Restaurant Escanda Arch 3d

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Submitted by: Gerard Michael A. Escanda

Submitted to: Prof. Namika V. Marba


1. To be able to make a proposal for a 60 person capacity dining facility

2. To be able to comply by laws, requirement of restaurant in the said capacity
3. To be able to provide an excellent space planning proposal for a restaurant.

A short introduction

a restaurant is a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the
premises. It can come in various shapes and appearances that totally depend on various factors.
Location, demographic, theme, and owner preference can play major parts in designing a
restaurant. Restaurant architects are responsible for the overall design of restaurants and other
dining establishments. Restaurants are complex structures that require cohesive planning in order
to maximize efficiency and customer satisfaction. Most restaurants have the same areas that are
just laid out differently like Parking, Reception, Cash, Counter, Dining Hall, Family Section, Side
Station, Pantry Section, and Kitchen.

Definition of Terms


A restaurant is a business establishment which prepares and serves food and drink to
customers in return for money, either paid before the meal, after the meal, or with a
running tab. Meals are generally served and eaten on premises, but many restaurants also
offer take-out and food delivery services. Restaurants vary greatly in appearance and
offerings, including a wide variety of the main chef's cuisines and service models.


It is the area wherein the restaurant receptionist, the first person customers often meet
when they walk into a restaurant is located. He/she greets customers in a courteous and
professional manner, welcomes them to the restaurant, and attends to their inquiries
before handing them to a waiter who will take their orders.


A pantry is a room where beverages, food, and sometimes dishes, household cleaning
chemicals, linens, or provisions are stored. Food and beverage pantries serve in an
ancillary capacity to the kitchen.
Dining Hall

A large space where the tables and chairs are arranged in order for the guests and
customers to eat, it is often the largest room in the restaurant. It is decorated and
designed in various ways, depending on the overall theme of the restaurant.

Areas of Space Requirements

The kitchen
Kitchen elements like refrigerators, stoves, and other large appliances
Tables and chairs
The entrance
The waiting area
The bar area
The restrooms
Your staff area or backroom
Outdoor seating
Your POS system and payment systems
Emergency exits
Square footage
Questions for restaurant personnel and customers

For personnel

1. What is the general theme of your restaurant?

2. What is your target demographic?
3. What type of food will you be serving?
4. Will you need large walk-in freezers for large cuts of meat or fish?
5. Are you going to have a bar?
6. How do you see your restaurant a year from now?

For Customers

1. What are the best features of this restaurant for you?

2. What would you like us to improve upon?
3. What makes you want to keep eating here?
4. Is the space comfortable?
5. What annoys you most about the restaurant?
Other Restaurant info

Circulation and egress- This is the movement of the people, how the staff and the
customers can move around and enter and exit the restaurant. Customers will park their
cars and make their way to the entrance of the restaurant where the receptionist will meet
them; they will then be escorted to their tables where they wait for the waiters to give them
their menus so that they may choose their food.

Employees such as cooks and waiters generally make their way inside the restaurant
through the back door, which often times lead straight to the kitchen.
Restaurant Organizational Structure

A Restaurants hierarchy consists of the Owners of the restaurant, which are at the very top,
followed by the General Manager, they take control of the floor and manage the working
personnel. Next in line is the Assistant Manager, followed by the position staff, which
consists of servers, hosts, bussers, bartenders, Line cooks, prep, dishwashers and bar

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