Package STD 5 Aug 30 - Sept 3

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Name: ________________

Standard 5
August 30th – September 3rd 2021

Proverbs 3:5 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Monday- Orientation
Day: Tuesday
Topic: Decide
Objective: Students will be able to:
- Read the short story about Raul then answer the given four


When you were small, most of the decisions about your life were made
by your parents. As you grow older, you are able to decide more for Learn and send a video recording for
yourself. Making decisions is a great responsibility. What your life will a weekly BONUS
be like de- pends on the decisions you make every day. “Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.” Psalm
Making a decision is sometimes very difficult. This year, we will try to 119:105
learn how to make the right decisions. We will learn that God is our best Counsellor and that in His Word, the
Bible, we can find clear instructions that can help us to make the best decisions. In this week’s memory verse God
tells us what the Bible should be for us.

Activity 2: Read the short story about Raul below. Then answer the following questions on a folder sheet.
Raúl lived with his parents in a wooded area of the interior of the province of Misiones,
One night, he was asked to take an urgent message to his grandparents, who lived a short distance from his house.
To get there, he had to walk across a narrow bridge through a swamp; the bridge consisted of a wooden board
placed across the swamp. Raúl was accustomed to walking there, so, without fear, he set out to carry out the
errand. When he came to the makeshift bridge, he came upon his neighbor, Mr. Pedro, who told him, “Wait, little
Raúl, I’ll bring a flashlight to light the way.”
Raúl waited; Mr. Pedro lit up the bridge with his flashlight, and three steps in front of them they saw a viper—a
very poisonous snake— coiled up, ready to attack the unsuspecting passersby.
A. Why did Raul decide to go to his grandparents during the night?
B. Why wasn’t he afraid to carry out the errand on that night?
C. What do you think would have happened if Raul would have decided not to listen to Mr. Pedro?
D. What lesson can you learn from this story?
Day: Wednesday
Objective: Children will be able to:
Look up and read the given bible texts and complete the blank spaces.
Activity #1: Look up the following texts in your Bible and complete the missing words.

Day: Thursday
Objective: Students will be able to:
Write down five important goals he/she wants to achieve during this school year.
Content: Every day we have important choices to make, such as whether or not to do our chores right away or
who to spend our free time with. If we tried to choose all by ourselves, we’d probably make some good and some
not-so- good decisions—just as you did in our game. God is so much wiser than we are. He knows every good
decision because he knows what will happen. When we have hard choices to make, it’s nice to know that God
helps us make wise choices.
Activity #1: Write down 5 most important goals you wish to achieve during this school year.

Day: Friday
Objectives: Students will be able to:
• Write a statement of what they will ask God in order to fulfill this year’s goal
The Bible says praying is a good way to help us make wise
choices. When we pray and ask God for wisdom, we make better
Q and A
• Why is it always the best choice to ask God about which choices
to make? (Because God knows everything; because God says He
will help.)
• How does God help us make wise choices? (By giving us ideas;
by giving us peace on the inside when we’ve decided something.)
Encourage children to seek God this week about decisions they
need to make.
I have a rhyme for you. It’ll show us a good way to make wise
choices. Follow along with the actions.
Activity 2: Go back to your goals written yesterday, review them
then complete the following.

Day: Tuesday
Objective: Children will use a place value chart to identify the value of the underlined digits in 4 whole numbers
up to a million.

E.g. 4, 912, 600

Place – million
Value – four million

Use the place value chart to help identify the place value of the underlined digit in each set of
1. 4,593,708 2. 6,389,176 3. 5,196,825 4. 4, 589, 987
Day: Wednesday
Objective: Children will use a place value chart to write
whole numbers in words up to a million.
Place Value Chart up to a million

Numbers are normally written with a space between every 3

digits, such as in this example. This can help us separate the
number into groups of 3 digits when reading it. Commas are used
to separate the groups of three
#1. Use the place value chart to write the number in

Write the numeral in word
1. 3,459,162
2. 2,380,970
3. 5,022,113
4. 6,897,025
Day: Thursday
Objective: Children will write number words in numerals up to a million using a place value chart.
Content: Place value chart

E.g. five million, three hundred seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred thirty- five 5,377,735
Day: Friday
Objective: Children will be able to:
- Identify the place value of the underlined digits in two given numbers.
- Write 2 given numerals in numbers.
Content: Refer to content for the week.
Activities: Complete the following 3 activities #1. Use the place value chart to identify the place value of
in your notebook. the underlined digit in the given numbers.
1. 5, 678, 134 2. 6, 890, 654

#2. Write the following numbers in words

1. 1, 100, 010 2. 1,234,654,712

#3. Write the following numerals in numbers.

1. Two million, two thousand two
2. Fifteen thousand fifteen
Day: Wednesday
Objective: Children will draw 2 examples of biotic and abiotic factors.

#1. Draw a table on your notebook as the one shown below.
Children will draw 2 examples of biotic and abiotic factors.
Biotic Abiotic

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