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Increasing Coaching

Using Emotional Intelligence to Inspire and Retain Employees

Coaching can make the difference between employees reaching their potential as
high performers and remaining stagnant. Research shows that the key to retaining
employees and keeping them motivated is their relationship with their direct
manager. What people want most from their managers is the same thing that kids
want most from their parents: someone who sets clear and consistent expectations,
cares for them, values their unique qualities, and encourages and supports their
growth and development. Put another way, the greatest sources of retention and
performance in the workplace today are internal and emotional.

Too often, managers coach only for the behaviors they want from their employees.
This ignores a crucial component of what motivates people – the emotions that drive
their behaviors. This program leverages the principles of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
to help managers develop two critical elements that are often missing in coaching

Emotional Connection
Emotional Connection means having a strong relationship in which the
employee feels valued by the coach and the coach is able to provide
honest and candid feedback. When there is a strong connection, a coach
is engaged, present and is genuinely interested in the personal and
professional development of the employee.

Leaders often assume that trust is simply the outcome of a series of events.
Trust is a proactive choice, and coaches must understand how their habits
of trusting and mistrusting can have a huge impact on their effectiveness.

Developing strong emotional connections with employees and creating more

trusting relationships allows coaches to get to the emotions driving behavior,
leading to increased performance and greater personal leadership from their
The Key to Learning: Practice and Accountability
The quality of a training program does not matter if there is not an opportunity
You are hardly for individuals to practice the skill and be held ruthlessly accountable to their
ever remembered commitments. Our programs have been specifically designed to incorporate
repetition, practice and accountability as a way to build new neuropathways;
for your critical if we hope to add new habits to an individual’s repertoire.
IHHP’s programs include assessment, training and an interactive CD-ROM, as
in life; however, well as the opportunity to practice skills and be held accountable to continuing
you will always be growth. When these new skills are witnessed, learning becomes exciting – and
remembered for
helping people A typical IHHP program provides learning over time:
reach their
Off-site CD-ROM Off-site 60 Days of Personal
potential. Assessment
Learning Learning Re-assessment Coaching
Six week
2-day Interactive 1-day 12-week
enabled Ruthless
Classroom Self-study Follow-up Coaching
360 EQ Accountability
Training Program Training Program

Increasing Coaching Effectiveness- The Program

Intended Audience
Managers and leaders who wish to increase coaching skills by developing their emotional
intelligence, thereby improving their ability to connect and build trusting relationships.

Learning Outcomes
During this program, coaches will:
ƒ Develop their own EQ competencies and learn to be present and engaged for all coaching
opportunities – whether it’s a formal review or a one minute call from a cell phone

ƒ Redefine what it means to “connect” and measure the current connection with their
employees in light of the new definition

ƒ Describe what needs to change to improve the connection with their employees

ƒ Recognize trust as a proactive choice vs. a reactive outcome

ƒ Learn where trust may be unintentionally broken and the cost associated with this

ƒ Learn to recognize “coaching” moments. Too often, coaching is done when the employee is
not emotionally present

ƒ Learn and practice techniques to increase connection and trust, and create an action plan
to improve their coaching skills
Increasing Coaching Effectiveness -
IHHP Clients Include:
Special Features
ƒ Science based via extensive research studies • Abbot Laboratories
• American Express
ƒ Blended learning approach providing an opportunity • Arrow Electronics
for participants to practice over time • AstraZeneca
• Avaya
ƒ Experiential exercises to increase self-awareness
• Aventis
ƒ Facilitated group discussion to solidify concepts • BDO Dunwoody
• Bell Canada
ƒ Grounded experience through business cases • Blue Cross Blue Shield
• Canon
ƒ Web-based 360 Feedback of individual and team EQ • CIBC
(optional) • Eli Lilly
• Ernst & Young
ƒ Participant coaching, and • Federal Reserve Bank
• Franklin Templeton
ƒ Post Program e-Learning and CD-ROM self-study
• GlaxoSmithKline
• Johnson & Johnson
From our Customers: • Mercedes Benz
• Merck
"IHHP's Emotional Intelligence training is at the core of our • National Hockey League
• Nextel
Leadership Development program. We seek to develop a coaching
• Novartis
and leadership style that can drive higher personal performance, • Orlando Magic
develop authentic relationships, create teams that are more effective • Pershing
• Pfizer
and minimize wasted efforts. By strengthening the leadership • RBC Royal Bank
qualities of self-awareness, empathy, communication and ability to • Red Stripe Beer
coach others, we sustain our continuous competitive advantage. • Shell Oil – Sadaf
Petrochemical Company
That's the power of IHHP's programs.” • US Army
• US Navy
Shell Oil


P.O. BOX 165, BARRIE P.O. BOX 334
TEL: 705-792-6927 TEL: 630-513-7390

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