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The company started as a family-

owned four-slide shop in 1947, mak-

ing small components for the appliance “You can do a quote in an hour. If you had to go into
industry, including the giants Whirl-
pool, Electrolux, and GE.
AutoCAD and do it manually, you couldn’t come close to that.”
With a heavy reliance on the then- —Jim Harsa, Universal Metal Products
booming appliance segment, the com-
pany grew into a $6.8 million company.
Until the early 1980s, there were 15 a successful part launch begin with an Using Logopress3, the design team
to 30 domestic appliance manufactur- accurate tool design,” Bateman said. was able to turn out significantly more
ers, according to Reference for Business Design accuracy is critical to the rest tools per month. “We still were able to
( How- of stamping production, Bateman said. keep up with the high volume of work
ever, right about the time that the new “That’s the difference between getting and be much more accurate while main-
owner and president, Scott Seaholm, work and not getting work.” taining the same number of designers,”
purchased the company in 1987, the “So we started looking at systems that Harsa said. “The speed of the design
appliance industry underwent sea would help us.” was a major factor in helping to achieve
changes, including a massive consoli- that benchmark.”
dation that continues today. In fact, just Hard Challenges Lead Accuracy is no less critical than speed.
a few months ago, GE announced it was to New Software “Automotive requires zero defects, so
selling off its appliance division to Elec- One of the most significant tools that we’ve gone to a lot of sensoring and
trolux. Universal Metal Products needed was automation to improve the quality of
Universal had reached a point at 3-D die design software. The design tools produced and the speed of the
which it needed to diversify its manu- team acquired SolidWorks-based Logo- inspection process,” Bateman said.
facturing footprint and target market press3™ software from Accurate Die Quoting. Harsa said that the software
segments by expanding beyond the Design Inc. The die design software has improved the quality and quan-
appliance industry. includes blank prediction, flattening tity of quoting dramatically. “We can
“What really got us going was we and unbending, round draw, dynamic see everything that we’re doing. We’re
recognized early on that we had about interference detection and animation, more accurate. We can show the part
as much work in the appliance indus- and strip layout capabilities. in detail.” He said that after receiving
try using four-slides as we could get,” “Our three full-time designers had prints, the design team creates a strip
said Universal Metal Products Execu- been fairly busy turning out a couple layout to see how it wants to design the
tive Vice President Ken Bateman. In of tools per month,” explained Jim part, what size press is best to run it
1990 company leadership perceived Harsa, chief designer. “As we got into in, how much material they’ll use, and
an opportunity to diversify by growing new markets and the volume of work what the cost of finishing and packag-
into the medium to larger presswork, increased, the need for speed and tal- ing applications will be. “We’ll include
Bateman said. To grow there, they ented designers increased.” that in the quote. Much of the work is
needed a bigger, better toolbox. The designers had been working in done by Logopress3.”
“So as we started growing, we saw AutoCAD® for years, he said. “But we Strip Layout. “Since I actually can
that the accuracy of the quoting and hadn’t really gone into a true 3-D die design the die and strip during the initial
tooling processes to stamp larger mate- design system, with all the opportunities quoting process, I can also determine
rials with bigger dies became very to do blank development, check clear- exactly how many stations we’re going
important. The quotation process and ances, and stress analysis,” Harsa said. to need and how large the die is going to

Figure 1
Thanks to 3-D die design software, Universal Metal Products designers and engineers can design seemingly impossible, acrobatic stamp-
ings like these quickly and accurately. Guess which part was formed on the die shown?


Universal Metal Products designers found that they could achieve the accuracy they need to meet the automotive segment’s zero-defects
requirements using 3-D die design software.

be. I know the tonnage required of the likes the interference detection module, Universal’s diversification is evi-
die, and whether or not we’re capable of which allows designers to see an anima- denced by its widely varying prod-
running it in our current manufacturing tion of the tools running in the machine ucts (see Figure 1). The manufacturer
footprint,” Harsa said. on the screen. stamps clips and clamps used in sophis-
Blank Prediction. Bateman said that “That’s where I really love this soft- ticated air bag, seat belt, suspension,
the software allows the team to be very ware. You can view the strip coming braking, and interior and exterior auto-
accurate in predicting blank weight, through the die in each station, where motive applications. For the appliance
calling that the most important thing anything is going to interfere, and segment, the company stamps pro-
to watch for. “The metal composition what you need for clearance. It’s very duction components and assemblies,
of a part is normally the predominant accurate.” including hinges; doorstops; wire har-
contributing factor to its cost buildup. ness clips and clamps; dishwasher door
When you run hundreds, thousands, Diversified Today latches; structural frame members; and
and millions of parts, any material sav- Bateman said that the company no components across all types for cook-
ings is considered a win/win for both longer relies as heavily on the appli- ing, refrigeration, dishwashing, laun-
Universal and our customer,” he said. ance segment. “We’ve expanded into dry, and small-appliance applications.
Stress Analysis. Once a customer Trucking applications include clutch,
accepts the company’s quote, the design transmission, mirror, and exhaust com-
team uses some of the software’s finer “We’re doing five times the ponents. Heavy-duty retaining clips for
capabilities to perform a more extensive bits used to scarify roads and cut con-
analysis of the forming and bending. volume of work now compared crete and retaining clips for bits to cut
That’s when the team begins to exam- cold seams and grind stone also can be
ine stress analysis during forming,
to the early 2000s, with the found in the company’s mining seg-
Harsa said. The software has a complete same number of designers.” ment product offerings.
set of formulas for high-strength, low- “Appliance was a large percentage of
alloy (HSLA) steel. “We can actually —Jim Harsa, Universal our sales,” Bateman said. “With Logo-
find out where the stresses are, where press3, we were able to get into other
the thinning of the material comes in, Metal Products markets and more evenly balance out
where the strain is. We’ll refine the tol- our participation in appliance, trans-
erances, and adjust them. We then go portation, and industrial target mar-
back to the customer to let them know the other target market segments, kets. We’re basically just one big job
that we’ll have an issue in this corner including transportation, both auto- shop in the stamping industry.”
because the radius is too small, or with motive and truck, as well as industrial, The diversification strategy has
this type of material, and can clearly which can include mining, construc- paid off. Since 1968 the company has
demonstrate that to them within the tion, communication, and commercial expanded its initial 40,000-sq.-ft. facil-
software,” Harsa said. applications. Quite honestly, these are ity three times in the current location,
Dynamic Interference Detection, all viable markets with North American and its sales have grown nearly tenfold.
Animation. Harsa said that he really manufacturing very much in full swing.” The stamper has 32 toolmakers work-


fied customer portfolio and broad-line
manufacturing footprint enabled us to
“Design accuracy is the difference between getting work and not weather the storm. Our business grew
steadily after 2008,” Bateman said.
getting work.”—Ken Bateman, Universal Metal Products “I believe the 3-D die design software
does give us an edge over competitors,
if they’re still doing their drawings in
ing a 10-hour shift, and a 12-hour shift debugging the tools. It’s helped there AutoCAD and calculating everything
in the toolroom. Three tooling design- immensely, and it’s fair to say that com- manually. If we have a model, we can
ers support the toolmakers. “We’re pared to the early 2000s, we’re doing unfold the blank and do a strip for a
pretty much working seven days a week five times the volume of work now with quote in an hour,” Harsa said. “If we
on tool design and tool build right now, the same number of designers.” had to go into AutoCAD to do it manu-
and our wires [wire-EDM machines] That increased quoting and design ally, we couldn’t come close to that.”S
are running 24/7,” Bateman said. efficiency combined with the ability to
Editor Kate Bachman can be reached at kateb@the
be more competitive really saved the
Time Savings + Accuracy = day when the going got rough.
Increased Competitiveness “In 2007 when the recession hit,
Universal Metal Products, 29980 Lakeland Blvd.,
Cleveland, OH 44092, 440-943-3040, solutions@
Bateman said that the 3-D die design we found that a lot of companies were,
software has made the company much going out of business, but the need Accurate Die Design Inc., 12835 W. Verona Drive,
more competitive. “It’s opened up the for the stamping work was still there. New Berlin, WI 53151, 262-938-9316, www.accurat
volume of work that we can quote. While we had a couple of flat years, is the U.S. distributor for Logopress
It’s saved a lot of time in setup and just like everybody else, our diversi-

C Y L I N D E R C O.





Toledo Integrated Systems Product Man-
ager John Eby explains that the company’s
Maximizer manages not only press control,
but also feed line integration.

Press automation trends lean toward
continued integration, acceleration
Technology “plus one”


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