phải có” được mua hay chuẩn bị gồm có bánh
chưng, hạt dưa, hoa quả (tươi và làm thành mứt), trà, nước ngọt, cây cảnh,
và hoa.
Vào đêm giao thừa, mọi người cúng tổ tiên, đi nhà thờ, đi chùa, hay đi hái
lộc đầu xuân. Vào ngày đầu tiên của năm mới, người Việt Nam đến thăm
người thân trong gia đình, hàng xóm láng giềng, thầy cô, bạn bè, và viếng mộ
ông bà. Người ta chỉ chúc nhau những lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất và những lời khen
tích cực, vì người ta tin rằng họ sẽ bị ám ảnh bởi những điều xấu suốt năm nếu
như những ngày đầu năm này không gặp niềm vui và những điều tốt lành. Trẻ
em nhận được lì xì hay tiền mừng tuổi, thường được đặt trong phong bao đỏ.
Trên khắp đất nước diễn ra các lễ hội, trò chơi và nhiều hình thức giải trí khác
nhau bên cạnh các môn thể thao truyền thống như đấu vật, chọi trâu, hay múa
lân, múa rồng được tổ chức ở nhiều vùng trên cả nước.


Trên mạng Internet
1. Mạng Internet kết nối hàng triệu máy tính trên khắp thế giới và cho
phép máy tính của bạn truy cập thông tin lưu trữ trên các máy tính khác ở rất
xa. Năm 1981, chỉ có 213 máy tính được nối mạng Internet. Đến cuối năm
2006, đã có hơn một tỉ người sử dụng dịch vụ Internet. Ngày nay không ai biết
chính xác bao nhiêu người sử dụng Internet.
2. Bạn vào mạng Internet bằng cách kết nối vào một mạng máy tính được
gọi là Nhà cung cấp dịch vụ Internet (ISP). Bạn cũng có thể kết nối với ISP
qua một modem và đường dây điện thoại nhà bạn. Đây được gọi là hình thức
truy cập qua điện thoại. Một cách khác để kết nối với ISP là với Đường truyền
Thuê bao Kỹ thuật số không đối xứng (ADSL) hay modem cáp, cách truy cập
này có thể truyền các trang Web đến máy tính của bạn nhanh hơn hình thức kết
nối qua điện thoại.
3. Mọi người sử dụng Internet với những mục đích khác nhau chẳng hạn
như liên lạc, tìm kiếm thông tin, và giải trí. Các doanh nghiệp dùng Internet để
quảng cáo và giao thương điện tử. Các tổ chức dùng Internet để tổ chức hội
thảo trực tuyến và làm việc thông qua các máy tính nối mạng. Các công ty giải

trí và truyền thông sử dụng Internet để truyền tin và trò chơi trực tuyến. Các
trường đại học sử dụng Internet để nghiên cứu, liên lạc, và đăng tải các bài
4. Một trong những công dụng phổ biến nhất của Internet là việc gửi và
nhận thư điện tử. Thư điện tử có một địa chỉ nhận thư giống như bất cứ lá thư
bình thường nào. Internet có các thiết bị điện tử đặc biệt gọi là bộ định tuyến.
Bộ đinh tuyến này sẽ đọc địa chỉ thư điện tử để thư có thể được xác định và
gửi đến địa chỉ cần thiết trên Internet.
5. Khi mà ngày càng nhiều người dùng Internet, thì càng có nhiều cách
mới hơn để sử dụng Internet. Chẳng hạn như, gần đây viết Blog là một hình
thức rất phổ biến. Blog là một trang Web cung cấp những lời bình luận, tin tức
thời sự hay một chủ đề cụ thể nào đó. Một số blog còn là nhật ký cá nhân trực
tuyến nơi mọi người viết lại những việc trải qua hàng ngày. Tính đến cuối năm
2006, người ta thấy gần 60 triệu blog được đăng tải. Nhiều người viết blog cho
biết họ không thể chia sẻ kinh nghiệm cũng như ý kiến nhanh và dễ dàng đến
như vậy nếu không có sự kết nối của Internet. Internet đã thực sự làm nên
những thay đổi lớn lao trong cách con người sống và làm việc.


Năm 1995, Vương Quốc Anh có tổng dân số chỉ trên 58 triệu, khoảng 85%
trong số đó sống ở nước Anh; số còn lại sống ở xứ Scotland, Wales, và Bắc
Khoảng 75% dân số Vương Quốc Anh sống ở thành phố, và vùng có mật
độ dân số đông nhất là vùng Đông Nam, đặc biệt là Luân Đôn, với khoảng 7
triệu người. Hầu hết dân số Scotland sống ở vùng đất thấp, nơi có các thành
phố Glasgow và Edinburgh. Nhiều vùng miền quê ở Anh có mật độ dân số
thấp, vì mọi người có xu hướng đổ xô đến những vùng xung quanh các thành
phố công nghiệp như Liverpool hay Manchester.
Khoảng 720.000 trẻ em ra đời mỗi năm tại Anh, tỷ lệ sinh vào khoảng
12.5o/oo (12,5 cho một ngàn dân). Từ những năm 1960, các quy định mới về
việc nhập cư đã làm giảm bớt số người nhập cư vào Anh từ những nước khác
trong khối Thịnh Vượng Chung. Do đó, người ta dự đoán rằng dân số của
nước này sẽ tăng rất chậm trong tương lai.

TÀi liỆu tham khẢo
Sách tiếng Việt
1. Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, Sách Giáo viên Tiếng Anh 11, NXB Giáo
dục, Hà Nội, 2007.
2. Nguyễn Hạnh Dung, Phương pháp dạy Tiếng Anh trong trường
phổ thông, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội, 2001.
3. Hoàng Văn Vân - Nguyễn Thị Chi - Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa, Đổi
mới phương pháp giảng dạy Tiếng Anh ở Trung học phổ thông Việt
Nam, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội, 2006.
4. Phạm Phương Luyện – Hoàng Xuân Hoa, Bồi dưỡng phương
pháp giảng dạy Tiếng Anh, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội, 1999.

Sách tiếng Anh

5. L.G. Alexander, Longman English Grammar, Longman Group UK
Limited, 1992.
6. Adrian Doff, Teach English - Trainer’s Handbook, Cambridge
University Press, 1993.
7. Chris Gough, English Vocabulary Organiser, Language Teaching
Publications, London, 2001.
8. Elizabeth Claire, ESL Teacher’s Activities Kit, Prentice Hall, 1988.



Lời nói đầu 3 Period 1 & 2 (Reading) 256
Period 3 (Listening) 263
Unit 1. friendship Period 4 (Speaking) 271
Period 1 & 2 (Reading) 5 Period 5 & 6 (Writing) 277
Period 3 (Listening) 11 Period 7 (Language focus) 281
Period 4 (Speaking) 16
Unit 6. population
Period 5 & 6 (Writing) 19
Period 1 & 2 (Reading) 286
Unit 2. personal experience Period 3 (Listening) 298
Period 1 & 2 (Reading) 32 Period 4 (Speaking) 307
Period 3 (Listening) 40 Period 5 & 6 (Writing) 311
Period 4 (Speaking) 46 Period 7 (Language focus) 316
Period 5 & 6 (Writing) 51
Unit 7. celebrations
Period 7 (Language focus) 56
Period 1 & 2 (Reading) 324
Unit 3. parties Period 3 (Listening) 332
Period 1 & 2 (Reading) 61 Period 4 (Speaking) 339
Period 3 (Listening) 69 Period 5 & 6 (Writing) 344
Period 4 (Speaking) 74 Period 7 (Language focus) 350
Period 5 & 6 (Writing) 80
Unit 8 postal and
Period 7 (Language focus) 86
Unit 4. Volunteer work and services
literacy programs Period 1 & 2 (Reading) 355
Period 1 & 2 (Reading) 92 Period 3 (Listening) 360
Period 3 (Listening) 97 Period 4 (Speaking) 366
Period 4 (Speaking) 103 Period 5 & 6 (Writing) 371
Period 5 & 6 (Writing) 111 Period 7 (Language focus) 376
Period 7 (Language focus) 116 Consolidation 2 382
Consolidation 1 122 Phô lôc 385
Tài liệu tham khảo 393
Unit 5. Competitions

Phô lôc

Các bài dịch mẫu phần Reading từ bài 1 đên bài 8

Bài 1: Tình bạn
A. John là người Mỹ, và đang là học sinh lớp 11. Dưới đây là ý niệm của cậu ấy về tình bạn trong
thời học sinh của mình.
- Năm học lớp 8, ý niệm về một người bạn tốt là người giúp ta thu dọn thú nhồi bông và những
đồ chơi thể thao cũ, nhưng không cười nhạo ngay cả khi ta mệt mỏi và oà khóc.
- Năm học lớp 9, ý niệm về một người bạn tốt là người sẽ ở bên ta khi khó khăn cũng như lúc
vui vẻ và thậm chí khi bạn là người thất bại thảm hại nhất.
- Năm học lớp 10, ý niệm về một người bạn tốt là người để bạn xem bài trong giờ kiểm tra môn
toán, mặc dù sau đó cả hai người đều bị phạt mỗi ngày trong suốt hai tháng liền.

B. Có một người bạn tốt để tâm sự có thể mang lại hiệu quả tích cực đối với sức khỏe về mặt tinh
thần của bạn. Một buổi tối đi chơi với một người bạn thân có thể là sự đảm bảo tốt nhất cho
một khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời. Trên thực tế, một người bạn tốt nhất có thể giúp chúng ta tránh
được những vấn đề tâm lý nghiêm trọng như sự trầm cảm hay lo lắng thái quá.
Tình bạn đẹp lớn lên cùng thời gian – chúng ta không thể đi ra ngoài và mang về một người
bạn tốt. Chúng ta trở thành bạn bè với những người có mối quan tâm chung - chẳng hạn như
kết bạn ở trường học hay với những người có sở thích chung.
Những người bạn tốt nhất thường biết nhau trong nhiều năm và luôn sát cánh bên nhau khi
vui cũng như lúc buồn. Nếu ta không có một người bạn như thế thì có lẽ do ta đã quá xa cách
với mọi người, hay quá tập trung vào công việc.

Bài 2 - Trải nghiệm bản thân

Bữa tiệc đầu tiên

Anh ấy đến nhà một người thân để dự bữa tối và nhận thấy rằng căn phòng toàn là người anh
không quen. Anh thấy mọi người nói chuyện vui vẻ và cuộc nói chuyện dừng lại chút ít khi anh đi
qua. Anh nghĩ: “Mọi người đang nhìn mình”. Điều này làm anh lo lắng. Khi nghe ai đó hỏi tên
mình, anh nghĩ: “Họ chắc hẳn phải thấy mình lo lắng đến mức nào.” Và anh tránh không nhìn
vào mắt mọi người và nhìn xung quanh xem có ai quen không, nhưng không có kết quả gì. Anh
phân vân liệu anh có có bao giờ nghĩ được ra điều gì để nói và bắt đầu cảm thấy người nóng bừng
lên một cách khó chịu. Mọi người càng nói to, anh càng nghĩ: “Tôi thực sự không phù hợp với nơi
này”, và “Mình không thể nói được điều gì làm cho mọi người ở đây quan tâm, và thấy thú vị.”
Việc này làm anh càng gặp nhiều khó khăn hơn trong việc tham gia vào cuộc trò chuyện, vì thế
anh tiếp tục giữ yên lặng và tự thu mình lại, cảm thấy mình thật vụng về trong mắt mọi người tại
đây. Anh nhìn quanh để tìm cách rời khỏi bữa tiệc sớm, hy vọng là anh có thể ra về mà không làm
mọi người chú ý.
Ngày hôm sau, anh ấy không thể không nghĩ về việc anh đã xuất hiện như thế nào trước mặt mọi
người tại bữa tiệc đó. Những hình ảnh cứ đi vào trong tâm trí anh và mang lại cho anh sự ngại
ngùng cũng như sự lo sợ. Anh quyết định là mình sẽ không bao giờ làm điều như vậy nữa. Trong
đầu anh cũng nảy ra những suy nghĩ khác, về sự khó khăn khi kết bạn, và khả năng thích nghi của
anh kém hơn so với những người khác. Anh phân vân liệu mình có bao giờ thay đổi được bản thân
nếu cứ lúc nào cũng ngượng ngùng như vậy. Những người nhút nhát khác dường như đã tìm mọi
cách để vượt qua được điều đó, vì thế anh tự hỏi liệu trong anh có vấn đề gì không. Càng nghĩ
nhiều, anh càng cảm thấy chán nản và càng buồn hơn trong nhiều ngày kể từ sau bữa tiệc đầu tiên

Bài 3: Tiệc
Ứng xử tại bàn tiệc
Tiệc là một dịp gặp gỡ mang tính xã hội với mục đích chính là dịp để kỷ niệm một sự kiện nào đó
cũng như để giải trí. Tiệc mang lại nhiều cơ hội cho sự tương tác xã hội về nhiều mặt, phụ thuộc
vào thành phần tham gia và sự hiểu biết của họ về những hành vi được xã hội chấp nhận trong một
dịp cụ thể đã định. Qua đó, họ có thể củng cố hơn nữa những chuẩn mực văn hóa. Mục đích của
một bữa tiệc là gắn kết mọi người lại với nhau trong một bầu không khí thân thiện và vui vẻ. Tất
cả các mối quan hệ cá nhân đều trở nên thú vị hơn nhờ những lối ứng xử thật đơn giản và đúng

mực. Điều này đặc biệt đúng đối với cách ứng xử tại bàn tiệc, một kiểu nghi thức khi ăn uống. Các
nền văn hóa khác nhau có những chuẩn mực khác nhau đối với việc ứng xử tại bàn tiệc. Dưới đây
là những lưu ý cơ bản trong lối ứng xử của người Anh tại bàn tiệc.
* Khi nhai, miệng luôn ngậm lại và không nói chuyện khi ăn.
* Không chống khuỷu tay lên bàn khi đang có thức ăn.
* Nếu có thể, hãy kìm những cơn ho hay hắt hơi tại bàn tiệc, và nếu có thì hãy xin lỗi.
* Súp phải được múc lên bằng thìa theo hướng quay ra ngoài chứ không được hướng vào bạn.
* Không dùng ngón tay trừ khi ăn bánh mỳ hay đồ ăn tương tự.
* Khi ăn, để dao ăn bên đĩa ở vị trí kim đồng hồ chỉ 4 và 8 giờ theo hướng đối diện nhau, khi đó,
người phục vụ sẽ không dọn đĩa của bạn đi. Hãy để dao tại vị trí kim đồng hồ chỉ 12 giờ khi bạn
đã ăn xong.
* Sau khi cắt thức ăn và đưa chúng lên miệng, để dao ngang đĩa theo đường chéo trên đĩa và đặt
tay lên đùi khi bạn ăn xong một miếng. Chuẩn bị ăn miếng khác khi vẫn đang nhai miếng trước là
điều không được chấp nhận.
* Dĩa được sử dụng để đưa đồ ăn cứng vào miệng.
* Phải bỏ thìa ra khỏi cốc trước khi uống.
* Không liếm dao.
* Khăn ăn được đặt lên đùi và không bao giờ được cài vào cổ áo.

Bài 4: Hoạt động tình nguyện và các chương trình xóa mù chữ

Chúng tôi được phân công về làng Hiệp Phước, huyện Nhà Bè, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Công
việc tình nguyện của chúng tôi gồm việc tổ chức các trò chơi và các hoạt động cho trẻ em địa
phương, tổ chức các lớp học xóa mù chữ cho người lớn và các lớp phụ đạo dành riêng cho những
học sinh yếu kém, và làm lại những con đường bị hư hỏng.
Cả tình nguyện viên Việt Nam và nước ngoài đều được chia ra thành những nhóm ba người.
Chúng tôi ở cùng các gia đình trong làng và làm những công việc tình nguyện khác nhau.

Công việc chính của chúng tôi là dạy cho những người mới bắt đầu học và những người tái mù
chữ biết đọc và viết. Tùy vào trình độ, chúng tôi chia người học vào các nhóm. Mỗi sáng, chúng
tôi tiến hành các lớp học dành riêng cho những học sinh yếu kém từ 7 giờ 30 phút đến 9giờ 30
phút. Vào buổi chiều, chúng tôi lại dạy các em đọc và viết từ 2 giờ đến 4 giờ. Sau đó chúng tôi bắt
đầu lớp học buối tối, dạy những người lớn bắt đầu học chữ. Các lớp học buổi tối bắt đầu từ 5 giờ
và kéo dài hai tiếng. Thật không dễ để dạy cho người lớn khi họ trở về sau một ngày làm việc vất
vả; một số người thậm chí còn mang con đến và chăm con ngay trong lớp. Ngoài những nhiệm vụ
chính, chúng tôi còn tổ chức các trò chơi cho trẻ em và thường dành thời gian còn lại của buổi tối
để kết bạn với những thanh niên địa phương.
Khi đánh giá về công việc trong một tháng của chúng tôi trong những môi trường khác nhau,
chúng tôi đều đồng tình rằng đó là cơ hội tốt để chúng tôi có được những kinh nghiệm quý báu
mắt thấy, tai nghe. Dù có khó khăn nhưng chúng tôi vẫn thu được nhiều điều từ những chương
trình tình nguyện. Thực tế, việc giúp đỡ cộng đồng tạo điều kiện cho chúng tôi có thể phát triển kỹ
năng giao tiếp giữa các cá nhân, có được sự hiểu biết lẫn nhau, củng cố tình bạn, và phát hiện
được tài năng của chính mình.

Ôn tập 1: Tình bạn thực sự

Bạn nhận ra mình có một người bạn chung thuỷ trọn đời khi họ trả lời điện thoại ngay lập tức vào
buổi sáng khi bạn không ngủ được vì trong đầu bạn đang có rất nhiều chuyện. Họ không ngại nói
chuyện dù chẳng có một chủ đề cụ thể gì để xua đi những lo lắng buồn phiền trong bạn. Họ sử
dụng thời gian của họ dành cho bạn.
Bạn nhận ra mình có một người bạn thực sự khi có một điều tồi tệ xảy ra với bạn, họ sẽ ở bên bạn
ngay cả khi bạn chưa yêu cầu. Bạn có thể nhìn vào họ khi gặp khó khăn và họ biết điều đó dù chỉ
bằng ánh mắt nhìn của bạn. Tất cả những gì mà họ có thể làm cho bạn là ôm bạn vào lòng và bạn
sẽ cảm thấy mọi việc trở nên tốt hơn gấp ngàn lần. Bạn biết rằng người bạn của mình sẽ không
bao giờ nói dối và làm bạn tổn thương. Và nếu họ có làm vậy cũng chỉ vì mong muốn những điều
tốt đẹp hơn sẽ đến với bạn mà thôi. Họ có thể làm bạn cười trong những lúc khó khăn nhất, và họ
ở bên bạn, xem một bộ phim hay và cùng nhau ăn bỏng ngô khi bạn hoàn toàn tuyệt vọng. Và
thậm chí nếu bạn ở cách xa hàng nghìn dặm, thì điều đó cũng không là vấn đề gì vì những gì mà

bạn chia sẻ cùng với người bạn này còn lớn hơn cả khoảng cách xa nhất, mà khoảng cách đâu có
ảnh hưởng gì đến tình bạn.
Tình bạn là khi người bạn sẽ thúc giục bạn đi tới khi bạn cần, nhưng không bao giờ quá mạnh. Họ
sẽ lùi lại đúng lúc nhưng không bao giờ quá xa. Và một kiểm chứng tốt nhất cho tình bạn là bạn
cũng sẵn sàng đáp lại việc đó với bạn mình ngay lập tức khi họ cần. Tình bạn chân thành hiện hữu
là khi cuộc sống của bạn tốt hơn bởi bạn biết đến nó, và rằng nó sẽ làm nổi bật những điều tốt đẹp
nhất trong bạn.

Bài 5: Các cuộc thi

Các cuộc thi hoa hậu
Thi hoa hậu là một cuộc tuyển chọn những người đẹp mà không phải lúc nào cũng dựa trên tiêu
chí về sắc đẹp hình thể. Các cuộc thi dành cho nam giới và nữ giới là những sự kiện được tổ chức
riêng biệt, và những cuộc thi cho nữ giới thường phổ biến hơn. Cũng có những cuộc thi dành cho
thanh thiếu niên mà đã gây nhiều tranh cãi, đặc biệt là khi thí sinh không mặc gì ngoài đồ tắm.
Các cuộc thi hoa hậu dành cho nữ giới thường gắn với “sự trong trắng” của thí sinh. Chẳng hạn
như, họ không được phép lập gia đình, hay phải cam kết sống độc thân trong suốt thời gian là hoa
hậu và phải tránh những hành vi mà ban tổ chức cho là “suy đồi về đạo đức”. Vi phạm bất cứ quy
định nào thí sinh sẽ bị loại khỏi cuộc thi.
Cuộc thi hoa hậu ngày nay bắt nguồn từ cuộc thi Hoa hậu Mỹ, lần đầu tiên được tổ chức tại thành
phố Atlantic, bang New Jersey vào năm 1921, với danh hiệu “Hoa hậu Liên thành phố.” Năm sau
đó, danh hiệu này được đổi thành Hoa hậu Mỹ. Ngày nay, hai cuộc thi lớn và nổi tiếng nhất diễn
ra hàng năm là cuộc thi Hoa hậu Thế giới (bắt đầu năm 1951) và Hoa hậu Hoàn vũ (bắt đầu năm
1952). Vì hàng năm, phụ nữ từ khắp nơi trên thế giới tham gia vào các cuộc thi giành danh hiệu
này, nên ban tổ chức của các cuộc thi sắc đẹp coi những sự kiện này có tầm quan trọng quốc tế.
Trong khi một số người coi các cuộc thi sắc đẹp là các sự kiện giải trí dễ chịu mà không có tầm
quan trọng đặc biệt gì, những người theo thuyết nam nữ bình quyền thì lại coi những cuộc thi sắc
đẹp của nữ giới là việc hạ thấp phẩm giá của phụ nữ nói chung, cũng như những thí sinh tham gia
trực tiếp vào các cuộc thi. Họ đặc biệt phản đối phần thi trang phục áo tắm, lúc mà các thí sinh
biểu diễn qua khán giả trong trang phục độc nhất là áo tắm và giày cao gót. Một phần bởi lý do

này mà các cuộc thi sắc đẹp đã không còn được phổ biến như thời kỳ đỉnh cao vào những năm

Bài 6: Dân số
Xu hướng dân số tại Trung Quốc
Trung Quốc là nước có dân số đông nhất thế giới. Dân số nước này xấp xỉ 1,3 tỉ người, chiếm
khoảng 22% dân số thế giới. Mật độ dân số khá cao ở vùng Đông Nam: phần lớn dân số vùng này
chiếm 43% diện tích của cả nước. Một phần tư dân số Trung Quốc là ở trung và hạ nguồn sông
Dương Tử, và mật độ dân số đạt 663 người/km2. Thượng Hải là thành phố lớn nhất của Trung
Quốc, với mật độ dân số đạt 2.118 người/km2.
Tỷ lệ gia tăng dân số của Trung Quốc đã giảm trong những năm gần đây, mặc dù dân số vẫn
tăng. Vào những năm 1970, chính phủ đã bắt đầu thực hiện chương trình sinh đẻ kế hoạch trên
khắp cả nước: kết hôn muộn, sinh con muộn, mỗi gia đình chỉ có một con, đối với những cặp vợ
chồng ở những vùng nông thôn và muốn có hai con thì khoảng cách tuổi giữa hai lần sinh là 4
năm. Theo báo cáo Những con số quan trọng của dân số Trung Quốc, tỷ lệ gia tăng dân số hàng
năm của Trung Quốc giảm từ 25,83% (năm 1970) xuống còn 11,21% vào năm 1994 và 0,58%
năm 2005. Đây được coi là một thành công lớn.
Tuy nhiên, điều đó không có nghĩa là tỷ lệ gia tăng dân số của Trung Quốc đang giảm trên cả
nước. Thâm Quyến là một ngoại lệ. Cách Hồng Kông chỉ một con sông, nơi đây từng là một làng
chài nhỏ với dân số gần 30.000 người. Thâm Quyến được thành lập năm 1979 và một năm sau đó
trở thành Đặc khu Kinh tế đầu tiên của Trung Quốc. Với tốc độ tăng trưởng và hiện đại hóa
nhanh trong suốt hai thập kỷ qua, dân số của Thâm Quyến đã lên tới 7 triệu người - trở thành
thành phố của những người nhập cư. Bị thu hút bởi cơ hội nghề nghiệp trong Đặc Khu kinh tế,
“những người nhập cư mới” đến từ khắp cả nước và chiếm đến 90% dân số của Thâm Quyến.
Các hoạt động công nghiệp lớn và sự phát triển nhanh về dân số không chỉ thúc đẩy lĩnh vực xây
dựng nhà cửa mà còn tạo nên tốc độ phát triển kỷ lục cho thành phố này. Tính trung bình ở Thâm
Quyến chỉ mất 10 tháng để hoàn thành một toà nhà bê tông cao 15 tầng và 18 tháng để xây xong
tòa nhà bê tông cao 30 tầng. Vì thế, thành phố này có tên gọi là “Thành phố của sự Phát triển qua
một đêm.”

Bài 7: Lễ kỷ niệm
Lễ chào năm mới trên thế giới và ở Việt Nam
Tại châu Âu và Hoa Kỳ, năm mới bắt đầu vào ngày 1 tháng 1, và được đặt tên là Janus - theo tên
vị thánh gác cửa và thần của sự khởi đầu của người La Mã. Nếu như hệ thống lịch giáo hoàng
Gregory XIII (lịch dương) không được ra đời vào năm 1582, thì người dân phương Tây đã tổ chức
ngày lễ năm mới vào ngày 25 tháng 3, một truyền thống mà đã kéo dài nhiều thế kỷ trước đó. Vào
đêm giao thừa, chuông nhà thờ được reo, còi được thổi lên, những lời chúc được trao nhau và
những dự định cũng được đưa ra vào lúc nửa đêm.
Tại Trung Đông, người Shiite có lễ Muharram suốt 10 ngày đầu tiên của tháng đầu tiên theo lịch
Hội giáo. Trong suốt thời kì lễ hội này, các đám diễu hành từ các làng khác nhau tụ họp lại và
người ta khóc thương những người đã mất bằng cách đập vào ngực mình. Tương tự, lễ Rosh
Hashanah của người Do Thái, diễn ra vào tháng Tishri (tháng 9 hay tháng 10 theo dương lịch), là
một lễ hội long trọng. Đây là lúc để mọi người ăn chay và ăn năn.
Ở Việt Nam, Tết Nguyên Đán được tổ chức vào tháng đầu tiên năm âm lịch - từ cuối tháng 1 đến
đầu tháng 2 theo lịch dương. Để chuẩn bị cho Tết, mọi người bận rộn mua sắm đồ đạc, chuẩn bị
những món ăn truyền thống, và lau dọn nhà cửa. Những món “phải có” được mua hay chuẩn bị
gồm có bánh chưng, hạt dưa, hoa quả (tươi và làm thành mứt), trà, nước ngọt, cây cảnh, và hoa.
Vào đêm giao thừa, mọi người cúng tổ tiên, đi nhà thờ, đi chùa, hay đi hái lộc đầu xuân. Vào ngày
đầu tiên của năm mới, người Việt Nam đến thăm người thân trong gia đình, hàng xóm láng giềng,
thầy cô, bạn bè, và viếng mộ ông bà. Người ta chỉ chúc nhau những lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất và
những lời khen tích cực, vì người ta tin rằng họ sẽ bị ám ảnh bởi những điều xấu suốt năm nếu
như những ngày đầu năm này không gặp niềm và những điều tốt lành. Trẻ em nhận được lì xì hay
tiền mừng tuổi, thường được đặt trong phong bao đỏ. Trên khắp đất nước diễn ra các lễ hội, trò
chơi và nhiều hình thức giải trí khác nhau bên cạnh các môn thể thao truyền thống như đấu vật,
chọi trâu, hay múa lân, múa rồng được tổ chức ở nhiều vùng trên cả nước.

Bài 8: Dịch vụ bưu chính viễn thông

Trên mạng Internet

1. Mạng Internet kết nối hàng triệu máy tính trên khắp thế giới và cho phép máy tính của bạn
truy cập thông tin lưu trữ trên các máy tính khác ở rất xa. Năm 1981, chỉ có 213 máy tính
được nối mạng Internet. Đến cuối năm 2006, đã có hơn một tỉ người sử dụng dịch vụ Internet.
Ngày nay không ai biết chính xác bao nhiêu người sử dụng Internet.
2. Bạn vào mạng Internet bằng cách kết nối vào một mạng máy tính được gọi là Nhà cung cấp
dịch vụ Internet (ISP). Bạn cũng có thể kết nối với ISP qua một modem và đường dây điện
thoại nhà bạn. Đây được gọi là hình thức truy cập qua điện thoại. Một cách khác để kết nối
với ISP là với Đường truyền Thuê bao Kỹ thuật số không đối xứng (ADSL) hay modem cáp,
cách truy cập này có thể truyền các trang Web đến máy tính của bạn nhanh hơn hình thức kết
nối qua điện thoại.
3. Mọi người sử dụng Internet với những mục đích khác nhau chẳng hạn như liên lạc, tìm kiếm
thông tin, và giải trí. Các doanh nghiệp dùng Internet để quảng cáo và giao thương điện tử.
Các tổ chức dùng Internet để tổ chức hội thảo trực tuyến và làm việc thông qua các máy tính
nối mạng. Các công ty giải trí và truyền thông sử dụng Internet để truyền tin và trò chơi trực
tuyến. Các trường đại học sử dụng Internet để nghiên cứu, liên lạc, và đăng tải các bài giảng.
4. Một trong những công dụng phổ biến nhất của Internet là việc gửi và nhận thư điện tử. Thư
điện tử có một địa chỉ nhận thư giống như bất cứ lá thư bình thường nào. Internet có các thiết
bị điện tử đặc biệt gọi là bộ định tuyến. Bộ đinh tuyến này sẽ đọc địa chỉ thư điện tử để thư có
thể được xác định và gửi đến địa chỉ cần thiết trên Internet.
5. Khi mà ngày càng nhiều người dùng Internet, thì càng có nhiều cách mới hơn để sử dụng
Internet. Chẳng hạn như, gần đây viết Blog là một hình thức rất phổ biến. Blog là một trang
Web cung cấp những lời bình luận, tin tức thời sự hay một chủ đề cụ thể nào đó. Một số blog
còn là nhật ký cá nhân trực tuyến nơi mọi người viết lại những việc trải qua hàng ngày. Tính
đến cuối năm 2006, người ta thấy gần 60 triệu blog được đăng tải. Nhiều người viết blog cho
biết họ không thể chia sẻ kinh nghiệm cũng như ý kiến nhanh và dễ dàng đến như vậy nếu
không có sự kết nối của Internet. Internet đã thực sự làm nên những thay đổi lớn lao trong
cách con người sống và làm việc.

Ôn tập 2: Dân số tại Anh quốc

Năm 1995, Vương Quốc Anh có tổng dân số chỉ trên 58 triệu, khoảng 85% trong số đó sống ở
nước Anh; số còn lại sống ở xứ Scotland, Wales, và Bắc Ireland.
Khoảng 75% dân số Vương Quốc Anh sống ở thành phố, và vùng có mật độ dân số đông nhất là
vùng Đông Nam, đặc biệt là Luân Đôn, với khoảng 7 triệu người. Hầu hết dân số Scotland sống ở
vùng đất thấp, nơi có các thành phố Glasgow và Edinburgh. Nhiều vùng miền quê ở Anh có mật
độ dân số thấp, vì mọi người có xu hướng đổ xô đến những vùng xung quanh các thành phố công
nghiệp như Liverpool hay Manchester.
Khoảng 720.000 trẻ em ra đời mỗi năm tại Anh, tỷ lệ sinh vào khoảng 12.5o/oo (12,5 cho một ngàn
dân). Từ những năm 1960, các quy định mới về việc nhập cư đã làm giảm bớt số người nhập cư
vào Anh từ những nước khác trong khối Thịnh Vượng Chung. Do đó, người ta dự đoán rằng dân
số của nước này sẽ tăng rất chậm trong tương lai.

Tài liệu tham khảo

Sách tiếng Việt
10. Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, Sách Giáo viên Tiếng Anh 11, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội,
11. Nguyễn Hạnh Dung, Phương pháp dạy Tiếng Anh trong trường phổ thông, NXB
Giáo dục, Hà Nội, 2001.
12. Hoàng Văn Vân - Nguyễn Thị Chi - Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa, Đổi mới phương pháp
giảng dạy Tiếng Anh ở Trung học phổ thông Việt Nam, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội,
13. Phạm Phương Luyện – Hoàng Xuân Hoa, Bồi dưỡng phương pháp giảng dạy
Tiếng Anh, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội, 1999.
Sách tiếng Anh
14. L.G. Alexander, Longman English Grammar, Longman Group UK Limited, 1992.

15. Adrian Doff, Teach English - Trainer’s Handbook, Cambridge University Press,
16. Chris Gough, English Vocabulary Organiser, Language Teaching Publications,
London, 2001.
17. Elizabeth Claire, ESL Teacher’s Activities Kit, Prentice Hall, 1988.


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