Name: .: 1.matchthe Words Withthe Pictures

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1. Matc h the w o rds w ith the pic ture s .

4 3 2 1

__ s c uba diving __ s ky diving

5 __ f oot ball __ volle yba ll __ jogging

__ t e nnis __ bas ke t ball __ golf

__ hang gliding __ hors e riding


7 8 9 10

2. Re ad the s e nte nc e s and c irc le T o r F.

1. Roller skating is more dangerous than sky diving. T F
2. Skateboarding is more exciting than running. T F
3. Roller skating is more difficult than rock climbing. T F
4. Bungee jumping is more boring than tennis. T F
5. Basketball is the most dangerous sport. T F
6. Skiing is more exciting than running. T F

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