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I-Write a summary about the video’s contents./ Escribe un resumen de lo observado

en el video.

In this video we talked about the alphabet and its pronunciation, as well as how to spell the
name, spell your last name, spell your mother's name, spell your father's name

Formal and informal greetings, the use of el, also the use of a and an.

Using this and these.

II-Complete these conversations with greetings and byes / Completa las

conversaciones con saludos y despedidas

Conversación A

Dan: (1) Good morning, Molly. How (2) are you?

Molly: (3) Good morning, Dan. I am fine. Did you finish the report?
Dan: Yes, did. I finished it last night, and you?
Molly: No, I will finish it tonight. I gotta go. (4) Bye.
Dan: Bye, Molly. (5) See you soon.

Conversación B

Ralph: Good (6) morning, I’m Ralph Reeds. I come from AHF Electronics.
Dorothy: I’m Dorothy Roots. (7) Nice to meet you, Mr. Reeds.
Ralph: I have a meeting with Glenn O’Brien at 4:00 PM
Dorothy: Sorry, she had a minor car accident and she can’t meet you today.
Ralph: Was it serious?
Dorothy: No, she is alright.
Ralph: OK. Thank you. (8) See you later.
Dorothy: Have a nice (9) Day, Mr. Reeds

III- Match/ Para la despedida en inglés con equivalente en español

Bye. ---e a. Hasta pronto

See you---a b. Tómalo con calma

Take it easy----b C. Te veo más tarde

So Long----c d. Hasta luego.

See you later-----d e. Adiós

IV- Translate into spanish / Traduce al español estos saludos

a. See you tomorrow = Hasta mañana

b. Goodbye = Adiós

c. Have a nice day = Que tengas un bonito día

d. Have a good day = Que tengas un lindo dia

e. Take care = Cuidate

V- Complete with A/An – Completa con A/An

1. Jane would love to have ____a____ (a/an) pony.
2. At home, we have __a___ (a/an) big television.
3. Sally is looking for __a___ (the/a) job.
4. John has four sisters. __the__ (the/an) older one is called Laura.
5. On the train, there was __a__ (the/a) man who was snoring very loudly.
6. __an___ exciting movie
7.  __a___ cup of coffee
8. __a___ book              
9. __an___ association                                
10. ___a___ kilo of rice,
11. __a___ new house
12.  __a___ dentist
13. __a___ laptop  
14. ___a___ cute kitten

VI- Choose the right Word to complete the sentences. / Elige de la lista qué son estas

flower                  bird               country            sport                 mountain

fruit                      tool               ocean               planet              vegetable

1. An eagle is a _____Bird
2. Potato is a _______Vegetable
3. A mango is a ________Fruit 
4. Venus is a _________Planet
5. The Pacific is an _____Ocean
6. Everest is a __________Mountain
7. Football is a _______Sport
8. Australia is a _________Country

VII- Choose the right profession to finish the sentences. / Elige de la lista de
profesiones y termina las oraciones.
teacher        dentist          photographer       school bus driver      nurse        doctor

1. Children learn how to read and write because of her. She is a ___Teacher
2. We visit her every month. She checks my teeth. She is a ___Dentist
3. My friend takes pictures of almost anything. It’s her job. She is a ___Photographer
4. When I got sick, my mother took me to her friend. Her friend is a ___Doctor
5. My father takes the children to school using the school bus. He is a ___School bus
6. She assisted the doctor when my mother delivered my younger sister. She is a ___Nurse

VIII- Choose this, that, these, those according the case./ Escoge this, that, these, those
para completar las oraciones según sea el caso.
This/ these son de cercanía y that/those son de lejanía.

1.____that_____'s nice! (¡Eso es bonito!).



2.____ These______ shoes are very expensive (Estos zapatos son muy caros).


3. I'm in love with ____that______ boy (Estoy enamorada de este chico).


4. Who's ____that_____ woman? (¿Quién es esa mujer?).



5. Hi! _____this_______ is John (¡Hola! Soy John).



7. _____Those boys are very rude (Esos chicos son muy maleducados).


8. I love ____this______ kind of food (Me encanta este tipo de comida).


9. Well, he told me _____those________ (Bueno, él me dijo eso).


10. ___these______ are my new friends (Estos son mis nuevos amigos).


11. ____That______'s not true! (¡Eso no es verdad!)




IX.- Now complete with: this, that, these, those. / Ahora te proponemos completar las
siguientes oraciones con el adjetivo demostrativo correspondiente:

1. Esta casa es demasiado grande. ……….this house is too big.

2. Estos son mis alumnos. ……….these are my pupils.

3. Esta ventana es pequeña. ……….this window is small.

4. Este es mi libro. ……….this is my book.

5. Estas flores son hermosas. ……….these flowers are beautiful.

6. Estos zapatos son negros. ……….these shoes are black.

7. Este perro es malo. ……….this dog is bad.

8. Estos niños juegan en la calle. ………these children play in the street.

9. Estas son mis fotos. ……….these are my pictures.

10. Esta mesa es mía. ……….these table is mine.

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