Best Brain Food For Successful Study

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The Best Brain Food

For Successful Studying

Our brain is what we eat, at least its health and efficient
work depend on our diet. Now let's think about what the
student mostly eats: processed grains (breakfast cereals
and snacks), meat and dairy products, quick snacks to
which sugar and its substitutes have been generously
added? And much less organic vegetables, fruits and wild
But our brain works around the clock. And to always have
a fresh head, a clear course of thought and a good
memory, we just need to control our diet. 
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So, what food will help us think and focus well? 

Vitamins for Neurons

All vitamins without exception are necessary for full-
fledged work of our brain. But the main vitamins for
neurons are B6, B9 and B12.
 According to a study by the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, people with high levels of B6 had
better memory. B6 is found in most foods, and
especially a lot of it in bananas, fish, liver, whole
 Deterioration of vitamin B9 and B12 absorption is
associated with age-related progression of
dementia or clinical depression, although this is
not the only cause.
 Greens, seeds, fresh vegetables and cereals
are rich in vitamin B9. B12 is found only in
products of animal origin - meat, fish, liver.
Useful Fats

Our brain is 60% fat. Fatty acid imbalances are

associated with a predisposition to depression, attention
problems in children, inflammatory processes and loss of
neuroplasticity - the ability to form new connections.
Neurons need essential fatty acids - such that we do not
know how to form ourselves, so we must consume with
These are primarily omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids,
and among them - docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They
protect the brain from oxidative stress, help to recover,
support neuroplasticity even in the background of
diabetes or obesity.
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in a number of foods:
vegetable oils, nuts, broccoli, spinach, fatty sea fish
and seafood, as well as seaweed.
This DHA, critical for brain health, is present only in fish,
seafood and algae.
There are other sources of good fats for the brain.
For example, avocado maintains a stable pressure, and
thus prevents strokes. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty
acids, which are part of the membranes of neurons,
vitamin E, which slows down the aging of the brain.
Egg yolks contain many benefits, including choline, the
precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, on which
our memory and muscle function depend.

Water Is Also a Healthy Food

You need to drink enough to work the brain. Even minor
dehydration leads to a sharp deterioration in the ability to
label. Water, tea, unsweetened lemonade, soups, juicy
fruits and vegetables are good for maintaining water
For the health of the brain, you and your children should
drink so-called hard water: ordinary unboiled water, which
is rich in calcium and magnesium.

5 fruits and vegetables that contain the most water:

 cucumber
 watermelon
 strawberries
 grapefruit
 salad

Products You Should Buy

If you want to provide yourself with productive training, we
offer you a selection of products that are good for health
in general and for the brain in particular.

Cabbage, and almost any type of cabbage, is good for
overall health. Broccoli is a product with a high content of
vitamin K, which improves brain function. If you
infrequently eat broccoli dishes, then it's time to fix it.

Blueberries contain vitamins, useful trace elements, as
well as antioxidants necessary for brain function and good
memory. Blueberries, of course, can and should be eaten
in the summer, and blueberries can be eaten frozen - it
contains no fewer nutrients than fresh.

Fatty varieties of fish

It's no secret that fatty fish (such as mackerel, salmon,
sardines, tuna) - are good for health because they contain
many vitamins and beneficial trace elements, including
polyunsaturated fatty acids. The latter are necessary and
useful for the brain. In addition, fish contains a lot of
protein - and this is the main food for the brain.
Cocoa and dark chocolate
Cocoa beans contain flavonoids (natural antioxidants),
which are good for blood circulation and brain function. In
addition, a small amount of cocoa and chocolate helps to
improve mood. Note: This only applies to dark chocolate
with cocoa content, as white chocolate does not contain

Ordinary chicken eggs are a good source of protein, as
well as useful fats and vitamins. How to cook eggs - read
the article, 5 of the most delicious recipes for omelet with
Nuts are a good source of useful protein, fatty acids,
vitamin E and lecithin necessary for brain function.
It turns out that tomatoes are not only tasty, simple and
affordable, but also useful for the brain, mainly due to the
antioxidant content of lycopene.

Bread from wholemeal flour

People who follow the diet, most likely, have long
appreciated the usefulness and taste of whole grain
bread. This bread is a source of "slow" carbohydrates that
supply the brain with energy. Also, healthy brown rice,
whole grain cereals, whole grain pasta.

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